HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-08, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THVBwm, avii£ m, HENSALL Mr, Lee Hedden, of London, spent the weqfc-gpd with relatives, Mr. Chas, jinks is having his house cn King street nicely painted. Miss Alice Higgins,, of Kitchener, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Florence Welsh spent the week-end in London visiting friends., Mrs, James Moore, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, James Patterson. Miss Margaret Hobkirk, of De*, troit is visiting with her cousin Miss Margaret Hobkirk. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Schrom- berg, is visiting with his mothei* Mrs David Cantelon. Mr. Geo, Fee is making a number of improvements to his home on South Richmond street. Mr. Melvin Orme, of Springfield, Ill., was a recent visitor and Mrs. Albert Spencer, Mr. Walter Coxsworth, Mich,, spent the week-end 1 his sister, Mrs. A. Scruton. Mrs. Jessie Collins, of Waterloo, is visiting with Mrs. Robert ,,Bon- thron and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Drummond spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. O. McKenzie, of Kincardine. Mrs. Fred Simmons and son Jaok have rented a cottage at Grand Bend and will spend a month there. Mr. John Dingwald, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George Follick and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mc­ Queen. Quite a number from the village attended the Butt family reunion held at Harbor Park, Goderich, on Saturday. Mr. William Otterbein has return­ ed home from Victoria Hospital, where he was being treated for sev­ eral weeks. Mr* and Mrs. Harold Foster have got nicely settled in their new home on Brock St. recently vacated by Mr. Ken Traviss. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foster, Mrs. Ed. McQueen and Miss Alva McQueen visited Sunday with friends at the Beach-O-Pines. Mrs. Thomas Coleman accompan­ ied by Mr. and Mrs. .Russell Coleman of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Albert Bell. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Drysdale ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein were recent visitors with Waterloo friends. Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, was a re­ cent w’eek-end visitor at Atwood where she attended a reunion of the Ballantyne family. Miss Dorothy McQueen and Miss Jeanette Scott, have accepted posi­ tions at the BeachO-Pines for. the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman, of Flint, Mich., were holiday visitors here with Mr. and Mrs. and other relatives. Mr, and Mrs. ILeslie children, of Kitchener, holidays here with relatives also at the Beach-O-Pines, Miss Mae Simpson, of Detroit, vis­ ited over the holiday with her moth­ er and grandmother Mrs. L. Simpson and Mrs, Robert Bonthron. Mrs. Peter Fisher and daughter Eleanor, are visiting at Graven- hurst, Muskoka, for a couple ’ -of weeks with their son and brother Dr. Fisher. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron­ to, is spending a two weeks’ vaca­ tion with her father Mr. D. McNau­ ghton and brothei’ Mr. Peter Mc­ Naughton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case spent the week-end’ in Detroit, Mrs. Case re­ mained in Detroit where she will vis­ it for a time, the guest of Mrs. An­ drew Lammie. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Soldan, John Soldan, Mrs. John Johnston and Miss Margaret Johnston visited on .Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. -Douglas, of Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. William Horton and daughter of Detroit, visited over the week-end with Mr. Horton’s mother Mrs. Noah Horton and aunts, Mrs. McKaig and Miss Eliza Newell., Dr. Sam Coulter and daughter of Toledo, Ohio., who have been'visit­ ing Mr. Coulter’s fathei’ Mr. John Coulter are spending a few weeks at Grand Bend. Mr. John Coulter ac­ companied them. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKee, of Tor­ onto, a June bridal couple are visit­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dallas. Mrs. McKee is a sister of Douglas Corbett, who resides with Mr. and Mrs. Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Filshie ac­ companied by their sons Ian and Alex and daughter Miss Marion spent several days last week visiting rela­ tives in Walkerton and other points in Bruce 'County. ** Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott, of Detroit, spent the holiday here with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty. Mrs. Petty returned to Detroit with them Gn Monday and will visit there for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Wescott, Hamilton and different members their family are visiting relatives Hensall and district this Week. They also took in the Butt reunion at Goderich on Saturday. Miss Mildred Follick nui'se*in- traihing at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, returned to her duties at the hospital on Sunday evening after spending a two* weeks* vacation here with her parents Follick. Dr. and Mrs. by hfrs, Brazier t with Mx\ of (Flint, here with Milton Love Knight and spent the othy left last week. for Grand Bend where they will spend the first two weeks ot July. The dP'etor’s prac­ tice here will be looked after. by Dr. Harry Joynt. Mr. end Mrs. E^. McAgh, Mrs. An­ nie McDonald, Mrs, Elizabeth Mc­ Ash, Mrs. L°tti6 McAsh and Mr« and Mrs. Lprne Mawsop, all ‘of London, were^First of July visitors with Mrs. Geo. Sparks and Miss McAsh. Hensall Union ’cemetery never looked morn beautiful than it did op Sunday, Decoration Day. The day was ideal and a large number visit­ ed the cemetery and placed flowers on the graves of loved ones. Mrs. A. D, McEwen, who has been in very poor health for some time was taken to St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Sunday evening and on Monday morning underwent an op­ eration. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Hamilton and family left last week for Lon­ don where they will reside. We are sorry to lose such good citizens as Mr, and Mrs. Hamilton, They cently sold their fine home to Peter Moir who -will move in fall. Th© annual convention of the Hu­ ron County Women’s Christian Tem­ perance Union will, be held in Main St. United Church. Exeter, on Friday July 9th. The guest speaker will be Rev. G. N. Hazen, of London, who will address the evening session. There will be an afternoon session also and a good program is being prepared. Preparatory services were held in the United Church on Friday even­ ing last with the pastor Rev. Mr. Sinclair in charge. On Sunday morn­ ing* Community service was held. The anthem “Behold, O God” was given by the choir, th© solo parts taken by Mrs. Maud Hedden with Dr. Smillie at the organ in the absence of Miss Fisher who is away on holidays. Rev. Ben .Smillie, aJ;s returned missionary from India, preached* in the evening and showed lantern slides. Arthur Sinclair gave addresses. A selection was given by the hand. The Lodge charge was given by Bro. Win. McLaughton, Noble Grand of ,the Brucefield lodge. Chaplin Geo. Fee. closed the service and the Na­ tional Anthem was sung. A similar service was held at McTaggart’s cem­ etery. re- Mr, the Trousseau Tea Mrs Geo. Dick, of Hay Township, was hostess to a trousseau tea given at her home on Thursday evening in honor of her daughter Jessie, a June bride. About 35 relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the home for the occasion. Mrs. Broadfoot, formerly Miss ‘ Grace Dick, sister of the bride and Miss Gladys Douglas displayed the trous­ seau. Mrs, Lorne Luker poured tea and the Misses Margaret and Helen Dick served lunch, received some ful gifts. The bride-elect very lovely and use- and Presentation evening, July 2nd, at Kippen, was the when four hundred Reception On Friday Watson’s Hall scene of a happy gathering between three and people attended a reception to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sinclair, of Tucker­ smith (nee Miss Verda Watson) a June bride and a former resident, of Hensail. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. .Sinclair were presented with a beautiful Chesterfield and end table. Mr. Forsythe read the address, the gifts were from neigh­ bors and friends in Hensall, Kippen and surrounding districts. Mr. Sin­ clair on behalf of his wife and him- sell thanked those present foir kindness. Lunch was served dancing enjoyed, with music furnished by the Hay ter and dock dock orchestra with Mrs. John as accompanist. Grandmothers’ Tea their and being Mu.r- Mur- grandmothers’ tea, under theA auspices of the (Ladies’ Aid of 'Car­ mel Presbyterian-church was held at the home of Mrs. A. D. McEwen, on Tuesday of last week, about fifteen members of the group were present, each member bringing a guest, a grandmother. Mrs. Young gave an interesting talk to grandmothers and prizes were given to the oldest and youngest grandmothers present. The prize for the oldest went to Mrs. Geo. (Ferguson and to Mfs. Fred Cor­ bet as the youngest grandmother present. Mrs. Corbet then thanked the ladies for the beautiful gifts and for the pleasant afternoon and hoped at some future date the grand­ mothers would have the pleasure of again ering, ed. attending another such A dainty lunch was Council Meeting Hensall, July 5, 1937 The regular meeting of the vil­ lage council was held this evening at 8 p.m. in the Council Chambers with all members being present. Minutes of the previous meeting read. Jones and Shepherd that th© min­ utes be accepted as read, Carried, The Clerk reported, re the audit­ ing expenses and was instructed to charge the Hydro and School $20. each and the Library 85. W. Madge appeared .re the dump­ ing privilege. Jones and Twitchell that W. Madge be paid the sum of 820 for the use of dump ground. Carried. •Correspondence read as follows: Amusement Revenue Branch; His Majesty King George, The Governor General, County Clerk, Cornnty En­ gineer, W. Otterbein and Imperial Oil, Ltd. Same filed. Bills and accounts were read as follows: H. lT, Cudmore, gravel streets $33.85; V. Hedden, repairs to Hall .$5 0.65; Hensall Hydro, hydro for hall $4.45; W. Madge, dumping ground $20'; N. Blatchford cutting weeds $16.40; N. Blatchford, sanitary inspection $15*; C.N.R. rent of ground $1.00; F. W. Hess print­ ing $30; W. Dabus, cutting weeds $.200; W. Taylor, labor, streets $12.- 75; J. A. Paterson, part salary $50; G. Walper, part salary $45; E. Me- Clinchey, labor streets $4; O. Hed­ den, labor streets $2; Imperial Oil, road oil $661.17; Metallic Roofing Co., signs for streets $20?67; O. Rowcliffe, relief milk $1; T. E. Drummond, relief meat $1; T. D. Wren, relief groceries $13.22; C. E. Dobbs, signs Hall $10; total $994.16. Brock and Twitchell; That the ac­ counts be paid. Twitchell and jo urn. CREDITON Murray Henley* of Clinton, was p guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wuerth bn (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Maclsaac and daughter Sylvia, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Maclsaac. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kobe and family, pf Detroit; Rev. Mr. Burk- older, of Markham, visited for a few days with treicher. Mr, and Frederick, Tras’ke, of Mr.and Mrs. Dan Qes- MacDonald and son Detroit and Paul Mr, and Mrs. i Mrs. of Buffalo, were week-end visitors at the home of Herb. Fahrner. Miss Lulu Morlock, and Miss Lulu Gaiser, University, Hamilton, Carried. Jas. Carried. Brock: That we ad- A. Paterson, Clerk WOODHAM Rev. Mr. Laing, our new pastor, preached very accepteable sermons at Zion church on the Mitchell Road last .Sunday, it .being their annivers­ ary. Owing to this there were no services held here all day. A meeting of the Baby Band will take place in the basement of the church, Wednesday afternoon of this week. We are sorry to say that Mr. Clar­ ence Gunning still continues ill in bed. We hope it duration. Mr. and Mrs. of Windsor of McMaster are spending their vacation with their parents at their respective homes. Mr. Dan Maclsaac is sporting a new Chevrolet coach. Miss Margaret Lamport, Mr. and Mrs. William Benninger, of Detroit, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Laport on Sun­ day. Mrs. John Sanders, Man., is visiting her Schroeder. The beautiful rcse Henry Eilber is much days. Mr. Eillier has ieties and takes great pride in his garden. Miss Edna Beaver, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Beaver, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Oestricher manifested consid­ erable activity over the week-end when several of their sons and dau­ ghters paid them a few days’ visit. Mr. Fred Beaver, of New York, is visiting with relatives in the com­ munity. Mr. Elgin Woodall and Miss Ger­ trude Gilfoyl visited over the week­ end’ with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall Miss Eleanor Shroeder, of Claw­ son, Mich., is visiting her grandpar­ ents Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Schroeder. Rev. D. Gladman, newly inducted pastor of the United Church preach- end a very impresive sermon on Sun­ day evening to a large congregation. We are glad to report that Mrs. Lloyd Hey is improving nicely after an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodman, and Miss Wealthy Schroeder of Detroit, spent the week-en.d with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Schroeder. of Clearwater, sister Mrs. C. garden of Mr. admired these over fifty var- will not be of long Visited Sunday last with Mr, Henry Squire, of Exeter, the former’s father. M,r. W. Shier, of London, visited recently with friends. The Misses Laura and Uldine Rundle spent Tuesday of last week in London. The Misses Edith and Mary Earl Were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Squire on Friday of last week. The Bible Class of the Sunday School gave Mr. James Swallow a birthday shower of cards on Sun­ day last, it being th© occasion of his Slst birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Swal­ low1 leave shortly to make their home with their Blight and Mrs. J. Stevenson, of London Twp. We regret to lose them from our midst. Mr. John Swallow, of Kingsville, visited recently with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John istevenson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Blight spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Swallow. Rev. Mr. Harvey, of Granton and Rev. Mr. Leith, of Fullarton were the guest service of Laing wedk. daughters Mrs. gath- serv- x held The Memorial Day Services Memorial Day Services were here on Sunday afternoon. Oddfellows accompanied by brethren from Brucefield and the members of the Exeter Legion honored their dead. They gathered at the station grounds and headed by the Hensall Citizens Band they paraded to the town hall or the first service at the Cenotaph. A selection was played by the band and Bugler Beer sound­ ed the last post. Mr. Geo. C. Petty placed the wreath on the monument, Mr. Sidney .McArthur had charge of the Legion and spoke a few words to the men. They formed up again and" headed by the band they march­ ed to the London Road, where cars waited to take them to th© cemetery. At the cemetery the last post was sounded by utes silence then gave a Grand Geo. opened the of the departed brethren were then decorated. Mr. Geo. Sutherland ___ ___ ______acted as chairman and made a short and daughter Dor*r address, ReV. W. A. Voung hhd Rot. of of in Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Steer accompanied on speakers at the induction our new pastor, Rev. Mr. Friday evening of last HARPLEY and Mrs. Hugh Love andMr. Maurice spent Sunday in Hensail with Mrs. P. Campbell. Miss Lillian Hayter with a party of friends of Detroit, spent the week-end at Mrs. Mark Millers cot­ tage at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Warner, of De­ troit, spent the week-end with Mr. Mansell Hodgins. Misses Ila and Buelah Hodgins left 'for Toronto on Friday to at­ tend summer school. Mr. Carl Oliver, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mrs. A. Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love and Mrs. Will Love and Ruth and Helen at­ tended the circus in London on July 1st, Mr. B. J. Hodgins returned home from Toronto on Thursday. Miss Merle Watson spent the week-end with -friends in Guelph. Farewell for Teacher A delightful afternoon was spent last Tuesday at Mr. Emery Gaiser’s grove where the ratepayers and their families of S. S. No. 2, Stephen, ga- gathered to bid farewell to their teacher, Miss Dorothy Kyte, Miss Elaine Mitchell read an address of appreciation. Mr. Ted Wright, on behalf of the school, presented Miss Kyte with a handsome silver flower basket. Miss Kyte thanked the rate­ payers and the scholars and assured them that hei* work bad been a plea­ sure. During her stay here Miss Kyte has very ably filled the position of teacher at S. g. No. 2, and by her genial disposition made for herself many friends who -while regretting her departure will wish for her every success in the -future. The re­ mainder of the afternoon was spent in games after which an excellent picnic lunch was served. Birthday Party A surprise party was held in hon­ or of Mrs. George Holtzmann’ 7 6th birthday at the home of her daugh­ ter Mrs. Horace Pfaff of Hay. The following present were: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel gcliwanz and family, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Pfaff and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam­ uel Goodwin and family, of Detroit; Mrs. Norman Holtzmann, of Orton­ ville; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Holtz- and family of Crediton; Mr. Clar­ ence Holtzmann, Mr. Harrison Holtz­ mann, of Detroit; and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtzmann, of Detroit. The supper was served on the lawn af­ ter which the family presented the mother with a .beautiful chiffon dress. THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPKCIAUS ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz jay..................................... PEACH JAM, 32 pz jar .......................................................... LYNN VALLEY PEARS ........................................................... HEREFORD CORNED BEEF ............................................... CROWN TEA, BLACK OR MIXED ..................................... home rendered lard................:..................... WALKER’S SODAS ................................................................... GOLD MEDAL TOMATOES, Choice Quality, Large Tin ................. e«icli 21ic> ............*........each 23c. ............. per tin lOc* ..........2 tins for 23e* 1 lb. pkg., each 49c. ............... per lb. 15c. 1 lb., pkg., 2 for 25c, ................. each 10c DASHWOOD =S5 .sss Picnip Plates ............................... per doz* — Wonderful Laundry Soap... 7 bars for 25p. — Calay Toilet Soap ............. 4 cakes for 17c. New Potatoes ........................... 7 lb. for 25c === Large Watermelons ....................... each 59c Oranges, per dozen ........................... 25c. S = BREAKFAST BACON SLICED OR BY THE PIECE............................. per lb. 23c. = = Phone 102 ROL.L.IES’ flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIII GROCERY We Deliver f lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. jack Schenburn, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wiginton, of De­ troit and Mrs. Elizabeth Fraser, of Pt. Huron, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Master Barry Hamilton, of Grand Bend is holidaying with his grand­ parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherby and Mr. and RJrs. Frank Scheiding and Mr. T. H. Yuli all of London, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Motz. Miss Doris Sims is visiting .her cousins Vera and 'Claira Sims, in Klondike* Miss Norma Sims, of Klondike is holidaying with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Aidwin Collingwood and children, of Hamilton is visit­ ing their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Collingwood and children, of Hamilton, are visit­ ing their aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wein. BRINSLEY number of the United churchA people attended the induction ser­ vice in Crediton of Rev. D. Glad­ man, of Exeter, who has accepted th© pastorate of Crediton charge. Miss Hazel Vaughan, of Bismark, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Amos before she started Sum­ mer School in London. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scott attend­ ed Decoration Services in Nairn on Sunday. Mrs. Patterson and family, of Bruicetfield, spent a few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sholdice. We are glad to report Mr. Mertin Sholdice is home from the hospital in Toronto and is feeling much bet­ ter. The Brinsley Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. Dan Lewis on Saturday. Rev. David Rogers, of spent the week-end with Amos. Vera Wasnidge spent her home. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash­ wood, first three days of week and at office -over the Post Office, in Zu­ rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Miss Elizabeth Reid, o:f Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz are spending -their holidays in Washing­ ton B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zimmer, of Portland Oregon, visited a few days with Mr. Wm. Zimmer. Decoration Day services will be held on Sunday, July 11th on the Goshen Line, Henrich Memorial band will be in attendance. Mr, and Mr$. Norman Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Evans, of Kit­ chener were Sundajn visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goetz, Jr., of Erie, Penn., are spending their honeymoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz. - Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and Mrs. Huntley, of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Isaac. * Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, Detroit; and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 'of Windsor, spent th© week­ end with Mr, and Mrs, R. Baker. ■ Word was received her© of the death of Mr, Ezra Witzel, at Cupar, Sask., resulting from an accident. Mrs. Bertha Gill and daughter Laura, of Detroit, called on rela­ tives here on Sunday. Ruby Minor 6.6; Shirley Smith .64; Howard Maier 58 (Recommended); Esther Peachey (ab.) Below pass—Harold Musser ;26; Lloyd Miller 24,Miller 24, Ella Martinson, KHIVA teaeher Mr. Teter, day with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stebbins. Mr. and Mrs. g. Adams, of Lon­ don, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kraft, Mr, and Mrs. M. McHargy, Mr. Ball and Miss McHargy, of Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Preston Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kinney, Mrs. Kinney Sr., and Miss Alice and Mr. and Mrs. George Hadse, all of Detroit, visited over the week-end with-,Mr. and Mrs. B, McCann and attended the Old Boy’s Reunion. and Mrs. Louis Held of Kitchener visited and son cn Sun- St. Thomas Mr. Joseph Sunday at CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks visited with relatives in Ripley on July 1st. Miss Mary O’fBrien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. John Essery visited foi* a few days last week with her sister Mrs. Heighway in London. Mr, and Mrs. Bob Smith and baby visited with relatives in London on Sunday. Mr, ‘and Mrs. George Baynham, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham. Jr. and family visited with Mr. and in Wingham , of Wm. DASHWOOD PUBLIC SCHOOL ROOM III Grade 7 to Grade 8 ■— Dorothy Wein 78; Kenneth Kraft 72; Grace Restemeyer 70; Donald Gaiser 65; Doris Willert 60; Theodore Luft 60. Below Pass—Eunice Haist 45. Gordon Keeler, teacher ROOM II 7—Mabel Jack- 73; Bugler Beer and a min- whs observed. The band selection. Acting Noble Fee of the oddfellows ceremony, 'the graves DRAIN (TENDER WANTED Usborne Township, by A. W. Mor­ gan, Clerk, R. R. 1, Hensall, Ont,, until 8 p.m. Monday, July 19th, 1937 for the construction of the out­ let on the Anderson Drain, length 2,400 lineal feet of open drain. Tenders ar© to be in the form of a lump sum and must be acompanied by a marked cheque drawn payable to the Treasurer of the Township of Usborne for 5 per eent. of the amount bid. The work is to be commenced within one Week. from awarding of contract and completed before August &lst, 1937. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Township Clerk or at the office of the engineer, S. W. Archibald, 284 Duhdas St., Lon* don, Ont, The lowest of any tend* er hot necessarily accepted. Dated this 5th day of July 1937. A. W. Morgan, Municipal Clerk Celebrates 80th Birthday Mrs. Sarah Sims and Mrs. Arthur Rowe, of Clawson, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wood­ all. Mrs. Sims, who is remarkably active and enjoys the best of health celebrated her eightieth birthday while in Crediton. The many friends in Exeter and Crediton were delight­ ed to renew their acquaintance with Mrs. Sims and Mrs. Rowe. Mr. Ar­ thur Rowe and two sons Gordon and Clarence arrived in Crediton on Saturday and on Sunday together with Mrs. Sims and Mrs. Rowe left for Niagara Falls, a birthday trip for Mrs. Sims, •Owe Appreciation to Teachers School vacation months are at hand again, For many of the pup­ ils and students the two summer months mean days of sport, for others there will be jobs. Teachers generally look forward to the sum­ mer (holidays as a period when they will increase their knowledge. A number travel to become better ac* quainted with the countries they teach, but the great majority go to summer school. For the latter the holiday months bring little relax­ ation from the year’s routine. Bar­ ents and citizens of ^every commun­ ity owe appreciation to these teach­ ers who give up their holidays in or­ der that they can study how to help Johnny, Tommy and Mary to leave school with a better education each yean. <31 dUU Jr. and family visited Mrs. Lloyd Baynham on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. son, of Royal Oak, Week-end visitors with Mrs. M. Sleamon and June holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. M, Kershaw left recently to visit with relatives in the West. Mr. and Mrs. P. Buckley and fam­ ily, of Detroit, were week-end visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. C, O’Brien. Douglas and Marie Fletcher are holidaying with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moodie, Usborne. Miss Evelyn Clark is holidaying at her home in Goderich. Rev. R. N. Stewart conducted the services in Staffs United church on Sunday last. Mrs. Margaret Flet­ cher assisted with the singing. Harold penwarden is visiting With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery in Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jewel, of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mills last. Mrs. Harness visited Mrs. J. Hod gins in McGillivray on Friday of last week. ■ Mr. and Mrs. M. Neil, of Detroit, spent the week-end with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Neil, Jr., who has been holidaying here returned home with them. Visitors with Mrs. John MoFallS last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Boyle and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Toronto; Mrs. John Williamson, of Detroit and Mr. Thos. Lintott, of St. Thomas. Folland and Mich., were Mrs. B. Hicks are Spencer and visited with on Thursday with Mr, and 1 Grade 6 to Grade son 75; Eileen Miller 73; Ruth Guenther 73; Dorothy Hayter 71; Norman Eveland 69; Sigrid Peder­ sen 67; Ray Guenther (63; Russel Tieman 62; Ada Willert 61; Mildred Maier 61. Below pa§s—Vivian Desjardine. Grade 5 to Grade 6 — Lily Isen 73; Dorothy Moulton 72; Gordon Kraft 68; Helen Miller 61 Below pass—Hazel Moulton 52; George Wolfe 50. Grade 4 to Grade 5—Irene Jack- son 8-5; Claire Musser 78; Glenn Haugh 75; George Tieman 67; Grace Maier 65; Hubert Weiberg 63; James Hayter 62; Wilma Musser 62; Emma Anderson 6flL; James Tay­ lor 60; Dorothy Mason 60. Below pass-—-Truman Fisher 44. Grace Pepper, teacher ROOM I Grade 3 to Grade 4—-Jack Baker 93; Inga Pedersen 92; Harold Luft 88; Helen Maier 74; Madeline Res­ temeyer 73; Mary Fischer 72; Lor- een Weiberg 62; Herbert Luft 60; Shirley Desjardine (ab); Esther Peachey (ab.) Grade 2 to Grade 3—Wm. Mus­ ser 76; Edith Jackson 70; Helmuth Messner 69; Robert Mathers 67; Bernice Luft 66; Andrew Anderson 50 (Promoted). Primer to Grade 2—Betty Gaiser 96; George Moulton 90; Ray Snell 88; Russel Hopcroft 84; Martha Pedersen 78; Shirley Guenther 70; Death of Ezra Witzel Word was received here recently of the death of Mr. Ezra Witzel, of Cupar, Sask., who lost his life in a motor ' ” son of Witzel. the 12th concession of Stephen near Khiva. Twenty years ago he left here for the West where he has re­ sided ever since. He leaves to mourn his loss his bereaved widow formerly Christina Hoffman, of Dashwood and six small children. Mrs. Ezra port, of Crediton; Mrs. Ella wood, of Exeter; ..Mrs. Alex Neeb, Mrs. Henry Pfaff, Mrs. Alfred . and Miss Irene Witzel, of Dashwood are sisters. The sympathy of this community is extended to tne be­ reaved family in their time oi trouble, accident. He was the only the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. He was born and raised on ELIMVILLE Lam- Hey- Tilley Visitors in the community during the past week were: Mr. and Mrs. David Bradshaw, of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Penrose and family, of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Penrose and family, of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. John Penrose and fam­ ily from near Detroit with Rev. and Mrs. Penrose; Misses Ella Routly and Ruth Webber, of London with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Routly; Mr. Ir­ win O’Reilly, of .Sarnia with Mr. O. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hern, Wood­ ham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Bell and Mrs. Schmidt from Michigan, visited with relatives here recently. The Strawberry Supper held un­ der the auspices of the W-M.S. on July 1st at the church was a great success from every viewpoint. A very large number attended, the supper was served in the church shed. Af­ terward a play “Home Acres” was given by Kirkton Young People which was well received by the au­ dience. A musical number and mix­ ed quartette were given between acts by loeal talent. The Cornish family reunion was held at Mr. Jno. Cornish’s on July 1st. Miss Vera Yundt, of Gadshill, vis­ ited the Misses Laura and Ina Ford on Sunday last. Scene: outpost of empire. Tele­ gram received: “Major Tough Nutt, lion hunter, met with fatal accident. Reply sent: “Send body at once.” Later box arrives containing body Of dead lion. Telegram sent: “Don’t want lion, send Tough Nutt.” Reply received: "Tough Nutt in­ side lion.” The Exeter Creamery will observe the Wednesday Half Holiday. The office will close at 12.30 Wednesday patrons should bring their cream during the forenoon. ♦ Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA