HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-10-14, Page 4THX’RSD&Y, OCTOBER 14th, 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Stores LOOK! Carnation Milk JAM Large tin Raspberry and Strawberry 3 tins for . . . 25c 32 oz. jar .. . 25c RIRTHS VEAL—-In Usborne, on Wednesday; October 13th, to Dlr, and Dirs, W- j. Veal, a daughter. SHJADDICK—At the Clinton Hospit­ al, on Saturday, October Reeve and Dlrs. Shaddick sail, a daughter, SIDIPSON-—'In Usborne, on day, October 6th, to Djr, and Dlrs. John Simpson, a son. Beverley John. MURRAY—In Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, October 6th, to Dlr, and Dlrs. Cecil DIurray, of Kippen, a daugh­ ter. NORRIS—In Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, on Thursday, Oc­ tober 7th, to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Norris, of Kippen, a daughter. McNaughton — on Wednesday, .September 29th, to Dlr, and Mrs. Lome McNaughton, of Woodham, a son. 9th, to of Hen- Wednes- DEATHS MOIR—-At Dr. Moir’s Hospital, on Wednesday, October 13 th, Miss Janet Moir, of Hensail, aged 69 years.SPACKMAN—In Toronto on Wed­ nesday, October 14th. Edward J. Spackman, aged 82 years. C o A Annouo Offer O K of English Breakfast Orange Pekoe Tea. With every pound of Tea 2 China Cups and Saucers FREE!! S s p E C I A E S FIGS New Pack 3 lb.................25c SOUP Vegetable and Tomato 3'tins for .. . 21c SAUSAGE Schneider’s Small Link 1 lb. ..... . 20c DATES Ijresh Pack 4 lbs. for ...25c COOK’S EXETER 58 The Stores That Give You Value HENSALL 46TELEPHONES Trivitt Memorial W. A. The W. A. of the Trivitt Memorial church held a business and devotion­ al meeting on Tuesday evening, Oc­ tober the 5th in the Parish Hall. The meeting opened with hymn 34-6 fol­ lowed by the Litany and Prayers by the president. Miss McTaggart gave the Scripture Reading. The roll call was answered by a Bible verse con- taning ‘'Thanks.” Mary^Day gave the Treasurer’s .report. It was decided to have a Hallowe’en Supper on Oc­ tober 29th. Mrs. Middleton gave a reading “For Brayer partners.” Mrs. Tanton gave Current Events of the Mission World. The meeting closed with hymn 3 0 and the benediction. Lon- and Sims ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wil'bert Martin noqnce the engagement of younger daughter, Kathryn Patricia, to Mr. John Edwin Venton, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Venton, of Lon­ don. an­ their ENGAGEMENTMr. John Andrew announces the engagement of Miss Eileen Andrew to Mr. Stanley Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peters, of Atwood, the marriege to take place quietly the eaily part of November. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent and family and DI. Otterbein, M.A., wish to express their sincere thanks to tlie neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended in their recent bereavement and for the floral tributes and the loan of cars; also to Bev. Mr. Moore. BRINSLEY Anniversary services will be held in the United Church on Sunday, October 17th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. J. J. Brown, of Lucan, will occupy the pulpit. Mrs, Alice Lewis is visiting with her son Dlr. Gordon Lewis and family at St. Catharines. Dlr. and Dlrs. Frank DIarkle. Strat­ ford, visited at the home of Mr. Jos. Amos on Sunday last. Thanksgiving services were held in St. Marys’ church on .Sunday last. Rev. J. Whalen, of Ilderton was the special speaker. A carload of vegetables, etc., is to be shipped from Centralia to the dried out area in Saskatchewan. Do­ nations will be gladly -received at the United Church shed on DIonday next October 18th.A shower was held at the home of Dlr, Wm, P.rest on DIonday evening last for Dlrs. Elmer Eggert, (nee Agnes Brest. James Street W. A. The W. A. of James St. church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday last with the president in the chair. Mrs. J. DI. *Southcott took the devotional part of the meeting, the theme being “Thanks­ giving.” Dlrs. Sharpe gave a read­ ing. The treasurer -reported $126 had been realized from the Harvest Home Sunday. A committee was appointed to pack a bale for Western relief. The Crediton W. A. will be the guests of the local society at the November meeting. Lunch was served by a hostess and her com­ mittee, CREDITON EAST •Mr. Percy Laity. . and Lila Col­ lingwood, of Hamilton, spent Mon­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz and Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Wein. Mrs. Wm. Cliff returned home on Sunday after a week’s visit in don. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jasney daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Eli and son spent Sunday in Thedford. Master Barry Hamilton, of Grand Bend spent a few days with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kelly, Mrs. F. Scheiding, Mr. T. Yuli, all of Lon­ don and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Motz and family, of Exeter spent Thanks­ giving Day with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. ed the Parsons’ Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. and daughter spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Mrs. Job Sims, Vert remaining for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. George Hay and two daughters, of Exeter, visited Saturday with Mrs. Wilson Ander­ son. Eli Lawson attend- sale rn Exeter on Thomas Edwards Vera, of Ingersoll and off all Thanksgiving Day passed quietly in Exeter on Monday, stores being closed. Thanksgiving services were observed in the various churches on Sunday. ♦ Use Jap-A-Lac, a product for every need The quality is the best and the price low. Interested in Stoves? Then see our stock of enamelled * rariges* We have one that will both please and suit your purse IT PAYS TO FEED BLATCHFORD’S— Hdg Concentrate, Calf Meal Poultry Concentrate or Lay Mash All are treated with McConkey’s famous Y. O. Process Worm fix the cheapest, simplest and most effective treatment for worming fowl. Try 1L Lindenfield’s Hardware Phone 181 — Exeter GREENWAY The* United churca will held their Anniversary services on Sunday, x\o- vember 28ta with Rev. S. J. -viaihers m.a., Toronto as tne guest speaker. Tast bunday nev. J. b. Mooie B.A. was in Ins own pulpit here and re­sponded to vae nearly welcome ac- cu.aed him by his parishioners. He drew a very vivid picture or the Sea oi Ganlee wheie he spent part or the tniie wane in Palestine. T’ae Harmony Class will hold its annual ousiness meeting at tne n*me or Dlr. and Dlrs. Harry Horner on Taiursday evening. The Y. P. U. will meet for re-or- ganizatiun on Tuesday, October 19.Church sei vice and ^Sunday School as usuai next Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Brophey wel­ comed a little daughter to their home on October 6vn.Miss Doris Hicks has returned to her home after spending the sum­ mer at Grand Bend.Mrs. Leask. of Sarnia, and Dlr. and DI,is. J. Thompson, who are en route to Florida were guests of Mr. Laurie and Miss Leask last week.Mr. and Mrs. English and Mrs. W. J. Pollock spent Thanksgiving in London with Mr. and Dins. R. Sheppard.Air. and Mrs. Elson visited their son, who is still a patient in the Vic­ toria Hospital, London.Mrs. Brown, of Paikliill and Mrs. J. Gardiner are nursing Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and infant daughter. Miss Diary Corbett and Marjory Pollock, of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodburn.Miss Edith Taylor and Miss Mar­ jorie Jennison, of Grand Bend, call­ ed on friends here Monday evening. Miss Ula Ulens is on vacation in Windsor having returned with Dliss Lillian Ulens and Mr. W. Forsythe, wno spent the Thanksgiving week­ end with Mr. and Dlrs. W. Ulens.Mr. and M-rs. Elmer Shepherd were guests at a shower in their hon­ or at the home of Dlrs. Shepherd’s parents on Monday evening. They were accompanied by Dliss Do-rotlhy Belling.Mr. Willis Stewardson and Miss Ella Jean McGregor who are suffer­ ing from nfantile paralysis in Vic­ toria Hospital are reported doing as well as can be expected.Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson and family and Mrs. Andrew Bol­ lock returned to Toronto on Monday after spending the summer here.Mr, Dawson Woodburn has resum­ ed his duties on the Toronto Public school staff.Miss Ruby pollock, of Hamilton, Miss Violet Curts, of’London, and Mr. Willis Hotson of London, spent the holiday with relatives here,Dlrs. Fred Steeper entertained several of the ladies and daughters of the community at a trousseau tea at her home on Monday evening. The interesting event was in honor ci her only daughter Norma, who is a bride of the week. She was assist­ ed by Mrs. J. Scott and Mrs, C. W. Woodburn, who had charge of the bedding, linens and beautiful fancy work. Miss Muriel Steeper who ex­ hibited the trousseau and Miss Verla Steeper, the gifts. Mrs. DI. Morley, St. Thomas and Dirs. D, Browh pour* ed tea and the dainty luiich was served by Doris Morley, Nathalie Hutchinson and Marion steeper. Mrs. Robt. Hutchinson and Dll’S, Holland Sr. were special guests of honor. I REMEMBER THE DATE ONE CENT SALE October 20, 21, 22 and 23 SAVE with SAFETY at ■ ' Tn,DRUG STORE ■ EXTRA SPECIAL Jasmine Ladies’ Gift Set Face Powder .....$1.00 Cold Cream ......... .50 Vanishing Cream «50 Regular' ...........$2.00 all 3 for 99c EXTRA SPECIAL Rexall Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste REGULAR 40c. 3 for 59c Neutralizes acids that cause tooth decay EXTRA SPECIAL Jasmine Men’s Gift Set Shaving Cream ........35 Shaving Lotion ........50 Talcum Powder ......35 Regular ...........$1.20 all 3 for 79c See Bills for Big Savings on 400 Items of Exceptional Value COLE’S DRUG STORE Phone 65 (Phone Orders Accepted) Exeter AUCTION SALEFOWL SUPPER THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH CREDITON announce their Annual Hot Goose Supper for THURSDAY, OCT. 21 1937, from 5 to 8.30 p.m. To be held in the spacious church shed THE DASHWOOD BAND will give an excellent mixed program, -I and really gave a person a good Numbered tickets will be sold in file' idea of the immensity of this won- or 100 HEAD OF CATTLE At Brucefield on Tuesday, Octo­ ber 19t'h, at 1.3 0 p.m., the following 100 head of cattle; 50- steers and 50 heifers, yearlings and 2-year-olds. A number of Stocker cows and brood sows. Cattle are a breedy lot of Durhams, Herefords, and polled gus. An- T. D. TERMS—CASH Gundry, Auctioneer G. Gardiner, Proprietor Weekly Mixed AUCTION SALES I will hold an auction sale of HORSES, CATTLE AND HOGS EVERY THURSDAY Will take stock in on commission TERDIS—CASH NAIRN & TAYLOR, Auctioneers G. J. DOW, Proprietor AUCTION SALE The Paramount Sound news pic-,^ FARDI STOCK & IDIPLEDIENTS tures of the famous Onezime Dlasse family were shown in Leavitt’s Theatre the beginning of this week j I and really gave a person The undersigned auctioneer has received instruction to sell by public auction at AUCTION. SALE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS . The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction the effects of James Sweet and the late Dlrs. Egan Exeter South, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1<)37 at 1.39 p.m. the following Tables ^nd chairs, glass cupboard, kitchen cupboard, bed, 2 dressers, Singer sewing machine, oil stove, heater and stovd, carpets and mats, cross cut saws, buck saw, kitchen utensils, and sundry other articles. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARDI STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by lid auction at has pub- Church The program will be given in the shed Admission; Adults 75c. Children, 9 to 15 years, 35c. 8 years and under 20c. Bazaar under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Thames Road United Church Anniversary on Sunday, October 17th Services at 11 and 7-30 Preacher Rev. G. M. Chidley of Cooksville Roy Allison, boy soprano, of London, will assist at both.,ser­ vices Lot 18, miles East THURSDAY, on derful family. Huron County and the Province of Ontario have good rea­ son to be proud of such a.fine and healthy family. KHIVA Miss Evelyn DlcCann left Tuesday for London where she will attend Normal. . Dlr. and Dlrs. Jaajk Hopkins and I63 son Harold, of St. Thomas and Mr.‘. and Dlrs. S. Gottclialk, of Dashwood,, spent Sunday with Dlr; and Mrs. AV. I Stade.i Dliss DIargaret Willert, of Colum-1 bus, O-, and Dlrs. L. Hamacher, of • Dashwood, visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert.Messrs. Clement McCann and Ger­ ald O’Rourke, Dliss Evelyn DlcCann and aunt Dliss T'ena McCann silent the week-end at Detroit.Mr. and Mrs. T. Ayotte, of Drys­ dale spept Sunday with their dau­ ghter Dlr. and Dlrs. Pius Dietrich. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert spent the week-end in Melbourne. Word was received here by rela­tives that Mr. Wm. Barry is serious­ ly ill in North Dakota. His Mr. DIartin O’Rourke left iately for that place. nephew immed- Lot 13 & 14, Con. 14, S. B. Hibbert, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937, at one o’clock the folio-wing: HORSES—Draft brood mare 1500 lbs., Il years old; draft horse 1500 lbs.; aged work horse, aged driver. | CATTLE—5 cows ail milking and I coming in in the spring; i coming 2‘years old; heifer years; 2 yearling steers; 3 ; 5 spring calves. I HOGS—10' pigs weighing | biood sow. ' IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder 6 ft. M.H. mower; fertilizer seed drill; M.H. manure spreader; cultivator, 3 diium roller, riding plow, walking plow, wagon, set sleighs, root pulper cutting box, hay rake, set .scales, hay rack, cream separator, fanning mill, harrows and numerous other ar­ ticles. TERDIS—CASH THOS. & WM. HACKNEY, Prop’s. FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 4 steers rising 2 yearling 85 lbs.; ELIMVILLE UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, October 24th Services at 10-30 and 7 p.m. Rev. A. Laing of Woodham will be the special Speaker Woodham Choir will have charge of the music at the evening service FOWL SUPPER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26th Supper served from 5.30 to 8 followed by a program by the CENTENNIAL CONCERT BARTY, of L< ndon Mrs. Gladys N. Gray Director Rev. Walter B. Craw Lecturer and Reader and others Admission 60c. and 30c. Rev- J. W. Penrose, Pastor Wm. Elford, Secretary On Saturday next and each succeeding Saturday during October we will give away Free a beautiful cake to the first lady , who enters our store and gives definite proof that her name is the name aS that which is on the cake Come in and Jeave _ name on a slip of paper. Name will be revealed at 6 p.m* and cake delivered the same evening* WOODHAM Anniversary services were _ _ this church last Sunday with very large attendances at both services. Rev. Jas. Anthony, the guest speak­er, delivered two very impressive and inspiring sermons at both ser­ vices. -Special singing was given toy the regular choir with the addition of Mr. Chas. Paul, of Kirktcn. Miss Gertrude Canim favored with a solo at the morning service. .Some that were seen and spent the day with friends were as fol­lows: Dlr. and Mrs. Wesley Shier, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatten; Miss Evelyn Wynn, of Lon­ don, with her mother Mrs. Wynn; Dlr. and Mrs. G. Lo.utfa little son, of London with Mr. Mrs. W. Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. ward Anderson, of Washington __Dlr, and Mrs. Laverne Stone, Kirkton and Dlr. and Dlrs, Nelson .Squire and family with Dlr. and Dlrs. J. Squire; Dlr. and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Staffa, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Park­ inson; Dlr. and Dlrs. Norman Brock and Df.r. and Dlrs. Warren Brock and Jean with Mr. jas. Routly; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routly and Dlr. and Mrs. Hammond, of Kirkton, with Mr, and Dlrs. Wilbur Wynn; Miss Gladys Shier, of Kirkton with Dlrs. Victor Chatten; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paul, of Kirkton with Mr. and Mr.s Wm. Dlills; Mr. and Dlrs. Jas. Earl, Edith, Mary and Marjory, of Zion with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gunning; Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Squire and family with Mrs. Morley; Dlr. | and Mrs. Tufts, of Kirkton, with Mr, , and Mrs. Roy Kirk and many more | Mr. and Mrs. John Camm attend­ ed tlhe Silver wedding celebration of tihe latter’s sister Mrs. Evans, of St. Pauls, on Saturday evening last.I A. special appeal has again been i given to the people of Ontario to come to the aid of their fellow men of the drought area of the West. (The need is even greater than in previous years. Wednesday of this week all church adherents from there are asked to> bring their produce and leave it here and it will be taken to■ Granton by truck and a car loaded there. AUCTION SALE held in W. and and Ho- and same iced yotir > Reserved Seat Prices $1.00, $1.25, $L50 Seiid Cash or Express Ordefr (No Cheques) to Kiwanis Club, Wyatt Building, London, out; Please act quickly if you want tickets as there will be an early sell-out.Try our Soy-Bean and Rye Bread FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS The undersigned auctioneer has (re­ ceived instructions to sell hy public a wet ion at Lot 16, Concession s, Usborne, on Huron St., 1 mile east of Exeter, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th at 11 o’clock the following: HORSES—1 work horse 9 years old. CATTLE—'Cow due Nov. 2nd; cotf due April 1st; cow due May 1st, cow due June 7th; 4 cows, milking, good. BIGS—18 pigs weighing 100 lbs. POULTRY — 5 0 Leghorn hens, yearlings, 25 Leghorn pullets. IDIPLEMENTS— McCormick bin­ der 6 ft.; McC.-Deering mower 5 ft.; DI. H, hay rake; Bain -wagon; DI. H. manure spreader; McC. cultipacker; set diamond harrows; DI. H. disc, 2 row scuffler, M. <H. spring tooth cultivator light wagon, walking plow, Cockshutt 2 furrow plow, set sleighs, road cart, Cockshutt seed drill, 2 flat hay racks, gas engine, oil brooder, root pulper, fanning mill, turnip drill, Titan tractor and also some parts, good set Titan chains, White threshing machine in good shape, 1 drive belt &0 foot, Viking cream sep­ arator, new 800 lb. capacity; set single harness, double harness, forks, ..shovels, whiffletrees, neck- yokes, chains; 1927 Ford Model T in ‘good shape and other articles too numerous to mention. GRAIN—'20 tons mixed hay, 400 bushels of mixed grain; 400 bushels mangolds and turnips. TERDIS OF SALE $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit will Ibe giv­ en on furnishing approved joint notes with 5 per cent, added. CHARLES GODBOLT, proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk I FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Town Line of Dashwood, OCTOBER 281h at 12 o’clock sharp the following: > O HORSES—1 brood mare,. 8 years old, supposed to be in foal; 1 bay horse 17 4e&rs old; 2 gray mares 18 years oldl 1 'bay Clyde mare rising 2 years old; 1 Clyde sucking celt. CATTLE—2 cows fresh with calf at foot; 1 cow, .fresh; 1 red cow, 1 baby beef, 600 lbs.; 2 roan cows sup­ posed to be in calf still milking; 1 red cow in calf; 1 steer, 2 years old; 1 2,-year-old' heifer supposed to toe in calf; 1 2-year-old heifer; 4 steers rising 2 years; 4 spring calves. Cattle are all good Duhhams. PIGS—70 stocker pigs weighing about 60 pounds. POULTRY — 75 -white Leghorn hens; 2 geese, 1 gander. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bind­ er, 6 ft.; McCormick mower, 5 ft.; Brantford B.B. mower, 5 ft.; three- drum steel roller; McCormick ill- disc fertilizer drill; 10-hoe grain drill; International spring - tooth cultivator; stiff-tooth T'udhope cul­ tivator; McCormick low-down man­ ure spreader; M. H. bean scuffler with puller combined; 2-wheel trail­ er; circular saw, 8 h.p. gasoline en­ gine; 21 h.p. gasoline engine; 3 wa­ gons, wagon box, stock rack, 2 flat hay racks, 16 ft. International hay loader, McCormick 1’0 ft. steel rake; side delivery rake, double light sleigh with tongue and shaft and box, 2 set of bob-sleighs, 2 sets of bunks, 2 cutters, International walk­ ing plows, 2 Fleury walking plows, riding plow, disc, 2 2-furrow plows, road cart, 2 gravel boxes, Imperial incubator iholds 175 eggs, 4'00 capac­ity incubator, broad axe, adze, boring machine, large "fence stretcher, scraper, neck yokes, eveners, cant hook, 3 sets iron harrows, 1-horse scuffler, root pulper, cutting 'box, 1 army saddle, emery power, 2 sets of heavy harness, bells, 2,000 lb. scales Clinton fanning mill, Jolly-et grain grinder, quantity of bags, extension grain blower. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Kitchen cook stove, large heater, burns coal or wood, Detroit Vapor 3-burner coal-oil stove, lawn swing, De Laval cream separator, Eaton separator, 1 copper kettle, iron kettle and other articles too numerous to mention. Everything will be sold to highest bidder as proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS OF SALE---CASH JOHN BENDER, proprietor GEORGE MERNER, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EEEEOTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by1 pub­ lic auction , on S£ Lot 15, Con. 5, Usborne WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20th at one o'clock the following: HORSES—Bay mare 8 years old; bay mare 7 years old; black horse 7 years old. CATTLE—Cow due Oct. 29; cow due Nov. 29; cow due March 25; cow due May 6; cow due June 22nd; Jersey cow due June 13; yearling steer, yearling heifer, 5 spring 'calves small calf. HOGS—8 pigs 85 lbs.; brood sow with 10 <pigs; sow due in November. 75 hens. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder 6 ft. cut; Frost & Wood mower 5 cultivator, land roller, disc, drill; fanning mill, TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS vs. SYRACUSE STARS BIC LEAGUE HOCKEY at the LONDON ARENA, FRIDAY, OCT. 29 th PRt>efeet>S BOYS' WCJFfcK OF KJWANI& CLUS ft.; seed 4-section har­ rows, ’walking plow, riding plow, 2- furrow plow, scuffler, hay rake, wa- gan, wagon box, gravel box, set of sleighs, double cutter, single cut­ ter, buggy, light wagon, turnip pul­ per, gas barrel, new Viking cream separator, double harness. FURNITURE—Good Cheer stove, churn, washing machine. Forks, shovels, yoke, chains and 19 rows turnips 40 rod long; 12 rows mangolds 40 rods long. TERMS—CASH JAMES BROOKS, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer •> machine, sewing Whiffletrees, neck- other articles. Renew Now!