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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-06-03, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 50 YEARS AGO June 2, 4887 (Mr, Jas. Howard has sold his saw mill in Hay Township to Mr. Rich ards, of Strathroy, under whose con trol it will immediately become. In one week, from the cream of milk from two cows belonging to Mr. Joseph Bawden, twenty-one pounds of butter were manufactur ed, an average of one and a half pounds per day, .Reeve Rollins and Jas. Swenertpn delegates on the railway commission to Ottawa have returned, Mr, James M, Ramsay, who has ■been an employee in the Times of fice for some time left for Toronto on Monday. Mr, Chris. Willis left Monday for| Kansas City, Kansas. He was made the recipient of a handsome diamond scarf pin by a number of his gentle men friends on the Saturday even ing previous to his departure. S. R. Vail left on Monday for the Old Country. F. H. Hyndman, of Glasgow, Scot land, arrived in Canada the other day and is visiting his uncle Dr. Hyndman here. /y Dr. Elliott, of Toronto, a former resident of Exeter, is visiting friends in town. Mr. J. Hawkey is now landlord of the Kirkton hotel. 25Z YEARS AGO June 6, 1912 iMr. N. D. Hurdon did not forget his usual salate of twenty-one guns in the early morning of the King’s Birthday, Miss Clara Davis has accepted a position in Ingersoll and left *for that place on Monday. Dr. Sellery, of Hensail, was here Friday in his new auto. Mrs. Sellery and her mother Mrs. Wm. Moir, came down with him and visited Mrs. 'T. Kernick. •Mrs. Smale returned last week from a several weeks’ visit with rel atives and friends at Marlette and Oxford, Mich. Mrs. Ea. jones left Saturday for London where she intends making her future home. iMrs. Cotter and child, of Cleve land are here visiting the former’s mother Mrs. T. E. Gregory. Mr. Wm. Dew, or Wales, N.D., was here attending the funeral of Mrs. John Dew on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Gilbert, of Talbotville, visited her1 sister Mrs. John Spack- man over the holiday. Messrs. I. R. Carling, Tom Carl- ing, W; H. Levett and A. Q. Bobier autoed to London Monday with S. G. Bawden. M,rs. Geo. Crawley attended the 'funeral of her aunt Mrs. Handford, at Strathroy on Friday. Willie Birney returned from Chatham on Saturday where he has been attending the Business College. He has accepted a position with Messrs, Harvey Bros, to take charge of the office duties. 15 YEARS AGO June 1, 1922 Mr. Edward Taylor, of the Mel sons Bank staff, Centralia, has been transferred to Ridgeway. • M,r. Wm. Baker, of the West, who has just graduated from the Toron to University with Bachelor of Arts Degree visited with relatives during the week. Mr and Mrs. Earl Cookson and two children and Miss Hazel Cook son, of Windsor, motored up and visited with relatives here one day last week. Mr. Clyde Heaman, of the Mol- sons Bank staff has been transferr ed to the branch at Norwich. Hydro workmen are busy at Cred iton wiring up some of the houses preparatory for the coming of hydro. A line will also be run to Centralia. 'The Exeter Juniors went to Lucan on Friday for the opening game in the North Wellington League of baseball and won by the score of 16415. The line-up: Medd, Thomp son, Ford, Harrison, Dignan, Cun ningham, Hinds and Russell. FULLARTON MAN DIES AT WHEEL OF MOTOR CAR Death claimed a well-known resi dent of Fullarton in the person of Albert Edward Gettler who succumb ed suddenly. Mr. Gettler, who op erated a grocery business in the vil lage of Fullarton, was on one of his routes gathering eggs and making grocery deliveries. He had stopped in front of the farm of James Stevens, east of Anderson, in Blanshard Tp. After the business had been trans acted, Ma*st Stevens, accompanied by (her daugher, started toward the ihouse, when a short distance from the road, Miss Stevens looked back and drew her mother’s attention, stating that Mr. Gettler was slump-' ed over the wheel. Besides his wifd he is survived by one son, Anthony Gettler, also one sister, Mrs, Fred Nethercott, Vineland, and one half- sister, Mrs. Thomas Lang, RusseL dale, two half-brothers, A. J. Gottler and J. R. Gottler, ibotli of Fullarton Township, , LETTER BOX DR. MARGARET STRANG-SAVAGE WRITES FROM DIXONVILLE The following letter written by Dr. Margaret (Strang-Savage, of Dix onville, Alta., has been circulated to the Presbyterian Young People’s So cieties in connection with a drive to -raise $5,000.00 for the work of the church in the Peace River pistrict: Dixonville, Alta., April, 1937 Dear Young People, It is half-past midnight, I am just in from the (North. Another ad venturous trip. The highway is —for April in the Peace River, not more than ten mudholes ' and six broken culverts and only ■once did the reaS end of the car drag in the mud. We travelled, going in an ancient i Ford coupe. It did very well for the ’ shape it was in, At the far end of the journey, two mildly muddy miles off the highway, was a little lad very ill with broncho pneumonia. The anxious father and mother were do ing their best for the little chap— and they have few conveniences. How long that mother, with two other little ones, a house to manage and a ■crew of men to help cook for, will stand up to the nursing I do not know. I never cease to marvel at some of the women in this country. How they keep, cheerful in the long strug gle with too few clothes and fewer conveniences, and a multitude otf tasks. All the way from the care of a big garden to a new baby. I hurried through my examina tion, gave directions for treatments, and all the encouragement I could,; gulped a cup of tea, and started iback for the highway. It was raining and almost dark,—and the Ford had no lights. We did the two miles in low gear, with the radiator spouting s-team like a locomotive. We changed to a big red truck down the highway. It was raining harder, and the mud road was beau tifully greasy. The truck’s reair-end practised cracking the whip for miles First stop. The men went off on some errand—their voices floating back through the wet darkness. I sat in the cab, thankful to relax for a breath or two, and listened to the rain on the roof. Out of the dark ness ’ with a coat thrown over her head, came a young mother, just to Q Owner Knows About No Other Car in the Lowest Price Field Has these Extra Values! PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES . . . Recognized everywhere as the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever built. IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE ACTION RIDE ... The world's saf- est, smoothest ride. On Master D© Luxe models. UNISTEEL TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER . . . Combining All- Steel safety with silence. Wider and roomier. Safety glass throughout. MM■■■ fisher no-draft ventila tion » » * Ends drafts and wind shield "fogging". Enables you io "scoop trt" fresh air on hot days. ■MlMMMMi^MMiMMMMIF VALVE-IN-HEAD High-Compres sion Engine , t. Tho heart of Chev rolet dependability—-‘economy •— and brilliant performance. ■MMHMMMMMF F for economical transportation C4I7 raw* PRICED FROM $"74Rda Master 2-Passengcr Business Coupe delivered at factory, Oshawa, Government taxer, license and freight additional, (Prices subject to change without notice.) Monthly payments to suit your purse on the General Motor! Instalment Platt. GO to owners, for convincing proof that you save when you decide on a Chevro let! You save on purchase price, because Chevrolet is The Only Complete Low-Priced Car—bringing you advantages you can’t get in any other car, unless you go away above Chevrolet prices. You save on operating costs — owners report 25 and more miles to the gallon of gas, with no oil added be tween changes. You save on upkeep—built- in quality keeps your Chevrolet on the road and out of the service shop. And because used car buyers willingly pay more for Chevrolets — you’ll save later on through higher “trade-in” value. See and drive the new Chevrolet today. It’s the only car that offers you all the quality features you’re entitled to in a modern car . . . at lowest prices and with peak economy! SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER John PassmOre & Son, HenSall> Ont. - Associate Dealers —- C. Fritz & Son, Zurich;John Sprowl, Lucan I I I I I visit toy a minute with the doctor. We sat in the cab and chatted cheer fully, Poor soul! She is the mother pf five, all mere babies. (Seldom spends an hour away from them. And does she need a bit of cheering? Even ten minutes with a fly-about doctor passing her gate is a break to be remembered for days, IThe truck sat down in a mud-hole in the .yard when we got home, 1S0 we just left it, ploughed the remain ing yards n foot and made ourselves a midnight lunch of coffee and bread and jam. East Friday night there was a so cial evening in the Dixonville school house. Sponsored by the Eadies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Hutchinson, the new missionary’s wife, is President of the Aid. There was a program, and lunch, and visit ing among neighbors who seldom see each other. We all enjoyed the program immensely and the lunch— sandwiches, cake and coffee. The cof fee was late because it had to be made in a house some distance away and carried over in a wash boiler. We need more such evenings,.and a church hall of our own, with a kit chen, in which to enjoy them. Under the school teacher’s direc tion the boys are fitting up a corner of a ibarn for a Manual Training iSho,p, They are doing the work themselves. They should have a Boy •Scout Troop or a Tuxis Square and a club-room. How many times I have had a vision of the boys building a club house on the church grounds even, if it were only of slabs. Just as long as they huilt it themselves and could call it theirs. But I had nei ther the time nor the strength to lead them. Last year we had a Girls group for a couple of months. They elected their own officers and conducted the meetings themselves, with a little coaching. We had First Aid Les sons, C.G.I.IT. songs, little talks on worthwhile things, played games went on hikes. It was great, while it lasted. Sunday morning' services at the .outlying schoolhouses, how we enjoy ed them. The ride to service thro’ the glorious mornings. The Bible stories simply told and explained. The youngsters eagerly reciting their verses and waiting for their* fifteen minutes of ‘Sunday School in the middle of the service, the fine old hymns. Oh! Those Sabbath morn ings when we put ourselves anew in the .Father’s keeping, and faced about to the days and days of toil and struggle with a new courage. Have you ever* ibeen afraid for next winter? Have you ever strug gled through weeks of rain, or drought, striving to gather a 'har vest? Have you ever lived from day to day in fear of untimely frost? They you know a little of how nak ed and helpless a homesteader and a homesteader’s wife, sometimes feel, Then it is good to be remind ed not of a Creator, but of a Father, and it meaps to reach out to Him with dumb yearning and be com- ■foil’ted! Then the ride home after church. The adults in wagons and Bennett buggies, but the youngsters, a-horse- back (if at all possible.) One, two even three on a horse. And sure ly we weren’t breaking the ISablbeth, for a whole whooping cavalcade to race a bit down a grand stretch of trail! There was a glorious afternoon last October. The library books had overflowed the Manse woodshed. They needed sorting. Divisions or forty and fifty books go out every winter to a dozen communities with in a radius of 50 miles of Dixonville. We made shelves and stacked them- A girl from forty miles north stop ped in for a few hours while her .husband went on to town with a load of wheat. She wanted to see the doctor, but we also got acquaint ed over oui* favorite books. And we reminded each other of various yarns that had fine meanings to them. And just a few nights ago a ibach- eloi* who came originally from the East, found Treasure Valley in one of the Manse libraries and fairly [shouted with delight over the Saw yer orphans and old .Sandy Mc- Quairrie. We have The Prospetor and That Printer of Udell’s, The Rosary, The Touch of A'bner and so many others that enrich us with sentiment and laughter. These are just a few pictures from t!he flying shuttle of the days in the Peace River—at the Dixonville Mis sion. The folks here ■ are just people like those you know. Very human, very faulty, very likable. They are building a new country in this Peace River Valley, out of raw bush and prairie. .'Sometimes they are cold, often they are discouraged. A few (respond readily to the Church, and what it stands for. Many are far too busy making a living for their bodies to care much about feeding the spirit that will live on into the ages of eternity. They need many things, but most of all they need a vision of them selves-—here and hereafter. What they are—had what, by the -Grace of *God they may become. Who will bring that vision before their sight? And they need a friend, who un derstands—-and cares; who stoops to their burdens and helps them lift. Whom will you send? Yours sincerely Your missionary, Margaret Strang Savage FATALLY HURT BY LAND ROLLER James More, of Seaforth Loses Life James More, age 2, died early on the afternoon of May 24th in Scott Memorial Hospital as a result of in juries suffered when run over by a 1. From the Workmen’s Compen- satin Board regarding assessment charged for Municipal Operations under 'Schedule I. Filed. 2. (From the Director of the Amuse ments Revenue Branch stating that the Amusement T’ax -has been can celled to take effect on 1st of June land roller, at his father’s fan*m, 3 and asking for the return of the unmiles north of Seaforth. | used tax pickets so that a rebate can More had been working in a field be allowed to the Township. Filed. 3. From Chief Inspector of Thea tres asking for the renewal of the near the house throughout the morn ing and it is thought that in un hitching the horses at noon the team became frightened and ran away. Mare apparently was tnrown in front of the roller and dragged some dis tance, the heavy roller passing over his body. There were no witnesses to the accident. He is survived by his parents, two brothers and .a sis ter. horse tramples blanshard man James Robinson, 3 8-year-old Kirk ton district farmer was taken to Victoria ‘Hospital, London, with se vere injuries after he had been tram pled by a horse in the barn on his farm. He suffered from head in juries and possible skull fracture, a fractured right leg and broken bones in his left hand. At the hospital his injuries were described* as serious. An X-ray examination was being made to determine the full extent of the injuries. The farmer yas injur ed when he was working around the horses in the stable of his farm on the thiird line of Blanshard Town ship Members of his family came to his aid and Dr. Morphy, of Wood ham, was summoned and removed him to the hospital. (GODERICH—The franchise and equipment of the Stratford-Goder ich run of the Arrow Bus Lines, has been sold to Frank Lishman of Kit chener, who has already taken over, the reported price including three busses being $5,000. Mr. Lishman also operates a bus line from Kit chener to Almira. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of tho Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton, on Wednesday, the 26th of May 1937, at 2 o’clock p.m. AH mem bers were present. The minutes of the previous regular meeting held on the 3rd of May and the special meet ing held on the 11th of May were read and adopted. The following correspondence was read: Town Hall License for 1937-38. Re newal ordered. 4, (From the Exeter Times-Advo- cate Printing Company asking for the contract to print the 1937 Vot ers (List of the Township for $ 100.0'0. Moved Iby Ed. Shapton and seconded by Roy Ratz that the contract to print the 1937 Voters’ List of the Township be awarded to the Exeter Times-Advocate for $100. Carried. Moved by (Edward Lamport, sec onded by Thomas Love: That the Reeve and (Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with Norman. Vin cent for the removal of the top-soil in Huston’s Pit for $120,0i0l—work to be completed by the 3rd of June. Car, Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by Thomas ILove: That By-law No. 514 to authorize the borrowing of $6,000 from the 'Canadian Bank of Com merce to meet the current expenses of the Township until the taxes for the present year are collected, hav ing (been read three times, be passed It Certainly Is Good For Teething Children Mas. I. Taylor, R.R. No. 2., Brussels, Ont., writes:— t(I have had considerable experience with Dr. Fowler’s Ext, of Wild Strawberry. “I have used it all my life for teething children, and it is certainly a good medicine, and we never fail to keep it in the house for diarrhoea and summer complaint. We have also used it for animals in larger doses with good results. ’ ’ On the market for over 90 years. A product of The T. Milbum Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. WOO, JUNE Bwl, x»37 and signed by the Reeve end Clenk and the (Seal of the Corporation (at tached thereto. Carried. fTend&’h were received for leading gravel into the bin in Hugtons Flit and for hauling gravel on the roads in the Township. The Council de cided to award the contract to Simp son Ireland and. the Reeve was strutted by motion to sign the neces* sary contract with Mr. Ireland tor the due completion of his work. Resolved that the program of work laid out by the Council as a road, committee for the current year .as submitted by the road (Superintendent be adopted. Moved by Ry Motz, seconded by Edward Lamport: That the follow* ing pay-sheets and orders be pas-* ed: Norman Heaman road 3, John iSmith, road .6, $4,00 Finkheiner, road 8, $8.25; Tetreau, road 14, $62.16; $2.25; Lorne Isaiah Harry Isaac, road 27, $3.47; Augustus Lat- ta, road 18, $61.55; Harold Turner, road 19, $14-55; Harold Turner, rd. 19, $35.08; William Desjardine, rd. 21, $2.l&8; Matthew Sweitzer, road 15, $1.57; John Gill, road 20, $9.00; George Eilber, expense re gravel pit, $4.00; Pay Sheet, road 2, $4.00; Pay Sheet, road 9, $5.50; George Eilber, supt, salary for May $38.10; Law rence Hill, road 4, $3.18; Mrs, Cpira Gaiser, gravel $9.90; Mrs. Lulu Fol- ster, earth $25.00; James Patterson, gravel $‘4'4.64; H. K. Eilber, ffowm* ship treasurer,, excise stamps $15; total $354.(0(8. 'Orders—®. R. Hopper, burial of the late John Smith $30,00; Hydro Electric Power Commission, account $10.21; Provincial Treasurer, hall license $3.00; Treasurer, athletic Field Committee, grant $25.00. Car. The Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 5th day of July A. D.» 1937, 1 o’clock p.m. Herbert K. Eilber, Twp. Clerk