HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-01, Page 8THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, JULY 1st, 1937 Exeter Markets Has it Occurred Bonat equipment is designed to work with all the speed, ease and efficiency that this modern age de­ mands. Bonat Vitamin F superfine results on type of hair, Demand a Bonat be sure of complete Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w solution assure each individual Permanent and satisfaction. H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE At Boys’ Camp Murray Moore, Robert Southcott, Ellis Peace and Irvin Armtsrong are this week attending the -boys’ camp near Goderich. A -girls’ camp will be held next week. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Frank Johns and son Gordon, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. Welling­ ton Johns, James St. Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday afternoon of next week. The many friends of Mr. Thomas Hawkins, of Windsor, a former resi­ dent of town, have been pleased to renew old acquaintances. He is vis­ ing for a couple of weeks at the home of his son, Mr. G. A. Hawk­ ins, Messrs. William and Milton Kydd. oif Toronto, motored up and spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd. Their wives motored here from Detroit on Sunday after a motor trip in the States. The both men have only recently recovered from a serious motor accident last February when returning to Toronto from during a heavy fog they ran motor car parked on the side road. Exeter into a of the l III 1V077. Exeter price, LOST—-License Marker Kindly return to R. N. Rowe, FOR SALE—-At sacrifice brand new Beatty Power pump com­ plete with tank. Apply to Times- Advocate. FOR SALE—Second hand, hand washing machine and wringer, ply G. A. Hawkins. Ap- ltp sumFOUND—In Exeter, a small of money. Owner may have same ‘ by proving property and paying ex- Apply Times-Advocate.penses. MAN around ens.- WANTED — For working hatchery and feeding chick- •A. H. Sweitzer, -Granton, Ont. LITTLE PIGS FOR SALE—Also a York sow to let on shares. Apiply at Times-Advocate. ltp FOR central Hunter 39r7. RENT—Brick residence in location. Ap-ply to R. _ R. 3, Exeter, phone Kirkton ltp. D. FOR washer. G- A. Hawkins. SALE—Beatty engine drive Reduced price. Apply to ltp. FOR SALE—'Half acre alfalfa standing. Jas Sweet, Exeter. hay of.STRAYED—-Onto the farm Lome Finkibeinel, R. R. 2, Dash­ wood, red heifer, about year and a half old. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex­ penses. OFFICE CLOSED—The office of Dr. Weekes will be closed from the 30th of June until the 21st of July while the doctor is on vacation. ,6-17-4tp FOR SALE—Brick house, small barn and one acre of good land, just outside of Exeter limits. Comfort­ able home, hydro, low taxes, very low price. C. V. Pickard, phone 165. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers. All grades of road gravel. Phone 171 r 3, R. R. 1, Exeter.—H. T. CUDMORE, Hensail. We Deliver. 5-13-bp FOR SALE — Several rebuilt and enclosed coal oil stoves, 2, 3, and 4-burner. — Apply to W. J. Melville, Exeter. Wheat $1.25 Oats 60c Manitoba’s Rest $3.65 Welcome Flour $3,45 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.25 Creamery Butter 29c, Dairy Butter 21-24c. Eggs A large 20c. Eggs A medium 18c. Eggs B 14c. Eggs, C 13c. Hogs $9.25 to You?This store will be closed Wednesday at noon during the Summer Months, LOCALS I Ideal Meat Market Choice Quality Meats Courtesy—Service—Quality Your telephone orders appreciated Phone 38 Main St. The McDonald Family picnic was held at Springbank on Thursday. Miss Helen Salter, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. E. Howey, of the H. S. staff, Mount Forest, is holidaying at his home here. yyss Olive Prior, of London, spent the week-end with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Miss June Gordon, of visited over the week-end and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. ;F. Toronto, with Mr. Beavers ■visited with their sen Reg. at the camp at Sarnia, during the week. Miss Klein-feldt, who has been, visiting with her mother Mrs. John Kleinfeldt, has returned to London. Mr. and Mrs, B. W. F. Beavers' visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eac- rett, of Woodstock, during the week. Miss Jeanette Taman, who is in training at the Mt. Royal Hospital, Montreal, is visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pear-ce, of Fin­ gal, visited on Sunday with the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce. Mr. Freeman and Miss Annie Mc­ Gill, of Prospect Hill are visiting with their grandmother Mrs. T. Mc­ Curdy. . Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Weekes and Billy left today Vancouver, B- C. cation. Dr.’ and Mrs. Waterloo, are spending a week with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harris and little son Beverley, of Chiselhurst, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Willard on Sunday. * Mr. Theodore Down, of Bowman- ville, accompanied by his wife and son spent the week-end with Rev. J. W. and Miss F. A. Down. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce re­ ceived word that their grandson Billy Redmond, of Detroit, had had his arm broken last week. Mr. Herb Blatchford arrived on Sunday from, Seattle, Wash., and is visiting with his father Mr. Francis Blatchford and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lutton daughter Norah and Mr. jack Wil­ son and Miss Alice Wilson, of Lon-- don, were in Exeter for Decoration Day. Miss Evelyn Follick, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Follick, of St. Marys, recently graduated with honors from MacDonald Institute, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Turner and daughters Jean and Mary, of T-oiron- to, were guests and Mrs. J. R. and Sunday. Rev. A. and John left Tuesday Midland' and the where they will holiday for the month of July. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dearing, Edna and Phillip, -O'f Dorchester, visited wit’ll the former’s brother Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dearing and other rela­ tives on Sunday. Mrs. A. W> Percival and family, of Noranda, Que., are visiting with the former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Hy Strang. Mr, Percival who accom- panted them here has returned home (Wednesday) for to spend .their va- Walter Johns, of and at the home of Mr. C. Moffatt Saturday Mrs. Page and son for Owen Sound. Musk-oka District People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. partlo, Prop. Phoiie iSlw “Shoes to fit the Family” Ontario Special this Thursday, Friday & Saturday WOMEN’S BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE SANDAL STRAPS OR OPEN TIES IN BLACK BROWN AND BLUE AND SOME WHITE REG. $2.98 FOR $2.49 a pair Have yoii visited the stere for a Free Fodt Examination? Evenings by Appointment No Appointments on Saturdays That it is not necessarily the age of a person but the condition of the eyes which determines whether glasses are needed! Only a complete scientific ex­ amination of the eyes will re­ move doubts, c?f That is the kind examination we give. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. HUI, R.A., B.J). Minister Mrs, J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Service at 11 a.m. only Conducted by Rev. W. A. Young, B.Sc.A., of Rensall. YOUR OPPORTUNITY- Take your choice of any spring coat on our rack. Values to dW Qff $20. Come in and see these coats. Out they go for ...... Optometrist, Exeter Successor to S. Fitton Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices UNION SERVICES Main St. and James St. United Churches LOCAL NEWS Thursday, July 1st. Examinations are over .for another term. Miss Adele Hunter is holidaying for two weeks at Stoney Lake. Miss Ina Jaques, Reg, N., is visit­ ing with relatives in Rockwood. Mr. Jack Crooks, a former resident of Exeter, -called on friends one day last week. - Miss Dorothy Cox, of Woodstock, spent the week-eqd visiting at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Flynn and daughter, of Sarnia, visited in town on Sunday. Mr. J. A. Traquair was confined to his home through illness the fore­ part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jeckell, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss L. M. Jeckell. Mrs. Wm. Hatter returned last week after an extended visit at her former home in Montreal. Mrs, Millar and -family, -of London spent the week-end at the home of her father, Mr. L. Day. Miss L. Bowman returned to Pres­ ton on Monday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southcott. A number from town attended the funeral of the late Oscar A. Mc- Falls, of Lucan, on Tuesday. The Grand Bend Band Tattoo will he held Wednesday evening, July 14 Seven bands will be in attendance. Mr. Wm. Matter, local dairyman, is erecting a new cement block build­ ing on his property for the house of his pasteurization plant. Messrs. Wesley Greb and Murray Vincent, spent last week also with Lelland Gibson Cranson of Thedford. Mr. Mervin Oehn and Stratford, were g-uests at of Mr. during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney and daughter Barbara visited on Sunday with friends near Ingersoll. Miss Barbara remained on a visit. Mrs F. M. Reid, who has been in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, for the past three weeks for treatment has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stacey and two children, of Wilton Grove, vis­ ited over the week-end with Mrs. Stacey’s mother, Mrs. J. S./ Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Penhale left recently for St. Hyacinthe, Que., where Mr. Penhale will be connect­ ed with a branch of the Canners. Ila Willis, daughter of Mrs. John Willis, returned Satuday from Victoria London, where she underwent operation for appendicitis. Dr. M. C. and Mrs. Fletcher and Mary left Wednesday for Wasaga Beach where they will spend two weeks’ holidays. Dr. Fletcher’s office will be in charge of Dr. Bryce, of London, in the meantime. The Women’s Association of the James St. United Church served a sumptuous .Strawberry Supper in the basement of the church on Thurs­ day evening of last week. The pro­ ceeds were around $145. Mr. and Mrs. W- R. Goulding and son Dawson are leaving Monday of next week for Sundridge on Lake Bernard in the Parr-y Sound district where they will scend their vacation. Mr. C. H. McAvoy, of Wingham, returned on Monday after spending three weeks at Excelsior Springs, Missouri, and is spending the fore­ part Of the week with his mother Mrs. A. McAvoy in town. Mrs. Urban Pfile, 4th con., Mrs. Love, of Grand Bend, Mr. Oscar Greb, of the Babylon Line and Mr. Simon Greb, of Exeter, attended the funeral of a relative in Detroit on Wednesday.—'Z-urich Herald. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon motor­ ed to Toronto Wednesday where Mrs. Seldon will be joined by her daughter, Mrs. F. Newman, Kingston and together they will spend a couple of weeks in the Muskoka Dis­ trict. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dayman, Mr. and Mrs, Alwyn Dayman and Mr. and Mrs. Crescent Dayman were in Sarnia Saturday last attending the wedding of the former’s grand­ daughter, Miss Susie Elizabeth Day­ man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wes­ ley Dayman. The first Off the union services be* tween Main St. and James St. Unit­ ed -churches will be held Sunday next ■with Rev, A. E. Elliott, church ift chsfrgA Miss the Main st. choir, will of the service of song., ing service will be held church and the evening service in James St. church in London and H. E- bride, of the home and Mrs. A. W. Etherington Canadian Mr, and home on Hospital, an of lytain St. Huston and have'charge The morn* in Main St. Rev. A, E. Elliott, of Main St., in charge, Music under the direction of Miss E. Huston and the Main St. choir. . 10 a.m.—(Sunday Schools 11 a.m.—Main Street church 7 p.m.—James St. church Union prhyer service Thursday, July 8 th, at Main St, church. A large range of dresses in a variety of materials are on display in our department, These prices are reasonable. $1.95 to $9.95 KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS We carry this popular blanket in all colors and combinations. Prices will likely be higher Plain Shades $5.95; Reversible $9.50 REGENT KNITTING YARNS We carry a full range of colors in Sea Shell, Sea Gull, Sea Bleach. These yarns are hard to beat at PER BALL 15c„ 20c., 25c. BLINQCRAFT APRONS Made by the blind in the Canadian National Institute. Good styles and; pat­ terns, priced at 29c., 35c., AND 39c. ANKLE SOX In a variety of shades to match every dress. PRICED AT 15c., 18c., AND 25c. New Designs in All Wool Bathing Suits Learn to swim in one of our lovely all wool bathings suits. New colors and styles for this season 59c $1.00 $1.95 $2.25 > 4 BLEACHED SHEET SPECIAL These are good quality. The size is 69 ins. by 85 inches and they are worth the money EACH $1.15 ■ ' , WABASSO BED SETS With two pillow cases and one sheet The cotton in these is a spendid quality and they come in different colored borders PER SET $3.95 TEA TOWELS This is a good size, all linen tea towel, with colored borders SPECIAL AT EACH 20c. FANCY STRIPE AWNING In two widths, suitable for covering chair and couches as well as for awnings 18 INS. WIDE 29c.,; 30 INS. WIDE 55c. Large Size LINOLEUM RUGS at Greatly Reduced Prices GROCERY SPECIALS CERTO For Jams and Jellys per bottle . . . 27c CEREAL BOWL FREE with 2 pkgs. KELLOGG’S ALL WHEAT for...................25c The New Cereal PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag . . . 83c CORN 3 cans for . . . 2 5C PEAS 3 cans for . . . J25C ZINC RINGS Extra Heavy per dozen..............23c RUBBER RINGS Heavy White per dozen.................5c BROOMS Good 5-string Broom only 2 5C GRAN. SUGAR 10 lbs .... 55c TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector. Rev. Mu A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, air. Middle»nlsn Hensail, Phone 16 6th Sunday After trinity 10.00 a.m.—(Sunday School 1,1 a.m.—'Morning Frayer & Sermon The annual Sunday School picnic will be held at Gran’d Bend on Wed­ nesday, July 7th. LOOK YOUR BEST Now is the time we are all thinking about our hair and what *we are going to do thro’ the •Summer months. The so­ lution to the problem in the majority of cases is a good permanent as a foundation. Phone S45 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON beauty shoppe Union Services Caven Presbyterian church Carmel Presbyterian church, Hen­ sail will hold union services for the summer months." For the month of July Rev. Mr. Young, of Hensail, Will have .charge of the services. Service at Caven church will be held each Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Fence Broken in Four Places A great deal of expense and time have been expended at the Exeter cemetfery to make it a beauty spot of which this whole community might' justly be .pi’oud. An expensive iron I fence has been placed across the en- j tire front and the ground .graded for' parking of cars, fence was broken in four places by cars bumping into it Pym Reunion The annual reunion of’the Pym family was held Saturday afternoon, June 26th- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Horne, Usborne. The weather was ideal for a picnic- and about eighty members' o-f the clatf were present from Exeter, Centralia, Seaforth, -Goderich, St. Marys, To­ ledo, Ohio; Kirkton, Deleayare, Lon­ don and Usborne Twp. A very ex­ citing game of ball was ip^ayed dur­ ing the afternoon followed by a sumptuous suipiper to which all did justice, after which a business meet­ meet- ' was heId when it was decided to hold _ __w xjxvfeia.m. tlle reunion next year at the same- solo by Mrs. A. O. Elliot; duet by ’"time, the-fourth Saturday in June at - *'•_____- -- - Riverview Park, Exeter. Ewart ____ Pym, of Exeter was elected p-resi- V. Kestie; piano soloby June Bierl-, dent and Mervin Pym was re-elect- "d sec’y-treasurer, and the same managing committee, Mr. and Mrs. W. Essery, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole. The results of the races were as follows; Boys 5 years and u-ndei’ ’Earl Hunter, Donald Pym; girls 5 years and under, Marie Cole, Loret­ ta Pym; boys 6 to 10 Malcolm Kirk­ land, Earl Hunter; glTls 6 to 10( Leona Pym, Nona Pym; boys under 14, Howard P|ym, Malcolm Kirkland girls under 14, Helen Essery, Muriel Dickinson; young ladies race, Ethel Hotham, Helen Essery; young men, Byron Pym, George Hothem; mar­ ried ladies, Mrs. Mervin Pym, Mrs. Ewart Pym; married men, Wm. Es­ sery, Clayton Laithwaite. The prize for the oldest lady went to Mrs. Es­ sery, of Centralia, the oldest man Frank Davis and the youngest baby 1 Marion Pym, of Elimville. On Sunday the Women’s Institute regular June meeting of Women’s Institute which form of a Garden Tea- The Exeter in the held on the lawn of Mrs. J. W. _ - well Tuesday afternoon with mem­ bers and guests numbering over one hundred. A short business 1___ ing was held followed by a program. the was was Po- Mrs. Gou-lding and Mrs. T. Coates, acicomipanied on the piano by Mrs. r ______ ____ ing; solo and reading, Ethel Delve; , ed piano solo, Mitzi Moffatt; reading, Barbara Harness; tap dancing Lois Hunter and Marjorie Flynn accom­ panied on the piano by Mrs. Coch­ rane. A fairy play entitled “Elfin- land” was iput on by a number of children conducted by Miss Flossie Hunter and Marion Powell. A dain­ ty lunch was served by the commit­ tee in charge with the guests seated at small tables. A contest to guess the ingredients of the salad that was served at the lunch was won by Mrs. Rod Ellis. The July meeting will be in the form of a p-i-cnic at River­ view Park. Earl Family Reunion The second reunion ‘of the______ _ Earl family proved a successful eVent on The weather being per­ descendants gather* of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, A ball game and sports and contests and old during the June 2Std. rF_ feet about 100 ed at the home Earl, Usborne. pro-gramme of occupied young afternoon. The supper tables spread on the lawn were laden with fine eats and treats and all done justice. After su-pper a short programme of music was enjoyed by all. The re­ tiring president, Mr, George Earl, Exeter, Was elected honOnary presi­ dent and Mr. John Earl, Seaforth, Was named the new -president. Mr, Ro'bt. Tyndall, Sec’y-Treas. and for the sports committee Wih. Leyburne Milton Stewai% Mrs. Arnold SCOtt, Laura Stewart and, Margaret Ley* burne. (After a bti’^f. b'usfness meet­ ing the clan, thanking Ml*. and Mrs. Eat! for their hospitality decided on separating, that the’ north entertain the south oh their 1938 picnic, the plane to be decided on at later date, -Senator F. W. K. and Mrs. TOm, Mr. Bigin Tom and Miss Elizabeth Backus, of Toledo, Ohio," have been visiting for several days in Exeter and Goderich. Senator Tom and his son sipent a -couple of days at their favorite pastime fishing in wbat the* Senator calls., ohe oif finest streams cn fife continent, the Maitland. They leave Thursday for their home. $25 Reward S"1 bSw!a LLOYD’S THY3IOTATED CORN SALVE, for any corn..or^-eallbus THEy cannot remove, wTth thia won­ derful new scientific ■propafatlon for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It do-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. » Bros Exeter, Phone 16 DRESS UP for the summer season Men’s Fine Shirts, a good selection, each $1.00 Neckties, a fine range, 2 for $1.00 Fancy Socks 3 pair $1.00 Hats $1.95 and $2.95 Spring Topcoats $10.95 W. W. TAMAN PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing and Mrs. Wm. Rollins, of London, visit­ ed over the week-end with M-rs, T. G. Creech. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Stainton and two sons Ronald and Keith visited Mr. and Mrs. W> R. Goulding the fore-part of the week on their way from St. Thomas to their new charge in Guelph. ¥ They are leaving this week for their cottage at Sundridge. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ballantyne and daughters Wilma and Dorothea, of Ft. William left for their home on Monday after visiting with Mrs. Ballantyne’s sister Mrs. T. McCurdy and other relatives. Mr. Hug-hi Donald,,. Of ’Essex, also spent week-end with his sister Mrs. Curdy,...,, Mi’, and Mrs. W.-J. Heaman, Clyde. Heaman and MlsS Ruth Wat­ son, don, ford' _ Mrs, -Skelton and Mr. and Mrs, Geo, W-right, of‘Hxetof, spent the week* end at the .farmer’s cottage in Oak> wood. Me* the Me* Mr. Mr. and, Mrs. Corlett, of Lon- Mt. Bred Heaman and Mt. Clit Jones, of Canahdaguia, M. Y. The Huron County W.C.T.U. Con­ vention will he held in Main Street church on Friday, July 9 th with af­ ternoon and evening sessions. Dr. Hazen, of London, will be the speak­ er of the evening. Mr, and Mrs. jack Elsie, of La­ peer, Mich., Mrs. Robert Elsie, Mrs.' Fred Elsie and Mrs. Burley Doyle, -of London, were Wednesday visit­ ors with Mr. and Mrs. son. The following were the -home oif Mr. and Johnston last week; Rev, John Bow- ering and wife, of Winnipeg; W. P. Reid, of Lucknow, who were visit­ ing their rtio-ther Mrs. W. Reid in [Detroit; Mr. Gordon Moffatt ahd daugihtef Doris and her friend . of Watford; MA- -W. ftane, of Sar­ nia, the latter remaining for a few days to visit with .Ms cousin and- Mrs. and Mrs. Parsons, Geo. Aftder- visitors in Mrs. W. H. Mr, ROzeil, of Clinton; Mr. W. Jones, Mt. and Mrs, It. Honsall.