HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-15, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE TJ1URSDAY, JULY 15th, 1037 HENSALL Mrs. John Murdock is spending this week at Grand Bend. Miss Jean McQueen is attending Summer Sahopl at Guelph. Miss Shirley Twitchell is visiting friends in London this week. Miss Helen Swan left last week- to spend a vacation at Muskoka. Miss Myrna Hudson, of London, spent Sunday at hei’ home here, Mr. Neil McNeil spent the week’ end with his family at Thorndale. The Hensall Public Library will be opened again on 20th. Mr. Alex Filshie summer school at week. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale left on Monday on a motor trip to Owen Sound. Miss Mona McGregor, of Seaforth, was a recent guest here of Miss Mae Simpson. Miss Jean McArthur, of Ingersoll, ir visiting here, the guest of Miss Jean Bell. Mr. E, H, Marshall, of London, was calling on friends in the village on Tuesday. Miss May Coward, of Elimville, was a Sunday guest wLli Miss Gladys Luker. Mr. Ray Foster, who has spent several months in Toronto has re­ turned home. Mr. Archie Filsihie is spending a couple of weeks visiting relatives at Mount Forest. Mr. and Mrs. James Vincent had recently as guests relatives from Oakland, Calif. Miss Marion Filshie has returned home after a pleasant visit with Mount Forest relatives. The Hensall Orange Lodge took part in the 12th of July celebration in Clinton on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Westcott, of Hamilton, were calling on relatives in the village last week. Miss Joy Tait, of London, is at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Orville Twitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston and children, of Windsor, are visit­ ing relatives in town and district. Mr. and Mrs. N. E- Cook and fam­ ily are spending a month’s vacation at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Park and son Allen of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Johnston. Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, was a week-end visitor with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Quite a number from Hensall and district attended the 12th of July celebration at Clinton on Monday. Mr. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his par­ ents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Newton McPhee, of Chatham, were recent visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hilliard. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Berry, of Wind­ sor, were week-end visitors with Mr. Berry’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Berry. The United church congregational picnic Grove 21st. Mr. troit, Gram's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gram. Mr. Harry Wilson, of Toronto, visited over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erold Drum­ mond. Mr. Percy joynt, of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent a .few days week visiting his brother Joynt. Mrs. Harry Abray and of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hunkin, of F-ar- quhai’ were visitors on Monday with Mrs. Hunkin’s father, Mr. W. L. McLaren. Mrs. Clarence Johnston and two children, of London, are visiting with Mrs. Janies Johnston and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Douglas and Miss Gladys Douglas, Reg.N., or Blake, were recent visitors with Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd have returned home aftei’ a couple -of weeks visiting with friends on Mani- coulin Island. Carmel Presbyterian church will hold theii’ annual picnic at Turn­ bull's -Grove on Wednesday after­ noon, July 28th. Cadet James Hummel, of Melville Pa., is visiting his aunt Mrs. Thos. Berry also other relatives in Hen­ sall and vicinity. Dr. McTaggart, George Brock, W. C. Goodwin and Fred Bonthron took in the bowling tournament at Sea­ forth on the 12th. Miss Audrey Twitchell is visiting this week at tihe home Mrs. Arthur Anderson, Stanley Township. Carey and Donald spending their holidays ■uncle and aunt Mr. and McMartin, of Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Cross and daughter Goldie are away on their vacation taking a motor trip through ent parts of the .province. Mrs. William McLean and reh, of Hailton, are visiting home of Mrs. Me|Lean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Mrs. Herman Dayman, accompan­ ied by Mrs. Orville Twitchell and daughter Gloria, are camping this week at Turnbull’S Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Killier and two little sons, of London, were re­ cent Bunday visitors at the home df Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. ■1 Tuesday, July is attending Goderich this will be held at Turnbull’s on Wednesday afternoon, July and Mrs. Will. Swan, o.f De­ spent the week-end with Mr. here last Mr. T, O. little son, of Mr. and Town Line, Joynt witih Mrs. Janies are their differ- child- at tike Mr. and Mrs. E* J- Carlisle, of De­ troit, were week-end visitors with the former’s sisters Mrs. Mary Leep­ er and Mrs. Anna McDonald. Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of Dundas was the speaker in Carmel church on Sunday evening last in the absence of the Mr. family ronto, finish University, The storm that passed over' Hen- sal] on Sunday did no particular damage and the splendid rain will be a great help to the gardens and loot crops. Mr. William Parlmer, of Hamil­ ton, spent several days here last week visiting his cousins Mrs, John Dinsdale, Mrs. Hannah Taylor Mrs. John Murdock. Miss Norma Cook, pupil of Eleanor Fisher, A.T.C.M., was cessful in passing her second grad' theory of music with first class hon­ ors, having received 86 per cent. Mrs. A. D. McEwen, who under­ went an operation Jn St, Joseph’s Hospital, London last week, is re­ covering nicely. Mr. McEwen vis­ ited her at the'hospital on Sunday. Rev, Mr, Walton, of Toronto, d representative of the Temperance Union, took the service in the Unit­ ed church on Sunday morning. The evening service was taken by Robt. Passmore, of Hensall. Mr, O. Goodwin sang a solo. While working in Cook’s.Mill day last week Mr. Wm. Fairburn had the misfortune to have the wrist of his right arm badly cut with glass. He was immediately medical attention taking stitches to close the wound, nursing a pretty sore arm. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children left last week for Maniboulin Island, going by way of Callander. They will be the guests for a time of Mr. and Mrs, S. M. Pepper, at Little Current. Mr. and Mrs. Pep- •pei* were former residents of Hen­ sall. Mr. Pepper holds the position of bank manager at Little Current. Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit, who has been spending her vacation, with her mother Mrs L. Simpson and grandmother Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, left Monday to visit in Montreal and Quebec. Mrs Robt. Bonthron and sister-in-law Mrs. J. B. Collins ac­ companied her as where they will visit Mrs", thron’s daughter, Mrs. Jas. Martin. Bx’ide-Elect Honored In honor of Miss Louise Drum­ mond bride-elect of this week Miss Mildred McDonell and Miss Doreen Farquhar entertained at bridge at the home of Miss McDonell -on Mon­ day evening with four tables in plav During the evening Miss Drummond beautiful served in attractive pink and pastor Rev. W» A. Young, and Mrs. R, J. Moore and are visiting relatives in To- While there Mr. Moore will his degree -at the* Toronto and Miss sue- [0 Mr. W- one 'given eleven He is far as _ Barrie Bon- was presented with a bridge lamp. Lunch was the dining room from an table with decorations of blue tapers with vases Of lovely pink rose buds. Presentation a meeting of the congregation choir of Carmel Presbyterian At and church held in the church on Thurs­ day evening, Mrs. MacDougall, who has been the very efficient organist of the church for zthe" last seven years, and who recently resigned her position was presented with an ad­ dress and a beautiful studio couch. The address was read by Rev. W. A. Young and James Paterson and Sidney McArthur made the presenta­ tion. Mrs. MacDougall, although completely taken by surprise, ex­ pressed her thanks, .Solos were given by Mrs. W. A. Young and Mrs. W. A. McLaren and a very pleasant, social time spent. W. M. S. Meeting The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter­ ian church held their regular meet­ ing on Thursday afternoon with Miss May McGregor presiding, and opened with a hymn and Miss Mc­ Gregor leading in prayer. Mrs. H. Workman read the Scripture lesson. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were read and adopted. The, roll was called and answered with faith as the watchword. The topic “Mission Work Among the Chinese in Canada’/ was given by Mrs. Peter Manson. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang president, Mrs, charge of meeting, a hymn Manson. a beautiful solo. The Colin Hudson took business part of the meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. W> A. Young. the The and Baseball News Hensall, July 7th Zurich Inter­ mediates visited the Hensall Juven­ iles fox* an exhibition game on, the local diamond and defeated them by the score of 3 to- 2. Hensall, July Sth. Beaforth Juv­ eniles and the Hensall Juveniles met in a Huron-Perth League game here to night before a good crowd who saw a good game very closely in the played, both pitchers being trouble at several times during game which ipade it interesting for the crowd, Hensall winning by score of 13 to 10. follows: Seaforth - Montgomery, Etill, McLean, Reid Cameron, Richie and Sille. Hen­ sail: Tudor, K. Passmore, T. Hud­ son, Drummond, Coles, G. Passmore, M. Etudson, Buchanan, Shepherd; W. Joyilt, umpire. Hensall and Exeter meet On Fri­ day, July illGth on the local diamond and a good game IS expected as the last time these two teams met it was a fight to the finish and the execu­ tive are looking forward to seeing a large crowd both for Hensall and Exeter at the game. the The line-up as - Wigg, Green, McLean, McIx?an-~Jolni,ston A pretty mid-summer wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at CREDITON __________________________________Mr. Edwin Wein has returned to <1 o'clock at the United church par-1 his home in Artland, Sask,, after sonage, when Rev. Arthur Sinclair spending the past six weeks with his united in marriage Anna Mildred, I Parents Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein daughtei* of Mrs. Johnston and the j an&. family.^ late James Johnston, of Hensall and Fern McLean, son of Mrs. I,_____ and the late J..B. McLean, of Kip­ pen, The bride was beautifully gowned in a blue flowered chiffon dress with white hat and shoes and carried a bouquet of Roses and fern. Miss Margaret Johnston, of London, sister of the bride was bridesmaid * brother Herbert on his and was gowned in pink flowered i P. E. I. where he will spend a chiffon with white shoes and hat. j weeks. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Clarence McLean, of London. After the ceremony a wed­ ding dinner was served on the lawn at the home of the bride’s sister Mrs. Geo. Ingram on the highway south of Hensall, Miss Evelyn Lin­ denfield, of London and Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore, of Exeter, cousins of the bride, served at the table. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left the same evening on a motor trip to Niagara Falls and other points. The bride travelled in a brown suit with hat and other ac­ cessories to match, Among those from a distance who attended the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston and two children, of Wind­ sor Miss Margaret Johnston, of don; Miss Evelyn Lindenfield, don; Mrs. Clarence Johnston two children, of London; Mrs. McLean and two children, of Ham­ ilton, and Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, Trousseau For Bride Elect On Tuesday - afternoon and even­ ing of last week, Mrs. Errold Drum­ mond was hostess to a trousseau tea at her home for her daughter Louise bride-elect of this week Mrs. Drum­ mond dressed in a gown of flowered voile, together with daughtei’ Louise gowned in a blue crepe, received over one dred guests during the afternoon and evening. Miss Marion Drummond dressed in white organdy and sash of pale pink attended the door. The guests continued upstairs where they were received by Miss Mary Good­ win, who was dressed in white or­ gandy and pink sash, who was in charge of the registration of the callers. Miss Doreen Farquhar in figured pink crepe and Mrs. Melvin Moir in a white linen suit the guests which was er baskets and white flowers where the bride-elects lovely and numerous linens, chinaware, cutlery and etc. were displayed.- In an adjoining room Miss Mildred Mc­ Donell in a smart dress of red linen displayed the bride’s trousseau and number of beautiful wedding A buffet lunch was served a table in the dinning room attractive with a ’handsome THE RED and WHITE STORE __i Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kerr and son MoLean Lobby, of Detroit, are visiting this I week with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Miss M. I Walker and Mr. and Mrs, Lome | Kerr and son Bobby spent a few days, at Lion’s Head, in Bruce Co. I Harold Pletch accompanied return GROCERY SPECIALS his to few Mrs. G. Derhecker mother of Mrs. A. E. Pletch visited at the parson­ age for two weeks. The principal of the Crediton Pub­ lic School, Miss Addileen Gaiser, is to be congratulated on having pas­ sed the entire entrance class with honors. Herbert pletch, acting manager of the Mutual Life and Mr. H. Brown, of Prince Edward Island and Miss Myrtle pletch, Reg. N., of Hamilton, visited at the Evangelical parson­ age of Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Pletch, returning on Monday morning via Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Boston and New York .to P E. I. LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS, 28 oz. tins GOLDEN WAX BEANS ............................... RED AND WHITE SPAGHETTI .............. CROWN TEA, BLACK OR MIXED .......... FALCON SWEET MIXED SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA HURON TOILET TISSUE GOLD MEDAL TOMATOES, Choice Quality, Large Tin PICKLES 28 each tin tin lb. jar per per per 10c. 10c, 10c. 49c. 25c.QZ. package 5c.per 9 rolls for 25c. ............. each 10c Falcon Catsup per bottle Golden Spray Cheese .... Peanut Butter in bulk.... ................. 10c. per pkg. 15c. 2 lbs. for 25c. New Potatoes per pk.................................40c. Large Watermelon ....................... each 69c. Oranges, good size, per dozen .............25c. BREAKFAST BACON SLICED OR BY THE PIECE per lb. 23c. Lon- Lon- and Wm. blue her navy hun- ushered into the living room very attractive with flow- of blue delphinums, red roses and other summer a love- poured Garnet smart in the large gifts, from very lace cloth and centred with everlast­ ing sweet peas and bowls of red roses, tall candlesticks of pink and blue and with lovely decorations of pale pink blue streamers hung sus­ pended from the cihandelier forming a pretty setting while numerous floor lamps completed the decora­ tions, Mrs. M. G. Drysdale in ly dress of pale blue lace, tea in the afternoon and Mrs. Case in a white dress and brown satin coat poured tea evening. Misses Beryl and Dorothy Drummond, sisters of,the bride-elect wore dresses of flowered white crepe; Miss Helen Rumble in a yel­ low chiffon and Mrs. (Sam Rannie in a white linen suit, served refresh­ ments. The bride-elect is one of Hen’ Sall’s most popular young ladies and for several years has been a tele­ phone operator at the Bell office here She is- to be married on July 14,th to Mr. Maynard Harmon of Stratford, at tihe Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter. HARPLEY Fred Bailey, of London, is Joseph Mr. visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hickey and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, Detroit, spent Sunday with Newton Hayter. Miss Mary Hodgins of Toronto, is holidaying at Mr. Mansell Hod­ gins. Miss i'ng to er for of Mr. Eleanor McLinehey is return- Detroit with Mrs. Mark Mill- her vacation. Mrs. Brent, of Toronto, is visit­ ing at Mrs. Joseph Carruthers Sr. GRAND BEND Rev. M. A. Waters, of London and his father and mother of Toronto, were week-ond guests with Rev. J. B. Moore and his mother. Rev. J. B. Moore and Rev. M. A. J. Waters leave next Sunday night for a ten weeks’ trip to the Holy Land. Mrs. Donald Webb is visiting with friends in the vicinity. Mr. Wm. Zapfe and family, of Saskatoon, is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Cyrus Green. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton, of Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Statton over the week-end. Mrs. Nelson statton has been ill but is improving. Messrs. Freeman and Wilson and Miss Olive Clark, of ^Shillington, af­ ter visiting with friends in the burg returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Geromctte Vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Isaac on Sunday also with the son and wife Mr, and Mrs. Isanc, of Corbett. Sunday School Picnic The Evangelical Sunday School picnic was held on Wednesday last at Grand Bend with a fairly good in as attendance. The picnic was charge of Chester Mawhinney general convenor, assisted by Albert Gaiser, Art Amy, Ezra Faist, H. K. Eilber, Emery Fahrner and Rev. Mr. Pletch. The following are the re­ sults of the races: Boys 6 and un­ der, Frederick Wuerth, Donald Roezler; girls 6 and under, Arlys Wein, Betty Roezler; boys 6 to 9 Glenn Wuerth, Grant Roezler; girls 6 to 9, Elsie Gaiser, Elaine Fahner; boys 9 to 12, Howard Holtzmann, Frederick Morlock; girls 9 to 12, Elsie Gaiser, Elaine Fahner; boys 12 to 15, Melvin Gaiser, Gerald Wein Emery Fisher; boy’s free for, all Austin Fahner, Gerald Smith, Har­ old Wolfe; girls’ free for all, Ada Gaiser, Verna Wein, Irene Fahner; wheelbarrow race, Calvin Fahner Wilmer Wein, Donald Roezler Fred­ erick Morlock; girls’ obstacle race, Elsie Gaiser, Pauline Faist, Norma Fahner; men’s hop-step and jump, Eldon Smith, Albert Gaiser; ladies throwing ball through tire, Mrs. Emery Fahner; men throwing ball through tire, Jack Morlock; clothes pin dropping, Mrs. H. M. Faist, Mrs. Wes. Wein; paper bag contest, Mrs. H. 'M. Faist’s side; dodge ball, Al­ bert Gaiser’s side; guessing contest, prize twenty pounds sugar, Mrs. Ratz. i THAMES ROAD R. Mr.and Mrs. Harold Latanx and daughter Jean Marie and Mr. Oscar Darby, of Charleston, West Virginia; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Drummond, or Wheatley were visitors a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker. Mrs. Thomas Morley and Mrs. Eli Heatherley, of London; Mr. and ~ J. C. Smith, Exeter; Mr. and Clarence Smith, of Biddulph Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith Shirley were visitors with Mr. Mrs. Wm. Smith on Sunday. The storm of Sunday morning made seeing difficult at church with hydro off but we listened to a very encouraging and helpful address from our pastor on “Near sighted­ ness for sighted and insight.” Mr. Alex Duncan is resting as well as can be expected being badly hurt when he fell off a load of hay. Mr, Wm. Brooks Suffered severe injuries when he was climbing into the hay mow, when part of the wood­ work gave way and he fell to floor. Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Miss M. Mavers, of London; Mr. Mrs. Wm. Tockey and family, of can were visitors Sunday with and Mrs. P. Passmore. Master John Tookey is staying here for the holi­ days. The Baby Band under its superin­ tendent Mrs. Nelson Hunkin held its annual meeting at Mrs. Dawson’s home. After the opening the little folk contributed several pleasing numbers. Mrs. Wm. Stone gave a store .for the children; Mrs. Mair gave a paper on To.psy Turvey land of Japan; jean Cann gave a reading “Multiplication Mistakes.” Mrs. C. Allison also, gave a .paper “Jesus in Canada” and after the closing ex­ ercises, tea was served. Hay is an abundant crop and wheat is taking on its golden shades the storm of wind and rain played' havoc with the fields of grain leav­ ing an unhealthy slant on it. Mr. Melvin Gardiner and Mr. Bert Gardiner motored to Drumbo on Sunday where Bert visited with his friends. BRINSLEY Phone 102 ROLLIES’ GROCERY We Deliver MT. CARMEL Mr. Ed. Ash and Frances Ann re­ turned to Detroit on Sunday after spending two weeks friends here. Mrs. J. Barry and troit, are spending with her brothers and Dennis O'Rourke. Mrs. Dave Geromette, of Windsor was home for a few days this week. Mr. Joseph Regan, of Stratford, and Miss Marjorie, of London spent the week-end at their home. Miss Elizabeth Miller was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week after suffering a sore knee for some time. We hope to see her out again soon. Little Tommy Morrissey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morrissey had two of his fingers cut off with the mower last week. vacation with family, of De- a few weeks Messrs Gerald ELIMVILLE held Mrs. Mrs. with and and the and and Lu- Mr. and last Ed. Scott report been Great has the home of his Mr. and Mrs. Wesley White Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Caven spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gamble at Fingal. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron another boy. Harvey Morley, who working on a boat on Lakes is visiting at the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mor­ ley foi’ a few days. (A numbei’ of friends met at the home of Mr. Joseph fiholdice to Con­ gratulate him on his 88th birthday on Sunday last. Mrs. J. Trevet-hick and Walter Morley have returned from their trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shepherd and Miss Nellie Lewis Spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lewis. A number from the village took in the Orange walk at Clinton on Monday last. We ai*e glad to teport Mr. Fred Noil is feeling some better, Mrs. Geo. M. Taylor, of Wingham, who were married last month. Mr. Taylo-r was the immediate past presi­ dent of Huron Presbytery Y. P. U. The L. O. L. and L. o. B- A. par­ aded at Clinton on Monday. Miss Helen McLinehey, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here. She will be at Grand Bend for the next few weeks as her em­ ployer has a cottage there. KHIVA The Women’s Association their July meeting at the home of Mrs. George Davis, The meeting opened with singing “Blest be the Tie That Binds.” The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Davis fol­ lowed by the Lord’s prayer in uni­ son. A reading was given by Mrs. Well. Skinner “Prixies Chickens.” The hymn “He Leadeth Me” was sung and an article read by Mrs. Chas. Sjtephen. Minutes were read and approved. Twelve members were present. The hostess and com­ mittee served a dainty lunch. On Wednesday ' evening last a number of young people from here held a social evening in Kirkton Hall 'for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. During the course of the evening they were presented with an address and a studio couch. Their thanks was very capably expressed to donors. .Sacrament was administered the close of the church service Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley- Johns turned home last Monday evening after .holidaying for ten days with Dr. A. E. and Mrs. Johns at their summer cottage Lake Boskung, Hali- burton. Mr. Varna, during and the at last re­ and Mrs. nmos Herdman, of were callers in this vicinity the week-end. GREENWAY Miss her To- few Dorothy Luther, of London, who has been holidaying with parents is spending this week in ronto. Cleve Brophey entertained a of his friends in honor of his birth­ day last Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Robert English, Mr. Seibourne English and Mr. J, Well­ man spent last week in Benton Har­ bour, Grand Rapids and St. Joseph, Mich., visitig relatives. Mrs. J. Brown is on the sick-list. We all hope to see her out again soon. Misses Norma Steeper and Evelyn Carts are part-time representatives, from the Y. P. IL at the Goderich Summex* School this week. Fourth of July visitors with and Mrs. Henry Belling were; and Mrs. Roy Foston, Mr. J. Donald and Mr. and Mrs. Manford Belling and Donald, all of Detroit. Don. remained here to spend cation. The Mission Band realized from their ice-cream social day evening. Marjorie and Peggy Newton, chil- from Toronto are holidaying Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Goodhand, is an opportunity foi* local cit- to give under-privileged city Mr. Ml’. Mc- his va- $10.36 Thurs- dren with Here izens children a holiday in the country. Mrs. Neil Munroe and her dau­ ghter, of Croll, Man., are visiting Mrs. S. Sherritt and other relatives here. .Mrs, Geo. Luther and other rela­ tives in this locality attended the fulieral of the late Mrs. H. Luther, of Exeter, last Monday. The many friends of Miss Mae Wilson will be glad to know she is greatly inproved in health since go­ ing to ’Toronto. She is now visiting In Brookville, Mrs. Manuel Quits attended a so­ cial evening and presentation last Wednesday evening with Mr, and Miss eration sils and adenoids in Dr. McIJinnon’s office, Zurich, last Wednesday and is getting along fine. Congratulations to Mary Davey, Gertrude Ratz, Joe McCann and Leo Regier who were successful in pas­ sing their entrance examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Pfaff, of Shar­ on spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tilley. Mr, Richard Ayotte and Miss Dor­ is Ayotte visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich. Mr. tained cream Marie Ziler underwent an op- for the removal of her ton- and Mrs. Art Wiilert enter- a number of friends to an ice party last Thursday evening. the enjoyable time spent. The Ladies’ Aid has received a letter which is as follows: School Car,, Caporal, Ont. Dear Friends: I am so ashamed that a letter was never written to your Shipka Ladies’ Aid. There was flu all over our miles and at our house all through the winter and it has been such a strugge to keep going and do the tasks that could not wait letters wait so patiently. Your beautiful box car­ ried so much joy, please give your Ladies' Aid our heartfelt thanks. Flu took three of our mothers since Christmas leaving so many little motherless ones who needed warm clothing and care and love. The Northland is parched for rain. We have not had rain at all and has been so many bush fires, little bush homes live in such of fire. We have not had berry crop over our miles years. Last night took the that had struggled so hard without rain. Blue berries only fruit. .So it is real when this crop fails. School should ieally close today but we will be a couple of weeks yet to make sure that no one over our miles will be hungry until we return in Septem­ ber. Thank a there The dread blue for five blossom to grow are our tragedy CREDITON EAST and Mrs, Gordon Merner and with you Ladies’ Aid Sincerely yours Cela goloman Jack Jasney and Mr. spent Sunday in J. Sims and daugh- Mr. daughter spent the week-end relatives in Alvinston. Quite a number from here attend­ ed the 12th of July celebration at Clinton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Carruthers Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. ters, of Klondike, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Vera Sims, of Klondike, is holidaying with her cousin Doris Sims. Mr, Isaac Sims, of Exeter spent Sunday here. Mrs, Wilson Anderson has ed home after a few weeks’ Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. J. and other relatives. Mr. Charles Anderson, of is holidaying with his mother Mrs. Wilson Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and family, of Hamilton, spent Wed­ nesday with their aunt and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. return- visfE in Morley Sarnia, SHIPKA Dr. uncle Park- Sweitzer visit- Kitchener on has been re­ school section very after- Miss Nola Hutchinson, of hill, is at present visiting with rela­ tives Juere. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mangus, of Racine, Wis., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ed with their son in Saturday. Miss Norma Crago engaged to teach in 'No. 11 with an increase in salary, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDougal, of London, is at present visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder. Mrs. E, Mason spent the week­ end at her home in Parkhill. The Y. P. Society spent a pleasant time on Thursday noon when they held a. picnic to Bay- field. The afternoon was spent in bathing as the water was ideal. A grand suppex* was served after which a ball game was played and boat rid­ ing was enjoyed. We wish to thank Rev. D. Gladman, the pastor and others who were willing to take their cars and also the executive for DASHWOOD W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days .of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Phone 96 Surgeon Zurich, Ont. Kitchener, spent friends in this Mrs. Henrich, of the week-end with vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Routledge and son, of Kintore, spent the week­ end with her .parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mrs. C. Hoffman and daughter Lily and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eck­ stein, all of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn and Mrs. Stadelbauer and family were Sun­ day visitors in town. Mrs. W. Schultz and daughter Ona of Detroit, are spending theii’ holi- ' days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader. Mr. and Mrs. W. Merner, of Zu­ rich and Mr. and Mrs. J. Merner, of Detoit, were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Commercial. Miss Amelia Wiilert who has been in Detroit for some time is spending •i few weeks at her home. Miss Nicolson and Mrs. Smith and daughter, of London and Miss Kast­ ner, of Stratford, visited with Jonas Hartleib on Monday. Decoration Goshen Line this Sunday The services Sunday owing to weather. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent a days in Windsor week. Mrs. A. Weber, with a stroke a still in a very serious condition. Mrs. Clarke, of Dunnville, is visit­ ing her sister Mrs. Geo. Stire. with Addison Tieman at the Day services on cemetery will be afternoon July were postponed and who few Mr. the held a sth. last Detroit few last was stricken- weeks ago Is The Exeter Creamery will observe the Wednesday Half Holiday* The office will close at 12.30 Wednesday patrons should bring their cream during the forenoon. Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA