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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-15, Page 8
THE EXETER TIMES-AD VOCATETHURSDAY, JULY 15111, 1037 Bopat equipment is designed to ■work with all the speed, ease and efficiency that this modern age de mands. Bonat Vitamin F superfine results on type of hair. Demand a Bonat be sure of complete solution assure each individual Permanent and satisfaction. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w Exeter Markets Wheat $1.35 Oats 60e Manitoba’s Best $4.10 Welcome Flour $3,511 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour- $2.55 Creamery Butter 29-30c Dairy Butter 21-2 4c. Eggs A large 20e. Eggs A, medium 16c Eggs, B 14iC Eggs, C 13 c. Hogs $10.00 LANGUID? If you feel languid, have head aches, or get irritable at times, it may be caused by your eyes. They should be examined by an optometrist for you may need glasses. Better see. 3 1 1 This store will be closed Wednesday at no op during the Summer Months, c. $25 Reward g1 b„? LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN ■SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, •with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER'S DRUG STORE, EXETER. H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE E. ZURBRIGG, ' Successor to S, Fitton at Exeter Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices R.o. CAVEN PKE3BYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. .Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Service at 11 a.m. only Conducted by Rev. W. A. Young, B.Sc.A., of Hensail. Ideal Meat Market Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson and Miss Ila Westcott, of Toronto, are with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ghoice Quality Meats Courtesy-—-Service—Quality visiting Coates. Your telephone orders appreciated Phone 38 Main St. local news Mr, Wm. Towers returned on Mon day after visiting in Tilsonburg. The Salvation Army visit of the London Silver Band. July 17th at "415 p.m. Robert Warren, of Toronto, visiting with Arnold Lindenfield two weeks. Mrs. James, of Tiilsonburg, friends in town and is for SALE — A good Durham years old, guaranteed Alfred Buchanan, FOR Bull 2 and sound. sail. Phone 41on80 Hensall. right Hen- »a is in isCoates, of Usborne, summer with relatives UNION SERVICES Main St. and Janies St, United Churches Rev, A. E- Elliott, of Main St., in charge. Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main 'St. choir. 10 a.m,—(Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—Main Street 7 p.m.—James Street Union prayer service Thursday, July 8th, at Main St. church. 1 I same Exeter NOTICE—Persons wanting quality 'gravel as used in sidewalks or reservoir phone 171r3 Exeter. Our truck will deliver gra vel from this pit. Cudmore, Gravel. STRAYED—One year old red heif er with white markings, small notch in left ear. eeived by Chas. Aidworth, 36rll or notify Times-Advocate. is J. is J. is Information glady re phone •Dashwood, reverse changes FOR SALE—7-tube Philco radio cheap for quick sale. Apply Times- Advocate. NOTICE—iAll organizations desir ing the use of the Agricultural Grounds for any purpose should communicate with the grounds com mittee.—W. G. MED©, Secretary. LOST—Measuring links. Reward. Kindly notify Times-Advocate. TO RENT—A furnished home or partly furnished if desired; central location, moderate conveniences. Ap ply to Mrs. David Rowciffe. STRAYED—From N% Lot 16, 10 Con., Stephen Twp., 4 head of cattle, including 3 yearlings and one two- year-old, all with horns on, mostly red. Information gladly received by Chris. Dinney, phone 47 r iton. 12, Cred- office of from the OFFICE CLOSED—The Dr. Weekes will be closed 30 th of June until the 21st of July while the doctor ;s on vacation. ,6-17-4tp FOR SALE—Brick house, small barn and one acre of good land, just outside of Exeter limits. Comfort able home, hydro, low taxes, very low pride. C. V. Pickard, phone 1<65. TRIV ITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector. Rev. M>- A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemisu 8th Sunday After Trinity 10.00 a.m.—(Sunday School 1,1 a.m.—-Morning Prayer & Sermon The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Services for Sunday, July 18th Bible Class 2.30 p.m. 3.30' p.m. School and Devotional Evangelistic service 8 p.m. J. T. Edgar, pastor is and with rel- of and had Toronto, aunt Mr. been L ADIES! JULY SALE OF TWEDDLE CHICKS you -buy so for so little A,. (Leghorns $6.95; New Never before could many iTweddle Chicks money. DAY OLDS—'Grade $6.45; Barred Rocks, Hampshire Reds, White Rocks $7.95 PULLETS—'Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Reds, White $10.95; Leghorns, $13.45. COCKERELS — Leghorns, Barred Rocks $5.95; New shire Reds, White Rocks $6.45. 2 WEEK OLDS — Barred Rocks, mixed $12.95; Barred Rock Cocker els $11.95. PULLETS—'Barred Rocks $15.95; New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks $16.95; Leghorns $19.45. 3 WEEK OLD PULLETS—Barred Rocks $-19.95; White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds $20.95; Leghorns $23.45. 3 WEEK OLD PULLETS—Barred Rocks $24,95; Leghorns $28.45. SPECIAL MATING — l^c. per chick more. TERM-S—10'% with order. Balace ' C.O.D, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERY Limited—Head Office-—Fergus, Ont., Local Branch 6 Ontario St., Stratford Phone 1395 $9.95; Rocks. $1.25; Hamp- Exeter Irs. Mc- Almonte Toronto, W. and confined doctor’s N. Gra- Mr. and Mrs. jack Paisley are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Stanley Ward, of London, holidaying with his, father, Dr. Ward. Miss Shirley Naylor, of London, visiting with her great aunt, Mrs. Sutton. Merton Chambers, of London, visiting with his grandparents Mr. and' Mrs. John Chambers. Billy McCreath, of Kincardine, is visiting at the home of his grand mother, Mrs. I. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and fam ily, of St. Marys, are holidaying with their parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. -Ford and three sons, of London, visited with Mrs. Lamport ever the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, Eric Humphreys and daughter Jean, of St. Marys, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock. Mrs. Leonard Lawrence, of Lon don, attended the funeral of -her aunt, the late Miss Eva Westcott on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coates, of De troit, visited for several days with the Coates .connection in this com munity. Misses Vivian and Barbara O’Hal loran, of Toronto, are visiting for a month with their aunts Mrs. Fred Brock and Miss Barbara Barr. Miss Frances King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. King, .underwent an operation in the Children’s War Memorial Hospital, London, Wednes day of last week. , Rev. A. MoLAu chlin, Lauchlin and Miss Betty, and Miss Alice Harston, are visiting with Rev. Miss Florence Down.. Mrs. David Rowcllffe to her bed and under the care. Her daughter, Mrs. ... _ ham, of Windsor, has been with her for the past three weeks. Mr. Silas Reed, a patient at the Queen Alexandria Sanitorium, Lon don visited in town Tuesday after noon. Silas is making a splendid recovery and is looking fine. Mrs. Laura Kay, of Farquhar and Mrs, Helen Hoskin, of town, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Lamport and Miss Armstrong at their summer home on Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Orleman and son Jammy, of Pittsburg, Penn., visited for a couple of. days with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lawson. They left here to spend a week at Grand Bend. Mr. W- H. Moise, manager of the Bank three their They and Toronto before returnfing. Mr. Alfred Miller* of Toronto, a pleasant -caller in Exeter on urday last. It is forty-five since Mr. Miller was in Exeter and he was very much impressed with the beautiful appearance of our town and the wonderful change that has taken place in that time. Mr. James Chalmers, M.P., of Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Af rica, who is tou-ring Canada with the South African bowlers called on Mr. and Mrs. J*ohn Hodger.t and Mr. and Mrs. J as. Hodgert on Fri day. of Montreal, Mrs. Moise and children, left Tuesday for holidays at Wasaga Beach, expect to visit at North Bay was Sat- years visiting with Hensail, Miss Jean spending the in Grentell, Sask. Mrs, Harold Hern and son Bobby, of Zion, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerslake. Mis. O. S. Winer has returned af ter accompanying her niece Miss Gwendolyn Horne to Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Davis, and Miss Vina Fisher, of Hamilton, are visiting with Mrs. Rd. Coates and other rel atives. Rev. Chas, and Mrs. Down are vis iting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Kernick, of the Thames Road, Messrs. Leo Hennessey and -Ben Dawson, of the Public Utilities staff are on holidays and are visiting at Lindsay. Mrs. M. M. Horney, of London, had her tonsils removed at Dr. Dun lop’s office on Tuesday. She is getting along nicely. Mrs. J. ,S. Harvey left last wees for Alberta where she will visit with her son Dr. M. Harvey atives in Calgary. Mr. Oliver White, called to see his uncle and Mrs. Johnston . He garding butter in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sayers and son Billy, of Dresden, have been holiday ing with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rivers and renewing old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Creech and Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcoitt attend ed the Creech-Hearne wedding at Burford on Saturday afternoon last. Mrs. Percy Webber, who recently underwent an operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is improving and is expected home today (Thursday). Mrs. Walter Cunningham under went an operation in Victoria Hospit al, London, on Friday of,last week and is making a ery, Master Jimmy of St. Barnabus sang two very pleasing solo in Caven Presbyterian chur.ch morning. Mr, and Mrs, W. E, and Mrs. O. S. Winer attended the Winer reunion held at Pine Grove Park, Port Huron, on Sunday, The pea pack at the Exeter branch of the Canadian Canners is now in full swing. The peas are a good average crop both as to quality and quantity. Miss Lena Mennear and Miss Jen nie Lake, of New York, are holiday ing for two weeks with this community making with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. Powles, of St. spending a few days with her friends Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell before going to Dungannon to attend their yearly picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and family, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with their uncle, Mr. Ernest Collingwood at the home of Mrs. Sam. Stanlake. Take advantage of the op portunity to consult us on your various hair problems, You may need a permanent wave, a finger wave, or a new idea on how to change your present hair dress. You are al ways welcome. Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON BEAUTY SHOPPE satisfactory recov- pond, boy soprano Church, Toronto, on Sunday Winer, Mr. and Donald relatives in their hiome Coates. Thomas, is People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partl<\ Prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Family” ....... ,....in ii. .. , j- — Ontario Summer Clearance Sale Mr. and Mrs. Ar to Delve and chil dren and Mrs. W. F. Abbott spent a day with the latter’s sistei* Miss M. Seed, of Chicago, who is at her cot tage at Courtright. Ethel Delve re mained with her. Miss Mary Gorle, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Harris, Kings ville, who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Slllery and attended the Chalmers .picnic Wednesday of last week, have returned to their re spective homes. Mr. Wm, J. Smith received word Monday of tile death of his brother- in-law Mr, William Henry Aitken, c-f Toronto, aged 57 years. The de ceased is survived by his widow whose maiden name was Emma Jane Smith and one soil Donald. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beavers and son Freddie and Miss Gertrude Morrison who have been visiting with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. B. W. days Tor- Broken Sizes in All Lines Priced to Clear No Refunds Come see for yourself No Exchanges F. Beavers, fot the past ten have returned to their home in onto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johns children, Gordon and Lois, of onto, motored up on Saturday Mrs. Johns and children will re main for some time with Mrs. Wel lington Johns, who has been under the doctor's car. Mrs. Johns has been removed from the home of Mrs. Armstrong to her own home. and Tor- and 4 for that Cool Summer Dress, just at the heart of the Season we are putting on Sale all our Summer Dresses. Rack No. 1—Special Dresses at 4Q A rack of Special Cotton Dresses, all Sizes RACK NO. 2—Special Dresses at.. F<) in A Rack of plain and printed crepes •hZ.H'Zf Short Sleeves—All Sizes t * * ■ RACK NO. 3—Special Dresses at . A rack of pastel crepes and printed chiffons Values to $7.95—Broken Sizes The balance of our higher priced dresses are Greatly Reduced. Everything Goes. GROCERY SPECIALS CORN ’ 3 cans for . . 2 5c ZINC RINGS Extra Heavy per dozen.............23c CANNED PINEAPPLES cubes 2 large tins . . 25c CORN BEEF 2 large tins . . 25c PEAS 3 cans for . . . 25c McLAREN’S PUNCH A cool drink for the hot weather Orange, Lemon, Lime, Grape and Grapefruit Large bottle . . . Small bottle . . . RUBBER RINGS Heavy White per dozen............. 25c 10c 5c CORN FLAKES Quaker SALT YOUR HAY Course salt, per bag 65c Fine Salt, per bag 55c 3 pkgs. . . .21c SALMON Red Rose 3 large tins . . .. 25c CERTO For Jams and Jellies Per«bottle ..... 25c Southcott Bros.* PETER’S RETURN Something Different in Religious Dramatization ' Biuilt upon the sienuer thread of’ supposition—it weaves a story in-i spiringly dramatic, as it presents Pe- ’ y. picNIC ter, wracked in body and mind," re-' turning to the Upper Room and re- [ living the scenes and events of a Holy Thursday night—(Gethsemane—- Christ’s arrest and crucifixion—the tragedy of a Good Friday,—the sus pense of a Sabbath—and now, again in the Upper Room, Peter is a soul in despair,—,a denyer—a forsaker— one whose life is also threatened —and as HAROLD E. DICKENS author, dramatist .presents it—<he leaves nothing to be desired, costumes, lighting, etc Will be presented in James Street Church, Exeter, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st under auspices of the W M. S. SILVER COLLECTION Hensail, Phone 16 A Exeter, Phone 16 Permanent Waves Men! a sensation! FREE PANTSi James Street 'Sunday School chose a hot and also a busy day for their annual Sunday School picnic which was held Wednesday of last week. The day was one of the hottest days of the season and tihe farmers ___busy with the haying. However there I was a good attendance and all ent seemed to enjoy the day. lake was ideal for bathing and many sought relief from the (heat in the 1 cool waters. IA picnic lunch was Served on the grounds adjoining the church after .which a list of sports and races were keenly contested. There were races and scrambles for the little tots of the cradle roll and the primary department. |The re mainder of the races resulted as fol- [lows: Girls 10 and under, Marjorie I Richards, Marion Cowan, Marjorie Welsh; girls 12 and under, Marjorie Richards, Shirley Moise, Nola Per kins; boys 8 and under, Elmer Wil lis, Calvin Beckler, Douglas May; boys 10 and under, Lloyd Walker; Arnold Linden'field. 'Winston Shap- ton; girls 14 and under, Grace Beck ler, Marjorie Richards, Nola Per kins; boys li4 and under, Donald Case, Jack Kestle, Donald Whiting; jack rabbit race, girls, Grace Beck ler, Ruby Welsh; jack rabbit race, boys, Donald Whiting; young ladies, Grace Beckler, Iva Willis, Eleanor Abbott; young, men’s race, Harry Frayne, Donald 'Case, Jack Moise; married men’s race, Wilfred Shapton Arthur Rundle, Dr. Cowan; married ladies* Mrs. W. Coates, Mrs. M. Beckler, Mrs, Ewart Pym; novelty race by .primary girls, June Cud- more, Shirley Coates, Doris West cott; straw and bean contest, Robt. Southcott, Jack MoiSe, Marion • Elliott; guessing weight, Clark Fish- i er and J, I-I. Jones tie, the latter 1 breaking the tie; stepping 25 yds., backwards, Verne Heywood, Mer- : vin 'Cudmore, Gordon Appleton; : driving spike, Mrs, Heckler 5, Mrs. i R. Kestle 7, Mrs. Richards and Mrs. W. Etherinigton tie 8. Mrs. winning the tie. lA paper straw contest proved quite ing. i I Specials for one week only A regular $5.00 Permanent Wave FOR $1.95 guaranteed Take advantage of this special Helen’s Beauty Shop Phone 23 ..GRAND BEND.. DANCING NIGHTLY See and Hear JIMMIE NAMARO “Wizard of the Xylophone” And his 10-piece band Amateur Contest MONDAY NIGHT JULY 19 MADE-TO-MEASURE SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONEY were ■ pres- The Richards cup ahd interest- What can you Jo? Write or register at Casino by 8 p.mt Monday. Cash prizes Darlene Rowcliffe, of Detroit, Is spending the summer vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jaques. An extra pair of trousers made to your measure from the same materials as the suit you choose—'FREE WITH EVERY MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT DEVONSHIRE Tailored-to-Measure Clothes (Make Your Selection Now) COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS! Custom Tailored to your individual measure—styled as you desire it—an, elaborate selection of beautiful woollens to, c-hoose from A small deposit now will hold your choice of this Special Offering! $24.50Priced as low as • • • • w.AMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. S. ,B. Taylor and two .children and Mr. and Mrs. Dearing and Donald, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing at Chester on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Hamilton, Mrs. Janet Hamilton and Mrs. Wm. Sil- lery visited at the home of Mrs. Jessie Hamilton and Mr. W. A. Ham ilton at Cromarty on Sunday. Mr. Thomas Clift, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyea and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bilyea and family, of London; Mt. and Mrs. Clarence Westman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bilyea, Miss Leila and Mr. K. Bilyea, of Granton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and daughter Jeanette, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. peter Stewart, of Glasgow, Scotland, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Grant. Mrs. Stewart, who is a sis ter of Mrs. Ounnihghram was one of the winners in the Irish Sweep stake from which they are enjoying a visit to this country, Wesley with Dor- Audrey Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Russell, left Monday for Chicago to sjienfl ttfe summer with her sister Mrs. Don. Wilson. Miss Gwendolyn Horne after spendihg the past school term with Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton has re turned fo Winnipeg where she will join her mother Mrs. Olive M. Horne Gwendolyn Was accompanied from Toronto by her cousin Mrs. G. Mc Arthur who was returning to her home in Edmonton. ^^zz/^.NOT. OilgMl WALKER’S DRUG STORE