HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-23, Page 71.THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1037THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE *** ♦*** * TAYLOR—CVDMORE and extry Rivers, * in Northern Ontario and af- * * to-is * * • • get the farm work done at A reception was held at the of the bride’s parents. The One a profit. * * * * * in his work. ....I’..... . '"J I... ...... We are a frightened people! ** * * * The election soon will"be over, * * * * The fall wheat is doing finely. * * * * * * * * without the children. ♦ * for the stock lambs. * * > IT’S NO RIDDLE It seems a riddle that most aciei- dents occur when the driver is. go­ ing straight ahead. It ysn't any rid­ dle at all. Can you solve it? Here’s a clue; That’s the only time when the driver can really “step on the gas.” Last year, its 628 accidents in which people were killed, 521 cars were “going straight ’ and so were 8,092 of the cars involved in 10,- 438 non-fatal accidents. HIGHWAY DEATHS CAN BE ELIMINATED if drivers Will mix,brains, as well as air, with their gasoline.SCARFE’S FLAT WALL / W EIIIICUrlnlon SURFACE SATISFACTION H. S. Walter, Exeter SO YEARS AGO Sept. 29, 1887 Mr,. and Mrs. I. Bowerman, who liave been on an extended trip thro’ Manitoba and Dakota returned home last week. Mr. E. H. Fish and wife, who have been attending the funeral of the late W. G. Pennington, at Ingersoll, returned home yesterday. The >barn belonging to Mr. George Blatchford, ofl Exeter North, was entirely consumed by fire on Satur­ day together with the 'crop and some implements amounting to the sum of $950, Mr. Samuel Gidley, our worthy bandmaster, while, passing through his orchard the other evening notic­ ed a coon running along the ground. It was finally captured alive after being treed and has been presented to Mr. Samuel C. Carer, Rochester, N. Y. ■On Saturday last Mr. Ira Spicer raised and carried five rods into a home sixteen bushel of potatoes in the short space of two hours and 20 minutes. This is considered good ■work. * The two “buildings used tor some years as fire engine houses in north and south Exeter, were sold by auc­ tion yesterday. The’North-end build­ ing' was sold to Mr. Jas. Creech for $30 and the south end to Mr. Wm. Drew for $5 6. Mr. Alt. Walters, a well known ex-member of the fire-department in this city bu.t who has .been living in Kansas iCity for the past two years, visited the Central Fire Station yes­ terday. He will-reside in Exeter in futuer.—London. Paper. Mr. Thomas Bissett Sr., .was award-, ed 2nd prize- for" Tils carriage team ■at the Western Fair last week. There were 650 tickets issued at the Exeter station during last week to persons attending the London Exhibition., Mr. James Pickard toas sold his property near the market to Mr. Wood foi’ a fair figure. 25 YEARS AGO Sept. 26, 1912 Mrs. Harris, who has been resid­ ing on Huron street for some years, disposed of her dwelling last week to Mr. Louis Hern and’ intends leav­ ing town. e Rev. Dr. Peter Strang, an Exeter Old Boy, superintendent of Saskat­ chewan missions, preached in the Caven Presbyterian church on Sun­ day morning last. * A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, CONVENIENT, MODERN 100 ROOM HOTEI__85 WITH BATH - WRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF—25o PICOBAC PIPE ■■■■ BHHL TOBACCO JUBfl FOR A MILD, COOL SMOKE t?. * Once the harvest is in we may look for fall days. How dull the church services * * * * The shearing time came once 0 • • • e Mr, Samuel Rowe and family have arrived home from the West where they have been for some time. Mr. Mack Vincent, who has been residing at Crosshill for some tme, returned to town Friday.., Mr. Loney Heywood leaves for- Victoria College, Toronto, on Satur­ day, to resume his divinity studies. . Mrs. John Spackman was called to Talbotville last week on account of the illness of. her sister-in-law M-rs. Smith, Mr. I. R... Bissett left Monday to • accept a position in the dress de­ partment of the wholesale firm of W. R. Brock & Co., Toronto. Miss Bessie Hartnoil, who has .been living in London is visiting her friends here this week. She intends .to reside in Toronto in future. Mr. Franklin Delbridge, ofi Clares- holm, Alberta, was here attending the funeral of his mother this week. Reeve Heaman and Councillors ■Scott and Rivers were in Goderich Tuesday attending- the meeting held for the discussion of Hydro Electric for the municipalities of the County of Huron. The rate is said for Ex­ eter would -be $<34.09 per horsepower Mr. and Mrs. D. W.' Hackney after a pleasant visit with relatives here,* left Honday to spend a few days, in Detroit before returning to. their home in Regina. 15 YEARS AGO Sept. 28, 1923 A few friends of Mrs. Bert Knight gave her a surprise when they ar­ rived at her home and presented her with a beautiful white ivory comb and brush and mirror, prior to the departure of she and .she mother,. Mrs. Wm. Drew for Los Angeles, Cai. Mr. A. J. Luxton, of Montreal, at­ tended the funeral of his' father, the late Fred Luxton, on Tuesday. Mr. M.' R. Complin, the new manager, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, with his wife and family, of four children are expected here this week. Mi. C. F. Hooper will open his new store on Main street on Octo­ ber 5th where he will carry on the new laid egg business. Mrs. Wm. E. McLaren, of Hibbert' fet with an unfortunate accident on Tuesday when she was thrown from a buggy and had her collar-bone fractured. Shepherd-Prest One of the pretty autumn wed­ dings was that of Agnes Marjorie Prest, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Prest, of McGillivray Town­ ship Elmer Elsworth -Shepherd, also of, McGillivray^ son of Mrs. M. Slieffler and the late Edward Shep­ herd, of Detroit. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. J. 'Glad­ man, of Croditcn,. at the home of the bride’s parents. Arnold Kilmer, of Clandeboye, .played the bridal mus­ ic. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was becom- ly gowned in floor-length pink net over pink taffeta and wore silver slippers. She wore a graceful white picture hat and carried a bouquet of pink and white gladioli. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was se'rved by four friends of the bride to about 3^ guests. The decor­ ations were carried out in pink and white. After the reception the young couple left on a motor trip to Detroit. For traveling the bride wore a burnt orange coat with brown accessories. On their return they will reside in Greenway. And Why Not The lady -of the house tip-toed to the drawing-room door and peep- ed in. There she saw her husband kissing and making love to the new maid. “Thank-goodness. “At last we’ve got a maid who might stay a while.” Pains in Pit of Stomach Half Hour After Eating Mrs. O. L, Fairweather, Young’s Cove, N.B., Writes:—For many long months I had been suffering from pains in the pit of my stomach,. About half an hour after eating the pains would start, and despite the many things I took I could, obtain no relief, <fA friend adyisdd B.B.B., and after I’ had. taken one bottle the pains had com­ pletely disappeared. ’ ’ A product of The T, Milburn. Oo., Ltd., Toronto. Ont, 4 Bitters \ •* • were * * more * • How has your second croii of garden sass come on? * * * * * * * * Well, we’re glad we did not sell that little old stove, * * * * , * * * Hurrah foi’ the man who finds his 'fun Glad madam didn’t sell those flanpens ♦ •»**** The young cockerels look suspiciously on truck drivers as they the farm yard. * *■ * * of the farmer’s problems A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized' in fit. Paul’s Anglican Church', Clinton, when Rector Rev. Kenneth McGowan officiated at the marriage of Margaret Mary, only daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cud- more-, Clinton to Harvey Henry Tay­ lor, youngest son of Mrs. Henry Taylor, Hullett Township, and the late Henry Taylor. The bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Innes, Toronto; John Kellar, of Constance, was best man. home young couple will spend their honey-j moon in Northern Ontario and af-) terward will reside on the groom’s farm, Hullett Township. r , w3. : .r * Yesterdays’s laurel wreaths are of little account today. Cud- ding on past achievements is so much lost time. “What goes up must come down” is a very good philosophy for man whose eyes are in the back of his head, and whose brain gone into reverse. * * ****** Let us do our best to senu out west vegetables and fruit. We -scared to say how many will have none of these things if we don’t help a -bit. Then let’s fill up"those bales of clothing with lots of stuff to keep our brothers warm. • The long sub-Arctic> winter nights are -creeping on them. We’ve done this sort of thing before. Let’s show them that practice makes perfect. the has are * We are hearing that the 'Chinese. are retreating to other lines of defence where they will take a determined stand. We have heard something, like that before. Meanwhile those who should be standing with them a.re busy sending ‘the aggressor nation notes, some o>f them very stern. We have heard of a certain president who was going to hold an aggressor nation to “strict -accountability.’ No. results came till action was substituted for words. We met a man who told that he is feeling much better than he felt a couple of weeks ago. “You see,” he explained, “I’m get­ ting over my holidays. I had a rare old time -of it, but it is good to get back to some .real regular work that "has no froth and no frills. There is a whole lot of .real fun in trying to give one’s community satisactory service. It is a great satisfaction in so buying and selling that while I make a profit I give the customer the highest possible value. very thing.” , Good morning. I’m off to do that 9 ♦* * 9 PROBLEMA And still another of the overhead. His mower and his grain binder a-nd -has rakes and his corn .binder and in some cases his -silo filler and his threshing machine are standing by doing little beside becoming obsolete. In a very little while plows and harrows and discs and cultivators and tine horses themselves and occasionally, a tractor, will join this company of the .unprofitable but the interest-eating. The farmers have problems, but they “get on just the same. * * * farmer’s problems is to keep down * *#. > * “LET’S GET AN INSPIRATION” Just a few years ago a pear producer who was doing well in his line concluded that he must make a greater success of his or­ charding. So away he went to a 'big fruit grower’s gathering to “get an inspiration.” He heard an outstanding grower telling what he did with his trees and immediately applied what he had learned in his own orchard. Result? His orchard was practically put out of business. Many other souls in other walks of life«have had very much the-same experience. The,man who cannot run his own ’ ............. ' . . - . day, affairs, well, we know what is likely to overtake him one fine particularly if he falls into the inspiration „ .******** habit. ’ INFANTILE PARALYSIS This disease is causing a deal ...of anxiety, given ..special attention to it confess themselves it is well to heed the following suggestions; Fear enemy. Most people have had very mild attacks of this disease that have developed in their systems anti bodies that destroy the infantile virus that now enters their .systems. Children are not likely to have developed these anti bodies and so are liable to at­ tack. However, should an adult not have developed these anti bodies and be exposed to considerable virus, he is as liable to be­ come a victim of the disease as is a child, for Infantile Paralysis is no reSpector of age or sex. Should one be attacked, he should keep- still. The affected part should,-be kept particularly still, in a cast if the doctor so orders. Further, experience proves that if due precautions are taken the paralysis is likely to yield to treatment. So don’t get scared. Do as your doctor tells you. Well folk should avoid all droplets and spray from the mouth and noses of other people. Coughers and sneezers -should cover their mouths and noses with an ample handkerchief. Keep in good health and spirits by eating good food, getting plenty of rest, and doing a fair day’s work or play. But don’t confuse an upset tummy due to too much peaches and pears and poor candy with this Infantile Paralysis germ, that has a way of passing through the finest filters and that does not show up under high-power microscopes. Better to stoy at hame at one’s daily job, for the most part at least. ****** SPADE WORK the end of the Season and vegetables and of Doctors whio have baffled. However, is our worst ** We are about at transplanting flowers ■corn and pumpkins ahd such. But winter has not come, fine long Autumn seems to be ahead of us, the season when the gar­ dener and the farmer and the fruit grower do their spade work. .Spade work! We are apt to turn up our noses when we speak of spade work and to say, loftily, “The day for that sort of thing is past. We plow our gardens. We turn the tractor loose on our fields. We do things in a big way.” Those of us who are inclined to envy our friends who do things “in a big way” may find some consolation in an 'article published recently by iSelfridge & Do,, of London, England, under the h>eading"“Spade Work”. Selfridge's our readers will remember, is one of the biggest retail firms in « the world. Yet they talk about “Spade Work”. When a firm of such « Wealth and usefulness and extent talks in this way, what about ouf selves? People are eager, as a rule, to rush about and to get their fingers into a great many pies. They shave or marcel by electric power. They rest by a split second watch. They deal out civility in homeopathic doses. They -rush into church as if pursued- by the furies. Ain arranged for red light shuts off their prayers. Courtesy is practiced by apothecary weight. But at the end of the year a microscope is required to discover their profits o,r the advance they have made in any way except in their facility in laying waste their powers. Thy have done little or no spade work. The hard, un­ adorned. labour without which there is no self-respect and no peace and no progress are possibly, simply has not been done. The pa­ tient, sagacious beaver has not been considered. The example of that busy, wiggling, hairy creature that we see this time of the year . hustling along paths and sidewalks but arriving nowhere has been taken as the exemplar, We may well pray “'Forgive ou,r feverish Ways.” of cutting flowers, of harvesting grain and Indeed a DR. W. J. M. ARMSTRONG SUCCUMBS AT MITCHELL AFTER LONG SICKNESS Dr. William John Malcolm Arm­ strong died at his home in his 8'0th year, after a lengthy illness. Death was due to a heart ailment, Prev- vious to his illness, he served as coroner and as M. O. H.. He prac­ tised for nine years in Fullarton village before going to Mitchell. Dr. Armstrong was active in many lines He was a member of the • high school board for 39 years, an. elder in Knox Presbyterian Church, a member of Elliott Chapter, R. A. M. and a past master of Tu-(ior Masonic Lodge, a member of the I. O. O. F. and the Forresters. Surviving are his wife, a daughter; three brothers James V. S., of Gorrie; Andrew, of Seaforth; Archibald, of Bayfield; and five sisters. . . . YES deax, HAMCO certainly banishes the dust bogey . ,, so clean and lasts so long! From now on it’s only HAMCO Coke for us." You too will find HAMCO the ideal fuel — dustless, smoke­ less, longer-lasting. And easy to regulate — HAMCO delivers just the measure of warmth you want, regardless of the weather. Besides, it’s a pleasure to use—so light, so clean and leaves far less ash. Or^er from your local HAMCO dealer—he deserves your fuel business. Sold By-- JAS. P. BOAVEY, HAMCO 1u ICOKE i HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA R. G. SELDON*H. T. ROWE, INSIST ON HAMCO-CANADA ’S FINEST COKE The schoolmistress had just re­ ceived her pay, and little Johnny looked keenly to see what was in the envelope as she opened it. After a while he asked: “Is that your salary, Miss?” “It is, Johnny.” “But, teacher, where work?” “The 'Other day my wife gave me a sermon about coming in late and. it’s kept me awake the last two nights.” “Because,-it was so impressive?” “No, because she hasn’t finished it yet.” G. W. Lawson, TALKS have had come tmentpep ar bis «1 cer' nds Long about 1L Distance. T’ll calldema tooMary Long able bursting WATSON «FAMILY BUD Watson With the news came home The big break at last was now a big increase hcanW father .a Muriel, beginLow Night Rates every evening at seven, and apply all day Sunday! tainly bile £ news family Th. .»«•> j4reyou that Long indispens Distant