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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-08-26, Page 2
Thursday, august w THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE it BY VERA BROWN surprised. What little color there was in her cheeks drained out. In that moment Serge felt a little sorry for her. “You’re mad, Serge!” She tried to I make her voice natural, but her It was the old throat ielt dry and uncomfortable She’d never have been fas though she were being choked by a tight collar. .The response Serge got was con trary to his expectations. He only made the casual remark to anger Karen. A thought flashed through his mind; She’s fallen in love with the wrong man, that was a certainty Serge prided himself on an almost womanly intuition about such things It had stood him in good, stead, that intuition, in times past, Now, -per haps, all his worries were over. If he could get money without marry ing this “American wildcat” as he called her in (irivate, everything would be perfect. As Serge’s thoughts tucked like lightning over that interesting .pros pect of no more financial worry, Karen .fought for composure. Serge’s remark had come like a thundeibolt. Karen refused to ad mit he was right. But she wanted him to go. sight of him. “Go away.” ] was level and quiet. “I’m you.” Serge smiled discreetly bowed over her hand. He leave formally and without confus ion. “Certainly not!” “You don’t appreciate him!" “What about poor Bing?” Karen replied. “You’ll never marry him; mother won’t let you!” Karen stiffened, challenge, engaged to Ping in the first place if there had not been all that parental objection. It seemed hours before Karen could manage to break away. Ping went with her, a silent Ping, He was not satisfied. Karen did not know what do about it. It must have been entered the driveway of her llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ey. We could have settled for his knew, but she else she could 3.30 when they me come in a while, Karen, low. I don't like to leave finally home. “Let You’re you alone,” he said as they went in the side entrance. Karen was grateful. Pink took her hand and led her into the solarium at the back of the big house. As they walked into the sun-filled room hung with some oif her mother's fine orchid plants, they both halted sud denly. Somebody else was It was Prince ward, smiling: “Karen, my so long since I there, Serge. He came for- darling, it has been have seen you!” And he bent tenderly over her hand and kissed it. Of course, the was furious. “I spoke to your father Karen,” the Prince went “Rani, enough of this You know Karen is engaged to me,” said Pig hotly. The Prince shrugged his shoul ders, “I’m afraid you are mistaken.” He smiled at Karen. “She may be engaged to you, but we started off to get married the other night* when we were interrupted.” And he made a gesture toward a bruise which still showed faintly on ihis forehead. She surrenly hated the Her voice . tired of othei* man this noon, on. nonsense! as he took his an- she she Stoddard’s handlin, and fat former g the ease .for the others. It fee foi' the firm Mallory told his wife, and with a guilty glance at Karen's drooping shoulders, he escaped from the house with a sigh of relief, Alone, Karen wandered restlessly about the drawing .room, rearrang ing flowers, glancing at a bit of bric- a-brac. Finally she went to her sit ting room She had hoped vaguely that ping might telephone her. Karen was sincerely fond of Ping. She had known him “forever,” as she put it, ■ hurt him. But Ping Karen was Lucy away she was g self to sleep. The moment of the way Manhattan She did not want to did not call. By 9 o’clock beside herself, She sent for ;oing the night, and said to try and read her- Ti E■Hb W -Exvtrr QJimw-Aiwrait Established 1873 and 1887 at Exeter, Cntariq Published every Thursday mornin|i SUBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year ip advance RATES—-Farm er Real Estate tor sale 50c, each insertion for first four insertions, 25c. each subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar ticles. To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six words. Reading notices 10c,. per line, Card of Thanks 50n. Legal ad* vertising 12 and 8c. per line. la Memoriam, with one verse 50o. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Karen turned on the Prince. “Serge, let’s stop all this nonsense.” Ping interposed: “Karen, first let me ask you’ something, were you running away with Serge when that orack-up happened?” /He put his hand on Karen’s shoul ders and tried to make her face him “You lied to me, Karen, didn’t you? “Yes, Ping, I did. I lied, be cause I wanted to save your feelings. I’d done enough damage That’s all, Ping!” He turned away from denly and walked toward “I’m going,, Karen. I’m not making any rash statements now. But I wanted to think this other. You see it’s getting so I can’t trust you.” .Serge, watching, tried to hide his light of triumph in his eyes. It was all happening as he had planned. Karen tried to speak. The hurt in Ping’s eyes was deep and she was sorry. But there was so little she could say. Ping started for the door. Karen ran after him but he picked up his hat and coat and continued on his way. She caught him at the door. “Ping this is childish!' Serge is just a cad. He wants you to do just as you are doing.” Ping looked down at Karen, un convinced. “But you told me an out-and-out lie, Karen. What am 1 to believe?” already. The prince pleads Finally Karen let .him go. No use to argue. She turned and slowly hack into the solarium Serge was calmly smoking a ette.tj for some time. America for the meeting Karen her if possible, most within his queer turn of events should net him I'eal money. But how? Karen in her wrinkled frock slump od in her chair. Serge, watching; went where cigar- ■Serge watched her speculatively He had come to express purpose of Mallory, marrying That had been al- grasp. Surely the .Facing Her Father Karen did not even bother to swer him. When he had gone went directly up to her room. As walked into her sitting room Lucy was there, a Lucy whose eyes were red with weeping. “How could you do such a thing!” Lucy cried. •put her arms man. “I had to. “Mr. Mallory says I’m here at the end of the month.” Karen laughed shortly. “Non sense! You are not. you go, I go! expect you to can’t?” Soon Lucy Karen scratched face, drawin, bath, generally coddling and petting her. So wrought up was the girl that she wept for an hour, and Lucy was busy putting cologne packs on her eyes.. The phone rang for Karen several times, but she refused to answer it. When her father came home, he came directly to her room. She looked up at him fearfully, then put both arms about his neck. “You are a darling,” she sobbed, “not to be too angry with me.” He held her off from him. “Karen this whole thing is serious. You realize that?” “Of course, Dad, but I want to do what is right. I’m through with all this sills* stuff, Father. I’m ser ious about that.” He looked down into his clear brown eyes and smoothed her hair back from .her face. “You don’t think I I do.” Mallory shook his driving, .proud, he had suffered much from Jay’s carryings-on, his divorces and from the Countess de ene’s matrimonial troubles. He loved his daughter so he had been determined to her. And he had failed completely. “Karen, I was foolish to be so severe with you,” he began. “But I’m so afraid for you.” “You needn’t be. That’s all over,” she said. .Mallory looked alarmed. “Answer me this, Stoddard’s at the bottom of all this ‘generous stuff’ isn’t he?” Mallory’s keen eyes bored into her brown ones, so like her “No, Father.” ‘That isn’t the “It is, Father, Judge. He just Karen came over and about the faithful wo- Now stop crying.” through Ik a couple of thousand apiece if you’d kept out of it.” “I think they have more than that coming to them. That’s why I came back when I found out.” “Remember, law partner is the Mariettas will be a nice when they settle.” ‘iFather, don’t Judge is not personally only to see that justice is done. He bent and kissed her. “You’re a babe in the woods. I should not give in to you, but in this case I have to, Just wait until you get pinched for money and see how dra matic you’re going to be, rushing into court to help the complainant against you.” But he changed the subject after that and asked her about Serge. Karen's 'cheeks flushed suddenly as her father mentioned Serge. For the memory of Serge’s accusation of the afternoon still upset her. Her father, misunderstanding, sighed. “I just want you to be happy Karen.” His voice “Do you want this “Heavens, no!” But Mallory did lieve her. Serge had done his work well that morning. “What about Ping? Are you keep ing his ring?” “I don’t know, “■What day?” In her cited and ther that ested in Serge. While they were talking her mo ther rushed in for a moment, drop ped a kiss on her head and swept Later the three gathered there When Kar- from Jay be absurd. The interested, held a warning. Prince?” not entirely be- >> happened between you got her to- ex- fa- impatience, Karen further convinced she was really not inter- shortly. I pay you. It Besides how can Dad handle me when he her was ministering to g her “Poor mean head. child.” it, but Silent, Savar- mucii protect mother’s. Karen.’ blame the truth, dont happened along.” Mallory shrugged his shoulders. ------- ----------’J “I know you’ll protect him, but, was convinced that Karen was not; Karen, I’ll get even with him for in love with Ping. What then? He an tills if it’s the last thing I ever thought he knew. He waited a long (j0(n time for her to speak. Then he made : “Dad, you mustn’t, his dicision.--------------------------------> you.” Karen, are you in love with this Her father smiled a Judge-fellow?” it But now back If Serge had struck her in the position of yours, All fac© she could not have been more ness is going to cost a I won’t let little. “For- to this 'pro- this foolish- lot of mon- Eczema On Her Hands Hardly Put Them In Water RlJRDOCK LOO Bitters Mrs. Joseph R. GerbEr, R.R. No. 1, Millbank, Ont., Writes!—"Several months ago I was troubled with eczema on my hands. (iI could not help with the milking my hands were so sore and itching, and I could hardly put them in water. After I had taken one and a half bottles of B.B.B. I found my hands were healing very quickly. X have never found a remedy to compare with B.B.B. f or purifying the blood. ’ ’ A produet of The T. Milburn Co., IM, Toronto, was safely out picked up the ■ and “S”. Lucy Karen directory and began thumbing through the “S”. Bu't she could not find Stoddard’s name. A blind number, she supposed. A Telephone Call Next she telephoned the apart ment building on Fifth Avenue and asked to be connected with the Stod dard apartment. She did not iden tify herself, and the operator re fused to put through her call. Dis gusted, Karen tossed the directory on the floor, threw herself on the bed and gave herself up to her mis ery. Never before in her whole life had Karen felt like this. She covered her face with her hands, determined not to cry any more. “I’ve made a baby of myself for two days. She simply would not go to Flor ida now. But Karen would not al low' herself to admit why suddenly Florida seemed so impossible. As she lay there the buzzer on her tele phone sounded. iShe raised herself on her elbow and reached for the instrument. It was the butler’s voice. “Judge iStoddard wishes to speak to you.” It was seconds before Karen could trust her voice to answer. Even when she heard his deep voice she and voice son, was glad It mo- you, say- reach was in court; in and then Karen much fun, being a desultory BREAD IS NOT FATTENING New Reducing Diet || allows 2 Slices of Bread at Every Meal Professional Cards ■; . y-'” =■ GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL The new BREAD DIET is based on • the proved fact that bread itself is not fatten ing. Bread is an energy food. * Extreme reducing diets cut down too much on energy foods because starch is con sidered fattening. Bread is CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &o LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Mpin Stree*, EXETER, ONT. next ■until hus- out. before dinner and it was en had a telephone call in Miami. Mrs. Mallory talked to and so did Mallory, and dinner late. Karen would Iftvve been to omit the entire ceremony, was a dreary affair, with her* ther .wrangling with Karen because she did not want to' go down South and join Jay. “Do you want to go, Karen?” her father asked her wearily, after a lot of talk, “I want to stay in town until this whole business of the automobile accident is settled.” “But Jay needs you, Karen,” Mrs Mallory interposed. “Why dont you go, Mother?" “I can’t. I’m booked full, and there’s the peace conference week. Besides, I’m not .going your father does.” Her Mother’s proposal Mrs. Mallory turned to her band for help. “I think Karen is downright ungrateful! I almost never ask her to do anything. Somebody should be down South with Jay! I feel it.” Karen moodily pushed her small coffee cup from her. iShe couldn’t leave town. She couldn’t. Why, she refused to admit to anybody. “It seems to me, Karen, you could do this little thing for me!” “Mother Marie may be sailing any day and I want to be here when she and Gene arrive, They’ll need us all.” Mrs. Mallory groaned: “More no toriety! This family is simply doom ed. I’ve tried my best and so has your father. You grew up in a happy home. Goodness knows you father and I never talked of divorce, or never quarreled.” Mallory tried to signal to his wife to be quiet. He knew Karen was troubled over something. In his clumsy way he was trying to pro tect her. “Now, mother, Karen at least is not divorced.” Mrs. Mallory bridled at this at tack ''on her only daughter. “Karen admits Ping are having suppose she’d bother that, She didn’t tell me. it from Mre. Farrington.” “Well, dear, if she doesn’t want to stay engaged to Ping, why should quarrel, tried clenched her free left hand hoped that she could keep her casual, “I didn’t’ expect to Miss Mallory,” Stoddard ing, “but you were great I'm proud of you.” /They talked on fashion for a time, told him: “It isn’t reformed.” “That’s where you are wrong. You just haven’t found anything to do to take the .place of barging about town.” Karen tried to1 detect something in his -voice that would encourage her to ask him to come and see her. •Suddenly she wanted to talk with him desperately. ;She tried to keep her voice light. “You promised me I could weep on your shoulder.” “I keep by promises.” “But I feel like weeping •—< right away.” There was a slight hestitation, hardly perceptible, but Karen knew. Her figure grew limp on the bed, and only her .pride kept her from breaking down completely. Finally Stoddard due at midtown at said. “I’d like to little, if you’d like It whs Karen’s turn to hestitate. Stoddard understood. (Continued next week) FOLLOW THIS BREAD DIET PLAN This Diet Plan gives about 1600 Calories a day —• the reducing allowance of the average woman. • BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice Small serving meat, fish or eggs 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter 1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tsp. sugar • LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, fish, or eggs Average serving 1 green vegetable 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter Average serving fruit salad 1 glass milk • DINNER % glass fruit or tomato juice Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green Small serving simple dessert 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter 1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tep. sugar son and to me trouble. to her older she and I don’t tell you I heard she? Young peope will you know,” Mallory still make peace. “Besides, in this case I I blame Ping very much! Mallory^ smile at his daughter across the table softened his words. “I won’t be shipped away like a naughty and left can’t to say But child!” Ka.ren said finally, the table, CHAPTER XVI went into the drawing It Karen room and turned on the radio, was a news broadcast, telling some thing of Her day in court. -She turned the dial quickly. Her mother, the picture of in jured dignity, went on to her sitting .room to rest. There was a reception the Mallorys were to attend later in the evening, “I'll go on to the club for some bridge. You can pick me up there,”, answered: “I’m 11 o’clock,” he drop by for a that.’ ZION Misses Laurene and Hazel spent the week-end at Turnbull’s Grove the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and family of Winchelsea. zion w. ar. s. The August meeting of the W. M. •S. was held at the home of Mrs. Al lan Jaques when they entertained the Mission Circle. The meeting was opened with hymn eleven. Eleven members aswered the roll call. Mrs. Tom Hern took charge of the meet ings; Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Melville Hern; hymn 319 was pung; Mrs. Well. Brock read the devotional leaflet; reading by Miss Mary Earl and the 23rd Psalm and the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unis on. A duet “Ashamed of Jesus” was sung by Mrs. R. E. Pooley and Mrs. Well. Brock. The Study Book was taken by Mrs. Tom Hern; read ing by Mrs. Angus Earl. Hymn 82 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Pooley. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. KIRKTON Hern Miss Lena Kirk, of Woodham, spent the past week with her cousin Norma Tufts. Mr, and Mrs. P. G. Butcher and daughter Norma, of Stratford, vis ited With Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Shier this past week. Miss Ella Routly, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. K. Hogg, of Thorndale spent Sunday with Mrs. Alex Crago.. Miss Elizabeth Shier spent the past week with Mrs. Geo. Hazelwood in Stratford. Dr. and Mrs. R. V. B. Shier, of Toronto, Mr. Samuel Shier, of St. Marys, and Mr. Stewart $hie.r called on friends in the village this past week, Mrs, R. Osborne, of Bowmanville, spent the .week-end with Mr. and Mrs, U, V, Crago, not just a “starchy” food. ‘It is a combination of’ energy - giving carbohy drates and a special form of protein that helps burn up fat while you are re ducing. Extreme diets often break down vital tissues, and should never be taken with out a doctor’s advice. • Go on the Bread Diet— and be splendidly energetic, not weak and irritable. This diet gives you the main part of your energy food in bread. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L,D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS* DENTAL SURGEON Successor to the late Dr. Atkinsun Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70MAIN ST. EXETER Middleton’s Bakery Phone 52 • •• . •••Exeter ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood B. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FARMERS - - ATTENTION WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Call us for prompt service. Our Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled Animals ONTARIO TALLOW CO. EXETER, telephone collect—exeter 235 ONTARIO ................ H FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed • EXETER P. O. or RING 188 TRACTION We handle only Goodyear Tires because only Goodyears give you 4-way traction at the centre of the tread whore the tires touch the road. Goodyear’s diamond pattern means greater safety every mile you drive. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY . Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President, ......... ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell, R.R. 1 Vice-President .... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ............. Exeter JOHN, McGRATH ................. Dublin WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE .. Woodham R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ........... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell R. 1 THO.S. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. w. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter Cedar Chests AND* NEW FURNITURE Also furniture remodelled to order. We take orders for all kinds of ca binet work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Shingles & Lumber Buy your Shingles now while the price is right; also White Pine Pressed 10 in. and 12 in. wide at $40.00; Matched Siding, White Pine at $40.00; all sizes of 2 in* lumber at low prices. A. J. CLATWORTHY Pbohe 12 Granton W. J. Beer, Exeter F. G. Penwarden, Centralia Tourist traffic through Sarnia in July set an aiLtime record with 42,“ 096 cars handled by customs, a gain of 6,000 cars over the previous peak year of 1929.