HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-06-17, Page 1EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 17th 1937 Sixty-Third YoarESTABLISHED 1873
New Shipment of Men’s Suits |
’ Medium Grey Check Worsteds 2-pant Suits <
Ladies’ and Misses’ Summer Dresses
Children’s Ankle Socks—Odd lines, etc. of our better quality clearing at 15c. pair.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
HAWES — A hard
lasting Floor Wax
pound tin 43c.12 oz. bottle 23c.
We have the very newest styles and materials iin Summer Wash Dresses the very
popular Martha Washington Brand. These dresses are exceptionally well made and
are absolutely guaranteed fast colors. Prices range from $1.50 to $3.95.
................................. .. „ . . 4
See our Ladies’ Cream Flannel Skirts, Polo Coats, Pullovers, Blouses, White Hand
Bags, Silk Hosiery, Etc.
2 pound tin
Minute Tapioca ....................... 2 pkgs. 19c
Palmolive Soap, Coronation pkg. 4 for 23c.
Maple Leaf Salmon 1-2 lb. tin ........... 16c.
Aylmer Soups, except chicken 2 tins 19c.
Howes’ Floor Wax 1 lb. tin 43c.; 2 lb. 73c.
For men and youths, who do not want a dark Suit nor a real light. Tweed, we
have a new line of medium grey check worsteds, smooth finish goods, suitable for all
seasons. Made in young men’s, men’s and in stout models. So. we can fit almost
Come in and see if this is just what you have been looking for,*
We have the very newest styles in bathing suits for ladies, men and children—
featuring the Monarch Brand particularly.
Men’s and Boys’ All Wool Bathing Trunks at $1.00 and $1.50 pair.
Smart Summer Felt Hats for Men
Greys, fawns and blues in fine quality fur felt, the smartest hats on the market at
$2.95 each. Others at $2.00 each.
This store will be closed each Wednesday at noon—June 2nd to Sept. ISth
Jones & May Pl""e 321
Summer Attire for Men and Boys
Cream Flannel Trousers *......... $4.75 pr.
Stripe Washable Trousers ....... $1.95 pr.
White Duck Trousers..... $1.50 to $1.65
Panama and Fine Straw Hats $1 to $2.25
White Oxfords, Scampers Running Shoes
Smaller Boys’ Long Pants in Stripe,
washable good? for ages 10 to 15 $1.50
Boys’ Washable Shorts for small boys
Monday, June 14th, 1937
A regular meeting of the Munici
pal Council was held with all mem
bers present. The minutes of the
meeting held May 25th together with
the minutes of the special meeting
held May 28th were read and adopt
ed on motion of May and Dignan,
By-law No. 7, 1937. A by-law
foi’ amending By-law No. 3, 1925,
Governing Keepers of Billiard and
Pool Tables was given the necessary
reading and duly passed on motion
of Southcott and Hern.
A list of arrears of taxes were pre
sented to the council for discussion.
It was moved by Councillor South
cott that the Property Committee in
terview the P. U- C. regarding the
placing of a water tap in a convien-
ient place in Riverview Park with
power to act. Seconded by Council
lor Dignan. Carried.
Moved by May and seconded by
Southcott that the Reeve wait on
the band, asking them to provide
, music on Decoration Day. Carried.
Mr. Pearce addressed the council
regarding Relief Matters and the
collecting of 'the Municipal Taxes. It
was moved • by May that Mr. Pearce
be allowed to secure the necessary
cards required by the Medical Re
lief Board. Carried.
Per motion of Councillors May
and Southcott that Mr. Norry be
given a list of Dog Tax arrears and
instructed to collect the same. Car
ried. ,
The following list of accounts
were read and ordered paid: Rd.
Davis, drawing stone- and cutting
grass $22.55; Peter Coleman, cut
ting grass $11; John Parsons, burn
ing brush $1.00; XV. Gillespie & Son
trucking Calcium Chlordie and
gravel $5.68; John Stive, labor R.
& B., $21.25; Ed. Coombes, R. & B.
$15.50; Win. Laverty, R. & B- $16.-
50; Wm. Andrews, R. & B- $28.5'0;
L. Day & Son, flower bed at Town
Hall $5.SO; Eaton-Clarke Co., Cal
cium Chloride $572.56; Exeter Lib
rary Board, third portion of grant
$250; Martin Music Store, ink and
ink pad 40c; W. C. Pearce, relief of
ficer $7.50; Tuckey Transport, Cal
cium Chloride 63,75. Direct Relief
Accounts, Jones & May, supplies $31
James Bowey, fuel $5; W. Cook,
supplies $6,50; Huron Lumber Co,,
fuel $2.50; W. Hatter, milk $7.35;
R. G. Seldon, fuel $1; C. Tanton,
meat $4.70; F. G. Wright & Co,,
clothing $6,5(6; M. Walker, supplies
Motion per Her^u and Southcott
and carried.
Adjournment by Southcott,
* A. Acheson, Acting
Mr. and Mrs. Harry C» Carey and
three nephews. Grant David, Donald
and Malcolm Grant, had a narrow
escape when their car was forced
from the road and plunged into a
ditch in a traffic accident while re
turning from -London Sunday even
ing. Mr. Carey had two ribs fract
ured and suffered a severe lacera
Dunlop came along just after the
accident and was able to render as
sistance. Mr. and Mrs. Carey and
the three /boys had been calling on
Mrs. Perry David, who was ill in St.
.Joseph’s Hospital and were on their
way home early in the evening.
Newton Wasnidge, of Ailsa Craig,
driving in another car attempted to
pass the Carey car but failed before
the approach of a large passenger
bus. It is claimed that the right
rear of the Wasnidge car struck the
left front of the Carey car, the lat
ter taking to the ditch and striking
a stump damaging the front of -the
car, Mr, Wasnidge faces a charge
of reckless ^-driving as a result and
will appear in pourt in about two
weeks. The Careys were taken to
London and Mr. George Grant
down for them.
able to
of his right knee. Mrs. Carey
somewhat bruised and shaken
Donald Grant received a nasty
over the eye. Fortunately Dr,
Mr. Carey is
be out with the use
of a
Douglas Burns won a place
esteem in the mind of Mrs. Chas.
Johns when on Saturday morning
he returned to her a ten dollar bill
that had been lost the night before.
The money
post office
tacked up.
find at the
turning the
received ■ a
states that it never seeme.d to enter
the lad’s mind to keep it for him
was lost in front of the
and a lost sign was
Douglas reported his
Times office and on re
money to Mrs. Johns he
reward. Mrs. Johns
J. Harper, of London, has
taken over the Central
Rinso, large package ....................
Four Cakes Surprise and one
Infant’s Delight Soap for ....
Four Cakes Guest Ivory Soap
and one medium Oxydol for
oz. bottle and 25c. Polishing
Cloth both for
For Fine Furniture
and Woodwork
Vacation Time
Coleman Camp Stoves, Thermos Bottles, Picnic Jugs,
Baseball, Golf and Fishing Goods
Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, Paris Green, Bordeaux
Mixture, Sudden Death Bug Killer, dust On dry.
We have 7-8 in Manila and Sisal Hay F ork Rope, Slirtg Ropes,
Pitch Forks, Pulleys, Carborundum Stones, Machine Oil,
- Oilers, Etc.
.....1 —1—1—1 - — ? .'-■-? r- ------------- ?•• -
Use Lowe Bros. High Standard Outside Paints for best results
Traquair’s Hardware
Members of Lebanon Forest Lodge
A.F. & A.,M. will attend Divine wor
ship in Ceiitralia United Church on
Sunday next, June 20th, at 7.30 p.m.
Members are requested to meet at
the lodge room at 6.45. Visitors wel
come. W. E. Middleton, W. M.
The Decoration Service of the
I. O. O. F. will be held on Sunday,
June 27th.
quested to
2.30 p.m,
Bund in
The brethren are re
meet at the cemetery at
C. w. Kestle, N. G.
fl E. A. Howald, Sec’y.
Decoration and Parade will be
held Sunday, June 27th, Fall in at
the Ceritral Hotel at 1 p.m, sharp,
and proceed to eefibtaph for a short
service followed iby decoration at the
Dress—Rerets and Medals
Over six hundred persons paid
their way into Exeter’s new Arena
Wednesday night of last week to see
how stubborn a stubborn mule could
be. The occasion was the visit of
the famous donkey
and the teams were _...........~
players from Hensall and Exeter.
So far we have not
team was the winner but we did hear
that players on both sides
carrying around pillows the next
day. and that there had been an ex
tra run on the druggists for lini
ment. The game was played in the
arena on account of rain. The play
er after batting the ball had to
mount a bareback donkey and if he
thrown twice.
had to field the ball on a donkey
and some of the animals objected
to carrying a passenger on its back.
A few rounds of the bases were
made after much persuasion and
numerous attempts to get rid of the
driver. It was slow motion in ac
tion. Often there was a two-ring
circus, the batter trying to mount
his steed and the fielder trying to
field the ball. The Hensall players
were good at the bat but the jack
asses 'could see no difference be
tween one player and another. The
seating capacity of the arena was
fairly well taken up and the specta
tors had many a hearty laugh.
baseball team
made up of
heard which
able to remain seated as the
bucked and kicked or else ve
to move he tried.to make first
(The :player was out when
The fielder likewise
..Band Concert..
Victoria Park
Sunday, June 20
8.30 p.m.
Silver Collection
TED WALPER, Director
Thames Road Sunday School
11 a.m.—>Rev. D. C. Hill, of Caven.
Presbyterian Church, Exeter
7.30 p.m.—Rev, M. A, Hunt, of Triv-
itt Memorial Church, Exeter.
The Annual
Followed by a splendid program
The Henrich Memorial Band, Dash
wood; Harry Hoffman, soloist and
an elocutionist
Admission: Adults 40c.
Children not of the school 20c.
The monthly meeting of the
Board of Education was held in the
Public Library at 7:30 on Monday
evening, June 14tb. Absent Messrs.
Elliot, Dearing, Lawson and Del-
bridge. Minutes of tftie previous
meeting were read and approved.
Principal Wethey reported foi’A
May: Number on roll 152, aggre
gate 2824. Staff had been complete
every lawful day. Middle and UP"
per School had completed their
tests and the Departmentals would
begin June 16th. Instructions re
the new courses for 'fall were still
vague and would have to be discus
sed later. Purchase of stylus and
writing board (replacements) were
The Public School principal’s re
port was read; Numbei* on roll for
may 220, average 196.1. School
gardens had been planted and were
being cared for by the pupils. The
teaching of Agriculture in two or
three roams was approved by both
Principal and Inspector and could be
readily adopted. Extra time could
be arranged for the teaching _ of
music should the Board so desire.
Names of pupils acquiring entrance
certificates on the.ir year's work
would |be known at the meeting of
Entrance Board, June 14th. Appre
ciation oif the increase in staff sal
aries was expressed.
Per R. N. Creech and J. M. South-
Cott that time be given Mr. Waghorn
to teadh Agriculture in three rooms
as per request. Carried.
Per C. V. Pickard and Mrs. Beav
ers: adoption of the two reports, al
so that Mr. Goulding be re-engaged
to teach music. Carried.
Per J. M. Southcott and J. N.
Willis: That supplies as desired be
procured. Carried
The matter of window screens was
left in hands Of Building and
Grounds Committee with power to
H-Ct •
Pei* Mrs. Beavers and R. N.
Creech: That the following accounts i
be paid. B. W. F. Beavers, supplies '
$1.65; Jones & May, supplies $1.30; :
G. A. Hawkins, supplies $7.55; Ex- j
eter Times-Advocate, supplies $15.- :
75; Grigg .Stationery, -flags, supplies ;
express, etc. $63.09. Carried. :
Per J. M. Soubhcdtt and C. V. i
Pickard! That the salary Of the 1
janitor be increased $50. Carried. r
Per R. N. Creech: Adjournment 1
omitting July meeting unless neces- 1
sary. <
K. MacFaul, .Secretary
digs up Rare penny
While working in his garden re
cently Clerk Jos. Senior, of town,
found a rare coin. It is a half
penny bank tokeh. of the Bank of
Montreal, province of Canada, dat
ed 1844. The coin is wall preserv
Mrs. A.
this week
Hotel having purchased from Mr.
J. J. Cox the furniture and equip
ment and has taken over the lease.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox and two children
and Mr. Rd. Bolton left Tuesday for
Mitdhell where Mr. Cox for some
time has conducted the Royal hotel.
The Central Hotel enjoys a splendid;
reputation with the travelling pub
lic and receives a splendid patron
age. Mrs. Harper comes to Exeter
well recommended and she will have
the best wishes of the business in
terests of town.
A pretty June wedding was solem
nized on Thursday, J-une 10th at the
James St. parsonage when Rev. A.
Page united in marriage Ruby Maud
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Jory, of Stephen, and Mr. Harry Ed
gar Beaver, son of Mrs. John Cald
well and- the late Samuel Beayer.
The bride looked attractive attired
in a pink net dress over pink satin
and trimmed with lace with match
ing accessories. She carried a bou
quet of roses and valley lilies. They
were attended by Miss Elsie McNich-
ol who wore a blue net dress over
blue taffeta and Mr. Leland Jory,
brother of the bride, Following the
ceremony dinner was served at the
home of thp bride’s parents to the
immediate relatives. The young
couple left on a trip to Burford,
Brantford and Niagara Falls, the
bride wearing a pale blue crepe dress
grey coat, hat and accessories to
match. On their return they will
reside on the groom’s farm
4 Highway, North of’ Exeter,
many friends join with the
Advocate in extending best
for then? future welfare.
on No.
The death took place at her home
William St., oil Monday, of Mrs,
Elizabeth Hicks, beloved wife of Mr,
John H. Andrew, in her 63rd year.
The deceased has been confined to
her bed just a little over a week, al
though she had not been well for
some time. Mrs. Andrew was a na
tive of Cornwall, England, and came
to Canada with het* parents when
she was about eight years of age.
The family settled in Usborne town
ship near
ner they
years on
about 18
moved to
been esteemed residents ever sin«e.
The deceased was a member of the
Main St. United church. Besides her
husband she is survived by an adopt
ed daughter llene Andrew and two
brothers, Rev, Robt. Hicks, London,
and Mr. Alfred Hicks, of Usborao,
The funeral, private, yras held from
her into residence Wednesday after
noon conducted by Rev, Mr. Elliott
assisted by Rev. Mr, Barnard a for
mer pastor of the Elmville circuit.
Interment took place in the Exeter
cemetery. T'he bearers were Messrs.
Garnet, HickSi .. ,
Mervyn Wilson, Frank Coates, Hy.
Lewis and Roy Wobber.
Eden. Following her
to het now bereaved part-
resided for a number of
a farm north of 2ion and
years ago they retired and
Exeter, where they have
Robt. Hicks, Jr,‘,
There were a goodly number
turned out for the weekly howling
jitney on the local greens Friday ev
ening of last week. There were
ten rinks in play with a goodly
percentage of them lady bowlers.
Three rounds were played. The win
ners were Mrs. H. Carey, -S. B. Tay
lor, E. J. Wethey and R. N. Creech
with three wins plus 13. .Second
prize went to Mrs. W. H. Pollen, W.
Rivers, J. Moffatt and W. H. Moise
with two wins plus 7 and a tie;
third prize was won by Mrs. Wm.
Smith, Grafton Cochrane and Geo.
Anderson with two wins plus 10.
Six .rinks participated in the jitney
Monday evening, Rain in the after
noon and a cool evening affected the.
turn-out. First prize was won by
Hy. Lewis, Mrs. Rivers, Dr. Anderson
and W. E. Sanders skip, with two
wins plus 10. Second prize was
won by Mrs. Broughton, J. M. South-
cott, W. E. Middleton and Bert
Rivers skip, with two wins ’plus 4.
The weekly jitney will be held on
Monday evening of next week. It is
also .hoped that there will be a good
turn-out for the game Friday even
Strawberry Supper
Tuesday, June 22nd
» be followed by a one act play
and other numbers
Don’t fail to be present and have
a laugh
Admission: 35c and 20c.
Strawberry Festival
Tuesday, June 29th
Supper served from 5.30 to 8 p.m<
Followed by a play
Presented by the Eden Players
Admission 35c. and 2Oc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, of
Stephen, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary on Tuesday,
June- Sth, by entertaining members
of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Willis
received the congratulations of many
friends. Mr. Willis is a native of
this community being a son of the
late Thomas and Sarah- Ann Willis,
early pioneers of this district. Mrs.
Willis was -formerly Mary Mitchell,
of Stephen, daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell. On June
Sth, IS77, they were married in
London by Rev. Cannon Innes, rect
or St. Paul’s. All of their life they
have been esteemed residents of
Stephen Twp. Their family con
sists of five sons and five daughters
Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Gilbert plains,
Man.; Mrs. M. McDonald, Of Mt.
Carmel; Mrs. M. Willis, Detroit;
Mrs. Bryne, of Detroit; Miss Marie
at home; Mitchell and Sherman, of
Sexsmith, Alta.; Thomas, of Detroit
James, of Stephen and Percy at
home. There are 19 grandchildren.
Mrs. H. McKenzie, of St. Paul,
Minn., sister of Mrs. Willis, is vis
iting here. Mrs. Percy Luxfton, of
South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. Edgar Willis
of town and M-rs. Geo. Etherington,
of Usborne, are sisters of Mr. Willis.
— at —
James Street Church
Thursday, June 24th
Admission 35 c. and 25c.
Friday, June 18th
New and Old Time Dance
Tuesday, June 22nd
Music by Ab Warren’s Band,
of London
Wednesday, June 23rd
$900.00 IN PURSES
The Ford V8 Stake—3-year-old Pace.................
The Chrysler Stake—2.27 Pace....,.......................
The Chevrolet Stake—2.22 Pace ........................
Thfiree Heat Plain
Provincial Legalized Pari-Mutuels Betting System will be
■ in operation
Admission 50c. Children 25c.
Grand Stand 25c.
Each Heat a Race
Cats 25c.
Races Start at two o'clock sharp