HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-23, Page 1MTABLISHED 1873 (9 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23rd 1SJ37 Sixty-Third Year ■’Ji We have a complete stock of Fall and Winter underwear, hosiery, sweaters, etc. ladies’, men’s and children’s. BABIES’ COAT SETS—Chinchilla coats in white, pink and blue with hats and leggings to match at very reasonable prices. Dish Towelling Special 4 webs fine All Linen Tea-Towelling new large check designs, 20 inches wide, a real bargain this month at 25c. per yard. ”.......... Ilf............................ Figured Flannelettes at 32c a yd. 20 webs extra heavy figured flannelettes for ladies’ and girls’ night gowns, py­ jamas, etc. A real value for Fall at 32c. per yard. Ladies’ Misses’1 and Girls’ Fall and Winter Coats New Cloths - Reasonable .Prices Girls’ Coats with purses and hats to m’atch in good tailored styles Sweater Special—Men’s heavy all wool coat sweaters, check designs. A real special at $2.95 each. Men’s Made-to-Measure Suits* The new samples for Fall are here. The finest assortment of clothes we have ever shown are included, checks, fancy stripes &c. in all the newest shades. If you are hard to fit in a regular stock suit come in and look over our range of patterns. The New Fall Shoes FOR WOMEN—Suede Shoes in black, brown, green and blue, in ties, pumps and straps at $2.95 to $4.00 per pair. FOR GROWING GIRLS—Black and brown Brogues, the very newest for school girls, at per pair $3.00* FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN—Fine selection of Oxfords in both plain and brogue styles at popular prices $2.00 to $5.00 each. Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday P & G Naptha Soap ... ......10 bars 35c Aylmer Soup, Tomato or Vegetable ’ .3 tins 21c Bulk Soap Chips 3 lbs for 23c Chase & Sanborn Coffee per lb 36c Dixie-Dainty Grapefruit Juice Chocolate Drops, Nice FreSli Candy 18 oz. tin 15c per pound 19c Phone 32 Your Superior Store J J Extra_Special We are going to give you a chance to hear a thoroughly ex­ perienced cow man. See us for time and date and he will help you solve your Problems Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wlhiteford and son Robert, of “{Lakeview Ter­ race”, New Jersey and Mr. and Mrs. Case R. Howard, New York, have been visiting the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gidley. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford, the latter being a sister of Mrs. Howard, are touring in Ontario and .before re­ turning to their home in New Jersey will visit relatives and friends in London, Woodstock, Stratford, Kit­ chener, Guelph and Hamiltoji. We also have a new pig and hog chow which ygji mix with your own grain and cuts the amount of your own grain in less than half. See us about this. _____________________________________ Sure death to mites Purina Roost Paint See our new line of Stoves Ranges and Heaters WE SELL THE FAMOUS NEW IDEA FURNACES Now is the time to have those stove and furnace pipes looked over before the rush starts. We have a large stock on hand. Oyster Shell 98 per cent.. Calcium Carbonate thoroughly washed, air and kiln dried, clean and odorless Field Meet Cancelled The annual track and field meet of the High Schools of Huron County, usually held in the fall has been postponed this year owing to the eipidemic of infantile paralysis and because of lost time already exper- | ienced by the school in being closed down 'the early part of the month. A meeting of the ^representatives of the various high Schools in the dis­ trict was seld at Clinton Thursday evening of last week, when the above decision was arrived at. Traquair’s Hardware Mr. and Mrs, Bott Elsmere, of Golden Valley, left Wedensday for their home after visiting for a week With the latter’s parents, Mr, and. Mrs. A. E. BusWell. The Thames Road United church anniversary Will he held Sunday, October 17th. Rev. G. M. Ohidley, of Cooksville, a former minister will be the special ^leaker. Miss Margaret penhal© left Mon­ day for {London where she has ac­ cepted a position at the Brick Street Sckbol. Miss penhalo formerly taught at Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morrison and Son Bill Jr., of Owen Sound, visited oh Saturday at the home of Mrs. S. Pittbii. Mr. Morrison is a former Exeter boy leaving here about fifty years ago. LIBERAL MEETINGS A number of meetings have been arranged for Huron County in the interests of Mr. James Ballantyne, Liberal Candidate for Huron. A meeting at Goderich on Wednesday, Sept.’ 29th will be. addressed by Mr. Garfield Case, K. C., of Owen Sound A meeting will 'be held at Clinton, Thursday, September 30th, and at Exeter, on Friday, October 1st, to be addressed by Mr. S. P. Schantz, of Toronto. Mr. Schantz is the past secretary' of the Toronto plebiscite Committee; organizer for a Provin­ cial prohibition Committee; secre­ tary in the last Referendum cam­ paign and past organizer of the Pro­ hibition Union, On Saturday, Oc­ tober 2nd, a meeting will be held at Zurich with Mr, J. G. Gillanders, K. C„ of London, as speaker, On Monday, October 4th, at Seaforth, Mr. R, J, Deachman, M.P,, of Wing­ ham, will be the speaker. Mr. Bal­ lantyne Will be assisted by other lo­ cal speakers. GOOD SHOWING Mr, Preston Dearing made a splen­ did showing with his Dorset Horned sheep at the Western Fair last week He secured second prize for ram two years and over; first for yearling lamb; first, second and third for ram lamb; first for ewe two years and under three; first, fourth and fifth,, for yearling ewe; second fourth and. sixth for ewe lamb; second for pen of three ewe lambs bred by ex­ hibitor; first for pen for three ram lambs .bred by exhibitor; first for open stock and also the champion ewe. Mr. Dearing also exhibited his sheep at the 'Canadian National Ex­ hibition and made a splendid show­ ing. His champion ewe at London was reserve champion at Toronto. RESIDENCE SOLD , Mrs. John iSnell has sold her resi­ dence on John street to Mr. Wil­ liam Brock, of Uaborne, who gets possession the middle of October. Mrs, Snell intends holding an auc­ tion sale of her household effects on Saturday, October 9th, following which she intends leaving fc.r Wind­ sor to make her future home with her daughters Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Snell, who is now in her middle eighties, has been an esteemed resident of Exeter for the past 74 years. She is excep­ tionally smart and active for one of her age. For the past number of winters she had made her home with her daughters and has spent -the summers in Exeter. Th© best wishes of her many friends here will fol­ low her. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE Dr. Alexander Moir, of Hensail has taken the field as an indepen­ dent candidate in the riding of Hur­ on. He believes that many of the electors feel that the temperance cause is not properly represented by either of the party candidates, and that it is of sufficient importance to call for a candidate who will place it at the forefront of the campaign in this riding. Dr. Moir was born at Hensail and has lived in that community all his life with the exception of about ten years spent in Western Canada. He took courses at Goderich High School, Goderich Model School, Har- bord Collegiate. Institute, Toronto; Denver Normal .School; Manitoba University and after taking his med­ ical training there, he has practised, his profession continuously fol’ thirty years, specializing in Radium during the past twenty years. For the last five years he has conducted a well-known private hospital one mile south of Hensall on No. 4 Highway, where he also operates a farm. SERIOUS ACCIDENT His foot torn Off at the ankle in collision of his motorcycle and a motor car at Brutfefield Monday af­ ternoon, Rae. J. Watson, bicycle motorcycle dealer, of 257 Welling­ ton street, London, was taken in a serious condition to Seaforth Hos­ pital. It was found necessary to amputate the leg 'below the knee. Later reports state that his condi­ tion is^favorable. Clarence Loune, 729 King street, London, one of Watson’s employees who was riding . on the pillion seat of the motorcycle, was also brought to the hospital suffering from leg lacerations. His condition was re­ ported as satisfactory but Watson, suffering extreme shock, was re­ garded as critical from the time of the amputation operation. Watson’s leg was pinned either by the bumper or the wheel of a car driven by Charles H. Reid, of Brucefield. The foot and leg ten­ dons were torn off as the cycle sped on nearly 75 feet after the col­ lision. Only quick action of two Dun­ gannon men, A. L. McDoald and Lome McKenzie, wiho were driving past is believed to havfe saved Wat­ son’s life. They immediately put a tourniquet on the shattered leg which saved him bleeding to death. He was then taken by ambulance to hospital. Watson and his companion had been on a business trip to Goderich and Wingham during the morning and were on their way south to London about 1.30 p.m. when they came to the intersection of the Varna road and No. 4 highway at Brucefield. 'According to police Mr. Reid had his car in front of the store at the southeast corner of the intersection and was swinging to cross the high­ way to the west. The motorcycle was travelling near the west edge of the pavement, police report, as it and the front ehd of the car came together. Traffic Officer Norman Lever, of Clinton, who investigated said that Watson’s foot was still imprisoned by the car when he arrived and the injured man removed to hospital. The shoe and foot from the ankle was underneath the car. It could not be determined whether it had been caught in the wheel or in the car bumpet as the cycle went across the front of the car. bto charge has been laid police said, against Mf. Reid, who is a Re­ tired Brucefield cattle buyer. The details of the 'accident were turned over to provincial Traffic Officer Robinson, of Exeter, who is continu- ’ ifig tile investigation. EXETER FAIR Attractions Good but Attendance Down The Exeter Fair on Tuesday of this week drew a good average crowd, although threatening weath­ er in the morning and the scare of Infantile paralysis no doubt had its effect as the attendance was some­ what below that of the past few yeary. The showing both in the classes for horses and cattle were light but what there were were r, excellent quality. The indoor ex­ hibits. shown for the first time in the new arena, were exceptionally fine, the building lending itself to the display of the goods. Many com­ plimentary remarks were heard of the excellent quality of the ladies’ work. The showing of flowers was very fine and there was a good dis­ play of fruits. The art exhibit was well filled with some very fine work Theie was a good showing of poul­ try and hogs and sheep were well represented-, Mr. R. H. Graham, of the Live Stock branch of the Ontario Dept, of Agriculture, in the absence of De­ puty Minister Fairbairn, stated that fall fairs had started and had con­ tinued as a show place for livestock but instead of stock being driven to the fair on the hoof they are now transported for miles adding to the quality of the fair, He was agree­ ably surprised at the attendance. For special attractions hoise races and greyhound races, introduc­ ed in Exeter for the first time, en­ tertained the crowd in front of the grandstand. A girls’ softball game by local teams attracted the atten­ tion of many. A great many con­ cessions endeavored to lure the small change from the pleasure seek­ ers. An airplane whirred overhead taking up passengers. The Exeter band provided the music. • In a hog calling contest young­ sters proved themselves the more efficient the winners -being Sheldon Sanders, Bolb Pryde and Billy Kress, Jr. The 100 yard dash resulted as follows: Frank ZuFbfigg, Lucan; R. Delbridge, Exeter; Lloyd Bell. Elim- ville. ' The Coronation Diploma offered by the Ontario Fall Fair Association for the best horse in any class went to Wm. Hamilton, Cromarty. In the evening an old time dance and bingo game at the- arena were well patronized. 2.26 Trot or Pace Frederick, James, London (Hodgins) ......................... Ill Jean W. Harvester, Pinklev Stratford (Bannerman-) ..422 Fritz Chille. Litt, Stratford (-Bud Gray) ..................... 2 3 3 Bingin Worthy, G. J. Dow Exeter, (Haley) ........ 3 4 d. Jessie Evans, Sid Hodgins Clandeboye, S- Hodgins .. 5 5 d. In the third heat Bingin Worthy and Jessie Evans collided and a wheel was lost Time: 2.16, 2.15, 2.19. The results were as follows: HORSES Agricultural Brood mare, W. Bowden, P. Pass- more, Hubert Hunter; foal, W- Ham­ ilton & Son, W- Bowden, Cecil Rowe 3-year-old, Wm. Hamilton, L. Johns; 2-year-old, W. Hamilton & Son, W- J. Dale; 1-year-old, N. Mitchell; Di­ ploma, W. Hamilton & Son’.' Heavy Draft Brood mare accompanied by foal, Ed Yellow, foal, Ed. Yellow; 2-year- old, Ed. Yellow; 1-year-old, F. W. Steeper, Cecil Rowe, Ed. Yellow; team, Ed. Yellow second; Diploma, F. W. Steeper. Wagon Horses Brood mare accompanied by foal, Noble Scott and 2nd; foal, Noble Scott, J. Hodgins, N. Scott; 3-year- old, G. J. Thiel and 2nd, I Stahl; 2- year-old, Fred W. Steeper; 1-year- old, Gordon Heywood; Single wagon horse, Wililam Decker first and 2nd, B. Williams & Son; pair of wa­ gon horses in harness and carriage, Wm. Decker, B. Williams & Son, G. J. Thiel; Diploma, Wm. Decker. Roadsters Foal, F- Smith, 3-year-old, Currie & Tervitt; 2-year-old, F. Smith; 1- year-old, W. J. Dale; pair roadsters in harness and buggy, Currie <& Ter­ vitt; farmer’s outfit in harness and buggy, Chas. Godbolt, Currie & Ter­ vitt; Coronation Badge for best horse, any class, W. Hamilton and Son. judge—W. S. Steadman, 3, Petrolia. CATTLE Herd, open to all beef breeds, W-. Oestricher, P. Dearing; 3 animals the get of a pure bred sire, W. Oestrich- ei’ and second, D. park. Shorthorns W. Oestricher took seven first and five seconds. J. M. Glenn got second for heifer calf. Massey - Harris special for herd, w. Oestricher. Polled Angus P. Dearing secured seven firsts in this class also securing0 first for Masesy-Harris voucher, value $10. for herd. Jersey G. Timmins secured five firsts and two seconds and F. Ellerington one second ill this class. Grades Aged Cow, O. McLaren 1st, 2nd, 3rd; i-year-old Helfer, o. McLaren; 1-year-old Steer, o. McLaren. Judge—-Wm. Charters, Seaforth Milk Grueling Contest Ladies, Mis. Mervin Pym, Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel. Boys, Harold T. Cudmore, Harold Davis, Ross Skin­ ner, Judge—James A. Hill SHEEP Dorset Horned Aged ram, Chas. Danbrook; shear­ ling ram, Chas. Danbrook; ram lamb P, Dearing, Chas. Danbrook; ewe, P. Dearing and 2nd; shearling ewe, C. Danbrook, p. Dearing; ewe lamb P. Dearing, C. Danbrook. Oxford Downs Aged ram, S. J. Pym & Sons; shearling ram, W. Henry and 2nd; ram lamb, W. Henry, S. J. Pym & Sons; ewe, W- Henry, S. J. Pym & Sons; shearling ewe, ,S. J. Pym & Sons and 2nd; ewe lamb, S. J. Pym & Sons, W. Henry. Shropshire Downs Aged ram, A. D. Steeper. Lincolns A. D. Steeper secured -all awards in this class, six firsts and two seconds. Leieesters Aged ram, D. A. Graham & Son and 2nd; shearling ram, D. A. Gra­ ham & Son, w. Ronnenberg; ram lamb, D. A. ..Graham and second; ewe, D. A. Graham & Son, W- Ron­ nenberg; shearling ewe, D. A. Gra­ ham and 2nd; ewe lamb, D. A. Gra­ ham a'nd 2nd; sweep stakes, A. D. Steeper, D. A. Graham & Son, W. M. Hefiry. HOGS Yorkshire Boar, two years old, A. Warner; boar, one year old, A. Warner, W- Ronnenberg; boar under one year, A. Warner and 2nd; sow, two years old, A. Warner and 2nd; sow, one year old, A; Warner, W. Ronnenberg sow under one year, A. Warner, F. Ellerington. Tamworth Boar, two years old, R. Manson; boar one year old, C. Danbrook; iboar under one ear, R. Manson and 2nd; sow one year old R. Manson and 2nd; sow under one year, C. Danbrook, R. Manson. Bacon Type Pair bacon type pigs, any breed, C. Danbrook, F. Ellerington; Albert Traquair, for best pair bacon hogs, C. Danbrook, F. Ellerington. Judge—H. J. Hunter, Exeter POULTRY iLight Brahamas, cock, O’Brien Bros., hen,- O’®rien Bros, and 2nd, ckl., D. A. Graham & Son, K. Wood, pit., Ken Wood; Any variety Coch­ ins, ck., H. Doan, hen, Ken Wood, J. Kochems; Silver Grey Dorkings, ck., ckl., pit., J. Kochems, D. A. Graham & Son, hen, J. Kochems, O. Battler; Buff Orphingtons, hen, J. Kochems, ckl., pit., K. Wood; Barred Plymouth Rocks, ck and hen, H. Doan, ckl., pit K. Wood; any other variety Ply­ mouth Rocks, ckl. and pit., K. Wood White Wyandottes, ck., hen, D. Gra­ ham & Son, ckl. and pit., O. Battler, G. Yelland; any other variety Wyan­ dottes, ck., hen., O’Brien Bros., K. Wood; S. C. Rhode Island Reds, ck. J. Kochems, K. Wood, hen, ckl*., J. Kochems and 2nd, pit., K. Wood; J. Kochems; Buff Leghorns, ckl., pit K. Wood and 2nd; Brown Leghorns, ck., K. Wood, hen, J. Kochems, K. Wood, ckl., O. Battler, pit., O. Batt­ ler, K. Wood; any other variety Leg­ horns, ck and hen, J. Kochems, H. Doan, ckl., pit., Ken Wood, J. Koch­ ems; Black Minorcas, hn., J. Koch­ ems, O. Battler, ckl., and pit., O. Battler, K. Wood; White Minorcas, hen, ckl., pit., H. Desjardine and 2nd Andalusians, ck., hen., ckl., pit. O. Battler; Anconas, ck., hen, O. Batt­ ler, K. Wood, ckl., J. Kochems, K. Wood, pit., J. Kochems and 2nd; G. S. Hamburgs, ck., K. Wood, O’­ Brien Bros, hen, O’Brien Bros and (Continued on Page 4) CONSERVATIVE MEETING The first political meeting to be held in Exeter in connection with the present election was held Fri­ day evening last in the Exeter Opera House in the interests of Dr. Taylor, There was a good attendance and Reeve W. D. Sanders occupied the chair. The fii st speaker was Mrs. Gee, T. Cockshutt, of Brantford, presi­ dent of the Western Ontario Wo­ men’s Liberal-Conservative Associa­ tion. Mrs. Cockshutt, who is a very pleasing speaker dealt with the school question and the liquor con­ trol issue. If the present situation continues she wondered where it was al] going to end. According to the Liberals the Conservatives intro­ duced beer legislation but it is the Liberals who are administering the Mr. F, G. Gardiner, K.C., reeve £ Forest Hill, was the principal speak­ er. He dealt with several issues and referred to the C.I.O. stating that the Conservative policy is to maintain law and order under any circumstances and at all times. He spoke of the amounts collected, in .Succession duties by the Conserva­ tive government and that the law would be carried out. if the Conser­ vatives were again elected. He also referred to the hydro contracts re­ pudiated by Mr. Hepburn. Speak­ ing of the School Tax issue Mr. Gar­ diner stated that he had been ■ an Orangeman for 2'0 years. The ques­ tion had been settled once and roi’ all in 1863 and had stayed settled until 1934 just previous to the last election. In 19 3'6. when the bill was passed 3 9 Liberals were opposed to it. It was passed against the will of the House. The speaker stood 1.00 per cent, behind Mr. Rowe in regard to the school question. School rights would be protected and pro­ moted. Speaking of the liquor situation the speaker said that the sale of beer and liquor should be made as difficult as possible for our child­ ren to get. The revenue from the sale of liquor in the province of On­ tario in 19 34 was five million dol­ lars and in 1937 it would be ten mil­ lions. The policy of the adminis­ tration with respect to liquor is to sell as much as you can. Seventeen million dollars was spent in the province last year in liquor or $'23 0,00i0 for every working day m the year. Liquor is out-of control in the province of Ontario. The Con­ servatives had repeatedly said they would respect the C. T. A. but in the policy of Mr. Hepburn it had. been thrust upon Huron and other counties. Referring to the Civil Service the speaker said that Mr. Hepburn had dismissed 170|0 civil servants out the front door and 2000 had c'ome in through the back door. Of chose dismissed 55 2 returned men were included. Mr. Rowe’s policy is to have a newly organized civil service where merit and ability will count rather than political favor and re­ turned soldiers will have a prefer­ ence. Dr. Taylor Dr. Taylor, the Conservative can­ didate, was the next speaker and said that the meeting had listened to an able discussion of the issues of the day. He was not fighting Liberals because the questions were beyond party .politics. The people of this province demand honesty of purpose, sincerity and clear-thihk- ing. The duty of the government is to look after the well-being of everyone in the province. He spoke of the government selling northern pulpwoods to a millionaire company in Wisconsin. The serious situation in our own riding that I want to discuss, is the liquor control :or lack of control, said the speaker. I know this con­ dition from a personal angle and from a physician’s standpoint. The beverage rooms are an insult to this co uh try. The present government made a breach of faith in putting them here. If elected any temper- (Continued on Page 4) KIRKTON FAIR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY September 30 and October 1 — LIBERAL PRIZES IN ALL CLASSES — School Parade and Drill Boys’ and Girls’ Foot Races Men’s Hundred Yard Dash (open) Climbing the greasy pole Old Time Fiddlers* Contest Best Dressed Lady on the Grounds Running Race (horses) Lady Drivers Colt Club Competition Baby Beef Classes Special Class High Stepping Horses Music by radio and loud speaker Write Secretary for prize list. ADMISSION-— 25c.; Children under 12—10c. T. A. WISEMAN, Pres. AMOS t)OUPE, Sec’y-Treas.