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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-23, Page 6
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, X087 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Inside Exhibits at the Fair Manufacturers and implements * Blankets, all wool, southeott Bros Jones & May; woolen yarn, S?uth- cott Bros., Jones & May; tailor cus tom suit, W- W. Taman, southeott Bros.; collection of Genetai Goods, Jones & May, Southeott Bros,; best collection tailor’s goods and furnish ings, W, W. Taman, Southeott Bros; collection of groceries, Southeott Bros.; collection of boots and shoes, Jones & May, southeott Bros.; as sortment of tweeds, W. W. Taman: ladies’ boots, Southeott Bros. & May; gents’ boots, Jones & Southeott Bios. Jones May; Fine Arts ami Crafts Oil Paintings—Scene, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingston; Fruit or Veg etables (grouped), Miss Livingstone; Flowers (from nature), Miss Liv ingston, Ken Wood; Animals, Mrs. Dole, Miss Livingston; Marine View, Ken Wood, Miss Livingston; Port rait, Miss White, Miss Livingston. Water Colors—Landscape, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingston; Seascape, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingston; Fruit or Flowers, Ken Wood, Miss Living stone; Original Study (grouped), Wm. Penhale, Miss Livingstone; Portrait, Mrs. Dore, Ken Wood; Any subjects not listed above. Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingston. Miscellaneous—Pastel, any sub ject, Ken. Wood, John Dalrymple; Charcoal, scene or study, Mrs. Dore, Miss Livingston; Pen and Ink Sketch Wm. Penhale, Mrs. E. Parsons; | Pencil Drawing, scene, Ken Wood,' Miss Livingstone; Sepia scene, John Dalrymple, Miss Livingstone; Cray-J on study, Miss Livingstone, Ken Wood. Art Crafts—sealing wax Exhibit, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. H. Fuss; Wicker work, Mrs. D. Warwick, Mrs. J. Jaques; Painting on glass or wood, Mrs. H. Fuss, Mrs. D. S. Hackney; Stencil design, on any mat erial, John Dalrymple, Miss Living stone; An New Craft, Mrs. E. Par sons, Capt. Bedford; Wood Carving, Capt. Bedford. Photographs—Collection of Ama teur snaps, Mrs. Dore, Miss White; Display of photopraphic views, Miss White. Judge—Miss Adelle Hunter N. J. Flowers Foliage, 3 varieties, Mrs. E. Law- son; Novelty in Potted plants, Mrs. P: Haberer, W. H. Dearing. Cut Floxvers Snapdragons, Mrs. E. Heywood, W. H. Dearing; Asteis, collecticn, W. H. Dearing; Asters, white, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. P. Haberer; Asters,' mauve, Mrs. Haberer, W. H. Dear ing; Asters, purple, W. H. Dearing, Rofot. Sanders; Asters, .Pink, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Haberer; Asters, Os trich plume, collection, Mrs. Haber er, W. H. Dearing; Coxcombs, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. E. Parsonsjx. Coxcomb, feathered, W. H. Dearing; Cosmos, single and double, W. H. Dearing; Dahlias, decorative variety, Mrs. Haberer, Gibos Yelland; Dahlias, cactus variety, Mrs. Haberer, Gibbs Yelland; Dahlies, 1 ____ _ G. Yelland; Dianthus or Pinks, Mrs. Heywood, W- H. Dearing; Gladiolus, best 1 named variety, Robt. Sanders, Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus, best 6 spikes, Mrs. Heywood; Gladiolus, best collection, Mrs. Heywcod; im- patiens or Balsams,^W. H. Dearing; Marigolds, African,”’ Mrs. Heywood, W. H. Dearing; Marigold, French, W. Dearing; Phlox. Drummondi, Mrs E> Parsons, W. H. Dearing; Phlox, Perrenial, W. H. Dearing; Petunia, Sigle, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. E. Pym; Petunias, double, W. H. Dearing; 'Pansies, Mis. 'Glenn Mac-Lean, W. PI. Dearing; Roses, ccllection, Mrs. Haberer, Mrs. Heywood; Roses, single, Robt. Sanders, Mrs. Beavers; Salvia, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. G. Mac- Lean; Stocks, Mrs. Heywood; Sweet Peas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Beavers. Verbenas, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Mc Lean; Zinnias, crested or curled, W. H. Dearing second; Zinnias, dahlia . flowered, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. E. Pym; Zinnias, Mrs. Heywood, Mrs. E. Parsons; collection of annuals, "W. H. Dearing; collection of peren nials, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. Heywood Bride’s Bouquet, W. H. Dearing, Bas ket cut flowers, Mrs. Geo. Jaques, Mrs. Heywood: Hand Bouquet, Mrs. Haberer; Novelty in cut flowers, W. H. Dearing. Judge—J. J. Brown, Lucan 4 A Grain and goecls Fall Wheat, white, W. R. Dougall, Hilton Truemner; Fall "Wheat, red, Milne Rader, H. A. Fuss; Any var iety Spring Wheat, Milne Rader, -H- Truemner; 6-Rowed Barley, Herb Desjardine, Jacob Battler; White Oats, w. R. Dougall, H. Desjardine; Timothy Seed, H< Truemner, Mrs. O. Cunningham; "White Beans, M. Rad er, J. Battler; Clover Seed, W. R< Dougall, Mrs, Cunningham; Ensilage Corn, Harold Cudmore; Large Peas, Ken Wood, Mrs. Cunningham; small Peas, Milne Rader, Ken Wood. Judges—H. J. Hunter, Rd. Coates '‘Apples Six varieties winter apples, Mrs. O. Dailey, Laithwaite varieties Fall Apples, Laithwaite & Son; Fall Apples, any variety, Mrs. & Son; Four E. Pym, Laithwaite & Son; Rhode island Greenings, H. Truemner, Mrs. Dailey; Northern Spies, H. Cudmore, Laithwaite & Son; Golden Russets, H. Cudmore, Laithwaite & Son; Spitzhu & Son; Mrs. Dailey Further Son; Snow Laithwaite Laithwaite & Son, Mrs. Dailey verts, Mrs. Dailey; Fall pippins, Mrs. Dailey; King of Tompkins, J. Battl er, Mis. Dailey; Alexanders, Dailey, Mrs. C. Sims; Canadian J. Battler, Laithwaite & Son; stone Pippine, Mis. Dailey, H. more; Wagners, Mrs. Dailey, H. more; Grimes G. Pippins, H. Truem ner, Mis. Dailey; Maiden’s Blush, Mrs. Dailey; Ben Davis, H. Cudmore Mrs. Dailey; Ontario, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs. Dailey; Wealthy, Mrs. Dai ley W- R- Dougall; Duchess of Old enburg, Laithwaite & Son, Mrs. Dai ley; Blenheim Pippins, »Laithwaite & Son; Cranburg, Mrs, Dailey; Tal- man Swee, Mrs. Dailey, H. Truem ner; St. Lawrence, Mrs. Dailey. Cudmore, gs, H. Cudmore, Laithwaite Baldwins, Laithwaite & Son, West field Mrs. Dailey Apples, & (Son; Seek-No- Laithwaite & M.ia. Dailey, Gravepsteins, Ccl- Mrs. Red, Rib- Cud- Cud- Pears Winter pears, Mrs. Dailey, Laith waite & Son; Fall Pears, Mrs. Dailey Laithwaite & Son; Flemish Beauty, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son: Duchess of Anjouline, Laithwaite & Son; Clapps’ Favorite, J, Battler, Laithwaite & Son; Beur’s Clairgeau, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Vic ar of Wakefield, Mrs. Dailey, Laith waite & Son; Fall Lucrative, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; Sheldon, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son; East Beurre, Laithwaite & Son; Louise Bonnie De Jersey, Mrs. Dailey; But- eau Anjou, J. Battler, Mrs. Dailey; Bartlett, Mrs. Dailey, Laithwaite & Son. pounds butter,* sufficiently salted, Mis. Cunningham, Wm. Veal; Pound Rolls or Prints, Mrs. Cunningham, Wm. Veal; Most neatly arranged plate of butter for table use, Mrs. Desjardine, Mrs . Sims; Creamery Butter, 50 pounds, Wm. Veal, Vegetables American Wonder potatoes, M. Rad er; Red Elephant potatoes, J, Battl er; Carmen No. 1, M. Rader; Irish Cobbleis, J. Battler, M, Rader; Green Mountain, J. Battler, M. Rader; Dooleys, J. Battler, M. Raa- er; any other variety of potatoes, R. Rader; tatoes, M. Beets, J. Truemner, R. Sanders ders; Early Horn Carrots, Parsons, R. Sanders. Sanders, Mrs. E. Parsons; Long Or ange o.r Red Cai rots, R. Sanders, Mrs. E. Pym; White or Yellow Field Carrots, R. Sanders; Sweet Corn, white Canadian Canners, R. Sanders Wilfred Doupe; Indian Com, J. Battler, Mrs. Beavers; Bantam Corn, Clark Fisher, R. Sanders; Water Melons, H, Truemner, Mrs. E. Par sons; Pumpkins, H. Truemner, Ma’s. F. Stewart; Squash, J. Battler, H. Truemner; Musk Melons, Mrs. Fred Stewait, H. Truemner; Sweed Tur nips, C. Fisher; 5 Turnips, any other varieties, Mrs. C. Sims; White jj Yellow Onions, J. Battler, W. H- Dearing; Spanish Onions, M.rs. E. Heywood, Mrs. H. Desjardine; Cit rons, round, R. Sanders; Citrons, long, H. Truemner; parsnips, R. Sanders, J. Battler; Hubbard Squash Mrs. W. Abbott, R. .Sanders; Table Squash, R. Sanders, H. Truemner; Fall Cabbage, Mrs. E. parsons; Best Collection vegetables, N. Hockey special, R. Sap-ders. LADIES’ WORK three new varieties ,po- Rader, J. Battler; Blood Grieve; Globe Beets, H. R. Sanders; Sugar Beets, ; Long Mangolds, R. San- Mrs. E. Nantes, R. SCHOOL CHILDREN • Vegetables Breen Ajovntain ‘ potatoes, „ H. Truemner, H. Desjardine; Irish, Cob bler .potatoes, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. parsons; Eureka potatoes, H. Desjardine; Golden Bantam Corn, H. Desjardine, Clark Fishel’; Ears of any other variety table corn, Mrs. W- Doupe, John Grieve; Blood Beets, short, Mrs. Doupe, H. Desjardine; Any other variety of Carrots, Mrs. Cunningham, J, Grieve; Yellow On ions, J. Grieve, H. Desjardine; Dutch Sets, H. A. Fuss, M. Rader; Sweed Turnips, H. Truemner; Parsnips? Mrs. W. Doupe; Bunches of Celery, John Grieve; Tomatoes, Mrs. E. Pym, H. Desjardine; cabbage, H.' Desjardine, J. Grieve; ipods of table Fuss; Mrs. O, Truem- Lay Awake In Agony With Neuritis YOUR OLD FAVORITE! Plums Jefferson, Laithwaite & Son; Im perial Gage, H. Truemner, Laith waite & Son; Dundas Purple, Laith waite & Son; Lombards, Miss White, Laithwaite & .Son; any variety of Plums, Mrs. Haberer, Mrs. Dailey; Pond’s Seedling, Mrs. Dailey; Grand Dukes, Mrs. Son; Glass Seedling, Mrs. Bradshaw', Laithwaite & Son; Mrs. Dailey, H. Cudmore. Dailey, Laithwaite & Dailey; Rein Grapes Early, Mas. Dailey; Dailey; Concord, Grieve; Roger’s ■ No. Niag- Mrs. 15, Moore’s aia, Mrs. Dailey, J. Agawan, Mrs. Dailey; Roger’s No. 4, Wilder, J. Grieve; Roger’s No. 9, Lindley, Mrs. Dailey; Welden, Mrs. •Dailey; Any other variety, J. Cottle; 'Mis. Dailey; Collection of Grapes, 'Mrs. Daile, H. -Cudmore. I PEACHES Late Crawford, H. Truemner, Mrs. Heywood; any variety, H. =>. nau«cl, uiuus Truemner, H. Desjardine; Mr. H. S. Pcmpom variety, waiter> ^est display of fruit, H. Cud more. Judge—J. J. Brown, Lucan Domestic Honey extracted, Mrs. E. Pym; Maple Syrup, J. Battler, M. Rader; Homemade Bread, white, Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. W. Doupe; Homemade Bread,” brown, Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. W. Doupe; Homemade Rolls, Mrs. W. H. Dearing,, Mrs. G. McLean; Tea biscuits, Mrs. O. Cunningham, Wm. Veal; Tarts, Maple, M.rs. W. Doupe, W. Veal; plate of cookies, Garnet Jacobi, W. Veal; Angel Cake, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. W. H. Dear ing; -Light Cake, Mrs. Wm.^Doupe,. Mrs. Cunningham; Dark Cake, Mrs. W. H. Dearing, Mrs. H. Desjardine; Apple pie, Wm. veal, Mrs. G. Jaques Pumpkin Pie, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. W. Doupe; Lemon Pie, Mrs. E< Law- son, Mrs. G. Jaques; Red Currant Jelly, Apple Jelly, and Berry Jelly, ] Mrs. J. Tack, Mrs. H. Desjardine;’ Sour Pickles, Mrs. O. Cunningham, Jacob Battler; Sweet Pickles, Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs. Cunningham; Cat sup, J. Battler, Mrs. W- Doupe; Can ned Cherries, Raspberries and Straw berries, Mrs. H. Desjardine, Mrs. W. H. Dearing; Canned pears, Plums Peaches, M.rs. Cunningham, Mrs. H. Desjardine; Canned Apples and Grapes, Mrs. Dearing, Mrs. cunning ham; Canned Corn, Peas and To matoes, Mrs. .Dearing, Mrs, Des- iardine; Two varieties Vegetable Marmalade, Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Dear ing; Canned chicken, Mrs. Desjar dine, Mrs. Cunningham; Assortment of Cured Meats, Mrs. H. Fuse; Veg etable Salad, fancy, Mrs. Cunning ham; Dessert Dish other than pastry, Mrs. ‘Cunningham; Dark Fruit Cake, Mrs.Tack, Mrs. Cunningham. Judge—Mrs. Wm. Consitt Dairy products 5 pounds butter, Mrs. Cunningham Wm. Veal: Dairy Butter, R. N. Rowe special, Mrs. Cunningham; tenHOR’MCULTURAL PRODUCTS Is Good Children Mr.s. I. Taylor, R.R. No. 2., Brussels, Ont, writes:—1 “I have had considerable experience with Dr. Bowler’s Ext, of Wild Strawberry. “t have used it all my life for teething children, and it is certainly a good medicine, and wo never fail to keep it in the house for diarrhcea and summer complaint. We have also used it for animals in larger doses with good results,’1 On the market for over 90 years. A product of The T, Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Domestic Floor Mat, braided, Mrs. Dearing, G Jacobi; Floor Mat, hooked, Mrs. G. Jaques, G. Jacobi; Bath Mat, Mrr. D. S. Hackney, Mrs. D. Warwick Mer’s Work Shirt, Mrs. Warwick, Vio’a Jaques; Men’s Hand Knitted Socks, Mrs. Tack, Mrs. E. Lawson; Men’s Hand Knitted Mitts, Viola Jaques, Miss L’vingstone; Bed Spread silk, modern, Mrs. Fuss, M. Rader; Comforter, homemade, Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs. D. Warwick; Quilt, hand quilting on plain color, Mrs. Warwick, M. Rader; Quilt, pieced cotton, new design, Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. D. S. Hackney; Quilt, Applique, Miss Livingstone; L. Pfile, Mrs. house dress, Mrs. Lawson; Mrs. Warwick, Work Alpron, Mrs. Warwick; Working Miss Livingstone, Men’s Pyjamas, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Lawson. beans, H. Desjardine, H. A. dry white beans, H- A- Fuss, Cunningham; mangolds, H. ner, Mrs. O. Cunningham. Judges—>H. J. Hunter, Rd, Coates Cut Flowers Asters, Mrs. E. Parsons, Mrs. B. Heywood; Sweet peas, Mrs. E. Par sons; Nasturtiums, Mrs. E. parsons, Mary Fletcher; pansies, John Grieve Mrs. Parsons; Geranium in pot, Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs-. W> Doupe; Balsams, Mrs, Heywood; Gladioli, Mrs. Hey wood; Collection of Weeds, named, Mrs. W. Doupe; Collection of Leaves Mrs. Doupe; best writing, Shirley Appleton, Mrs. parsons; drawing of Province of Ontario, over Kb years, Mrs. W. Doupe. , Grains ’ \yinter Wheat, Mrs. W. Doupe; Oats,, Mrs. W." Doupe; Barley, Mrs. W. Doupe. Domestic Science Home-made bread, Mrs. W. Doupe, Mrs. O. Cunningham; school lunch, Mrs. Cunningham, H. A. Fuss; Jar of plums, Mrs, Cunningham; jar of raspberries, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. E. Pym; jar of strawberries, Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Doupe; apple pie, Wm. Veal, Mrs. Doupe; fancy tea apron, Mrs. E. Parsons; dressed doll, Mrs. Doupe, H. A. Fuss; doll’s clothes Mrs. E. Pym,,H. A. Fuss; pair^nnd worked towels. Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Parsons; soft pillow, mounted, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Jaques; fancy apron, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Doupe; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. Doupe, Mrs. parsons; crochet work, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Jaques; plain hand-sewing, Mrs. Ja ques; button holes, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Doupe; laundry bag, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Doupe; paintinng, any oibject, Mrs. Parsons, Mary Fletcher; pillow cases, Mrs. Jaques; patching, Jaques, Mrs. Doupe. Krpschen Salts Brought Lasting Relief ■Ordinary headaches are bad enough, ibut they are as nothing compared to the awful pains of neu ritis in the head, says this woman, Read how Kruschen completely banished the pain; “I had neuritis in the head and right arm« ’ I suffered untold agony with my head, and I dare not think what might have happened had it ■continued, Everybody Jmows what a headache is like, but it is as noth ing compared with the awful pain of neuritis in the head. I spent sleep less nights tossing with pain. I be gan taking Kruschen Balts, and af ter some n$onths of the treatment J have effected lasting relief.”—(Mrs.) L. M. Neuritis, like rheumatism and sciatica, frequently has its roots in intestinal stasis (delay) —- the un suspected accumulation in the sys tem of harmful waste matter, which leads to the formation of excess uric acid. Two of the ingredients of Kius- chen Salts have the power of dissolv ing uric acid crystals. Other in gredients of Kruschen assist n'ature to expel these dissolved crystals throu'gh the natural channels. MRS. HENRY HORNEY, 67, PASSES AT GODERICH Mrs. Henry Horney, 67, Goderich, died at Alexandra Hospital on Thurs day night, She suffered a paralytic stroke a month ago, the second this year. Born near Clifford, she was formerly Margaret Jane * Walmsley. She was married there and lived at Blytli and district before going to Goderich 20 years ago. Mr. Horney died in 1933-. There were no children and the sole survivor is a sister, Mrs. Jas. Brooks, of Listowel. The funeral service was conducted at the Free Methodist church on Saturday afternoon with interment in Colbome Cemetery. Mrs. Ladies’ Wear robe, silk, Mrs. E. Darling, Tack; Lingerie, Set, Viola Miss Livingstone; Indoor Night Mrs. J. Jaques, Wrap, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Lawson; Ladies’ Knitted suit or dress, 2 or 3 pieces, Mrs. E. Parsons, Mrs. Tack; Ladies’ Fancy Sweater knitted or Crochet, Mrs. Lawson, John Grieve./ - Children’s Wear Infant’s jackets, Bonnet and Booties, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Darling; In fant’s Carriage Cover, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Tack; Child’s play Dress and Bloomers, Viola Jaques, Mrs. Fuss; Child’s Wool Sweater, for boy, Mrs. C. Bims," Mrs. Lawson; Child’s Knit ted costume, for girl, viola Jaques. Dining Room Buffet Set, Filet Crochet, Mrs. Lawson, Mis. Darling; Tray Cloths, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Darling; Break fast Cloth and 4 Serviettes,”colored, Miss Livingston,' Mrs. Darling; Din ner Napkins, Mrs. Lawson,^Mrs. War wick; Crochet Table Cover, Jaques, Mrs. Darling; Tea Mrs. Tack, Mrs. Warwick. . Bedroom Accessories Pillow Slips, white emb.?. Hay Council \ Mi's. Cloth, Mrs. Sims, Mrs. E. Parsons; Pillow Slips, fancy, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Lawson; Guest Towels, Mrs. Lawson, H. A. Fuss; Sheet and Pillow Slips, mono gramed, Mrs. Warwick and 2nd; Vanity Set, Mrs. Taqk, H. A. Fuss; Boudoir Pillow, Viola Jaques, Mrs. Darling. Needle Work Italian Hemstitching, Mrs. L. pfile Miss- Livingstone; Fine Cut Work, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Lawson; Fancy Crochet, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. H. Fuss; Fancy Knitting, Mrs. Hackney, Miss Livingstone; Tatting, Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. T'ack; New Cross Stitch, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Darling; 2 Specimens of any New Needle Craft, Miss S. Southeott, Miss Livingstone; Specimen Smock ing, Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. Lawson. Miscellaneous Set for Chesterfield in Filet Crochet, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. J. .Jaques; Card Table Cover, Mrs. J. Jaques, Mrs. Lawson; Bridge Set, Mrs. Tack, Miss Livingstone; Sofa Pillow, wool, Mrs. Tack, Mrs. J. Jaques; Sofa Pillow, FanJjy, Mrs. Tack, H. A. Fuss; Afghan, wool, Mrs. Beavers, Mrs. D. S. Hackney; Needle Point, Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. Beavers; Ladies’ Purse, ndt leather, Mrs. Hackney, Mrs. Sims; Ladies’ Fancy Work Bag.1 not oilcloth, Mrs. Warwick, Mrs. H. Fuss; Ankle Socks Viola Jaques, Mrs. Lawson; Weav ing in wool, Mrs, Beavers; Tea Towels, Viola Jaques, Mrs. p. Haber er; plain Pillow Slips, Mrs. L. Pfile, Miss Livingstone; Colored Embroid., wool on canvas, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Warwick; Cross Stitch, Framed, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Warwick. Exhibits Exeter Women’s Institute Pieced quilts, Mrs. Darling, itlrs. Lawson; Woolcraft, 3 pieces, - Miss Livingstone, Mrs, N, J, Dore, elty in braided, hooked or crocheted fug, Mrs. Dore, Mrs. Warwick, Judge—Edith E. ZaVitz The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hay was held- in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, ‘September 7th, the members present. The of the August meeting were as read. After disposing communications the following reso lutions were passed: That J." W. Merner be given a private telephone line to his bouse on the farm south of Zurich upon the condition that he pays’ for labor and material requir ed in providing same. That the fin al assessment on the Black Creek be fixed at 80 per cent, of the orig inal assessment for the year 1937. That the bylaw providing for drain age woirki petitioned for by Charles Aidworth and others a,nd for bor rowing the necessary funds for pay ing for the week be provisionally passed and that a court of revision to consider appeals, if any, be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, day evening, October 11, 8 o’clock in the evening, ■counts covering payments Roads, Hay Telephone Charity and: Relief and General Ac counts be passed as follows: ship- roads: G. Hess, signs, L. S'chillbe & Son, trucking $5.95; Stade & Weido, acct., W. Farrell, road 18, $13.3'0-; F. -C. Kalbfleisch, lumber road 14, $81.- 48; W. J. Elliott, poles, roads 13, 14 $38.50; H. Steinbach, iioad supt. $22.05; W. Coleman, road' 2, $12.30 C. Aldwo-rth, roads 2, 3, $5.82; R. Mill-er, road 9, $111.70'; E. 'Campbell road 1, $10.80; G. Brock, bolts and spikes $13.90; Hay Telephone Sys tem, creosote, $3.50; T’. Dinsmore, road 18, $13.40; G. J. Thiel', Z.P.V., streets $13.39'; R. Adams, road 10,, $8.40; labor on poles road 14, $8.- 15; G. Jeffery road 13, $24.20; U.' A. pfile boad 14, $12.45; J. M. Ziler road 10', $5.77; P. Campbell road •14, $11.70. Hay Telephone Systeih —(Workmen’s Compensation assess ment $12.90; Northern Electric Co., material $1617.29; H.« G. Hess sal ary, etc $.222.92; E. R. Guenther, ■cartage $2.20; Bell Telephone Co., tolls, J'uiie to July $345.51. Charity and Relief-r-E. Hendrick, rent $3,- 50; County of Huron, hospitalization $62.10; W. Hay, allowance $20; P. Mclsaac, burial-indigent $30. o Gen eral accounts, Zurich hydro, lights, town hall, $4.29; C. Siemon, pay list Zurich drain $14.00; H. Koehler, second award S.M.S. $10.^0; E. Cor riveau, ditching St. Joseph $6.95 J F. Schwalm, first award S.M.iS. $(17.50; EL Schwartzenti’lber 3rd award S. M. S. $7.0-0. The council adjourned to meet again on Monday, October 4 at 1.30 with all minutes adopted of the on Mon- 1937, at That ac tor Twp. System, Town- $4.50; •poles, $1.45; o’clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk NOV' Pet the Right Push picking up the pieces a dustpan and a rake They’re With Because he only usee» ills hoiii When he should have used his brake. TUCKERSMITH. LETS DRAIN CONTRACTS Tuckersmith council has awarded the contract for .the construction of the Sinclair drain to E. Prendergast, of .Sebrin,g<ville. The price was, $2,- 689 and work will begin before' Oc tober 1st this year.—<Huron Exposi- tOTv.- HYDRO I 5 T A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited CORN STARCH The same QUALITY The same MAKERS The same GUARANTEE NOW TO BE KNOWN AS TOOLS stolen from garage Rolbbers picked the lock of the front door of Hoggartli’s Garage in Goderich and made off with valuable tools and accessories, So many tools were missing that the garage man was forced to temporarily suspend work. The cash register, which con tained only some loose change, also was tampered with but not opened. GODERICH CANCELS FAIR Owing .to a resolution sent in by the Goderich Board of Health, the Goderich Agricultural Society has cancelled the Fall Fair this year on account of the prevailing epi demic. The- fair was to have opened on Tuesday and through all arrange ments were near completion the members decided not only to cancel the dates, but also they they wo-irld not hold a fail* this year. This was announced by President Hugh Hill. “BEHIND THE 8 BALL” It isn’t the tyro- who causes the majority of deaths and traffic acci dents. It’s the experienced driver who knows what to do with his hands but doesn't use his head. Last year in Ontario, 97.5 per 'cent, of drivers in fatal accidents had operating experience of one year or more, and in non-tfatal accidents the percentage was 9'7.2. , Recklessness put many drivers “behind the 8 ball’’ but reasonable caution and the firm determination that HIGHWAY DEATHS MUST STOP will keep ©very driver (and every pedestrian, toe) in the safety zone. \Packet- of WILSON’S FLY PADS WILL KILL MORE FLIES THAN ^SEVERAL DOLLARS'WORTH/ l\OF ANY OTHER FLY K1 LIER/A Best of all fly killers. Clean, Quick, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug gist, Groper or General. Store. <a lOc WHY PAY MORE * 0 THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON. ONT. YOURS...............U 5 E I T ! ,(O w •K<.W, ^DF YOUR SAFETY a •*jT‘ 7^ y, ■0$ X X ’ • / * d Whether you are at home, or on the street, on trains, street cars or motor, in church or theatre—Hydro plays an essential part in your safety and the pro tection of your property. Police u.nd Fire Department signal systems render immediate service in emer gency. Traffic lights permit control and safety on our streets. Wig-wag systems flash and signal the danger of approaching trains. Better lighted streets make « Crime difficult. In addition to these many guardians of your safety, Hydro goes still farther electrical appliance or device rpust be approved by the H. E. P. C. Testing and Inspection Department before it goes info you* home—every piece of electrical equipment is made aS free of hazard as scientific knowledge and highly-trained technicians can make them. * In addition to being an important factor in your safety, and the protection- of yout property, Hydro is making every effort to extend the benefits of low Cost power throughout the Province’ <5f Ontario. These efforts are made in vour best interests, and their success, will affect your prosperity. You should, therefore, be vitally interested in Hydro and what it is doina tor you. * ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 375A