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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-06-17, Page 2
’THURSDAY, (JTVJJfia 17th, 1937 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln | ‘RECKLESS LADY’ | = BY VERA BROWN S illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIH CHAPTER I ’'Lady, you. can’t get in. here!” The police O'ffieer of the large girth, and perspiring face planted firmly in front of the courtroom door of Mott Street Traffic -Court was finally losing his patience, For an hour he had been fighting this irate, determined and ever in creasing band of women. “Certainly I’m going to get in!” Shrilled one woman who was push ed against ihijn so closely by the crowd that the feather on her1 hat kept getting into his left eye. “My husband is important* in Ward 13; you’ll hear about this!" she continued. The crowd surged forward as somebody inside the courtroom tried to open the doors just a crack. “Get back there!” yelled the po lice officer as the irate one was pushed against him so hard he grunted. “(Then let us in!” called one of the women further back in the crowd. Crowley raised his voice. “I tell you, ladies, there ain’t no room. People inside can’t get out and no body outside can get in. I can’t get in myself and this is my court room!” His voice was almost plaintive, for officer Crowley was terrified of wo men in the* mass. And en masse they were this morning before him, buffeting him about. “That’s the trouble with women— they’ve got no respect for the law,” he mused as he pushed. In Court If there was strife and discontent outside, inside the courtroom more crowds leaned forward eagerly. It wasn’t every day New York had a chance to see one of the richest girls in the world in Traffic Court. . Not an available inch was left of the railing. Men -had climbed ■upon the window ledges, the (better to see. Helpless officers kept giv ing commands which nobody notic ed. Inside the railing attorneys, court officials, newspaper men and women and photographers milled about, an gling for better positions. Suddenly there was a sharp re port. The crowd gasped. Officers in stinctively reached fdf their hip po> ckets. The crowd surged up, in a panic. “Stay where you are!” an officer boomed. Then laughter began to ripple over the crowd. (A photo grapher had dropped a flash-light bulb and it lay now in a thousand tiny pieces on the terraso floor. Po licemen fidgeted, red-faced. '“They say she’s awfully pretty,” a woman near the front row of spec tators said. “Who wouldn’t be with all that money?” retorted the girl crowded beside her. “How much longer?” demanded Galloway, of the Chronicle. “It’s al most noon! Stoddard has no respect for deadlines!” Then suddenly there was activity over Iby the door to the left of the Judge’s chambers. “That's her,” The whispering ran over the crowd in a low murmur. “There she is, between the two •cops!” Facing the Judge ; And Karen Mallory walked calm ly into the courtroom, did not seem to notice the flashing of bulbs as the camera men worked overtime. Only the sound of cameras being re loaded broke the sudden stillness. Karen Mallory, seated beside her attorney, was lost to the crowd for a moment. The murmur rose again. “She’s not dressed so swell,” a disappointed woman remarked. She had fought her way for this vantage place, and the richest girl in the world had walked into court in a simple tweed suit. “S-he’s got class, and probably that Suit cost a lot,” said another more discerning woman, and she was right. Just at that moment Judge Stod dard, youngest and handsomest of New York traffic Judges, came out cf his office, mounted the Ibench. The buzz froun the spectators rose high, “I insist on having order here or I’ll order the court cleared,” .Stod dard’s crisp voice quieted the voices like turning the dial of a radio. .Then Judge Stoddard, consulting a pile of papers and files before him, said: “The City of New York versus Karen Mallory." Karen Mallory stood very straight and quiet before the high shining mahogony bench. The spectators could scarcely see the top of her jaunty little brown hat whioh sat so rakishly on her honey-colored hair. The photo graphers were blasting away again. Karen’s pert chin went up another quarter of an inch. The judge could see in her .startling brown eyes a deciderly contemptuous gleam. The Charge The complaining officer began to mumble as .he consulted his little 'black book. “Forty-eight miles an hour,” he said. “You have heard the officer’s tes timony. What have you to say?" •Stoddard looked directly down at Karen. “Nothing, Your Honor,” she an swered. James Lawton, the Mallory personal attorney, tried to inter pose. “Keep still, Jim!” Karen said in i a low voice. “I’ll handle this.’ Lawton was obviously flustered. Like Officer Crowley, he found wo men hard to manage, and there was a gleam in Karen’s eyes he did not like. “Conceited, too good-looking!” was the thought which ran through Kar en’s mind as her eyes met the Judge’s I challengingly. “Miss Mallory, do I understand that you plead guilty to this charge” “Yes.” Stoddard fingered the files before him. “I regret to say I have here your traffic record, with a list of twenty-four violations in eighteen months. I have only one recourse. Is there anything you wish to say?” “Yes, there is.” “Karen!” Lawton pulled at her sleeve frantically. “Keep still!” ■But nothing had ever stopped Ka ren Mallory in the 21 years of her life if she had once decided to do something. Lawton tried to inter rupt, but the Judge stopped him. “Go on, Miss Mallory.” “I resent all this fanfare and un dignified -court procedure very much,” she began, gesturing toward the reporters. Her voice, clear’ and swept, carried to the utmost recess of the packed courtroom. “I resent doubly, j.ust because I am a Mallory, that this minor traffic violation is made the occasion for a general holiday for everybody.” Karen’s brown eyes blazed with •contempt. The silence as she spoke was so gTeat that the breathing of the crowd, the scratch of the re porter’s pencils were suddenly loud and strange. •Stoddard’s face was a white mask his eyes never left Karen’s as she spoke. “This show may be useful politi cally since election is near, but I be lieve it infrniges on the rights of myself as an individual. I resent being deprived of my rights!” Sentenced to Jail Karen’s voice ceased. Stoddard did not move. He looked down at the papers before him and his jaw- showed a clear white line. He had learned self-control in a hard school If. he was angry, perturbed, when he finally spoke his voice did not show it. “Is that all you wish to say, Miss Mallory?” “That is all” Lawton was mopping his face. He tried to speak to Karen, but she shook her head impatiently. MFifty dollars’ fine. Five days. Driver’s licensed revoked.” Stoddard pronounced the sentence casually but with sufficient clear ness so that everyfoosy could hear. “Next case!” He added that crisply still conscious of Karen, the defiant tilt of her lovely head, Then pandemonium broke loose. Reporters rushed for telephones, others made a dive for Karen. Lawton and two officers grabbed .her by the arms, and there* began a struggle to reach the door. Court officers tried to got order, but for a couple off minutes that was hopeless Finally, however, the officers won. Slowly tfut firmly they fought their way to the back door of the court room, the girl between them. Two seconds and Karen had disappeared into the back hallway, pursued by newspaper and camera nxen. Stoddard, without lifting his head repeated the order: “Call the next Boils on Neck, Arms and Legs Caused Him Much Pain Mb, PAtrn Allard, Charlo, N.B., writes:— "Last Rail I had boils oh my neck, arms and legs, and they caused me so much pain I found it difficult to do my work, “I did not’know what to do until a friend told me about B.B.B. I took a few bottles and I have not had any boils since. Thanks to R.B.B. I am now feeling in the best of health?’ _ A product of Tlio T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont RURDOCK Bitters case!" Outside in the hallway, waiting for the elevator, Lawton was moan ing helplessly. “Karen, you little fool! It was all set! You were to have another chance! You’ve gone crazy! What in the devil can I tell your father?" Karen smiled coldly at Lawton, did not seem to hear him. “I said all I have to say in court!” she told the reporters. “I’ll say she did!” murmured some body on the edge of the crowd. “I’ll appeal the case, of course,” Lawton kept repeating in a kind of helpless way. “You’ll do nothing of the sort!” Karen was equally firm. “It is worth five days to, tell a Judge what you think of him!” And she said that loud enough for every body to hear.* Karen was still blaz ing with anger. The elevator came and newspaper people*crowded on with officers and their “prisoner.” “Miss Mallory has nothing more to say,” Lawton an nounced in loud tones. “What about her big birthday party scheduled the day after tomor row?” somebody called above the crowd. ’ “We can’t discuss that now.” in the Bullpen ’ The car had reached the basement A police officer was unlocking the door of the bullpen. (Suddenly Ka ren Mallory, who never did anything she did not want to do, found her self behind bars. “Are you going to take her in the police patrol?” a reporter asked the police officer. “What the devjl do you think we would take her in?” remanded a cop "A limousine? Say, she’s no better than anybody else when she< gets in here! Karen was still so furious she did not trust herself. Walking as far as she could, she turned her back on the crowd peering in through the bars at her. Then, with a completely defiant gesture, she opened her handbag, took out her compact and powdered her nose with expert care. ' A girl convicted of a drunken driving charge sat on a wooden bench watching. “Well, girlie, you don’t seem to mind this. Lord, what I a head? iCigaret?” Karen, knowing the watchers were pop-eyed, took the proffered gift. “What’d you get?” “Get?” “How long you’re up for?” “Oh, five days I think.” “You’re lucky; that old sore-head upstairs gave me ten days. He musta got up the wrong side of the bed this morning. The girl eyed the crowds and Ka ren speculatively. “You in for drunk diving, too?” “No, just speeding.” “Swell country this is getting to be when a lady goes to jail just like that for nothing!” Her Fiance Arrives iThen Karen heard Ping Farring ton calling her. Ping was her fiance “Karen, come here," young Far rington demanded. Gingerly Karen went to the bars and tried to hide behind Ping. Dai ling, what as this all about? I Where’s Lawton?” Ping clutched Karen’s hands thro’ the bars, and Karen’s beautiful en gagement ring which Ping had given lier three weeks before cut into her finger, “Now, honey, I’ll get you out of this. I know Stoddard. I’ll fix everything, I’m going right up there now and see him.” “You’ll do nothing of the sort!” “You can’t stay in 'here.” “Never mind about that—” “Your mother will be frantic. Wait until your father hears about this!” “Thank goodness ho isn’t in town!’ “There’s such a thing as radio and they’ll burn up tho air to get him. You be a good girl and I’ll have yon out of here in fifteen minutes!” Ping gave her hands a squeeze and Karen ducked to the back of the cell again. In .Stoddard’s courtroom upstairs the crowds had seeped away. The excitement was over. They stood outside hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl as she went to jail. Farrington, fumbling for fitis card asked one of the officers if the Judge could see him for a moment. Stoddard, still on the bench, looked at Farrington’S card, glanced toward him, and shortly joined Farrington in his private office. “Do you remember, Judge, I think we were in Columbia together? At least I tried my luck at law for a term, we were in 'Negotiable Instru ments’ together, Right there was where I gave up the idea of law,” “Of course,” Stoddard held out his hahd. “What can I do for you?” “I wanted to talk to you about Miss Mallory,” ping began. “Yes,’’’ the Judge, instantly watch ful, eyed Ping, “She is my fiance, you know,” he continued, 4No, i didn’t know ” Oddly enough; Stoddard felt a resentment against thi^, affable young man, “Of course, she can’t stay in jail and I wondered just what you sug gest I do.” Stoddard went to his desk and pulled out a sheaf of traffic tickets. “Here they are,” he said with a wry smile, “There’s enough to play bridge with, Last week I sent up a woman for five days who did not have as many violations charged up against her as Miss Mallory,” he paused, “But you know, Mallory is .pretty powerful,” Ping warned. It would be valuable to have his aid; there’s an eletion coming along in a little while and this is a nice job for a young chap like you—r-" Sentence Stands Stoddard was white. • “I realize all that, but there is nothing I can do.” Farrington was angry. “It’s so silly; we’ll see she doesn't drive for a while. But why that child should be sent into an awful jail! It’s un thinkable!” “Probably, put ‘that child’ is just that, spoiled. I had to do what I did. .Something in the Judge’s eye told Ping he had ’ gone * too far. He changed his method of attack. “But Karen’s ,a darling, really and then there’s that big birthday party for .her. A thousand people invited and it will have to be called oft. Lots of .publicity for you, I suppose.” “That is what Miss Mallory inti mated.” “What do you mean?” “Only she told me in open uourt just now how much contempt she had for me. It was all I could do to keep from citing her. But I could not be drawn into a fight with a woman—certainly not a beautiful woman. I’m not that foolish. I know my limitations,” “You don’t mean Karen got up on her high horse in court?” “Something like that. However, I’d b.av§- had to sentence her anyhow so that doesn’t matter. It was just —rather amusing.” “She didn’t mean it. I’ll make her apologize, in open court, and then she can go free.” “I’f afraid it is not as simple as that, Farrington. Ry the way, did she send you?” “No, she didn’t want me to come.” , “If I judge the joung lqdy rightly, that is no surprise to we, I’m sorry, Farrington, but there is nothing I can do for you in this case, Maybe next time—” And so ended the in terview, (Continued next week) SHORTHORN BREEDERS HOLD PIONIO The Perth-Huron Shorthorn Club for which Mr, Wm, Waldie is presi dent, is holding a Breeders’ Picnic in Queen’s Park, Stratford, on Tues day, June 15th, Dr. G. I. Christie, president of the O. A. C. and w, A. Dryden, pro minent Shorthorn breeder and' Man ager of the Royal Winter Fair are to 'be the guest speakers. Picnic dinner will be served at 12 o’clock Stratford time, and will be follow ed by a speaking program and sports for everybory. . The officers of this newly formed breed association extend a most cordial invitation to all who are in-, terested, to join with them on the occasion of their first picnic. WINS GOLI) MEDAL K. H* Gregory, Stratford, was suc cessful in winning the W. E. Rundle Gold Medal in Commerce and Fi nance in his fourth year at Victoria College, Toronto. He also stood se cond in securing first class honors in. commerce and finance. Mr. Greg ory was also successful in winning an athletic scholarship which gives him a year’s tuition at Berlin Uni versity, Germany, this announce ment having been made some weeks ago. “I say, dad," questioned 16-year old Tommy, “what are heirlooms?” “Why, heirlooms are something that are handed down from father to son,” was the reply. “Well,” said Tommy as he hitch ed his trousers, “I think these heir looms must he too big for me.” HER LIMBS WERE ALMOST CRIPPLED Suffered with Sciatica for 25 Years Those who are subject to sciatica should read this letter from tine who suffered for years before she found out how to obtain relief:—* “For 25 years I suffered from sciatica in my right side, apd I had backaches which forced me to re main in bed for two or three weeks at a time, When I got up in the mornings, my arms and legs used, to pain me almost unbearably. One day I heard of Kruschen Salts. I took a hottie of them without feeling much improvement. I tried a second bottle, and that time I felt better. I have kept on taking Kruschen ever since.” — (Mrs.) H. L. The pains of sciatica are fre quently caused by an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the in gredients of Kruschen Salts are not able for their work in dissolving uric acid. Other ingredients of these salts assist the internal organs to ex pel the dissolved alcid from the sys tem. UHj* Exeivr OJimta-Abuoratt Established 1373 and 18?7 at Exeter, OntaTiQ Published every Thursday morninf •UP3QRIPTIQN—12.010 per year In advanceRATES-r-Farm or Real Elstqte for sale 50c, each insertion toy first four insertions. 25c. each subse quent insertion. Miscellaneous articles To Rent, Wanted, Lost, er Found 10c. per line of six word*. Reading notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad* yertising 12 and 8p. per line, In Memoriam, with one verse 50o. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, && Money to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSAIJb Even legs aire beginning to look old-fashioned. CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &©. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office: Carling Block, Mjain Strce*. EXETER, ONT. WILSONS Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon* REALLY KILL One pad kills flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeks." 3 pads in each packet. No spraying, no stickiness, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS, DENTAL SURGEON Successor to the late Dr. Atkinson Office opposite the. Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 3 6w Telephones Res. 36$ Closed Wednesday Afternoons JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA VIOLET TREATMENTS t;*$ $ Recent rate reductions saving telephone users $600,000 yearly mean wider use and greater value to each subscriber, ... PHONE 70MAIN ST. EXETEB ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 USBORNE &. HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President, ......... ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell, R.R. 1 Vice-President .... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................... Exeter JOHN McGRATH ................. Dublin WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty R. 1 T. BALLANTYNE .. Woodham R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY ............... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell R. 1 THOS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ........ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter G. W. Lawson, . Meager. ,rbut. -Egging it's without hpho^ trnpt , taug/itVlUSt Tban/>-acc^ent t goodiacci<tentS a*0 ?th hhn S allilPc and any.” ^ad ac^e ^esides, ZVa & lbl8 ey,tav- his A^Pbons Cedar Chests AND NEW FURNITURE Also furniture remodelled to order. We take orders tor all kinds of ca binet work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL Shingles & Lumber Buy your Shingles now while the price is right; also White Pine Dressed 10 in. and 12 in. wide at $40.00; Matched Siding, White Pine at $40.00; all sizes of 2 iiL lumber at low prices. A. J. CLATWORTHY Rhone 12 Granton ““Can you guarantee this anti wrinkle Cream?” Chemist —- “Madam, it would smooth out corrugated iron,”