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far apart.Trouble and the meddler arenever
*** *
* ** * »
What is so rare as a day in June?;
lA. nuTQbei' of neai* accidents
side .grass.
♦ * * *
* *
reported owing to uncut way’
♦ »■ *
THURSDAY, JULY 1st, 1937
Tested Recipes
A 'milk drink is a food as well as
a thirst quencher, On hot summer
days when appetites lag and a keen
desire for something cool and re
freshing persists, milk drinks are
most satisfying. They not only allay
thirst, 'but offer another way of as
suring an adequate amount of milk
in the daily diet.
Fotheringham, younger
and Mrs. Dougal Fother-
Brucefield, Rev. Garrett
M.A., B.D., of Ontario
Milk Shakes
2 to 3 tablespoons syrup. 1 cup
milk. Combine syrup with the milk.
Beat thoroughly. Serve well chilled.
The addition of about a tablespoon
Of ice cream to the milk shake make,
a (richer drink.
•Commerically prepared syrups are
now on the market in quantities
suited for home use. If preferred,
syrups such as the following may be
made at home.
Chocolate Syrup
i cup sugar; J cup of cocoa; 2
cups water, pinch of salt.
Mix sugar and cocoa with suffi
cient water to form a paste. Add re
maining water and cook 5 minutes,
cool and keep in a covered jar.
A very pretty though quiet June’
wedding was solemnized at .the On
tario United church manse Clinton,
on Thursday, when Mary Irene, eld
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Venner, Clinton, Decame the bride of
Mr. John
son of Mr.
ingham of
G. Burton,
Street Church officiating. The .bride
was charmingly gowned in a white
lace tunic over an ankle length skirt
of white crepe, with pink trimming.
She wore a picture hat of white and
silver with white plush band, white
gloves and white kid shoes, and car
ried a shower bouquet of Talisman
roses and baiby breath, Her sister,
Mrs. Walter Pepper, was matron of
honor. She wore a dress of Wallis
blue crepe with white plush hat. The
bridegroom was attended by Mr. W.
Pepper. Immediately after the cere
mony and a call at the photographer
Mr. and Mrs. Fotheringham left by
motor for a trip to Kirkland Lake
and other Northern Ontario points,
the bride traveling in a dress of
printed crepe and white coat.
'ward they will reside on the
groom’s farm in Tuckersmith
Germany and Itialy please take notice-—they that take the sword
shall perish by the sword.
*****♦ 1
How those poppies brighten ’the garden! Like a good man, they
refuse to be put down.
*•*• -*•••
And mow for the ;hay crop. And, despite all prognostications
to the contrary, it’s a bumper one.
****** * *
And those new ipertaters>fru|m a
new green peas—well, there’s just no
feller’s own garden, and the
* * ♦
The bright sunshine together with those cool gentle breezes
are just the thing for maturing grain and hay, „
*** *****
A whole -lot of University graduates are
cannot say as much for the average farmer’s
• *•*«•*
looking for jobs. You
Farmers will be wise to garner every forkful of hay available,
mongers when we urge this. All harvestingWe are not sensation
requires thrift.
•How would it do
****** *
for the temperance forces of Ontario to ask
the Ontario government to .close up the beverage rooms where liq
uor is sold to women?
Orange Syrup
I cup orange juice I
1 tablespoon lemon
Bo’il juice and sugar
minutes. Cool.
Fruit Syrup
cup sugar
together 5
sugar or
Combine juice from canned
ries, pineapple, strabei’ries or
berries with sufficient
honey to make syrup of
sweetness. Cook until mixture is
of a medium thick consistency. Cool.
17 using fresh berries, crush, and boil
5 minutes! in water to cover. Strain
and add sugar. Cook to a syrup.
Vanilla Syrup
- 1 cup sugar £ cup water
3 to 4 tablespoons vanilla
•Cook sugar and water together
make a medium
move from heat
thick syrup. Re
ap d add vanilla.
1 cup milk with-2 to 3
of any of the syrups
suggested for milk .shakes. Break a
whole egg into milk and beat thor
oughly, If available charged water
may be added to the julep, just be
fore serving.
Annual Picnic
A wedding took place recently
at the home of Mrs. Salome Sparks
Bayfield, when Hazel Marie, only
daughter of Mrs. Sparks and the late
John Sparks, was united in marriage
to Brace McGregor Smith, youngest
son of Mrs. Margaret Smith and the
late Colin' Smith, of N. Yarmouth.
The Lohengrin’s bridal chorus
was played by Mrs. Dougall, of Hen-
sall, as the wedding party took their
places beneath a large white bell
within an arch of flowers and ferns.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Mr. Young, of Hensail, and
during the signing of the register
Mrs. Dougall rendered sweet piano’
music. The bride wore a becoming
floor-length gown of silver em
broidered French net over white
satin and a full-length veil fashion
ed into a Juliet cap with a bandeau
of seed pearls. Her gloves were of
net and her slippers of white satin,
and she carried a shower bouquet
of talisman roses, white carnations
and maidenhair fern. She was at
tended by Miss Laura Pearl ‘Camp
bell, of N. Yarmouth cousin of the
groom and C. Russell Sparks, bro
ther of the bride, was best man. Af
ter a wedding lunciheon the bride and
groom left on a motor trip to Tor
onto and the Thousand Islands..
We came across a fall wheat fie.ld with straw five feet foui’ in
length, The crop was in blossom, every stalk was clean and every
leaf broad and clean and of a deep green color. Old Man Ontario
when he keeps his wits about him presents the commonwealth with
good crops.
We’re glad to be free of a great many of the U. S. labour
troubles. For the most part Canadian labour gives a fair day’s
work for a fair day’s pay and Canadian employers give a fair day’s
poy for a fair day’s work. There are particular and regrettable
cases where such happy relations do not obtain, but they may .and
should be and are being adjusted When the proper authorities are
danger lies where sufferers do not report their
where the professional
informed. The
grievances and
• ♦ ♦* *
■grievance hunter becomes
The Walther League of Zion Luth
eran Church, Dashood, held their
annual picnic at Grand Bend on
Thursday-, June 17, which was well
attended. The sport program re
sulted as follows: Boys’ race, Glen
Wal'per; girls’ race, Mildred Luft;
boy’s bean race, Elmer Rader; girls
buzz contest, Amelia Rader; boy’s
and girl’s 3-legged race, O. Becker
and H. Miller; boy’s banana race,
no prize; newspaper race,
Gackstetter, Martha Rader;
race, girls, Esther Martene;
race boys, Glen Wai per;
throwing race, boys and girls, Lloyd
Rader, Flossie Willert; spot race,
Rev. Luft; guessing contest, Garnet
Weibehig; whelebarrow race, Glenn
Walpef, Ward Kraft; clothespin
contest, Albert Miller, side of 21;
hoop contest, Albert Miller, side of
21; potato throwing contest, Leon
ard Restemeyef; treasure hunt, G.
Weiberg; hop-step and jump, Otta
Becker. 'Committee in charge, Reta
Fassold, Amelia Rader, jean Willert
Dorothy Rader, Alvin Walper, Al
bert Miller and Elgin Rader.
in marriage to ‘Guy €. Ryan,
the late Mr. and Mrs. George
of Lucan. Rev. T. A. Carmi-
of Northside United Church,
Mrs. Irwin Trewartha,
|The home of Mr. and Mrs. Tiros.
Rands, Seaforth, was the scene of a
happy event at high noon when their
only daughter, Annie Maybelle was
son of
played the wedding music. The .bride
gowned in white French chiffon and
wearing a tulle veil with orange
blossoms, carried a bouquet of pink
roses. .She was given in marriage
by her father. The matron of honor
was Mrs. Nelson Reid of Walton.
The bridegroom was supported by
Nelson Reid. During the signing of
the registei’ Miss Josephine Edge
sang “I iLOve You Truly.” Following
the ceremony the guests repaired to
the dining room where a delicious
lunceon was served to, the immediate
relatives of the contracting parties
and a few friends, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Ryan left on a trip to Ot
tawa and points east, on their return
they will reside on the groom's farm
hear Lucan.
PIPE ■■■
More butter and less
cheese were consumed by
per head of population in
in* 1935, the figures being
within brackets) butter 31.4 pounds
(31.1); eggs, 21.7 dozens (22.4);
and cheese, 3.4 pounds (% pound
more in 1935) per capita.
eggs and
1936 than
Pains in Pit of Stomach
Half Hour After Eating
Mrs. 0. L. Fairweather, Young's Cove,
N.B., writes:—“For many long months I
had been suffering from pains in the pit of
my stomach. About half an hour after
eating the pains would start, and despite
the many things I took I could obtain no
“A friend advised H.B.R, and after I
had taken one bottle the pains had com
pletely disappeared.’*
A product of Tho T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto,
A large number of American citizens surely rubbed their eyes
with astonishment Tuesday morning when ithey read that the
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company and Republic Steel had been
forbidden by the Governor of Ohio to reopen their plants, and that
nearly 5,000 National Guards had 'been posted around their plants
to see that they didn’t. John L Lewis had' appealed tO' Secretary
of Labor Frances Perkins as well as to tihe Governor to> .prevent
the opening, fearing, he said, that “butchery” would result.. This
appeal was endorsed by 'President Roosevelt in telegrams to the
heads of the two companies. Yet if there was to he any “butchery”
it would be because the C.I.O. strikers would resort to any methods
of violence to prevent those who do not agree with them, from go
ing to -work. IThe Youngstown and Republic presidents contend
that the majority of their workers are opposed to the strike called
by the C.I.O. affiliate, and down at Johnstown, Pa., the mayor of
that city asserts
anti-strike. Yet
Times Journal.
tihat 90 per cent, of the Bethlehem workers are
the Bethlehem plant is kept closed.—Bt. Thomas
Now “Right as Rain”
after Taking Kruschen
Read this letter from an athlete,
telling how he obtained relief from
rheumatic ipains:—■
“My knees were so stiff with a
kind of rheumatic trouble that I
could only rise from a chair with
pain and difficulty. This had been
growing worse and worse for about
two years. It was all* the more gall
ing because in my young days I had
played'for two> counties at football
and held my college record for lOO
and 200 yards. Naturally I tried
all sorts of embrocation, but with
absolutely no perceptible effect.
Then I decided to, try Kruschen
Salts, and to
lam now as
The* pains
mutism are
posits o*f uric acid in the muscles
and joints. Kruschen helps to stim
ulate the excretory organs to healthy
regular activity, and so enables them
to eliminate this excess acid, from
the sytem.
cut a long story short,
right as rain.”—W.'S.T.
and stiffness of rheu-
freqoently due to de-
All roads led to Elimville test
Wednesday noon when a large
crowd gathered to witness the mar
riage of Miss Helen Murch and Mr.
Harold Bell. The weather was per
fect. It is twenty-two years since a
slmiliar ceremony was performed in
this church on that occasion It was
the wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Har
old Pym.
Rev, A. E, Johns, Martin, Edward
and Ruth visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Johns the first of the week.
Ruth- will remain for a time.
Mr, and Mrs, Wellington .Skinner
and daughter also Mrs. Jas. Hey
wood visited at Bryanston on Sun
day. Mrs. Hubert, the latter’s mother
is quite ill with her daughter there,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Johns and fam
ily attended the McDonald picnic
held at Springbank last Thursday,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett ;$kinner and
family, Mr, and Mrs. Franklin gkin-
nei* and Beverley, Mr. and Mrs. N.
Skinnei’ and sons were in Stratford
at the Skinner reunion.
Messrs. Leslie McNaughton, Sar
nia, and A. C. Whitlock, of St.
Thomas were visitors in the vicinity
on Sunday last.
Costing 30 cents each and design
ed to replace the single 'current 16-
cent text, two new readers for .grades
seven and eight are ready for dis
tribution, but it is yet to be decided
whether or not they will be used in
local schools in the term commenc
ing ‘September 1st.
According to regulations of the
departent of education their intro
duction may be postponed a year af
ter they are issued. The books
which put a distinctly new face on
reading has none of the marks of
the usual text. ■
The lists or authors is impressive.
Among the great names of litera
ture is that of a former Londoner,
Agnes .Laut, aunt of the late Wally
Laut. Practically every class and
type of writer is mentioned. Selec
tions are taken
•Shakespeare, the
Orczy, Dickens,
Mark Twain, O.
Vincent Mallay, a former
general of Canada, Lord
The article on stagecraft
by George Arliss, English
screen star.
At the end of each lesson is a
short resume of supplementary
works which may be used to aug
ment the knowledge in the story.
W. M. S.
The W.M.S. met at the home of
Mrs, R. D. Huntei* for their June
meeting. There were seventeen
members and one visitor present.
Mrs. Sheriwood Hunter presided and
opened the meeting by repeating the
hymn “Wise Men Seeking Jesus” in
unison. The hymn “Thine Arm,, O
Lord in Days of Qld” was s’ung.
Passages of Scripture from the Gos
pel of Luke were read by Mrs. W.
Skinner, Mrs. A, Pym, Mrs. E. Johns
Mrs. Sher. Brock. ’Mrs. (Rev.) Pen
rose led in prayer. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and
adopted. The roll roll was answered
by a quotation on “Flowers.” Mrs.
Elford read the Devotional Leaflet
“The Friend of Jesus in
The fourth chapter of 1
Book was dealt with by
the Study
Mrs. S.
The meeting closed with
hymn. “When morning gilds
Skies” and the benediction. A
cent birthday tea was served at
Miss Nola isa&c and Mr. Harry
Steeper attended the HWroh Presby
tery Y, p. u. picnic on the Goderich
Summer School grounds on Sunday.Miss Helen Greer, of Sarnia, k
holidaying with her cousin. Miss Eva
Congratulations to Miss Mary Mc
Gregor, who completed her business
course successfully nt the School of
Commerce at Clinton. «
Mrs. Ernest Luther, of Crediton,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. English
on .Sunday.
Mrs. I-l. Harlton underwent an op
eration in a .London Hospital last
Tuesday. We are glad to report she is progressing favorably.
Mr, and Mrs. Murray. Heaman
family visited her brother ‘Mr.
Mrs. K. T. iSmithers on Sunday,
Several from
races at Exeter
Mrs. Sherritt
Wheatley where
ing her daughter
Miss Dorothy Belling spent the
latter part of the week
Mrs. Ray Hodgins and
O’Neil of Clandeboye.
Mrs. Jack Scott, of
visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hutchinson recently.
•Six boys from the Niagara Street
school in Toronto assisted at the
services in the United church last
Sunday by giving, three well-render
ed musical selections under the lead
ership of theii* teacher, Mr. Dawson
Woodburn. Dawson is to be con
gratulated on the fine success he has
achieved during the past three years
in winning such high musical honors
for his school both in vocal and or
chestral music.
The annual Strawberry Festival
held in the United church shed last
Wednesday evening was a decided
success in every way. Perfect weath
er, a record attendance, luxurious
strawberries and a varied program
presented by artists from Centen
nial United Church, London, Pro
ceeds $100.75.
returned from
has been visit-
Mrs. Kenneth
with Mr. and
Miss Mary
and Mrs. Gordon pollock, of
from the Bilble,
work of Baroness
Henry, :
, Goethe,
Edna St.
is written
actoi* and
Sunday School Anniversary
Last Guinday was an ideal day for
anniversaries services and this
church was well filled at both the
morning and evening services.
Rev. Johnson, of Lucan, preached
two excellent sermons which were
appreciated by the congregations.
The (Sunday School cihoir
numbers in the morning
regular choir sang two at
ing service. The .church
tily decorated .with ferns
ers. A generous offering
sang two
and the
the even-
was pret-
and flow-
ceived for the work of the
were in
the day.
A large number of
the neighborhood
Death of Mrs. Hodgins
Mrs. Laura Hodgins, wife of Ward
Hodgins, died at ner home, June 23
after six weeks’ illness. She was a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Benjamin Haskett and was born on
the first concession of Biddulph Tp.
She was a past president of the Wo.-
men’s institute and was an active
worker in Clandeboye United church
the home on Saturday to Clandeboye
United Church where the seiwice was
conducted by Rev. R. S. Johnson. In
terment in Clandeboye cemetery.
Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Morris Brenner over the week-end.
Mrs. Robt. Damm and two daugh
ters Bernice and Dora of (Granton,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt
on .Sunday also Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Statton and Mrs. Capes of Detroit.
Miss Reta Pfaff, of London, spent
Sunday with her mother Mrs.
sell Mason.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson have
ed into Mrs. England’s for the
mar. He is working for Mr. Strath
Mr. Roberts, of Listowel, has re
turned with his saddle horses for
the summer.
' Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Holt, of Park
hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Holt on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Noonan, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with Mrs. Noon
an’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Harmon
the Ladies’ Aid. Surviving are
husband; two daughters, Jean
Alice at ihome; five sons, Mur-
London; Emmrson, Montreal
Bruce, Arthur and Victor, at
The funeral was held from
W. H. Elliott, who died at the
residence of his sister in London in
his 89 th year was laid to rest re
cently in St. James’ Cemetery, Clan
deboye. Rev. James Finlay, of the
Robin/son (Memorial Church, officia
ted, assisted (by Rev. J. J. Brown, of
Lucan. Pallbearers were: W. L.
Gi/bson, Joseph Murray, Victor Snell
S. C. Chown, William Downin
Myron Culbert.
Stanley Doherty, Blyth, was killed
when the truck he was driving col
lided with a car driven by Dr. Wm.
Fowler, of Lucknow, at an intersec
tion on the county road to Kinlough,
Donald X>ynn, a passenger with
Doherty, suffered back and leg in
juries, but Dr. Fowler was uninjured
night, was ordered. Two of the boys, one a 15-
an 80-year-old father, was sent to the Observa-
Some good folk are disposed to sim)irk a bit when a Juvenile
Court Judge sentences an offender to spanking. All such will do
well to read the following clipping from the London Free Press.
We are the real friends of youth in making this request. We may
add that unless parents do a thorough job in carrying out a court
sentence that there are regular officers who will do so.
London, Ont.—If boys can sit down after a spanking then they
haven’t been spanked properly, Juvenile Judge Donald Menziies told
a mother. The woimlan said she had punished her boy, but admit
ted he was able to cit down right afterward.
Her son was one of nine charged with breaking and entering
the National Grocers’ warehouse and removing a quantity of goods.
Other damage wias done to the property when the boy,s threw can-
nedgoods down drains.
Five of the boys appeared earlier in the week when the court
learned four others were Included in the gang which took the gro
ceries, carried them to the roof and went back when they became
Strict supervision over the boys, who imust be off the streets
after 7 o’clock at
year-old lad
tion ihome.
The Thorndale Continuation and
Public 'Schools have re-engaged all
their staff of the past 'term, except
the principal of the Continuation
School. (This position was left va
cant on the resignation of Miss L.
Jones. Albert C. Rowe, of Zurich,
has accepted the position of principal
for the ensuing term. Mr.
comes highly recommended,
taught some eight years in
County, two years in Public
work and six years in the
Continuation School.
at leisure from itself prevents many a physical distress.
This is what Dr. Connelly, Kingston, bold his brother practitioners
the other day:
Ottawa—Pains in the region of the heart resulting rrom men
tal conditions, and psyhotherapy as a means of impr'oving condition
of persons suffering from high blood presssure were described be-
’fore the joint convention of the Canadian and Ontario Medical As
Dr. W. Ford Connell of Kingston, <Ont„ told the medical sec
tion of the convention it was a common clinical experience to find
the ‘‘most anxious patient with the most obvious pain0 was suffer
ing from organic heart trouble, and was “in no danger whatever
of dying.”
Oh the other hand, he said, a patient sutfering trifling symp
tom “to which he might be indifferent” was found frequently to
have angina pectoris, a dangerous disease,
Dr. Connell said almost one-third of 166 patients he examined
who complained of pain tin the region of the heart had no discover
able form of organic heart disease, and that no organic cause could
be found for their pain. Nevertheless, he declared, their pain was
not imaginary, It was of psychogenic Origin, real, but caused by
conditions of the mind.
A mind
The first six months of 1937 have
produced two-thirds of what is usu
ally considered to be the normal
yearly rainfall .for this district. (Lon
don airport weather bureau officials
said. While exact figures were not
available, it was declared that ap
proximately 22 r 23 inches of
have been recorded in London
Many .farmers considered
already there has been enough mois
ture to assure good yields in several
major crops, particularly hay and
winter wheat. The total rainfall
for the year was given a big boost
during April when six inches fell in
a single week..
All wild raspberry and blackberry
bushes growing in the vicinity of
raspberry plantations should bo des
troyed because they hairbour various
insect pests and serve as a source of