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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-22, Page 2
THCIISIXIY, JULY aSnxl, lm THE EXETER TIM as. ADVOCATE ft “Now; Thia minute. Just as soon as Lucy can pack!” Lawton interpose {ed. “Ping said he’ll drive you up | there. If you stay around town I si-mebody’s going to see the black i-eye, and they’ll be sure you were in the car.” you next week. Just for a couple of days,”Styr ©imrii-AiWratr Eet&bllahefl 1873 anfl 1887 at Exeter, Ontario Published gvery Thursday Mioruini 1UBSCRIPTION—$2.00 per year In advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate! to* sale 5Op. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar* Found 10c. per line of Reading notices lQc. Card of Thanks 50c, _w„, vertising 12 and 8c. per line. I* Mempriam, with one verse 50 c. extra verses 25p. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Father and Son . Lose Lives in River Harold Upsdell, 30-year-olfl St, Marys shoe store manager, gave his lite in a futile attempt to save his son, Harold Jr., age 10, from drown ing in the Thames River. Father and son with two other fishermen were thrown into the water as their* boat upset 300 yards above the Vic* toria dam on Main street there, The bodies of father aud sou were recovered about 10 minutes after they went flown in eight feet of wa ter. Drs. Latimer, Evans, Smith and Jose wonkefl on the bodies but were unable to revive either. ’ The two others in the boat, Atillo Sgariglia, fruit merchant anfl Ernest Hunt, shoe repair man, both clad in rubber boots, were able to swim to shore only with difficulty, a dis- stance of aboue 75 yards. Quiet The next afternoon when ping left Karen saw him drive away with real regret, “He’s a nice boy, Lucy," Karen reflected. “Nice and sate.” “That’s what you need, Miss Kar en,” Lucy said with unusual firm ness, And Karen meekly assented. For the first few days Karen was quiet. She needed rest. She loved the snow-covered country-side. She spent part of her time tramping thro' the woods just back of Pine’s cabin. After that first day Karen’s father notified her it was not wise to use the telephone. He was afraid their calls might be cheeked at the house. Karen pottered about, helping Lucy in the kitchen, playing phonograph no radio. Ping came of the first hiked together. Ping talked about their wedding plans for June, and told Karen she could come back to the city within a couple of days. "There’s just a little formality to get over, that’s all,” he said. ‘Every thing will be set surely of next week.’ “Is everybody talking “Sure, bxxt they can't In Hiding Karen reached for her dressing gown. "I’m getting ready right now. Dad, will you please see some body from the family goes to see ,41-s. Webber? She’s going to won- 1 der why I don’t come. Webber was always so good to me—he’d do any thing for me—” Tears welled up in | ivaren’s eyes, He’d been doing as I Ullin Together they got Gail out. She night?” Lawton asked the girl was unconscious and hex' head was abruptly, bleeding badly, By that time the ambulance had come. The doctor felt Gail’s pulse and helped get Web ber cut of the driver’s seat. '‘Cali tae morgue while we get, these two into he hospital,” one of' me home here and .putting me uhe uo.tuiM told the police, Mir.-lit! Lawton gulped, Lawton and the Prince standing there help less, saw Webber and Gail lifted into the ambulance, “We had bettei' go along with them,” Lawton said. He could not look at the still figure in the snow. If the quiet figure xvere dead, there was no more to do here. It was a blessing fox' (Lawton’s frame of mind that he did not knoxv then that there were two still figures in the snow. The two men shaken and sick were silent on the long ride. Once Gail became conscious, but they told hex' to go asleep again. Webber did not move. Once in a while he moan ed a little. At the hospital they were received in the emergency room. Gail, .con scious now, became hysterical, but not before Lawton managed to tell hex’ to keep quiet about Karen. Gail j was weeping, terrified that her nose was broken. She xvanted her doctor. “We’ll get him, Gail, just as as you’re comfortable. We’ve got to look after Webber, too.” “He’s only the chauffeur! Get me my doctor!” Lawton himself his head. Serge “Turn down Fifth,” Karen said, wrist and ankle. "And -step on it.” "It’s slippery, Miss Karen.” | “You can do it, Webber,” Karen said with confidence. In her state,; it had not occurred to her that they might be stopped trance. Karen, sitting kept a watch out ear. “There’s somebody following us I know! Hurry, Webber!” “No, the ear turned off!” iSo it went. iThey spent Fifth avenue, in the black of winter morning. Crash (Suddenly the cax- lurched. There. was a squeaking of brakes as Web ber jammed his foot down. An aw ful skidding. A dull thud. The tax’ swung completely around, and stop ped with a jolt across the street, against the curb, headed north. Then silence. A terrible silence. Inside the car the five were tum bled together on the floor. Lawton, fighting, got the doox- open and crawled out. He grabbed for Karen, and pulled her out aftei’ him. Lucy, the faithful managed to get out her self. '‘‘Stand here!” Lawton ordered. ’ He ran to the corner. He could see a cab coming way across Sixth Ave. He called to Lucy. “Bring Kar’en to 'waited in Ing hard. “Don’t think she’s drunk! She’s all right, Lucy. Just get her to bed,” The cab was just across the street now. Intent on his fare. Lawton gambled that its driver would not see the wreaked car in the middle of the block. Lawton could not be sure. He put a bill into the man’s hand and helped Lucy with Karen. “Where to?” asked the driver. "Grand Central,” Lawton and he pinched (Lucy's arm "When you got there, change Keep the window down!” he mured in Lucy’s ear. Then he back to the wreck. He looked about. There seemed to be no help in sight. He started across the street tO' see it he could get aid from a night watchman in a nearby building. He stumbled over something. It was soft, warm, hu man! Lawton bent down. He felt his knees weaken. He got to the side walk, and there he must have lost consciousness. Shortly there was po lice sirens. Somebody had notified the police. Lawton struggled to 1x1s feet. He ■weaved from side to side as he walk ed to* the police ear, "What’s the matter, drunk?” Lawton could not speak. He clutch ed the door of the car. They saw the blood on. his face. “He’S hurt!” "He’s hurt!” “Hospital!’ Lawton gasped now. “Hurt!” He pointed desparately to the quiet figure in the snow. The men jumped out. Lawton, desper ate, washed his face in the snow, ’ths Shock seemed to steady his nerves. .He went over to the car. He re membered he kept balling for Web ber. “It’S four o'clock,” he said wist fully, The elevator was such a long rime coming that Lawton reprimand ed the boy sharply finally opened. “I’m sorry, sir. again. I trust you six'.” The boy hoped Lawton could not J see the crisp $20 bill that an excited J young man put in his hand ten min utes before, to delay the car as long as possible. When they reached the street level there was a telephone call for Law ton, "It’s important sir!” the night bellboy told 'him. Karen laughed. She clung to* the arm of Serge. “They think they’re going to stop us.” “Nothing can do that, Karen!” Lawton was at the desk a long time. He just answered in mono syllables. “It’s the management com plaining about the noise in my apartment.” (The five of them crowded into the limousine. Karen, in Serge's arms, called to Webber. “Drive like the devil. Bill’s called father. I know! That telephone call, Jim. You don’t lie well, I know! 'Orders from Daw.; It's no use. You can’t stop us!” Lawton, drew in his breath hard. Webber swung the car swiftly into action.. “To the tunnel,” Karen ordered. Lawton, trembling, knew tlhat Mal lory would be waiting there. She would nevei’ dare defy .hex* father in person, he was sure. Webber his a fast clip across town. when the doox’ It won’t happen won't report me, at in of I own soon the tunnel en- Serge's arms, the rear of the down the her!” Together^ they got the corner. (The three silence. Lucy was breath- woTi’y! Let the cab driver said, hard, cabs, mur- went had a bandage on had a sprained He walked with I difficulty. Lawton sent Serge home in a cab after arranging for 1”’— come downtown later in the make a statement. At Karen’s Home It must nave oeen almost Lawton telephoned Lucy, woman could scarcely hear what Im said. “Where is Webber’s wife? What did you wake me up at this hour for to ask me that? Why didn’t you wait until daylight at least?” Lucy's nerves were shattered. “What about Webber’s wife?” Law ton persisted. “You know she’s in the .hospital. They just had their first baby! I thought you knew! Miss Karen sent her to her own hospital!” jLawton did not answer. He hung up the receiver in the pay station booth from which he was calling. He leaned against the wall aixd tears ran down his cheeks. An interene, seeing his plight, tried to make, him drink a sedative. But Lawton refus ed. He had to have every ounce of brains he evex’ had. He left the hospital, made an ap pointment with the accident bureau for the afternoon and said he was going home to bed. Then he drove to the Mallory residence. He was unshaven and there was blood on his shirtfront, He had lost his hat and his coat was torn. It was thus he was ushered in the presence of Jason Mallory. Mallory obviously hadn’t slept much, not since he’d had the tele phone call from Bill about the elope ment. Now he looked old and tired in the gray morning light. “I’ve ordered breakfast; I thought you’d need some,” Mallory said. Mallory, without speaking fiurtiher poured Lawton a drink and handed it to him. “Now—" “The first thing, get Karen and Lucy up. Quick.” him to day to 7 when The poor ! Hi “Only that we were going down Fifth Avenue and Webber slammed on his brakes—” She paused, -frown ed in an effort to think. "Then I remember Lucy bringing she asked and no>v he was dead! j.iei remorse as so bittex1 that Kar en was physically ill. But she got i ready to go just the same. .She felt this belated obedience might be good for the soul, stance, which poor Webber. Ping’s car in an hour, and Lucy, bags packed, was waiting to stow them into the car. When Karen came downstairs she looked very ill. The bump over her eye had blackened the eyelid and her face was chalk white. "Do you feel well enough to take the drive?” Ping asked as he watch ed Lucy tie a veil ovex' Karen’s bruised face. “I feel like an escaped convict,” she told Ping after they got started. The air did hex’ good. But shortly she began to pry and she wept for hours. Regret is a bxttei' companion. Kar en was learning that fact. Her self- reproach was complete, and abject. But that did not help now. She was always sorry and remorseful—when it was too late. Slip’s wrecked a life; left a tiny baby .atherless! It was hours before Karen could think coherently. She remembered some of the things Serge had told her. ■ ‘ * '* "They’re true. I am a barbarian!” She made all kinds of special, impor tant resolutions. .She'd marry devote hex’ life to good works, was through with the crowd played around the smart bars. Pensively she fancied model of virtue, living a dull life. -Could she endure that? She thought so then. Karen was on her good behaviour Although her head was splitting and her eye pained terribly, she did not complain. .She sat there patiently while Ping drove on, determined to land them safely in his Winter .camp. It was just midnight when he pulled in. The caretaker had hot soup on the kitchen stove, a huge fire in the fireplace. “You’ll like it here, Karen, when you get used to it,” Ping said. "It you’ll let me, I'll come up and see ,___ ___ ,,.o to {bed.” She locked up. "Is every thing alright. Where’s Gail?” “She’s in the hospital. Cut face. She’ll be alright.” "You look terrible Jim,” Karen said reproaching herself, “I feel worse. Serge is all right, Karen.” Mallory signaled him to tell her the rest. "What about Webber?” Karen’s question was casual. "Karen, Webber died axx hour agx in the hospital without regaining consciousness. Karen sat there star in; ton foi' a long time., covered her face with “Poor Mrs. Webber! told her?” “Lawton’s going ovex' to mother in a little while. We’re afraid she'll get hold of early morning edition of the news- papei’ and we want her mother to get right over here," “Nexvspapers.” "There’s bound to be publicity on it. He was your chauffeur. And half the town knew you were cele brating your ‘coming-out’ party.” Karen buried hei’ head bed clothing and signaled nodded. “Why Webber, tell her Lawton stepped in. "Karen, body knows you were in the car night, nobody except those in car, at least, It is bettei' body if you keep out of You can see what a tale youi' ‘coming-out’ party, don’t you?” Karen nodded, and he “Your fathei' and I thought ought to get right out of town for a couple of weeks. I thought you might take Lucy and go up to Ping’s place near Malone.” Karen straightened: "Whatever you say, Dad, I’ve done enough damage noxv. If you think I should go, I’ll go. When?” It was a kind of- pen- caine too late to help ( was at the side doox* records. The cabin UP to see her at the week. They skated with his old liadj end and tides, To Rent, Wap ted, Lost, or Found lQc. per Jipe of six words, per line. Legal ad* Professional Cards O’ She her Has groaned, lips and suchdo I do Oh, Dad, I myself,” at Law- shivered, ■ hands. any one see hex’ the in the Mallory Lawton things? Poor must go and New Ping, She tn at York no last tlxe for every- the thing, it makes, You see, went on: you herself a respectable It felt against groaned she shut CHAPTER VIII Pound! Pound! Pound, like a hmaaer was hitting her .head. Karen moved, and opened hei’ eyes. Then them again, foi’ one of them hurt badly. What had happened? She remem bered vaguely that Webber had hit something—and that hex’ home to bed, ‘Let me in, Miss voice was insistent, knocking, and it was “I’ve only been in bed a few hours Karen thought resentfully, wonder ing why she’d locked hex* door. She got up and let the maid in. (Lucy looked .pinched and tired in the morning light. She’d been .crying. Karen, nursing the lump over her right eye, tried to sit up in bed. Be hind Lucy Karen could see her father and Lawton. “Dad!” She stretched out hei’ arms and he came over and sat down on the bed beside her. Like a child she crept into his they closed about her. ‘“I’m sorry, Dad, truly, Pm going Luey had got Karen!” The It was Lucy only 8 o'clock. arms si ok and It’s dif*all my fault! 1... ■ferently from now on- ed. He bent and kissed the top of hex’ head. ♦Mb the Morgues Serge had managed to get out and ■was no# standing in the street daz ed. “Karen?” i“Quieti I sent her home first!” Memory Blank Lawton paced up and down im- patiently, There was so much to be done, “Karen, how much do you remember of what happened last by the end much?” prove any thing and don’t know anything, to the devil with them!” (Continued next week) so HONOR PETROLIA DOCTOR R.Honoi* was bestowed upon Dr. P. I. Dougall, of Petrolia, formerly of Hensall, at the session of the On tario Medical Association at Ottaxva last Thursday evening, when he was elected Councillor of District No. 1. There are eleven districts in Ontario and the, Petrolia medico will repre sent the Counties of Lambton, Es sex, Kent, Elgin and Middlesex. The Dominion Medical Association me* a't the same time and t'he registra tion amounted to 1,952. ally a pool was held to numbei’ present, and Dr. psychic powers led him to —the best guess. —Huron Boat Upsets Upsdell and his son and two com panions were fishing for bass when it is reported that in ■■ moving they over-balanced, upsetting the home made boat. All four were thrown into the water. While Sgariglia anfl Hunt made their way to shore Ups dell, xv’ho was able to sxvinx, went to the aid of his son. Both went down together. Upsdell, who had been manager of the Maher shoe store foi’ seven years was a popular figure among the younger residents there. He was a leader in sport activities of t'he town and had been an executive in hockey, football and other sports. He was president of the Young Men’s Bible Class of the United Church. ■Upsdell is suvived by his wife foui’ other children besides the drowned. First Double Fatality GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &o Money to Loan, Investments Made a Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and , HEN SAUL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Mjain Stree*, EXETER, ONT. and son Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office; Carling Block EXETER, ONT. dosed Wednesday Afternoon* Incident guess the Dougall's say 1,936 Expositor The mill pond in which Upsdell and his son lost their lives has been the scene of five fatal drowning ac cidents in the past* quarter century, but this tragedy was the first, double drowning. Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS. DENTAL SURGEON Successor to the late Dr. Atkinson Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36} Closed Wednesday Afternoons Severe Nervous Break Down JM After Twins Were Born Mas. H. Bonnell, Hopefield, P.E.I., writes: — “After my first twins were born I had a serious, nervous break down. ‘ “I tried different medicines and pills, but all were of no use, I saw Milbum’s H. & N. Pills advertised; got some, and. received immediate relief. , “Since then I have used them after the birth of each of my children; I am now the mother of fourteen, including three pairs of twins, and I give all thanks to Milburn’s H. & N. Pills for my healthy and happy children.” JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST. EXETER ARTHUR WEBER , LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex farm sales a specialty,. PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD ’4r tkcct k&A " SETS THE PACE IN VALUE « • Illustrated—Oldsmobile Six Sedan with Trunk. “THE SMARTEST CAR OF THE YEAR THE SMARTEST BUY OF THEM ALL” FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President, Mitchell, R.R. Vice-President .... JOHN Kirkton, R.R. DIRECTORS W. H. COATES .......... Exeter JOHN McGRATH ................. Dublin WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE .. Woodham R. I AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ............... Uentralla ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ....................Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. w. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter ANGUS SINCLAIR 1 HACKNEY 1 Cedar Chests AND NEW FURNITURE Also furniture remodelled to order. We take orders for dll kinds of ca binet work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Shingles & Lumber Here are four important reasons why this bigger, finer Oldsmobile is the smartest buy of the year: First, it costs you but little more than the lowest-priced cars. Second, it is The Car That Has Everything. Oldsmobile's modem fine-car features include: Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher—-Knee-Action Wheels—-Dual Ride Stabilizers -—Center-Control Steering—-Super-Hydrau lic Brakes and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation. Third, Oldsmobile gives you the distinctive beauty of the 1937 Style Leader—* the extra comfort of roomy inferiors and performance that thrills. Fourth, Oldsmobile saves-you money, not only in gas and oil, but in exceptionally low maintenance costs. Prove for yourself that Oldsmobile sets the pace in value. Monthly payments to suit your purse on the General Motors Instalment Plan. Ji. 0 Buy your Shingles now while the price is tight; also White Pine Dressed 10 in. and 12 in. wide at $40.00; Matched Siding, White Pine at $40.00; all sizes of 2 in« lumber at low prices. O-197B A. J. CLATWORTHY GrantonPhone 12 Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter ■a Mr. Pratt’—fl’m vary much in lbve with Miss James. Do you thiiik She will accept me?" Miss Hari'is-MDon’t let that worry you. She always accepts.