HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-08-26, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Interesting Days at Halifax
Editors of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Enjoy splendid Entertainment
at Convention
ed with a beautiful Macaskill pic
ture with the compliments of the
Nova Scotia government, The speak-
at dinner- were the Premier, Mr. Mc
Donald, and John H. Casey, Pro
fessor of Journalism, Oklohoma Uni
versity. These addresses were broad
in writing of our trip to Halifax
to attend the Canadian Weekly News
papers’ Association we mentioned of
having, gone as far as Digby. Digby
is an important fishing village and
in the summer time is a favorite
summer resort, Through the Digby
Gap the tides from the Bay of Fundy
flow for .forty miles into the Anna
polis Valley. The Annapolis Valley
is far-famed for its fruits, its apple
orchards being among the largest in
the world. Over a million barrels
of apples are produced annually and
some 8000 acres in this region are
devoted to potato crops. Annapolis
Royal is the oldest settlement in
America north of the «Gulf of Mexico
The oentre of the apple district is
Nova Scotia was first settled by
the 'French and was known as the
land of Acadia. It was here that
the French and British for 150 years
fought bitterly for possession. No
Canadian (province is more closeiy
associated with the early history of
America. The interest centres chief
ly around the village of Grand Pre
where a Memorial Park is situated
and is the mecca of tourists in that
land of Evangeline,
Our train pulled up at the little
Grand Pre station where all embark
ed. A guide escorted the party over
the grounds and pointed out the
various points of interest. To the
north is the Minas Basin and early
French settlers built dykes to (pro
tect the fertile fields from .the high,
tides. At times during the year the
dykes were opened to allow the wa
tering of the lands. On this historic
site a memorial is erected in the
form of a stone cross built from the
stones which formed the walls of the
early church. The old well, one of
the sources of the village water sup
ply, and some of the old willow trees
are still there. A small chapel, a
replica of the original, has recently
been .built and is used as a museum
containing a collection of the house
hold utensils used in early days, a
wooden .plow and the implements us
ed in agriculture; the stones With
which the grain was 'ground and an
assortment of books and valuable
documents. In front of teh chapel
stands a bronze statue of Evangeline
The park comprises fourteen acres
and has been planted with many
kinds of Iris and an unusual col
lection of flowering native plants
and shrubs. An article on the Land
of Evangeline will appear next week.
We arrived in Halifax in time for
a late supper; and after strolling the
streets for an hour were ready for a
good night’s rest.
Guests of Green Acres
At noon on the first day of the
iconvention the party were taken by
motor buses for a sixteen mile drive
skirting the shores of Bedford Basin
over winding roads and past beau
tiful summer homes, to a resort
called “'Green Acres” where the party
were entertained to luncheon, The
drive was through the courtesy of
the City of Halifax and the luncheon
tendered by the Barber-Ellis Paper
Co. A short address was. given by
His Worship Mayor Mitchell. Leav
ing the ladies behind the men return
ed to Halifax for the afternoon ses
sion of the convention. Later the
ladies returned to Halifax and were
taken on board the “Lady Drake”
where they were guests to afternoon
tea by the Canadian National Rail
way. They were shown over the
boat with its large, airy staterooms,
observation decks and comfortable
lounges. The boat was sailing for
Bermuda the same evening and be
fore the ladies had completed their
visit passengers were coming on
iboard. After returning to the Hotel
it was a case of dress .for the ban
quet to be tendered by the Province
of Nova (Scotia. ‘
Presented With Membership of
Oldest Ordei> in America
Ladies Receive Pictures
At a complimentary dinner as
guests of the Province of Nova Sco
tia at the Lord Nelson Hotel at 7
p.m. the editoi’ of the Tdmes-Advo-
eate along with the other editors
present, received a certificate of the
membership in the ''Order of Good
Times.” This is the oldest social
order in America and was establish
ed in Nova Scotia at Annapolis Royal
by Champlain in 1604. The certifi
cate is signed by premier Angus Mc
Donald, and Hon. A. S. MacMillan,
Minister of Highways, At the same
time the ladies present were present
Dull, Aching Pains In Back
Always Draggy and Tired
Mrs. James Faliand, Breadalbane, P.E.I., writes:
—“I had dull, aching pains in my back and always
felt draggy and tired.
“I saw-Doan’s Sidney Pills advertised and de
cided to try a box. When I had finished talcing it
I found they Were helping me, so I continued until
I had used three boxes.
"I will highly recommend them to all women who
haVO dull, aching pains in the back, or \7ho feel
tired and loggy.”
A product of Tho T, Milburn Go., Ltd,, Toronto, Oftt,
cast over a national network. Among
those present were George Matthew
Adams, well-known writer, who
makes his summer home in Nova
Scotia. Following the program
many of the ladies* had the back
of their picture autographed and
Mrs. Southcott’s picture contains the
autograph of Mr. Mac Donalu, Mr.
Adams, Mr. MacMillan ajfrjl of num
erous friends. <‘There were three
■brides present at’the ^convention and
they were presented with bouquets.
Meeting an Old Friwd
Passing the- desk of the Lord Nel
son Friday morning we got a side
view of what looked like a familiar
face and it gave us a little thrill to
recognize a former Exeter girl. We
stopped for the second look and were
delighted to meet Mrs Gunn, of Cal
gary, formerly Miss Anna Martin, ac
companied by Dr. Gunn. Tliey had
I seen our names in a paper and were
looking for us. Dr. and Mrs, Gunn
and their three children and been
travelling through Nova Scotia and
Labrador. Unfortunately their son
lan had suffered an acute attack of
appendicitis and had undergone an
operation in a Halifax hospital. He
had made a splendid recovery and
was about to leave the hospital after
a delay of two weeks. Their two dau
ghters bad returned to the West
ahead of them. We had an interest
ing conversation with Mrs. Gunn of
old times in Exeter and she made
inquiry of many of the old friends
of the family and wished to be re
membered to them. We inquired of
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Ross, of Calgary,
who are now getting well up in
years but who still retain a. close
touch with the old home town. Mrs.
Ross is not enjoying the best of
health. They have been readers of
the Times-Advocate ever since leav
ing here.
More Banquets and Boat Ride
Work while you work and play
'while you play seemed to be the mot
to of the convention. At noon on
Friday following an interesting ses
sion by the men during which the
ladies spent the time in shopping or
sight-seeing, another |banquet was
held this time as guests of the Hali
fax Herald. The guest speaker was
Rev. A. Stanley Walker, Professor
of History, and newly appointed
president of the University of King’s
College, Halifax. He is a forceful
speaker and his. address was illum
inating and entertaining.
At four o’clock the session again
adjourned, this time for a two-hour
boat trip around the harbour as
guests of the Halifax Harbor Com
mission. Halifax has one of the
finest and one of the largest har
bors in the world, capable of offer
ing protection to the whole British
fleet. It is about six miles long and
five miles broad. At the piers the
uniform depth of water is about 45
feet. On an elevation 271 feet
above the harbor is Citadel Hill with
its early tradition of warfare, com
manding a view of the harbour.
Back again at the Lord Nelson the
party were again guests at lunch
eon this time by the C.W.N.A. assoc
iation. Presentations were made to
those winning awards for the best
weekly newspapers in Canada; the
best front page; for commercial
printing and for golden ideas con
test. The hour was getting well on
when Louis Blake Duff, of Welland,
was called on to give an address on
the journey of the, printing press
across Canada. Mr. Duff is a great
after-dinner speaker and from start
to finish he kept those present in
roars of laughter. In fact at times
he had the tears rolling down o>ur
cheeks. But the party had to be
away by ten o’clock for there was
still another function and Mr. Duff
abbreviated liis address.
From the Lord Nelson Hotel those
of the .party so inclined went to the
Nova Scotian Hitel where as guests
of the Canadian National Railways
they were invited to1 a dinnei' dance.
The dance was supposed to conclude
at one a.m. but so enjoyable was the
affair that an extra, hour was added
for the entertainment of the visitors.
It rounded out a very full day for
those who stayed for the finish. Not
convention were able to secure rooms
at the Lord. Nelson, and a number
were staying at the Nova Scotian, a
very fine hotel.
The Convention
'Little has been said about the con
vention, We have often been asked
what goes on when the newspaper
men get together. The theme of the
whole convention was better weekly
newspapers and better service for
the community. Besides this of vi
tal importance to the weekly news
paper is the securing of a proper ap
preciation by the national advertiser
of the importance of a weekly news
paper in its own field. Here are
some of the subjects discussed:
Address by Mrs. Jessie Allan Brown,
who conducts a column “Hints for
Homebodies” in a number of week
lies on the subject “A reader’s digest
of the weeklies,” Mrs. Brown was
formerly of London and the heading
for her articles was suggested by
Mrs. L. Eedy, of St. Marys. S, Dor-
nan, of Saskatchewan, spoke on see
ing ourselves as others see us. J.
George Johnston, of Toronto, secre
tary of the Chain Stores Association
spoke on the country newspaper
and the chain stores. An address
and demonstration was given on the
making of pictures for weekly news
papers. Miss F. -E. Clatworthy, of
Toronto, secretary of the Association
of Canadian Advertisers spoke on
what does the advertising dollar, buy
Professor John Casey gave an ad
dress “If I were a Country Editor".
Prof. Malcolm McLellan, Professor
of Education St. Francis Xavier Uni
versity, Antigonish, N. S- spoke of
the co-operative movement and what
it has meant to the fishermen on the
Atlantic coast.
It is quite impossible to sit thro-
a series of addresses' such as the
above and to join in the discussion
which follow each address without
carrying away some helpful ideas
and a desire to do a better job.
Next week we will give an account
of our visit to the city of Quebec.
August 25, 1887
iMr. Robert Sanders shot a two-
pound woodcock last week.
The Exeter fire companies one
and two picniced at the lake yes
terday. There were many joined
in the fire fighters and all report
having a good time.
Robeit Coates, an Elimville boy,
who for the past three years has
been working in Mr. James Pick
ard’s store, Seaforth, has secured a
good situation in a wholesale house
in London. . :
Messrs. Snell and Clarke, of Exe
ter, A. T. Bean and Reinhart Cook
have been appointed magistrates
for the township of Hay.
Messrs. N. Dyer Hurdon, Fred El
liott and Eli Cash left Tuesday for
'Southampton where they will spend
a week shooting. N. Dyer will visit
the Sault before he returns.
Mr. R. Hicks and family’ who have
been dusticating in and around Mon
treal for the past couple of weeks
returned home yesterday.
Mr. Ed. Scarlett -has returned from
a pleasant visit among friends and
.relatives in Cobourg.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam C. Carter and
family, of Rochester, N.Y., have re
turned home after spending a few
weeks in Goderich and Exeter.
Mr. A. Coffin is spending his va
cation with friends at St. Clair,
Mrs. Andrews, accompanied by her
youngest son, of Elimville, went to
Manitoba on the excursion train to
visit three of her sons, who have
been there several years.
Mr. Thomas Veal fell ol’f a straw
stack on the premises of Mr. Wm.
Wood and received severe injury.
all of the 215 persons attending the
August 22, 1013
Mrs. Ed. Dyer, who has been vis
iting relatives in town returned to
her home on Tuesday.
Reggie Tom, son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. H. Tom, of Vancouver, B.C., re
cently won a hundred dollar schol
arship in McGill Matriculation exam
ination at Montreal. Mr. Tom and
family will move to Montreal iq,
Mr. R. N. Rowe has disposed of
his fine brick residence on Huron
street now occupied by Mr. S. G.
Bawden, to Mr. Wm. Penhale of Ste
Mrs. J. H. Baker and daughter,
after a pleasant visit here returned
to their home in Rochester N,Y„ on
Friday. Mrs. Trott, the former’s
sister, also returned to ber home
in Beamsville the same morning.
Messrs. J. A. Stewart, C. B. Snell,
I. R. Carling, F. W. Gladman, W. H.
Levett, W. T. Acheson, N. D. Hur
don and R. G. Seldon took an auto
trip to Ingersoll, Norwich and Wood-
stock, on Thursday and Friday last
and played a game of bowls in each
Mrs. John Keys, of Crediton, has
purchased the Passmore property on
William street.
Mr. Amos Doupe, of Usborne, has
been awarded first prise of $30 in the
Standing oat crop competition in the
South Perth Agricultural society for
the best five acres.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fairbairn, after
a visit with old friends here left on
Monday lor their home in Winnipeg.
Mi\ and Mrs. Eli Snell left on
Tuesday for Edmonton where they
will spend several weeks,
Misses Merril Gould, Carrie Dyer,
May Armstrong and Miss T, Yaeger
left Saturday for Toronto to attend,
the millinery openings,
Mrs. Prior left Saturday to visit
her daughter in Ridgetown. Mr. H.
Prior accompanied her and will
shortly return to his home in Port
age La Prairie.
The second annual bowling tourn-
a ent held on Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday was an unqualified suc
cess. 44 rinks entered the tourna-t
ment. S. G. Bawden’s trophy went
to Hensail; the South Huron Trophy
went to London Rowing Club and
the finals in the consolation went to
W. W. Taman’s rink, Exeter.
August 24, 1922
On Saturday last about 9 o’clock
the large bank barn of Mr. Thomas
Ross, 12th con. of Usborne, was to
tally destroyed by fire together with
the season’s crop. Mr. Scott was
working in the barn with a. lantern
when it either exploded or fell over
and the flames spread rapidly.
Mr. Chas. Locke, of Boston, who
is returning from a trip to Mexico,
visited with Mr. w. T. Acheson’ at
the Central Hotel on Wednesday.
Mr. Geo. Pringle, of Brooklin,
Ont,, visited the past week with Mrs.
Agnes Camubell.
The Exeter Evaporator, which was
recently purchased by A. D. Klopp is
being fitted up with modern machin
Mr. and Mrs. Brimacombe, Ham
ilton, who have been visiting rela
tives in town returned home on Fri
Mr. L. Tapp, of Virden, Man., is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fran
cis and other relatives in this com
Mrs. Foster, of T'cnowanda, N.Y..
daughter of Mr. Leonard Hunter,
returned home Monday after visit
ing with Mr. John blunter and other
•Senders of telegrams must now
pay three cents tax on each mes
sage, the tax having been raised
from one cent, August 1st..
Renew Now I
“Yeah! It’s just grand, mom I’*
With their very first taste they discovered that
Borden’s MelOrol Ice Cream is very different from
any other ice cream they’d ever bought.
Yes, Borden’s MelOrol is the smoothest ice cream
you’ve ever tasted. And creamier . » . more satisfying
. . . the finest-tasting ice cream that ever flowed from
a freezer. A new kind of ice cream.
It’s made a new way! A new process of blending
and fast-freezing makes
Borden’s MelOrol far
better than ordinary
MelOrol is the favourite Ice Cream
now for Social eveins and family get*
togethers! Each carton contains four
individually-wtapped servings, all Of
the sanie generous Size, and yoii can
get assorted flavours.
ice cream. It’s packed a new way! Each rich round
individual serving is wrapped in a roll-pack^right at
the freezer. This special wrapper protects its fresh
ness, purity, and delicious flavour for you. Border’s
MelOrol Ice Cream retains every bit of its fresh-from-
ihe-freezer goodness.
Go to your MelOrol dealer today and taste this new
ice cream. It's the talk of the town! Never before have
you been able to enjoy so much good ice cream for
a nickel. Try a big MelOrol done. Or discover how
MelOrol improves a sundae, soda, or incited milk*
And serve MelOrol at home from the handy carton
for a special treat.
Dealers displaying the
Borden’s MelOrol sigti
have genuine MelOrol
Ice Cream. Ask for it by
Fall Fair Dates
Ailsa Craig ........................ Oct. 5, 6
Bayfield ....................... Sept. 29, 3V
Blyth ..... sept. 17, 18
Brussels ............... Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Dungannon ................ Oct. 7, 8
Embro .................................... Oct. 7
Exeter ..................... Sept. 20, 21
Goderich ...................... Sept. 21, 22
$32,000 PRIZE LIST
LAN for a day or two at Western Ontario’s
own exhibition. This year will surpass a]|
previous efforts for agricultural, industrial, scieri-previous eirorcs tor ag
tifiq and home exhibits,
Hanover .................... Sept. 17, 18
Harriston ............... Sept. 23, 24
Ingersoll ............... Sept. 30, Oct. 1
Kincardine ................. Sept. ‘116, 17
Kirkton ..................»........ Oct. 5, 6
Listowel ,.................. Sept. 22, 23
London (Western Fair) Sept. 13-18
Lucknow ............... Sept, 23, 24
Mildmay .................... Sept. 21, 22
Milverton ..................... sept, 16, 17
Mitcbc.ll ...................... Sept. 28, 29
New Hamburg .............. Sept. 17, 18
Owen Sound ..................... Oct. 4-6
Palmerston ................ Sept. 27, 2 8
Parkhill ....... .
Seaforth ..................... Sept. 23, 24
Stratford ...................... Sept. 20-22
St. Marys ......................... Oct. 8, 9
Tavistock ................. Sept. 10, 11
Thedford ................. Sept, 28, 20
Thorndale .................. Sept. 21, 22
> \ nt present farm
Teeswater ......................... Oct. 5, 6
Tiverton .... ,os 24
Wiarton ...................... Sept.16,17
Wingham .................. Sept.29,30
Woodstock .................. Aug.2(6,28
Zurich ........................ Sept.27,28
than in 1933
Falls From Windmill
GODERICH— Atop a windmill
which protrudes through the roof
of John Chisholm’s barn in Col-
borne Township, Wilfred Smith,
Goderich butcher, fell fifteen feet to
the roof of the barn, then rolled
down the roof and fell another
twenty feet, alighting on a straw
pile left by threshers just outside
the barn floor.
He is in Alexandria Hospital with
head gashes .requiring fifteen stit
ches, but they were not caused by
the fall. When the paddles on the
windmill were moved by a sudden
gust of wi?id, 'One paddle struck
him cn the head, precipitating him
to the sloping metal roof below,
thence down the roof to the straw
pile. Mr. Smith was lucky. Had
he fallen a few feet the other side
of the roof’s peak he would have
hit hard ground.
THURSDAY, Al’GlW 2#tih, 1037
The Preston Fertilatar
attached to your seed drill
enables you to sow fertilizer
with your fall wheat.
EVERY DAY 5ErT« 13 ”18 SeereUSi
Write us for details or see your
banker. He will welcome you.
Lead on the head positively
seals the nail-hole. A drive
screw nail that holds like a
No matter how large or small
your flock, there is Jamesway
equipment of every type
to suit your needs exactly.
Specialists in incubators, ven
tilation and poultry housing.
Write for literature.
112 lbs.
5.6 bu.
9.875 bu.
8.5 bu.
83 lbs.
roof to protect your crops and
livestock. Get one of Canada’s
two best roofing values.
Rib-Roil and Tite-Lap
Roofing—Easy to put on right
over your old roof. They save
money by cutting upkeep cost.
Be sure to get the genuine E.S .P.
product and have no regrets.
There are many unsuccessful
imitators! Send ridge and rafter
j measurements for free cost
IS estimate.
Eastern Steel Products
706 Guelph Street <=/^?7Z'e^ Factories also at
Increases in the price of steel have
necessitated a slight increase in the
cost of metal roofing, but it actually
costs you less, relatively, to buy Rib-
Roll or Tite-Lap roofing today than
it did in 1933.
Look at these figures. Here is what
it cost you in commodities to buy
Rib-Roll or Tite-Lap roofing
in 1933 as compared to today.
Cost of 100 sq. ft. Roofing
Beef . . .120 lbs.
Wheat . .6.85 bu.
Oats ... 14 bu.
Barley. . .11.5 bu.
Bacon Hogs ' 96 lbs.
So.^don’t put off getting a new
livestock. Get one of Canada’s