HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-06-17, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE HENSALL friends here congratulate him on his success. Will Celebrate 60th Anniversary On Tuesday, June £8th, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Petty will celebrate their diamond wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Petty have ibeen honor-1 ed residents of the village since ____ _________ Ifensall was started, always taking a Mrs David Mack, of Exeter, was great interest in its activities and on visiting last week with ' ............... Mrs. James Simpson, Miss Myrna Hudson, spent the week-end with hex’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mr. John Tapp is visiting in Ot­ tawa this week with his son Mr, James Tapp and Mrs. Tapp. Mr. Robt. Passmore will conduct the services in the Kippen United church on Sunday, June 27th. Mr. J. B. Harding, of London, is spending a week or two visiting with her niece, Mrs. Roy McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill and family are camping at theii* cot­ tage at Oakwood, Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks, Mrs. Manley Jinks and daughtei’ Berniece spent Monday visiting friends at Clinton. Mr. Cresmiller, of Duluit'h, was visiting foi’ a days last week with Mr, Geo. Douglas and Miss Irene Douglas. Miss Mildred Follick, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, is spending her holidays at hei’ home here. Mrs. Thos. Simpson, accompanied by her son Thomas Simpson, Wing­ ham, are friends in town. •Mrs. D. B. McLean has returned home after a very pleasant $risit with hex’ sister and niece and other friends at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gram and Miss . Ada Gram-, of Detroit, . spent the week-end 'here with theii’ parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Gram. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt attend­ ed the meeting of the Western On-: tario Conservative Association, held in London on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. W- B. Cross, have got nicely settled in t'heir new home on King street that they recently rent­ ed from Mrs. Thos. Consitt. Mr. Lee Hedden, of London, spent Friday in town, Mrs. Hedden return­ ed to London with him on Friday evening and visited there until Sun­ day. Doris Buchanan, little daughter of Mrs. Ro|bt. Buchanan was taken to St. Joseph Hospital, London, Satur­ day evening for an operation for appendicitis. Miss Gladys Luker has returned home after a very pleasant visit in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. William Mair. ■ Mrs. Mair was formerly Miss Minnie Gijbb. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Mrs. Roy McLaren and Mrs. J. B. Hard­ ing were in Brucefield on Sunday calling on Mr. James A. O’Brien who is seriously ill. “ Mrs. Geo. Hudson, while going down cellar on Sunday morning had the misfortune to fall sustaining a severe shaking up. Fortunately no bones were broken. Mrs. Wes. Venner, who was taken to the Clinton Hospital last week for an operation is recovering nicely and is expected to be able to return home this week. Misses Jean and Dorothy Camp­ bell, of Toronto, accompanied .by theii’ .brothex* Keith Campbell and friend are aunt Miss Mr. and Harry left trip to Los Angeles, Cal., where they will visit foi- a month with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Chelew. The W. M. S. of Carmel Presby­ terian church intend holding theii’ Missionary Meeting and Annual Birthday party on Thursday after­ noon June 17th on the lawn at the home of Miss Minnie Reid. Mr. Janies McEwen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McEwen was very successful at his recent examinations at the Toronto University, coming third in Commerce and Finance in the third year Arts Course. The wedding of Miss Gladys Cath­ erine Saundercock, third eldest daughter of Mrs. Saundercock and the late. Nathaniel Saundercock, of Hensail and Vyrne Clifton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Loxjdon will take place the later part of June. While house-cleaning at her home on Thursday Mrs. Geo. Gram had occasion to lift a register for clean­ ing purposes leaving it for a mom­ ent open on her return she forgot it was open, stepped into it and in fall­ ing broke her right arm in two places. Mrs. Gram’s many friends were sorry to hear of her accident and hope for a speedy recovery. A baptismal service was held at Carmel Presbyterian church on Sun­ day morning, when the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young baptised five children. Little sons of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hedden; little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son Pfaff and little sori arid daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vol­ land. At the evening service Mrs. W. A. Young took the special parts in the anthem. Mrs. Robt. Eacrett, of London in town several days last week is having hex* house at the corner of Oxford and Albert streets, papered and painted and other "necessary re­ pairs made. The work is being done by Mr. Bert Clark, of Exeter, i Mrs. Thomas Berry was visiting relatives in Windsoi* last week. The village council had the streets of, the .village all oiled on Tuesday. Mrs. James Patterson and Mrs. E. K. Hutton spent • Monday visiting friends in Wingham. of I ■ 1 , ................................... ............... - Home” was sung in unison, follow­ ed with a chairman's remarks, motto “Give Today to Laziness and It will Steal Tomorrow From You” Miss N. Keddy; vocal duett “Let the rest of the World go by” Mrs. Kernick and Mrs. Frayne; topic “Salt and it’s uses” Miss Kathleen Strang. Home on the Range was sung; readings “A Telephone Conversation" and “A Little Boy’s Prayer” Mrs. Frank Down. God gave the King conclud­ ed the evening after which a con­ test was enjoyed. Refreshments were served foy the Hensall Society. Meetings have been withdrawn for July and August, Sunday Services at St. Paul’s The anniversary services were op­ ened on Sunday, June 6th. At the morning service Rev W. H. Snel- STRAWBERRY SUPPER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th Crediton Evangelical Church under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid THE RED and WHITE STORE her ’niece the occasion of the 6Qth anniversary I of their marriage will receive the London, I warm congratulations of a host of. Mends. Arm and Leg Broken Mrs, Grant Ryckman had the mis­ fortune to fall down into the cellar at hex’ home on Sunday moving with | the result that she broke her arm in two places and also breaking her I leg. She was immediately taken to grove, of St. Marys, was the speaker tlie Seaforth hospital for an X-ray and at the evening service Rt. Rev. examination and to have the frac- ( C. A. Seager, of London, Ar.ch Bishop tures reduced. She was later brought of Huron, was the speaker, each to the home of her daughter Mrs. T. giving very interesting and inspiring ....... w Admission 25c. and 15c. White and Dr. and Mrs. Smith and family, of St, Marys; Mr. and Mrs, Thos Simpson, of Wingham, visiting relatives and visiting here with their Ethel Murdock. Mrs. C. Cook and son on Monday on a motor Sherritt, where she is doing as well as can be expected. Flower Sunday Observed Flower Sunday was observed at the United church on Sunday morn­ ing. A young people’s 'Choir con­ ducted the service of praise. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and birds. The pastor Rev. Arthur Sinclair, conducted the sei'vice. There was a mixed quar­ tette by Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Drysdal^, Dr. Snxillie and W. O. Goodwin and a solo by Miss Mary Goodwin, this service five children were bap­ tized, little daughters of Mrs. Lome Chapman, Mr. Fred Beer, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks and little sons of Mr. R. J. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rannie. At Mr. and Kenneth and Mrs. and Mrs. Play Presented The play entitled “Cynthia’s Candlesticks” which was put on by the Welfare Youth Club, of Carmel Presbyterian churc'h.on Friday even­ ing last was a splendid success. The school room of the church was crowded and every member of the cast acted their parts well. Rev. W- A. Young pastoi’ of the church acted as chairman. The following were the cast: Hannah Murray, Harvey Hudson dual role, Beryl Pfaff, Doug­ las Sangster, Irene Hoggarth, Mabel Workman, dual role, Archie Mc­ Gregor, jack Bell. The play was directed by Mr. Ross McKay. The Miustard orchestra gave a number of musical selections between the acts. Ladies’ Aid Meeting The Ladies Aid of Carmel Pres­ byterian chur-ch held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening last in the school room of the church with a large attendance. The • meeting was opened by singing Psalm 137 followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Hymn 20 4 was sung. Arrangements were made foi' a Strawberry Festival to foe held on Friday, June 25th. Re­ ports were given by the different groups on theii’ work so far, also the proceeds. Mrs. John McEwen’s group presented the following pro­ gram; Vocal duet by Mrs, McDou­ gall and Miss Margaret Dougall with Mrs Andrew Dougall as accompan­ ist; an instrumental duet by Mrs. A. Dougall and Miss Margaret Doug­all. “ - - - Mac ed. Games were played, led by Mrs. Dougall and a lunch was serv- who Masonic Divine Service Huron Lodge.No. 224, A.F. & A. M. accompanied by masons from out­ side points, attended divine service in the United church on Sunday ev­ ening and were addressed by the pastor of the church, Rev. Arthui’ Sinclair. There was a good atten­ dance of members of the Hensall Lodge and visiting .brethren. (The members formed up at the lodge rooms and marched to the church. The order of the service was as fol­ lows: Doxology and Invocation; Hymn 6 62, “O God our Help in ages past”; .Scripture reading; announce­ ments; offering; anthem, “Hark, Hark, My Soul,” soloists, Mrs. M. Hedden and Mrs. G. Hess; Masonic hymn, tune, Rock of Ages. The pastoi* address the brethren, taking as his subject, “The Wise Master Builder. Dr. Smillie sang a solo, “King David’s Lament.” This in­ teresting service closed by singing hymn 30)6, the benediction and ves­ per. There was a fair congregation out to enjoy the service. Attend Trousseau Tea lAimong those from Hensall attended the trousseau tea given by Miss Verda Watson, bride-elect of this week, at the home of hei’ par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wat­ son, of Londesboro, on Friday last were Mrs. G. M. Drysdale, Mrs. Jas. Smillie, Mrs. Garnet Case, Mrs. E. Drummond and Misses Louise Drum­ mond, Dorothy Drummond, Mildred McDonell, Laiurene Martin, Doreen Farquhar, Ruth Bell, Gertrude Mar­ tin, Mildred .Smillie, Mildred Scru- ton, Hazel Smillie, Mildred Forrest, Helen Glenn, Gladys Passmore. Hurondale W. I. Entertained The Hensall Senior Institute .met on Monday evening in the basement of St. Paul’s Anglican church. Miss Maude McLean presided, they enter­ tained as their guests the Huron­ dale society. The meeting opened with the opening ode, followed with u Canada and the Lord’s prayer inThe house will he occupied by Mr. j unison. Minutes and roll call. A and Mrs. Fred Smallacombe, Guelph,' left®1' Whs reacl^by the ^sec y-treasur- who are moving to Hensall in a few weeks. They were formerly well known Hensall residents and will be | welcomed back. , ’ i Graduate in Dentistry j Mr. T. C. Joynt and Mrs. Alice Joynt were in Toronto on Thursday I Mrs. Gordon Bolton in the absence last attending the graduation of Dr. | of Mrs. William T. joynt, youngest son of MM Mrs. Joynt. Mr, Joynt graduated With first class honors in dentistry, from the Faculty of Dentistry, Tor­ onto University. Mr. Joynt’s many addresses, The church was beauti­ fully decorated with candles and tapers and the services were greatly enjoyed by all who were fortunate eno-ugh to attend. It was on June 10th, 1877, that St. Paul’s church was opened foi’ worship, the preachers for the day being in the morning Dean Boomer, in the afternoon Rev. John Gemmell of St. Paul’s, London, and in the ev­ ening Rev. F. Ryan. During the 60 years there have been 16 different rectors carrying on the work of the church, the present rector being Rev. M. A. Hunt. It was the first church built in Hensall and a credit to the congregation who have supported it so liberally. The beautiful stained glass window at the north end of the church was the gift of the nephews and niece of the late James and George Petty, the founders of the church. There are beautiful mem­ orial tablets on the walls of the church in memory of the late Han­ son and Gertrude Petty, both who served overseas, Hanson as a soldier and Gertrude as a nurse; one for Miss Millicent Petty, daughtei* and son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty; a tablet for the late Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds and one for the late Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cudmore. The present wardens of the church are G. C. Petty and Harry Aldridge; A. L. Case is vestry clerk and G. C, Petty lay representative. Diamond Jubilee of St. Paul’s Anglican Church The garden party held on Thurs­ day afternoon and evening in con­ nection with the 60th anniversary of the opening of St. Paul’s was a big success. Tea was served by the ladies of the congregation irom 3 to 6 o’clock. A. feature was a beauti­ ful three storey birthday cake, made by Mrs. Geo. C. Petty, who placed the knife in and the cake was out by Mrs. M. A. Hunt, of Exeter. iThere were. four former rectors of the church present: Rev. Archdeacon Doherty, of London; Rev. M. B. Parker, of Morpeth; Rev. Herbert Naylor, .of Listowel, and Rev. B. H. Farr, of Dorchester. The afternoon was spent‘in a so.cial way, old friend­ ships were renewed, old friends met again and former events talked over. Another pleasant feature of the af­ ternoon was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty of a handsome flooi’ lamp and a beautiful chair and an address in recognition of their long and faithful work in connection with St. Paul’s church. The follow­ ing was the address: Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty, Hensall, Ontario Dear Mr. and Mrs. Petty: We have met today to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the op­ ening of St. Paul’s church. T’o you who have been faithful members throughout these many years we ex­ tend congratulations. Youi’ zeal and faithfulness to­ wards the work of the church have been unbounded. When there was work to do you did it willingly and e\ei*y phase of the work you have supported most liberally. Youi- loy­ alty and kindness to her many rect­ ors have been an inspiration to them all. Truly we must say that you have worked fox’ the extension of God’s Kingdom in this part of His vineyard. As you are almost on the eve of youi’ diamond wedding jubilee we congratulate you, wishing you many happy returns of the day and trust­ ing you may long be spared to help carry on the work of St. Paul’s. As a slight token of our esteem and appreciation we ask you to ac­ cept these gifts and we pray that God’s richest blessing may rest on you and yours throughout years that are to come. Signed on behalf of the rector congregation. Amy Reynolds, Mary up- the and solo was and er from Mrs. Sloman, of Capreol, ex­ pressing thanks for bale of child­ ren’s clothing sent from this insti­ tute. A summary meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Hensail, on August 17th when members of different branches will be present. Rundle, president of the Hurondale Society then took charge of the meeting and a very enjoyable program was given by the guests, and which is as follows: Tlhe open­ ing number “My old Kentucky Fee Miss Fee read the address and the presentation was made by Miss Rey­ nolds. Mr. Petty, in a very happy mood, replied on behalf of Mrs. Petty and himself. Mr. Petty was present at the opening of the church 60 years ago, and for all these years has been its most upstanding figure and loyally supported by Mrs. Petty. At the opening of the evening service a grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. Petty, little daughtei’ of Dr. and Mrs. Smith, of St. Marys was baptized. In the afternoon Rev. Mr. Doherty and Rev. Mr. Farr, made addresses. In the evening Rev. Mr. Naylor, of Listowel, was the guest speaker and Rev. Mr. Parker, Rev. Mr. Hunt and Rev. Arthur Sincl United rector events were lunch Among those who were present from a distance were: Rev. Archdeacon and Mrs. Daherty and their daugh­ ter, Dr. Eleanor Doherty, of Lon­ don; Rev. M.B. and Mrs. Parker, of Morpeth; Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Naylor and family, of Listowel; Bev, b. H. Farr, of Dorchester; Miss McCleary, of St. John; Miss Blanche Petty and Mrs. Lome Scott, of Toronto; Mrs. pastor of the church gave addresses, each giving interesting accunts of which happened when they here. During the . evening was served by the ladies. CREDITON Mrs. Eli Heatherly and Mr. Mor­ ley, of (London, visited Mrs. Cock­ will the latter part of. last week, Mr. James and Miss Jean McMas­ ter and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. D. Wood, of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wein. Mr, Melvin Wein and Miss Leota Silence, of Flint, Miclx., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Wein. Mr. Sask., at his a few ball games. Edwiil Wein, of Arkland, who is spending a few weeks home here visited in Detroit days last week and saw two XMiss Clara Gaiser, spent the week­ end in Detroit. Mrs. William Motz is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Col­ lingwood in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oestricher at­ tended the Huron-Perth Shorthorn Breeders’ picnic held at Stratford on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koeltzow, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in the community. Miss Agnes Lamport spent the week-end in Detroit. Indication of fair assessments on property in the township of Stephen was shown at the Court of Revision when no appeals were (brought before the Court. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patchen, McGil­ livray; Mx*. and Mrs. Aljoe Culbert of Lucan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr on Sunday. Miss Pearl Holtzman, Miss .Laur­ etta Holtzman and Mrs. Ellen Holtz­ man, of Cleveland, spent a few days last week with friends in the village. Mr. William Smith has ibeen en­ gaged by the. Brennan Construction Company and is operating a tractor roller on the Blue Water Highway. Miss Ruby Finkbeiner has return­ ed home aftex> spending a week in Rodney and Tavistock. Milton Bierling, 8-,year-old son of Mi’, and Mrs. Arthur Bierling, fell over the railing at the school en­ trance Tuesday morning at recess and fractured his arm ‘above the wrist. The fracture was reduced Dr. Misener. The regular of the United June 10th in The final arrangements were made for the Strawberry Festival to foe held June 22nd on the church lawn. Reading and poems from Edgar Guest were given by Mrs. Misener and a guitar selection given by Miss Marion Lovie. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Dr. Misenex* and Mrs. Lovie. Deer is Sighted Close to Crediton Following pioneer days deer were for many years unknown in this district. A few years ago they have returned and- have been ob­ served again this year in the swamp •west of Crediton. Observers are care­ ful to explain that this does not mean that deer are always in the swamp or they roam for miles and appear from time to time. Last week a more venturesome buck is report­ ed to have approached within a mile of the read. by A. on meeting of the W. Church was held the church basement. village limits on. t'he Crediton Women’s Institute W. I. held their June meet- the home of Mrs. Elmer attendance. The The ing at Lawson with a good The president was in charge, meeting opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Good Cheer committee presented two babies with baby spoons. It was decided to .have a question box this year and to have a picnic in the community park on July 14th. Mrs. Lloyd England gave an interesting report of the district annual held at Zurich. Each mem­ ber .contributed a Humber foi’ the program. Games and a contest brought the meeting to a close. A dainty lunch was served by the hos­ tess and hei’ committee. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Lawson and the hostesses foi’ the pleasant afternoon. One new member was added to the roll. . United Sunday School picnic Ideal weather prevailed for . the United Church Sunday School picnic held at Grand Bend on June 12t'h. A ball game was played with a team from members of the Moon family reunion resulting in a score of 15- 10 in favor of Crediton. The result of the sports were as follows. First and second prizes were given. There was a peanut scramble for the tiny tots, fox’ the primaries race the win­ ners were Jean King and Edith Hiill; slipper sdramble for junior girls Phyllis Hill and Doris Hill; Junior boys, roostei’ race, Russel King, Kennetih Taylor; intermediate girls, Rhena Yearley, Grace Hill; inter­ mediate boys, Lloyd Walker, Allan Hill; young ladies, kicking the slip­ per, Alwinna Hill, Jean Baynham, young men’s 100 yard dash, Gerald Schroeder and Russell Finkbeiner; married men’s balloon race, Mr. E Lamport, Wilfred Mack; adult class judging distance Mrs. J. Maw.hinney Mrs. A. Baker; mystery race, George Barnes, Torn Yearley; machine gun race was won by Helen Mather’s side banana eating contest Russell Fink- beinex’ and Alwinna Hill and Mary Lamport and Sam. King; couple lock-arm race, Jean Raynham and Sam. King, Grace Hill and Andy Mathers; teachers and officers mick­ ey-mouse race proved interesting. All joined in hunting for buried trea- GROCERY SPECIALS OXYDOL, LARGE PACKAGE............................................................ BRUNSWICK SARDINES .................................................................... TOMATO JUICE ..................................................................................... FANCY KETA SALMON ...................................................................... GOOD QUALITY FIVE STRING BROOM .................................. SUPERSUDS, red package .................................................................. NEW POTATOES .................................................................................... LYNN VALLEY PEAS .......................................................................... CHOICE QUALITY GOLDEN BANTAM CORN ........................ PREPARED MUSTARD, large jar .................................................... ,.......... 20c. ......3 tips fpr J4c. .... 5 tips for 25c, ........ large tip 9c. .............. each 25c. .............. each 9c. 7 pounds for 25c» .......... per tin 10c. .... 2 tins for 21c. ......... each 15c. Large jar Peanut Butter each ............. 25c. Fresh Sair Dates.......................4 lb. for 25c. Good size Oranges.. Golden ripe Bananas 2 doz. for 45c. .. 3 lb. for 20c, BREAKFAST BACON SLICED OR BY THE PIECE per lb. 23c. Phone 102 ROLLIES’ GROCERY ii We Deliver lis sure which was discovered by Helen Mathers and proved to be a box of chocolates. After the sports some of the more venturesome enjoyed a dip in the lake after which a bountiful picnic luncib was served. In the even­ ing a ball game was played with Andy Mather’s side defeating Gerald Schroeder’s side. C MT. CARMEL * Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich and babe and Miss Williams spent Sat­ urday in London. Mrs. Gus Coughlin, Jim and Miss Anri Doyle spent two week’s vaca­ tion in Mr. Matthew Doyle’s house. Mr. Noah Hartman and Miss Eliz­ abeth Millar visited friends in Zur­ ich on Sunday. Mr. James Dalton, of Goderich is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dalton. A number from here attended the Holy Name Rally held at St. Patrick Church, Biddulph on Sunday.tt ... REFRIGERATION ... We have a number of available, perfect mechanically, well known used refrigerators priced from $69.50 up Distributors for Beach and Kelvinator NEW, LARGE SIZE MACHINES PRICED $156.00 UP Distributors for Easy Washers 1 Good Hand Washer and 1 Good Used Electric Washer on hand Terms to Suit—No Finance Charges F. G. Wright & Co., Exeter TTP BUY NOW.fel' BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE & $ Z -A*?::**. ■-.wuiesk'’—“C’S;- 1.0/ H£AVY BLUE I ;>Z: & ELEPHANT LAUNDRY SOAP PURE SOAP—EASY ON THE HANDS I ^NTSALE COLGATE'S /fe^SOAPS HIGHEST QUALITY. DELICATELY PERFUMED. PRWCE55 10c Ic ■M THESE SPECIALS ARE ON SALE AT THE FOLLOWING STORES s EXETER, Ontario H. Bierling Frank Coates Cook’s Jones & May Rollic’s Grocery, R. Motz Sontlicott Bros. CREDITON, Ontario E. K. Fnhrner Faist Bros. C. Zwicker DASHWOOD, Ontario J. C. Reid & Co. E. Tieman & Son HENSALL, Ontario Cook’s Dayman’s Groceteria. Scott’s Grocery J GRAND BEND, Ontario Desjardinc’s store A. E. Ravello GREENWAY, Ontario R. L. Pollock SHIPItA, Ontario A. G. Webb ZVDICH, Ontario J. Gascho & son j. w. Mcimer Menno oesch ♦’■