HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-06-17, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, JUNE ITtli, J93T
Aged Resident Dies
Mr. Z. Jeffery, of Drysdale pass
ed away at the home of his son Geo.
an Saturday, after a lingering ill*
ness, as he obtained the age of 92
years.. He was the oldest pioneer
settler in the district. A yery bright
and cheerful old man for his age,
and enjoyed very mu/jli in remines-
cing of years gone by. The funeral
was held on Monday to St. Peter’s
R. C, Church with Rev. Fr. Brisson
of .St. Peter’s Seminary, London,
•conducting the services. The chil
dren of the deceased who reside in
this district are: John of the 14th
con, Hay; Frank, Arthur and Mrs.
Gilbert Plante, of Goderich; Mrs.
Regis Denomme, Mrs, David Du
charme and Mrs. Joseph Ducharme,
of Hay Township and Mrs, Edward
Brisson, of Drysdale.
C. N. R. Engineer James Norwood
of .Sarnia who has been at the throt
tle of the passenger train which, plies
between Sarnia and Stratford thro'
St. Marys, for the past ten years or
more, retired on Saturday night af
ter forty-five years on the railroad.
Ah .his friends waited at the Sarnia
station with a band and plans for
a big celebration Mr. Norwood was
making his last run from St. Marys
—a run which he was not destined
to complete witlxbut one last twist
■of fate intervening. Just as his train
was approaching the Sarnia City
limits the engine struck a broken
rail and as a result the train was
wrecked, two exfpress cars, mail and
baggage car were overturned but
passenger coach remained upright.
Four persons were treated for minor
injuries. Mr. Norwood has been in
charge of the Sarnia to Stratford
passenger train on several occasions
when fatal accidents have occurred
near St. Marys.—St. Mary Journal-
Sir Robert Laird Borden, distin
guished statesman and prime minis*
ter of Canada throughout the Great
War died on Thursday. He would
haye been. 83 years old on June 261
Bedridden for more than a month
when he suffered a heart attack,
Sir Robert made a gallant fight.
Right Honorable ,Sir Robert Laird
Borden, K.C., ex-M.P., K.C., M.G.,
P.C., D.C.'L., L.L.D., was Canada’s
wartime prime minister, a distinc
tion that brought with it burdens of
statesmanship greater than had been
borne by any of his -predecessors,
burdens that did not cease with the
end of the war but were carried into
the reconstruction period,
Sii’ Robert was |prime minister
from October 6, 19’11, until July 10,
1920, when he resigned on account
, of ill health, and was. succeeded by
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen.
Sir Robert had been leader of the
Conservative party for more than 19
years, his appointment dating from
February 6, 1901, when at R. L.
Borden M.P., he succeeded the late
Sir Charles Tupper.
He was a native of Nova Scotia.
A vote of thanks and apprecia
tion for the work being done by Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, choir lead
er and organist, was moved by Miss
Ruth Thompson. This was heartily
endorsed by every member of the
choir present.
The choir of Northside United
Church, Seaforth, took the oppor
tunity of surprising and honoring
Miss Maybelle Rands, one of their
faithful members, prior to her leav
ing town to make her home in a new
locality. Dr Burrows spoke on be-,
.half of the choir. The presentation'
of a silver cream and sugar and
tray was made by Miss Ruth
Thompson. Miss Rands thanked the
choir for the gift and good wishes.
Employees, as well as employers, find many good
uses for their bank. Men and women whose sole
or principal income is from salary or wages con
stitute the large majority of the customers of the
Bank of Montreal. They use a wide variety of the
Bank’s services as, for example:
Personal chequing accounts; savings accounts;
personal loans; banking by mail; safekeeping of
valuables such as bonds, stock certificates, deeds,
insurance policies and jewellery; letters of credit to
supply funds as needed when travelling; money
orders and travellers cheques.
•2 • • outcome of 119 years’ successful operation
Exeter Branch: W. H. MOISE, Manager
M K.
And now, wax’ on weed3.
****** */ *
The .lilacs did their stuff.
♦ *.****•♦
The dook isn’t even noos.
Just a few more showers, Brother Jupiter Pluvius!
****** **
Saw some potatoes in bloom early this week.
And how fine the garden looks after that first hoein’I
**** ****
Well, they’re married, and that’s about all we can say,
How quietly Britiain changed from one Prime Minister to an
And the spirea and the snowballs. And now for those fine
*♦• •*• * •
the x'adio announcers,neither Madrid nor Bilbao have
•** ** * *
We see
no teeth.
now that the League of Nations failed because it had
*** *«* * *
And the strawberries came out in fine blossom. By the way,
where’s that Jersey cream!
We met a newly-fledged medical graduate the other day. He
looked at us as if he wished that we had appendicitis.
A dry -May and a dripping June
Makes the farmer whistle a merry tune.
Now that the lilacs and simil-iar plants have done their stuff
for this year, why should we not give them a good start next year?
Getting one’s degree from a University is considerable of an
achievement. Seeing that one’s degree and what it represents wins
a living fox’ its possessor* and enables him to give real service to his
generation is another a.nd even a more difficult accomplishment.
We have just heard of a workingman in one of our large cities
who was laid off work because of seasonal 'unemployment. When
word came that men should report for duty, he was told that this
job had been given to another workman. He was told that he was
too old for his job. He was just 43 and a good average workman.
A good deal of water .lias flown over the dam* since crop pros
pects were bettex* than -they are this moment. Fall wheat is looking
very well. Cereals are, if anything, above a high average in growth
and colour. Corn is well through the ground and .has come up
evenly. Some mangles have been scuffled and thinned. Gardexx
stuff is looking well. Pastures that suffered somewhat from early
grazing have picked up, owing to frequent showers. Meadows have
improved quite unexpectedly. Apple trees .have blossomed prolif-
ically. Small fruits are making a good showing.
Guerinica is a city ovei' there in Europe where the war lords
are up to their tricks. One party .made up its mind to drop a few
bombs oxx that defenceless city, following this up with a scarifying
of the city by machine gunfire from the air. All of this was work
that fox' downright evil must have caused satan to have turned
green with envy. (Such foul behaviox’ was not instigated by him,
■but by men who do things that he never thought of. Well, what
those bombers did to Guerinica, folk like them are eagex- to do to
London and Edinburgh and New York. And there is but little
reason why they should not carry, out their intentions. They would
have done so long ago had some well-meaning pepole had their way.
There is nothing but eternal vigilance to hold those bombers and
that machine gun fire in check.
******** .
“Are you not taking long chances in these difficult days in
sending your son out to do the buying?” we inquired ef the head
of a big Western Ontario firm. And by the way, the head of this
unusually successful firm is about the shrewdest buyer we know
anything about. When we quizzed him he replied. “When I started
in to do the buying, I made some blunders. I have told nxy boy
about my mistakes. He has been in the store with me foi' foui’
years since he left the University. I told him two years ago that
I was going to send him out to try his teeth on tlie market and to
get ready. He’ll make mistakes, ibut I’d make mistakes if I were
doing the buying. I have observed that most men who fail in busi
ness, fail because they are not good buyers. “You learn to buy by
buying on the market.”
Every praise should be given those who are making surveys
of tlxe rivers and larger streams of Ontario with the object of pre
venting drouth and flood conditions. Every such step is a move
in the,right direction. Anyone familiar with areas devastated by
the drouth of the past seasons and 'who has noted the damage
wrought by last Spring’s flood knows the damage drouth and flood
Yet tlxe real danger lies in Old Ontario with the unregulated
waterflow of the smallex' streams. Should farmers be put into the
position of planting these streams thick with willows and similiar
bushes, the floods would* be held somewhat in leash till the largei'
streams and rivers could take care of the extra water thrown be
tween theix’ banks. It is the sudden rush of water that usually
works the damage. The delay of peak flood conditions for even a
few hours would deprive tlxe falling rain and melting snow and ice
of tlxe greater part of their terrors. Better still, if high pqak con
ditions can be prevented damage is not ait all likely to result.
When such shrubbery may be planted at the rate of ovex’ '100
pei* hour, it seems a pity that farmers who do such work efficiently.
Should not be encouraged to do so.
Word was received on Tuesday at
the .Magistrate’s office that, by an
Order-in-Council, Magistrate J. A.
Makins of iStratford has been ap
pointed to the office of Judge of
the Juvenile 'Court for Huron Coun
ty. The appointment, made on the
recommendation of the Attorney-
General is to take effect immediate
ly, Magistrate Makins succeeds the
late Mag
Rev. S. J. Mathers, whose home
was in Palmerston before he entered
the ministry of the United Church
is leaving the pastorate of Bathurst
Street United Church, Toronto, to
go to St. James-Bond 'Church, also
in Toronto. Before going to the
Bathurst iStreet church iMr. Mathers
had been stationed at Grand Bend.
Renew Now!
Usborne Council
EUmvlUe, June 7th,1937
The Municipal (Council met on
this date with ail members present.
Minutes of meetings held on May 1
and May J.0 yvere read and* adopted
on motion by Berry and- Passmore,
Request from A. W. Etherington
for assistance in removal of bars in
Anderson Drain Outlet, Council
passed resolution x-ecommending to
Engineer Archibald that suitable
compensation for work done Ibe
made and that it be provided for as
such in his report on this Drain.
Clerk was instructed to make
suitable arrangements with the En
gineer re special meeting to consid
er above report.
A recommendation from the Board
of Health re payment of M.O.H. by
annual salary instead of by. the fee
system was considered. Motion by
Ballantyne and Cooper that he re
ceive $100. pei’ annum. Carried.
Moved 'by Ballantyne and Pass-
more that -acceptance under Part 1
of the Workmen’s Compensation
At 3 p.m. the duly advertised
Court of Revision of 1937 Assess
ment roll was declared open and
members of the Council subscribed
to the necessary oath. All appeals
were considered and decisions reach
ed and the Cleric was instructed to
notify property owners on decisions
corncernifTg their appeals, Court
The Road Superintendent’s Vouch-
Gi’ amounting to $508.37 was -con
sidered and passed on motion by
Cooper and Berry.
Treasurer’s Report — 193.6 Taxes
and penalties $141.87; rebate indig
ent Hospital account $40.00 .
Payments—Rd. Super.’s voucher,
$508.37; salai’ies and fees $210.69;
Bd. of Health $’62.95; relief $18.90;
refund 50 per cent, indigent hospital
account to county $20.'0'0; Corona
tion Day expenses $15.20.
Council adjourned to meet on
Saturday, July. 3rd at 1 p.m. at the
call of the Reeve.
A. W. Morgan,. Clerk
Frank Grieve, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Grieve, of Seaforth,
left on Monday fox’ Trenton where
he will enter the Royal Air Force.
He has signed for a three-year per
iod and his training will include
ground and mechanical work lead
ing to pilot.
Premier Gardiner Speaks at Guelph
QUELPH, Ont.—In an aiddress to
600 Holstein-Freisian breeders of
this district at the annual field day
luncheon at the Ontario Agricultur
al College, Hon, J. Q. Gardiner, fed
eral minister of agriculture, declar
ed something was radically wrong
with a system of agriculture which
mafle it necessary for people to rent
some of the finest farms in the
world .for sums like $100 a year.
“■Something must be done to re
habilitate these areas,” said Mr,
Gardiner, after he informed the
gathering that the numbei* of people
in seven Western Ontario Counties
outside the cities is 30 per cent, less
than in 1881.
Dr, G. I. Christie, who introduc
ed the minister, deprecated the fact
that too many fine cattle are being
exported to the United States, He
contended more good breeding ani
mals should be kept in Canada to
maintain the standard.
Commencing the work of the Hol-
stein-Freisian Association, Mr. Gar
diner told .of methods which his de
partment is adopting in an endea
vor to improve conditions foi’ export
marketing, which he declared was
one of three important phases of
livestock production. The others
were good breeding and good feed,
he asserted.
(Mr. Gardinei' said he recently vis
ited England and learned from
farmers there what small things
govern the export market. One farm
er in Cheshire had 135 Canadian
Holstein cows and he declared that
he would not use any others in his
dairy herd.
However, said Mr. Gardiner, many
Canadian dairy cows are slaughter
ed at the wharf, because they do not
come up to English standards. He
found that England wants a cow
which. may be bred sq as to produce?
good beef.
Watching a sale of steers in Qlaa*-
gow, at which animals averaged $9Q
Mr. Gardiner discovered that Scat*
tlsh and English farmers do not
want steers which have lost part pl
an ear. The reason is that the Bri
tish Government pays a bonus to
farmers who take these steers and
feed them for three months. They
punch each one in the ear so that
it cannot be sold for this purpose
twice and in the ease of cattle with
damaged ears, they might suspect
that the farmer had clipped the ear
to remove the punch mark. *
He had pome to the realization
Mr. Gardiner said, that more in
formation on the requirements of
the export market is needed by the
Canadian producer. A plan has
been developed whereby a group of
Canadian Government officials, to
gether with officials of a western
livestock association and a Cana
dian fruit grower, will sail fox’ Eng
land on June 18th.
“Their jolb will be to inquire into
conditions and bring back the in
formation with them, and make it
available to the different organiza
tions,” said Mr. Gardiner. “Over the
next few years, we plan to choose
officers of these producing organi
zations who are coming in contact
with the farmers, take them over to
England, and let them see foi’ them
selves what the condition is in this
market. Then we plan to finance
their activities in Canada, informing
the farmers and breeders what they
have learned.
“We believe, by this method, we
can study the British market and
give the people' here a knowledge
of marketing .conditions, so that you
will have in your own midst, a man
who has studied these problems.”
A Bundle of Nerves
Never Free From Headaches
Mrs. A. Williams, Alcorn Ave., Toronto, Ont.,
writes:—“I was in a very weak and run down con
dition following child birth, and was simply a bundle
of nerves.
“I could not sleep at night, and was never free
from headaches, I tried several medicines, but none
of them seemed to do me any good. I decided to
try Milburn’s H. & N. Pills. I had only taken two
boxes, and I am thankful to say that, to-day, I am
feeling better in every way.”
The facts of Ford V-8 economy are
confirmed by owners’ findings. Clyde
Young, Emo, Ont., reports: “My Ford
V-8 was driven 3000 miles through
most trying conditions—snow-drifts
three feet high in Northern Ontario.
Gasoline consumption—most of which
was at high speed — averaged twenty-
two miles to the gallon!” J. L. Sayers,
Edmonton, Alberta, writes: “Getting an
average of twenty-five miles to the
gallon of gasoline.” R. G. Rottluff,
Metsqui, B. C., says: “Ou one long trip
to Seatlie and back, I averaged 27.2
A MONTH, with reasonable down.payment, buy*
Jill any ««« Ford F-fl Car under Trader* Finance
wV National Plan.
miles per gallon. Better than I’d ex
pected!” Owner after owner reports 22
to 27 miles on one gallon of gas. You
can’t beat a car that combines V- 8 per
formance with economy like this!
See the 1937 Ford V-8 at your near
est Ford dealer’s. Seat your family in
its roomy interior. Drive it . ♦ . make
your own tests.