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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-08-26, Page 8
THCKSDAY, AVGUST fflMll, JOST THE EXETER TIMES.ADVOCATE Style Trend for Fall For the Fall, short lrair will pre vail with a return to large natural waves and curls. Everything has an upward trend even the hair is dressed up at th© neck. Why net change your style of hair dress? V’s Beauty Shoppe phone 112 Successor to Miss H. Smith Exeter Markets Wheat §1.05 Oats 43c Manitoba’s Best $3.95 Welcome Flour $3.25 Shi rts Bran $1.7u Low Grade Flour $2.25 Creamery Butter 31-32C. Dairy Butter 24c. to 2”c. Eggs, A large 23c. Eggs, medium 22c. Eggs C 15c. Hogs $9.75 Your Children’s Eyes Axe you sure that your child is not handicapped by the need of glasses or by glasses which are no longer correct. This is a vital matter which must not be neglected. Do it now before school re-opens. SEE This store will be closed Wednesday at noon during the Summer Months. Mrs. Gladys Rousom, -of Toronto, is visiting with Miss Flossie Hunter, Douglas and Barbara Harness are visiting with relatives in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Cochrane are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grafton at Timmins. Miss Marjorie Pearce -has returned to Toronto after holidaying for a month at her home here. Mrs. Jessie Gardiner, of Toronto, has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Campbell. She returns to Toronto Thursday. “Teddy Davenport" owned by Mr. Sandy Elliot, won Sth, 4th and 2nd place in4the 2.28 class at Beamsville on Saturday last. Mrs. A. R. Graham and two sons Walter and Jack, of Winnipeg, vis ited with Mrs. Graham’s cousin Mr. H. S. Walter, on Thursday last. ... ... ■' f ■" .. ...............................——w.—rs I 1 1 LOCALS 1 I I M C. E. ZURBRIGG, R.o. Successor to 8. Fitton at Exeter Open every week day except Wednesday Your Business Appreciated No Matter How Small Ideal Meat Market Phone 38 Main St. Ji----------------------------------------■ Exeter High School RE-OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st Register Now CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., JB.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—-Sunday School 7 p.m.—Public Worship Sermon subject — “The Older Brother” This will conclude our series of studies in the parable of the Prodi gal Son. Sunday, Sept. 4th—We shall resume our regular services at 11 a.m. and 7 'p.m. UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S CLOTHING New Materials and Patterns for Fall These suits have just arrived and come in a little heavier material than usually sold at this price. They keep their Shape better and wear longer. These new suits come with 2 pair of trousers and are Outstanding values at $26.00 «—■—ll>—■llfli.lllllM. IHI.II I IIIIIII I|M.||||M I ,llllllll.liR..iiiF..i[«iiiM..ii|ff..l mu III III..—. . .'II . II Mil .11 I |.l .Ill 1)111 Murray’s Rest-U Shoes for Women made by Murray If you want shoe comfort let us fit your feet with a pair of these good shoes. We carry this range in four widths. They are smart in appearance and give splendid wear. Priced at $5,50 per pair FOR SATE—An electric stove, 4 burner, high oven, in good condi tion, also a kitchen cabinet. Apply Miss A. Acheson. NOTICE Dr. Roulston announces that his Dental Office will be closed for about two weeks commencing Aug ust 3 0th. Date of re-opening will be announced later. See the new Fordson tractor at our garage. It’s a Pip for Pep auu Power,—Sandy Elliot. Cash paid for ueau animals or* fertilizer horses. Phone 3 41T5, Dash wood. Jack Williams. 8-p\6-3tp. FOR SALE'—'Electric range suit able for farm, very cheap,—W. J. Beer. FOR SALE—?A number of choice Yorkshire sows due to farrow in the next four* weeks. Ernie Thompson, R. R. 8, Parkhill, Bell Phone 605-13 8-26-2tc. WANTED—Lady to do office work. Must be good at figures and a neat writer. Apply in own hand writing stating qualifications to Box 18OS, Times-Advocate. HORSES FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE—5 good mares, 4 ponies, large pile of manure, 3 buggies; al so wanted, 2 good milk cows. Ap ply Roberts Ruling Stable, Grand Bend. 8-26-2tc. FOR SALE—40 acre farm, N pt. 10, North Boundary Biddulph, bank barn 30 x 68 on stone and brick foundation, frame house, metal roof, metal driveshed, hog pen, good wat er supply. Apply on premises to John R. Ogden, R. R. 1, Centralia. 8-19-2tp-tf WANTED—Two married men for general farm work, wives to assist with milking. Apply to Elmo Howey Eden, Ont., R. R. 1. 8-19-2t0 HOUSE FOR RENT—Brick resi dence in central location. Apply to R. D. Hunter, R. R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton 39r7. REAL. ESTATE FOR SALE Several good farms of from 20 to 100 acres; also good homes in Exe ter. These properties are all pric ed right.—C. V. Pickard, phone 165 Cucumbers for sale, any quantity. Your honey for the winter at whole sale price in your own containers. W. F. Abbott. TO RENT—125 acre farm, lot 13, pt. lot 14 N.B., McGillivray, 2 1-2 miles south of Crediton; good bank barn, comfortable frame house. Apply to T.J. O’Brien, Centralia 8-5-3tc NOTICE—'Persons wanting same quality gravel as used in Exeter sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck will deliver gra vel from this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. Miss Irene Kydd spent a week’s holidays in Centralia. Mrs. Jas. Bowey is confined to her home through illness. Miss Margaret Penhale, visited in Belmont last week. The midsummer holidays are fast drawing to a close. The Canadian National Exhibition opens Friday of this week. Mrs. (Rev.) Page and son John were at Thamesville over the week end. Miss Helen Walker, of Staffa, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. D. Davis. Dr. D. A. and Mrs. Anderson have been visiting for several days at Grand. Bend. Misses Marion and Jean Elliot have returned home after holidaying at Grand Bend. « Mr. c. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, is visiting for a week with his mo ther Mrs. McAvoy. Miss Celia Christie visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale in Elora. Mrs. Robt. Cole, of Chiselhurst, visited with her sister-in-law Mrs. J. Cole recently. Miss Leone Treble, of Toronto, is visiting with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. E. 'Treble. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sanders visited with Mrs. Sanders’ father, Mr. Witts of Clinton on Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter Marion were visitors in St. Thomas with Mrs. Powles for a week, Messrs. Wm. penhale and War ren May spent a few days at Cleve land taking in the Exposition. Jack Moise, Murray Moore and Robt. Southcott returned Saturday after camping for two weeks at the Bend. Mr. Oliver White, of Toronto, called on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W- H. Johnston, one day recently. Messrs. Jos. ana Ray Creech, Robt. Dinney, Gordon Brooks and Art Gaiser spent the forepart of the week visiting in Detroit. The last of the unipn services by the Main St. and James .St United churches for the summer months will be held next Sunday. A new cement walk has been laid across Victoria street to the Exeter Arena and connecting it with the walk to the school. Mr. Jack Paisley, who was recent ly transferred from- Exeter to the Chainway story at Caledonia, spent the week-end with Mrs. Paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardiner and daughter Shirley, of Meaford, are holidaying for a week with Mrs. Gardiner’s mother, Mrs. S. Parsons, In another column will be found the results of the Middle School examinations at Exeter High School, The fact that the school now has the use of a gynmasium and that four teachers with a very successful re cord this year are remaining on the staff, that a very promising teacher has been secured for tihe vacancy created by the appointment of the fifth member to another school, should attract a large number of students to this desirable centre of education. Much has been done in recent years to improve the condition of the school and the Board has shown a keen interest in all school activ ities. In Exeter good room and board can be secured at moderate prices. Pupils contemplating attendance at the re-opening on September 1st should communicate with the Secret ary, Miss K. McFaul. Rev, A. Page of James Street in charge. Music under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding A.T.'C.M. and the James Street choir. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—Main Street 7 p.m.—James Street Union prayer service in James St. church Thursday evening. People's Cash Shoe Store Wm, H. Partlo, prop. Phone 131w Exeter “Shoes to fit the Family’’ Ontario CLEARING Broken Lines, Black, Brown, Blue, Grey Sandals, Ties, Straps VALUES TO $3.98 a pair We Still Have Work Shoes at old prices Buy Now Before Prices Advance STRAYED ADS STRAYED—Onto lot 13, con. 12, Hibbert, one grey yearling steer on or about 12th of July. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses.—W. J. Kay, Crom arty. 8-2l6-3tc. STRAYED—From Lot 11, Con. 6, Hay, 1 3-year-old farrow cow, roan, mostly white; 1 red and white steer, mostly red, small 2-year-old; both marked U cut from left ear. Earl Shapton, 17 .r 25, Crediton, 8-19-3tc STRAYED —' From pasture farm in Hay Twp., black yearling steer, ring in right ear. Anyone knowing whereabouts of same kindly notify Jas. Hodgert. Phone Kirkton 37-13. LOiST—'Strayed from lot 20, con. 5, Stephen, 3 two-year-old steers, 1 Hereford, 1 red Durham, 1 spotty Durham. Suitable reward will be given by notifying Milo Snell, Exe ter, phone residence 103. STRAYED—A 2-year-old red steer with white star on forehead and slit under left ear has strayed onto my premises, lot 16, con. 6, Stephen. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses.—Nel son Schenk, Crediton. 8-19-3 to. Miss Barbara Dinney has returned home after holidaying at Grand Bend. Miss Gladys Kestle has purchased the residence on William street re cently erected by Mr. C. Lee. Mr. Jos. Creech, who has been taking a summer course at Western University has been successful in securing the following standing: English Composition, A; English Literature, B; Psychology, A. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF AN AGNEW-SURPASB SHOE DEPARTMENT IN THE F, G. WRIGHT & CO. DEPART MENT STORE (Successful negotiations with, the Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stor.es has re sulted in the securing of a fran chise as exclusive shoe retailers ”or this widely known shoe retailing or ganization wlioi now operate the best known stores in 72 cities and towns in Canada. Every price and style in oui* store is exactly as you will find in any of their other stores. The buying power provides better value for the dollar as you will see when you examine this merchandise. Remember this shoe department is fully stocked and provides widths from AJA A A to EEE, narrow arch fitting for misses and growing girls. The styles are the season’s best. Fall models in side straps, and straps, ties in suede, brown and black and combination leather and suede. Careful fitting is the key-note of this department. On the men’s side will be found Scotch grained brogues; the more conservative Banker lasts and Ox fords and shoes in high-grade Eng lish tanned leathers. The price on these high quality shoes will more than please you. Regent Yarns Are made from the finest all wool yarns and are unsurpassed for knitting. We carry a full range of shades, in each grade and you have greater yardage in each ball than in most makes. Sea Beach 25c; Bonnie Lass 25c;Sea Gull 22c;Sea Shell 15c; Inlaid Linoleums in all the Newest Patterns It pays to, put inlaid on your floors. We carry a good range of patterns and can quote you a low price laid and cemented to the floor. Bring n the size of your room and let us quote you prices. TR1VITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, lliss MacFauL Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 14th Sunday After Trinity 10.00 a.m.—(Sunday School 11 a.m.—Holy Communion and Ser mon.—“Zeal for the Lord” II Kings 10:16. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5tli at 11 a.m. and 7 pan. The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION (Location one block North of the Creamery) Bible .Study Friday night 8 p.m. Services for Sunday August 29th 2.00i >p.m.—IS. S. and Bible Class 3.00 p.m.1—Devotional Service 8 p.m—Great* Evangelistic Meeting Come to these services, leave your ■burden with the Lord, and He will give you a song. Street meeting Saturday night J. T. Edgar, Pastor Your Permanent . . . ALLURING NEW COIFFURES An approved method for every type of hair Flattering, lasting waves G. M. Simpson Phone 245 ..GRAND BEND,, DANCING NIGHTLY UNTIL LABOR DAY JIMMIE NAMARO and ms ten requires OLD TIME FIDDLERS’ CONTEST MONDAY, AUGUST 30th PRIZES FOR Fiddlers, Mouth Organ players and Step Dancers Mr. Chas. Salter was in Detroit Sunday visiting with his uncle Mr. John Salter, who is ill in the Ford Hospital, Detroit. Miss Mamie Pridham, formerly of the Exeter p» S. staff, has ac cepted a position to teach school at Oxdrift, about 200- miles north of Port Arthur. Mrs. E. R, F. Neil and daughter Mrs. Howard Morley, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs, F. H. Neil, of Lon don, spent Friday last with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones. Mrs. Clarence Rees, of Clande- boye, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Reid, underwent a serious opera tion in gt. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon-, don, on , Sunday, Her friends will hope for her speedy recovery, Mfs, Geo. Griffith, and son Harry, of Toronto, and Miss Hettie Sweet, Who has spent the summer near Bracebridge, are visiting with Miss Annie Handford, The latter will ac company them back to Toronto to visit for a couple of weeks, Fine Dinnerware in Open Stock Patterns We carry four splendid patterns in open stock Dinnerware. You do not have to buy the whole set. Start with a few pieces and add to them as you want. We carry a full stock. Sets as low as $18.95 for 97 pieces GROCERY SPECIALS LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 bars .... 15c BRAN FLAKES Kellogg's wth Aeroplane Book for the Kiddies 2 pkgs for . . 25c CHIPSO large pkg .. . 19c 2 3 SALMON WILL BE MUCH HIGHER JN PRICE Stock up at these Prices 2 Cascade Large cans ............... 25c Small cans ............25c Red Rose Large cans .............. 19c PLUMS PLUMS Green Gage and Burbanks are now ready, No. 1 Quality Prices Guaranteed COMFORT SOAP 6 bars for ... 25c '«! ■ —.........I III—111—......—.............II ■ CORN FLAKES Kellogg's, with Glass Cereal Bowl 3 pkgs .... 29c PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bags . 83c Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 tes LOCAL NEWS ( Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kydd, of To- I ronto, and Mrs. Mary Bloomfield and grandson Roy Austin, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd over the week-end. Mrs. Bickell and daughter Dor othy Ann, of London, visited on Tuesday at the home of the form ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Ulric Snell have re turned home after holidaying for a week at Gananoque. They also spent a day at Ottawa and returned home through the State of New York. Misses Muriel and Janie Hogarth have returned after visiting in Bos ton and Cape Cod. Miss Janie Ho garth Sipent a few days with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth be fore returning to London, Mr. Allan Pickard, of Regina, Sask., -who has been taking a sum mer course at Western University, visited on Monday with his brother Mr. C. V. Pickard and on Tuesday left by anto ’for his home in the West, Mr. Man'ford Belling, of Detroit, Mr. Henry Belling, of Greenway; Messrs. Arthur Francis and Andrew Hamilton, spent a couple of days the latter part of the week on a fishing trip to Tobermorry and Lion’s Head, The rains of the past week delay ed the harvest but farmers are again busy drawing in the grain. In a few cases grain has sprouted and in other cases the straw has rotted from the Wet but in the majority Of cases the damage has not been great Principal E. J. Wethey1 lias re ceived word from the Dept, of Edu cation that the Special Revising Board have taken a further review of the general standing of Mildred E. Elliott and have granted her a credit in Middle School English Composition. The Rochester Post-Bulletin, of Rochester, Minn,, announces tihe en gagement of Kartherine Ruth, daugh tex of Mrs, William L. Mercer, to Dr. Carl G. Morlock, Rochester, son of Mr, and Mrs. C. Edward Morlock, of Crediton, Ontario, The wedding will take place September 18tli, The Only Calling Card You. Need - is - “ClothesjifJJuality” Dressed in “Clothes of . Quality”;—(your appearance is the only calling card you need. There’s an air about these clothes—a smart difference you can’t mistake—because they are made for men who instinctively, respond to the best, Thousands of men who can afford to pay any price, receive from “Clothes of Quality” the finest custom tailoring, which day in and day out gives a “lift” to- their-appearance. These men avail themselves of our moderate prices because they are keen judges of value; because they realize that measured by the many days of faithful, smart wear, “Clothes of Quality” represent a happy, invest ment in correctness. Come in=>today—-'Feast your eyes on masterly styling, checked at every source of fashion—woolens chosen by. experts for long wear and smart pattern. Let us give YOU our idea of made-to- measure style—fit*—-fabric—and value. Our Fall Samples are Now on Display W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Manufacturer’s Sale by PARISIAN FUR COMPANY THREE DAYS ONLY Wonderful Opportunity to Secure a First Class FUR COAT At a Saving from 40 to 50 per cent, off List From “Maker to Wearer” We will make a generous allowance foi* your old fur coat Let Us remodel your old style fur coat SOUTHCOTT BROS., EXETER Phone and a representative will be sent to you.