HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-22, Page 4THURSDAY, JULY 22nd, 1&S7 THE EXETER TIMES-AD VO CATE Rock Bottom Cash Stores CERTO Christie’s Bottle . . 26c Fresh Peck 29c25c COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value BIRTHS Cook’s Flour K No. 1 COFFEE Creamery Blue Ribbon 24 lb. • o*/C Butter Pound . 39c DIAMOND Pound Salada Tea BREAD FLOUR 24 lb.. 95c 28c Brown Label 1-2 lb.. 31c Ontario Potatoes Zinc Rings Dozen . . 22c Fig Bar 2 Pounds Corn Flakes Kellogg’s 3 for 24c Salmon Fancy Red 2 lb. tin 15c Bananas Golden Ripe 3 lb. . . 23c Shredded PICKLES Lemons Wheat Sweet Mixed Large Size 2 for 23c 28 oz. .25c Dozen . 35c Crown and Imperial Fruit Jars at Remarkably Low Prices EXETER 58 — TELEPHONES ..GRAND BEND.. DANCING NIGHTLY Sensational JIMMIE NAMARO and his 10 Esquires CARNIVAL NIGHT Monday, July 26th Homs, Confetti, Serpentine, Balloons Everything for a Real Night’s Fun D. McAndrew’s of Sierre Madre, of Mr. and Mrs. week. They had Mrs. McAndrew’s Mr. and Mrs, J. James and Agnes, Calif., were guests George Layton last been visiting with parents in Port Elgin and are on their way to their summer home in Grandin, Dakota. Mr. McAndrew's father was a teacher at one time at S. S. No. 3, Stephen. FAMILY REUNIONS c b I„ day afternoon of last week. “ 80 perse ns were present and enjoyed ■ the renewing of old friendships. Sports were held in the afternoon . ■[! followed by a sumptuous supper. |Officers were elected as follows: sp President, Rvbt. Dayman, of Kippen; ij-j Vice-Pres., A. Dayman, of Usborne; r Ser’y-Treas., Miss Amelia Acheson; '< ■ convener of sports committee, Cres- h cent Dayman; convener of lunen I y committee, Mrs. T. Crates, Miss ’1 Stella Southcott. Mr. Peter Oke is ;. the retiring president. i' ■i Oke Reunion heldThe Obe family picnic was at Riverview park, Exeter, Wednes- . About with ice cream. Immediately after supper Thos. Gunning, president for 1337 called the crowd to order and a business session was held. Officers were elected for 1938: President, Frank Gunning, secretary, Harvey Parkiscn. treasurer. David Johnson. The weather was fine and every­ one seemed to have a very enjoyable day. There -were several at the re­ union over the three score years and ten. There were members present from Port Stanley. St- Marys, Gran­ ton, Exeter, Whalen, Woodham and Munro, Hardy Reunion theA very happy reunit n of Hardy family took place at Detroit. J Mich., when all the sons and dau- i5. gitters of Mrs. Elizabeth s I formerly of Exeter, met| home of her daughter Mrs. A. A. In- 5 ? gram. They were joinedhif - ' * ■ i r ■< Hardy, at the by the four sons-in-law and cne daughter- ; in law and by ten of her grandchil- dren. including the most recent ad­ dition, in the person of Mary Eliza­ beth Ingram, month-old daughter o: the house. The occasion was taken advantage of to wish bon voyage to Mrs. Hardy, who subsequently left by motor with her daughter Mrs. Fred Rjckbeil, of Worthington, Minn., with whom she will spend the win­ ter. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rk-kbeil, of Worthington, Minn.; Judge and Mrs. Stanbury and family. Jack, Elaine, Richard and Robert, of St. Catharines, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Webber and sons William and Dene, of Ingersoll, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hardy and sens, Ross and Jim, of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ingram and daugh­ ter Mary Elizabeth, of Detroit, Mich, and Mr. Newman Hardy of Detroit. ACHESON—-At the Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. T, B. Acheson, the gift of a daughter. BELtL—In Hensail on Monday, July 19th, to Mr, and Mrs, Roy Bell, a son. CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sisters of late Miss Westcott wish to express their appreciation to and friends for the kindness extended in ment; also for the and especially to Rev. Mr, the tbe neighbors many acts ot their floral bereave- tributes Elliott. card of thanks Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webber wish to thank all those who sent cards, letters, flowers and fruit and to neighbors and friends for kindness shown during Mrs. Webber’s illness in Victoria Hospital, London. When a mam comes a long distance to make a speech he generally makes the speech as long as the distance. Cakes and Rolls We are specializing in Cakes this summer. Have you tried them. Our cake husness has been increasing rapidly. Cakes are wrapped in celophane. Prices 10c, 12c, 15c, 25c Chocolate, Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla Cakes with rich, tasty icings. OUR ROLLS CANNOT BE BEATEN Middleton's Bakery For Real Ice Cream and a Big Soda—“Try Middletons Phone 52 and let us deliver A Brick of Ice Cream * Hodgert Reunion pic- Hope, Exeter, -Seaforth, Fullarton, Farquhar, Munro and other program of races was The Hodgert family reunion nic held in Queen’s Park, was again a decided success, over ninety be­ ing in attendance, including mem­ bers from Detroit, London, New To­ ronto, port Russeldale, Chiselhurst, points. A run off during the afternoon and in. the "'slipper -kicking’’ content be­ tween the ladies and the men the former easily carried off the hon­ ors for registering the “biggest kick.” Softball was engaged in by the smaller children as well as the grown-ups. The scores were high in each game with the number of errors being well in advance of the score. The “Hodgert” tradition for good food in large quantities was amply demonstrated at the noon-day and evening meals. The newly-el­ ected officers are as follows: Pres., Will Hodgert, Exeter; sec’y, Miss L. Francis, London; treas., Milton Hodgert, London; sports committee George Foster Bray, New Toronto, Ken. Hodgert, Port Hope; refresh­ ment committee, Mrs. Herald Law­ rance, Seaforth (convener), Miss Pearl Duncan, Farquhar, Mrs. Edith Bray, New Toronto, Mrs. Elsie Cal- quhoun, Munro, Percy Duncan, Far­ quhar, Jock Hogarth, Exeter. Greet­ ings from members were received by wire from Regina and other points. Votes of thanks were ten­ dered the parks Board for the use of the grounds and the superinten­ dent for his willing co-operative assistance. Hunkin. Reunion The annual reunion <.f the Hun­ kin families and j-nnections was held on Saturday. July 17th at Grand Bend with about 110 persons present from Portage La Prairie, Detroit, Sarnia, Wyoming, Strath- roy, London, St. Marys, Thorndale, Mitchell, Staffa and Exeter district. Following a bounteous supper a program of sports were carried out under the direction of Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin, Mr. and Mrs. J3cn Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pollen and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons as fol­ lows: Girls 5 and under, Helen Pass- more, Mabel Selves: boys 5 and un­ der, Barry Passnrre, Gordon May­ ers; girls 6 to 8. Eleanor Hunkin, Maxine Parsons; hoys 6 to 8, Jack Whyte; girls 8 to 12, Doris Smale, Helen Mclnnes; boys 8 to 12, Ross Tuckey, Eric Heywood; young lad­ ies’ race, Helen Selves, Doris Dun­ can; young men’s race, Jack Frayne Fred Selves; married ladies’ race, Mrs. jack Coward. Mrs. G. Heywood maj-ried men’s race. Lewis Davey, Alvin Passmore; graceful walking, Mrs. J. Mclnnes, Mrs. G. Passmore; feeding the elephant, Mrs. Benson Tuckey and Lloyd Parsons; secret race, Benson Tuckey and Mrs. Jack Coward, Alf. Hunkin and Helen Mc­ lnnes; peanut race, Alvin Passmore and Mrs. Benson Tuckey, Mr. and Mrs. John Selves; slipper race, Mr. and Mrs. John Selves, Stanley Fray­ ne and Mrs. Bob Duncan. A prize was given to the oldest member present who was Mr. Fred Hunkin and a prize to the youngest was Betty’ Fox. A ball game was en­ joyed by all. At supper time a short business meeting was held at which it was decided to hold the picnic at the same place and same time. The new committee are AIL Hunkin, President; Lloyd Parsons; secretary; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ballan- tyne, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Davey and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mavers on the sport committee. BRINSLEY Mu', and Mrs. Laverne Morgan, of Cleveland, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rowe are pleased to say: It’s a boy! Ma', and Mrs. Walter Richmond, of Brantford, spent Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. L. L. Craven. Mrs. Wm. Lewis had the misfor­ tune to trip and break her ankle. Mr. Jas, E. Amos and family, of Hamilton, is visiting his brother Mr. Joseph Amos. Mr. and Mrs. Len Armstrong and family, of Hyde Park, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. L. L.-Craven. •Little Miss Claire Murphy, Lon­ don, is visiting with Kathleen Mor­ ley. Mrs. McGovern and family, Tor­ onto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Dan Lewis. Gunning Reunion 125 the and pio- re- On Friday, July 16th, about descendants and connections of late Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Gunning Mr. and Mrs. James Gunning neers of Blanshard held t-heir union at Grand Bend. About 11 a.m. the crowd started to gather and shortly after 12 o’clock the tables were laden down, with good things. Everyone seemed blessed with good appetites and enjoyed the dinner. About 2.30 p.m. the sport com­ mittee, Wm. Rodd, Ernest Foster, Wilson Morley, called the crowd for contests and races which were en­ joyed by young and old. Girls under 7, Audrey Par.kinsdn, Julia Chittick; boys under 7, Ray Jaques, Beverley Foster; girls 7 to 12, Marion Parkinson, Ola Morley; boys 7 to 12, Kenneth Parkinson, Gordon Foster; young ladies, Verna Scott, Hazel Gunning; young men, David Parkinson, Fred Parkinson; married women’s walking race, Mrs. Wm, Rodd, Mrs. Allan Jaques; mar­ ried men’s race, Gordon Docking, Herman Foster; clothes pin race, men won; neck tie race, David Par­ kinson and Mrs. A. Jaques, David Johnson and Mrs. W. Morley; Chew­ ing gum race, Mrs. E. Foster, Mrs. H. Parkinson; throwing jelly beans, Fred Parkinson and Mrs, H. Par­ kinson, David Parkinson and Mrs. A. Jaques; marsh mellow race, Da­ vid Parkinson and Mrs. A. Jaques; Albert Scott and Mrs. E. Foster; guessing weight, Mrs. Gordon Dock­ guessing Nelson KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Ennis Rock and family, of Parkhill, visited on Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Art Willert. Miss Mildred Neeb, of (London, is spending her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich and family and Mr. joe Steffler, of St. Agatha visited over the week-end with relatives here. Miss Leila Mossey is taking up an Agriculture course at the O.A.C. in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Neeb visited on Sunday with relatives near Zu­ rich. ing, Frank Parkinson; time, Wellington Brock, Squire. After the sports many their bathing suits And report the Water was fine. About six the supper was served OPEN TO HURON COUNTY The annual Huron County foot­ races will be run this year at Agri­ cultural Park, Goderich, on the Fri­ day afternoon (August ’6th) of the Goderich Old Home Week. These events, which are open to Huron County athletes only, are the 10 O'­ yards dash for the Goderich trophy with first, second and third prizes; the thee-mile run for the Dominion Day trophy, also with first, second and third prizes and the half-mile relay race for teams of four, with one set of prizes. The prizes fof each race will be medals. The Goderich trophy is at present held by Douglas Waram, bf Wingham. Entries may be made with Ernest J, Pridham, Goderich, chairman of the committee, at any time before* the yaces. donned ■Gordon Brooks met with an acci­ dent at the canning factory Monday when a kettle fell on his leg, bruis- ing the bone. He Will be laid up tor a few days. CLAIMS STUDENT MINISTER STAYED BUT THREE DAYS Statements of Kirkton Young Man Brings Spirited Reply From West (Stratford Beacon Herald) “Gladmar Replies—Bittie Town Hits Back With Facts,” says a head­ ing in a recent issue of the Leader- Post, of Regina, Sask. Gladmar is the western hamlet that was too preoccupied with its troubles to pay any attention to a student mission­ ary. So said J. Carman Hazlewood, of Kirkton, Ont., who was sent to Gladmar a few weeks ago by the United Church, stayed fcr two weeks and then started back home. On July 4, Mr. Hazelwood was in­ terviewed by a Beacon-Herald re­ porter. Hazelwood said that Glad­ mar had been particularly hard hit by drought and depression, that nobody would accept him as a boarder and that he didn’t have a chance to hold a service of worship. Apparently some of the Gladmar folk feel that Hazlewood’s com­ ments have been unfair to them. So a spirited defence of Gladmar and its people written by a member of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the United Church in Gladmar, appears in the Regina Leader-Post. The letter is here quoted in full: Gladmar, a small hamlet of 53 people, is located on the C. P. R. Estevan-Minton line, six miles east of No. 6 highway. The district was first settled in 1910 and pioneer residents and newcomers alike have remained in the district to make their homes and still encour­ age and assist with worthy com­ munity enterprises, including those of school, sport and church. The town has two elevators, three oil companies, two garages, one hardware store, post office, cafe and confectionery, two .general stores, community hall, lumber yard, stat­ ion and section house, dray and livery, two implement agencies, and until a few months ago a bank. One and a half miles north of town two coal mines operate the year around. These mines are at the site of “Old” Gladmar. A two roomed school teaches up to and including grade 12 work. It is the only high school in the R.M, of Surprise Valley No. 9. They Play Tennis There is an active tennis club and a live board of trade. The Luth­ eran church women have a ladies’ aid and the United church woman can boast of a women’s missionary society of 14 members who meet regularly every month. The W-M.S. has been highly praised by church and presbytery for its splendid work and spirit throughout the drought years. It is this organiza­ tion that greatly resents the false statements made in the -press re­ cently by J. Carman Hazlewood, of Kirkton, Ont., who was in the Glad­ mar district for three days in May as a student minister of_the United chUTCh. 415 Pails for $1 This student says no one wanted to keep him except a Chinese. The Chinese at Gladmar do not keep anyone as they only have a cafe and confectionery and no accom­ modation for roomers. It was un­ necessary to share drinking water from the Chinese as there is a town well with windmill which has tested water—a well that has never been pumped dry. Beside it there is a large cistern for use as fire pro­ tection and reserve supply. Drink­ ing water is also hauled into town twice a week from a well half a mile from town and is sold at 45 pails for $1 (not shipped in by tram and sold 16 for $1 as stated). Glad­ mar and district is not and has never been short of water supply, but the student says they’ve been without for eight years. Ministers “Batch” The student could not have call­ ed on the family who boarded the theology student last year as no one has boarded the student for several years. There have been stu­ dent ministers in this district for over 20 years, but during the sum­ mers of H934-35-36 the ministers “batched in a two-roomed building kept clean and furnished by the women’s missionary society. They preferred doing that as they were absent so much in their field. This year the same building was cleaned and in readiness for the student when he arrived in May, 1937. It contained an iron bed, springs, mat­ tress, all-wool comforter new this spring, new pillow, white sheets, clean quilts, kitchen table, study table bedside table, two rockers, an easy chair, a three-burned gas stove, a heater, dresser, supply of towels, sheets, pillow slips, dishes, pots and pans, silverware, as well as small articles to make the place comfortable, including rugs on the floor. It is six years, not eight as stated that residents here have received relief. It is, however, only four years since & great number were forced on relief. This number has increased each year, but even at the pi'esent time there are some who are not on relief. True, this Is a hard-hit drled-Out area and no crop will be harvested this year, In that ... announcing ... The Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd., take pleasure in announcing the appointment of the F, G. Wright & Co., of Exeter, as sole distributors for their shoes in Exeter and the surrounding district. On and after Sept. 1st Ibis store will be equipped and fully stocked with the very latest in both men’s and women’s smart style shoes. These shoes will be priged exactly as will be found in all of the 72 stores of this great Coast to Coast organisation. In the meantime every shoe in this store at the present time must be cleared by August 15th regardless of cost. Take advantage of these Drastic Reductions while the sizes are complete. Agnew-Surpass also specialize in Children’s, Misses’ and Growing Girls’ styles and proper widths. Mr. Hazlewood was correct. How­ ever, the spirit of the people is still I good and the adherents of the < church hospitable and interested in ' the work. Why did this student, after only three days' stay, desert a community so in need of en­ couragement, example and leader­ ship without even saying he was going. “See It Through” All denominations have free use of the community hall fcr chuirch services and this is the building in which services have been held by United church students for 12 years. The United church charge here covers an area of about 30 miles by 12 miles. This spring’s student only remained in the district three days and made one call. How could he say, “They’ve sort of lost faith after all these years,” when past records showed the past students had received co-operation? The western spirit is Gladmar’s spirit and in spite of failures and disappointments they are determin­ ed to see it through. Combatting Garden Insects Garden Plants are liable to at­ tack by many kinds of destructive insects. -Some of the these destroy the foliage, others the flowers, while others bore into the stems and even into the roots, Injurious insects may be divided roughly into two classes by the nature of their mouthpieces, namely (1) biting insects which bite and chew their food, such as cutworms and other caterpillars, and pear-eating beetles, and ((2) sucking insects which suck up their food by means of their beaks, such as aphids, the true bugs, and the scale insects. If the insect is one with biting mouthparts, a stomach poison such as paris green, or arsenate of lead, is usually applicable, but if the in­ sect has sucking mouthparts, such poison would be useless because the insect would insert its bea<k thro’ the poison and reach a safe feeding place beneath. For sucking insects therefore, contact insectitudes, those commonly used being kerosene emulsion, hale oil soap, and prepar­ ations containing tobacco. HURONDALE W. I. PICNIC The annual picnic of the Huron- dale Institute was held on Thurs­ day, July gth at Grand Bend. De­ spite the very hot weather a very pleasant afternoon was spent in ’races and contests. Afterwards many spent a happy hour swimming. At six o’clock about 90 of the members and their families sat down to a delicious supper. Great enthusiasm was- displayed later in a lively ball game. The results of winners in sports: Peanut scramble for the children; girls under 8, Margaret Rundle, N. Moir; 'boys nnder 8, Jack Percival, Grant Morgan; girls under 11, Mar­ ion Rundle, Shirley Moir; boys un­ der 11, Allison Morgan, Calvert Beckler; boys under 14, Bill Kestle Jack Kestle; young ladies’ rabbit race, Kathleen Strang, Grace Beck­ ler; young men’s rabbit race, Moses Beckler, Bill Kestle; stepping, pac­ ing (backwards), 25 yards, Earl Mitchell; guessing weights, Nettie Keddy; guessing length ]of rope, Mrs. Carman Cann; cup and straw race won by boys; feeding elephants Moses and Grace Beckler; bean pace Earl Mitchell and Mrs. Moir. Much credit goes to- Mrs. Kestle and Mrs. W. Ethejrington for making the< sports a success. BDYTiH—While hay hauling was in progress on the farm of Robert Wightman, the collie dog got under the wagon and was taken up on the loader. Ln trying to free the dog Harold Wightman was bitten sever­ al places on the arms. Farm News Control of Pear and Cherry Slug For the control of the pear and cherry slug, all young year and cherry trees, including nursery stock which have not been sprayed with a poison, should be sprayed immed­ iately with 1 1-2 lbs lead arsenate in 40 gallons 3-6-40 Bordeau mix­ ture. Livestock Feeds The problem of the dairyman to­ day is to produce at a profit or break even under existing circum­ stances. Greater economy in feeding should hot mean less efficiency. Ways of improving home-grown crops can De found, thus necessitat­ ing fewer (purchasing feeds. Dairy­ men who have alfalfa hay and corn silage can readily get along with a lower protein concentrate ration than the farmer with poor hay and no silage. Even alfalfa hay varies considerably In nutritive value, de­ pending on when it is cut. Farm-; ers should cut their alfalfa at a time when, they are fairly certain of pro­ curing a valuable feeding material than If left until too far advanced. Curing is also important and the more green leaves than can be har­ vested and the greater the retention of color, the higher the feeding val­ ue that will he realized in the feed- ing-omt (Pto’efess next winter. The Cabbage Worm The cabbage worm is a velvety green caterpillar commonly found feeding, on cabbages and cauliflow­ ers. It also attacks turnips, rape, Brussels sprouts, kale and radish. It eats large circular holes in the cabbage leaves and frequently bores into the the centre of the cabbage heads, making the cabbage unfit for market and spoiling them for home consumption. Control measures should be applied as soon as injury to the plants becomes evident. Dusting with arsenate of lead and hydrated lime is the mostly widely recommended remedy. One part of the poison should be mixed with eight parts of hydrated lime and the mixture dusted on the plants in the early morning or late evening when the leaves are wet with dew. Par- ticuar care should be paid to .the central portion of the cabbage and cauliflowers since it is usually the favourite spot for feeding. Two .or three applications of the mixture should be made as required, care, be­ ing taken to apply the dust immed­ iately feeding becomes evident. Due to the waxy condition of the leaves the use -of a poison spray has not given satisfactory results. War Against Weeds Dry weather and bright, hot sun­ shine are the farmers’ greatest al­ lies in the war against weeds. July and August are busy months for the farmers, and it is during these months when the weather is usual­ ly hot and dry that the maximum damage can be done to weeds with the minimum of effort. July plowing and early after har­ vest cultivation is to be highly re­ commended. Hay fields Known to be dirty should be ploughed immediate after haying, the furrows left to bake out for 10 days or two weeks then cul­ tivated frequently as a .Summer Fal­ low and seeded to Fall wheat early in September. This so called dry cleaning method is very effective on Sow Thistle, Twitch Grass, Bladder Campion and other perennial weeds. Straight ,Summerfallow is also very effective, although somewhat more expensive. Late sown buckwheat followed the next year with rape or loots is a splendid method of check­ ing weeds. The cleanest farms in Ontario are operated by farmers who practise a short three or four year Crop rota­ tion, who are .particular in the use of clean, well graded seeds and Who practise thorough and adequate cul­ tivation methods. SALE OF HORSES at the HlCKSi HOUSE, MITCHELL, on MONDAY, JULY 26tli at 1.30 o’clock Mixed load of horses from one to ton years of age. Mostly mates. Some .exceptionally fines colts, con­ sisting of Belgians,. Percherons and Clydes. IL W. HEISE, Proprietor W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer