HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-29, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 29(19 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE OPENING SPECIALS at Miss Smith’s Beauty Shoppe under new management v. wwi Graduate of American Beauty College, Detroit Your t»atronage Cordially Solicited FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE — 1 new milch cow and calf; also two cows due to freshen. Apply to John Caldwell, Exeter North or phone Exeter 13rll.itp. FOR SALE—Two nannies and one hill goat, Apply box 187 Hay P.O.- ______-_____ i TO RENT—Three rooms and pan­ try, newly decorated, and garden. Apply box 187 Hay P.O.itp. acres, pt. on which FARM FOR SALE—70 lot 14, con. 4, Usborne, is situate one and a half storey brick house, bank barn, driveshed, good well, about three miles from Exeter. For further particulars Harold Jeffery, R. R. 3, apply to Exeter, 7-2 9-2tp FOR SALE—Harley-Davidson mo­ torcycle, tandem seat, recently over­ hauled, excellent paint job, $125 for quick sale. Apply Leon Triebner, R. R. 1, Exeter. Itp Pickling .cucumbers now i same as last year. Orders in tion. W. J. Seymour, Exeter ready, i rota- ltp FOR SALE—New Potatoes from certified stock, two grades, good quality. Apply to H. Kellerman, Dashwood, ltc. Exeter Markets Wheat $1.05 Oats 50c. Manitoba’s Best $4.10 Welcome Flour $3.50 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Butter 30e Dairy Butter 24e. to 27c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs Eggs Hogs LANGUID?§3 ’If T This store will be closed Wednesday at noon during the Summer Months. A large 26c A medium 23c B 18c • C 17C. $9.85 If you feel languid, have head­ aches, or get irritable at times, it may be caused by your eyes. They should be examined by an optometrist for you may need glasses. Better see. c. a—— 1 1 i LOCALS 1 1 1O'****- ■——® ■ ' Ideal Meat Market Choice Quality Meats Courtesy—Service—Quality Your telephone orders appreciated Phone 38 Main St E. ZURBRIGG, no . Successor to S. Fitton at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices DO YOU WANT READY CASH EVERY DAY? 700 dealers earn their living sel­ ling Familex household, toilet, farm, medicinal reserved territory. SO No experience needed, given. CASH TERMIS. Many possibilities for active and am­ bitious men. Apply for FREE Cat­ alogue and details. Familex Co., Clement St., Montreal. alimentary, products in CAN YOU! Assistance NO RISK. LOCAL NEWS CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.in.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evening service only during August. Subject—“Discontent with Home” This is the first of a series of five sermons based on the parable of the Prodigal Son, UNION SERVICES «rMain St. and James St. United Churches Rev. A. Page of James Street in charge. Music under the direction of Mr. W. R. Goulding A.T.C.M. and the James Street choir. 10 11 7 a.m.—Sunday Schools a.m.—Main Street p.m.—Janies Street All Summer Dresses on Sale Every Summer Dress has been greatly Reduced in for quick sale. Buy two at these very low prices Price and put in racks $1.49, $2.49,$3.95 and $4.95 COTTON GOWNS In Crepe and Batiste in plain and flor­ al effects, SPLENDID VALUE AT $1.00 KNEE HIGH HOSE In crepe. These are very special value and come in best summer shades PER PAIR 49c. BLEACHED SHEETS IN SUB­ STANDARDS • These are for double beds and it is rare­ ly you can buy such a good quality at such a low price. EACH $1.00 PILLOW CASES 42 inches wide hemmed and ready for use. We are making a special for this week at EACH 25c. Regent Yarns for Knitting When you buy Regent Yarns you buy quality. We carry a full range of shades in the following: SEA SHELL 1 Sc.; SEA GULL 22c.; SEA BEACH 25c.; BONNIE LASS 25c. SPORT SHIRTS FOR MEN In plain colors and fancy weaves. A very popular number for summer. PRICED AT $1.00 SUMMER NECKWEAR FOR MEN In plain shades, stripes- and colored check. Smart new neckwear. EACH 55c__2 FOR $1.00 HATCHWAY NO-BUTTON UNDERWEAR Cool and comfortable and very popular with both boys and men. BOYS’ 75c.; MEN’S $1.00 BLUE WORK SHIRTS Woods’ make, a full fitting shirt in dark blue shirting, sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. SPECIAL AT 89c. Union prayer service Thursday July 8th, at Main St. church. ........... .... ..Miss Ruth Pearee is visiting her sister in Detorit. Miss Kleinfeldt, of London, spent Sunday with her mother. Mr. J. R. C. Moffatt visited in To­ ronto for a few days last week. Mrs. Russell Peart, of Rockwell, is visiting her sister Mrs. George Jaques. Mrs. Robt. Allison , of spent the week-end with . Mrs. Geo. Grant. I Mrs. R. G. Seldon has home after holidaying for weeks in Muskoka. Misses Jean Sutherland and Mar­ jorie Pearce, Toronto, are holidaying at the latter’s home. Mrs. H. F. McDonald, of Toronto, visited for a few days last week with Mrs. J. R. C. Moffatt. Miss Mavis Huston, of Ashcroft, B. C., is visiting with her aunts, the Misses Hutson of town. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet are visiting with their daughter Mrs. D. S. Mclnnes, of Miss Norma Edith Hunter Mrs. Baker at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stonehouse and family, of Aylmer, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Curts, Green­ way, spent Monday with the latter’s sister, Mrs-. Hannah Kleinfeldt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, ot Toronto, visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stacey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee and family, of Thorndale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Easterbrook Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dearing and daughter, of Port Colborne, call­ ed on relatives in town on Tuesday. Misses Lillian and Jean Hodgert, of London, spent the week-end vis­ iting with their aunt Miss Jessie Hodgert. Mr. and in London funeral of Lindenfield. Mrs. S. L. Wellwood and daugh­ ter Jean, of Oshawa, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Broughton. The two ladies are sis ters. Rev. Edward Aidworth, Mrs. Aid­ worth and son Ian, of Canore, Sask, are holidaying with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aid­ worth. The cut of Mr. and Mrs. Onezime Masse and family which appeared in the Times-Advocate last week was loaned of the Mr. Charles Pearce, who tending4 Guelph College School was home for the week-end and with him came his cousin, Miss Eva Marshall, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. James Meston and daughter of Coventry, England, cal­ led on Mr. and Mrs. Jonah S-utton on Sunday. Mr. Meston is a nephew of Mrs. Sutton, whom she has not seen for a number of years. TR1V1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector. Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Lender, ^Lr. Middlemln* FOB SALE A car load of well broken, sound mares and geldings. Snappy matched pairs or will be [ sold separate. J. FRED JOHNSTON, Itp Central Hotel, Exeter FOR SALE—A number ready for weaning. Apply Hodgson, Centralia. 6 little pigs for sale. Times-Advocate. of to pigs Lloyd Itp. Apply at Itp FOR SALE—Olover honey, 10c. per pound reduction on 50 lbs. and over in customer’s containers. Ewart Pym, Simcoe street. c Itp. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 12, con. 13, Si lot 14, con. 12, Township of Stephen, 150 acres, owned by the Estate of the late William Witzel. For more particulars apply to H. Eilber & Son, Crediton. 7-29-3tc. FOUND—On Lake Road, a grey colored shield off rear car fender. Apply at Times-Advocate. FOR RENT—Brick residence central location. Apply to R. Hunter, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. 7-22-2tc. in D. in horse-power equipment. V. Pickard, FOR SALE—Chopping mill, good district. Forty Diesel engine. Good Very liberal terms.—-C. phone 165, Exeter. NOTICE—Persons wanting same quality gravel as used in Exeter sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck will deliver gra­ vel from this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. STRAYED—One year old red heif­ er with white markings, small notch in left ear. Information glady re­ ceived by Chas. Aid worth, phone 36rll Dashwood, reverse changes or notify Times-Advocate. STRAYED—From N% Lot 16, 10 Con., Stephen Twp., 4 head of cattle, including 3 yearlings and one two- year-old, all with horns on, mostly red. Information gladly received by Chris. Dinney, phone 47 r 12, Cred- iton. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received Saturday, August 7th, for wiring Roy’s chuireli and shed for hydro. Anyone wishing to inspect the build­ ings call on Clifford Dow, .Staffia, phone Kirkton. The applicant is 'to supply plans of wiring with tenders. Tenders are asked for -the job and by the hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. luntil Sarnia, Mr. and returned several Paisley. Wilson and are visiting Oakwood. Miss with Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield were on Monday attending ,he their sister-in-law Mrs. I. to us ■ through the courtesy Farmer’s Advocate. is at- Summer « People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partlo, Prop. Phone 131w Exeter “Shoes to fit the Family” Ontario Our Summer Sale Continues — Specials for this Week-end Children's EUc Cushion Sole WELT OXFORDS Sizes 5 to 2 $1.00 PER PAIR — Special *— WOMEN’S COLORED AND WHITE SANDALS Balance at $1.29 CAMP SHOES, SANDALS Tan, White and Elk Sizes 5 to 2 75c. PIER PAIR Shumilk 14 c, a bottle Balance of WHITE SHOES Broken Sizes: Values to S3.98 $1.98 a pair 1st Quality Knee Length HOSIERY Reg. 69c. a pr. 54c. or 2 pair for $1,00 Walker and Miss Jes- of Toronto, are visit- and Mrs. Watson, of and Britain Sanders week’s visit Mr., and in Mrs. re- the Cowan visiting their grand­ returned home spending the the guest of Russell. Fraser Port Huron, were vis- and Mrs. Win. Fraser Sr., and Jas. daughters Winnipeg, with Miss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Toronto; Mr. Daniel London, and Mr. and Hill and three children The former returned Monday, August 2nd, will be Civic Holiday in town. Mrs. Chas. Trefrey, of London, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Hannah Kleinfeldt. Mrs. Wm. May is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. A, Ericson in Rochester, N.Y. Mr. Ray Pryde, of Oshawa, is holi­ daying for a couple of weeks at his home here. Mr. David Bruce and Mrs. J. Bell and children, of Winnipeg, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Layton. Miss Bonita Birky, of Kants, In­ diana, is visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. M. Beckler. Miss Sadie sie Anderson, ing with Mr. Exeter North. Mr. Borden left Sunday for a Toronto at the home of F. J. Sanders, Marion and Charles turned Monday after past three weeks with parents at Fergus. Grace Bechler Friday night after week at Grand Bend Miss Patricia Mr. James Fraser Jr., of itors with Mr. for a few days last week. Mrs. Vale and two daughters Eli­ zabeth and Margaret, of Washing­ ton, D.C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Layton this week. Dr. W. A. Cooper and Dorothy and Irene, of visited over the week-end Alice Handford, Miss Annie Hand­ ford and other relatives over the week-end. Mr. James Morrow, ex-M.P., of Winnipeg, is visiting v0th friends in Exeter, Hensail and Kippen. His daughter Miss Nan Morrow accom­ panied him and after a visit in Sarnia with her brother will visit in this locality. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Lewis Aidworth were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hill, Mr. and Mrs. McMichael and son Donald, Christie, all Sanders, of Mrs. Francis of Hamilton, to Toronto on Friday. The many friends in this com­ munity of Mrs. Penhale, wife of J. E. Penhale, superintendent of the London Life Branch at Kitchener, will be pleased to know that she is improving. Mrs. Penhale underwent a serious abdominal operation in the Toronto General Hospital six weeks ago, ‘Peritonitis set in and all hope for her recovery was given up. How­ ever a change took place and last week she was able to be moved to a rest home at Bowmanville, Ont. 'Rev. Harold and Mrs. Dickins and two daughters Thelma and Betty, of Rochester N.Y.; Mr. Dickins’ mo­ ther, Mrs. Rowntree, of Durham, Eng., Mrs. Campbell Hodgins and daughter Merna, of London iShirley Coates, of Usborne, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. , Coates last week. On about 38 of the Dickins relatives and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Coates for a ham supper and spent a most enjoy­ able evening in games and songs. An interesting innovation in lo­ cal entertainment will be the per­ sonal appearance next Wednesday i evening only at Leavitt’s Theatre of the well known stage, screen and radio star W. Leonard Howe, in a special prolog to the 100 per cent, talking picture “The Man They Could Not Hang,*’ (The story o-f the man they could not hang, concerns John Lee, still alive, who was condemned to death on circumstantial evidence and three times saved by what many believe to be a miracle. The at­ tempted execution of John Lee was in Exeter jail, England. and were Frank Thursday 10th Sunday After Trinity 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. Mr. Eccleston, Lon­ don, assisted by Mr. F. H. ‘Franks, | Chairman of the Middlesex Lay­ men’s Association. The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Services for Sunday, August 1st 2.30 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class 3.30 p.m.—Special message for be­ lievers. p.m.—“Great Passover Service” Please note that Sunday will be our last day occupying The Leavitt’s Hall before moving to our new loca­ tion* Street meeting Saturday night J. T. Edgar, Pastor 8 LADIES! op- on 'Take advantage of the portunity to consult us your various hair problems, You may need a permanent wave, a finger wave, or a new idea on how to -.change your present hair dress. You are al­ ways welcome. Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON BEAUTY SHOPPE Men’s Suits OA Ladies’Dresses Ov Plain one piece c “We make it our business to keep you clean.” All goods bagged and delivered by truck in good condition ELMORE HARNESS Agent ONTARIO CLEANERS AND DYERS The Times-Advocate have on dis­ play in the window some domestic poppies grown by August Gregus, of Usborne. The seed originally came from Czechoslovakia. In the fall the seed is ground up and used in icakes, cookies and noodles. Mr. Gregus finds a market Europeans particularly among in the cities. the Mrs. U. J. Stewart motoi’M.r. and ed to Toronto and Oshawa on Tues­ day. The were accompanied by the former’s sister, Miss Gertrude Ste­ wart, who returned to Oshawa after holidaying at her home here for the past two weeks, and Miss Margaret Stewart, who returned to Toronto. WANTED—STEADY WORK PAY all year supplying con- 20*0 guaranteed daily neces- Experience unnecessary. Home every night. As low as $15.00 No complicated docu- u Ko, delay MEN -■JQOOD s timers sities. Pleasant work, Your own boss, starts you. j ments to sign, No delay, " No risk. Sueceed or return goods. (Lowest prices. Highest commission, Write PALCO PRODUCTS COMPANY, Al­ exandria, Ont, GROCERY SPECIALS ZINC RINGS Extra Heavy per doz. . . . McLAREN’S PUNCH 22c VINEGAR pure apple cider. vinegar per gal. . . . 40c HEINTZ VINEGAR for pickling per gal 59c APPLES good cooking apples 4 lbs...............25c A cool drink for the hot weather RASPBERRIES The season is now on. Leave us your order. Prices guar­ anteed Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grape and Grapefruit TOMATOES field ripened 3 lbs for . . . 25c Large bottle Small bottle . 25c 10c SALAD DRESSING large jar . . . 25c RUBBER RINGS Heavy White per dozen 5c SANDWICH SPREAD per jar . . . 23c Catsup, large bottle 18c Southcott Bros Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 LOCAL NEWS j Wheat threshing started the latter part of turning Miss .(London at her home here. Miss several of Mrs. Rev. Carleton Place, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Foote, Kippen, Bobby Wildfong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wildfong, has been un­ der the doctor’s .care but is improv­ ing. Dr. W- E. and Mrs. Weekes and son Billy returned hoime last week after a ipleasant holiday at Van­ couver, B.'C. Mr. and Mrs. E. Clinton, spent a day this week their old time friends Mr. and W. H. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, of onto, are spending the holidays the latter’s mother, Mrs. I. strong and Miss May Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McClellan and daughter Shirley, of Stratford spent the week-end with Mrs. McClellan’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aid­ worth. # Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mitchell and daughter Marion and Miss Janie Hogarth, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth over the week-end. Teacher to class — Everything I say to you goes in one ear and comes out through the other. Pupil'—Is that why We ears, sir? Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and daughter Miss Pearl, man, Manitoba, and Mrs. of Virden, left’ Monday for their homes after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker and other relatives. Mr, Roden J. Rogers, of Ann Ar­ bor, Mich,, flew over last week and spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Hogarth. He landed his iplaho in a pasture field aild difficulty ing off. called on of town. last week and the crop is out fine. Ruth Fraser returned to Sunday after a week’s visit Pauline Follick visited for days at the summer cottage. Baker, Oakwood. James and Mrs. Foote, of Morrison, of with Mrs. Tor- with Arm- A k Men! a sensation! FREE PANTS MADE-TO-MEASURE SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY An extra pair c/f trousers made to your measure from the same materials as the suit you choose—FREE WITH EVERY MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT DEVONSHIRE Tailored-to-Measure Clothes (Make Your Selection Now) COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! Custom Tailored to your individual measure—styled as you desire it—an elaborate selection of beautiful woollens’to, choose from A small deposit now will hold your choice of Priced as low as ............... w. w PHONE 81 this Special Offering! $24.50 AMA EXETER, ONT. Mrs. T. I. Bowerman, of Chicago, l arrived last week for a few weeks ■ visit with her sister Mrs. I. Arm- J strong and Miss May Armstrong. Rev. J. W. Redmond, Utica, N..Y., . and mother Mrs. Chas. Redmond and sister Mrs. W. J. Whitney and family and Miss Nellie Fee called at the homes of W. C. Pearce and Mr. John Dignan on Monday. Mr. Walt Summers, of Pittsburgh, Penn., who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson is return­ ing home to-day accompanied by Miss Catherine Orleman, spent the past week and Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. William bald, of Seaforth, announce gagement of their daughter Isabel Grierson wood, of Toronto, sou of Mrs. M. G. iSherwood, of Jdcskell The marriage will takeI Seaforth on Aug. 21st. 1 visited with have two Heaman of Car- Carefoot, for who a has half in R.Archi- the en- in either landing While here Mr his aunt Mias L, M. had no of tak- Rogers to Charles George Mr Seaforth, place in Sher- and . Miss Dorothy T'raquair and Miss Laurene Beavers spent last week with Mrs. Hugh Taylor at a camp on (Lake Huron north of Goderich. Miss June Taylor is this week visit­ ing with Miss Dorothy Traquair and Ruth Taylor is visiting with Beavers. Miss In an item in the Crediton last week referring to the on the county road east of Credit­ on it was stated that the gravel be­ ing used was being drawn from the Cudmore pit. We understand that this is an error, that the gravel is being used from the county pit. Maitland Masonic Lodge, Goder­ ich, will attend divine service in Knox Presbyterian church on Sun­ day, August 1st, at 7 pan. when Very Wor. Bro. Rev. R. C. McDer-. mid, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Canada, will address the gathering. Members from iLebatt- on Forest Lodge have been invited* news work