HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-20, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY 1037 HENSALL A sale of home-cooking will • be 'held on Saturday evening May 22nd in^the vacant store next to Twitchell Garage by the town group of the Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian church. Mr. Wm. pfaff spent last week with friends in Seaforth. ■Mrs, Fred Hess who has been jll for several weeks is able to be out | cussed, again, evening, May 31st the st. Andrew’s choir, q£ stratfordi will assist with, the anniversary entertainment the church., Tennis Meeting On Monday evening a numbei* the young people of town held meeting in the council chambers the Town Hall to organize and ar­ range for a Tennis Club. Quite a lot of business and plans were djs- Mr. Sam Rannie was elect­ ed as president, and Miss Sarah Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty, of 1 Manson as 'Sec’y.-Treasurer. A meet­ ing will be held in the council chambers on Thursday evening, May 20th, at 7.30 p.m. to make further arrangements. (AU. who are inter­ ested in tennis are invited to tend the meeting and anyone join. Considerable interest is ing taken to arrange this cluib, Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held in. the United Church on Sunday. Rev. E. F, McL. Smith, of Toronto, a for­ mer pastor of the church, was the speaker for the day and was greet­ ed with large congregations both in the morning and evening. Special music was given by the choir. The anthem “Open Our Eyes” was very ■lovely with the solo parts taken by Mr. Sam. Rennie. At the evening service the anthem ‘Hark, Hark, My Soul” was sung with the special parts being sung by Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. Maud Hedden, on Monday evening a concert was given by the choir assisted by Edward V. Heal, har/p soloist, of St. Thomas, who was the guest artist of the evening. There was a variety of muisc in the program given by the choir under the direction of the choir leader Mr. W. O. Goodwin with Miss Eleanor Fisher A. T. C. M., the organist, Rev. .Mr. Smith was present and gave a' very interesting address. The Anniversary collections and pro­ ceeds from the concert amounted to over two hundred dollars. AV. M. S. Meeting The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly meeting in the school room on May 13 th with presiding. The singing a hymn Robt. McLaren, read the Scripture lesson, was called and the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mrs. A. Dougall gave a well prepar­ ed topic on Missionary work in the Peace River District. iThe business part of the meeting was then taken up with the President Mrs. Colin ‘ . The offering was taken and Mrs. J. Paterson sang a Ibeautiful solo “Alone” accompan­ ied by Mrs. Dougall. Mrs. W. A. Young gave a- very full and inter­ esting report -of the Ontario Provin­ cial meeting held in London. Mrs. Basil Edwards led in prayer. After singing the Coronation hymn the meeting closed with the Lord’s Pray­ er in unison. Bride-Elect Honored The Wohelo Class of the United ■Church spent a pleasant evening on Friday last when about thirty-five members of the class with their teacher Miss Ellis, met at the home of Miss Gladys Passmore. Crokinole was played and prizes given' Ken­ neth Passmore won first prize by winning five straight games. The consolation prize went to Miss Dor­ een Farquhar; a sing song was en­ joyed and conducted by Mrs. Maud Hedden. During the evening Miss Verda Watson, bride-elect of June and a valued member of the Wohelo class was presented with some beau­ tiful red and white kitchen utensils. in ot A in Varna called on friends in town on Monday. Mr,. Arthur Perry, of Clinton •calling on friends in town on ■day evening, Miss Margaret McGregor taken a position in the Bell Tele­ phone office, Hensall. Mrs. John Zuefle has returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives at Mount Forest. Miss Marion McKay, of Toronto, was visiting here last week with her sister .Mrs. William Shepherd. Mrs. Wm. Otterbein and son Geo. visited Mr. Otteijbein who is in Vic­ toria Hospital, London on Saturday last. • Mrs. Herman Dayman was in Ex­ eter several days last week owing to ■the serious illness of her mother Mrs, John Miller.. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlisle and children were recent visitors with Mrs. Carlisle’s mother Mrs. Lands- Iborough, of Tuckersmith. Mrs. Warner accompanied by her son-in-law Mr. Clare Vanharn, Lon­ don, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hudson on Wednesday last. Mr, William Otterbein, who has been in very poor health for some­ time was taken to Victoria Hospital (London last week for treatment. This is clean up week in the vil­ lage. Great quantities of old junk are being hauled out to the dump yard by a truck supplied by the village. Mr. G- C. Petty and Mr. Harry Al­ drich were in London Tuesday and Wednesday attending the Synod which is being held there this week. Miss Clark Walker and Mrs. Rus­ sel Powell, of Ypsilanti, Mich., were recent visitors here with Mrs. Wm. Lammie and Miss Greta Lammie. Dr. and Mrs. James Tapp, of Ot­ tawa were visitors /here for several days last week with Mr. Tapp’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tapp. Mrs. Robt. Green has returned home from Moose Lake, Minn,, where she has been for some time taking .care of her mother and whose death occurred while she was there. Mr. J. McAsh> and sister Miss Mc- Ash, of Saskatoon, Sask., have mov-| was Fri- Jins at- can be- Thursday afternoon Mrs. H. Workman meeting opened by and prayer by Mrs. Mrs. Geo. Walker The roll ed to Hensall and have got nicely Hudson in the^cihair. settled, in the ihome on South Rich­ mond street that they recently rent­ ed from Mr. Harvey Jacobi. The engagement is announced of Mr. John B. Stacey, of Detroit, a former well known resident and son of Mrs. Stacey and the late Samuel Stacey, of Hensall and Miss Doris Ada Tuck, R. N., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tuck,’ of Lon­ don. The wedding will take place the middle of June. Communion service (was held in Carmel Presbyterian' Church on Sun­ day morning last. Rev. W. A. Young the pastor in charge o$ the services ■both morning and evening. At the ■ morning service sixteen new mem­ bers united with the church, the evening service besides thems Mrs. W. A. McLaren solo “Be Thou Nigh.” Anniversary services will in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday, May 3 0th. Rev. D. J. Lane, of Goderich, will be the speaker for the day. Special music is being /prepared by the choir. On Monday At the an- sang a be held OCTOBER EGGS FROM LATE MAY CHICKS Cockerels 41-2 to 5 lb. at Thanksgiving—or 6 lb. and Over for Christmas Trade Rapid growth and early maturity are even more important in late May and June chicks than in earlier cihicks. If you happen to buy a slow-growing strain of chicks in late May or June, you don’t have eggs to' Sell till the high-price season is over. But quick-growing stock gives you a chance to make some real money. Bray’s May-hatched “Xtra-Profit” pullets, if well reared, will give you high-priced eggs to sell in October, November and Decem­ ber—and keep right on laying through t'he coldest winter months. They have countrywide reputation for wonderful liveability and ex­ tra-rapid growth. When well handled, they usually commence to lay ht 5 months old (or younger) and often reach 50 per cent, pro­ duction before they are 6 months old. We can back up these state­ ments with actual evidence from every province in Eastern Ontario. It’S the same with’ cockerels as with pullets. Bray’s “Extra-Profit” cockerels when well fed, usually gain a pound a month and some­ times more. You can finish May-hatched “Xtra-Profit” cockerels at the popular 4£ to 5 lb. weights, by Thanksgiving—-or hold them to make 6-Ib. roasters (or (better) for the Christmas trade. There’s money in chickens when yoti /get growth like that—and we have ample evidence to show that our customers are getting it. Our prices are down to rook bottom, Don’t buy until you see our end-of-the-season price list. We can supply “Xtra-Profit” day-old chicks, day-old pullets ahd Started pullets for immediate delivery— and cockerels if ordered in advance. Choice of 7 breeds, _S tan dat’d Grade stock in the same 7 breeds at still ’phone today for complete information. lower prides. Write or Fred W. Bray, Limited ONTARIORhone 210 EXETER An amusing address was read Iby .. Doreen U/arquhar and the presenta­ tion made by Gladys Passmore, after which Miss Gret® Lammle read an­ other address and Mr. Alex Fiishie presented Miss Watson with a end table from the y, P. S, of the Unit­ ed Church. Miss Watson thanked both the class and Young People Society for their kind remembrance, ’ and beautiful gifts. A dainty lunch of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and candy was served. Miss Watson is one of Hensall’s most popular young lajdes, During the time she has been in Hensail she has made many friends. ‘She has been an active worker in all societies or the United church and she has the best wishes of a host of friends. Observes 60th Anniversary . /St. Paul’s Anglican church, Hen- sall will celebrate its 60th annivers­ ary services in honor of the occa­ sion on Sunday, June 6 th. On Thursday, June 10th, a garden tea will be held from 3 to 6 and at 8 p.m. an evensong. On Sunday morn-’ ing the special speaker will be Rev. W. N. Snelgrove, B.A., and in the evening Rt, Rev. C. A. Seager, M.A., D.D., L.L.D., Lord Bishop of Huron will be the preacher and on Thurs­ day evening a former Rector, Rev. Herbert Naylor will speak, invited to attend these services especially former members of church are requested to take part, St. Paul's had a very interesting was opened for worship June 10 th, 1877. service Dean Boomer was the preach­ er, in the afternoon Rev. John Sem- mel and in the evening Rev. F. Ryan. During the 60 years the in­ cumbents of the church have been: 1877 to 1886, Rev. F. Ryan, Rev. IS. F. Robinson; 1886 to 189'0’, Rev. H. A, Bridgeman; 1890 to 1891, Rev. W. Brown German; 1891 to 1894, Rev. Edward Softel'y; 18,94 to 189'6, to 1898, Rev. C. L. Mills; 1898 to 1916, Rev. W. J. Dohorty; 1916 to 1917, Rev. W. Harvey Moore; 1917 to 1921, Rev. A. R. E. Garrett; 1921 to 1927, Rev. Herbert Naylor; 1927 to 1929, Rev. T. W. Jones; 1929 to 1934, Rev. L. M. B. Parker; 1935 to 1936, .Rev. B. H. Farr; 1936 — Rev, M. A. Hunt, Death of Victor Fee The death occurred on Wednes­ day afternoon, May 12tih, at his late home, on the 3rd Concession ot I-Iay, of Victor Fee, a well known and highly respected resident of that township. Mr. Fee had been in poor health foi* some time, suffering ■ ■from a cancel’ and despite the best medical skill and nursing, he gradu­ ally sank, till death ended his suf­ fering. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fee, of Hensall and was born at Rapid City, Manitoba, 55 years ago, where the Fee family were residing. A few years later the Fee family moved back to Hay Township, ’and Victor has resided there since. He was a very success­ ful farmer, having a beautiful farm and home just west of Hensall. He was a Conservative in politics and a member of St. Paul’s Anglican church, Hensall. He is survived by ihis wife, formerly Miss Florence Dignan, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fee, of Hensall, two brothers Oliver, of Hay Town­ ship and George, of Hensall and three sisters, Mrs. tE, Baughman, Chicago; Mrs. E. J. Harris, of Ailsa Craig and Mrs. J, Wallace, of Buf­ falo. The funeral, which was pri­ vate took place from ibis late home on Friday afternoon, interment taking .place in the Exeter cemetery. The funeral service was -conducted by the Rev. M. A. Hunt, rector of /St, Paul’s Anglican church, Hensall. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral where Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harris, of Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace and daugh­ ter Miss Dorothy, of Buffalo. Tihe pall bearers were: George Fee, Wil- ~ ....... David Ern- were All are and the and has and attend church career on Sunday, At the morning Rev. Franklin E. Roy; 1896 liam Fee, William Dignan, Dignan, William Forrest and est Harris. The floral tributes very beautiful. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ravelie vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hamilton in Forest recently. Mr. ana Mrs. Henry Shadey, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs., Norman Turnbull over the, week-end. Mr. ahd Mrs^Fred Shbttler, Buf­ falo, have come to reside at our vil­ lage. W© welcome them. Mrs. Ed. McPherson. Mrs. Shettler’s mother is going to reside with them. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Eagleson and family, of Dashwood, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Stanlake, Friday. Mr. Emery Desjardine had a Very bad fall on Saturday while putting on the roof of Mr. Bruce Bossenber- ry’g new building. He slipped and fell to the ground about a distance of twenty feet breaking seven ribs and is very ill at present. The property is Still changing (hands in the neighborhood, Mr. Sim Ireland having bought the farm known as the Brume farm and J. W* Holt has bought the one hundred acre farm known as the Oliver farm' on the Mollard Line. The United Church is holding their 10 th Anniversary of the laying of the corner stone next Sunday with two special services and on Monday the 24th, the ladies are holding their annual Hot Supper. Look forward to it and be sure and bring your friends Now! CREDITOR The Womens Institute are hold­ ing a meeting' nt the home of Mrg. Lawrence Wejn on Thursday even­ ing, May 20 th to make out the pro­ gram for the coming year. All the members are requested to be pres­ ent. A number of (baseball enthusiasts met Tuesday evening and decided to enter the Huron-Perth League. The following officers were elected; Hon, Pres. H. K. Eilber; president, F, W. Clark; vice-pres., G. E. Wenzel; sec’y-treas., Emmery Fahner; man­ ager, Hugo sohenk; asst, mgr., S. Wiuerth; transportation committee, Lloyd England, Roy Finkbeiner. The regular meeting of the W. A. of Crediton United Church was held May 13th, "The roll call was ans­ wered by items on Coronation. Read­ ings were given by Mrs, A. Baker and' Mrs. Woodall. Rhena yearley rendered a beautiful solo. It was de­ cided to have a Strawberry Festival [ to be held June 22; also the Society voted $10.00 to the flood sufferers at London. ‘The hostesses of the day Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. Tom served a lovely lunch and half hour was spent. Tree Planted By Women’s ■One of the minor Coronation cere­ monies in Crediton was the planting of a tree on the athletic field by the local Women’s Institute. At seven o’clock a group of the members of that organization and friends gath­ ered at the spot selected, under the direction of M. W. Teller and con­ ducted the ceremony. Reeve Ches­ ter Mawhinney performed the actual act of .planting. Rev. J. W. Johnson offered the dedication prayer and brief appropriate remarks on the value of trees and the Coronation significance were made by Chester Mawhinney. It is hoped that the tree will grow and remain as a memorial of a historic occasion. Parents’ Yearley, a social . k Institute Day at the Evangelical Church lDay was observed last the Evangelical church, over thirty ladies render- Parents’ Sunday at A choir of ed two excellent selections at the morning service. 'A- trio consisting of Mrs. Emery Fahrner, Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mrs. Charles Hoffman rendered a number. The pastor, Bev. A. E. Pletch, preached a very practical sermon, stressing the Chris­ tian’s duty toward, parents. In the Sunday Bchool session a drama en­ titled “'The Boy who was Beady to Share” was presented under the di­ rection of Mrs. Jacob Batz. A vocal duet was rendered by Lorence and Lloyd Wein. An interesting feature of the ‘Sunday School session was the 'presentation of a beautifully en­ graved motto to Mr. and Mrs. John iSmith, who for many years have been members of the Sunday School, A testament was presented to Janet Emilene Beaver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Beaver, the youngest me.m|ber present. At the evening service the auditorium was almost filled. A full men’s choir fur­ nished two excellent numbers. The pastor preached an excellent prac­ tical and helpful sermon. Messrs. Lorence and Lloyd Wein rendered another excellent duet. 'Splendid floral decorations added much to the pleasure of the day. An excellent spirit of fellowship was evident in all the services. Mr, and Mrs. Everett Fahrner and daughter Elaine attended the Hook- way-Orme wedding at Toronto last Saturday. Former Creditoil Girl Weds High Park Avenue United church, Toronto, was the scene of a charm­ ing wedding at 7 o’clock on Satur­ day,‘May 8th when Helen Constance daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Orme of Kennedy Park Boad, Toronto, be­ came the bride of Harry Evans Hookway, of London, son of Mr. and Mrs, B. . B. Hookway, also of Lon­ don. Bev. H. W. Avison, D.D., of­ ficiated. Palms and spring flowers decorated the church. The wedding music was .played by C. Boy Gros- land. During the signing of the re­ gister, Miss Nonie Wheaton, of Lon­ don, sang a charming solo. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a lovely gown of antique white suede lace with a graceful train ahOong sleeves" but­ toned to the elbdw. Her veil of white tulle, trimmed with lace and pearl medallions, .had been worn by her mother. The /bride carried a show­ er bouquet of butterfly roses and lilies of the vallev. Miss Lois Orme, as her sister’s attendant, wore a smart frock, of shell pink mousseline de soie, with small turban in matching pink, and carried sunset roses. Donald Harp­ er, of Watford, was the best man and the ushers were Bruce Baker and Leonard Chellow, Iboth of Tor­ onto. The reception was held at the Old Mill tea gardens, where Mrs. Orme received in a gown of suede lace trimmed with beauty sash and flowers, ture hat was trimmed in shade and her shoes were also American beauty color Hookway, mother of the chose Coronation blue crepe, in redingote style, with hat of natural baku straw with (blue flowers, and shoes in the same shade Her flowers wore yellow roses, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans Hook­ way left later on their wedding trip spiderweb (American Her pic- the same in Mrs. B. B< groom, lace ovei‘ If THE RED and WHITE STORE GROCERY SPECIALS . ■t GOLD MEDAL RASPBERRY JAM .......... GOLD MEDAL ORANGE MARMALADE AYLMER’S CHOICE SWEET CORN........ AYLMER PORK AND BEANS .................. HEREFORD CORN BEEF .......................... Wheat Puffs, large package .......2 for 19c. Peanut Butter in Bulk...........2 lbs. for 25c Keta Salmon ........................... large tin 10c. Blue and White Bleach...2 bottles for 10c. Golden Wax Beans.....................per tin 10c. Tomato Juice, Gold Medal.......per tin 10c. PRESERVING PINEAPPLES We would appreciate your order 2 for 35c. or 6 for $1.00 Extra Large ... each 23c.Large Pineapples Phone 102 to New York and Atlantic City. The bride travelled in beige with hat and accessories in red earth shade. On their return they will reside in Lon­ don. CENTRALIA Mrs. Clara Abbott returned -home on Friday of last week after spend­ ing the winter with her brother Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Fairhall, in Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, of London, visited on Saturday of last week with Mrs. C. J. O’Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks visit­ ed with relatives in Ripley on Sun­ day. 'Mr. and Mrs. George Baynham, Jr., and family visited with relatives in Shipka on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Willert is confined to his home owing to a heart attack. His many friends hope for a speedy re­ covery. Centralia W.M.S. The regular monthly meeting of the M.W.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Arthur McFalls on Tuesday, May 11th. Mrs. R. Smith presided and the meeting opened with the singing of the National Anthem, Mrs. Smith afterwards leading in prayer. Mrs. L. Hicks read the de­ votional leaflet. Mrs. G. Hicks gave a short temperance talk. The last chapter of the Study Book was taken by Mrs. Conner and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. MeFalls took the chair tor the business session. It was de­ cided to pack the bale on the 2 6th of May and anyone having second hand clothing is urged to bring it in. Several pieces of goods were given to the members to be made into ar­ ticles for the bale. Mrs. A Mitchell gave an interesting report of the ad­ dress given in Goderich at the pres- byterial. Our next meeting is to be on June 15bh and is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Isaac. Mrs. Powe closed the meeting with prayer. XIRKTON Udborne School ___ x,„. . in the musical held at Clinton May 11th. Hammond as teacher and Mr. Roy Goul ding as musical director. Mr. and Mi’s. J. Cluff spent Sun­ day in St. -Thomas with Mr, and Mrs. W. Cluff.Miss Eleanor Doupe, Reg.N., of Stratford, spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. W- Harding. Master Preston Morrison had the misfortune to fall off his bicycle last Saturday breaking his left arm We hope Preston will soon be back to school.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKinnon, of London, called on friends in the vil­ lage last Sunday. Mr. E. N. Shier spent Sunday at Ipperwash Beach. Rev. Mr. Leach, of IFulIarton, preached in the United Church this past Sunday and was very much en­ joyed by all.Mr. Milton Callander, of Norwood spent the past week with Mr. E. N. ■ Shier and other friends in the village It is over fifty years since Mr, Cal­ lander left Kirkton, learning harness business with the late J. Taylor. No.children festival Mr. M. the Mr. CREDITON EAST Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Alexander three children, of the Boundary Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, of spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Merner.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender and daughter spent Sunday with Mrs. Benders parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kenney at Shipka.Mr. Albert Wolfe, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mrs. Leonard Wein and son and Mrs. Job Sims spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hamilton, at Grand fiend. Mr. Everett Sims and Mr. and Mrs. John Sims, of Klondike spent Sun­ day here.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock and daughter Helen spent Friday even­ ing with Mr. Bullock’s mother at Greenway.Mr. and Mrs. Win. Heatherby, of ■London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Motz.Mrs. Sam Raynham is. spending some time at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Eckert, at Sebringville. Mrs. Henry Pfaff is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Nelson Schenk north of town,Mr. Isaac Sims, of Hxeter, spenv Sunday with relatives here. and and of Exeter, < We Deliver with the latter’s par- Mrs. Ayotte of Drys- Dietricn, (and familyNoah on Sunday in Chatham, and Mrs. B. McCann and spent Monday in London. KHIVA Messrs. Gerald and Dennis O’Rourke spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Pius Dietrich visit­ ed on Sunday ents Mr, and dale. Mrs. visited Mr. family Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lippert spent Sunday with relatives in Melbourne. ‘Mr. Phillip Foster, of Zurich is quite ill at the home of his Mrs. Louis Ziler. Mr. E, Ayotte, of Detroit, Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich. Miss Mossey treated her pupils to a weiner roast on Monday, sister spent Pius MT. CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Regier and Messrs. Gerald and Dennis O’Rourke visited with friends in Detroit over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ash and Frances i Ann and Miss Nora McKeever, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKeever. Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Shubert, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Den- omme and family of Drysdale, spent .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Houlahan. Miss Mary Mahoney, of London, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. D. Mahoney. While working on his father’s farm last week Mr. Tom Ryan had the misfortune to fall off a disc and get bis ankle cut. Mr. Geromette has purchased a 28 Pontiac Coach. CREAM! Cream will be received at the Exeter Creamery on Saturday nights, . beginning May 15th. Hours: 7:30 until 9 o’clock Highest market prices paid Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA ONTARIO WARNING TO MOTORISTS At the last session of the Legislature the law respecting the speed of motor vehicles was amended. The effect of this amendment is to increase the maximum permissible speed at which motor vehicles may be operated. The amendment in question becomes effective on the 24th of May. Motorists are warned that the new speed limits are the positive maximum speeds at which motor vehicles may he operated under the most ideal conditions. While the maximum speeds are to he 30 miles per hour in cities, towns and villages and 50 miles per hour out­ side, speeds much below these are necessary under many conditions. It is still an offence and considered reckless driving, for which severe penalties are provided, to operate at any speed without due regard for traffic, highway or light conditions. Motorists are urged to exercise the great­ est of care and courtesy and are warned that a wilful disregard for the safety of themselves or other users of the streets and highways will result in prosecution and withdrawal of the privilege of driving. WUOUMUHluilUira 1IK *