HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-20, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MAY ,80th, 1937 First Musical Festival Fifty-eight schools competed in Clinton in the first annual Huron County musical festival. E. C. Beacom i.P.'S., of Goderich was responsible for the arrangements and organizations. W. R. Qeuldtng, of Exeter, acted as conductor and accompanist, while the adjudicator was Roy Fenwick, provincial supervisor of music. Win­ ners in the eight classes and their selections were: Rural school choir, one-room schools—<S? S. No. 1, Stephen Town­ ship; iS. IS. (No. 3 Goderich Township; S. S, No. 6 Grey Township. School choirs from two or three room schools, less than 25 voices— Ethel Public School, Dashwood Pub­ lic School, Brussels Public iSchools. Ghoir from schools of more than three rooms, not more than 25 voices — Wingham Public ‘School, Seaforth Public School, Exeter Pub­ lic School. Home and school members choir —Goderich Victoria School Club, Goderich Central School Clulb. Girls’ solo, any public school pu­ pil— Margaret pethick, Dorothy Gallop, (Marion Mason, Etta Belle Webster and Hazel Boyes) tjed for third place. Boys’ solo, any public school pu­ pil, “Ring Out Wild Bells,”—Clif­ ford Farrier, S.S. No, 14 West Wa- wanosh; Lome Bryans, Brussels and Donald Gibbs, Wingham. Girls’ duet, any public school pu­ pils—Marguerite Cosens and Mar­ garet Rozell, Clinton; Alma Rich­ ards and Jean Parker, IS.S. No. one Stephen; Idella Bryans and Jean Speiran, Brussels. Boys’ duet, any public school pu­ pils—Tom Leppington and Douglas Andrews, Clinton; Lloyd Walker and Russell Heaman, Fairfield; Jas. Taylor and George Wolfe, .S.’S. No. 4 Usborne; Glenn Hunter and El- wyn Kerslaike, Eden. BURIAL OF MRS. HODGSON The funeral of Mrs. Robert Hodg­ son, 78, widow of Roibert Hodgson, was held from the residence of her son Fenton to Ebenezer cemetery for interment. Rev. J. Johnson, of the United Church, Crediton, offi­ ciated. Mrs. Hodgson had lived on the fourth concession of McGilliv­ ray for more than 50 years .and in her youngeir days was a leader in church and community work. .She is survived by four sons, Eldon and George, of Ailsa Craig; Ernest and Wesley, of Dewberry, Alta.; two stepchildren, Mrs. W. H. Davis, of London and William, of Ailsa Craig; .four sisters, Miss Dianna Clarke, of Crediton; Mrs. J. H. Hodgson, Clan- deboye; Miss Sarah Clarke of Har- disty, Alta.; two brothers, James Clarke, of Hardisty and George Clarke, of Niagara Falls, Ont. A QUIET, WELL CONDUCTED, CONVENIENT, MODERN IOO ROOM HOTEL.—83 WITH BATH WRITE FOR FOLDER TAKE A DE LUXE TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF-25o Our jParks » HORTICUVrURAL SOCIETY Just a last word this tim© in sum­ ming up the work of the Horticul­ tural .Society, In the firteen years of their existence they have collected over $2000.00’. They have secured some hundreds of dollars in govern­ ment grants and from out* municipal council they have received $450.00, I understand in grants of $75.00 each year for six years, They have administered these large sums of money without cost to our town, in fact, the town has voted $450,00 for improvements and received over two thousand dollars worth of work along that line and those who are the happiest over this good stroke of business for the town are those who did the work. v Good work has been done in the past but not everything. Doubtless the officers of the Society and the Parks Committee have dreams that only they can make real by giving them tangible form. May I most respectfully suggest a few days of improving our village: First—.Would it not be well to give all our signboards a fresh icoat of paint? iSuch an act will brighten up the whole length of Main .Street, Second—.The signboards at Vic­ toria .Park should be replaced in its former position. Third—Would it not be well to begin planning for a pair of pillars at the southeast corner of Victoria Park with tablets included for short historical notes, and the whole crowned with an arch on which the name “Victoria Park” would be placed? In order to .have them make a good impression two or more trees might be removed and the pil­ lars or cairns erected on a differ­ ent pattern from those already built If a few more trees were removed so that the sunlight could pierce the shade it would make a great im­ provement for tourist camping or small picnic parties. Light and a temperate heat invite us to come in and enjoy ourselves. Fourth—‘Are there not still a few citizens who do not attend to the mowing of the grass on their boule- ivards? Some of these neglected spots are very evident and often spoil the beauty of a whole block. Fifth—Should not many old, rot- ten-at-the-heart and unsighty trees Ibe removed from our streets and re­ placed by young hard maples, wal­ nuts, birches, etc., but not soft maples or horse chestnuts, the latter on account of the litter in the fall? For an example of what this would mean take notice to the north side of the second block, Victoria street, west. Fifth—.Should not all citizens as well as the Horticultural Society combine to urge our Village Uoun- •cil to erect near the north end of Main .Street a fitting monument, in .the shape of pillars or a sort of triumphal arch, to greet the many strangers and visitors who .come to our beautiful town? An outlay of five hundred dollars would give us something of which we should jbe proud. Sixth—<B‘y interviewing lpading citizens many other ways may be suggested that are really worthy oi consideration.’ The wise man long ago wrote; Where there is no vision the people perish. Oh, that all of .us may have a vision of Exeter that will mean added beauty and dignity for our town; a beauty and dignity that may have an influence for good in form­ ing the character of the rising gen­ eration. May we not look for some really great men and women from Exeter in the coming years. W. H. Johnston RIAL Exeter School Reports Beating rugs is lots and lots of fun. * • * • • * « • And how the cattle are enjoying the pastures. ******** Our prejudices should be in favour of progress, ******** Now that the big show is over let us get to work. ******** Coronation year, why not make it tree-planting year? *** ***** Wliat music the insect life is making in the trees these days, * * * ***** The greatest distinction is service to others.” King George. * * * *♦*** Let us overcome our handicaps.,'Our king has set us an example. Ever think of it, we’re within one month of the longest day of the year? ******** No we haven’t conquered the air. No, not quite. See the Hindenlberg folk. Why should the spirit of mortal be proud? ******** For scenes of real beauty and for enjoyment of fragrance to which the apothecary shop is a stranger, take a trip to the woods. ******** Wihat man-made show compares for grandeur with that being wrought before us these spring days? ******** Essay writing and addressing public meetings plants neither trees nor hedges nor prevents soil erosion. It is to laugh- to think about the adjudicator’s on those essays regarding the conservation of Ontario’s natural resources. ******** W-hat impressed us albout the Coronation service was the way those Britishers vie the one with the other in putting vitality into the Empire.They tell us that the Empire has a place in the. sun because she renders practical service to everyone else. Britain is great because of what she wisely gives away. «>#**♦ *» It is an ill day when men get.control over nature in any of its activities before they get control over themselves. Human nature changes very slowly, even for the better, whereas knowledge is ac- accumulated rapidly. Men may, and do, share their scientific knowledge with one another and pass that scientific knowledge on from generation to generation. This is not true of acquired char­ acteristics. And therein lies a real danger. Our goodness has not kept pace with our knowledge, the more’s the pity. ******** Folk expected to find the Coronation of Kjngl G&orge and Queen Elizabeth- largely an occasion of pageantry were agreeably surprised to find it a profoundly religious service. Never in the history of the race were so many meople reminded on one occasion that man’s supreme duty is to fear God and to keep His command­ ments. The sword was there but it was there as the symbol of praise for well-doers and as a warning to evil-doers Never were so many people at one time reminded that only he who serves his ■fellowman is truly great, and that the who thus serves, no matter what his place in the commonwealth, make a contribution of in­ finite worth. He who plants a good seed takes rank along with him who makes a good law. " ******** SOME NATION MUST MAKE THE SACRIFICE .Speaking of -peace and disarmament, we heard a citizen saying the other day that some nation must be willing to place its neck under the heel of the oppressor in the interests of non-resistance. Well, unless we misread history that already has been done. Thous­ ands of yedrs ago India was inhabited by a nation who carried non- resistance to the limit. At this time there swept over 'their land a warlike people who took from them their every possession. This nation, so non-resisting, is now the outcaste population of India. Are Britains prepared to follow suit? .Do they believe that by tak­ ing the rank of India’s outcaste population they will make their best contribution to the world? ******** AN INSTANCE Near Prospect Hill in Ontario there* is a fall wheat field that is good to look at. Wihen the Thames was on its rampage it drove a swift current over a large corner of this field,, with the result that this portion <of the field was stripped of its wheat crop.. Not only was this done but the portion of the field over which the current ran was robbed of every bit of its crop-producing soil. Parties interested discovered that there was but one foot of crop­ growing soil over the field. Others became curious and discovered that their own fields were similarly constructed. .Farmers are finding out the necessity of soil conservation. The recent flood carried away millions of tons of the best soil of 'hundreds of On­ tario farms. Every .fall and spring and winter when little snow is on the ground, the wind carries away the best ' land the farmer owns, a process that is hastened by the use of mineral fertilizers, a practice that reduces the soil to a dusty degree of fineness. ******** THE RIGHT MOVE Very properly the leaders in the various dominions that make up the British Empire are giving grave consideration to Empire de­ fence. Not only are they thinking of themselves in this matter but they are going one step further. They are thinking of the white man’s burden. They are realizing that for them to maintain themselves they must discharge certain responsibilities to weaker nations. Britain does not want war. At the same time she wants far less the coward spirit that refuses to stand up for her rights and that fails in the discharge of responsibility. She sees clearly the difference (between being able to defend herself against aggres­ sion and herself being the aggressor. In international affairs she has learned her lesson from the Ethiopian mess of being in the position of not being able to speak effectively in the interests or fair play. She has studied in the school of experience and iher lesson has been well learned* She is ‘preparing as best she can to discharge the duty of the hour. —f—i 1 / 1—th—-n—|——r—t ' i H:— 1 f—-f-—f , L ROOM vi Jr. IV, Honors — Dorothy Jett­ ings 75; Shirley Moise 75, Bass—>Betty Elliott 73; Frances King 72; Marjorie Fylnn >68; Doris Webber 68; Norma Stonehouse 67; Jack Harness 66; Ray Snell 65. Below Pass—Jean Snell 58; Bill Cox 58; Fred Statton, absent. Jos. B. Creech, teacher ROOM V Jr, IV, Honors—John Page 79; Norma Parsons 75. Pass—(Donald Traquair 73; Doug­ las ipryde 72; Edith Hunter 72; Lila Elliott 6'8; Lillian Kestle 66; Harold Hockey 66; Jean McDonald 66; Jack Cann 64*; Ross Ward 64; Gerald Campbell 63. Below Pass—Mary McDonald 57* Orval Hunter 34**; Freida Stire, ab. Sr. Ill—Virla Jones 82; Billy Weekes 81; Shirley Mason 78; Shir­ ley Motz '76. Pass—Roy Kirk 73; Mildred Han­ nigan 71; Mary Caldwell 71; Mae Snell 70; Mt Kirk 68; Jim. Triebner 66; Teddy McDonald 66; Eric. Jen­ nings 63; Ethel Stire GO1!; Mary Ea­ ston 60. Below pass—(Walter Sims 59; Richard Pilon 57; Jack Cutting 57*; Calvin Heywood 55; Douglas Har­ ness 42; June Smith |41**; Gilbert Statton missed all tests. Number on roll 36; average at­ tendance 31.68. M. A. Horton, Teacher ROOM IV iSr, III, Honors—Lois Clark 77; Jean Stanlake 76. Pass—Marie Melville 74; Harold Elliot 73; Pearl Carnii 72; Isabel Snell 70; Lillian Hewitt 66; Alex Ellis 64; Jean Elliot 62; Ruby Welsh 61. Below Pass—Keith Gordon 59; Archie Weblber 56., Jr. Ill, Honors—Gwenneth Jones 87; Dawson Go-ulding 86; Marion Cowen 81; Jean Kirk 75. Pass—.Bobby Davis 7 4; Doreen Parsons 73; Helen Pfaff 71; Shirley Appleton 69; Eric Heywood 69; Marjory Welsh 68; Ola Moir 68; Bert Moore 66; Norman Hdckney 66; Douglas Brintnell 65; Robert Moore 65; Irvine Armstrong j£>3; Mae King 62; Hugh- Wilson 61; Arnold Lindettfieid 61; Betty Hatt” ness 60<. ■Below pass—Jean Snell 59; Dor­ othy Reeder >50; Lois Hunter, absent Number on roll 35; average at­ tendance 32,5, B. I. Kirk, teacher ROOM III Sr, II, Honors—Mitzi Moffatt 86.7 Brunelle Watson 86.2; June Bierl- ing 85.5; Harvey Cooper 83.4; Jack O’Brien, and Emma ’Strobbe 82.9; Tom Penhale 80.4; Donald Preszca- tor 80,2; Beverley Stonehouse 79.8; Donna Cornish 79,5; Allan Stone­ house 79.1; Jim Whyte 78.2; Don­ ald Burns 78*; Bobbie Kydd, Evelyn Wareing and Betty Payne equal with 77.4; Ted Jones 76.8; Barbara Reid 75.8; Ross McDonald 75,4; Joan Redfern, Mervin Jones and Melvin Kestle equal with 75.1. Pass.—Ross Tuckey and Marguer­ ite Hogarth 74,6; Edgar Wildman 74.5; Jack Hennessey and Billy Kress 73.7; Mary Fletcher 71.6; Gordon Gillespie 70.3; Pearl Stan­ lake 69.9; Evan Sims 67.8; Donald Brintnell 67.7; Earl Sims 67.6; Betty Cox 66.6; Bob Pryde 66; Wil- burt Gillespie 64.1. ■Below Pass—Myrtle Reeder and Ethel Delve* equal 56.4; Clayton Sanders 45.9; Harry Ellis 44.4; Leonard Wells 43.2; A’lma Ryckman 39.5; Billy Elliot 37.4. Number on roll 43; average at­ tendance 41. Kay M. Wag’horn, teacher ROOM II Class A, Honors — Donald Grant 89; Emily Wildman 88.6; Patsy Hay 88,3; Donald Southcott 86; Catherine Gibson 85; Mary Moore 84; Elmer Willis 83.9; Elaine Coates 83.6; Billy Armstrong 83.2; Billy Moise 83;’Hugh Davis 82; Malcolm Grant 80; Marguerite Pick­ ard 78.7; Jack McKnight 78.6; Ron­ ald Graham 77.9; Marion Mousseau 77.4; Jack Whyte 76. Pass — Peter Ellis 71; Bobby Tri ebn er 70. ■Class B, Honors—June Cudmore 7.6. Pass—.pearl Kirk 74; Geneva El­ liott 73; Jimmie Wilson 72; Teddy Hannigan 71; Maxiue MacDonald 70; Billy Smith 69; Barbara Har* ness 68; carl Hewitt 66; Normatu King 61,9; Donald Easton 61.2. Average attendance 28.1, E- L. Kinney, teacher ROQM I Sr, pr,—Roy Sims 87; Jimmie Cann 8i2; Marjorie McDonald. 82; Helen Davis 82; Ross Parsons 8'9; Harold Brintnell 79; Lorraine’ Little 76; Harold Preszcator 75; Laura Little 74; Frances Arm­ strong 66; Herbje Little 64; Ken­ neth Cudmore 63; Norma Snell ab­ sent. Pr, A—Margaret Hill 92; Bar­ bara Elliott 92; Janet Kestle 89; Paul Balk will 86; Audrey Moir 8,6; John Partlo S3; Myrna Pym 82; Gr­ ice Waghorn 716; Joyce Simmons 70 Pr. B—Dorothy Stonehouse 81; Neil Johnson 78; Frank Brintnell 78; Ruby Stire 51; Gordon Smith, Gladwin Watson and Velma Web­ ster absent. Pr. C—‘Henry Demolder 89; Joan Wells 81; Gordon Kirk 7)5; Keith Brintnell 68; Jean Davis 62; Mur­ iel Hewitt 61; Jean Hennessey 59, Number on roll 36; average at­ tendance 30.8. S. P. Love, teacher WINCHELSEA (Intended for last week) Mr. John Prance «ost one of his team last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whaley and Miss Judith, nf St, Marys, visit­ ed one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Batten. Mr. Herman Foster was in Chat­ ham one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Brooks and family, of Detroit, and Mr, Gordon Brooks called on Mr. and Mrs. Free­ man Horne on Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Fletcher visited on Wednesday last .with Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Stone at Plugtown. Miss Mae Coward, of Hensall, spent a few days with 'her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Coward, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Veal and fam­ ily spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elford at Elimville. FORWARD CONTROL Chevrolet offers Forward Control models to fill out the widest range of trucks in the low-price field. For helpful information, specifications and prices, see your local Chevrolet dealer. His training, plus his accessibility to the vast General Motors research facilities qualify him as a competent advisor in the purchase of your new truck. Dr. Woods NORWAY PINE SYRUP Shivers and Sneezes Then the Cold Begins Toil feel chilly; sneeze a few times; nose starts io run; then comes the cold which, if not attended to immediately, shortly works down into the bronchial tubes, and the cough Smarts. On the first sign of a cold get a bottle Of Dr. Wood’S Norway Fino Syrup. You Will find it to bo a prompt, pleasant, reliable and effectual remedy for yout trouble. g It has booh on the market for the past 44 years. Don’t experiment with a substitute and be disap­ pointed. Get "Dr, WAV' FREDERICK XACKSDN FIASSES AT OiANIjON Frederick T. Jackson, leading busi­ ness man and a former mayoi* died suddenly May 14th in the Clinton Hospital. Ten days ago he conduct­ ed Masonic services at the funeral of a close friend, J, E. “Shorty*’ Cante- Ion. He was prominent in municip­ al affairs and was mayor of the town for. Six years, 1814-15-24-25, He was born in Clinton in IS GO, )For many years ha operated a shoe store there. He was a member of the I.O.O,F., a ipast member of th Clin­ ton Masonic Lodge and an adherent of Wesley Willis United Church. Ex­ cept for a short periqd the spent in Omaha and Toronto he was a life­ long resident of Clinton. His wife died In Omaha albout 40 years ago and his only child, 'Murray, died 1'0 years ago. Surviving are a grand­ daughter and four brothers, J, Frank Barrie, Ont; Sydney, Lethbridge, Al­ berta; Arthur, Los Angeles, Califor­ nia and Walter, St, George, Ont. The funeral was held under auspices of Clinton Lodge A.F, & A,M, O BIGGER PAYLOADS are pro­ vided for by simply changing weight distribution to the extent that the front axle is assigned a bigger portion of the payload. e SHORTER LENGTH and greater compactness are achieved by reducing the distance between the back of the cab and the front bumper* From the payload standpoint, space taken up by cab and power plant is dead space. Therefore, any reduction in this dimen­ sion becomes profitable load space. Compactness, incidentally, is important where restricted vehicle length is a legal factor. o EASE OF HANDLING results from the fact that this type of construc­ tion permits the use of shorter wheelbases per foot of body length. The "turning circle" is Smaller . .. manoeuverability easier, 0 NOVEL APPEARANCE... a product of the latest transportation design . * . attracts attention and serves as a travelling advertisement for your business. 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