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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-27, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, may im HENSALL Mrs. Ed. Munn spent the ,24th with Detroit relatives. Mrs. Bertha Bell, »f Toronto, spent the 24 th at her home here. Mr. W. Davis, of Mt. Forest, vis ited over the week-end in town. The Hensail Masons will hold their annual ©hutch service in June. Miss Mary McKaig, of Exeter, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Fulton was a recent visitor with relatives and friends at Chat ham. Mr. and Mrs. Artie Sanders and son, of Windsor, visited friends on Sunday. Miss Kay Dobbs, of Toronto, is visiting this week with Miss Mavis Spencer, Dr. Jennie Smillie, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie. Mrs. Allan and son, of Guelph, are Visiting with M.r. ' “ Drummond. Mr. and Mrs. spent the holiday in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wren of Toron to, visited over the holiday with friends in town, Mrs. Rumblej of Toronto, spent the week-end visiting her sister Miss Mary McGregor. ‘ ' Miss Mavis Spencer has return ed home after spending a cowpie of weeks in Toronto. Miss Annie Moore has been con fined to her home for several weeks through illness. Miss Annie Rand has been con fined to her home for a few days through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson, of Chesley, spent the "week-end and holiday with relatives. Miss Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor with her mo ther Mrs. A. Scruton. Mr. D. D. Foss who has, been visit ing here for a week or so has re turned to Toronto. Mr. John McNaughton and family of London, were visiting Hensail friends on the 24th. Mrs. Thos. Simpson and son Tom, of Wingham, called on friends in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Wren, of To ronto, visited with relatives ana friends over the holiday, Mrs. Emily Boyle, who has been visiting with her mother Mrs. Welsh has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and children, visited over the week-end with relatives in Toronto. M,r. James Medd, of Hullett Town ship, was calling on friends in town •on Monday evening. Miss Mae McNaughton, of Toron to, was a week-end visitor with her father Mr. D. McNaughton. Miss Grace Brock, of London, spent the holiday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Brock. John and William Craig are mak ing a number of fine improvements to their home on Queen St. Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, spent the holiday with hei’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougall, Miss Marion and Norman Sinclair spent the holiday with their parents Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair. Miss Myrna Hudson, London, spent the holiday at the home of her par ents My- and Mrs. Colin Hudson. Dr. and Mrs. Spillman and chil dren, of Kitchener, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton. Miss Alice Higgins, of Kitchener, spent the holiday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hig gins. Rev. E. F. McL. Smith and Mrs. Smith, of Toronto were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E. Hemp hill. Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Spencer Farquhar spent onto. Mr. and Mrs. ston, visited with Miss Katie Scott and Mrs. Ballantyne over the holi day. Mrs. M. fiheere and son Sheere, of Exeter, were with Mrs. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kestle, of Ex eter and Miss Edith Kestle, of Wind sor were visiting friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and and family spending a Simcoe, The Hensall Citizens Band will give their first open air concert for the season on Saturday evening, and Mrs. Erold M. G. Drysdale visiting relatives Albert Spencer, Mr. and Miss Doreen the holidays in Tor- Shaffer, of Palmer- Frank visiting John Murdock on 'the Mrs. Archie Hamilton returned home after cowpie of weeks in June 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland and Mrs. Hodgett, of Goderich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. »Ed, Munn ’and daughter Aileen ware Sunday visit ors at the home of Mr, James Swan, at Brucefield. The Hensall baseball team man agement are having the ball grounds at the park put into shape for the baseball season. Mx*. Wm. McLaren and Mr, and Mrs. Roy McLaren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaugh ton of Russeldale. Mi’, and Mrs. Edgar Stewart and Mr. John Stewart, of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. Geo. Dauglas’ and Miss Irene^ Douglas. Mr. James O’Brien, a former well known resident of the 2nd Conces sion of Hay, is seriously ill at his home in Brucefield. The holiday passed very quietly in the village, quite a number were away for the day and others were visiting friends in town. Mrs. McKenzie, of Brucefield, Mrs Rennie, of Detroit and Mr. John McKenzie, of Windsor, were Sunday visitor^ with Mr. and Miss McAsh. Miss Pearl Sceli, of Lucan, and Misses Ada and Minnie Hodgins, ot Birr, were here one day last week visiting theii’ cousin Miss Clarissa Mitchell. Messrs. Robt. Passmore and Nor man Sinclair who were attending Toronto University, have finished for this term and are now home where they will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fisher and little son, Mrs. Roy Palmer and dau ghter of Windsor were week-end vis itors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. John 'Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and son Donald, Miss Blanche Morenz and Mrs. William Corry, of London were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. Len Purdy, who was recent ly operated on for appendicitis in the Seaforth hospital and who has been seriously ill since is now mak ing a good recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore and daughter Gladys spent the week-end in Hamilton and Toronto. Robert Passmore who has been attending university in Toronto returned with them. Mrs. Orville Twitchell was operat ed on at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don, Thursday, for appendicitis and is now doing as well as can ibe ex pected. Mr. Twitchell and three daughters visited with 'her at the hospital on Sunday. Mr. Wimam Otterbein who is in Victoria Hos:Pltal. London for treat ment was operated on in the hos pital on Wednesday last for kidney trouble. .He stood the operation well and is now doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Otterbein visit ed him at the hospital on Friday. Anniversary services will ibe held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday, May 30 th. Rev. Hugh Cleghorn, of Hanover, will occupy the pulpit both' ing. The choir music and will J. R. Ferguson, Mrs. Stuart Baroour, of Montreal who recently underwent a very ser ious operation at a Montreal hos pital is now recovering nicely. Mrs. Barbour was formerly Miss Mary Hoggarth, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hoggarth, of Hensall. Mrs. Barbour’s many friend^ here wish her a speedy recovery, Mrs. Eva Stapleton and family of small children have moved .here -from Northern Ontario and are now set tled in the Thos. Simpson home on Queen St., that they recently rented from Mr. C. Volland. Mrs. Staple ton was formerly Miss Eva Stone ot Hensall, her .husband died in New •Ontario a few weeks ago. Baseball Organized A well attended baseball meeting was held in the town hall on Friday evening. It was decided to organize a juvenile team to play in the Huron and Perth League. Mr. Claude Blowes was appointed chaiman for the evening and the following offi cials were appointed: Hon. pres., J. W. Ortwein; President, Earl Drummond; Vice-Pres., Laird Mickle Manager, S. Tudor; Coach, C. Blowes; Secy-Treas., J. A. Paterson; Executive, Reeve R. E. Shaddick, R, Hicks, Peter McNaughton, T. C, Joynt along with the other officials. It was decided to play Juvenile ball and sponser Bantham,’but to enter1 a team along with Seaforth', Clin- ton and Zurich in the Huron and Perth League, and a meeting of the league is to foe held in the town hall on May 27th to arrange fox’ a schedule. The Late Miss Marion MacKay The funeral of the late Miss Marion McKay who passed away at her home in Tuckersmith Township on Friday last took place on Sunday afternoon, interment in the Ross cemetery at Brucefield, Rev. W. A. Young, pastor of Carmel Presbyter ian church, Hensall, conducted the funeral service. Miss McKay was in good health up to a few hours of her death passing away quite suddenly, She was a native of Tuckersmitn and lived with her brother William McKay on the homestead farm. She is survived fry one sister, Miss Mary McKay, of Hensall and two brothers John, of Grand Bend and Wil iam, of Tuckersmith. She was a member of Carmel Presbyterian church, Hensall, and -highly respect ed iby all who knew her. Quite a number of Hensall relatives and •friends attended the funeral. Death of Mrs. Jennie Caldwell Mrs. Jennie Caldwell, a former ■Hensall resident, passed away on Monday, May 24th at a Woodstock Hospital, after an illness of several years. She was a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. William McDoug all and was a native of Tuckersmith Township, where she was born 55 years ago. After her marriage to Mr. Caldwell they resided for a number of years on a farm 1 %. miles east of Kippen. After the death of Mr. Caldwell she came to Hensall to reside, but was in very -poor health. iShe later was taken to a Woodstock hospital for treatment and remained there till her deat-n. She is survived by two sons William and Harry Caldjvell, of Tuckersmith and one daughter, Mrs. Nellie Det- weiller, Reg.N. in the Canadian West. The remains were brought to the home of her son Harry Cald well from where the funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon in terment taking place in the Ross cemetery at Brucefield. Subscribers in arrears to the Times- Advocate will receive fifty coupons for each year paid. Now is a good - -" - - " . You may wintime to settle up. You may one of the valuable prizes. CREDITON The Fortieth Anniversary of the Crediton Zion Evangelical Church will be observed on Sunday, June 6. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Waterloo Evangelical Church will be the guest speaker. The present church edi fice was erected in 1897. The church is in a flourishing condition, in creasing numerically and in finan cial strength; also enlarging its ben evolences, particularly its missionary giving,- Zion church has exercised a strong evangelical force in the life of the community and had steadily stood fox* temperance and moral re form, been gave large. Rev. and Mrs. Eilber, Mrs, Emmery Fahrner Miss Dorothy Ratz are attending the convention of the Canada Confer ence Branch Women’s Missionary Society which is being held at Han over this week. Mr. and Mr£. Ernie Trietz, of .Sar nia, Miss Grace Letter, of Brown City, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trietz over the week end. Among its ministers there have many who leadership won. distinction and to the church at Pletch, Mrs. H. K. and ZION at- at will Mr. ton- A number from the community tended the anniversary services Woodham Church on Sunday. Services in the Zion church be at 2 p.m. Master Harry Hern, son of and Mrs. Harold Hern had his sils and adenoids removed on Mon day at Dr. Dunlop’s office. Mr. home Mr. spent Mrs. E. Hern. W. M. S. 'The May meeting of the W. v.as held at the home of Mrs. ren Brock with the president Henry Hern has returned to spend the summer months. William Stephens, of Aylmer, several days with ibis sister its THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS R. & W. FREE RUNNING SALT, iodized or plain .... QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT ......................................... GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE 32 oz. jar LIBBY’S PORK AND BEANS.......................................... MAPLE LEAF SALMON ................................................... MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP ................................ Fresh Saar Dates.....................4 lbs. for 25c. Pure Castille Soap ................... 10 bars 25c. Aroma-Coffee with cup* saucer per lb. 39c. morning and even will furnish special be assisted by Mrs. soloist, of Glencoe. CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES Minimum Fares.’ Adults 75c Child 40c JUNE 4 and 5 from E X E T E R to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley-, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St, Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. JUNE 4th— To- Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet., Belle ville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville, Prescott, Morris burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbell ford, New market, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford Bar-rie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Callander, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Riy., Nipissing Central Rly., Kapuskasing, Longlac, Geraldton, jellicoe, Beai’dmore. T271A For ATTRACTION—TORONTO—SAT., JUNE 5 — BASEBALL —- MONTREAL vs. TORONTO Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, 'Consult Nearest Agent See handbills for complete list of destinations DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Mir. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz and Miss Ella Martinson spent the week end with friends in Detroit. Mr., and Mrs. Ira Tieman, of Hamilton, 'visited .his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tieman over the week-end. Mrs. .Stadelbauer and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, of London were week-end visitors here. Mr. Milford Mernar spent the holidays in Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Wind sor were holiday visitors with rela tives here. Miss Reta Hayter and friend, of London, visited her parents on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmei- Zimmer, of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. Knechtel, of Kit chener, and Mrs. F. Southcott, of Venice, California, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther Mon day. Mrs. ’ Harry Rader was rushed to London hospital on Wednesday suf fering, from mastoids. We hope foi’ a speedy, recovery. Miss Rose Guenther, who spent the winter at her home here return ed to Windsor last week. Miss Zeta Nadiger R. N., who is nursing in Victoria hospital London spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and’Mrs. Chds. Guenther. M>r. Lome Taylor and sister Myrta of London, spent the holidays with Dr. and Mi-s. R. H. Taylor. M.r. Harry Hartleib, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Hartwick, of Kin cardine were Sunday visitors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada. Mrs. George ’Metcalf of London, spent the week-end with friends in town. Miss A. Robertson, of Wingham, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Art Weber. Rev. H. Roppel, Mrs. A. E. Oes- treicher and Miss Anna Tieman are attending the W. M. S. convention in Hanover this week. Miss Ruth Tieman and Miss El eanor Gallie, of Forest, who are at tending Business College in London spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tieman. .Miss Oneida Restemeyer nurse-in training in /St. Joseph’s Hospital re turned to London Tuesday after spending two weeks’ vacation at her borne here. Miss Anna Tieman spent the week end in Detroit. Mr. George Kellerman is visiting with his son Rev. A. Kellerman in Waterloo. Mr. Harold Kellerman spent the holidays with friends in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preetei’ and Mur iel and Miss Fanny Preeter, of Kit- clxener called on friends here on Monday. M. S. War in charge. , The meeting opened iby singing the Doxology and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The minutes of last meeting were read. Twelve members answered the roll call. It was decided to hold our annual tea the Tuesday after anniversary. The committees were appointed. Hymn 391 was then sung* Scripture les son was read by Mrs. Tom Hern. Several members led in prayer. Mrs Penrose then read the Devotional Leaflet. An interesting report of the convention at Goderich was given by Mrs. James Earl. A poem ‘.Sowing’ was given by Mrs. J. Johns. 43 5 was sung. The meeting with the Mizpah- benediction, bale was then packed. ELIMVILLE with relatives and Kathleen Detroit. Hymn closed The daringVisitors in the community the week-end were: Miss Margaret Mavers, of London with- Miss Mar garet Johns; Misses-.' Winnie and Bertha Smithson also Miss J. Whit lock, of St. Thomas and Mrs. John Ford, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ford; Miss Gerta 'Hunter, of London with Mrs. Sherwood Hunt er; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johns and child, of Hibbert; Mr. and Mrs. Harold s’oyes, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole and Miss Leola Johns, of Exeter with- Mrs. John Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McFalls and chil dren with Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne. The W- M. S. are intending to hold a special service on Sunday, June 6. Mrs. Tanton, of Exeter, will be the speaker. The May meeting of the W. M. S. was held at Mrs. Well. Skinner’s on Wednesday, May 191>h-. (Seventeen members were present. Mrs. Alvin Pym presided. The meeting opened with use of hymn “'Stand Up for Je sus” after which the Scripture les son was read by Mrs. Sherwood Hunter. Short Prayers were offered by Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose and Mrs. R- D. Hunter then the Lord’s Prayer in ■unison. Mrs. Geo. Davis read the Devotional Leaflet “Jesus at home in Canada.” Mrs. W. Skinner favored the .ladies with an instrumental num ber “Two Larks”. An interesting reading re “Cocktail Parties” was given by Mrs. Frank Brock and a re port of the S. Huron Presbyterial was given by Mrs. Well. 'Skinner. Roll call was answered by a quota tion on “Seed-time." Business was discussed following the minutes of last meeting. It has ibeen decided to hold a Strawberry Supper on July 1st. The meeting closed with sing ing “God Save the King” and the ■benediction. Subscribers in arrears to the Times- Advocate Will receive fifty coupons for each year paid. Now is a good time to settle up. You may win one of the valuable prizes. KHIVA Miss L. Mossey spen the week-end at her home in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Aivin Surerus and daughter Margaret and Miss Meta Surerus, of Toronto, spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McCann visited on Monday in Chatham. M1\ Chi’is. Dietrich and Miss Lu cille spent the week-end with rela tives in Kitchener, An aluminum demonstration was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Stebbins last Thursday. Mr, Arthur Hutchinson and Miss Nola Hutchinson, of Parkhill, spent last .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy* Eagleson. Mi’, and Mrs. Otto_______ . . Willert and family spent Sunday with Mrs. G. Surerus, of Zurich. CANADIAN NATIONAL.———---------- --------.—... Hostess—Do have some fnore Jeb ley and cream. 'Slangy guest—A little more of the suds please, I have plenty of the glue ,................per pkg. 5c. . 3 packages for 25c. ..........v.........each 21c. ............4 tips for 25c. Ir2 lb. tip, each 16c. ......... 3 cakes for 11c. Peanut Butter in bulk.... Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes Blue and White Bleach .... ....2 lbs. 25c, ....per lb. 7c. 2 bottles 10c. PRESERVING PINEAPPLES—We would appreciate your order. Large pines 2 for 35c. or 6 for $1.00—extra large each 23c. Phone 102 T ROLLIES’ GROCERY MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Ken. McNeil and family of Kingsville, spent the week end with- Mr. and Mrs. John Breen. Mr. Joseph Regan of Staffordville and Miss Marjorie Regan, of Lon don, spent the holiday with their mother Mrs. M. Regan. Mr. N. Geromette and Miss Helen Coughlin, of London, spent the week end at their homes here. Mr. Dave Geromette returned to Windsoi’ last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ducharme, of Chatham, spent Sunday with Miss Margaret Hogan. •Mr. John Carey was taken to St. .Joseph’s Hospital last week after suffering a slight stroke. Dance in the Hall Friday night. Miss Huberta Regan R.N., of the Ford Hospital, Detroit, visited her friends here this week. The funeral of Miss Mary O’Neil, who died in Milwaukee on Monday was held in Mt. Carmel on Wednes day morning at 9.30 a.m. Requiem High Mass -was celebrated by Rev. Fr. McCarthy, of Parkhill. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. John Houlahan, Mrs. O’Hara, of Milwau kee and Miss Agnes ONeil, of New York; two brothers John of Dertoit and Arthur of Toronto. Mrs. P. Keogh and ed friends week-end. Rev. Fr. Sullivan is spending a few days with his father Mr. P. Sul livan Sr. CREAM! We Deliver Sullivan Jr., Mrs. T. Mr. Noah Hartman visit in West Lome ovei’ the CENTRALIA ==j Mrs. Wm. White left last week for EE Detroit whore she will accompany j ss I her daughter on a motor trip to the as? I pacific Coast. Cream will be received at the Exeter Creamery on Saturday nights, beginning May 15th. Hours: 7:30 until 9 o’clock Highest market prices paid Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA If You Neglect Backache , Kidney Trouble May Follow Those terrible pains that strike you in the small of the back, right over the kidneys, are nothing more than a cry for help from these organs. These dull pains, sharp pains and quick twinges point to the fact that your kidneys need attention. Doan’s Kidney Pills help to take out the stitches, twitches, and twinges, limber up the stiff back, and give relief and comfort to those who suffer from weak, lame and aching backs. Exeter Coronation Contest CLOSES SATURDAY, JUNE 5th© Prizes Will be Awarded to the Holder of the Tickets Drawn. You May Win! Twelve Coupons for Every Dollar Paid on Accounts FIRST PRIZE 2nd PRIZE 3-piece upholstered Tapestry LIVING ROOM SUITE $79.50 $200 IN CASH 3rd PRIZE General Electric ALL WAVE RADIO 4th PRIZE 26-piece Set of SILVERWARE (Mansfield Pattern) 20 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES on display at Snell Bros. & Go. BUY FROM THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS AND RECEIVE COUPONS Graham Arthur (Red Indian Service) Browning’s Drug Store W. J. Beer-—Electrical Supplies B. W. F. Beavers—Hardware Southcott Bros. E. .Lindenfield—Hardware Wm. Hatter—Dairy Swift Canadian Company Frank Coates—Grocer Flynn’s Barber Shop II. Bierling Grieve’s Lunch shoppe Len O’Brien—Eggs and poultry Exeter Ladies’ wear Sandy Elliot—l^ord Garage G M. Simpson, Beattty Shoppe E. 11. Hopper—Furniture Norman Hockey, Barber Martin’s Music Store Canada packers Limited dames P. BowOy Walker’s Drug store W. W. Taman people’s Cash Shoe Store John Hockey (South End Barber) Snell Bros. & Company Rivers’ Quality Meats J. A. Traquhir’s Hardware Tiie Times-Advocate Cole's Drug Store Ideal Meat Market Leavitt’s Theatre Chainway Stores Ltd. The Red & White Grocery Jones & May R. G. Seldon S. B. Taylor, Jeweler F. G. Wright & Co. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Store Middleton’s Bakery Harn ess Barber. Shop Helen’s Beauty Shoppe G. A. Hawkins* Hardware ■White’s Bakery 1 Illi It