HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, SEPTIEMBER 30, 1037 .BfeNSALL . M|glf Alice Pfaff, who hag spent several months at Delni, has return- to her home.■* Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Carlisle vis­ ited with Hillsgreen relatives for. several days last week.Mr. and* Mrs. William Bonthron, of Detroit, were visiting relatives in the village last wepk.Mrs. R. J, Ferguson, of Minneap­olis, is visiting with her sister Miss Emma Johnston.Mr. and Mrs. Eldmer Troyer, of Toicnto, spent the week-ena with relatives in the village.Several sons of Mrs. William Hil­debrandt, of London, were visiting with their mother last week'.Mr. and Mrs. H. .Stephens, of Sea- foith, were visitors here on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dick.Mr. Thos, Dickson attended the funeral of his brother, the late W. J. Dickson, at Seaforth on Tuesday afternoon.Miss Edma Johnston was a week­end visitor with her sister Mrs. Shortt, of Windsor, wlho has been quite seriously ill.Mrs. Errol Drummond spent a few days in Stratford last week vis­iting at tihe home of her daughter Mrs. Maynard Harmon.Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. McDon­nell, Miss Dorothy and Miss Hattie Sutherland visited friends in Strat­ford one day last week,Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Coleman, oi Stratford, were visitors for a few days last week at the home of Mr. Wes. Coleman, of Hay Township.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle, of Ridgetown, spent the week-end* at the home of his son and daughter- in-law Mi;, and Mrs. Laird Mickle.Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn and Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd attended the funeral of their uncle the late W.’ J. Dickson, at Seaforth on Tues­ day. ’Dr. H. Taylor. Conservative Can­didate for the riding of Huron, in the coming provincial election was calling on friends in the village on Tuesday.Mr. Fred Manns, who, has been in very poor health for several months has so improved that he is able to resume ibis work at the bar­ ber shop.Mr. Ross Miller and his sister Miss Marie Miller, of Windsor, were week-end visitors with their uncle and u.unt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks and oTher relatives.Mrs. Hohl, who has been visiting for several weeks with her sister, Mrs. N. Horton and other relatives is now visiting her son in New York State before returning to her home in Ontario, Calif. After being open three days the Hensail Public and Continuation 'Schools were closed on Thursday morning last as a case of infantile paralysis had developed in the 'vil­lage. The Sunday schools of all local churches have also been clos­ed. If no more cases develop the schools will re-open on October 4th.Mr. Peter Moir held a very suc­ cessful auction sale or his tarm stock and implements at his farm on the highway south of Hensall, on Wed­nesday afternoon. Mr. Moir is re­tiring from farming and will short­ly move his family eo Hensall and will occupy the fine home on South Richmond St. that he recently pur­ chased from Mr. Archie Hamilton. ' Mr. Arthur Dick drew in to Welsh’s Saw Mill on Friday last 4 elm logs cut from one tree on the farm of Mrs. Wm. Doig just east of Kippen. The logs contained 3,85 0 feet, 3 logs were 12 ft. long and ■one 1.4 ft. The butt log at the small end measured 4 ft., 10 inches and weighed over 5 toils. Mr. Dick drew them in one at a time on his truck and considering the size of the logs had very little trouble .in loading and drawing them in al­though he had to cross a bean field before he got on the road.Mr. Joseph Hudson, who has been in Christie Street Hospital, Toronto for several months was able to spend the week-end at his home. This is his first visit home since Xmas and needless to say his fam­ily and many friends were delighted to see him. He is looking well and able to get around on his artificial leg quite nicely. He returned to Toronto' again on Sunday evening and hopes to be able to come home CREDITONKHIVAfor good in the near future. Mrs. James Park, who a weeks ago with her husband, late James parks, motored Caliiornia to visit Mr. Park’s ents, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parks is returning to California this week. -Her husband was instantly killed in a motor accident while on a trip to the Toronto Exhibition. The sym­ pathy of her many friends here accompany her, Ladies’ Aid Meeting The regular meeting ofLadies’ Aid Society of Carmel Presbyterian cLhavL v** 1.^1^ -school room of the church on Tues- and Mrs. E. G. Kiati. day evening last. The meeting op-j en-ed with the singing of Psalm 3 6 and all repeating the Lord’s prayer. I The minutes of the last meeting were read 'by the secretary and ad­opted. Mrs. Workman gave an rn- teresting talk on the work being carried on. Considerable discus­ sion took place on means to raise funds apart from the usual fowl supper. Mrs. Logan then took charge of the musical program which . ed of the following numbers: Guit­ ar selection by Miss.McGregor; solo, by Mrs. Hodgert, accompanied oil the piano by Mrs. MoGregoi” r L 7'7- ./ * ■■Mrs. John Murdock, few , the from par- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson and Miss Ruth, of London, spent the week-end with relatives.Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Henry Eagleson were: Mr, Mrs, Ennis Rock and family. Parkhill and Mr. and Mrs. iStanlake, of Grand Bend. Mrs. T. Collins ane family left on Monday for Toronto where she in­tends making her home.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason and and , and % of Ted. and Mrs. Albert Hotter and Flint, Mich., the home of Trietz, of Detroit, will1 I .......... „„„ ______ .................................. I family spent Sunday with Mr, and the Mrs. N, Sinclair, of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. S- Adams, of Lon- church was held in the don, spent the week-end with/Mr. Mr Miss 'Grace iLotter, of spent the week-end at Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mr, Elgin Woodall, visited over the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall. Mrs. Ernest Guettinger and Miss Marguerite Guettinger are spending two weeks in Chicago. Rev. Donald Gladman and Mrs, F. W. Clark spent a few days last week at Toronto and Brampton, Mr. and .Mrs, Ernest Gaiser ana family of the Blue Water Highway visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Schenk. I Mr. Fred Kerr, Miss Mrytle Walk- "A /Tab /T C* A 1 4 r\ zx - 1 I— a. X »» za ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin I THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS MAPLE LEAF SALMON ..........................:.......................................... .Shower for Bride Elect On Wednesday evening, Septem­ ber 22nd, Miss Leona Kraft entei-, ,, ,tained about 100 relatives and er, Mr. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert are friends in honour of Miss Margaret1 spending this week at Boat Lake. RestemayGr. bride elect of Saturday] The _ ‘ A very enjoyable evening was spent gelical church in playing progressive euchre. The - - highest count was Avon by Miss Jean Willert and Mr. Roy Dietrich while —cnarge oi cue musical program wmcn. the consolation prizes went to Miss Mouda-^ O?tohei 4th nt REnwd a°h was given by her group and consist- Margaret Restemayer and Mr. Leon- Octobor 4th at- 8 ,P.m. All baking The Mission Circle of the Evan- __r.’i held a successful sale on .Saturday. Crediton W- I. will meet at members kindly be present. Anniversary services will be held An United Church on Sunday at the piano by Mrs. McGregor; soTo address was-read by” Miss'IlaMason 11 a.m. and 7-3_0 p.m. Rev. Percj’ by Miss Hodgert, piano selection by, The gifts .were brought into the liv-' °Mrs. John Murdock, solo by Miss i mg room 'by Kenneth and (^rdon special speaKe^ ^ Minnie-Hodgert and another piano (Kraft in a gaily decorated basket iwi“ lenaei specai music. selection by Mrs. John Murdock. I which held many useful gifts for the I Rev. J. E- Jones, son of the late After the musical part of the pro-(y;ung —‘y. W"l?y yyd Tzzzzz, f-n-vly zt gram was finished games and con- ably responded thanking each for Crediton and Exeter, who for the tests were played and a e.ir_ty .......A - lunch served. The Late John Donaldson Mr, John Donaldson, of Saltford, and a fanner well known Hensail .business man passed away in the Alexandra Hospital, Goderich on Monday afternoon after an illness of 8 weeks aged 74 years. Mr. Don­aldson was born in Colborne Twp. and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Donaldson of that township. He was a harness mak­er by trade and conducted a har­ness business here about 20 years ago. He later conducted the same kind of business in Brussels, Gode­rich and for a number of years in London. M'is Donaldson prede­ ceased him about 16 years, they had no family. Mr. Donaldson was a life long Presbyterian. He is sur­vived by one hrpther Albert, in Montana and one sister Jean, who lives in Baitford and where he made his home. At the time of writing the funeral announcements had not been made. Freeinan-Saundercock A very pretty wedding, took place at the home of Mrs. Annie Saunder- cock, King St., Hensail, at high noon on Thursday, when Mary Isabel second daughter of Mrs. Saunder- cock and tihe late Nathaniel Saund- ercock was united in marriage to Wilfred Robert Freeman, son of Mr. and Mis. Robert Freeman, of Hul- let Twp., by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the United church. The bride entered tihe parlor to the strains of the Bridal Chorus played by Miss Gladys Luker and looked charming in a gown of blue chiffon velvet with hat and accessories to match. "She carried a bouquet of yellow roses. Miss Edna Saunder- jjock sister of the bride, made a very pretty bridesmaid and her dress I was of blue crepe satin with acces­sories to match. Betty Smale, niece »0f the bride was a charming little flower girl. The groom was sup­ported by his cousin Mr. Harry Freeman. During the signing of the register Mrs. Carl Passmone sang very sweetly “In the Garden of M)y iH'eart.”' The .wedding dinner was served in the din.ing room, the decoration .being yellow and white, after t-he wedding dinner the happy couple left by ritotor for a trip to Detroit, the bride travelling in a dress of navy blue satin with hat and gloves to match. The bride was the recipient of many use> ful presents. The grooms gift to tihe bride was a handsome silver flower basket. The groomsman, bridesmaid, flower girl, pianist and soloist were remembered ■ by very pretty, gifts. On their return from their wedding trip Mr., and, Mrs. Freeman will reside in Clinton. They are both very popular and have the best wishes of their- many friends. aid Restemayer. During the even-, ing Miss Margaret was presented with a miscellaneous shower, John ““Mu/dock'. I which held many useful gifts for the I Rev. J. E- Jones, son of the late After* the musical part of the Pro-1 y ung bidde’s hon^^Th^bride very . Wesley and Mrs. Jones, formerly oiMrs. dalnty I wa^'th"n fSUelrvednan^ the ramatode! ' ?-ast Il-v-e years- has J’een- lla-Btor 01 | of the evening was spent in i and song. ELIMV1LLE Knox Church, Fort Fiancis, has ac­ cepted a call to Greenwood United Church, Winnipeg, and will take over his new charge, November 1st. Greenwood church is one of the largest in Manitoba and North West­ will ’ ern Ontario and Ed’s many friends +BQ::n the district extend ccngratula- I tions and .best wishes for his future music Next Sunday the Sacrament 1 __ ___ ___________ be observed in the church at the j jn the district extend morning service at 10.30'. ' ’ n__ J Mr. and Mrs. Enos Herdman, of success, near Kippen, Mrs. Fred Morden and I. children, of Toronto were visitors on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.1 Bradshaw. Mrs. John Sleamgn, and Miss Alma Johns, Silo filling is general in this dis­ trict. The crop is down quite bad- ------ I ly that in many cases cutting is very I difficult. Early sown wheat is com- of .Centralia, ing up nicely. Borne wheat is still of Exeter, being sown. TL_ ______x, „ __ visited friends in the village last tically all harvested, generally sat- "•"-1* _ isfactory. Live stock is in satis- jones, Miss, factory condition. Recent,, rains have ol The beau crop is prac- isfactory. Live stock is in satis-week. Mr. and Mrs. Herb _____ _______ ____ __ ____ _ Margaret and Mr. Harold Jones, of j freshened pastures, whieff have been Kippen, were Sunday visitors with particularly good all summer. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultis. ■ — Miss Mildred Bell and Miss Car­ rie Khroel, of Detroit, were weerc- end visitors at Mr. Thos. Bell’s. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Sarnia, visited on Sunday with John Johns. Mrs. Matt. Routly spent a days last week with Mr. and Will Routly. XIRKTON of Mrs. few Mrs. Mrs. Effie Kirkby, of St. Marys. | The Dashwood Band are provid- l ing the program for the Evangelical Church Fowl Supper on October 21st. (Too late for last week)The evening services in the Unit­ed Church on September 19th were conducted as a Sunday School RaLy. The choir, consisting of boys and girls of the Sunday School render­ed special music with *Elaine Mit­ chell and Betty Lou Schwartz tak­ing the solo parts. Mr. h. Mit­chell, superntendent of the school and Rev. Mr. Gladman presided. Scripture was read by Allen Hill and Kenneth Taylor. Prayer for the ing the program for the Evangelical spent the week-end with her sister I offering-was given by Betty Mawhin- Mrs. N. B. Doupe. | -cixi Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tufts and talk^to ^the son Norman, ( ’ ---------- - past week with Mrs. A. Tufts. , Mrs. M. Routly, of London, spent the past week with her son Mr. F. Routly. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gray, B.A., of Toronto, are holidaying with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Grey. Mr. and spent the Anderson. ney. Miss Majorie Grand Bend gave of Toronto, spent the people? The ' ” ‘ - Lord of All”Finkbeiner. ...... ..... .............. gave a short address and spoke. a few words of appreciation to all those taking part. Mrs. Heywood, of Tori week-end with Mrs. HARPLEY and Mrs. Greb, Miss •onto . S. DorisMr. and Mr. Kenneth Greb, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Love. - Miss Jean Hodgins, of Detroit, is visiting .her father Mr. J. E. Hod­ gins. . Mrs. C. Brent, of Toronto, is vis­ iting Mrs. Joseph Carruthers Sr. iScho,ol Section No. 10, Stephen, is closed for another ten days. I Jennison, of an interesting ■children and young address “Crown Him was given by Helen Rev. Mr. Gladman SHIPKA LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS ......................... PEANUT BUTTER IN BULK ............................ R, & W. VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP ROSE BRAND SALMON*................................... Half pound tip 16c- 21 oz, tall tin 3 for 2^c. ........ 2 pounds for 25c. ........................ 3 tins 25c. 6 BARS OF P. & G. SOAP AND 2 KIRK’S CASTILE SOAP . LARGE PKG. OXVDOL & 3 CAKES CALAY SOAP............ tall tin, each 9c. ........All for 29c. ........All for 29c. Golden Spray Cheese....... 1-2 lb. pkg. 15c. Aroma Coffee with cup & saucer, lb. 39c. Orange Marmalade, Gold Medal 32oz. 23c. Good Cooking Onions 10 lb. bag, 25c. Sweet Potatoes .................... 5 lbs. for 25c. Good Cooking App’es ... 11 qt. basket 35c. 3 KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES WITH CEREAL BOWL AIRTIGHT MEMBA-SEAL FOR JAMS AND JELLIES All for 27c. Phone 102 ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver liilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfg DASHWOOD ELECTORS Your Vote is Your Own Express Your Own OF HURON I / s Convictions If you do not want Beer Rooms in Huron, vote for The only Candidate who can deal with the situation independently of party. Owing to Anniversary services at the United Church, Crediton, there will be no service at the United Church here. Sunday School will be held at 10 a.m.The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held next Wednesday, October 6th at the Home of Mrs. W. Sweitzer at 2 p.m.The Public Schools have reopen­ed again both numbers 7 and 11, after a week and a half holidays. So far no one has developed the paralysis.Mr. and Mrs. Dougal Mclsaac and Mrs. R. Rose and baby, of London, visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gale at­tended the Kraft-Restemeyr wed­ ding Saturday last.Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .Keyes visit­ed Sunday with relatives at Bruce- field.Cutting corn and slid filling seems to be the order of the day.Quite a number from here attend­ ed Exeter Fair, last Tuesday and Parkhill Fair on F'licay.Mrs. John Dietrich purchased a new Ford V8 this week.Mrs. Dietrich. Tillie and Ted vis­ ited on Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade, of Dashwood. Miss Greta Dietrich spent Sunday with friends near Dashwood. MT. CARMEL Mrs. Sorenson and son, of Detroit spent the week-end with Mrs. T. Collins. Miss Kathleen Walker and friend of Detroit, spent' the week-end with Mr. Stephen Morrison. Mrs. Anna Mulligan, of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and friends in Mr. and family, of here over the week-end. Mrs. T. Collins and family left on Sunday for Toronto where they will reside.Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and and Mrs. Gerry Campbell. Mis. G. Ryan attended Conventidh held at week. Miss Clara Glavin, spending a few days here. School re-opened morning. Mr. Leonard Hoffman, of Zurich, is attending the High School and staying with Mr. Pat. Reardon. Car DWciied by Horse On Friday night last a car driven by Levi White, of the twelfth con. McGillivray struck a horse a mile and a half west of Mt. Carmel, kil­ ling it instantly. The horse owned by Dan Lewis and pasturing on Dave Shephard’s farm walked into the path of the car breaking the wind­ shield and smashing the body, The car then ran into the ditch. Mr. White escaped with a few minor cuts aftd bruises, while his companion Earl Rowe 'escaped iiijury. Officer Shipley, of Strathroy was summon­ ed to the scene immediately. friends here. Mrs. John Regier, visited Detroit last week. Mrs. T. Denomme and Detroit, visited friends Morrissey and Mrs. T. Catholic women’s Stratford this of Ottawa, is at her home on Monday Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Ilartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week at office over the Post Office, in rich, last three days of week. Special Anniversary Services ... be held in the Evangelical Church on Sunday. October 10th, Rev. H. A, Kellerman, of Waterloo will be the guest speaker at both sei vices. The local choir will be assisted by Miss Ruth Humble, contralto solo­ist, of Sainia.On Wednesday evening October 13th a hot Roast Pork Dinner will be served under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. Following the dinnei' a miscellaneous program will be given. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodman, and family, of Oxbow, Sask., called on fiiends here this week. It is thirty years since George left here for the West.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartleib and Mr. and M-rs. Pevler, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and iLavada.Mr. L. Taylor, of London, is vis­iting with' his brother Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor.Dashwood Planing Mill has had a new machine installed in their plant and are now in a position to do all kinds of moulding, etc.Wedding Bells are ringing this week. Notice to Cream Patrons and Zu- will I | Bl No cream will be taken on Saturday nights after September. The Wednesday half-holidays will be discontinued after September. Cream deliveries will be received every week day and highest market prices paid. Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA FARMERS WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Call us for prompt service. Our Men will Shoot Old and Disabled Animals ATTENTION ONTARIO TALLOW CO. EXETER, TELEPHONE COLLECT—EXETER 235 ONTARIO. ................— .. ........ ...................... ■ CROMARTY Miss Mary Currie returned home on Tuesday after visiting a few weeks with friends in Toronto and Avonbank.The school re-opened this week after being closed on account of the epidemic that has been prevalent in some parts. The Sunday School was also closed and re-opened last Sunday, Mrs. Robinson returned home last week after a lengthy visit with friends at Chatham and other points.Mr. Hugh Morris of the village moved to Chiselhurst where he will make his home in the future.Mr .and Mrs. Ben Williams, of Elimville, spent last Sunday the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Scott.Mrs. Hohl, of Ontario, Calif., nee Miss Wren, was the guest of Mrs. S. A. Miller one day last week.Mrs. Colwell who spent the holi­days with her family at Exeter and Listowel returned to the village looking much better aftei- her visit.• Miss Lila McCulloch spent the holiday with her aunt in Logan and resumed her duties at the Winchel- sea school on Monday of last week.Mr. Joseph Speare who has been on the sick list is able to be around again.Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. S. A. Miller over the week-end.Mrs. Colin 7' 7 _ few days at her home in the last week. McDougall spent a1___ /-J village GREENWAY Rally Day will be observed Sunday School next Sunday the public worship hour. Rev. J. B. Moore is expected to be back from his trip to Palestine after a week’s absence. Plan to attend encourage the Sunday School their splendid work and also welcome Rev. Mr. Moore back. Immediate future activities in United Church are indefinite on count of the paralysis epidemic still prevalent in the community. Mr. Willis Stewardson was re­ moved to Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don on Saturday, suffering from infantile paralysis. Mrs. Minnie Young, of Moray, and her sister Mrs. Will Dellow, Of Torontq, visited their uncle Mr. H. Curts one evening last week. Master Cleve Brophey had misfortune to fall and break collar bone one day last week but is progressing favorably. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand ac­ companied Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Goodhand, of Detroit, on a through Northern Michigan the week-end. The W, M. S. are holding a cent tea at the home of Mr. and Frank Steeper on Thursday ing of this Week. W'lialeyi HAMCO 4^4 mete fw/it mvneq HAMILTON By-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON. CANADA H. T. ROWE, IL G. SELDON H saving Coke. Lasts so by the during trip over ten Mrs. even- AGENTS WANTED Best possible, proposition to active men with ahead, Line of ties. Reserved Terms. No risk, ine chances for deuce, sure living, tied dealers now. WRITE IMMEDIATELY FCI FORMATION: FAMILEX CO, St. Clement St., Montreal. offer forgeambition to 200( daily necessi- territories. Cash Plenty of genu­ success, indepen- Over 700 satis- WHY NOT YOU? FOR IN- • 570 No fumes worry you when you heat with HAMCO. You’ll be delighted with this safer, cleaner, money- long—easy to regulate. And so light on the shovel, it’s a pleasure to handle. Leaves much less ash than other hard fuels. Try a ton of HAMCO, the dustless, smokeless, wasteless Coke. Order from your local HAMCO d e a 1 e r — he deserves your fuel business, Sold By— JAS. I*. BOWEY, INSIST ON HAMCO CANADA'S FINEST COKE