HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-08-26, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THCRSBAT, ACGtBST SOTl, 1»S7
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Dr. R. H. Taylor is Pgrty Choice
Says Liberals Duped
Dr, Taylor declared that he felt
sorry for Liberals who had been dup
ed by their leader who he declaerd
is fighting a flag-waving battle with
a bogey ‘‘south of the line."
On the liquor question Mr. Taylor
declared that Mr, Hepburn’s was a
liquor sale policy and not liquor
“That is the thorn in the side ot
South Huron. It was a flagrant
breach of the will of the people of
this riding and a criminal disregard
of the 'Supreme Court and highest
court in the empire when he forced
beverage rooms here, I stand firm
ly behind the operation of the Can
ada Temperance Act where it has up
held by the people of this province,
We know of the demoralizing effect
of bevearge rooms on the youth of
our country. The electors of this
riding should send an avalanche
of ballots in answer to his flagrant
’disobedience of the will of the
people," he said.
a HI A leJI
Got that new set of school readers?
We have a good long autumn ahead of us.
And now for getting our best prepared for the Fall Fair.
* ** * *** *
Reports keep coming in of fields of corn levelled by the recent
rains and winds.
* ** * *** *
Picked as Conservative Candidate in South Huron
temperance act issue
Dr. R, Hobbs Taylor, of Dashwood
was nominated to carry the Conser
vative party banner in South Huron
in the coming provincial election
at a meeting which jammed the town
Hall in Hensall on Friday evening.
Dr. T'aylor, who is 42 years old,
and has practiced at Dashwood fox*
2il years, won the nomination over
George Elliott, of Clinton, who con
tested the riding on behalf of the
Conservatives in the past two elec
tions. Dr. Taylor was chosen by a
vote of 133 to 109.
Five were nominated at the con
vention meeting at which Premier
Hepburn was branded as a law
breaker because of his setting aside
of the Canada Temperance Act in
Huron, Perth and Peel Counties.
Those nominated were Dr. Tayloi’
and Mr. Elliott and Frank Donnelly,
of Goderich, James Morley, Exeter,
who was re-elected president of the
riding association and N. Trewar-
tha, of Clinton, a former member of
the riding. However, only Mr. El
liott and Dr. Tayloi’ allowed their
names to stand.
The Temperance Act
As the meeting opened it was
soon made clear that the Canada
Temperance Act would be an issue
in the election in Huron County.
Mr. Trewartha, who spoke first,
sounded the note for the campaign
when he,declared that while Mr..Hepr
burn was going up and down the
province talking of the.C. I. Q. as a
law-breaking organization, his own
government had broken the law and
refused to accept ihe findings of the
■Supreme Court and the Privy Coun
cil in regard to the Canada Temper
ance A'ct as it applied to Huron Co.
The same note was struck by Ash
ton R. Douglas, K.C., president of
the Conservative Association of Lon
don, who was the speaker for the
“Mr. Hepburn did not care whether
you wanted beverage rooms in Huron
County or not. ’ To build up his
election pot he was prepared to force
beverage rooms which you didn’t
want, upon Huron County. He boasts
of $7,000',000 surplus and $6,000,10'00
profit was made in liquor sales," Mr.
Douglas said on this point.
Rower Shortage
Mr. Douglas declared that the
reason for the election being called
this year is a shortage of hydro
“Mr. Hepburn can’t face the people
another 12 months with the present
hydro policy without being discov
ered. 'There is a real and acute hy
dro shortage. Has he brought a
•single qualified "engineer of the hy
dro department to say what power is
available? I challenge him to dd
so at his next meeting. Today we
are using all the 456,000 horsepow
er which the former Government
had contracted for and in the last
three weeks Mr, Hepburn asked Ga
tineau for -50,000 and now1 is going
to ask for another 60,00'0'. He has
tried every means to open the door
to Beauharnois but he can’t do it."
Touching on the labor question,
Mr. Douglas declared that this was
not an issue since the right of men
to organize for collective bargaining
was iecognized 30 years ago.
‘If Mr. Hepburn is so afraid that
Mr. Rowe is going to do something
to help the C.LO., why does he risk
going, to the people this year? Why
doesn’t he stay another two years
and protect the people from this hor
rible ogre? The first C.I.O. strike
was at Sarnia and Mr. Hepiburn did
nothing about it. But the minute
Mr. McLaughlin and General Motors
were affected and the mining inter
ests threatened he leaped into action
Then in Peterborough and Cornwall,
where he was the great councillor.
He was not there because his friends
weren’t affected," the speaker said.
Monied Interests
Referring to an artice to the ef
fect that Mr, Hepburn and Premier
Du.plesis of Quebec were .planning
joint conferences, Mr. Douglas stated
that it was the monied interests of
Montreal and Toronto who would be
directing affairs, and suggested that
an such collusion between the two
premiers represented a threat to the
people in the next Dominion election.
“Mr. Hepburn abrogated the hy
dro contracts and then he does what
any law breaker would do if he'
could. He passed legislation to
place himself above the courts of
the province. The Federal Govern
ment has seen fit to veto the Alberta
bank legislation, but Aberhart cop
ied his plans rights out of Mr. Hep
burn’s books.
“Mr. Hepburn states that revenues
have increased to $90,000,00'0. But
where hap the money gone? Has it
gone to roads, hospitals, aids to
farmers, grants to schools? Where
has it gone?
“It’s gone to his election pot of
gold. 'Now everywhere you go the
election surplus is being spent. It’S
pure and unadulterated bribery. I’d
like to see Mr. Hepburn give the
figures as to how many civil servants
he fired and how many he has hir
ed." Mr. Douglas said as he charged
trickery to create an “election sur
Trewartha Withdraws
Nelson Trewartha of Clinton, a
former member of the riding, with
drew his name. In doing so he de
clared that although Mr. Hepburn
has gone u.p and down the country
calling the C.I.O. a law-breaking or
ganization, his own government is a
law-breaking organization with re
gard to Huron County.
“This Government has not treated
Huron fair. We all believe in de
mocracy and that any Government
should respect the vote of the people
Yet the first act of the Hepburn
government was to forget that the
Canada Temperance Act was in force
here by the vote of the people. It
was upheld by the Supreme Court
an’d the Privy Council, and Mr. Hep
burn ignores it and then charges
the C.I.O. with law-breaking,” Mr.
Trewartha said, as he withdrew, ex
planing that he had been 20 years
in public office.
J. W. Morley, of Exeter, who was
re-elected president of the riding as
sociation, also withdrew, explaning
that he could keep busy enough as
Donnelly Speaks
Frank Donnelly, of Goderich, also
withdrew, but not until he had flay
ed the record of the Government. He
declared that violence attributed
to the C.I.O. by Mr. Hepburn must
be laid at the door of the industrial
service men, and the east with which
police officers pull their triggers.
“We have a labor situation about
which me must do something. The
Conservative party is not backing
the C.I.O., .but does affirm the right
of men to join any union they choose
so long as that union obeys the laws.
We must have legislation to give the
working man a decent wage.
“Mr. Hepburn is a great observer
of law and order. He ignored the
Supeme Gourt ruling on the Canada
Temperance Act and he cancelled hy
dro contracts and then passed special
legislation so that he could not be
sued. If he is going to inforce the
law and order for labor, he must
first obey the laW' himself," he said.
George Elliott, the standard bear-
,er for the Conservatives in 1929 and
1934 declared that his hat was in
the ring.
“I’m proud to be associated with
Hon, Earl Rowe particularly when
he,| promised in fit. Thomas to clean
up'the beverage rooms in Huron Co.
Any of you who visited Goderich
during our Old Home Week saw
some-thing of the sort of things to
be cleaned up. Mr. Hepburn has
ignored the decision of the courts
with regard to beer rooms in Huron.
Peel and Perth and will regret it,"
Mr. Elliott said.
Executive Elected
The entire executive was unani
mously re-elected. The members are:
Honorary President, Hon. H. B.
Bennett; Hen. Earl Rowe and Col.
. Those westerners when not otherwise employed getting in the
narvest may well he employed by municipalities in waging war on
roadside weeds. Ontario, farmers need not lack for labour this;
I. Coombes, of Clinton; honorary
ice-presidents, Wm. Consitt, Hensall
nd Harry Horton, Hensall; presi-
ent, J. W. Morley, Exeter; vice-
res., Carl Draper, of Clinton, Rich
’arks, of 'Seaforth; and Mrs. N. W.
hewartha, of Clinton; secretary,
llarke Fisher,, of Exeter and treas.,
Lichard Welsh. Exeter.
The ratepayers of Lucknow will
•te on a $7,000 by-law on August
for tile building of a Community
ill and Arena.
Seaforth Tax Bah
Pains in Pit of Stomach
Half Hour After Eating
The Seaforth tax rate for 1937
as struck as follows: Public school
ipporters will pay 44 mills, less
le mill repaid by the Provincial
is 42.5
of one
Government, net rate of 43
Ohe net Separate school rate
nills. This is an increase
nill over 1936.
Mrs. O. L. Fairweather, Young’s Cove,
N.B., writesFor many long 'months I
had been suffering from pains in the pit of
my stomach. About half an hour after
eating the pains would start, and despite
the many things I took I could obtain no
“A. friend advised B.B.B., and after I
had taken One bottle the pains had com
pletely disappeared,” a
A product of The T. Milbum Co., Ltd,# Toronto,
The engagement is announced of
(Beatrice) Mary E., eldest daughter
of Mrs. T. Drown and the late Dr.
T. Drown, V.S., fitaffa, to Nelson
Edgar Posliff, eldest son ot Mr. and
Mrs. George Posliff, 263 Huron St,
, Stratford, the marriage to take place
quietly in Septomeher,
The Hamilton market shows an abundance of apples. The wind
played havoc with the apples in this district.
“It is a dangerous matter to act in anything contrary to one’s
conscience.” fio said Martin Luther centuries ago.
The pastures and the meadows and the lawns know what to
do with the rain accompanied by the warm weather,
The United Mine Workers are reported to have $3,563,772 in
the bank. How much of this is under’ the command of Bill Jones,
the individual miner?
Between 6,000 and 8,0'00 of the silk and rayon workers in New-
York and the eastern States decided to return to work last week.
Over 40,000 of their fellow-workers had been on strike.
******* • •
Secretary Hull urged Japan not to make Shanghai the theatre
of war operations. Japan, who knows the U. S., batted not an eye
lash but poured hundreds of tons of shells upon the devoted city.
It's a great world.
Those holding up business in one way and another please re
member that General Winter, with Jack Frost, his chief in com
mand, is just around the corner.
And now the wise men are telling us that we can see but
2,500 stars at any one time of a summer night, That’s all very
well but we’re sure we saw more than that number the other morn
ing. We tumbled from a ladder, as we were trying to fix some
Folk visiting some of the older portions of the United States
report the churches neglected .physically and. poorly attended. This
disease is creeping this way,
this evil thing in the cradle,
the whole community.
* * ♦
It’s up to you and me- to strangle
As the church is, so is likely to be
Bad news for boys and girls. School reopens on September
1st, Which this year come on Wednesday. It used to be that the
fall term did not commence until the Tuesday after Labor Day, but
the inhuman wretches at the Department of Education decreed that
September 1st was the day no matter when Labor Day might come.
—Goderich Signal-fitar
Have you noticed the Thames Road from Exeter to the bound
ary of Perth County. Last week when the Perth road gave off
clouds of dust, the Huron portion of the road was almost as free of
dust as the pavement. Moreover, the Huron portion was delight
fully free of pitting. The Perth portion of the road was a striking
contrast in this respect. We’d like to get the figures of the rela
tive cost of the two methods of road-maintenance.
“I simply cannot sell that dairy product for any such popular
price. I have wrought out this beverage and I know what is costs,
I cannot sell it at a profit unless I degrade the quality.” What
would you advise this man to do? When he sells it at popular’
prices it crowds the other fellow off the market, but he works for
nothing. When he raises the price his product does not sell. Now
what’s he to do, He’d like to live and to let live.
We were calling on a farmer’ the other day. He was busy do
ing what he could to salvage .his crop of oats after the wind and
rain had beaten it down badly. Just as we were leaving ihis prem
ises the West looked as if it were going to visit us with wind and
rain. We ran for shelter and got to the friendly farm kitchen
as the storm broke. Trees bent and many of them broke before
that terrible gale with its sharp lightning and its torrential rains.
As the storm raged he fafmer’s face sobered to anxiety, then to
discouragement. After the storm he went with us to the car,
meanwhile looking ruefully at his field now beaten into the growth
of clover and after-harvest weeds. In an adjoining field was a fine
crop of stooked oats. He had already stocked the field and now
it was sodden. “It was sprouting .this morning,” he told “and now
it will be near the rotting point." What this farmers experienced
that afternoon is characteristic of What his neighbors 'for miles
around him are going through this harvest. It takes a. brave heart
and a stiff backbone to stand up under that sort of thing.
Exeter has a beauty spot that is the pride of the community
and is admired by all who pay it a visit. We refer to our beauti
fully 'laid-out and well kept cemetery. Yet on the road leading to
the cemetery and in .close .proximity to it is another spot that stands
as a blot upon the landscape. It is the village dump ground. The
dump ground has always been more or less an eye-sore; an expense
to the municipality and a problem to keep it looking; anything like
respectable. At the present time it would appeal’ that no attempt
is being made to use the dump grounds provided but refuse is being
dumped into the ditch alongside the road, The municipal council
has from time to time tried to regulate the dumping of refuse at
this spot. They have spent considerable money in cleaning it up
at different times. A row of poplars was at one time planted in
front of the grounds with the hope that in time they would hide the
view from the passer-by but the big problem is to get the public
to go beyond the gate-way to get rid of their rubbish. We would
suggest that once the grounds are. cleaned up that instead of
spending a lot of money at one time to clean up the place that
some of the unemployed labor be used to clean-up the roadways
every other week or so, so that vehicles could drive in without fear
of any damage beimg done. After cleaning it up a notice of warn
ing shoud he followed by punishment to those disregarding the
rules. If the present practice is allowed to continue a detour will
soon be necessary in the roadway.
* -* 4 #■ * * * *
Young farmers from the dust bowl of the west are trekking
pack to old Ontario seeking work. These are the sort that Ontario
farmeis should find the best of help. They have felt the spur ot
necessity. They know what toil is. They know something vf the
farmer's craft. Just now they should be doubly valuable as the
storms have added greatly to the work of Ontario harvesting.
Some farmers fear that these men will stay in Ontario only
till next spring when they will go back to their western holdings.
Said one of these westerners, “But what have we to go back to?"
In any case let’s give these sturdy folk a fair trial.
****** * ,*
Idle boys like idle dogs are headed for trouble. A boy ten
years of age who is not busy either’ at work or at supervised play
is sure to get into trouble. From the time a boy can lick -a spoon
he should -.have his little duties that his parents or* guardians see
that he discharges. A boy from 12 to 15 years of age who is not
employed at something whereby he earns his bread, already is in
the loafer class, The home that does not support this statement
by seeing that its boys are busy about something useful may well
look for sorrow. When these idle hopefuls are allowed to drive
dad’s car where and when they like, the yawning police cell is
just around the corner.
What makes the situation all the more menacing! is the easy
way in which police officers deal with the idlers. Here is one
that illustrates what we are getting at: Two hopefuls, both under
age, were caught abroad without car credentials. Their conduct
was somewhat conspicuous and an o-fficer hailed them and asked
for their permit. Of course it was not forthcoming. The hopefuls
put up a good story and spent the rest ot the time driving where
they saw fit, Next week they were caught with two youngi girls
and “warned" again. Within a week they figured in an accident.
These boys are known as “sleek." Yet these public nuisances can
get all the work they can do and at good wages, “Why work when
we can have a good time?" say these youngsters as they snap their
fingers under the noses of officers. Back of such youngsters is
the father.
A quiet summer wedding was sol
emnized by Rev. W- M. Kitely at his
summer home, Grand Bend, Satur
day, August >1'4, 1937, when Miss
Beatrice Louise Portice, Parkhill,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Portice of McGillivray, was united in
marriage to Mi’. Harold Bossenberry
Parkhill. The bride was becoming
ly gowned in a floweed pink chif
fon dress with matching jacket, pink
■felt hat and white accessories. The
young couple were attended by the
bride’s sister and her husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Desjardine, of the
Bend. The groom’s gift to the
bridesmaid was a marquisette brooch
and to the best man a tie set and
belt. After the ceremony Mr. and
Mrs. Bossenberry left on a shore
honeymoon to Detroit.
For years you have bought and used Chal
lenge Corn Starch because you could always
rely on it to give you perfect results. Now
your grocer has this Corn Starch in its new
attractive package, with the familiar trade
mark of the ‘Rooster’, but under a changed
The product is the same and you have the
same guarantee of the same manufacturer.
Get the habit—call it
IcW J 7<l11CC-2 ,
A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited