HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-10-14, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, (MXTOHER 14th, 1937
.A, -J. ,
Miss Mabel workman spent
urday with London friends.
Miss Olive Walker, Reg. N
Miss Mary Little,
Mr. M,
■few days
Mr. and Mrs. Ji. Q.
ed over the holiday .with friends at
North Bay.
Mrs. Maulkinson is visiting at
Lakeside, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John Young.
Mu’, and Mrs." Nelson Blatchford
have returned home after visiting
friends in London.
Prof, and Mrs. Anderton, of God
erich, visited on Monday with Mr,
and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin.
Mrs. James Hoggarth is visiting
her daughter Mrs. Barbour, of St.
•Hyacinthe, near Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parlmer and
daughter, of Windsor, were holiday
visitors with, their parents.
Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron
to, spent the holiday with her fath
er Mr. Daniel McNaughton.
Mr. Roy Paterson, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with his parents
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Paterson.
Mt. and Mrs. Ha»oid Scruton and
babe, of Port Dove^, were holiday
visitors with relatives in town.
Miss Myrna Hudson, of London,
was a holiday visitor with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson.
Miss Margaret Permy, Reg. N., of
London, visited with Mt. and Mrs.
Roy McLaren over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. ,A.lex McMurtrie and
little daughter, of Toronto were vis
itors over the holiday with relatives.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with her mother
Mrs. A, Scruton and sister Miss Mil
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fisher, of
Windsor, spent the holiday with Mr.
Fisher’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. James McCliwchey has rent
ed Mr. C. Volland’s house on Queen
St. and
all, Sr.
visited oVer the weekr-end
home of Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. Albert Passmore, of
was a visitor over Thanksgiving
wit'll his parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Charles Hogan formerly of
the Parr Line, Stanley Twp., has
purchased a home in Seaforth where
he will reside.
Miss Emma Johnston accompanied
by her sister Mrs. Ferguson visited
with .friends at Bright’s Grove near
Sarnia recently.
Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor,
spent Thanksgiving with hei’ mother
Mrs. Wm. Lammie and sister Miss
Greta Lammie. -
Mrs. Herbert Brlttrn and babe, ot
Dublin, are spending a couple of
weeks with ’-Mrss Britain's mother,
Mrs.. Hannah Workman.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, of
•Ohesley, spent the holiday with Mr.
Hudson’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Hudson and other relatives.
Mr. Wm. McAsh, Mrs. Thos. Mc-
Ash and Miss Mary McAsh attend
ed the funeral of tXe late Alfred
Austin, at Varna, on Monday.
Misses Marion and Laura Sang-
ster, daughters of Mr. and Mil’s. Jas.
Gangster had their tonsils removed
at Dr. Steer’s office on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and
children and Mrs. Albert Bowen, of
Kitchener spent the «.oliday in Hen-
sal], Beach-O-Pines, Seaforth and
After being closed fox’ several
weeks oil account of infantile paral
ysis in the village the Sunday S'ohool
of the United church re-oipen'ed on
A number of local snorts, Messrs.
Alf. Clark, Wm. Welsn,rajos Welsh,
John Welsh, Royce We’Mf and Jas.
Paterson, spent the holiday at Mea-
ford on a fishing trip.
Mrs. Ida Harding, Mr. and Mrs.
William Harding, - Miss Margaret
Perley, Mir. and Mrs. Lindsay Bras-
ier, of London, spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Corbett.
Mir. Petei’ Moir has moved into
the residence he recently purchased
from Mr. Archie Hamilton on South.
Richmond St. He has erected a
new garage and otherwise improved
the property.
Thanksgiving services were ob
served in Carmet (Presbyterian
church on Sunday last, the pastor,
Rev. W. A. Young having charge of
the services. Special music was fur
nished by the choir.
On Sunday, October 17th a Child-
ern’s Day service will be held in St.
Paul’s Anglican church at 7 p-m.
The guest speakei’ will be Rev. B.
H. Farr, of Dorchester, a former
rectoi’ of the church.
Mr. Howard Hemphill has return
ed home aftei’ a motor trip to Cali
fornia where he vjsited relatives and
friends for a couple of weeks. He
left later for London where he is
attending Western University.
Mr. John Welsh, of Vermillion,
Alta., is visiting the home of his
mother Mrs. Richard Welsh and ms
brothers and sister. Mr. Welsh has
not been home fox' a iiuhiber of years (
and his many friends are glad to see
him again. |
A preparatory service was held
in the United church on Friday ev
ening with the pastor Rev. Arthur
Sinclair in charge. On Sunday
morning a commuw.on service was t
held. Rev. Mr. ’Sinclair occupied,
his own pulpit both morning and,
evening and preached very approp-'
late sermons, ’ At the morning ger-!
vice Mrs. Geo. Hess sang a beautiful,
solo. I
a case at Sutton this week,
of London is
weeks at hera couple of
G- Drysdale
in Toronto
is spending a
this week on
Dayman visit-
will move into it in the near
Alice Dougall, of Toronto,
over the holiday with her
Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Dou'g-
Harry Wilson, of Toronto,
at the
church Diet at the home of Miss Dor
othy McQueen on Friday evening at
&.15, Games were played for a short time and a luncheon served. The
aegular meeting was then held and
opened with the hymn "Come let us
sing of a wonderful love.” The
Scripture lesson was read by Audrey
Twitch&ll and sentence prayers were
offered by Mary Clark, Pearl Har-
.pole,*’' Goldie Cross and Elva Mc-
1 Queen- The hymn ’'Jesus Call us
' o’er the Tumult” was sung. Busi
ness was then discussed and plans
made for sending a bale of baby
, clothing to the West. The Novem
ber meeting will be held at the
home of Miss Barbara Shepherd
I Miss Irene Douglas gave an inter
esting study. The meeting closed
by singing a hymn and the Lord’s
prayer in unison.
Death of William Hoggarth
The death occurred at noon, Wed
nesday, October gth, at the residence
of his daughter Mrs. Wesley Green,
Hensail, of William Hoggartn, a
well known and highly respected
farmer of T'uckersmith Twp,. He
has been in poor health for some
time and about six weeks ago he
was taken to the Scott Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth for treatment.
About three weeks ago he was
brought to the home of his daughter
Mrs. Wesley Green but unable to
rally, he passed away on Wednes
day. ' ~ ’
years ago on Lot 24, Con, 10, Hib-.
bert Twp., a son of the late Mr. and
Mrs, James Hoggarth, of Hibbert,
where he spent his early life. Af
ter his marriage to Miss Jean Davis,
of Staffa, they moved to Lot 6, Con.
11, Tuckersmith wnere he resided
to his death. He was a very* sue*
cessful farmer and stock raiser and
owned a 'beautiful farm and home.
He was a Conservative in politics
and a member of tne Presbyterian
church. Mrs. Hoggarth passed away
last January. He is survived by
one son Archie Hoggarth on the
homestead, two daughters, Mrs. W.
Green, Hensail and Mrs. John In
gram. There are also three broth
ers, James, of Hensail and Joseph,
of Seaforth and one sister, Miss
Mary A. Hoggartih, of iHensall. One
sister, Mrs. Leichman, died in Al
goma about 25 years ago. The fun
eral took place from his late home,
interment taking place in the Crom
arty cemetery. The funeral service
was 'conducted by Rev. W. A. Young
pastor of Carmen Presbyterian
church, Hensail. The pallbearers
were all neighbors of the deceased:
John MeCloy, jonn McGregor, An
gus McKinnon, William Workman,
John Riley and Wm, Doig. The fun
eral was largely attended by neigh
bors, friends and relatives who were
anxious to pay their lasjt respects.
Among those who attended the fun
eral from Elizabeth
an,d Miss
sail; Mr.
Hensail; Mr. ttnd Mrs. John Ingram
Hay; Frank Peart and Miss Myrtle
Peart, of Hensail; Mr. Joseph Hog-
gartli aitti Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hog
garth, of Seaforth
Mr, Hoggarth was born 71
a distance were: Miss
Davis, of Ottawa; Mr. R.
of Stratford; Mr. James
Miss Mary,A. Hoggarth,
Irene' Hoggarth, of Hen-
and Mrs. Wesley Green,
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D-D.S.
At office in Har(.leib Block, Dash
wood, first three (lays of week and
at office over the post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc.
Veterinary Surgepn
Phone 96 Zurich, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruce and Misses
Grace and Reta Hayter, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with their par
ents Mr.
Ml'S. J,
end with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hum'ble and
daughter Ruth, of Sarnia, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mx*s. R, Goetz.
Miss Ruth Humble assisted at the
Anniversary service as soloist.
Mr. N. Fing and Mr. W. Shanklin
of London, *were -Sunday visitoirs at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hay-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Evans, of
Kitchener, spent the week-end with
her parents Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Hoff
Miss Myrta Taylor, of London,
spent Thanksgiving with her brother
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Mrs. Lane, who spent the
two weeks with hei’ daughter
A. E. Oestrichex’ returned to
home in Dorchester on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk and
Miss Verna Birk, of Guelph, visited
friends here on .Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer and Mr.
and Mrs. H. Roland, of Windsor
and Mrs. Lena Willert, of Centralia (
were Sunday visitors with relatives.
here. |
Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Kellerman, of
Waterloo and Mrs. May, of Kitchen
er, spent Sunday with relatives. Rev.
Mr. Kellerman had charge of the
Anniversary services in the Evan
gelical church while ^Rev. Mr. Hop
per took charge of-Rev. Mr. Keller
man’s church in Waterloo.
Miss Edith Weber and friends Mr.
Bert Carr, of ‘Sarnia, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. G. Seigelburt and
two' children and Mr. and Mrs. John
Goetz, of Kitchener spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. Weber.
Miss Agnes Robertson, of Wing
ham, was the guest of Miss Jean
Weber last week.
Mrs. Milferd Mclsaac and Willis,
Mary and Miss Maxine Bishop.. of
Detroit, were^week-end visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. P .Mclsaac.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of St.
Thomas spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Stade.
Mr. and Mrs. S .Gottschalk visited
friends in Varna on Monday.
and Mrs. Robert Hayter.
Schroeder spent the week-
her daughter in New Ham-
Mrs, Alice Rheim, of Toronto,
spent a few days tne first of the
week with her sister Mrs. Ed. Johns.
The Young people presented their
play ‘‘Dot the Miners Daughter
Medina on Tuesday
Miss Florence
training at Victoria
visited with her parents Mr
Mrs. T. Bell during the week-end,
The Mission Circle girls
visit to the Thames Road
Circle on Saturday last.
Miss Margaret Johns was
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Pybus near C'Mselhurst last week.
Rev. and Mrs. Clysdale, of Owen
Sound, were visitors with Mr.
Mrs. J. H. Brock on Tuesday.
Visitors at the home of Mr,
Mrs. Wm, Routly during the
week and on Sunday were: Mr.
McFalls, of Pontiac, Mich.;
Miss Leila McFalls, of Exeter;
night of this
Bell, nurse-in-
Hospital, Lon-
paid a
a visitor
and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert,
Mission Circle
The Mission Circle of the United
We hope he will
Fred Kerr and Miss Myrtle Walker,
spent Sunday at Wingham,
We are sorry to report that Mr.
Dan Maclsaac is confined to his bed
through illness,
soon ipe out and around again.
Mr. Adam Gaiser, of Detroit, is
visiting this week with Mr, and Mrs.
Henry Haist'.
Sunday School next 'Sunday
the Evangelical Church will begin
19 o’cldick which will be followed
the preaching service. Rev.
McKenzie, ot Walker-1 01 paslrwoofl. will
. • a4. service Rev.
MxCand~Mrs~~*A.~Fink- .Bender of North East Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corey, London,
(nee Blanche Morenz) who were re
cently married spent the week-end
with Mr. ajid Mrs. Morenz.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Corbett, and
of Hay, spent the weekend
Miss Irene ux .ville, visited over the week-end at At the evexnn.
the home of
Miss Nola
visiting in Melborne.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, of London, vis
ited over the week-end at her home
Baptismal services were held last home here.
Sunday in connection with the I Rev. A. E. Pletch will be the
Thanksgiving service. There were preacher for the anniversary services
two' babies baptized, Eleanor Doreen-'of the Evangelical Church at Rodney
Sharpe and Donna Marie Biullock. on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Gladman sang a solo.
There will be no preaching ser- spent a few days at the home of Mr.
vice in the United church on Sunday , and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel,
next on account of Brinsley anni
(Delegates were appointed on Sun- Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and
day to attend the convention to be Mrs. William Bowman.
held in Clinton, on Friday, Oct. 15. | Mr. and Mrs. F. W?'Clark, Mr. and
The regular meeting of the Mrs. M. W. Teller spent the week-end
Ladies’ Aid was held on Wednesday Detroit.
last at the home of Mrs. Wm. .Sweit- |
zer. T'he meeting opened with the
president, Mrs Baker in charge by
singing hymn “Take Time to be
Holy.” The Scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. L. Finklbeilier and the
roll call was answered bj’ 11 mem
bers and three visitors. Reports
were given. Plans were made to
send a box to> the needy in the West.
After the 'business was over a short
program was given, a
Mrs. L. Finkbeiner,‘and „ _______ __ _by Miss Leia Mollard, Mrs. Jacob | on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Ratz then took charge
test. A dainty lunch
by the hostess. ‘ The meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs. Jacob Ratz.
RED AND WHITE PUMPKIN, large tin................................................... 2 tins for 19c,
CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP -................................................................. 3 tW for 25<?.
NEW PACK FANCY QUALITY MINCEMEAT.....................................2 lbs, for 25c,
SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE ...........................................................2 tins for W
PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK .................................................................... 2 lbs. for 25c,
AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY NO, 4 PE^S ............................................. per tin 10c,
_______ _ . - . ■. ... ______ Miss
Myrta King, of Forest; Mt. and Mrs.
Norman Routly and .children, of
Gravenhprst; Mr. and Mrs. Ken,
Hogg, of Thorndale; Mt. and Mrs.
Alex Crago also Mr, and Mrs, F.
Routly and ba'by of Kirkton; Mrs.
M. Routly and Miss Ella Routly, of
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot and
childnen, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
D. Cornish, of Detroit spent
holidays with their parents Mr.
Mrs. J. Cornish.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Miller
children, of near Dashwood, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen re
Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. J.
Johns were: Miss Lorena Johns, of
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole,
of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns
and son of Russeldale;-Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Boyes, of Stratford; Mr. and
and Mrs. James Willis and children,
of Stephen; also Mr. Hilton Johns,
of Lucan.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch, Lon
don, spent the week-end with the
former’s brothei’ Mr. Philip Murch.
Mr. Ned Avery and son of St.
Thomas, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne.
M'l's. Hugh
of Wiar-
Miss Doris Greb, of spent the week-end with
Love.Mr. Kenneth Hodgins,ton * spent Thanksgiving here.Mrs. Ann Ridley is visiting in De-
stroit.Mrs. Etta Baker spent Wednesday
with her father Mr. Isaac Bastard.Mr. and Mrs. John Steeper ,’Tnger-
ssoll, who were married on Satur
day visited Mrs. Charlotte Carruth
ers on Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott, of Ravenswood, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Murray.Miss Ila Hodgins spent Thanks-
givingn in Detroit the guest of her
aunt Mrs. W. C. Wanner.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennings and
Mrs. T. Jennings of Moray, called on
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lee recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley accompanied Mr. and Howard Des-
jardine on a motoy trip last week.
Miss Edith Love left on Tuesday to attend London Normal School.
Mrs. Lettie Brent, who has been
a guest of Mrs. Jos. Carruthers S.r., returned with her daughter, Mrs. B.
Baillie, to London on Saturday,
Keta Salmon Rose Brand ...........2 tins 19c.
Libby’s Pork and Beans ............. 2 for 19c.
Aroma Coffee with cup & saucer lb. 39c.
Phone 102
Good cooking onions
Sweet Potatoes .........
Snow apples...............
... 10 lb. bag 25c.
.... 5 lbs, for 25c.
11 qt. basket 35c.
1 pound pkg. 18c.
...3 cakes for 11c.
neighbors and friends when they
congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Harry-
Stone a fine .program was arranged
with Mr. Aimer .Stewart, chairman
and opened with a violin solo from
Mr, Win. Hyde, of Hensail; reading,
Miss Grace Snell; Mrs, John Selves a
reading; piano solo, Mrs. Aimer
Stewart; reading Miss (Helen Smith
and Miss Jean Cann; Misses Helen
and Ann Morgan sang a comic duet
in costume. Mouth organ selections
by F. Dawson and Darrel Parker.
The chairman then called on
•the young ladies who present
ed various useful and interesting
gifts to the happy couple, Harry ex
pressed their appreciation for the
kindness and good wishes of all. They
were also the recipients of a beauti
ful electric clock from the young
people and friends at Farquhar Hall
Rev. C. L. Lewis’ mother, of Port
Huron, spent the past week at the
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers and fam
ily, of Stratford, spent M'onday, the
holiday, with Mr. I. N. Shier.
Mrs. J. G. Roy returned to her home (
this week having spent the past three
months in Stratford General Hospit- i
al. We are glad to report much improvement. I
A good number from the5 village
attended the anniversary services at
Woodham on Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Paul has bought the
Gunning farm at Kirkton adjoining
his own farm.
C II E E S E ■■■■
Old Canadian Cheese
Fresh Made Stiltons
Baby Cheddars
Exeter Creamery Co., Limited
.............. ................................. ............................... ■■■■.....
Thos. Lee, Brinsley, on Tuesday
tillsMr. and Mrs. G. Morlock and Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Fahrner, of Crediton
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Brown on Sunday.
A large congregation was present
in the-morning and a fair congrega
tion in the evening, for the Annual Thank-Offering services held in the
church here on Sunday last. Special
music was provided by the choir as
sisted in the morning by Mr. Gordon Morlock, of Crediton, wh0‘ sang a very pleasing solo. The .guest preach
er for both services was Rev. R. A. Brook, of Blyt'h, who preached in
teresting and forceful sermons.
There will be no church services
here on Sunday next on account of Whalen Anniversary services. The
Sunday School service will be held
at 10.30 a.m.
M-r. and Mrs. R. Smith and baby
were week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. M. McCabe in Walkerton.
Rev. A. V. Rolbb, of Bluevale, vis
ited last, week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks and other friends in the vil
lage last week.Mrs. Clara Abbott left on Saturday of last week 'for California,
where she will spend the winter
with her brother Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fairhall. She was accompanied by
Miss Helen Hodgins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, of Lon
don, who will spend her vacation
there.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock left this week for St. Catharines, where Mr. Haddock has secured a position.
Mr. and Mrs. A. proctor and fam
ily of St. Maiys; Mr. and Mrs. E. Powe and son, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clin
ton, were week-end visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Moody visited
with their daughter Mrs. Margaret
Fletcher on Sunday.Mr, and Mrs. Harris West left on
Sunday to visit with relatives in
South Bend, Ind. They will take a trip to Chicago before .returning
home.Mr. Chas. Dolphin spent the week
end at 'his home in Ridgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thompson and
family, of London, spent Thanksgiv
ing with Mrs. parsons and Mrs. Ker
shaw.Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hodgins, of Eayfieid, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hoginft, of Biddulph were visitors with Mr. Chas, and Mrs. J. McFalls
on Tuesday of last week.Mr. N. H. Pollard is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Molitor, in Thed
ford.Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Mills.Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith and daughter, of Palmerston, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith.
Miss Helen Hicks, R.N., of Vancouver, B.C., is holidaying with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks.■ Week-end visitors with Rev. R.
N. and Mrs. Stewart were Mr. Stew
art’s mother, brother and sister-in-
law, of Chatham.
Mrs. B. D. Cook is confined to her home through illness.
Mr. Verne Tapp. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tapp and son, of Exeter, and M«r.
and Mrs. E. T'app, of Toronto, were
week-end visitors with M.r, and Mrs. J. Pollard.
Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week-end at her home in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry, of Wiarton and Mr, Donald Hicks, of Guelph,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Mr. Ken. Hodgins, of Wiarton,
was a week-end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Parker and family attended the Mitchell-Lee wed
ding at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. G. O’Rourke is,visiting with,
friends in Detroit.
Mr. Joseph Regan, of Strafforu-
ville was home for the holidays.
Miss L. Dietrich, of London, spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Dietrich.
Mrs. Gerry Campbell ” is visiting
friends at Port Huron and Detroit.
Word was received here last week
of the illness of Mr. Wm. Barry, of
North Dakota.
Mr. Martin O’Rourke left on
Friday for North Dakota.
Rev. Fr. Fogarty made the an
nouncement on Sunday of the in
tended married of John Hall, son of
the late Mr. Ed. and Mrs. Nora Hall
and Mary McCormick daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCormick, of
Bornish, the wedding to take place
the last of the month.
Dance in the hall on Friday even
Mr. Martin O’Dwyer spent Thurs
day in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bloomfield,
of Leamington, visited with friends
in Mooresville.
Mrs. Joseph Simpson visited her
sister Mrs. Cecil Ellwood, of Ailsa
Craig who is ill.
Master William Bristow, of Lon
don, is spending the week-end holi
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dundas.
Mr. Ray Simpson, of Dos Angeles,
wasj the recent guest of his. mother
Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson.
Mrs. C. Hartlieb, of London, visit
ed her daughter Mrs. Ed. Dundas.
Mrs. Wes. Boyle, who- has been
visiting her sister Mrs. Elizabeth
Simpson returned to her home in
Holyrood, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Passmore
were the guests with Mr. Passmore’s
mother of Exeter wltn Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Hackney.
Mr. and Mrs. Ro’bt. Coward, of
Grimsby, Mr. Geo. Coward and Mrs.
Daniel Coward returned last week
after an enjoyable motor trip to
Hope. Mich., where they visited with
Mrs. Hull and also with Mr. George
Hull, at Davidson, Mich.
The October meeting of the W. M.
S. was held at the home of Mrs. A.
Morgan and was well attended. Dur
ing the meeting the ladies decided
to pack a bale in response to an ap
peal received asking the different so
cieties to combine in an effort to
send clothing, books, or magazines;
also that the guest speakei’ for the
Thankoffering service, Mrs. Anthony
of Motherwell be invited." Mrs. A.
Hunkin and Mrs. Ferguson were
selected delegates to the Sectional
Meeting to be held at Chiselhurst.
The program was in charge of Mrs.
F. Dawson to which Mrs. Luther con
tributed a solo with guitar accom
paniment; Mrs. Wiseman’s paper on
Iceland was very interesting; Mrs.
Gollings gave the leaflet' ‘‘The Un
changing Christ”; Mrs. W. Ethering
ton gave a 'friano solo “Yellow Jon
quils” Mrs. Mair gave a few high
lights on the temperance work; Mrs.
Allison gave the study book reading
“Plow the Missionary Makes Acquain
tance with the Arab and the Pro
blem of Food.” The tea houi’ brought
a very interesting meeting to a close.
Harvest Thank-Offering
Harvest Thanksgiving service on
Sunday was full of inspiration, the
church was prettily decorated with
gladioli, autumn leaves, grain and of J fruit. “What shall I render unto the
Lord” was the thought of the pas
tor’s address. Mastei’ Douglas Pass-
more, of Sarnia rendered a cornet
gold “The Holy City”. At the bap
tismal service t'he infant Sons of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Uann, Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Ballantyne and little daughter of Mi’,
and Mrs. Orville Beavers were pre
sented for holy baptism. Mi's. Garnet
Passmore and Mi’s. Archie Morgan
sang a duet at the close of tlto ser
vice. “ivory Palaces’* during the
whole of the summer months this
congregation has enjoyed the visits
of several friends happy to contribute
their talents to one services
praise and we thank them all.
Yotniff Couple Congi’ntnlated
The home of Mr. and Mi’S. Percy
Stone was the meeting place on Fri
day evening of theiv imnxedlate
J. E.
............. ...... _ __ XJOXXWV-X WX X,VXVX» XX-will be
| in charge of the service and deliver
Sweitzei’ is at present, the message.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey are spend
ing a few days in Detroit.
I Mr. Harold iFahrnei’ of the O.A.C.
■ Guelph, spent the^week-end at his
1 Mr. Gerald 'Gross, of Kitchener,
'cnonf n fci-xw dave at fhfi '
Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Ed.
Willis and Mr. Rodney Bowman, of
reading by
a piano solo
Mrs. Denbecker is visiting her
daughter Mrs. A. E. Pletch.
I Rev. A. E. Pletch is attending the
district mission which is being held
this week at Pelham, iSebringville
and Hanover.
Last Sunday Mr. T. Trevethick
gave a missionary talk in the Unit
church Sunday iS'chool.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl O’Neil, Neil and
Dorothy McRann, of Clandeboye, and
Mrs. Denham, of Thedford, visited
of a con-, King,
was served
to NW subscribers
We are anxious to have The
Times-Advorate ^o Into every
home in this district
special intjroductory
those not now on scription list we will
Times-Advocate to
and as a
‘offer to
dress in Canada until the
of January, 193 8, for
.. this
special offer. We will apprec
iate yotn' assistance.
If your neighbor is not a
scriber tell him about
Miss Lulu Gaiser, of Hamilton,
and Mr. Herb Flatten, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mr. W. H.
Gaisex*.A meeting for the purpose
forming a choral society for the win-
i ter months will be held at the home Of Mr, Emmery Fahrner on Monday
I evening. Mr. W> R- Gonlding win
be present and all those who are interested in re-organiRing again are
ui’ged to be pi’esent.
The September meeting of the
Hurondale W< I- was held at the
home of Mrs. Win. Etherington. Af
ter the opening exercises the dele
gates to London Conference which is
to be held November 2, 3, and 4th
was appointed. Mrs. A. Morgan was
appointed delegate with Mrs. Wm.
Etherington alternate. The program
was prepared by the grandmothers
and was as follows: Community
singing led by Mrs. F. Down who
was wearing cape and wristlets which
belonged to her grandmother^ solo
by Mrs. A. Mogran; humorous read
ing by Mrs. B. Williams; an inter
esting and instructive reading by
Mrs. G. Bolton and a very appro
.priate reading by Mrs. Down. Dur
ing the program Mrs. J. Selves who
is leaving this community, was pre
sented witll an address, read by Mrs.
C. Frayne and a silver pie casserole
as a token of remembrance. The
presentation was made 'by Mrs, M.
Beckler. The meeting was closed
by the singing of “Blest Be the Tie
That Binds'* followed by the Nation
al Anthem after which lunch was
served by the hostess and the com
mittee in charge. The October
meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. A. Hicks. ’
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John Cann, Thames Road.
Miss Eva Adrian visited over the
week-end with her parents at High
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl, of Exeter
and Mrs. Norman Brock and Marion
of Zion were recent visitors of Mrs.
Milne Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. AiX'ksey attended the funeral bf tihe late Mr. Geo.
Dinsmore at Ilderton on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Docking, of Munroe, spent Sunday wit'h Mr. and Mrs. F. Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dinsmore, r
Gori’ie. Mrs. Jas. Strong and Mrs. L. Galbraith, of Fordwich, visited
on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. George Arksey.
Norman Dow, of Staffa, secured
first prize for boys 16 to 19 at the
Huron County plowing match near
Walton on Friday. He was award
ed prize for best crown.
Now Is the -time to get your hens
culled, price for 50 or tinder 50ic»;
over that ,01c. par hen. We cull for
age and laying qualities and will
buy your hens if you wish. Wo have
I a nice lot of pullets for sale yet,
I If you ace interested, write or phone
for prices. Phone 3$-3, ,’Gi‘antoh.
A. R.‘ SWITZER, GiWttni, Ont-
The Sluggish Liver
Clean The Coated Tongue
Remove Bad Taste In Mouth
Sweeten The Breath
To the
Electors of Huron
I extend my heartfelt thanks to the
electors of Huron and particularly
to all the workers in the great cam
paign for the continuance of the
Hepburn administration in the Pro
vince of Ontario.
James Ballantyne