HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-29, Page 8THURSDAY, APRIL S9tb, 1037 A Wave of Definite Superiority Bonat Equipment, products and supplies are the final word in qual­ ity. ’.Bonat makes possible perfect­ ly uniform spacing and winding. Bonat solutions contain vitamin F the new discovery which revitalizes hair and scalp, eliminates guess work. Individual styles to complement the current fashions. Satisfaction Guaranteed Exeter Markets Wheat $1,40 Oats 60c. Manitoba’s Best $4.20 Welcome Flour $3,80 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Butter 30c. Dairy Butter 23-2 6c. Eggs, A .large 18 c. Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Hogs LEAVITT’S THEATRE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY April Sftth, 30th, May 1st A medium 15c. A pullets 13>c. B 13c. C 13c. phone 231w LOCALS BEAUTY SHOPPE PUBLIC NOTICE Householders of the Village of Exeter Municipal Drays will collect gar bage and other refuse intended for the dump ground beginning Monday and Tuesday, May Sth and 6th, 1937 Kindly have all refuse collected and placed in boxes, bags or recep­ tacles that may be easily handled and placed on the street in front ot youi’ home, JOHN NORRY, Street Commissioner’ Fresh Caught Pickerel Fillets 25c. a pound Boneless, Scaled, Ready to Cook, They are Delicious IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. H'a FARMS FOR SALE OR LEASE Several farms for Sale or Lease, nicely located, good buildings at very reasonable prices and WM. J. SMITH Exeter, Ont. Phone 231j P.O. terms. LEGION MEMBERS ATTENTION! A regular meeting of the Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion, B. will be held in the ClubE.S.L., Rooms on Friday evening, at 8:30 sharp. members attend this meeting. W. E. Middleton, President It is requested that all WANTED — Man for Rawleigh Route. Route will be permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh’s Dept., No. ML-202- 103-D, Montreal, Canada. forWANTED—A single man farm by the year. Farm situated close to town. Apply at Times-Ad­ vocate. Itc HOUSE FOR SALE—At Chisel­ hurst, estate of the late T;hos. Ven- ner. A-pply to A. Ryokman, Exeter or Geo. Dalrymple, Hensall. 2tp. BU'ILDER’iS ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel for all ce­ ment work. Approved by engineers All grades of road gravel. Phone 171r3, Exeter. — H. T. CUDMOR'E, R. R. 1, Hensall. We deliver. 4-22-2tf • NOTICE — For sale at Maple Grove, Grand Bend, a house 3>0i ft. by 40 ft., lower storey of cement blook, lath and plaster; upper storey frame V match siding, large sleeping porch, glassed, and screen­ ed. This cottage is furnished and could be bought as is. Apply to Renny Ravelle, caretaker, first house south of entrance to grove. FOR SALE—Weaned pigs. Apply to Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia. cedar Foists for sALE-Whoie- sale or retail. Apply to Ed. Lippert R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 31rl5. 4-22-2tp. ■FOR SALE—A storey and a halt brick residence. All modern conven­ iences. Apiply at Times-Advocate. 4-22-2tp FOR SALE — Several rebuilt and enclosed coal oil stoves* 2, 3, and 4-burner. — Apply to W. J. Melville* Exeter. FOR SALE—iFrame cottage, five rooms, hydro-, garage, good lot, well located. A good home for little ■money.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165 Exeter. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE — In one of Canada’s strongest companies at no increase in rates. Inquire,— C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. Buy your Coronation Souvenirs of China, Spoons, Pins and Medals early at S. B. Taylor’s. which of this visited Mr. and and a on the A number from town attended Presbytery and the Presbyterial at Goderich Tuesday. Miss Edith Clipson, of Ingersoll, is visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. Dan Davis. Miss Margaret Pond, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. The Badminton Euchre was advertised for Thursday week has been withdrawn. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey in Glencoe on Sunday with the lat­ ter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. S. ■Grant. Rev. J. W. Down, who has been confined to his home for several weeks through illness, was able to be out to church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and sons Orval and Gordon, of Den field, spent Sunday with her parents and Mrs. Wm. Vale. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. McNeil Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins daughter Miss Ferrol, of ‘Clinton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter. Mr. E. Buswell gave the topic “Missions and Missionaries of the United Church” at the Y. P. U. in James Street Church on Thursday evening. Mr. Charles Cox presided over the meeting. Dr. Herbert Tait and Mr. John Maxwell, of Toronto, Misses Jessie Johnston, Alice Root and Miss Nan Wyndham, of Oakville, were guests of Mr. Donald Gladman over the week-end. Mrs. Milo Snell entertained number of friends and relatives Tuesday afternoon in honor of seventieth birthday of her mother, Mrs. Newton Baker. We extend our congratulations to Mrs. Baker. , Dr. R. O. Hodgson, of Saskatoon has returned to his home after vis­ iting for the past two weeks with his sister Mrs, R. Skinner. Dr. Hod­ gson, Mrs. Skinner and Mrs? Wm. Balkwill Jr. spent three days in Toronto last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgson. The Boy Scouts of town made a collection of old newspapers on the East side of Main Street Saturday last and were successful in .gather­ ing a large quantity of old papers and magazines. They will collect on the West side of Main Street next Saturday. Please have papers ready. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan, Mrs. J. W. Hackney and Mrs. Clayton Frayne of this community, Mrs. E. Passmore from Detroit and Mrs. Garnet Pass- more, of .Sarnia attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Susanna Kestle in Bowmanville on Friday last. E:Iv” People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. R. partlo, Prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Fi Ontario —-----------— ------------------,-----#--------------------------------------—f------------------------■ Have your feet examined in our new office and gain that 100 per cent, efficiency in your work and play* (Evenings by Appointment) GET YOUR CORONATION CONTEST COUPONS HERE! WORK SHOES AT OtD PRICES 41.98, $2.49, $2.75, $2.98 The Newest in Style and i Corrective Footwear Priced from $1.98 to $4*98 HOSIERY The popular knee-length and regular length in First Quality Ftill-fashiohed at 69c. “Save at the People’s Cash Shoe Store** “Lloyds of London with Sir Guy Standing, Madeline Carroll and Freddie Bartholemew and a mammoth cast The sounding of Britain’s invincible sea power; the Battle of Trafalgar, breathtaking pageantry of mighty nations at combat Admission: Adults 35c. f Children 25c. including Tax MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY May 3rd, Rh and 5th “Adventure in Manhattan” with Jean Arthur, star of Plainsman and. Mr, Deeds co-starred with Joel McCrea a fast-moving comedy drama COMING—“TEXAS RANGERS” THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE 7 to XI Printed Crepe Drsses at $2.95 to $3.95 These are very smart styles and outstanding values at these two prices One won­ ders how you can get so much style and value at such a low price. $25 Reward S1 bLKw S LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won­ derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. A Coronation Tea under the aus­ pices of the U-Go-I-Go Class of the Trivitt Memorial Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Hyndman on Friday, April 30th from 3 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. A souvenir will be given to each person present. Silver collection. Mr. Donald Gladman, B.A., gradu­ ated from Emmanuel College, Tor­ onto, the graduation exercises being held Tuesday. Mr. Nelson Statton moved his family to Exeter from Grand Bend into the residence of Mr. Wm. Hod- gert. We were in error last week in stating that Mr. Wuerth was moving into the house. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe’s group of the James St. W. A. held a birthday party for Mrs. (Dr.) Roulston at Mrs. Rowcliffe’s home Tuesday af­ ternoon. About 20 ladies were pres­ ent and enjoyed a social .hour at crokinole, followed by a dainty lunch On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner entertained a num­ ber of relatives in honor of the lat­ ter’s brothei’ Dr. R. O- Hodgson, of .Saskatoon. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sprowle, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steele, Mr. and Mrs. L. Steele of London and Mr. and Mrs. Well­ ington Skinner, of Centralia. Wins Badminton Championslup Mr. A. W. Pickard, principal of an Edmonton school, an Exeter Old Boy and brother of Mr. C. V. Pick­ ard, of town, was a three-time win­ ner in the recent finals in the bad­ minton tournament held by the Gar­ rison Officers’ Badminton Club. In a single day he took part in .five events and was successful in all. He won the men’s singles. In the men’s doubles taking part in two elimina­ tion events he and his partner, Capt. Frier won the finals. He was part­ nered with a Miss Faulkner in carry­ ing off the mixed doubles. H. S. Literary Meet The High School Literary Society gave a splendid program Wednesday afternoon of last week. Miss Mil­ dred Hicks .presided. A trioi was sung by Gertrude Camm, Loreen and Hzael Hern with guitar accom­ paniment by the two latter. School paper “The Tattler” was read by Stewart Fuke. A debate “Resolved that England should rearm in times o.f Peace” was held with Barbara Dinney and Barbara Atkinson tak­ ing the affirmative and Mildred El­ liott and Ted Buswell the negative. The judges awarded the decision to the affirmative. A quartette was sung by Barbara Dinney, Laurene Beavers, Marion Gladman and Dor­ othy Traquair. Anne Morgan gave a reading. jL Awarded Silver Medals Mr. Harry Hoffman, four times a .gold medalist, carried off the sil­ ver medal at the Stratford Musical Festival Friday evening last in the Oratorio Class securing 86 tper cent. Mr. Hoffman, while not in top form as he had been Suffering from laren- gitis, received some very compll- mentory remarks from the adjudica­ tor. .Master Dawson Goulding, aged 9, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding won the silver medal in the open class soprano for toys under 11 at the Stratford Musical Festival Fri­ day afternoon of last week. Dawson was the youngest competitor in a class of 12 and he was Only one point behind the winner. This was Dawson’s first attempt and he is to be congratulated on his success. BRIGG’S ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL Specially Priced 25c. — only BROWNING’S DRUG STORE CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas O. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist q.m.—Sunday School a.m.—.This Doctrine of Predes­ tination. Text: Ephesians I:II—“In whom also we have obtained an inherit­ ance, being predestinated accord­ ing to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the coun­ sel of His will.” p.m.—iSlotli The fifth in our studies of seven deadly sins, Text: Proverbs XII: 27 — slothful man roasteth not which he took in hunting,” “The that JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister11 3 p.m.—/Sunday School ’ 7 p.m.—The Minister' Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, 8 p.m.— x. P, U. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader Young People's Anniversary . a.m.—Addresses will be given by Miss Dorothy Cornish and Mr. C. Pearce. p.m.—(Sunday School 7 p.m.'—A religious drama “Pilgrims on the Way” presented by Grand Bend Y. P. U. Tuesday——Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.3 0 p.m.—Prayer Service Wednesday, May 5—Men’s Union 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. Me A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 11 3 p.m.—(Sunday School a.m.--Morning Prayers & Matins The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Praise, Prayer and Testimony Ser­ vice Friday at 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, May 2nd. 2.30 p.m,—School and Bible Class 3..30 p.m.—Devotion j 8 p.m.—-Great Evengelistic Service Text: '“What shall I then do with Jesus which is called the Christ?” Pastor, J. T. Edgar WINDY SPRING WEATHER Can empty the coal bin very quickly. To be safe against late cold snaps order an extra ton of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthra­ cite. Any left over will be use­ ful next year. Phone 33 for a Trial Ton JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157 j For Beauty’s Sake....... A permanent wave now will leave you free from hair worries this summer. Have it firmly founded with a soft natural-looking Naturelie Permanent Wave Phone 245 for Appointment G, M. SIMPSON BEAUTY SHOPPE EXETER Mrs. T. O. Southcott returned home Monday after visiting in To­ ronto. A goodly number from this com­ munity have been to London to wit­ ness the damage caused by the flood. The engagement is announced or Grace Cooper, daughter Of Mrs. Cooper and the late W» W. Cobipef, of Kippen, to Dr. William L. Lawson of Listowel, son of Mr. and Mrs, Janies Lawson, of town, the mar­ riage to take place quietly in May. If you are interested in buying a new coat don’t fail to see what we have to offer. We are showing some of the newest cloths in very popular styles. Also some real bargains in large sizes. I".....................Il**" I'" I I— ■». —I I ...!■■ I I MUI H.lll ..II II —III » New Designs and Colorings in Wallpapers All Wall Paper factories advanced their prices this month 10 per cent. We ate able to save you this advance as we still have a big selection for you to choose from at old prices also Room Lots at $1.19, $1.29, $1.49, $1,79 Curtains and Curtain Nets You will find such a big variety of the newest weaves on display here. Prices start at 15c. a yard. Excellent values at 40c., 50c. and 60c. per yard; also a fine assortment of made-up curtains at $1.00 TO $2.50 PER PAIR Inlaid and Printed Linoleums If you are considering buying a new Linoleum this Spring it will pay you to see our big range of 1937 patterns and get our prices. New Shirts for Men Made by Forsythe Forsythe Shirts are hard to beat. We are showing a fine range of new Forfused Collared Shirts in the newest patterns for this season. Priced at $1.55 to $1.95 t GROCERY SPECIALS PEAS Size 3 2 cans for . .. 19c COFFEE Chase & Sanborn Per pound . . 37c GEM LYE 2 tins for ... 19c CORN Standard Quality 3 cans for .. . 25c PEANUT BUTTER Harry Horne’s 2 lbs. for . . . 25c Bee-Hive CORN SYRUP 10 lb. pails 5 lb. pails 2 lb. tin . . 69c . 37c . . 19c LAUNDRY SOAP Gem 3 cakes for . .10c CORONATION CONTEST Your 25c, Purchase may win you $200.00 PORK & BEANS Aylmer 3 squat tins .. 25c Snowflake AMMONIA 3 pkgs, for 14c Deposit ail the Coupons you can. Southcott Bros. Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Oratorical Contest Temper- a Medal on Wed- the The Women’s Christian ance Union of Exeter held Contest in James St. church nesday April 21st. Despite rainy night the attendance was fair. The opening selection was “iStand up fotr Jesus” which was followed by prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Page. The contest was in oratorical work and was contested winner of the , group of five othy Traquair, and Eileen Andrew ranked second and third respectively. In the Inter­ mediate Group B also consisting of five contestants the winner was Ann Morgan, Helen Selves and Hazel Hern ranked second and third re­ spectively. The winner in the In­ termediate D Group consisting of eight contestants was Doris Webber, the second was Marjorie Flynn and the third was Norma Parsons. In the Junior Group of seven contest­ ants Ethel Delve won the medal; Marguerite Ho/garth'coming second and Marie Melville third. Each of the contestants excepting the winner of medals was awarded a combina­ tion book-mark and paper-cutter. The judges were Mrs, (Rev.) Page, Rev. R. N. Stewart and Mr. G. S. Howard. Mrs. C. Johns and Mrs. W. Abbott on behalf of the W.C.T.U, expressed gratitude and appreciation to all contributing to the success of the program mentioning especially Miss Alma Brown, of the Exeter High School staff for her services in selecting contestants and selections. Miss Brown whs also the recipient of a bouquet of flowers presented by Mrs. W. C. PearCe. Well-rendered duets were (given by Misses Ila and Iva Willis and Misses Ola Reid and Laurene Beav­ ers. Brief addresses were given by Rev. A. E. Elliott, Mr. W. G. Medd, and Mr; Archie Morgan. Much cred-1 it Is due Miss Hartnoll, President by four groups. The medal in the Senior contestants was Dor- Margaret Melvillej 4 Correct Styles for Men Are Featured in Our Store HATS AND CAPS All sizes and colors at Exceptional Values SHIRTS, TIES AND HOSE In an attractive range of Colors and Styles at Moderate Prices Everything for the well dressed is carried in stock at prices that will please you. W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. and Mrs. Pearce for the general ov­ ersight and management of the con­ test. The meeting was closed by the singing of the National Anthem. OMniney Takes Fire During ttie storm that passed over this section Wednesday afternoon of last week a chimney at the ihoine of Mr. Silas'Stanlako caught fire add created considerable anxiety for a time, A fire aland was sounded and the fire brigade responded but their services were not required. A wood fire in the furnace had burnt wp caused by the wind and the pipes had become red hot. , r D. D. G. M. Bro. Chas. Salter, of South Huron, paid his official visit to the Exeter Lodge I. 0. 0. F. on Tuesday evening. One candidate received .his third degree. The lodge has bean active with degree work during the past few months. At the close of the lodge Tuesday evening refreshments were served. Change in Time Table There has been a change of eight minutes in the time table of the London to Wingham train that goes through Exeter each morning. The train will arrive in Exete-r from London at’ 10.34 a.m. instead of at 10.42 as formerly.