The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-09-09, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TIIVKSDAY, SBPTBMBB »t», ml HENSALL Miss Sarah Mau^on spent the week-end in Toronto, Mr, E- H. Marshall, of London, was a caller in town with friends. Miss Margaret Hobkirk, of Detroit is visiting relatives and town. Mr, James McGee, of was in town on Monday friends. A number of Hensall attending the Toronto this week, Mr. Harold Bonthron in Toronto and attending the Ex­ hibition, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett spent Sunday visiting Mrs. James O'Brjen at Brucefield. Miss Mary Stewart, of Seaforth, was a recent visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Miss Margaret Buchanan, of To­ ronto visited over the holiday with friends in town. Mr. William Hoggarth, is in the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, seriously ill. * Miss Dorothy McQueen, of Exeter, spent the week-end and holiday at her home here. Miss Ollie Coxworth, of Detroit, spent the holiday with her sister Mrs. Alt .Scruton, Miss Margaret Johnston, of the post office staff spent'Sunday with Hyde. Park relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. Marys, were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Petty, Mrs. Fred McDonnell, was visiting last week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children, spent the week-end with relatives at Ridgetown. Owen Geiger & Son now have a large staff of men employed handl­ ing their large crop of flax. Miss Marion Sinclair, of Toronto' spent Labor Day with her parents Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight children, of Kitchener, spent week-end here with relatives. Mr. Van Rooyei’ and, Mr. John Farquhar spent a few days in To­ ronto attending the Exhibition. Mr. Edmund Geiger, of London, was a holiday visitor witih his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger. Miss Grace Brock, of London, visited over the week-end with her .parents Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Castle and son, of Clinton, were week-end visitors nere with Mr. and Mrs. James Vincent. Mr. George C. Petty intends leav­ ing on the 18th for a two week’s visit with, his daughtei’ in Winnipeg. Miss Eleanor Bell, nurse-in-train­ ing at Victoria ‘ Hospital, London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hedden and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of St. Cathar­ ines, spent the holiday here with Mrs. Geo. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mein, of Goderich, visited with Miss M. E. Ellis and other friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson, of De­ troit, visited over the holiday with Mrs. R. Bonthron and Mrs. son. Mrs. E. McDonald, of visited oVer the week-end William McAsh and sister Ash. Miss Elaine Peck, of Clinton, a guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Goodwin and Miss Mary Goodwin. 'A number from here attended the meeting of the Huron temperance party held at Clinton on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Donnelly, ac­ companied by Ian and Alex Filsihie attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlisle, of De­ troit, are visiting with Mr. Carlisle’s sisters Mrs. Leiper and Mrs. Anna McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Clark, , of London, were week-end visitors with Mr. Clark’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark. Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, spent the holiday here with mother Mrs. Alf. Scruton and sister Mildred. “Mrs. Mary McKaig is this week nursing Miss Margaret Alexander who is seriously ill at her home in Tuckersmith. Mrs. Mary Fisher accompanied by her nephew Mr. Wm. Fisher, of Goderich, visited on Monday with Mrs. John Dinsdale. Mrs. Geo. C. Petty lias returned home after spending a week in Tor­ onto visiting relative^ and taking in the Exhibition. Mr. William Dow, Mr. Peter Manson, having their homes otherwise improved. Miss Grace McKenzie and Misses Ada and Minnie Hodgins, of Birr, were visting here last week with Miss Clarissa Mitchell. Miss Edith Foster, of Tonawan­ da, N.Y., is the guest of her cousin. Miss Ethel Murdock and Mrs. William Lahimie, Mrs. Albert Bowen, of spent the holiday here parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins also at the Beach-O-Pines. Mr, and Mrs. LOrne Zuefle and family, of Mount Forest, were re* cent visitors with the former's par* ents Mr. and Mrs. John* Zuefle. Miss Mao McNaughton, of Toron­ to, spent the holiday witih het Sather Mr. Daniel McNaughton and friends in Barfield, calling on people are Exhibition is visiting White, of guests of of Detroit, and the L. Simp- Windsor, with Miss Mr. Mc- was her her Queen St. King St., painted and are and her aunt Kitchener with her brother Mr. peter McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. William Blatchford, of Toronto, have been visiting with their relatives Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Blatchford and Mr- and Mrs. Qhas. Jinks. Miss Mildred Follick, nurse-in­ training at victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, was a week-end visitor here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Follick. i Mi. Thos. Simpson, of Wingham, ' accompanied by his mother Mrs, . Esther Simpson were calling on relatives and friends in the village on Monday. At a meeting of the School Trus­ tees on Friday evening it was de­ cided not to re-open the continua- : tion and public schools till Septem­ ber 13th. Miss* Ruth Hedden was taken to St, Joseph’s Hospital in London, on Saturday and operated on for appen­ dicitis. She stood the operation Avell and is recovering nicely. Bobby Cook, little son of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Cook, who was taken to a London Hospital last week suffering from infantile paralysis Is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. R, Paisley -and daughters Marion and Jessie have returned to their home in Toronto, after visit­ ing with Mrs. Paisley’s mother Mrs E. Rannie for a couple of weeks. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held here in St. Paul’s Anglican church on Sunday, September 19tih. Morning service commencing at 11 a.m. and,evening service at 7 p.m. Miss Clara Volland, who has been in very poor months was Hospital on meat. Miss condition. Mr. and two sons jerry and John, Dr. Mrs. McClennon and son Dr. Glennon, of Windsor, visited health for several taken to the Seaforth Monday night for treat- Volland is in a serious Mrs. Jerry Taylor Sinclair and and Mc- on Tuesday at the home of Mr. Wil­ liam McAsh. Misses Margaret ami Georgie Murray have returned to their home , in London after -a pleasant visit at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rathburn and Mr. and Mrs. George Falconer. At the United Church on Sunday the pastor Rev. Arthur preached at both service. At the evening service Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Mrs. Maude Hedden sang a duet "God is Love.” Mr. and’ Mrs. Bert North and daughter Audrey, of Woodstock were holiday visitors with Mrs. North’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Rofot. Higgins. Mr,. North returned to Woodstock on Monday evening and Mrs. North and children will visit for a week. Case of Infantile l’aralysis Miss Doris Kercher, young daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. just east of Hensail taken to week for Herb Kercher and who was Hospital last for infantile paralysis is doing as well as can be expected. Her case was taken in time so no serious results are antici­ pated. Large Grain Market There is a large amount of grain being marketed here daily. The employees of the three grain store­ houses are working day and night unloading the numerous trucks and wagons loaded with grain, coming a distance of 40 There is a large bean crop harvested in this district, growers have threshed. The a London treatment some miles, being some beans are a splendid sample and turning out well to the acre. Death of Miss Clara Volland The death occurred at the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning of Miss Clara Vol­ land, a well-known and highly re­ spected HenSall lady and daughter of Mr. Conrad Volland and the late Mrs. Volland. Miss Volland has been in poor> health for a number of years suffering from dia'betis and heart trouble. On Monday morning she seemed to be as well as usual when her father went to work but later in the morning, she was found in an unconscious condition. She was taken to Seafortih hospital on Monday evening, but failed to rally and passed away on Tuesday morn­ ing, She has lived in Hensall about 14 years and was 51 yeans of age. She is survived by her father, one sister Mrs. Wm. Lireibold, Zurich, and two brothers Henry and Em­ manuel of Goderich. A private fun­ eral will be held from her late home Queen street, Hensall, on Thursday afternoon with interment in tlhe Hensall Union cemetery, The fun­ eral was conducted by her pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair. Funeral of William Janies Parise The funeral Of the late William James Parke, of san Francisco, Cal«, who was killed in a car accident near Shakespeare, on Wednesday morning last was held from the home of his patents Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parke on Friday afternoon, interment taking place in the Crom­ arty cemetery, Rev, w. A. Young, pastor of 'Carmel Presbyterian church conducted the funeral ser­ vice at the home and William Mid­ dleton, President of the Exeter-Hen* sall branch of the Canadian Legion conducted the service at the grave. Twelve comrades were flower bear­ ers add among the many beautiful floral tributes was a wreath from the San Francisco Legion Bost. The pallbearers were Eldward Munn, sam bougali, Thos, gherritt, A. D. Mc­ Ewen, Sidney McArthur, of Hehsaii and William Davis, of Exeter. Ah inquest into the death of Mr. Parke will be held in Stratford on Septem­ ber 14th at seven o’clock it was de­ cided by a coroner’s jury under Cor­ oner Dr. J. G. Grieve, after mem­ bers of the jury had viewed the re­ mains on Wednesday afternoon. William James Parke was born at Cromarty 39 years ago and came to Hensail in 19016 with his parents. At the time of the Great War he enlisted in the 161st battalion and went overseas with that battalion. CREDITOR We are glad to report that Miss Gladys Rate is getting along nicely after -her operation tor appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mrs. W. JL Neergarth, Marjorie and Arthur, of Battle Creek, Mich.; Miss p.earl Mich.; Mr. of Brinsley Mary Hai&t Miss Helen gitter and Mr. Harold .Sitter, of Detroit, visited last week Haist, of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. Wm. Watson, were guests of Mrs-, on Sunday. At the close of the war he returned’^ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob to Hensall for a time, going from Morning service commecing at 11 and San Francisco where he held a good position. Besides his wife he is survived by his father and mother Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parke and one sister Mrs. Donald McKinnon, of Hensall. The widow, father and mother and sister of the deceased have the sympathy of the whole community in their tragic loss. An account of the accident will be found on another page. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning spent the week-end with relatives at Windsor. Owing to the postponement of the Decoration services at Zion cemetery the regular services will be held in the Whalen United church on Sun­ day next, September 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parkinson at­ tended Toronto Exhibition Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Or­ ville Cann, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie return­ ed home from Toronto on Sunday accolnpanied by Mr. Lambert where they had been visiting for a time. Miss Irene Cornish, of Kirkland Lake andx the Misses Doris and Thelma Milligan, of Thornloe, N. Ontario, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ogden, On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ogden en­ tertained about fifty friends in their honor. Mr. and iMrs. F. Squire and Shir­ ley were recent visitors of Mr. and P/Irs. Ogden Exeter. Mrs. Cliff Huebner and Son Chas, of Detroit, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mrs. Alice Gunning, of Exeter, is visiting with Mrs. Allan Jaques for a few days. .Miss Rita Cook, of Granton, was a week-end guest of Ruth Hodgson. Ratz. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scriven, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. .Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. (Schroeder returned with them ■for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haglett and daughter June Marie, of ypsalantj, Mich., and Mrs. Lydia Fahrner and Mr. Orville Fahrner, of Saline, Mich, spent the week-end at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Fahrner and visited other relatives. Mr. Orville Fahmer is remaining for a week’s visit. Mrs. Arthur Rowe and son Gor­ don, of Clawson, Mich., visited over the week-end with Mrs. Rowe’s bro­ ther, Mrs. J. Woodall. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. sitter, of De­ troit, visited relatives in the com­ munity on Sunday. Mr. Royal Haist has returned to Chicago after spending a month’s vacation at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Queen, of St. Thoma's, were guests of Mr. and Mrs Fred Kerr on Sunday. Mrs.' Harry Sweitzer and daugh­ ter Ruth, of.Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Sweitzer and son Billy, Pittsburg, Penn., were guests Mrs. Charlotte Braun over week-end, Mrs. Mary Eilber, of Ubly, Mich,, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bilber. Mrs. Annie Haist, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hill. Mr, Norman Haist, of Detroit, visited relatives in the village on Friday. Mr. Eldon Smith who is employed by the Brennan Construction Com­ pany, at Kincardine, spent Sunday at his home here. of of the The Exeter Eair will follow right in line with the London Fair. AU roads will lead to Exeter that day. GRAND BEND DASHWOOD W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender Spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thompson, of Detroit, spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. iMiss Grace Guenther, of Kitchen­ er, spent the week-end with her bro­ ther Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. Leonard Birk and sister Ver­ na, spent their holidays at their home here, Rev. Grant, of Wroxeter was the speaker in the Evangelical church on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Watts have rented Mr. G. Oestricher’s .house and are busy moving this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Chesna, of Bir­ mingham, Mich,, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. F. Willert. Miss Inger Sieco, of London, who spent the holidays with Miss Karen Pedersen, left last week for Wing­ ham for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schlundt and family, of Pontiac and Mrs. Wm. Beck, of Mt. Clements, spent the week-end with relatives also accom­ panied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadi­ ger visited Miss Zeta Nadi’ger in London on Sunday. Mr, and .Mrs. T. Burkhart and son, of Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis, of Exeter, were Sunday vis­ itors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stein- hagen. Mrs. visited Mr. Dr. Mrs, Thomas F’lannery and her granddaughter Doris iF're'borne, of Flint, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Cyrus Green for a few days. Miss Doris is the survivor of a bad accident in which her father sister and brother were killed at Detroit some few weeks ago, Mrs. John McPhee, of Detroit, is visiting her sister Mrs. Norman Turnbull; also her father Mr. Jos. Sharrow. > Mr. Gordon 'Turnbull, who is in St. Joseph’s Hospital is very slowly improving. Mr. Dave Webb, of Detroit, is home for a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mathers, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and ]Mrs. W. P. Love. Mr. Norman Turnbull has “dispos­ ed of thirteen lake front lots to American tourists. That for Grated Bend. sounds good Th/ summer season is about to .... ---- ------,, the seasonclose and from reports has been the biggest the Bend has ever witnessed. Mrs. Harold Noonan and little son Ronald returned to their home in Windsor on Tuesday after spending the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goetz, of Milwaukee, who have been visiting in and around Grand Bend for the past month returned to their home on Tuesday. The young people are continuing their play "Who Said Quit." They have already given it eleven times and this have more engagements for fall. I m... I MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIlUillllEIM I THE RED and WHITE STORE 1 GROCERY SPECIALS ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER ................................. RED AND WHITE SHAKER SALT, Plain or iodized CLIFTON RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. jar....................... AYLMER NO* 4 PEAS, new pack..................................... TOMATO JUICE .................................................................. CARNATION MILK, tall tin............................................... AROMA COFFEE WITH CUP AND SAUCER ......... 'SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA ............................................... GINGER COOKIES ............................................................... Good Quality Broom ... Large Juicy Prunes ....... Libby’s Pork and Beans ... each 25c. ... 2 lbs. 25c. tall tin 10c. 1 pound tip each 15c. ......................2 pU^s. 9c,. ...................... -iench..26c* ..................... 2 tins 19c, ..... large tin each 10c* ...........................each 3c. ................... per lb. 39c, .......... per package 5c. .................2 lbs, for 19c. SE White Pickling Onions .........3 lbs. for 25c< Large Cabbage.................................2 for 15c. Good Cooking Onions 10 lb. bag each 25c, 3 PKGS. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES with one cereal bowl all for 27c. Phone 102 ROLLES' GROCERY for several years ihas been transfer­ red to the Wiarton creamery. Centralia Church to be Re-opened Sunday After being in the hands of the decorators for some weeks, the Cen­ tralia United church will be reopen­ ed with special services on Sunday' next, .September 12tih. At the morn­ ing service Rev. R. N. Stewart, the pastor of the church will preach at 10.30 a.m. and the choir will be as­ sisted by Dr. I. B. Smillie, of Hen­ sall. In the evening at 7.30, Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall, will be the guest preachef. Mr. Sinclair was the min­ ister of the church when it was op­ ened in 1922 and his leadership is still recalled by those who were as­ sociated with him in the work of building the new church. It is ex­ pected t-hat many from surrounding areas will unite with tihe Centralia congregation in these special Sun­ day services. The work has been done under the auspices of the Wo­ men’s Association and a great deal of credit is due to Mrs. L. B. Hodg­ son, the president, and her commit­ tee for the completion of this work and the Women’s Association is to be congratulated on the enterprise which they have shown in keeping the Centralia church a place of beauty. Centralia W.M.S. The September meeting of the W. M. S. was (held in the basement of the United church Tuesday after­ noon with a good attendance. Fol­ lowing the opening hymn the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison, Mrs. J. Blair and Mrs. R. N- Stewart were appointed delegates to the Presby- terial which is to meet at Chisel- I We Deliver hurst. After the business of the day had been dispatched prayer was offered by Mrs. Jones and Mrs. F, Penwarden and Beatrice Essery fav­ ored with a duet. The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. F. Bow­ den. Tlhe guest speaker for the day was Mrs. J. W. Penrose, of Elimville who gave a splendid report of the Conference 'Convention held in Chatham. Mrs. M. Fletcher favor­ ed with a solo and the meeting was closed with the benediction by the pastor. For First Grade and Special, Cream should be kept Clean and Cool Highest Market Prices Paid Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA TT ^Tpj1 o 1 he ELECTORS OF HURON As a Candidate seeking your support at the coming Provincial Elec­ tion, I nave deemed it my duty to state clearly my stand in respect of the Beverage Room situation in this County because this problem is deemed by a great many of us to be the most vital issue before the Electors today and also because efforts are being made to confuse the issue. Wm. Johnston, of Zurich,' friends here on Sunday, and Mrs. W. Schultz and daughter returned to Detroit after spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. L. Rader. Mrs. Hamacher is spending a few weeks in Betroit. Mr. William Nadiger is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy re­ covery. Miss Helen Luft, of London, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and; Mrs. Og'den, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Nadiger. (Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Win. Held were; Brother teellu, Washington, D.C.; Mi*. Mrs. Wm. Pickelle, London; Mr. Mrs. fi. Buttdscho, Stratford; Arthur Gariepy, and Miss Alice Gariepy, of Windsor; Messrs. John MOEacihen, Albert Howarth and Leon Lutz, of Betroit; Mr. and Mrs. E. Allen, Irene, Lawrence ahd Bohald and Miss Angela, Eider, Of field. Ag- and add Mr. 4- f Pen- CENTRALIA Mr. F. J. Faiiteall visited for a couple of days last week With his sister Mrs. Clara Abbott before re­ turning to his home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Harlton, of Port Huron, were ’Sunday visitors with the former’s aunt Miss Emily Harl- tcn and with. Mrs. Jane Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Neil and son Junior, of Detroit, were week­ end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Neil. Mrs. M. Sleamon and. June have returned home after a pleasant holi­ day at their cottage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Bedford, of London, and Misses Parke, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Harness. Mt. and Mrs. J. A. pollard and Greta visited on Monday of this Week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Molitor in Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills, of Wyom­ ing were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills. Miss Marilyn Who has been visiting here returned home with them. Robbers visited the village Thursday night of last entered several 'garages, ed themselves to some other car tools and took ..... . from the car in one of the garages. (Intended for last week) Mr. Ken. Hodgins who has been 'buttei’maker in the creamery here oil week end They help­ tires and a suit coat The background of this problem is common knowledge to all of us. The Canada Temperance Act was voted upon by the electors of this County, and by those of Perth, Peel and Manitoulin, and was carried by them and made the operative law of these municipalities many years ago. In the face of, and in violation of, the expressed opinion of the people of this riding, Mr* Hepburn’s government has forced beverage rooms upon us with utter disregard of the law. Mr. Hepburn refuses to enforce the Canada Temper­ ance Act in this riding or in the other Counties where it has been decided this Act should prevail. All the Courts, including the Privy Council, have declared that the sale of liquor is illegal in Huron, but Mr. Hepburn declares the beverage rooms must continue in Huron and the Courts and their judg­ ments will continue to be disobeyed. A vote for Mr. Hepburn or his candi­ date in this riding means that the voter wants beverage rooms to continue the illegal sale of liquor here. I personally pledge myself to the voters of this riding that, if elected, I will insist upon the enforcement of The Canada Temperance Act in this riding and that I will do all in my power to remove all beverage rooms from this County. With your votes I can make this pledge good and I am auth­ orized by my leader, Mr. Rowe, to say that he is in full accordance with this stand. You are entitled to a clear-cut statement of my leader’s and my policy on this issue which so vitally affects the people of this riding and particu­ larly our young people. I firmly believe that if all the voters give careful . consideration to this most important issue there can be only one result—'-the beverage rooms in this County will be swept out of existence* Yours sincerely,5OC= R. H. Taylor, M.D.