The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-08-19, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TMCliSIkly, AVGUST 10U>,
Howard and Arline, of Kitchener
who have been visiting with relatives
in Hensail, Beach-of-Pines and
Thames Road returned home on Sat
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hamilton and
family have returned from Simcoe
where they have visited for several
weeks. Mr. Hamilton intends mov
ing to London shortly where they
will reside.
Mrs. Wm. Jones had the misfor
tune while going down the back
steps of her home about a week ago
to slip and fall badly spraining her
ankle. Her many friends hope for
a speedy recovery.
In connection with the Band Tat
too in Hensail, Wednesday, August
25 th, there will be a mysterious Miss
Hensail, who will be on the street
from 7,30 Wednesday evening Aug
ust 25th, The person finding Miss
Hensail will win a prize of $5.00,
Middle School Results
The following are the Middle
School results for Hensall Continua
tion School:
Doris Alexander, Lit. 2nd, Can.
Hist. 3rd,- Algebra 1st, Chem, 2nd,
French Comp. 3rd. '
Audrey Cochrane, Can. Hist. 2nd,
Anc. Hist. 2nd, Algebra 1st, Latin
Authors 3rd, Latin Comp. 3rd,
French Authors 2nd, French Comp.
Allan Davidson, Alg. 2nd, Chem. C
Marion Dougall, Comp. C, 'Lit. C,
Algebra 1st, Geom. C, Physics 2nd,
Latin Comp. C, French Authors C,
French Comp. C.
Ross Forrest, Lit. 3rd, Algebra 1st
Physics 2nd, French Authors 3rd,
French Comp. 3rd.
, Mona Glenn, Lit. C.
Verna McLean, Can. Hist. C, Alg.
2nd, Geom. C, Physics 3rd, French
Authors 2nd, French Comp. 2nd.
Dorothy McQueen, Anc. Hist. C,
Chem. 3rd, Latin Authors C, French
Authors 2nd.
Kenneth Passmore, Lit. C, Alge
bra 'C, French Comp. C.
Theda Watson, Comp. 2nd, Lit. 2n
Can. Hist. 3rd, Algebra 2nd, Chem.
3rd, French Authors 3rd, French
Comp. 3rd.
(Schedule as follows: 1st 75 to 10 0
2nd. 6'6 to 74; 3rd, 60 to 65; C 50
to 59.
Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S.
At office in Hartleib Block, Dash-
woocT, first three days of week and
at office over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week.
DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc.
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 96 Zurich, Ont.
Mr. Gordon Goetz and sister Mrs.
Donehey, of Chicago, are spending
their vacation with theii* brother Mr.
and Mrs. R. Goetz.
Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, of St.
Thomas, visited with Mr. and Mp*s.
Gottschalk and Mr. and Mrs. William
Stade over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Pt. Huron,
were week-end visitors with her mo
ther Mrs. Witzel.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Mercer and Ferrol
Ann, of T'illsonburg, Mrs. -Mercer,
Mrs. D. Hartlieb and Mr. Bristo, of
London were Sunday visitors with
Mr. Jonas Hartlieb and Lavada.
Miss Myrta Taylor, of London, is
visiting her brother Dr. and Mrs. R.
H. Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Koessel and family
of Lansing, Mich., are spending their
vacation with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. Kuntz.
Mr. Harry Hoffman assisted at the
Anniversary services at Bayfield last
Mrs. Finkbeiner and Catherine,
who have been visiting in fiarnia have
returned home, Mrs. Finkbeinei’,
who suffered a weak spell is in a
serious condition.
Mr. jack Raschke, of Detroit spent
the week-end here. Mrs. Raschke and
children, who have spent their holi
days here returned with him Sunday.
Miss Amelia Willert left last week
for Detroit.
Mrs, Hamacher is spending a few
weeks with her daughter in Arva.
Mrs. Vernon and son Melvin and
Miss Jean Mclsaac, of Detroit, spent
Sunday with relatives. * .
Misses Helen and Ann Morgan, of
Thames Road, are visiting with Miss
Eunice Oestricher.
Mrs, Sam. Oestricher and Carl vis
ited in Kitchener last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Tieman, -of Ham
ilton, are spending their holidays
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tie
Du Eugene Tiernan has returned
to Halifax after Spending a month’s
vacation at his home here.
Mr. Shore, Miss Mildred and Cal
vin and Miss Tillie Miller, of Wood
bridge, visited With Mr. ahd Mrs. A.
E. oestricher on Sunday,
Miss Alice Pfaff is spending a few
weeks at Delhi.
Miss Beryl Drummond visited fox’
a few days in London.
Mr. Harold Sherritt, ef ■Toronto,
is visiting at liis home.
Miss Ethel Murdock is visiting
with friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Manns are vis
iting friends in’London.
Miss Minnie Sangster is spending
a few weeks at T'illsonburg.
Mrs. Andrew Lammie, of Detroit,
has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
A, L. Case.
Mr, and Mrs. John Kydd, of Ex
eter, were recent visitors with Mrs,
Albert Willard.
Miss Alice Willard, of Detroit has
been visiting with her mother Mrs.
Albert Willard.
Mrs. Margaret Hall, of Ontario
Calif., is visiting with her sister
Mrs. Agnes Horton.
Miss Annie McIntyre, of Havelock
is visiting with Miss Bella Smale and
other friends in town.
Mrs. D. B. McLean has returned
home after a pleasant week’s visit
with friends in Lucan.
Masters Carey and Donald Joynt
are visiting with their grandmother
Mrs. Joynt, of Listowell.
Mr. Robt. Passmore has returned
home after a pleasant motor trip
through Northern Ontario,
Mr. Milton Ortwein and son-Lloyd
of London visited on Sunday With
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Miss Edna Saundercock, of Water
loo was a recent visitor with her
mother Mrs, N. Saundercock,
Misses Marion and Jessie Paisley,
of Toronto are visiting with their
grandmother Mrs. E, Rannie.
Mrs. John Manson and son Boyd,
of Galt, were recent visitors with
Mrs. Wm. Sangster and family.
Miss Jean McQueen Who has -been
taking a month’s course at the O,
A. C., Guelph has returned home,
Mrs. Homing and little son of
Palmerston are visiting with Mrs. C.
Ballantyne and MiSs Katie Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Plantz and .Mrs.
Deeds, of Waterloo, were recent vis
itors with M.r. and Mrs. M. G. Drys
Mr. and Mrs. W. O.'Goodwin and
daughter Mary and Mrs. Mankinson
are spending a few days at Lake
Mrs. Thos. Simpson, of Wingham,
visited over the" week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar McQueen and other
Miss Jean Campbell who has been
visiting with her aunt- Miss Ethel
Murdock has returned to her home
in Toronto.
Miss Amy Lammie returned to
Windsor on Monday after a pleasant
visit at the home of her mother Mrs.
Wm. Lammie.
Miss Vera Me Vicar, of London and
Miss Alleen Paton, of Clandeboye
were recent guests with Miss Kath-
ryne Drysdale.
Misses Margaret and Norma. Sang
ster and 'Master Bobby are spending
a cowpie of weeks visiting with
friends at Galt.
Miss Irene Hoggarth has resumed
her position in Southcott Bros, store
aftei’ a pleasant weeks’ visit with
friends in .Stratford..
Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Pope, of Pres
ton and Mrs. Suthern, of Galt, visit
ed over the week-end with their
mother Mrs. J. Pope.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and
children Billy and Betty returned
home on Monday after a pleasant
month at Rondeau Park.
Misses Mabie Workman, Pearl
Thompson, Olga Bell and Isabell
Alexander left this week on a motor
trip up the St. Lawrence.
Mr. N. P. Warner, of Pontiac,
Mich., and a former well known
resident of Hensail was calling on
■friends in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald "Bracey and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McMartin, Royal
■Oak, Mich., visited last week with
Mrs. Duncan McMartin and family.
Miss Mattie Ellis, Miss Minnie
Reid and Miss Margaret Hobkirk
have returned from a pleasant trip
to'Callander, North Bay, Huntsville
'■and Midland.
Mrs. and Mrs. Sam Devlin and
family, of Albany, N. Y., and Mr. and
Mrs. P. H. Devlin, of Stratford vis
ited on Monday with Mr.'and Mrs.
(Fred Cbrbett.
Mrs. Boyd and children who have
been visiting for several weeks with
Mrs. Boyd’s parents M.r. and Mrs. F.
Smallacombe left last week for their
home in Arthur.
Mrs. Wm. Magnall and brother-in-
law Mr. Kenneth Magnall, of Beach-
ville, spent Sunday with their cous
ins Mr. Geo. Sutherland and Miss
Hattie Sutherland.
Mi*. Chas. Perley and daughter
Miss Margaret, Reg. N„ of Winnipeg
are visiting with the former’s broth
er and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. F.
Corbett and family,
Mrs. Leslie Knight atid children
’: Call ns for proinpt service.
Our Men Will Shoot old and Disabled Animals
Next Sunday the Sunday- School
at the Evangelical church will meet
at 10 o’clock and the church service
at 11 o’clock.
| Miss Marguerite Amy, nurse-in-
training at Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, is spending her vacation with
her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Amy.
Mr. and Mrs, jas. Boyce, of God
erich, Mrs. Ellen Armstrong, Clin-
’ ton and Mrs, Mary Wheatley, Tor
onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kerr cn Sunday.
Miss Lois Colwill, of London,, Miss
Olive Clarke and Mr. Wellington
Schwelly, of Brownsville, spent
' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
1 Art Amy.
Mrs. Harry Dyer and grandson
Junior Van Wyande, of Detroit, are
visiting with Mr, and Mrs, E. K.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Larey, of De
troit, were week-end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sain Lamport.
Miss Gertrude Ratz, of Slhipka
and Miss Marjory Wein, of Credi-
ton, have returned home after
spending a week at the Bend;
Mr. and Mrs. Hasrvey Schroeder
and son Gerald, of Birmingham,
Mich., spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. Miss
Eleanor, who has spent the past
month with her grandparents re
turned with them.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pitus and Miss
Gertrude Gilfoil, of Detroit, visited
over the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodall.
Mr. Elgin Woodall, of Detroit, is
spending his vacation at his home
Mrs. Wm. B. Gaiser is confined to
her bed through illness. Her many
friends hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver and
son Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. R. Daugh
erty, Joanne and Jerry have return
ed to their homes in Carnegie, Pa,,
after spending several days with Mr.
and Mrs.-Harry Beaver.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Finkbeiner,
Mr. and Mrs.- Walter Weinigarth, of
La Fayette, Ohio, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beav
Crediton Garden Party
The garden party at the Crediton
United Church uncAr the auspices of
the Women’s Association of the Com
munity Field last Friday night was a
great success. A happy gathering
of about seven hundred assembled
for the event. Two factors blended
to make the result so satisfactory—
first the weather was ideal, and the
moon smiled his blessing from a
clear, starlit blue-vaulted sky; sec
ond, the splendid program by the
Henrich Memorial Band of Dash
wood under the direction of Mr. Hy.
Hoffman was so varied as to prove
unusually enjoyable and entertain
ing. All the appointments were
perfect. The community field was
an ideal place for the occasion and
two booths catered with tempting re
freshments during the intermissions.
At eight -o’clock the band formed >up
at the main corner and played down
to the grounds. Rev. Mr. Gladman
pastor of the United Church, proved
a very capable chairman throughout
the evening. He thanked the band
for their, splendid program and the
public for their generous patronage.
The garden party proved so popular
it will be an annual event, the third
■to be held next year in August.
The Late Richard Hill
After a lengthy illness the death
of Mr. R. Hill occurred at his home
on Thursday, August 12th in his
69th year. Mr. Hill was born and
spent his entire life in Stephen
township. Retiring from farming 13
years ago> he took up residence in
Crediton. Mr. Hill had been a con
sistent member of the Crediton
United Church for many years and
was always faithful in the perform
ance of the many duties assigned
him. He was a member of the.
Trustee Board of the church and
also' of the Board of Stewards. He
was a faithful friend and a good
neighbor and always ready to lend
o helping hand in time of need. His
first wife predeceased him some
years ago and he later married
Miss Leona Wilson, who survives
him and who has been a devoted
companion to him during his long
illness. He is also survived by one
son Lawrence and foui’ grandchil
dren, two sisters, Mary of Vancou
ver and Della, of Detroit. Four
brothers, William, Thos., Frank and
Ernest, all of Michigan. A private
funeral was held at his late resi
dence bn ’Saturday followed by a
public service at tile church. His
pastor Rev. D. Gladman paid deep
tribute to the excellent qualities of
the departed and the choir sang a
number of his favorite hymns. Fol
lowing the service interment was
made in Exeter cemetery. The pall
bearers were Messrs. N. Baker, W.
Bowden, Wm. Mawhihney, George
Mawhinney, Thos. Chambers, Eli
King, Albert King and Thos. Treve-
thick. Flower bearers were Messrs.
N. Sinclair and ’Chas. Trietz. Mela*
tives attending the funeral Were;
Mr;i T. H« Hill and softs, of Towas,
Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest Hill, of
Pt,’’Huron; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill
and' Mr. and Mrs. P. Hill, of De
troit, Mich, and friehds and rela
tives from London, Atwood, Byron,
St. Marys, West Loirne, Lebo, Ettrick
and Exeter.
The sympathy of the community
is extended to the family in their
‘'Passing out of the shadows in
to the clearer light,
Stepping behind the curtains getting
a better sight;
Passing out of the shadow into Eter
nal day,
Let us not call it dying this beauti
ful passing away.”
Mrs, Henry Pfaff Sr, is visiting
at the ’home of her granddaughter
Mrs. Joseph Bullock.
Mr. Sam Lawson, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Sims and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Motz spent Sunday at
Thedford and Grand Bend.
Mrs. Wm. Cliffe and daughter
Marlene spent the week-end in Lon
Mr. Robert 'Carruthers visited
Mrs. Carruthers in St. Joseph’s Hos
pital London, on Satuday.
Mr. Wm. Cliffe attended the Vet
eran’s Reunion in Guelph over the
Miss Rosemary. Heathe, of Wind
sor, had her tonsils removed by Dr.
Dunlop of Exeter last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Heathe and
two children, have returned to their
home in Windsor after holidaying
with Mrs. Heathe’s parents Mr. and
Mrs. H. Kuhn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jasney and
daughter spent Sunday at Grand
Bend with Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Wareing of Exeter.
Master Orville Truemner, Grand
Bend, holidayed with his cousins
Arylss and Wilmer Wein last week.
Miss Jean Taylor, of Stratford,
is holidaying with Rhoda Kirkby.
Rev. Allen Duffield, of Sault Ste.
Marie, is* visiting with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. C. Duffield and also
took charge of the services at Kirk
ton this past Sunday.
Mrs. Effie Kirkby, of St. Marys
spent the past week with Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Doupe.
Mrs. Poulton, of London, return
ed to her home in London after
spending the - past two weeks with
Mrs, J. Cluff.
Miss L. Ballantyne R.N., is nurs
ing Mrs. Sid White.
Miss Ella Doupe, -of Winnipeg,
spent Sunday in the village.
A number from the village at
tended the funeral- at Mt. Pleasant
of the late Mrs, J. Ross on Sunday.
Word has been received of the
death of Mr. Fred Taylor formerly
a harness maker of Kirkton, He
was buried from the residence of
his sister Mrs. Stewart, -St. Marys.
Held Decoration Service
Decoration service was held at
the Kirkton cemetery on Sunday af
ternoon, Rev. Mr. Parsons, of St.
Paul’s church acted as chairman and
Dr. G. Jose spoke on behalf of the
Institute who started the work.
Rev. A. Duffield read the Scripture
lesson and Rev. Mr. Laing, of Wood
ham led in prayer. A double quar
tette composed of Mrs. Berryhill,
Mrs, C. Dobson, Mrs. Wm. Urqahart
Miss H. Bickell, Mr. Wm. Mills, Mr.
H. Tufts, Mr. G. Atkinson and Mr.
G. Duncan rendered a very fine
number. Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, of
Exeter gave the address of the af
ternoon. Flowers were placed on
all graves. This service was brought
to a close by singing “Abide With
Miss Lena Heywoods R.N., of Kin
cardine, is holidaying with her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. John Heywood.
Mrs. Wm. Spry and children, of
London, are visiting with relatives
in this community.
Bessie Johns spent-last week holi
daying at the home of the Misses An
drew in Exeter.
. Miss Florence Bell, nurse-in-train-
ing at Victoria Hospital, London,
visited at her home here on Sunday.
Shirley Gonitis is holidaying witn
Mildred Jones at Kippen.
Mrs. A. McFalls, Birdine and Bon
nie, of Biddulph, visited with Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw on Sun
day. Birdine and Bonnie remained
for a visit. T'hos. Bell is visiting at the
home of Mr. end Mrs. Sam Hannah
at Seaforth.
Edith and Eilene Hunter, of Exe
ter, visited with their cousins Gladys
Skinner last week.
Mr, James Heywood underwent
an operation for appendicitis in Vic
toria Hospital, London, oh Thursday’*
of last’week. Friends are pleased
to know he is getting along nicely.
Ethelene and Eilene Johns visited
with Doris and Lois Knox at Granton
over the week-end.
Considerably -Over one hundred
people from this community enjoyed
a picnic at Grand Bend on Wednes
day of last week. There was h double
attraction it being Gala Day.
Kathleen Jones, of Kippen, is vis
iting wUft Doreen CoUltis.
Mt. and Mrs. sam Hannah, of Sea
forth; Mrs. Lily Hannah and her
daughter Miso Abbie Hannah, Kings
ville, were visitors nt the home of
Mu and Mrs. Thos. Bell on Wednes
day, of last week.
ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER ............................................. 1 pound tin each
PREMIUM SALMON, fancy red .................
TOMATO JUICE .............................................
SUNLIGHT SOAP............................................
PURE CASTILE SOAP ...................................
Good Quality Broom ...
Large Juicy Prunes .......
Libby’s Pork and Beans
3 PKGS. KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES with one cereal bowl
all for 27c.
We Deliver
Miss Meta Surerus, of Toronto,
visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Willert.
Miss Ruth Guenther, of Dashwood
visited a few days last week with
Miss Reta Willert.
Mr. Arthur Hutchinson and Miss
Nola Hutchinson, of Parkhill, visit
ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Master Frederick Tilley is visiting
this week with Master Donald Kestle
of Sharon.
Special invitation is extended to
the members of Grace Anglican
Church to join with the members of
the United Church at their service
next Sunday when the speaker will
be Rev. S. H. Brownlee, of the An
glican Church in Preston, formerly
of Strathroy. Mr. Brownlee con
ducted one of the services during
August last year.
Mr. Walter Cole and his boy
friend, of Toronto, are holidaying
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Woodburn.
Bob Brunswick is sporting a new
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thede and
Arden and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Klumpp, of Middleville,
Midi, visited their relatives Mr. and
Mrs. C. Cutrs and family recently.
Mrs. J. Brown is again under the
doctor’s care being confined to her
room for a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Harlow, of
Kitchener, visited over the week-end
at Grand Bend and with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Heaman.
Mr. Dawson Woodburn who ret-'
turned from attending a summer
■course at Western University last
week is now holidaying in Muskoka.
Mrs. J. H. McGregor and Mrs, R.
Whiting have been ill during the
past week. We wish them a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Curts and
Marilyn and Miss Viola Curts, of
London, holidayed at Bayfield last
The Hicks sisters sang at the ev
ening out-door service at Grand Bend
last Sunday evening.
Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, is
holidaying at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong and
son of St. Thomas, visited with Mrs.
Jane Armstrong one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and baby
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Smith in Usborne.
Miss Hazel Smith, of Exeter, was
a guest with Miss Greta Pollard on
Miss Gwen. Hicks, of London, is
holidaying at her home here.
Mr. Thompson, of Camp Borden,
visited with her grandparents Mr.
and Mrs, George Baynham Sr., over
the week-end.
Mrs. C. Murdy, of Lucan, and
(Misses Gerturde (and Lula Demp
sey of Toronto, were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Essery and
Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. R, Parker and family
are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Lee in Brinsley. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Fields and
family have left for the West where
they will spend their vacation.
Miss Wibnifred Webster, of Osh-
awa and Miss Helen Webster, Tor
onto, are spending a few weeks With
Miss Florence Mitchell and other
relatives around Centralia and Lu
Shower for Bride Elect
On Monday evening miss Greta
Follard entertained at a Miscellan
eous shower in honor of Miss Hazel
Smith, of FjxetfcT. Hazel received
many beautiful and useful .gifts
which were presented to her in nice
ly decorated baskets, ;She expressed
her appreciation in her usual cap
able Planner. Ice cream and cake
were served.
... each 25c.
... 2 lbs. 25c.
tall tin 10c.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Houlahan, of
Detroit, spent the week-end with the
latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. John Barry, of Detroit, spent
the week-end with friends here.
The announcement was made on
Sunday by Rev. Fr. Fogarty of the
intended marriage of Napoleon Ger-
omette son of Mr. and Mrs. D, Ger-
omexte to Helen Coughlin, daughter
of Mr. and,Mrs. F. Coughlin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Dalton are all
smiles these days. It’s a boy!
The death of Mrs. Michael Madden
occurred in 'St. Joseph’s Hospit
al, London on Monday morning.
Mrs. J. Houlahan returned home
from Detroit last week.
Rev, J. Lindsay and Mrs. Lindsay
and daughter Ruth, of Erie, Penn.,
who have been holidaying at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hop
kins returned to their home Tues
day of this week.
Miss Madeline Wilson, of London,
is spending some holidays at the
home of her uncle Mr. Harry Rodd,
Mary and Milton McCullough, o*
Clandeboye, are holidaying with
Miss Madeline Rundle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Squire visited
on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Stone, of Kirkton.
Miss Dorothy McNaughton, Hen
sail, has been visiting recently with
•her cousin Miss Lorene Jaques.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe visited
Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Doupe
of Kirkton the former’s mother.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the Decoration services held at
Kirkton cemetery last Sunday after
noon. Rev. Mr. Laing, our pastor,
being one of the speakers.
Mr. and Mrs, Orville Cann and
Arnold, of Thames Road, were the1
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Squire
Sunday evening last.
Miss Amanda Shier and Miss M.
Brethour visited Sunday last with
Mrs. Doupe and Beatrice.
The August meeting of the W.
M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.
Ben Wilson with a splendid attend
ance. Mrs. Jessie Jaques conven
or of Group No. 4, had charge of
the program and the president con
ducted the meeting. The meeting
was opened in the usual way by a
hymn and prayer. Mrs. Jessie Jaq
ues read the Scripture lesson; Miss
Ethel Wilson played a very pleasing
piano solo; Mrs. Fred Doupe gave a
reading; Mrs. Whitfield .Switzer
gave the Bible story about Jacob
and Gertrude Camm favored with a
vocal solo. Mrs. John Camm invit
ed the ladies to come to her home
for the next meeting. The meeting
was closed in the usual way. During
lunch .hour the ladies spent a social
time together.
Threshing is the order of the day
in this community.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Creery and
family spent Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. warn ex* McRoberts of Lucan.
Misses Joy Whitlock and Winnie
Smithson, of St. Thomas, spent a
couple of days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Miss Jean Brock, of Zion, visited
for a few days with Miss Irene
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pym and
For First Grade and Special, Cream
should be kept Clean and Cool.
— Highest Market Prices Paid —
Exeter Creamery Co., Limited
large jar each 15c.
. tall tin,' each 22c.
32 oz. jar each 23c.
. large tin each 10c,
............ per bar 5c.
....10 cakes for 25c.
White Pickling Onions .........3 lbs. for 25c.
Large Cabbage.................................2 for 15c.
Good Cooking Apples 11 quart basket 40c.
Byron, of Toledo, Ohio, have return
ed home after spending the past
week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis,
Mrs. Davis and Jean returned with
them to spend a few days in Toledo,
Mrs. W. J. Davis and Ivan, of
Saintsbury visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Burns, of St-
Marys and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gun
ning, of Whalen, spent Sunday with
with Mr, and Mrs. R. W, Batten.
Mr. and Mrs. H, Lawrence and
family, of Seaforth, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley.
Misses Kathryn Batten and Mar
jorie Garner spent a few days last
week with Mrs. Walter Gunning of
M.r. and Mrs. Geo. Coward, Mr.
and Mrs, Thos, Coward, Miss Mae
Coward and Mr. Bert McBride spent
Sunday at Spifingbank.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz, Miss G. Ratz
Mrs. R. Ratz attended the funeral
on Tuesday of Mr. R. McDonald at
Wallaceburg. The burial took place
at New Hamburg.
Miss Jean McKenzie is at present
holidaying at Ft. Erie with relatives
Miss Violet Sharpe, Miss Alma
Ratz have returned to their homes
after a six week’s course at Summer
Mr. and Mrs. N. Kleinfeldt, Miss
Sora Stahl from Crediton, spent
Sunday with relatives.
Miss Monica Tetreau is holidaying
with her aunt at Grand Bend, Mrs..
P. Eisenbach. v
Mrs. Blake and daughter Margar
et from Welland visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. <3. Gale last week.
, Miss Lau.reen Baker spent the
summer1 months at her home here is
returning this week, Thursday, to
London, were she intends to remain
for a time.
Master Jimmie Turner of London,
and Master N. Lovie from Grand
Bend spent a few weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W- Lovie and have
returned to their homes.
Mrs. Hudson and Miss Nellie Hud
son visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L Finkbeiner and have returned
to their home in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, of
London, spent the week-end with
Miss Mildred Lamport spent Sun
day at ther home here.
Miss Regan, of Toronto, will ad
dress the McGillivray, Lucan and
Clandeboye Institutes at the Lieury
church on Wednesday, August 25 on
the subject, "The Responsibilities of
the Women’s Insitutes in Promoting
Public Health.”
( Dr. J. Elmer and Mrs. Amos spent
the week-end with his fathei’ Mr.
Joseph Amos.
Mrs. Alice Lewis and Leslie Mor
ley have returned from theii’ visit
to St. Catharines.
Dr. A. E. Craven and Mrs. Craven
have been visiting friends at Brins
Friends and neighbors wish to
congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Mason on their recent marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill “Wylie and baby
son, Billie, of Schumacher, Ont, spent
a few days with Mr. Wylie’s grand
father, Mr. Jos. Amos.
This community sent a good re
presentation to Denry Day in Lucan
last Thursday.