HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-22, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TJWmL JULY 22nd, 1037 HENSALL Mr. Neil McNeil spent the week­ end with his family at Thorndale. Mr. J. W. Ortwein is able to he out again after his recent illness. Miss Mattie Ellis is spending a part of her vacation at Kent Rridge^ Haying is about finished in this district and the cutting of fall wheat has commenced. Mr. and Mrs. John Reid and child­ ren, of London, spent t'he week-end with relatives, i Mrs, Archie Filshie has returned home* after a pleasant visit with friends in Hamilton. Mr, and ’Mrs. Laird Mickle and children left on Monday for a va­ cation at Rondeau Park. Mr. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Mrs. James Troyer, of Toronto," is visiting with her brother Mr. Geo. Hudson and other relatives. The Sunday School of the United church held their annual picnic at Turnbull’s Groye on Wednesday. Mrs, Fisher and the Misses Strang of Dauphin, Man., are the guests of their aunts Misses Sarah and Mary Fee. The trustees of Carmel Presby­ terian. Church are making a number Of improvements to the manse this week. Mrs. Maulkinson accompanied by Miss Mary Goodwin, were visiting last week with friends in Harring­ ton West. . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron spent Sunday with relatives in Kitchener and Waterloo. Mrs. Boyd and children Marie and Jaok, of Arthur, are visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon and two children, of iSchromberg, are holidaying with the former’s mother Mrs. D. A. Cantelon. Mrs. John Wallace, of Buffalo and Mrs, E. L. Baughman, of Chicago, are visiting with their parents Mr, and Mrs. Walter Fee. Mrs. Roy McDonald, of Chisel­ hurst accompanied by Miss Della Peart,, of Exeter, spent last week visiting friends in Paris. Miss Kathryn Sells who- has been a guest at the home of Mrs. Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie has return­ ed to .her home in London. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and grandchildren Bobbie and Ruth are spending their summer vacation at their cottage in the Pinery, Mr. and Mrs. R. Gatch and dau-- ghter'Miss Dorothy, of New Orleans La., wei;e visiting here on Friday with Mi\ and Mrs. George Fee. There was a well attended meet­ ing here on Friday evening of the Executives of th© Huron-Perth and Huron’ Conservative Associations. Donna Mitchell, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell, of Us- boime, is visiting with her grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hudson. Miss Elizabeth Murray who has been the .guest of her sister, Miss Hannah Murray for some time left last week for her home in Milwau­ kee, Wis. Mrs. John Pope, who has spent several months with different mem­ bers of her family in Toronto and London has returned to her home fof the summer months, Mr. Edwin Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor, fir., of Tucker­ smith, who was operated on re­ cently at the Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, is recovering nicely. Miss Mae iSimpson returned to her home in Detroit this week after a pleasant visit with relatives here. She was accompanied home by' her mother, Mrs. Lou. Simpson, who will’ visit there for a time. Mr. Geo. Ferguson who recently moved here from Usborne Township and purchased the home at the cor­ ner of South Richmond and Albert, has so improved the property that it is one of the finest corners in the village. t Mrs. V. Laughton, who has 'been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonald and also cam­ ming at Grand Bend, was cdlled to her home last week owing to the illness of her husband who was re­ cently operated on in a Toronto hospital. Fractures Wrist On Wednesday morning last while Miss Minnie Reid was picking cher­ ries from a tree in her garden, the ladder on which she was standing slipped and she fell, fracturing het left arm near the wrist, She was immediately taken to the Scott Memorial Hospital, in Seaforth fof ah X-Ray and have the fracture re­ duced. Miss Reid was. able to re­ turn home the same day and is re­ covering nicely. Choir presentations On Wednesday evening, July Sth the choir of St. Paul’s Anglican church presented Miss Louisa Drum­ mond, a recent bride, and a mem­ ber of tlie choir with four lovely sherbert glasses with plates to match. They also presented Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Varley, a bride and groom of recent date, with a pair of flannelette blankets. The present­ ations were made by" Misses Marioh bftimmond’ and Mary Goodwin. Hol­ lowing speeches by the recipients the rest of the evening whs devoted to games 'and contests and a dainty lunch was served, Miss Kathryn sel^s, of London, was a guest f(& the’ event. CREDITON Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lou, Zurich, are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. IL Eilber. , The trustees are making some improvements to the school grounds at present. Some trees were cut down and others were trimmed. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Henry Eilber is confined to his home with an attack of rheumatism. We hope he will soon be out and around again. Mr, Dan Oestricher has shingled his hoiuse and barn. Mrs. C, Zwicker is spending a month at her home at Grand Bend, Mrs. Charles Kerr, Mr. Qourtand Kerr and Miss Lauretta Kerr visit­ ed last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr. Mr. Fred Beaver, of New York, and Mr. William Beaver, of Ottawa, are visiting with friends here. Misses Ila. and Alva Lamport, of London are spending their vacation with their parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport, Mrs. Robert Wilson, son Elmer and Mrs. Alva Grey, of Lobo; Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, of Ettrick and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London and Mrs. Ed. Faulder, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Richard Hill, Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson, of Science Hill, called on Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Mrs. L. Wurtz, of Pigeon, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. H. Damm, of Rece, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Smith on Sunday. Mr. Eldon Smith has taken a position of running a gas roller for the Brennen Construction Co. on the Bluewater Highway. Mr. Wm. Smith has returned home to look after his threshing business. ■The regular meeting of the Unit­ ed Church W. A. was held on July Sth. It was decided to have a gar­ den party on August 18th when the Henrich Memorial Band of Dash­ wood will supply the program. Readings were given by Ann Patter­ son and Betty Mawhinney. A dainty lunch was served by the 'hostesses Mrs. J. Mawhinney and Mrs; Elmoire Lawson. Logs Worn Corduroy Road Are Dug Up . A number of men and trucks are working on the county road east of Crediton. In the work quite a number of logs and stumps buried in the days of corduroy roads, have been unearthed and removed. One and a quarter miles lias, already been drained and the road widened. Two trucks are being kept busy drawing crushed stone for resurfac­ ing. This is being , brought from Cudmore’s pit. Patrolman Nelson Baker is in charge of the work. The grading is being done by Czar Wilson, of Lobo and the tile is be­ ing furnished by Fred Kerr. A BIG WELL Chatham, July 19th—<E. P. Rowe, eminent petroleum geologist, of Tor­ onto, announces that his Rowe- BRUETTE No. 3 near Chatham has over 5,000,0i0<0 cubic feet of sweet natural gas with drilling continu­ ing for more gas and the expectancy's of a real oil well at a lower horizon. It is at a depth of 29'85 feet today. The Trenton limestone, in . which they are drilling, extends for an­ other 600 feet. WOODHAM Several from here attended the garden party on Tuesday evening last held on Dr. Campbell’s lawn, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Scott and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodd attended the Gunning re-union held at Grand Bend on Friday of last week. Mrs, Gunning who has been quite ill has gone to stay with her son Clarence and is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Anderson, of Washington visited last Sunday at the latter’s home here. Mrs. Brock is spending a . few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton and little son Paul have moved into the 'house recently vacated by Mr, and' Mrs. J. Swallow. Cutting wheat is the order of th© day. Baby Band Meeting; A splendid meeting of the Bab.V Band was held last Wednesday af­ ternoon in the basement of the church under the leadership of Mrs. Garnet Murray with the W. M. S., the Mission Circle and the Mission Band as the invited guests. A pleas­ ing program, was put on by the little folk which was greatly enjoyed. Mrs,, C. Vessey, of St. Marys, then took the platform and gave a very interesting talk Oil the children. A delicious lunch Was served at the close, BLYT.H Work has commenced Oh the new residence and office for Dr, H, A, Yokes’ on Queen street soutfi. DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.g., D,D,S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood,. first three days of week and at office ever the Post Office, ip Zu­ rich, laBt three days of week. DR. W. B, COXON, B-V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Mr. and Mirs, Wm. Shaw, of Mont­ real, visited with her grandmother Mrs. Witzel last week. Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Gottshalk and daughter Doirothy, of New Or­ leans, La., are visiting relatives in this vicinity. They motored to Mus- koka for the week-end accompanied by hjs father Mr ,Sam, Gottshalk. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dale, of Wilton Grove; Mr, and Mrs. Milford Koch and friends of Detroit and Mrs. Jack Attenborough and family, of Windsor, spent the week-end with with' Mr. and Mrs. George Koch. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel, of near Hensall, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and son Harry and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Rev. and Mrs. Burn, of Zurich, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. John Zimmerman in Tavistock on Satur­ day afternoon. Miss Ruth Humble and friend, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Miss Verna Kraft who spent hei’ vacation at her home here has re­ turned to London. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke and family, of Detroit, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner. Mr. Raschke (returned on Sunday and Mrs. Raschke and family will remain for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morenz, of Detroit, spent the week-end with relatives Mrs. Morenz and daughter Grace are staying a few weeks. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. M. Hamather were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and daughters Aldene and Jo-Ann and Mr. L. Paul, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hamather, Dorchester and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, ,St. John.' Mrs. C. Wildfong who has spent .the past two weeks in Columbus, Ohio, and Dashwood returned W her home Sunday night. X1RKTON • Miss Lenore Doupe, of London, spent the past week at the home of Mr. N. B. Doupe. 5 Mrs. Frank Mills and her three ’sons, of Bashaw, Alta., are visiting their grandparents Mt. and Mrs. G. Mills. ' Rev. and Mrs. R. Murray, of Wyn- ard, Sask., visited at the parsonage. Rev. C. L. Lewis, Miss Ellen Hazle- wood, Miss E. Bjown attended the summer school held at Goderich this past week. Rev. Mr. Lewis was one of the instructors. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazlewood and son Bill, Mrs. Chester Hazlewood, of Detroit, spent t'he past week with Mr. Walter Hazlewood. Rev. and Mrs. F. B. Wyard, of Cumberland, Maryland, are taking charge of the Kirkton Circuit for the next four weeks. Rev. Lewis is taking Mr. Wyard’S work at Cum­ berland. This is just an exchange of work. Mt. and Mrs. Reuben Switzer and Bill, Mrs. W. H. iSwitzer and Rus- Sell Brock motored to' Pence Bridge on Sunday where they met Dr. J. Switzer, of Erie, Penn. Bill return­ ed with the doctor to spend a week’s holidays. Field Day at Kirkton Wednesday, July '14th was observ­ ed as field day for the Cyclone Lea­ gue held at Kirkton. Staffa and Carlingford played the first game, with Staffa as the winner; Devizes and Kirkton played the second game with Kirkton as winner and Staffa and Kirkton finished the program for the day. Kirkton winning the cup. In 1931 the boys won t'he same trophy. The weather was ideal and the attendance was as good as can be expected for the busy season. MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schultz, Edgar and Mrs. D. Morrison, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. Stephen Morrisson. Mr. John Barry, of Detroit, visit­ ed friends here last week-end. Mr. Noah Hartman, Mrs, P. Sul­ livan Jr, and Mr. p. Sullivan Sr(, visited friends at West Lorne over the week-end. Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end with her brother Joseph Dietrich- Mr. and Mrs. Shubert, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the latter’s mo­ ther Mrs. John Houlahan. - Mr. Norbett Gooding while help­ ing Mir. Joseph, Carey with the hay fell off the load. He was rushed to St. Joseph’s Hospital where he was placed in a cast. Miss Mary McCann, returned to St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener, on Sunday after spending two Weeks vacation at her home here. Miss Helen Murray, of London, visited with friends here on Sunday. FOREST — HbWaird Fraleigh, ex-M.L,A., who has 70 acres of corn Uhder cultivation, reports that he has corn eight and one-hblf feet high out in tassel. The shed was planted Mar 10 th", CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. John Essery, Mrs. B. Hicks and family attended the Harris family picnic at Clinton on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. F. McCann, of Stratford, visited for a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden. Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home. Mrs. Clara Abbott was confined to her home owing to illness for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Shelton, of Clinton, visited on Sunday witn Mr, and Mrs, A- Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, of Us­ borne, were 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith. Mr. Ken Hodgins visited on Sun­ day with relatives at West Lorne. Donna and Maxine Bowden are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. Mc­ Cann, in Stratford. Mrs. Lome Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Henry at Wiarton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, B. D, Cook and family attended the Cook reunion held at Newglasgow on Sunday. Mrs. E. Calwell, of London, was a week-end guest of Mrs. W. Par­ sons. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Duplan and children, of Michiga®, called on friends in the village on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Truman Mills, of Burlington visited with Mr, and Mrs. H. Mills over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brokenshire and family, of Hagersville, visited witn the former’s mother Mrs. S. Broik- enshire, for a few days last week. Misses Mildred Elliott and Beulah Skinner attended Summer School at Goderich last week. Mr. W. R- Elliott returned home from the West last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rosenberger, and son of London, visited with Mr, and Mrs. G. F. Penwarden over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fox, of Sask­ atoon, Sask., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe. Mt. and Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter, of Thames.Road and Mr. and Mrs. J, Willis and family, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors or Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. Geo. Hicks returned home from the West last week. Master Teddy Powe, of London, and Cameron proctor, of St. Marys, are holidaying with their grandpar­ ents Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and Mar­ jorie, Mrs. C. Turner and MaTion and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Essery, of London were ; Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. Parsons. Mrs. John Wurtz and Mr. and Mrs. C. Moore, of Pigeon, Mich, and Mr. and Mirs. Herb Damm, of Reese, Mich., were week-end visitors with the former’s niece, Mrs. Cecil Skin­ ner. Don’t forget the big. baseball tournament to be held here on the 28th of July and ’the big street dance at night. The W. M. S. will serve supper on the grounds. Centralia W. M S- The July meeting of the Centra­ lia W. M. s. was held at the home of Mrs. John Essery with a good at­ tendance.' Mrs. Andrew Isaac pre­ sided and Mrs. Arthur McFalls led in prayer. The scripture reading took, the form of questions and ans­ wers and was in charge of Mrs. Isaac and Mrs. A. Mitchell. Mrs. James Blair and isobel favored with a duet, a feature of the afternoon was the presentation to Mrs. Essery by the society, of a gift in honor of her 80th birthday. The address was read by Mrs. Blair and the presen­ tation was made by Mrs. F. Pen­ warden. Mrs. A. MicFalls took the chair for the business items. It was decided to serve supper at the com­ ing ball tournament and commit­ tees were appointed. The sunshine bags were opened, Mrs. Fred Bow­ den was asked to accept on behalf of the members, a small gift in ap­ preciation of her work in the auxil­ iary, in view of her approaching re­ moval to Clinton. The address was read by Mrs. Albert Mitchell and the presentation was made by Mrs. Norman Mitchell. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. A. Bell, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and children, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cliffe. Master Martin Walker is remaining for a time with his .uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Palmer and three sons, of Stratford, spent the Week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner; Mrs. Palmer and sonB re­ maining- for a few days’ visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horney and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Kippen, Spent Sunday with Mr. hnd Mrs. W. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. W. Heathetley and Stan. Kelly, of London, spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Mrs. Robert Carruthers is confin­ ed to her bed through illness. Miss Rosemary Heathe, of Wind­ sor, is holidaying with 'her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Messner and Miss Ida Messner, of Bfernyn, Alta., are yisitihg with Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Wein. giiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiniiiiiiMiiM^ | THE RED and WHITE STORE I |»w nl a GROCERY ^PIECIALS SWEET WHITE CORN ....................................................................... CRUSHED PINEAPPLE ...................................................................... AYLMER PORK AND BEANS ......................................................... ROSE BRAND BAKING POWDER....................................-............ PEERLESS WHEAT PUFFS ................................................................ AROMA COFFEE—WITH CUP AND SAUCER ......................... SUPERSUDS, RED PACKAGE ......................................................... 3 tins for 25c, ......... 2 tins for 25c. .....tall tin, 2 for 19c. ... 1 lb. tin, each 15c, ... per package 10c. ......... per pound 39c. ..................... each 9c. Toilet Soaps ..................... 3 cakes for 10c. Zinc Rings, extra heavy ... per doz. 23c. Jar Rubbers ............................... per doz. 5c. New Potatoes ......... Large Watermelons Good size oranges .. .. per pk. 30c, ..... each 59c- per doz. 15c- BREAKFAST BACON BY THE PIECE 23c. per pound; sliced ... 25c. Phone 102 hr Wilfred Robinson Thelma and Lucille of Mrs. Janet Pass- Garnet Passmore, of Francis and THAMES ROAD Miss Proctor, of New Liskard was week-end guest at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daughters Joan and Elizabeth, of Toronto, are holidaying with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore. Mr. and Mirs, and daughters are the guests more. Mr. and Mrs. Sarnia and children Barry were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Hackney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey and. Harry and Eileen and Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. Quinn, of Centralia were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Passmore. Mrs. Laura Kay is enpoyinig a visit from her brother, whose home is in the West. We are sorry ro learn Miss Louisa Hackney had the misfortune to break a small bone in her leg nec- cessitating a plaster cast. Miss Velma Merkely, of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her aunt Mrs. John Cann. The ladies of Roy’s W-M.S. held their July meeting at the manse with an attendance of 35. These ladies have a unique way of raising part of their fiunds by making of some very beautiful quilts, for which they have a ready sale, their members signer. The Sunday to hold their Grove on Friday. Everybody come and bring a picnic basket. The pea harvest is on. and farm­ ers are 'busy. Help is not very plentiful. Wheat is being cut this week too. Some hay is still to get in. ‘ Mr. Fletcher Staples sang beauti­ fully at the morning service “Lead Kindly Light” by Barnarid. Mrs. Garnet Passmore and Mr. Staples also sang in duett “The Beautiful Garden of Prayer” very impressive­ ly. One .of is the clever de- School are planning picnic at Turnbull’s ELIMVILLE in at ot with Ethel Hazel Mrs. Pooley, Johns; Kenneth Mr, Ned Avery, of iSt. Thomas, visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne. IA temperance speaker from Kit­ chener, will speak at the service this church next Sunday morning 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples, Toronto, visited on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns. About fifty young people enjoyed a picnic at Turnbull’s ’Grove and Grand Bend 'last Saturday afternoon An interesting ball game was played and races run with the following re­ sults: Girls under 17, Margaret Miners, young ladies race, Johns, Beryl Blrock, Mary Johns; boys under 17, Edward Johns, Ross Skinner, Elgin Skiner; young men’s race, Lloyd Bell, Howard Johns, Ronald Elf ord; kick-the-slipper, partners, Edward Johns and Hazel Johns, Jim Cornish and Marion Pooley, Joe Taylor and Ethel Pool- ey; throwing the ball for igirls, Mrs. Harold Bell, Eva Penrose, Margaret Miners; throwing the ball for boys, Lloyd Bell, Earl Coultis, Edward Johns; needle and thread race, Marion pooley and .Lloyd Bell Mary Johns and Lawrence Skinner, Ethel Pooley and Margaret Miners; guessing contest, Lois Waterton. WHALEN Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson Mary were (recent visitors Mrs. Alf. Brock at Union, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wabb, way, spent Monday with Mrs. Thos. Guhhifig. Several families from munity attended the Gunning ion at Grand Rend on Friday. Misses Lena Mennear and Jennie Lake, Of YOnkers, New York; Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, Mrs. W. Coates, of Mr. and and of Green- Mr and N ‘■f FARMERS - - ATTENTION WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE Call us for prompt service. Our* Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled Animals ONTARIO TALLOW CO. I EXETER, TELEPHONE COLLECT—EXETER 235 ONTARIO I —— ... ............................................. ■■....................-..........."M Mirs. Paul Coates and Verna, of Ex­ eter, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. F. iSquire, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Gunning visit­ ed on .Sunday with Mrs. Robert Gunning, St. Marys. Mirs. Alice Parkinson, .of St. Marys, is spending ’a few weeks with Mrs. Geo. MillfonU Mr. and Mrs. Alex:w,Baillie have returned home from Toronto where they had been holidaying foir a time. Miss Mary Mo.rley 10ft Thursday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of Detroit, for a few weeks. Mir. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and family attended the , Gann reunion which was held at the home of Mr. Jas. Earl, Zion, on Wednesday, Mrs. Gordon Morley, ijoan and Betty, of Stratford, are holidaying with Rev. Mr. Gladman of the service. H. HaiTton who ihas in Victoria Hospital, past three weeks, has return- We are glad to re- congre- was in been a London this com- reun> Mirs. Wm. Morley. WINCHELSEA ■aom-Quite a number from this munity attended the Y.oiung People’s ’ ’’ Turnbull’sBible Class picnic aj; Grove. . ', . Miss Ethel Coward, • i spent the past week at here. • 1 Mrs. Rebecca Stewart ■Charles, of Exeter, Miss ander, of Thames Road and Misses Gertrude M. and Gertrude W. Ste­ wart, of Osha'wa, spent Friday ev­ ening with .Mr, and Mrs. Walker Kerslake. , Misses Ruth and June Taylor, Toronto, are,spending a couple weeks with Mr. and Mrs. R. Pooley. ■ • t Mr. and 'Mrs.- George Godbolt . granddaughter Maxine Godbolt, Centralia visited ( ~ Mr. and Mirs. Clarence Fletcher. Mrs. S. Whaley and Judith, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. George Coward visit­ ed on Sunday with Mu’, and Mrs. Ar­ thur Day near Exeter, Miss Marjory Waterton, of don, is spending a few days Mrs. George Delbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke spent Sunday evening with the latter’s mo­ ther Mrs. Doibbs, who is critically ill in Lucan. of- Exeter, hei’ home and son Lois Alex- of of E. and of on Sunday with Lon- with I SHIPKA Last Sunday was communion, ser­ vice at the United church. Sacrament was administered to a large gation. charge Mrs. patient for the ed to her home, port she is improving. Mr. and Mrs, F. La Fond and fam­ ily, Miss Erma Finkbeiner from Sarnia visited Sunday with relatives here. Norma La Fond is staying over for a few weeks. * Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratz and family Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and family, Mr. ;Simon Ratz, Mr. and Mrs. Me Sweitzer and family attended the Ratz 2’eunion at Waterloo on Satur­ day last. Miss Susan Keogh has returned to Detroit after spending her va­ cation with her father Mr. John Keogh. Mr. and. Mrs, E. E. Wuerth from Zurich, visited Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner. 'Cutting wheat and raspberry pick­ ing the order of the day in the com­ munity. Mr. and Mrs. Gladman, of Exeter, parents of Rev. D. Gladman attended the morning service last Sunday. Mr. Gladman assisted in communion ser­ vice. Miss Jean McKenzie is at present visiting in Exeter at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. George -Sheppard and Miss Olive Sheppard, of Park­ hill visited relatives on Sunday. Mir. John O’Neil, of Detroit, spent a couple of weeks visiting Mr. Thos. Keogh. GRAND BEND Mrs. F. G. Wright, of Exeter, was the winner of the shuffleboaird tournament Wednesday of last week, the prize being a beautiful wool blanket. Mrs. McPhail, of Strathroy, has introduced this new game to Grand Bend and it has proven to be very- popular. Renew Now! For First Grade and Special, Cream should be kept Clean and Cool* Highest Market Prices Paid Exeter Creamery Co*, Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA Bargain Excursions July 29 from Exeter 1 (Tickets also sold at all adjacent C.N.R. Stations) To C.N.R. STATIONS in MARITIME PROVINCES Prov. of Quebec; New Brunswick; Prince Edward Island; Nov/ft Scotio JULY 30 & 31— Ottawa $7.50; Montreal $8*60; Quebec City $ 11*85; Ste. Anne de Beaupre $12.45 MOUND TRIP FARES T345A TrShiit LiflUti an d Information item AttfiU, Aik for tJafiiiWft. CANADIAN NATIONAL O ....... ' 1 '1 • ------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------------