HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-20, Page 7i THURSDAY, MAY 20th, 1^7 of Hern and of examination paper need- as received hy office of the Society, Qatar Toronto A. entry W.OjS.iS.A. THE IMTOi TIMES-ADVOCATE FIRST PRIZE 15 YEARS AGO May 18, 1922 EXETER COUNCIL Monday, May 10, 1937 A regular meeting of the Municip­ al Council was held with all mem­ bers present. The minutes of the meeting held April 26th together; with a special meeting of May 5th were read and adopted on motion of May and Southcott. Mrs. Walker and Miss Jeckell on behalf of the Women’s Institute ad­ dressed the Council, pleading for a public rest room. The Reeve replied that the proposal had been under consideration and .some effort made, but at tihe present time equid not give a definite answer.iSolicitox* J, W. Morley, on behalf of Mr. Nelson Statton, addressed the council asking that Mr. Statton be allowed the use of two extra billiard and pool tables, claiming that in the use of two tables, he could not accommodate his patrons, that it would be a better paying opposition if the privilege to operate two more tables could be secured. After discussion by the Council, de­ ferred for further consideration. The matter* of Road paint for the street marking was referred to the Road and Bridges Committee to se­ cure further prices of materials on motion of Hern and May and carried The advertising matter of the Masse family as left with members of the Council by Mr. F. J. Delbridge was considered without action. Councillor Hern on behalf of Mrs. Quance Sr., applied fox* the con­ struction of a concrete walk in front of her property on Marlboro Street. To be considered on inspection. Mr. Pearce, relief officer, address­ ed the Council regarding his find­ ings ixx several visits to homes where relief has been given and at the same time he asked for the privilege of speaking on the Ibillard and pool room license, being opposed to granting suich license and the grant­ ing of further privileges, and asked that no change be made in the pres­ ent By-law under’ whicih the License was granted. .A notice (be published that the by­ law prohibiting dogs from running at large during the months of May, June, July and August be made and the same to be put into force strict­ ly after May 24th and that all dog owners must secure dog tags on or before that date. The following accounts- were or­ dered to be paid: E- Lindenfield ac­ count for nails for weigh scales $1.- 18; J. Senior, telephone call, Goder­ ich 40c., for municipal stationery supplies $7.78, $8.18; W. C. Pearce, relief .officer $9.2'5; Edwin Harness, labor R&fB, $'5.75; Johix Stire ditto $3.25; Wm, Laverty, ditto $18,001 E. J. Coombes, ditto $11.25; Harry Smith ditto $2.25; Richard Davis, collecting refuse $11.00; P. Coleman ditto $13.75; Wm. Andrew, labor $19.00. Direct Relief accounts — James Bowey, $10.00'; Sylvanus J. V. Cann $4.00; H. Bierling, $13.40'; Brown­ ing’s Drug Store $1.00; Chainway Stores 9.0ic.; Frank Coates $3.80; Wm. Hatter $9.10; Jones & May $60.62; R. Motz $2.00; H. T. Rowe $11.15; R. G. Seldon $12.00; South- Cbtf Bros. $5.90; H. C. Rivers $5. 20. Passed on motion May and carried. A letter wa& read the Reeve from the Canadian Red Cross io Division, 6?1 Jarvis St., appealing for a Branch of the So ciety Ibe organized as a standing Red Cross Emergency committee fox* the Village. Per motion of South- cott and Hern: That the Municipal Council of the village be a standing coipittee of a branch of the Cana­ dian Red Cross Society. Carried. Adjourned by Hern, Jos. Senior, Clerk School Principal reported on roll 154; average atend- S'chool closed a day basement an order of the M.iH.'O. teachers volunteered extra classes due to A few examination be needed. BOARD OF EDUCATION The monthly meeting of the Board of Education was .held in the Pub­ lic Library on Monday evening, May 10th. Absent; C. V. Pickard and G. Dawson. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The Public School Principal re­ ported for April: Numbei’ on roll, 220; average attendance 204.25. The school was closed from April 26tlx to 29th due to flooded basement other­ wise staff was complete during the month. Examination results to be published this week. All arrange­ ments had been made for parade on Coronation Day. About 30 pupils to take part in Clinton Musical Festi­ val, May 11th. Supply ed. High number ance 14 6.62. owing to watei’ in three more iby High School to teach some loss of time, supplies would Per R. N. Creech and W. Dearing: That the two reports adopted and supplies as needed procured. Carried. Pei* J. M. Southcott and Elliot: That the fee for Exetei’ School be sent to Carried. Per F. J. Delbridge Beavers: That one hundred dollars be paid to the Secretary-Treasurer of Arena Committe. Carried. Per Mrs. Beavers and J. N. Willis payment of following accounts: Times-A'dvocate, supplies $9.45; E. Coombes, labour $5.40'; J. Stire, labour $3.00; Jones & May, sup­ plies $13.85; Grigg Stationery, sup­ plies and telephones accts. $14.3 8. Per R. N. Creech adjournment until Thursday evening May 27th ax, 8 o’clock. K. MacFaul, Secretary ■Daily Dose” for Footballers Read what one professional train­ er does to keep his team i» tip-top condition:— “I am a professional trainer, at present with a first-class football team, and have [been for the past fourteen years, Kruschen ’Salts has been very beneficial, both as a laxa­ tive and in keeping the men free from staleness. Each morning I see that every man under me takes a small amount of Kruschen Salts to assist the livei* and kidneys. I have used Kruschen with all types of athletes and also extensively among my private patients, fox’ cases of loss of vitality, rheumatism and neuritis,"—J.J.J. Certified Masseur The “little daily dose” of Krus­ chen Salts helps to keep the inter­ nal organs functioning regularly in their daily duties. Liver, kidneys and bowels are stimulated to .healthy vigorous activity, thus assisting them to eliminate waste products and poisons that endanger the health. McGillivray ‘The annual meeting of (the Mc­ Gillivray W. I. was held at the home of Mrs, Jas. Dixon on May 11 with the President in the chair. Ten dol­ lars was voted to 'be sent to the Red Cross to assist flood sufferers. At the close of the business part, Miss Evelyn Tweddle presided for the election of officers for the year 1937 and 1938 which are as follows: Hon, Pres., Mrs. John McEwen Sr Pres., Mrs. J. L. Amos; 1st vice- president, Mrs. Jas. Dixon; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Alex Stewart; Sec’y.- Treas., Mrs. Erwin Scott; Assistant, Mrs. Cecil Ellwood; Directors, Mrs. Wes. White, Mrs. Dan .Lewis, Mrs. G Hodgins; District Director, Mrs. A. B. Erskine; Home Economics, Mrs. F. Neil; Agriculture, Mrs. M. Watson; Education, Mrs. David Morley; Legislation Mrs. A. Green­ lee, Miss Verna Greenlee; Health* & Child Welfare, Miss K. McMillan; Canadianization, Mrs. Mac. Allison; Historical Research, Mrs. F, Fenton Relief and Sunshine, Mrs. John Le­ wis, Mrs. W. Paton, Miss North­ grave; Community Activities, Mrs. E. Paton, Miss Marie Boland; pub­ licity, Mrs. Wes. Lewis; Question Drawer, Mrs. Tom Lee, Mrs. Wm. Hamilton; pianists, Mrs. M. Allison Mrs. Dan Lewis; Auditors, Mrs. H. Hamilton and Mrs. Ken. Scholdice. 3-SPEEDWAY T| DEC GOODYEAR ■ ■ ■■ Ki49 50 YEARS AGO May 10? 1887 We are pleased to announce the success with which two of Exeter’s promising young men have met at the recent law examinations held at Toronto. Mr. John Elliott succeeded in very successfully passing his ex­ aminations as solicitor and barrister while R. H. Collins headed the list in the examination for solicitor and came second in that for barrister. Mr. L. H. Dickson, formerly of B. V. Elliott’s law office stood second in the solicitor examination. Prof. Fred Knight left for Den­ ver, Col., last week. Messrs. J. N. Hooper and H. Wil­ kins, of this place, have left for Tor­ onto, where they have purchased a dry goods business. We are pleased, to notice that Henricus W. West, late of this place, was successful in having the degree of M.D.C.IM. conferred .upon by Vic­ toria University at Cobourg last week. After which he left fox* Eur­ ope to further pursue his medical studies. Exeter Double satisfaction in Good year Speedways for you . * • low cost and long life. Drop in and gee this big value tire. Come in and let us show you some tread prints on Goodyears that have gone 2500 miles and over Centralia PURITy FLOUR Best for oil Baking 25 YEARS AGO Mr. A. F. Ford has recently plant­ ed out one thousand trees for silk worms covering five acres. Miss Mabel Follick was called to Thamesford .Saturday owing ?o the death of her (brother-in-law Rev. C. W. Baker. Miss May Nelson has taken a pos­ ition in Harvey & Harvey’s north store and Miss Ruby Davis in the Main Store. The handsome new Methodist Church at Centralia was opened and dedicated on Sunday last and the crowds were so large that hundreds were turned awayi The church was dedicated aftei’ the order of the Methodist church by Rev. J. W. Hib­ bert, president of the London Con­ ference. It was presented to the Conference by Messrs. John Essery and W. R. Elliott. Three of the colored-glass windows are memorial windows. One is installed by the Ladies Aid as a memorial to the fallen heroes in the Great War. The Butt family presented a window honor of them father, Rev. W. Butt, who 8 years was a pastor Centralia. [Another was given Mr. Woods, of London in honor his mother Harriet Wilson Woods. Rev. Arthur Sinclair is the present pastor. Exeter Coronation Contest Prizes 2nd PRIZE 3-piece upholstered Tapestry LIVING ROOM SUITE value $79.50 $200 IN CASH 3rd PRIZE General Electric ALL WAVE RADIO in H, at by of 4th PRIZE 26-piece Set of SILVERWARE value $69.50 May 16, 1912 A closed season for frogs has |been fixed by the Ontario Government, H. Eilber M.P.P., has received word that commencing this season frogs may not be caught or killed during the months of May and June. Mr. Geo. Powell, of 'Thedford, called on friends here Monday. Mr. Chas. Knight, of St. Thomas, Visited with relatives here Ovex* Sun­ day. Mr. William Hooper left Saturday for Buffalo where he will visit for a time. Mrs. Waugh returned Monday from Toronto Where she visited for some weeks. Mrs, Shoebottom and son Will* of London Township, visited at Mr. J. Atkinson’s over Sunday, Gordon, son of Mr. Samuel Truem- ner, of Detroit, Spent a few days eluting the week with, relatives here. Mr. W- C. Coultls, who has been attending the Stratford Business College, has accented a position with Globe Wernicke Co., with head of­ fice in Montreal- Miss Laura Ethol Wiseman, one of Kirkton’s former esteemed young ladies has been the successful win­ ner of the gold medal in the Victoria School for nurses at London, the award being for general ©roficionioy. I UCAN MAN SUCCUMBS James Coursey died at his heme in Lucan Sunday following a three weeks’ illness. 3rd concession known as the years ago, he Coursey and Elizabeth Hodgins, na­ tives of Ireland, who were among Biddulph’s first settlers. After re­ tiring from farming 19 years ago he came to Lucan. His wife died five years ago. Surviving are two daugh­ ters, Mrs. Fred Ford, Detroit, and Irene, at home; two sisters, Mrs. Harry Stanley of the 3rd concession Bidduilph and Mrs, Phillip Harding, Windsor. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock to Holy Trinity church for service, in­ terment in St. James cemetery, Clandeboye. He was Iborn tin the of Biddulph, better “Coursey Line” 84 was a son of John There’s a Reason Alex—Just coming from the bank. So ye have money to put away? Donald—it didna put money in the bank. Alex—Then ye drew some not, or borrowed? Donald—Noe. Neither. — Alex—Ah wool, ah what did ye there, Donald—I fillit my fountain pen. (Mansfield Pattern) 20 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES on display at Snell Bros. & Co. and Sandy Elliot’s u*a 16 PRIZES ON EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DATES TUESDAY, MAY 4th TUESDAY, MAY 11th TUESDAY, MAY 25th BUY FROM THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS AND RECEIVE COUPONS W. W. Taman People’s Cash Shoe Store John Hockey (South End Barber) Snell Bros- & Company Rivers’ Quality Meats , J. A. Trhquair’s Hardware The Tixnes-Advocate Colo’s Drug Store Ideal Meat Market Leavitt’s Theatre Chainway Stores Ltd* The Red & White Grocery Jones & May R, G. Seldon S. B- Taylor, Jeweler F« G. Wright & CO. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash, store Middleton’s Bakery Harness Barber Shop Belen’s Beauty Shoppe G, A. Hawkins’ Hardware White’s Bakery Graliam Arthur (Red Indian Service) Brewing’s Drug store W. J. Beer—Electrical Supplies B. W, F. Beavers—Hardware Southcott Bros. E. Lindehfield—Hardware Wm. Hatter—Dairy Swift Canadian Company Frank Coates—Grocer Flynn’s Barber Shop H. Bici’lhig Gricve’s Lunch Shoppe Left O’Brien—Eggs and poultry Exeter .Ladies’ Wear Sandy Elliot—Ford Garage G M, Simpson, Beauty ShOppe E. R. Hopper—Furniture Norman Hockey, Barbdr Martin’s Music Store Canada packei’s Limited James P- Howey Walker’s Drag Store in