HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-07-01, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JULY 1087
Mi's1,' Bhaziery of Londou, is visit
ing Jj-er. daughter Mrs, Dr. .Steer.
Mrs. James Berry,, of Brucefield,.
yisitiqg with Mrs, Thos. Berry.
. Mr, and Mrs. E. Fines, of Clinton
were, yisiting friends in the village
last week.
Mr, William McMartin, of De
troit, is visiting with his father Mr.
Robt. McMartin.
Miss Mary Little, of London, spent the week-end here with ljier
mother Mrs. Holland Little.
? Mr, and Mrs, John Elder and son
Lome left on Tuesday on a motoi'
trip to Kingsville and other points.
Mr, and Mrs, John Manson aud
son Boyd, Q'f Galt were visitors last
week with Mrs. william Sangster.
Mrs. John Parke was a recent
visitor with her son and wife Mr
and Mrs. Clarence Parke, of Zurich.
Miss Marion Sinclair, of Toronto,
visited over the week-end
parents Rev. Arthur and
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart
and children, of Listowel, ■
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C.
M.r. George Ingram, of Oregon,
Mich., is visiting with his sister
Mrs. Robt. Paterson, fir. and other
Mr. ’Lome Elder, of Druimmond-
ville, Quebec, is spending his vaca
tion with his parents Mr. and
John Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, of
ton, ’Mich., visited last week
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett and oth
er relatives.
Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her .mother
Mrs. A. Scruton and sister Miss Mil
dred iScruton.
Mr. John Verbeem, accompanied
by Mr, 'Clarence Reid and Miss Iva
Allen, were week-end visitors with
Toronto relatives,
Mr. Charles Jinks, while working
in his machine shop recently .had the
misfortune to have one of his fing
ers badly jammed.
Mrs. Geo. Laughton and Paul, of
Toronto, are visiting with Mrs.
Laughton’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McDonnell.
Miss Edna Butt, of
visiting with her relatives Mrs.
Dinsdale, Mrs, John Murdock
Mrs. Hannah Taylor.
Mr. and' Mrs. Ray Pfaff and
daughter and Mrs. Pfaff’s
Mrs. Brandy, of Delhi visited
Sunday with Mrs. Alice Pfaff.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Foster spent
the week-end in Toronto the guests
of Mr. Foster’s sister and her hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hart.
The Wohelo Class, of the United
church held their annual picnic at
Barfield on Wednesday last. A very
pleasant afternopn was spent.
■M,r. Stevens, of La pass, Man., ac
companied by has sister, Miss Stev
ens, of Kenton,
here last week
TLe Hensall
team defeated the Exeter team on
Exeter diamond on Friday evening
by a score of 14 to 4. A good crowd
witnessed the game.
There are 16 students writing on*
the entrance examinations being
held here this week, Mr. Robert J.
Moore, principal of the Hensall Con-
tinuatiQn school is in charge.
D.r. and Mrs. Spellman and two
children and the doctor’s mother
Mrs. iSpellman, all of Kitchener,
were Sunday visitors with friends
and relatives in Hensall and dist
At the bowling tournament at
Seaforth, on Wednesday last a Hen
sail rink, Dr. A. J, M.cTaggart and W.
O. Goodwin won 2nd prize, four
wins plus 29.
Mr. Neil McNeil who recently se
cured a good position here as tin
smith with Bonthron & Drysdale,
spent the week-end with his family
at Thorndale.
Mr. Kenneth Manns left on Wed
nesday for MuSkoka, where he has
a good position for the summer
months at Bigwin Inn. He held
same position, very satisfactory
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Soldan,
and Mrs. William Soldan and child
ren, Mr. Allan Soldan and Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Moir, attended the Sol-
dan reunion held at Port Huron on
Mr. Wilson Carlisle was in Tor
onto several days last week attend
ing Grand Lodge, being held at the
Royal York Hotel. He was accom
panied by Mrs. Carlisle and Mr. and
Mrs. Walker Carlisle.
Mr. arid Mrs. William Harding, of
London, spent iSunday with rela
tives. MrJ Harding’s mother, Mrs.
with her
Mrs. Sin-
were Sun-
Toronto, is
Man., were visitors
with Miss Minnie
Juvenile baseball
JUSIT as predicted, egg prices
are on their way up.
To profit from that fact, you
need chicks from stock noted
for rapid growth and early lay
ing . . . Bray’s Xtra * Profit
stock. We still have them, al
though tlie end of the hatch
ing season is drawing near.
Also'limited riumbef of start
ed pullets, some ready to lay
by early August.
Don’t delay any longer. Get in
touch .with,' up right away,
Fred w. BRAY Limited
Phone 240
J. B. Harding,' whd has been visit*
ipg> here tori several .weeks-yetumed
to' London with them,
The examinations at the Hensall
Public and Continuation. Schools
concluded On Wednesday and ‘the
schools closed for the summer holi
days . and will re-open for the fall
term .on September 1st.
Moving pictures of the Coronation
in sound and natural color were put
on in the United church on Monday
evening by Mr. William Robertson,
of London, The pictures were good
and were very interesting to the
large and appreciative audience pre-
Messrs, Gladman & Stanbury have
moved their law offices across the
street to the building belonging to
the Murdock estate, just east of
Twitchell’s Garage, which they have
nicely fixed up for a law office. The
building they vacated has been rent
ed by the Hensall Utilities Commis
Mr. Robt. J, Moore, principal and
Miss Irene Douglas assistant of the
Continuation' school, Mr. Claude
Blowes, principal, and Miss Mattie
Ellis and Miss Beryl Pfaff assistant
teachers of the public school have all
been re-engaged for next year. The
Hensall schools are fortunate in be
ing able to retain the services of
these teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe,
who for a number of years have
been living at Guelph where Mr.
Smallacombe has been employed as
a guard at the Provincial Prison
farm, have moved back to Hensall
and .have now got nicely settled in
the home they recently' rented from
Mrs. Robt. Eacrett.
Masons Elect Officers
The following officers were elect
ed for 1937 at a meeting held on
Thursday evening by Huron Masonic
Lodge 224, Hensall. W.M., E. -L.
Mickle; I. P. M., R. J. Cooper; S. W.,
J. P. Bowey; J.W., E. D. Kyle; C.,
T. Chapman; Treasurer, J, W. Bon-
thron; ’Secretary, WT. O. Goodwin;
S. D„ A. C. Robertson; J,- D., A. H.
Hyde; J. Q., J. G. Smillie; S. S.,
J. H. Upshall; J. S., Geo. Thompson;
Tyler, James Priest.
Liberals Meet
At the annual meeting of the
Liberals of the ridings of Huron-
Perth and Huron as constituted for
both Federal and Provincial purpos
es held here on Thursday afternoon
last all the old officers Were re-el
ected for this year. Mi*. Thomas
Dickson, of Hensall, was appointed
•an honorary president. Dr. fihaw
acted as chairman. The: speakers
of the afternoon were Norman Mc
Larty, B.|A., K.C., Federal member
for Essex West; Harold Kirby, Lib
eral Whip and M.L.A., of the Toron
to Provincial Riding of Egling’ton;
W. H.to Golding, M.P., Huron-Perth,
and James Ballantyne, M.’L.A., for
Huron, each making interesting ad
dresses. A motion of confidence in
Premier McKenzie King and Mitchell
Hepburn was passed. There was
just a fair attendance.
Successful Strawberry Festival
There was a large crowd at the
strawberry festival held in the Pres
byterian church on Friday evening,
last under the auspices of the
Ladies’ Aid, the supper was served
‘in the school room of the church
after which a splendid out-door pro
gramme was enjoyed with Rev Mr.
Young acting as chairmair: several
selections by the Mustard Orchestra,
readings by Rev. Mr. Hill, of Ex
eter; violin solO’, by John Love, Jr.;
solo, Rev. Mr. Young; several sel
ections iby the Love Orchestra; sel
ection by male quartette, Wm. Mc
Laren, R. Y. McLaren, James Ben-
gougih and Orville Taylor; piano
duet, Mrs. A. Dougal and daughter
Margaret,^ after which all sang G-od
Save the King.
Honor Bride-Elect
The Wohelo class of the .United
Church held their monthly meeting
on Friday evening in the basement
of the church with an attendance ot
some 25 members. Mr., Ian Filshie
presided. At the conclusion of the
devotional and opening exercises
Miss Helen Glenn gave a piano solo,
“Little Old Lady” and an interest
ing reading “That Little Boy’’ was
given by Miss Katherine Drysdale.
Following the closing exercise con
tests were enjoyed presided over by
Mr. Edison Forrest. During lunch
Miss Gladys Saundercocto bride-elect
of this week was presented with a
beautiful decorated box containing
a half dozen plates, cups and saucers
The presentation was made by Miss
Helen Glenn and the address read by
Ian Filshie. Although taken by sur
prise Miss Saundercock thanked the
members of the class for their kind
ness ta her.
Following is the address:
Dear Gladys,—
We regret very much that the
change you are making in your life
will man the severance of your con
nection With our Wohelo class, but
trust, youi will visit us when chance
permits. W e appreciate'the fact that
you were always present and ready
to help if at all possible, arid we hope
that thi& small gift will remind you
of our continued interest in your
welfare. Our sincere wish is that
God may bless you and make you a
besSing and that you may have last
ing happiness and prosperity,
Sincerely, the Wohelo ■
Ian Filshie, Pres., Lettie Love,
•Secretary. \ \
Vei’beeiif^jaW '
4 qui^f’jbvt pretty'w'^difinf’wok
place oh Saturday aftetnpon at i.30
at the home of the bride’s parents,
M.r, arid Mrs. GeOrge .DlCkt, Of Hay
Township, when their second young*
est daughter Jessie Lillian, was un
ited' in To John; Verbeem,
eldest son of Mr, and Mta. Leonard
Verbeem, of Thamesville, Rev. W.
A/ Young, pastor of Carmel Presby
terian church, performed the cere
mony which took place under an
arch of peonies. The bride was
given in mari’iagte by her father and
looked charming in a gown of white
chiffon and carried a bouquet of
phonies. The bridesmaid was Miss
Sarah Harburn, of Cromarty, who.
was gowned in a pink taffeta and
carried a bouquet of peonies, (The
groomsman was Edwin Dick, broth
er of the bride. Only the immediate
members of
sent, After
sat down to
table being
bride’s cake.
the bridesmaid was a perfume ato
mizer and to the best man a cigar
ette lighter. Later the same day
they left on a motor trip to the
'States, the bride travelling in a
pink crepe dress with white coat
and accessories to match. On their
return they will reside in Hay. Twp.
Mr. and Mrs. Verbeem have the best
wishes of their many friends.
the family were pre-
the ceremony they all
a wedding dinner, the
decorated with the
The groom’s gift to
Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, C. Petty cele
brated their 60th wedding anniver
sary on Tuesday spending the
day with their daughter and her
huisband Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Smith of
St." Marys. They leceived a great
many letters, cards, telephone and
telegraph messages of congratulation
from relatives and friends at a dis
tance and the warm congratulations
of their many friends here. As they
were honored at the 60th Jubilee
Anniversary services of the St Paul’s
Anglican Church here, recently they
chose not to have any further cele
bration as Mrs. petty who is 82 years
of age is not as well a.s usual. Mrs.
Pettty before her marriage was Miss
Hannah Dinsdale, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinsdale of
Stanley township and was married
to Mr, Petty on 28th of June 1(877
by Rev.
came to
60 years
the meat
and later built the Petty block on
King St. After disposing of his
meat business he became interested
in the grain and produce business.
He was Hensail’s
in that capacity
years and served
County Warden,
municipal life two years ago.
Was very active in politics being a
staunch Conservative and for years
was 'Sec’y-Treas. of the South' Hur
on Conservative Association. He
also took a great interest in frater
nal societies, being a chartered
member of the Hensall Oddfellows
Lodge also a prominent Mason and
Orangeman. Mr. Petty was one of
the first members of St. Paul’s Ang
lican church and filled the position
of Warden of the chuirch for many
years and with Mrs. Petty has been
always greatly interested in the
work of the church. They had six
daughters and one son. Their son
Hanson Petty lost his life in the
Great War. A daughter Gertrude
served as a nurse overseas and died
later through an illness caused by
war service, another daughter, Mil
licent died a few years later. The
surviving members of the family are
Mrs. Lome Scott, of Toronto; Mrs.
Abbott, of Detroit; Mrs. Kennedy,
of Winnipeg and Mrs. (Dr.) George
Smith, of St. Marys. .Mr. petty is
one of the largest real estate own
ers in the village and is engaged
most of the time in improving his
properties. For his age he is very
active and till lately Mrs. Petty .has
been in good health, and the earnest
wish of their many friends is that
they will be spared for many years
yet to enjoy the fruits of a
spent life.
Mr. Tyler, of Kippen and
Hensall to reside and for
have been highly respected
Mr. Petty was engaged in
business first on Queen St.
first reeve serving
for a number of
one year as Huron
He retired from
Miss Minerva Moore, of London,
has been the guest of her sister Mrs.
F. Pridham.
Mr. Wm, Lovegrove, of London.
University has been successful in
passing all his examinations and has
obtained a B standing.
Miss Gladys Shier, of Kirkton,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Chatten.
1 Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Lovegrove and
family leave Wednesday of this week
for their new appointment at Turan
about seventy miles south-west of
here, Mr. Lovegrove was to have
gone to Nile but a change has been
made and he has been urged to go
there instead.
Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Anderson, of
Washington and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
rSquire spent Sunday last at the home
and Mrs, Laverne Stone, of Kirkton.
: The induction service for our new
.minister, Rev. Mr. Laing, will be
held Friday evening of this week.
The Mission Band met last Sun
day afternoon in the basement of
Rev, Mr. Lovegrove officiated at
■a wedding in Hamilton on Saturday
and Mrs. George Cook
, of London, visited with
and Mrs. B. Cook on Sunday.
Mrs. John lalnot ana daughter
Joan, of Grand Valley, are visiting
with the former’s brother, Mr*.
Mrs. Harris West.
. Mr, and Mrs. E. Thompson
■Marjorie, of Loftdon, visited
Sunday with Mrs. W. Parsosn.
! Mr, and Mrs. George squires, of
■Granton and Mr. Henry (Squires, of
fexeter, visited oil Monday of this
week with Mr. and Mrs. John Brock.
iMr, and Mrs. John ESsery, Mrs, B.
Hicks and family attended a picnic
at Mr. Jas. Hofhe’s oh Saturday.
Dr; W. D.'lfcyce, L.D.S.; D*D.S.
At office in Hurtleib ^ilock, pash-
wood, first three days pf weelr and
at office over the Post Office, in Zu
rich, last three days of week,
DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc,
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone 96 Zurich, Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Messner and
Miss Ida, of Peace River, are visit
ing in this vicinity. The former is a
son o'f Mr. Paul Messner, a formeT1
resident o'f this community,
Decoration Day services will be
held on the Goshen Line cemetery
on July 11th, namely the second
Sunday in July,
Mrs. P. Mclsaac, Miss Wm. Klein-
stiver and Ruth, Mrs, S. Smith and
Mr. E. G. Kraft attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. Hitchkiss in Detroit on Friday. " t
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bender
were Sunday visitors in London.
Rev, T. Luft attended special ser
vice in Elmira last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Calt'as and
family, of Sarnia, were Sunday vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs. V. Schatz.
Mr. and Mrs, A- E. Oestricher and
family and Miss jean Weber attend
ed the Tattoo in Waterloo on Satur
Rev. H. E. Roppel will attend an
niversary services in Wallace on
Mrs, Roppel will officiate here on
Sunday morning and Rev. Laughlin,
of Toronto in the evening.
Miss Oneida Restem eyer, of
don, visited,, with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Ailed
Loudon, are spending two
vacation with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. John Bender.
E. Tieman & Son had a very busy
day on Monday handling over 1,600
boxes of strawberries. They also
opened up a grocery store and but
cher shop at Grand Bend this week.
Mr. Leslie Goetz, of Chicago, is
spending his vacation with his
brother Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goetz.
Mr. Harry Snell, of London, visit
ed with friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb
ily and Mr. Roy Neeb, of
Mich, are spending their
With his mother Mrs. Mary ... ...
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Toman and
family, of New Dundee, spent the
week-end with Mrs. Weber.
Mrs. Leah Toman, of New Dundee
and Mr. Dan Kercher, of
are spending a few weeks
sister Mrs. J. Weber.
Miss Grace Kellerman,
to, spent the week-end
father and brother on the 16th
Miss Verna Birk, of Guelph,
ed on friends here on Monday
attending the Strawberry Festival.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, of Lon
don were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. R, Baker,
Miss Laura Farquhar, of Dorches
ter, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A.
E. Oestricher.
The Ladies’ Aid o'f the ‘Lutheran
Church held a social evening in the
basement of the church last Wednes
day evening.
A very successful Strawberry Fes
tival was held on the lawn of the
Evangelical church on Monday night
under the joint auspices of the La
dies’ Aid, the choir and the Henrich
Memorial band. During the supper
music was furnished by the band.
Rev. H. E. Roppel acted as chairman
for the program pir.esente'd in the
church auditorium, The proceeds
amounted to $75.00.
Coronation Singer Receives Medal
Mr. Harry Hoffman has recently
received a beautiful silver Corona
tion Medal jfrom the office of the
High Commissioner or Canada, who
in turn received it from the Keeper
of the Privy Purse. It was accom
panied by a presentation form bear
ing the royal insignia, stating it is
to be worn in commemoration
Their Majesties Coronation,
May, 1937.
Faulhafer, of
and fam-
with their
of Toron-
with her
. of
Miss C. Hill, of Detroit, called on
friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ash and Fran
ces Ahn spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever. Mrs.
Ash and Frances Ann are holiday
ing here for two weeks.
Miss Josie Glavin, of London,
yisited a few days with her sister
Mrs. M. Regan.
Mr., and Mrs. - Joe Regier and
family accompanied by Miss Margar
et Hogan spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred Ducharme at Chat
Mr. and Mrs. Geromette and Nor
man spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Denomme of St. Josephs.
Don’t forget tile Old Boys’ Reun
ion Saturday, Sunday and Monday
July 3rd, 4th and Sth.
Mr. and Mrs. A. McCann and
family spent Sunday with Miss Mary
McCann at Kitchener and with Other
friends in Preston.
and Mrs. Jake Messner
Miss Ida Messner, WhOi
visiting here from Berwyn, Alberta,
spent Wednesday with theii’ aunt
and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz
land cousins Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Wein and Mr. Dan Truemner.
Mr. Eldon Merrier has been con
fined to his home through illness
the past week.
Mr. arid Mrs. Stuart Kuhn and
babe, of Baden, spent the Week-end
with their parents Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Cliff and daugh
ter are visiting with relatives
Renew I
— — ...A.....................................—..i.SgJ. - ■ • _________________•
. .... ...J 1! • A.« 'I'.' •t.'.'-.i.iiM - ,-..7. : I. ;.J .... lf. „ ( ..p,
PEACH JAM, 32 oz jar ....................
LYNN VALLEY PEARS ................
HOME RENDERED LARD ..............
WALKER’S SODAS ................
Picnic Plates ............................... per doz. 9c.
Wonderful Laundry Soap... 7 bars for 25c.
Calay Toilet Soap...............4 cakes for 17c.
No. 1—new Potatoes
Large Watermelons ...
Oranges, per dozen ...
7 lbs, for 25c.
.......each 75c.
Phone 102 ROLLIES' GROCERY We Deliv er
The Anglican Sunday School held
a good
An induction service for the Rev.
D. J. Gladman, B.A., will be held in their annual school picnic at
the United Church Friday evening'1-1 ~ j
at 8 p.m. Rev. A. Sinclair of Hen
sall, and Rev. J. B. Moore, of Grand
Bend, will have charge of the ser
Miss Clarissa Hill, of Detroit, was
a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
M. Faist over the week-end.
The directors of the Hay Town
ship Fire Insurance Co. held a meet
ing at Grand Bend on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber spent
Sunday at Grand Bend.
Don’t, forget the Evangelical Sun
day School picnic at Grand Bend on
July 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koeltzow
who have been visiting in this dis
trict have returned to their home in
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kerr and Mrs.
Aljoe Culibert spent a lew days
in Detroit and Plymouth, Ohio.
Mrs. Geo. Hunter, of Exeter, spent
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Welling
Bend Saturday. All report
Miss Marion Hazelwood,
called on friends Saturday in
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis, Lome,
Miss Isabelle Gray and Mr, Malcolm
Howe were Sunday visitors with
M. Gray, Millbank.
•of the farmers have com-
haying ’and with the recent
the root crop, ha|y and fall
theBrock. Mrs. H. Kyle spent
with friends.
The Missionary Committee
Evangelical Sunday School
the convenorship of Mr. Henry
Mrs. J.
wheat are promising a good crop.
Mr. and Mrs. Pollen and daughter
of London, spent Sunday with Mr. J.
Miss Estelle Cole and Mr. Allen
McDonald, of Stratford, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Francis this
Mr. and
forth were
A. Tufts.
Mr. and
Miss Betty
the week-end
Mrs. Gammond, of
Sunday guests with
Fahrner presented a programme at
last Sunday mornings Sunday School
session. Miss Ella Morlock read the
Scripture lesson. A missionary
story was given by Miss Norma Fah-
rner. Miss Doris Wuerth
“Jesus was a child like me.”
Evangelical Ladies’ Aid
The meeting of the Ladies’
and W. M, S. was held at the home
of Mrs, Ezra Faist. The president
took charge of the Devotional exer
cises. The .roll was called when 21
responded with a Bible verse. The
Society reported 12 calls, Id sick vis
its, >16 treats 3 cards and 3 bouquets,
the final
which is to
the rest of
acted Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner took the
chair and opened the program with
a hymn. The chapter of the study
book was given by Mrs. M. Faist; an
instrumental by Mrs. E. K. Fahner
and Mrs. Emery Fahrner. The meet
ing was closed with song and pray
er. A vote of thanks to the hostess
and all committees in charge was
the home
arrangements for the
■Social were arranged
be on June 30th. After
the business was trans-
A number from this community
attended the anniversary services at
Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Follick
Wednesday evening
Mrs. E. Hern.
The Zion Mission
at the home of Mrs.
next meeting will be held
church on Friday July 9th.
Mr. Clayton Cornish had
fortune to have his nose
while playing ball at Elimville on
Tuesday evening.
The Earl picnic vvas held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. James Earl on
Wednesday evening. A very enjoy
able time was spent, The weather
Was ideal and a large crowd attend
The Thompson reunion was held
on Friday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Supper
was served on the lawn after which
the sport committee took charge of
sports. (The sports were as follows:
Three and under, Helen Foster,
Ilene Rogers; seven years, Marion
Stephenson Dorothy Thompson; ten
years. Lois Knox, Gordon Foster;’ — - Jjern Billy
G. Thompson
Mrs. Gordon
race, Harold
Partner rhee
with Mr.
andMrs. Ernie Doupe
Grimes, of London, spent
with Mr. Wilfred
Held Family Reunion
family of the late Robert
.held their annual picnic at
of Mr. Wilfred Doupe last
guests were present
London, Mitchell
Mrs. Wm. Watson’'has returned
home from a three week’s visit in
Battle Creek, Mich.
Miss Reta Lewis, of Hamilton, has
returned to work after spending a
week with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoner, of
Arkona, spent Saturday, with her
sister Ilene and brother Everard
Mrs. Martin Watson spent
week-end with hei’ sister Miss
dine, of London.
Martin Watson is spending
week in camp at Thedford.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgson at
tended the Turner picnie at Grand
Bend on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. ROy Watson and babe
cf Exeter, spent Sunday with his
mother Mrs. Lin. Craven. ,
A good crowd was out to enjoy
the Temperance speaker, Mr. Hamil
ton from Galt on Sunday.
was held
Earl. The
. in the
the mis
Thirteen years Hazel
Jones; young ladies race,
Hern, Florence Thompson;
men, Lloyd Thompson,
married women’s race,
Jones; married men’s
Hern, Orville Rogers;
Mrs. E. Hern and Orville Rogers.
The sports were followed by a busi
ness meeting. The president Mr. E.
Hern took charge of the meeting.
The president for next year is Mrs.
Percy Foster. The picnic next year
will be held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome*
Theodore Dieterich and
eon visited on Sunday
in Union.
the new pastor
vice in the United Church,
Mrs. Jones, of Crediton visited
last week with relatives here.
Melvin Gaiser and Roy Clarke
are trying their entrance examina
tions in Dashwood this week.
Mrs. Ross McKenzie and Miss M.
McKenzie, of Windsor, Visited over
the week-end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Finkbemer.
Mrs. Herb Harlton whs rushed to
Victoria Hospital on dVfonday last
for an operation. Latest reports are
that she is getting along as well as
can be expected* ■.
The regular ^maetirig'of the Ladies
Aid will be held at the home of Mrs.
Milton Ratz Wednesday evening
July 7th.
Next Sunday July 4th Rev. Glad
man will be in charge of the service
at the United church at 10.30 a.m.
The regular meeting Of the Ladies
Aid will be held July 7th in the ev-
Dietrich Mr.
Miss Ila Ma-
with friends
Sunday being Missionary
special instruction will be
Sunday Rev. D. Gladman,
will conduct the ser-
’’Darling, iVs over a months since
baby was born. Haven’t you told the
registrar yet?”'
“No, He only lives two streets
away, and he won’t need to be told/*
’ening at the home of Mrs. A. Fink
The Strawberry Social which was
held last Friday evening was a suc
cess. The program was well enjoyed
by all present.
The many friends of Mrs, H. Harl-
ton are glad to know she is getting
along so well after her operation at
Victoria Hospital, London and is ex
pected to return to her home next
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner
and family attended the funeral of
Mr. Andrew Hodson at Ailsa Craig
on Saturday.
Mrs. Ross McKenzie and son. Jim
form Walkerville spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Finkbeiner. Miss Mary Margaret Mc
Kenzie returned home with them
after a few weeks visit here.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koeltzow,
of Detroit, visited with relatives
here last week.
Mr. Arthur Gaiser attended the
strawberry social at Tavistock last
Friday evening being a member of
the Crediton orchestra.
Mrs. W. Jones, of Crediton spent
the week-end with her sister Mrs.
Thos. Keyes.
Gertrude Ratz, Melvin Gaiser., R.
Clark are writing their entrance ex
aminations at Dashwood this week,
Mrs. Sam. .Schroeder, of Saskatoon
has been visiting with relatives here.
The report of the June promotion
examinations for S. S. No. 3, Step
hen are as follows:
Jr. IV to Sr. IV.—’Shirley Presz-
cator 77.
(Sr. Ill to Jr. IV.—Winston Shap-
ton 82, Doris Hill 69.
Jr. Ill to Sr. III.—Bobby Parsons
80, Doris Penhale 79, Jack Muir 7.2.
Jr. Ill—'Donald Dearing, Betty
Perkins, Kenneth Preszcator, Lome
II.—(Harold Glanville, Edward
Perkins, . Wilmer Preszcator. Pro
moted to II. Class last April: Phyllis
Preszcator, Doreen Triebner, Don
ald Jory.
Sr. 1—(Howard Perkins.
Primer to Jr. I>—Helen Shapton
82, Eveleen Hill 81, Thelma presz-
cator 77.6, Bruce Shapton 77, Lor- •
raine Preszcator 74, Frank Glan
ville 74.
Perfect attendance for the year
Jack Muir; best home garden, Don
ald Dearing; number on roll 27, av
erage attendance for June 26.25.
Hazel Smillie, Teacher
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The Exeter Creamery will observe the
Wednesday Half Holiday.
The office Will close at 12*30
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