HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-22, Page 8THURSDAY, JULY 8211X1, 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Bonat equipment work with aU the efficiency that this mands. Bonat vitamin F superfine results on type of hair. Demand a Bonat be sure of complete is designed to, speed, ease and modern age de- solution assure each individual Permanent and satisfaction. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 23Iw Exeter Markets Wheat $1.35 Oats 60c Manitoba’s Best $440 Welcome Flour $3.50 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low* Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Butter 30c Dairy Butter 21-24c. Eggs A large 20c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs, Hogs LANGUID? H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE NOTICE needed children, Christian by Christian one months' town home. Urgently father and holiday in Any work -gladly done to defray ex­ penses. •Object—-to locate permanently in town to begin manufacturing, and gardening, if suitable arrangements can be ner. Any adver. Christian fellowship and -work please answer in full detail. Apply to Box 280 Exeter. A medium 18c B 15 C $9.50 If you feel languid, have head­ aches, or gef irritable at times, it may be caused by your eye?. They should be examined by an optometrist for you may need glasses. Better see. 14 C, E. ZURBRIGG, R.o. Successor to S. I4tton at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices made with Christian as part- Christian interested in this and desiring to share in ■ Ideal Meat Market Choice Quality Meats Coiu'tesy-r—Service—-Quality YQur telephone orders appreciated Phone 38 Main St M FOR RENT—-Brick residence central location. Apply to R. Hunter, R.R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirk­ ton 39r7. 7-22-2tc. in D. FOR SALE—a 19 34 also a 1935 -Ford V8 stake truck, long wheel base. Apply at the Ford Garage. FOR Washer kins. SALE— Rebuilt Beatty $39.50. Apply G. A. Haw- WANTED—Girl for household duties. Mrs. W. H. Moise. inFOR SALE—Chopping mill, horse-power equipment. V- Pickard, good district. Forty Diesel engine. Good Very liberal terms.—C. phone 165, Exeter. LOST—iA red coat in Park. Reward. Leave at vocate Office. Riverview Times-Ad- 3, con. 8,STRAYED—.From Lot Twp. Stephen, two Hereford steers, 1100 to 11200 lbs. Rings cut on brush of tails. There have also, strayed on my premises a Hereford and a gray yearling steer, may have same by proving and paying expenses.—Jas. Crediton. heifer Owner property Carroll, The regular meeting of the Ex­ eter W. I. will be in the form of a picnic at Riverview park on Tues­ day, July 27 th. mence at 3.30. p.m. Please bring picnic and dishes required. -Members families are invited. Meeting to com- Supper served at 6 basket and Mrs. C. Tanton and children are holidaying at Bayfield. Mr. Sidney West, of Fergus, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. S. West. Miss Dorothy (Linklater B.A., of Goderich, visited with her coiusin Miss Pearl Wood last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern and sons, of Zion, spent Sunday with their aunt Mrs. H. Kyle of town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and sons, of London, visited week-end with Mr. and Jewell. Miss Meta Salter visited days the latter part of the week with her uncle Mr. John Salter, at Windsor. Mr. W. H. Johnston has in his garden a pale blue delphinium sev­ en feet tall and the spike is twenty inches long. Miss Ida Blatchford, Reg. N., has returned to Detroit with her father Mr. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will over Mrs. for a two the Jas. few after visiting F. Blatchford Helen Amy, Gode- NOTICE—Persons wanting same quality gravel as used in Exeter sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck will deliver gra­ vel from this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. STRAYED—One year old red heif­ er with white markings, small notch in left ear. Information glady re­ ceived by Chas. Aidworth, phone 3 6rll Dashwood, reverse changes or notify Times-Advocate. NOTICE—All organizations desir­ ing the use of the Agricultural Grounds for any purpose should communicate with ’the grounds com­ mittee.—W. G. MEDD, Secretary. STRAYED—From N% Lot 16, 10 Con., Stephen Twp., 4 head of cattle, including 3 yearlings and one two- year-old, all with horns on, mostly red. Information gladly received by Chris. Dinney, phone 47 r 12, Cred- iton. McLaughlin, of Brantford, visited with Mrs. Hoskin and Mr. and Mrs. M. one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, of rich, and Mr. H. Chamberlain, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Luker on Sunday. Mrs. Ray Waghorn and son Ever­ ett, of Exeter, are visiting her par­ ents Mr', and Mrs. Thos. Talbot, on Church street.—St. Marys Journal- Argus. Mrs. Louisa Horton, Harold Hor­ ton, Edith Horton and Miss Rutn Hodgkinson, all of Oshawa, " are spending the week with Mrs, Hor­ ney and Miss Maud Horton.ftMiss Evelyn Grainger, of Bruce- field, and Miss Kathleen Calvert, of Ilderton, were guests with their uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. James Bowey the latter part of the week. Mr. B. W. Grigg accompanied by his daughter Mrs. Wheatley and two little daughters Cecily and Mary and Miss McIntyre, of Montreal, are vis­ iting the former’s sister Miss Grigg. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Christie daughter Jean, of Toronto, visited the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Christie, Jean is remaining for a visit with her grand­ parents. Mr. Joseph Stone, Mrs. Bessie Mc­ Donald and Miss Ruth Fraser, all of London, were visitors with 'the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraser. Miss Fraser heir holidays here. The Huron Lumber awarded the contract terial for two summer cottages at Ipperwash Beach and one at Cam- alachie. Mr. Russell doing the building. Mrs. Chas, Johns, the South .Section of was the guest speaker at Hillsgreen and Goshen Auxiliaries on Friday last. H. Kyle accompanied her. and TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received .until Saturday, August 7th, for wiring Roy’s church and shed for hydro. Anyone wishing to inspect the build­ ings call on Clifford Dow, Staffa, phone Kirkton. The applicant is to supply plans of wiring with tenders. Tenders are asked for the job and by the hour. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Too Much A Scottish farmer, walking home from the kirk with his wife and thinking over the sermon, in which the minister had expounded graph­ ically on everlasting punishment ex­ claimed: “Mary, it canna be! it just canna be! No man’s constitution could stand it!” is spending Co. have been to supply ma- E. Balkwill is Vice-pres. of the W. M. S., Mrs. E. A. Follick and Mrs. Exeter People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Pai'tlo, Prop. Phone 131 w “Shoes to fit the Family”Ontario Summer Clearance Sale Broken Sizes in All Lines Priced to* Clear No Refunds Come see for yourself No Exchanges LOCAL NEWS Mr. Alan Fraser spent the week­ end in London. Miss Ann Gardiner is holidaying with relatives in Windsor, i Mr. Norman Floody, of Windsor, spent the week-end in town. The Main Street has been newly painted for angle parking. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May spent Sun­ day and Monday at Grand Bend. Mr. Robt. Wilcox of the Jones «& May staff is holidaying this week. Miss Verla Jones is holidaying with Miss May Snell at Grand Bend. Mrs. W. G- Walker, of town is holidaying at Hamilton and Dun­ das. Miss Sadie Walker, of Toronto, spent the forepart of the week visit­ ing in Exeter. Mr. R. E. Keddy, of Ottawa, spent the week-end at the home of his uncle Mr. W. C. Keddy. Miss Grace Christie, of Woodstock is visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Luker. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May, Warren and Marjory are holidaying at Boby- cagen on the Kawaratha' Lakes. Mrs. M. Walker and son Billie have returned home after visiting with her parents at Grimsby Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Penhale and Doris were in Windsor on Sunday visiting their daughter Miss Gladys Penhale. Mrs. Rd. Quanpe and Mrs. Skin­ ner of town, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer at Grand Bend. Mir. and Mrs. Eber Balsdon and daughter Gladys, of Toronto, visit­ ed at the home of Mr. W. C. and the Misses Keddy. Mrs. Rose Russell and daughter, Miss Patricia,* Mrs. Thos. two youngest sons, are at Grand Bend. Misses Evelyn and Orlenian, of Pittsburg, are with their uncle and aunt Mrs. Geo. Dawson. Miss Amelia McKay, of and Calgary, is visiting Flossie Hunter of town and Miss Irene Brock, of Zion. Judge J. G. Stanbuiry, Mrs. Stan- bury and family, of St. Catharines, are holidaying at their summer resi­ dence at Bayfield. • Miss M. Horton has reported the finding of the measuring were advertised as lost in Advocate last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson son, of Portage la Praiirie, Man., are visiting with the former’s sister Mrs. Wm. Kay, of Usboirne. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Brintnell, of North Battleford, Sask., are holi­ daying with the foirmer’s parents Mr. and Mrs, James Brintnell. Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and and two sons and Pryde and holidaying Catherine visiting Mr. and Toronto with Miss linlts that the Times- Prior and at J. Beer, at Grand Bend, Phyllis Bierling, nurse-in- at the Kitchener-Waterloo is holidaying with her par- and Mrs. Hy. Bierlijig. Miss Margaret Rushby have been holidaying Grand Bend and in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Patterson and daughter Marion, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Miss training Hospital ents Mr. On another page will be found a poem entitled “The Law Immutable” written by .Senator Frank W. K. Tom, of Toledo, Ohio, an Exeter Old Boy. This beautifud word picture reveals a faith in a Supreme Being depicted to us through the laws of Nature. It requires more than a casual reading to catch the signifi­ cance of the author’s description. To us it is a real gem of poetry. A BIG WELL Chatham, July 19 th—E. p. Ro>we, eminent petroleum geologist, of Tor­ onto, announces that his Rowe- BRUETTE No. 3 near Chatham has Over 5,000,000 cubic feet of sweet natural gas with drilling continu­ ing for more gas and the expectancy of a real oil well at a lower horiizon. It is at a depth of 29-85 feet today, The 'i’rehton limestone, lit which they are drilling, extends for an­ other 600 feet. p.m. message School and Biblt* Class 2.30 3.3 0 p.m.—A comforting for believers. Evangelistic service 8 pan. Street meeting Saturday Phone 345 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON BEAUTY shoppe night J. T. Edgar, Pastor 9th Sunday After Trinity i 10.00 a.m,—(Sunday School 11 a.m.—Morning Prayer & Sermon The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Services for Sunday, July 25th 7 p.m.—Main st.eet Union prayer service Thursday, July 8th, at Main St. church. TR1V1TT MEMORIAL CHURCH Reel or. Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MaeFaul Choir-Leader, Sir. Middlemlsa LADIES! LOCAL NEWS I This store will be closed Wednesday at noon during the gumqier Months. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., H.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclu'iuie, Organist 10 a.m.”—Sunday School Service at 11 a.m. only Conducted by Rev. W. A. Young, B.Sc.A., of Hensail. UNION SERVICES Main St. apd James St. United Churches Rev. A. E. Elliott, of Main St charge. Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main St choir. 10 a.m.—Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—James Street 'Take advantage of the op­ portunity to consult us on your various hair problems, You may need a permanent wave, a finger wave, or a new idea on how to .change your present hair dress. You are al­ ways welcome. Men’s Suits OA Ladies’ Dresses O V Plain one piece “We make it our business to keep you clean.” All goods bagged and delivered by truck in good condition ELMORE HARNESS Agent ONTARIO CLEANERS AND DYERS All ny Summer Dress has been greatly Reduced in Price and put in racks for quick sale. Buy two at these very low prices $1.49, $2.49, $3.95 and $4.95 COTTON GOWNS In Crepe and Batiste in plain apd flor­ al effects, SPLENDID VALUE AT $1.00 KNEE HIGH HOSE In crepe. These are very special value and come in best summer shades PER PAIR 49c. BLEACHED SHEETS IN SUB­ STANDARDS These are for double beds and it is rare­ ly you can buy such a good quality at such a low price. PILLOW CASES 42 inches wide hemmed and ready for use. We are making a special for this week at EACH $1.00 EACH 25c. Regent Yarns for Knitting When you buy Regent Yarns you buy quality. We carry a full range of shades in the following; SEA SHELL 15c.; SEA GULL 22c.; SEA BEACH 25c.; BONNIE LASS 25c. SPORT SHIRTS FOR MEN In plain colors and fancy weaves. A very popular number for summer. PRICED AT $1.00 HATCHWAY NO-BUTTON UNDERWEAR Cool and comfortable and very popular with both boys and men. BOYS’ 75c.; MEN’S $1.00 ZINC RINGS Extra Heavy per doz. . . . SUMMER NECKWEAR FOR MEN In plain shades, stripes and colored check. Smart new neckwear. , EACH 55c.—2 FOR $1.00 BLUE WORK SHIRTS Woods’ make, a full fitting shirt in dark blue shirting, sizes 14 1-2 to 17 1-2. SPECIAL AT 89c. GROCERY SPECIALS McLAREN’S PUNCH 22c VINEGAR pure apple cider vinegar per gal. . . . 40c HEINTZ VINEGAR for pickling per gal. .. 59c APPLES good cooking apples 4 lbs...............25c A cool drink for the hot weather Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grape and Grapefruit 25cLarge bottle . Small bottle . RUBBER RINGS Heavy White per dozen............ 10c 5c RASPBERRIES The season is now on. Leave us your order. Prices guar­ anteed TOMATOES field ripened 3 lbs for . . . 25c SALAD DRESSING large jar . . . 25c SANDWICH SPREAD 23cper jar . . Catsup, large bottle 18c Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Mrs. Crescent 9, had his ton- Fletcher’s hos- Men! a sensation! FREE PANTS MADE-TO-MEASURE SALE FOR A LIFTED TIME ONEY and E. M. auto for Ot- attend the and daugh- of Calgary/ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of Toronto, are holidaying at Oakland House, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Blatchford, came*to the Bend from a holiday at Loon Lake. Messrs. W.' E. Middleton, Thos. Pryde, W. W. Taman Dignan left Tuesday by tawa where they will Masonic Grand Lodge. Mrs. Norman Mtoody ter, Miss Catharine, Alta., are visiting with Mrs. Bryon Hi'cks. Mrs. Moody is a sister of the late Byiron Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers on Wednesday attended the Senn Fam­ ily reunion at Mohawk Park, Brant­ ford. Miss Allie Bacrett, of Pres­ ton, will return with them on a vis- It. , Mr. Reg. Beavers, of the Bank of Commerce, Sarnia, spent Monday evening at his home here. Mr. Bea­ vers is being transferred to a branch at St. Catharines leaving for new duties on Friday, Miss Margaret penhale, who been teaching near BOlmont for past five years has resigned, having been engaged to teach at Brick St. school near London and will act as critic teachei’ for Nortaal students. hie has the Foolish neighbor—*D0 that baby of yours will his mark? iFohd Father—’’Make you ever think make his mark,? You ought to see the walls of our home. Evelyn Wareing is visiting at the home of Mr. Jas. Flynn, McGilliv­ ray. Miss Shirley Appleton spent a few days with Mr. and Dayman of Usborne. 1 Ross Tuckey, aged sils .removed at Dr. pital Wednesday morning. Masters Gerald and' James Day­ man, of Sarnia, are spending a few weeks with their grandparents, Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gordon and fam- ! ily spent the week-end visiting at Leamington and Windsor. Miss Costance Gordon is remaining on a I visit. The first locally (grown ripe to­ matoes that we have heard of this year were grown in the garden of Mrs. McAvoy. An item which appeared in the Brinsley news last week should have read Mr. John Trevethick .Sr. has returned from the West, instead of Mrs. J. Trevethick. Mr. George Griffith, of Toronto, is visiting with his wife at the home of Miss Annie Handford. Mr. Grif­ fith had the misfortune to fracture a couple of .ribs when he suffered a fall at his home in (Toronto recently Miss Lillian McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. McDonald, of Huron street, who had the misfor­ tune to break a small bone in right ankle a few weeks ago, is ting along as well pected. Mr. and Mrs. w. daughters Thelma Detroit and M.r. Passmore, Frances and Barry, of Sarnia, attended the Hunkin family picnic at Grand Bend on Saturday and spent the week-end visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnston spent Friday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. W. FL Johnston and took them to Brucefield to see Mr. J. J. O’Brien who remains in a very critical con­ dition. Mr. Arthur Jones .accompan­ ied by Mr. O’Brien’s niece (formerly Miss Olive Cann) wftftn her two children, ftom WlnnWeg also called on him. can can be her get- ex- C. Robinson and Luella, and of and Mrs. Garnet An extra pair of trousers made to your measure from the same materials as the suit you choose—FREE WITH EVERY MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT DEVONSHIRE Tailored-to-Measure Clothes (Make Your Selection Now) COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! Custom Tailored to your individual measure—'styled as you desire it—an elaborate selection of beautiful woollens to. choose from A small deposit now will hold your choice' of this Special Offering! .......... $24.50Priced as low as PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. James Green return­ ed last Thursday after an enjoyable two weeks* visit in Michigan. v,They visited iii Elkton and attended the family reunion of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Gregor on July 4th, 75 'persons be­ ing present. On Monday July 5th they went to a picnic at Caseville, the thumb of Michigan, many pre­ sent being schoolmates of Mrs. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Green visited at Saginaw with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Taylor, Mrs. Nettie Walker and oth­ ers and also visited at Marlette with Mr. Thos. Dunsford and his family. While in London they paid a visit to the London Free press plant and were introduced to Mr, Chas. Car­ ruthers, IntcrruptM Settlement Judae—-Can’t this case be settled out of court? Kelly—Sure, that’s what We we're frying to do yottr hdnor, when the police interfered. IN LIFE’S GARDEN Count your garden by the flowers, Never by the leaves that fall— Count your days by golden hours, Don’t remember clouds at all— Count youi’ night by stars, not dows. Count your life with smiles, tears, And with joy through all your time, Count your age by friends, years. not life- not *—(Selected K WALftWS DRUG STORE