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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-20, Page 2
THURSDAY, MAY SOth, 1W ISaS!; SU. =~=-?r=Si~yi-'i= THE EXETER T1MES-ADVOCATE tat Alli ■———— Eans Varied History in Development of Lucan Attempt of Slave Refugees To Set Up Settlement Was a Failure By W. A- Edwards in London Press HENSALL Mr, Charles Jinks, our local im plement agent has ‘been very busy for several weeks setting up and de livering implements to farmers who have purchased from him this spring. The farmers in this dis trict (have been buying more imple- order; The Hensail Band, the Le gion, th© Boy Scouts, the Municipal Council, the Hensall school board, resident ministers and several hun dred scholars from the Hensall and carrying flags and /bandeaus, to the Town presented with medal. They then district schools, all and Avearing sashes Th© parade marched ments this season than for a number Hall where each was of years. It is one sign of better times. Shower tfor Bride-Elect of June A very pleasant evening Avas spent the homo of Mrs. M. G. Drysdale Tuesday evening, Avhen the W. fi. of the United Church present- Miss Verda Watson, bride-elect, with a beautiful silver tea service in recognition of her work in the Mission Band, of which she had. been a very faithful and successful leader for the past two and a half years. A very appropriate address was read by Miss Mildred McDonell, assistant leader of the Band; following this th© gift was presented by Mrs. W. B. Cross, president of the W.M.iS. Miss Watson, although completely taken by surprise, made a very pleas ing reply, thanking th© ladies for th© beautiful gift. The evening was spent in contests and visiting after which a very dainty lunch was serv ed by the ladies. W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. of the United church held their May meeting on Thurs day afternoon in the school room of the church with the president, Mrs. Cross presiding. After th©' usual opening exercises (business was dis cussed. It was decided to hold the annual W.M.S. birt'h-day party on Friday afternoon, May 28th. Miss Gretta Lammie gave a piano solo; a solo, “A Letter to Papa” by little Betty Mickle accompanied on the ipiano by her mother Mrs. Laird Mickle; a duet by Mrs. T. Sherritt and Mrs. Geo. Hess. Miss Murray then introduced the guest speaker, Miss Duff, of Toronto, .and Field Secretary of the W.C.T.U. who gave a very interesting address on tem perance and also formed a branch of the W.C.T.U. here with Mrs. Geo. Hess as .president. Other officers are to be elected later. A dainty lunch was served at tihe close of the meeting. Successful Evening Th© contest and play which was put on by the Wohelo Class of the United Church on Friday evening last in the church was a great suc cess. A splendid crowd was out to enjoy the concert. Rev. Arthur Sin clair acted as chairman and the fol lowing program was given. Song, “O Canada”; prayer (by Rev. Sinclair followed by the chairman’s address; solo, Mr. Goodwin; cornet selection, David Kyle; solo, Betty Mickle; Coronation stories, Helen Glenn and Lettie Love, attempting to illustrate by shadow .pictures; solo, Dr. Smil lie; piano instrumental, Miss Fisher duet, Mrs Hedden and Mrs. Hess; story of Queen Elizabeth by Hazel Smillie; story of King Georg© VI by Alex Filshie; sing song conducted by Sam Rannie after which a very amusing play was given. “An Econ omical Boomerang” which added greatly to the evening’s entertain ment after which “God save the King” was sung. Then contests were enjoyed and refreshments served. The meeting was closed by singing “O Canada”. The church was beau tifully decorated in Coronation col ors and certainly presented a lovely, setting. Coronation Day Coronation Day here at Hensall first, by a gathering of citizens, pupils Hensall Continuation and Schools. Pupils from six schools, Hensall Boy Scouts, bers of the Legion, Municipal cil, School Board, resident ters and the .Hensall Citizen’s Band gathered at the school grounds. Rev, W* A. Young was master of cere monies. The band played several selections and Mr. Young gave an address. This was followed Iby the planting of two Coronation Maple trees, one by Mr. W. J. Ortwein, the other by Mr. .Geo. C. Petty. An ad dress was given by Rev. Arthur Sin clair which was followed by the singing of “O Canada” and “The Maple Leaf Forever” by the school pupils led by Mr. C. Blowes and were accompanied by the band, a parade was then formed up in the following at Oil M. ed was celebrated large of the Public -rural mem- Coun- minis- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington and Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Thomson were baptized. ML M, S- The W. M. S. met for the May meeting at the home of Mrs. T. Bal* lantyne with a good attendance, con tributors to a good program were Mrs. Aimer Stewart, piano solo; Mrg. Wiseman, study book; duet by Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Morgan. Two good reports of the presbyterial at Goderich by Mrs, Percy and Mrs. W, Stone. of endurance upon coming Lucan now stands, decided further. For a time they on fruits, but eventually with a hunter by the name from Encouraging' Visitor—.Your son is making good progress with* his voilin. He is begin ning to play Quite nice tunes, Host—-Do you, really think so? We were afraid that we’d merely got used to it,” » CROMARTY Mrs. s. Miller is home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller, of Stratford. Friends of Mrs. Thos. Laing are glad to learn of her favorable con dition isince. undergoing a serious operation in Seaforth hospital. The induction on May 25 of Rev. James Reidie, as minister of the Presbyterian church here is the coming eVent of the congregation. The Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Houghton Thursday Mrs. Reidie presided in th© president, Mrs. Although a small matters of business A donation will be IV—JShirley Preszcator 72. Ill —Winston Shapton 8J2; Hill 66. Ill—iBobby Parsons 79; Doris a coronation continued the march to the United Church where a community service was held. Rev. Arthur Sinclair pre sided. The opening hymn 'Avas “All People That on Earth Do Dwell”. The congregation all stood while Rev. Mr. Sinclair gave the Recogni tion: Sirs—I proclaim onto yoi/ George who is presented this day to the people as the undoubted King of these realms, Wherefore let all who are come to pay him homage and service do the same with one accord of heart and voice. God Save the King. Rev. Mr. Sinclair then repeated the Narration. The balance of the program was as follows: Prayer for His Majesty the King; hymn, “O God of Bethel” Scripture lessons, 1 Peter 2:13-17 and 1 Kings 3:5-14. Prayer of In- j tercession and Thanksgiving; solo, “Long Live the King’ by W. A. Goodwin; address, “The Meaning of the Coronation” by Rev. Young. GREENWAY w.A. Word was received here last week of the passing of Mr, R. W. Russell in. 'Chicago. He has been ill with diabetes for some years. He has been leader of a choir and active in church work where he made many many .friends. He is survived by his wife (nee Alice M. Wilson) of Greenway, son, Douglas, Toronto; daughter Jean, of Illinois; two grandchildren; his parents Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Russell and brother Doug las, of Hamilton, all of whom were present at the funeral. The sincere sympathy of this community is ex tended to those who mourn a kind and beloved husband and father and. son. Mr. Leslie Woodburn has rented Mrs. Ed. McPherson’s farm and Mr. Lloyd Brophey has rented Mr. H. Battram’s farm. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pollock mov ed to London last week where they have taken over a grocery store. They will be missed very much in the community but their many friends wish tihem every success in their new venture. The United church gave a gener ous donation to the Red Cross funds for the .flood sufferers in London. Mothers’ Day was observed in the United church Sunday afternoon. Mr. S. W. Webb, superintendent of the Sunday School assisted the past or. Mrs. Elton Curts associate sup erintendent of the Junior School told the story in her usual interest- irug manner. T.he young men’s choir under the leadership of Mr. Albert Pollock gave appropriate selections. While indirectly the first settle ment at Lucan began Avith the in coming of members of the Society of Friends from Oberlin, Ohio, yet ac cording to the story of a descendant of W, Whitehead, one of the old timers of the community, the first “home” at Lucan was erected in 1827 when. two escaped slaves fled to Biddulph Township and reaching the limit to where to go no subsisted falling in of Doude, they were rescued their predicament and took over the hunter’s shack and what belongings Doude left behind. The Society of Friends began their colored settlement on the site of Lu can about 1829-30. On lots 5 and 6 south of the London and Goderi.cn road, in Biddulph, they filed with 600 acres of Canada Company land at $1.50 pei’ acre. In 183 0 lots 5 north and south were occupied by Peter Butler, John Wyatt, W. Whitehead and Leverton Pinkham. These were practically the original settlers where Lucan is uoav situated. Shortly afterwards Washington Morgan, one of the out standing characters arrived among the colored Friends. For a. number of years the attempts at settlement proved discouraging and a series of tragedies did not help the project. Old Buildings Go None of the original buildings in Lucan exist today, and few of the descendants of the first settlers or colored pioneers are to be located. The old colored schoolhouse stood on the site of the J. C. Watt’s resi dence and the old colored “Master” Uncle Walsh,, vanished with the termination of his duties. In 1843 the Friends ceased entirely to sup port the colony and school. How ever, the whit© settlers replaced Uncle Walsh as master by hiring one William Porte in his stead. With the prospect of the Great Western Railway things began to boom. Sheriff McDonald and Don ald McDonald of Toronto purchased lots 6 north and south and planned the village about 1854. Tihe follow ing spring these town lots were sold by public action to brisk bidding. |The first dewiling was that of H. Hodgins on the south side of Main Street. A hewed log house was soon after erected by William Morgan on the site of the Dr. Hossack resi dence. At another sale of lots in ’55 a stampede began with business men and speculator^ rushing in to se cure real estate. Roger Smith, of London, entered a small steam flour mill on lots 241 and 242 north of Main street in 1855.- Robert Young built his dwelling and store house on lot 260 in ’5 6. John .Ro|binson built his house on lots 261 and 2 62 on the site of the Mayo residence the same year. The settlement and vil lage thus established was given the name of Mays-town, which it held for many years. <ated from Sheriff Mary MacDonald, the unsold lots on In 1856-57 the surveyed a line via Elginfield and another via Ireland and a third be tween Sauble Hill and Marys-town or Lucan. This survey created some confusion and uncertainty and not until ’59 did anything like stability begin, In that year Bernard Stanley erected Marysville’s first pretentious dwelling. The same year Thomas Rawlings built his house on the site of Queen’s Hotel. The Central Ho tel was erected by R. McLean, the Queen’s by J. Donohue. The Crun- nican-McIhargey Block, came soon after which other dwelling and busi ness places, filling the Main street from the railroad to Farrel’s corner, •Lucan in early days saw much' of stage-coach travel and stage coach troufble. There were the McPhee stage, the Donnelly stage, the Hawk- shaw stage and others. Rivalry ran high and competition was keen. The old Lucan and. Goderich stage ceas ed June 30, 1878 after 40 years’ run when .the London, Huron & Bruce R.R. PICOBAC PIPE TOBACCO FOR A MILD,COOL SMOKE | I F afternoon. the absence of Tbps. Laing, meeting, many were disc’ussed. forwarded to some known people who are left homeless after the London flood. the National Anthem and a short prayer by Mrs. Reidie, a supper was served by the lunch committee. Miss Lila McCullough, principal of the Winchelsea Continuation School and her* assistant teacher, Miss Me* Guggan spent Coronation Day at the home of the former. After closing with REPORT OF S. S, 3, STEPHEN The following is the report of No. 3, Stephen for the months of March and April. iSr, IV—Clifford jory 77; Billie Parsons 70; palvin Preszcator 64; Harry Perkins 61. Jr. iSr, Doris Jr. Penhale 75; Jack Muir 73; Donald Dearing 52; Kenneth Preszcator 50; Betty Perkins 42; Lome Preszcator 41, Jr. II—iPihyllis Preszcator 84; Dor- Trjebner 7 8; Harold Glanville 78; Donald jory 70>; Edward perkins 61; Wilmer Preszcator 57. 1st’ class—Howard Perkins. Pr.—-Helen shapton 89; Eveleen Hilf 88; Thelma preszcator 85; Lor raine Preszcator 80; Bruce Shapton 77; Frank Glanville 68. Number on roll 27. Hazel Smillie, teacher Madge—“I hope everyone notice my new hat.” Marjorie—“Then you’d better low er your skirt about six inches.” NOW Keep MlnarcT’i handy in the houte, You neve* know when you’ll need hl NEW METAL CAP hermetically •eala in strength of liniment. Prevent* •pilling. Eaally re moved for u«e. Rub in MinarcWi freely for any mua- cular pain* or stiffness, wore feet, rheumatic aches, etc. Sole* Agentti Harold F. Ritchie 9 Tlhe name origin- McDonald’s wife, owning many of the town plot, railway company SHIPKA Both Coronation and Mother’s Day service were observed in the United Church on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Johnston spoke of the signifi cance of the Coronation. Readings were given by Mrs. A, G. Webb, Miss Nola Sweitzer, Harold Fink- fceiner; solos by Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Miss Ruth 'Lamport. The church was nicely decorated with plants and cut flowers for the occasion. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held last Wednesday, May 5th at the home of Mrs. Ed. port with' eight members and ors present. The president Major Baker presided. The ing was opened with hymn and the Lord’s Prayer repeat ed in unison. Scripture reading was read. The minutes of the last meet ing were read and adopted. It was decided to have a strawberry social on the evening of June 25th. Meet ing was closed with hymn and pray er. Lunch was served by the host ess. The Public School teacher and scholars took part in the singing Which was held in Clinton Tuesday. Lam- Visit- Mrs. meet singing a was dispatched from Lucan. . .Yet Saves You Money jfw CHEVROLET’S 73 These people are not boasting, they’re just telling the facts. And here’s why: Chevrolet is a more economical car because Chevrolet is the only car in its class with a Valve-in-Head Engine. The great advantage is, a Valve-in-Head Engine gets as much as 10% more power out of every gallon of fuel than any other type. With the result that gasoline does more work, goes farther, costs you less per mile. MASTER i-eassenger business COUPE delivered factory, Oshatva. Government taxei, license and freight additional. (Prices subject io change without notice.) VALVE-IN-HEAD Steps-lip” Performance YOU hear Chevrolet owners mentioning gasoline econ. omy in terms of 25 and more miles per gallon. You hear others, enthusing over Chevrolet “pick-up”, pep, performance. To Become Constipated Constipation is ono of the greatest ills of one’s life, and ono of th* most neglected. It is caused by the neglect of not paying proper atten tion to ’‘Nature’s Call”. You may keep your bdwels regular by using Milburn ?s Laxa-Liver Pills, as they help to regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the liver, ....... and thus prevent and remove con- •ttpation and iti» allied ailments. Keep a Vial in your medicine chest* THAMES ROAD Mother’s Day Mother’s Day service was observ ed in the Sunday School with a splendid attendance. The program was carried out, assisted by Miss Margaret Allison who gave the read ing “The Home-of-as-I-Please” pastor Rev. Mr. Mair gave a talk “(Sharing With Jesus Others”; short drama “The Who Was Ready to Share.” were taken by Mr. P. Passmore Mrs. Gollings, Miss Jeanette .Stone; mas ters Ron. Bollings and W» Rhode, Master Mac Hodgert gave a reading the “Boy Who Served tlie King” the service following national hymns were sung being Coronation, part dedicated to the tism when the . Our short and Boy Barts the Sunday before of the service was sacrament of .bap* little daughters of i- And because the Valve-in-Head Engine gives premium power and performance for the gas used, you find this type in many a costly motor, car—in all airplanes, racing cars and speedboats that hold outstanding records. Drive a Chevrolet for performance with economy and the matchless all around satisfaction of Hydraul Brakes—TJnisteel Turret .Top Body by Fisher—Knee- Action gliding ride (on Master De Luxe models) and Fisher No-Draft Ventilation. No other car priced so low has them all! Low Monthly Payments on the General Motors Instalment Plan. 'i • • for economical transportation SNELL BROS. & CO., EXETER. ./ 1 — Associate Dealers — " ' ___ John Passmore & Son, Hensall, Ont C. Fritz & Son, Zurich; John Sprowl, Lucan i