HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-05-13, Page 10THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATETHURSDAY, MAY 13tli, 1937 GET A RONAT VITAMIN F PEIUIANENT Gently and naturally the hair Is molded into lovely, lasting waves and curls. All the natural life, lus­ ter and loveliness of your hair ■preserved and protected. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231W is H. M. SMITH Exeter Markets Wheat $1.30 Oats 55 c. Manitoba’s Best $4.10 Welcome Flour $3,60 Bhorts $1.95 Bran. $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Blitter 27'0. Dairy Butter 23 to 25c» Eggs Eggs Eggs EggsEggs Hogs A A A B C lai'ge 15 c. medium 14c. pullets 13 c. 13c. 12 c, H safe J Complete, Scientific Eye Sight Service vt 3S IRS THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT DURING CONTEST BEAUTY SHOPPE Dr. H, H. Cowen wishes to an­ nounce his office will be closed from Monday until Friday, May 21, while he is attending the Dental Convention in Toronto. $8.50 M ■■ l| —|H| —. II —| II — 'W <1 —II II —111 l1HM.ll — lllQ I 1 1 LOCALS I 1 1 M O NOTICE Dr. Roulston desires to announce that his dental office will be closed Monday 17th to Thursday May 20th inclusive. AT EXETER Comfortable Glasses at Reasonable Prices Bee the new Eady Bulova. Now on display. Buy now or trade in your old watch and get Coupons at S. B. Taylors. RETIRES FROM BUSINESS With the selling out of the optical business of Mr. S. Fitton a name that has long been familiar with the business interests -of Exeter passed from the business directory* It was in the yeai' of Confederation, 1867, that the late Thomas Fitton, watchmaker and jeweller, first started into business in Exeter. For five years previous Mr. Fitton had been in Ibusiness in London, having come to Canada from Manchester, England. His first business ven­ ture in Exeter was in a small frame building near where the resi­ dence of Mr. B. W. F. Beavers now stands. Shortly afterwards the building now occupied by Mr. Frank Coates was built for him by Exeter’s first postmaster, the late Wm. San­ ders. Fifty-two years ago Mr. Fit- ton built the brick (building now owned by Mr. S. B. Taylor, which was used both for business and a dwelling. Mr. Saxon .Fitton, as a young man took a course in Toron-, to and 41 years ago he entered into partnership with his father. Hav­ ing sold his jewellry business in 1925 to Mr. .S. B. Taylor, Mr. Fitton has since that time devoted his time to ihis optical business which last week he disposed of to Mr. Zurbrigg, of Lucan. Mr. Fitton all his life has been interested in hunting (and shooting. For: years h© was secretary of the Exeter Gun Clu(b and at one of the annual gun club shoots he was successful in carrying off the championship for Western Ontario. Although an ar­ dent sportsman he hunted game for the love of the sport and of late years has shown a keen interest in th© preservation of wild life. He has also shown a great interest in his home and in his retirement will be able to devote more of his time and attention to thos© things which appeal to his fancy. POTATOES FOR SALE — Early Irish Cobblers and Dooleys. Apply to Harold Kellerman, Dashwood. ltc. ■FOR SALE—1£ storey brick resi­ dence nice lot and garage. Cheap for cash oi' on very liberal terms.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. POTATOES FOR SALE—Apply to Wm. Ratz, R.R. 2, Dashwood. 2tc WANTED — House or rooms for the summer. Immediate possession. Apply Box 2'80C, Exeter, FOR SALE — Dunlop Strawberry plants $1.00 a hundred or $6.00 a thousand; Columbia Blackcap Rasp­ berry bushes $3.50 per hundred. All No. 1 plants.—W. F. ABBOTT WANTED: Man to take over pro­ fitable 'Rawleigh Route. Established customers. Must be satisfied with earnings of $30 a week to start. Write Rawleighs Dept. No. MD-101- E, Montreal, 'Canada. BUILDERS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers. All grades of road gravel. Phone 171 r 3, Exeter.—H. T. CUD'MORE, R. R. 1, Hensail. We Deliver. 5-13-tp HOUSE FOR SALE—At Chisel­ hurst, estate of the late Tlios. Ven- ner. Apply to A. Ryckman, Exeter or Geo. Dalrymple, Hensail. ltp WANTED—(Cattle for grass. Ap­ ply to Ben Makins, R, R. 1, Exeter. 5-13-tX MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE—1931 Harley-Davidson in good condition,. Apply to Leon Triebner, R.R. 1, Exe­ ter. 2 bp; Choice Red Cedar Posts* We have sold over 20,000 since the first day of August 1936. We de­ liver. You can call me, see me or write. See me first. E. Lippert R.R. 3, Dashwood 5-13-2tp. LOST-—A Section of rack from truck, Color red, between Exeter North or 2nd and 4th concession of Usborne, Finder kindly leave at Exeter Produce. ftp. Mr, Dave Russell, of Toronto, vis­ ited in town last week. Mr. Wm. Gillespie has two beau­ tiful magnolias in bloom. Miss Ruth Fraser, of London, spent .Sunday here with her parents. Miss Lorraine Armstrong, of Lon­ don, visited at hei* home on Corona­ tion Day. Miss Jessie Montieth has returned «to her home after spending some time in Udenton. Mrs. Geo. Geddes was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on Tues­ day for treatment. Mrs. J. Wylie, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart dur­ ing th© past week. Mrs. E. Swenerton, of Kingsville, is visiting with her nice Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Balkwill. Mrs. D. C. McInnis, and Mrs. An­ nis, of Paisley, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet last week. The Exeter Public School reports the Council minutes and several other items have been crowded out this week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Glenn, of To­ ronto, spent the week-end at the home of the former’s aunt Mrs. McTaggart. Miss Hettie Sweet visited for a few days in London last week prior to leaving for Musko-ka where she will spend some time. Mrs. Catteau and son Richard, of Guelph, visited over the week-end with the former’s daughter, Mr. and Mrs; Peter Strobe. Mr. Wm. J. .Smith left on Monday for Windsor having been assigned to Essex County in an advisory capacity of the Government service, Mrs. Jas. Milne and infant son. of Detroit, returned ho^iie Monday after spending the week-end with Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Weekes. Messrs. Barkley, Roy Boems and Miss L. Walp.er, of Romeo, Mich., spent the week-end visiting the lat­ ter’s mother, Mrs. Caroline Walper. Mr. Wallace Seldon, who has been attending Pharmacy in Toron­ to, has finished his term and is vis­ iting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G. .Seldon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lindenfield were in London Friday attending the graduation eveneises of the nurses of Victoria Hospital, Miss Evelyn Lindenfield, of Stirling, graduating. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Acheson, of St. Thomas, visited over the week-end with the former’s mother, Mrs. W. T. Acheson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ache­ son, of Forest, were her© for Sun­ day. Miss Jean McKenzie, of Shipka, a pupil of th© Exeter High School, last week 'underwent an operation for appendicitis at St. Josephs’s Hos- pita., London. She is getting along nicely. Mr. Thos Jones suffered a heart attack last week and will be con­ fined to his home- for some time. His daughters, Miss Ella, of Strat­ ford and Mrs. F. Rice, of Brantford were called home. My. Jones’ many friends will hope for his speedy recovery. Miss Pearl Wood left Tuesday for Toronto to join with her sister Miss Olive Wood, Reg.N., on an 11-day trip to Bermuda. From Toronto they left for Montreal where they will take the boat down the St. Lawrence to New York and from New York to Bermuda. The Men’s Union of Main St. Un­ ited church held their final meet­ ing for the season Wednesday even­ ing of last week. Mr. Chas. Johns presided. An interesting address on preventative medicine was given by Dr. Fletcher. The Harmony Boys gave a fine selection. ■On Monday morning as Mr. Frank Delbridge was in the act of turning around with -his car in front of the Chevrolet garage a motorcycle driv­ en by Mr. Gordon Appleton, Jr., was coming from the south and the tw*o collided head-on. Fortunately no one was hurt and little damage was done to either of the machines, I Mr, and Mrs. James Green, ’ Of Exeter, were guests with their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and C9C Reward wil1 be by «p£i«J IVCWAlli the mfigs, of LLOYD’S THYMO DATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEyi cannot remove, with this won­ derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It desen­ sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. Flowering Plants Geraniums, Fuschias, Canuas, Pe- tunas and Snap Dragons. Tomato, Early Onions. FULL LIST Hanging Baskets filled to order Cabbage, Spanish NEXT WEEK and Window Boxes L. DAY & SON Green Houses Andrew Street Exeter TO R®NT—-For gardening, three lots. Apply to Mrs. Dora Waghom, ■Exeter,itb W-AiNTED-^A second-hand Carriage in good condition. BOX 280'H bhby Apply ltb FOR SADE—-Electric stove, burner, high oven, Apply tn Times-Advocate. 5-13 4- the -2tb. FOR SALE — Several rebuilt and enclosed coal oil stoves, 2, 3, and 4-bttrnei** ** Apply to W. J. Mdvilfe, Exeter. Mrs. John W. Stewart on Saturday it being the occasion of the latter’s 25 th wedding anniversary and also spent Mother’s Day with them. Mr. and Mrs. Green recently moved to Exeter from their farm in Hay. Tp. Miss Ruth Pearce has taken a position in London. Miss Eva Pearce who has Ibeen employed in London lias resigned and has left for Elgin House, Muskoka. Mrs, L« Love, 6r„ and sons John and Hall and her uncle John Robinson, of Parkhill, called for Miss Eva Pearce on Mon­ day ehrOute to Elgin House. Mr. Brody, a member of the Ont Municipal Board who attended the hearing in Exeter last summer ffi connection with the Arena, died quite suddenly last Week. Mr. Brody was for many years a lawyer in iS'Udbury serving that town- for two years as mayor. Pte was a close friend oif Dr, G. Wood, of Budbury, an Exeter old Boy. Coronation Special at G. M. SIMPSON’S Beauty Shoppe Shampoo, Finger Wave, Color Rinse from May 13th to 20th Your Coronation Con­ test Coupons are Here for You Meat Market announces The person depositing the Largest number of Corona­ tion Coupons in the Ballot Box in my store between May 13th and May 22nd (inclusive) will receive beautiful Cuckoo Clock. a C. TANTON Phone 38 '■ PUBLIC NOTICES s Notice is hereby given that the By-law Prohibiting dogs from run­ ning at large during the months ttf June, July or August, will be strict­ ly enforced after May 24th and that all ‘ ' - on dog owners must secure dog tags or before this date, By order of Municipal Council JiOlS. SENIOR, Clerk TENDERS WANTED Blease take notice that eoalhd tenders, per cord, will be received until May 22nd for the hauling of dirt and leveling t>f School grounds of & IS. No. 12, Whalen, Apply to Secretary-Treasurer, Ernest Foster, R. R, No. 1, Granton, Ont. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sunner.Communion Theme; The King’s Text; St, Matt, XXII 2 and 3— The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a mar­ riage for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bid­ den to the wedding. 7 p.m.—-GluttonyResuming our studies in the seven deadly sins. Text: Gen. XXV: 3 2—And Esau said '‘behold I am at the point to die; and what profit shall this birth­ right do to me?" Sunday, 8 p.m.—Third and last Fellowship Hour for this season, under the auspices of the Y. P. ,G. Special speaker Rev. Mr. Brown, of Lucan. Subject: 'Birds and Flowers’, Friday 8 p.m.—Preparatory Service Tuesday, May 18th, 3 p.m.—Month­ ly meeting of the W. M. S. in the church parlors. The Mission Band will put on a program. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page* Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader -Rev. E. F. Chandler, B.A.,11 a.m.- B.D. 3 pan.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Rev. E. F. Chandler B.A., B.D. Wed. 8 p.m.—-Prayer Service MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Th© Minister. 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.—The Minister. Y.P.U.—'Monday at 8 p.m. Prayer Service—1.3'0' p.m. Thursday TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector. Rev. M. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middletniss Whit Sunday 8.20 a.m.—Holy Communion 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Confirmation Th© Bishop of Huron The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Services this week Wednesday and Friday at 8 p.m. Services for Sunday May lGtli 2:30 p.m.—(Sunday School and Bible Class 3:30 p.m.—Devotion. 8 p.m.—-Great Evangelistic m'eeing. “A message such as you have heard before.” We welcome you to our services Exeter Exeter D. CALL THIS NUMBER — for — & H. ANTHRACITE COAL We Have Your Coronation Coupons Waiting for You JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j GOLDEN WEDDING Mr, and Mrs. R. N. Rowe celebrat­ ed their golden wedding anniversary on Monday by taking a motor trip to St. Thomas where tihey visited the farm of Premier Hepburn. They were accompanied by their daugh­ ters Misses Vera and Beta. They returned by way of Tillsonburg and ended the day with a little .family gathering at their home. Their many friends will join with they Times-Advocat© in extending Ibest wishes for their future welfare. Mr. H. E. Powe, of Centralia, won the 100 pounds of chick mash in a drawing conducted by Mr. Len O’Brien last Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee, Thorn­ dale, spent the week-end with Mrs. Lee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook. Mr. Ed. Walker is confined to his/ home having been kicked by a horse1’ in the knee on Wednesday While working on a farm. A number of young men sponsored a dance in the Arena Wednesday ev­ ening. There was a good attendance A London orchestra provided the music. In th© Congoleum Rug Guessing Contest Gordon Cudmore won the rug offered by Johes & May. The number was 2577 and Mr. Cudmore’s guess was 2571. Mrs. John Lovie, of iStephen, won the rug donated by Southcott Bros,, the number being 4787 and Mrs. LOVie’s guess Was 4792, • ••Coronation Contest ••• 90 Prizes will be Given Away in the Next Few Weeks A 25c Purchase entitles you to a Coupon. Your Coupon may mean $200 in Cash to you or one of the many other Good Prizes. See them on Display at Sandy Elliot’s and Snell Bros. Garages. ‘ » LINGERIE SPECIAL Vests, bloomers,, slips And pyjamas are in our lingerie specials. These will go on SALE THIS WEEK AT 29c. COAT SPECIALS Every Misses’ and Ladies’ Coat left on our racks will be sold at greatly reduced prices. BLIND SPECIAL 10 dozen only Green Blinds, 30 inches wide, 72 inches long. These are sub-stan- ~ dards and are exceptional value at 69c. DRESS SPECIAL 20 only of our new Spring styles in printed crepes. These sold as high as $3,95. VERY SPECIAL THIS WEEK AT $1.79 LINOLEUM SPECIAL 1 only piece of 4 yard Linoleum, Eng­ lish make and a good pattern, only a few rooms left in this piece SPECIAL AT PER YARD $3.00 AXM1NSTER RUG SPECIAL These rugs are 27 by 54 inch, and come in a beautiful range of patterns and shades SPECIAL—AT EACH $2.95 100 PAIRS OF CHILDREN’S, WOMEN’S AND BOYS’ OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS This is a clean-up of a number of odd lines. They are all real money savers and are less than half prices ' SPECIAL PER PAIR 99c. CURTAIN SPECIAL 5 dozen Frilled Scrim Curtains 2 1-4 yards long in white and Cream in different colored borders. Splendid for small win­ dows SPECIAL THIS WEEK PER PAIR 49c. Feltol, Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs at Greatly Reduced Prices 1 only 9x9 ft. Feltol, reg. $5.75 for ... $4.75. $10.50 for...................................„... $8.95 1 only 9x9 ft. Borderless Congoleum $4.95 - 9x12 ft. Linoleum Rug reg. $12. for $9.95 9x9' ft. Linoleum Rug, reg $9.25 for $6.95 10 ft. 6x12 ft. Linoleum rug. reg. 9x9 ft. Congoleum rug, reg $7.75 for $4.95 $14.25 for ....................................... $9.95 9x10 1-2 ft. Linoleum Rug. reg. 12x15 ft. Linoleum Rug. reg. $21 for $17.95 SPECIAL MEN’S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS We make a special of Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers for one week only reg. price 59c. SPECIAL EACH 49c. >> STAPLE SPECIALS 36 in. unbleached cotton reg. 18c yard 15c. Unbleached Sheets 2 % yds. & 2 yds. 98c. Pure White Flannel’ Blankets 1. s. pr. $1.95 Unbleached Canton Flannel 28 in yd. 19c. 36 in. wide Curtain Nets special yd. 19c. GROCERY SPECIALS PEAS Standard Quality 3 cans for . .. 25c PINEAPPLES ! ! » Are now at their best Lowest prices- in years Quality of the yery best Extra Large Size .. 25c 3 for 69c Large Size ...... 18c 2 for 35c We would appreciate your order, CORN , Standard Quality 3 cans for .. . 25c WHEAT FLAKES Rob Roy 5-lb. bags . . 24c MARMALADE Orange 40 oz. jar ... 23c Jewel SHORTENING 2 lb. for ... . 25c JAM Raspberry or Strawberry 32 oz. jar only 25c Southcott Bros Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 £=?i Mrs. John Chambers was the win­ ner of 100 libs, of sugar for the most popular mother in a Mother’s Day contest conducted by Grieve’s Lunch Shoppe. Second prize of a five lb. box of chocolates went to Mrs. T. Fryde and third prize of a two-lb, box of chocolates to Mrs. Gordon Appleton. The ballots were count­ ed Saturday evening by W. H. Moise and Mr. Moffatt In the article which appeared in the Times-|Aidvocate last week in ^connection with Victoria Park, writ­ ten by Mr. Johnston there were sev­ eral discrepancies. According to in­ formation we have received Victoria Park was laid out 52 years ago the land being donated to the town (by Jos. Acheson and I. 'Carling, Among those Who assisted in planting tih© trees were Dr. Lutz, Robt. Sanders, Wm, Creech, Jos, Acheson and W. J. Carling. An open meeting of the Y.P.U, of Main St. United .church was 'held Tuesday evening of last week. I. Kirk occupied the chair special speaker of the evening Was Miss Duff, representing the W.C.T.U U. The subject of her address whs: “What alcohol is; what alcohol does.” Alcohol is a solvent Useful foi* outside surfaces but injurious inside the human body. Miss Duff deplored the drinking conditions prevalent in our land especially the drinking by the younger women. The Harmony Boys furnished a mus­ ical selection. Miss The T A k Correct Styles for Men Are Featured in Our Store HATS AND CAPS All sizes and colors at Exceptional Values SHIRTS, TIES AND HOSE In an attractive range of Colors and Styles at Moderate Erices Everything for the well dressed is carried in stock at prices that will please yhu. w. w. PHONE 81 A A N EXETER, ONT.