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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-29, Page 7
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE H. S. WALTER A. SPENCER & SON Exeter Hensail SCARFE'S FLAT WALL FINISH SURFACE SATISFACTION EDITORIAL THURSDAY, APRIL W A late seeding,t * * * * It lacks like Hep.! Hep.! **a ******** And those tulips and narcissus. ******** ’The Canadian Waterloo with Lewisism is still to be fought. *******• The Fall wheat and the meadows showers.are responding to tihe copious * * ' * , • *•■ ♦ Brave little dandelion! but how quite so many of you! we wish that there were not ******** 'Buds, convalescents, wheat, pastures, growth upon plenty of sunshine. all wait for their best *****♦** The farmers in this district have again demonstrated that they know how to make the real thing in Maple syrup1.Old Society is Revived By S. Garrett in the London Free Press Th© revival of the London and Middlesex Historical 'Society has aroused much interest and recalls memories olf those who endeavored to record some of the county’s his tory while the facts were more read ily available. The late W. D. Stanley, of Gran ton, was one who made a fine con tribution in this manner as it was thought this efforts that a large booklet containing a historical sketch of Biddulph' 'Township was compiled and published. Mr. Stanley was well qualified for the task as he was actively connected with the municipal life of .both the township and county for over 40 years. Dur- ing this long period he maintained a careful regard for statistics and, as a result, the numerous facts and figures, contained in the -booklet are accurate and complete. Mr. Stanley began his career olf public service as a schoolteacher and afterwards purchased the homestead west' of 'Granton village, where the greater part of his life was spent. •For 4)2 years he was actively engag ed in municipal work, serving as councillor and reeve of Biddulph for leng terms and later as warden and auditor for Middelsex County. He had the distinction oif being the first Biddulpher ever to be elected to the wardenship, his being in 18'84. He was also clerk of the township for many years. During the four de cades that he served the district he won a host of friends and became one of the most widely known men in Western Ontario; OU several' occas ions he -declined to stand for parlia mentary honors. Mr. Stanley died in 1917, being then 73 -years olf age, His son, Vic tor Stanley, still resides on ’ the homestead. The late Dr. J. R. Stan ley, one-time mayor of St. Marys was another son. The booklet, which was published in 1912, is well illustrated and con tains portraits of A. K. Hodgins, Richard T. Reycraft, Robert H. Rad cliffe, Richard Coursey, Jas. Ryder, Caleb Ryan, John Fox, Nassau Davis Edmund Meredith K.C., and William H. Ryan. These men had all been active in civic affairs of Biddulph. W. H. Ryan had the distinction of being reeve of both LonSon and Bid dulph Townships and is also remem bered as the builder of the famous E'lignfield hotel. Edmund Mere dith was the township solicitor for over 40 years and A. K. Hodgins was, in recent time, M.P., for East Middlesex. Outstanding among others who served the township for long periods are the names of C. C. Hodgins, Jas. Toohey, P. J. Dewan, R. H. O’Neil, William Porte, George Westman and Dr. Hugh Lang. The township of Biddulph which is recognized as one of the finest in ■Western Ontario, is somewhat in the form of a right-angled triarfgle and contains 39,300 acres, exclusive of Lucan. It originally formed part of a vast acreage which the Canada Land (Company had purchased from the crown. Being first organized in 1842, it was named ih honor of John Biddulph, one of the directors of the company. Following the sur vey Biddulph, like McGillivray, formed part of Huron County. In 1865 both townships were transferr ed to Middlesex as London was much closer than Goderich. In 1878 the population of Bid dulph was estimated at 3,0>00 and the assessed Value at $550,000f good farming land being rated, at $60 per acre. The population oif Lucan is given as 1,100 while Gran ton and Clandeboye had about 200 apiece. In 1901 the population was rated at 2,263 sf which 1,694 were Irish, 415 English and 129 Scotch. The census of 1911 showed a decline in poulation of about 325, The settlement of Biddulph dates back to- 1830, when Frederick Stov er, a Quaker from Connecticut pur chased about 800 acres of land, near the present‘site of Lucan and found ed the ‘Wilberforce Colony” of col ored refugees. Adam Hodgins, who came in 1!831, is said to have been the first white man to settle within the borders of the township. He was followed by by Col, James Hodgins in 1932 and later by John Atkinson Patrick Flanagan and other noted pioneers. Well-known family names besides those already mentioned included: Armitage, Carter, Collison, Casey, Haskett, Dobbs, Lewis, Kelly, Jer myn, Langford, Wilson, McRoberts, Mcllhargey, Dearness, Grant, Mc- Falls, Benn,' Collins, Abbott and ethers. ■Cecil W. McRoberts, Granton mill proprietor is the present reeve of Granton. CANADA’S ACCO&NT3 IN 1936 Every person or company hand ling large sums of money keeps a record of its transactions. One of the tasks of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics is to'make a-record each ■j ear of Canada’s total dealings with other countries. People living in othex* countries chiefly in the United States and the United Kingdom have in the past loaned- or invested a great deal of money in Canada. Interest has to be paid, and from time to time part of the principal has to be repaid. We manage to do this by selling to other countries more goods than we buy from them, by giving them gold from our mines, and try having them come here as tourists to spend money, and so on. In 193 6 we sold about 327 million dollars worth of goods more than we bought'and we paid about 126 million dollars in gold. The expen ditures of tourists in Canada were about 165 million m;ore than Cana dians spent in visiting abroad. For eign advertising in Canada and the earnings of Canadian residents work ing across the international border netted us about two million. From all these sources combined we were about 620 millions dollars to the good. It is to soon yet to know exactly what we did with the balance, but a preliminary calculation shows that we paid about 250 million more in interest and dividends than we re ceived. Freight and insurance pay ments took about 32 million more of it. Smaller sums, amounting al together to about 17 million, were used «up by our immigrant residents sending money home, government expenditure abroad, missionary and charitable contributions, payment for foreign magazines, motion pictures and other enterainment. After all these net payments were made we had about 300 million dollars left to pay off on the capital of our debts in other countries. The foregoing is taken from . th© reports issued by the Internal Trade Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Department of Trade and Commerce. HONORED BEFORE LEAVING •Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Weber, of the Bronson Line, who' are leaving for their new home in iSebringville were given a presentation by the neighbors previous to their depart ure. Mrs. Weber was also presented with a gift by the Ladies’ Aid and W. M. iS. Landlord—-Rut does the chimney always smoke like this?” Servant—’Oh, no; only when there is a fire in the grate. If You Neglect Backache Kidney Trouble May Follow Those terrible pains that Strike you ih the small of the back, right over the kidneys, are nothing more than a Cry for help from those organs. These dull pains, sharp pains and quick twinges point to th© fact that your kidneys heed attention, Doan’s Kidnoy Pills help to take out the stitches, twitches^ and twinges, limber up the stiff back, and give relief and comfort to those who suffer from Weak, lame and aching backs. • »•**♦..** There is nothing so blind as selfishness when it sets out to practice foresight. Ask John L. Lewis. Ask some Canadian states men, ***** *** That stiff gale of last Wednesday as it swept over this Province at 60 miles per hour reminded us that Ontario must get down to tree planting or be blown off the road to prosperity. ******** AN OBSERVATION A.little painting, now and then, / Is practiced by the wisest men.” ******** We could name a certain government that missed a good op portunity of getting rid of certain undesirable specimens of hum anity. It wishes heartily that it ihad realized a little earlier that delays in such matters are dangerous. ******** It would have suited the majority of 'Canadians much better had the strikers in Oshawa not allowed Thompson and Martin to have addressed them after the strike was settled. Those worthies have resolved to wear down all opposition to their un-British meth ods and principles. ******** iSome who bought them are telling us that it is difficult to fleshen the cattle brought in from the dried .out areas of the West. Stunting is fatal to all young life whether the stunting be done with cattle or boys. SOUNDS MODERN When the Duke of Wellington was trying to secure and to de fend the liberties of Europe he told some of his readers of what his enemies were upi to. (Said he: ‘"Those measures are particularly popular which deprive rich and powerful individuals of their pro perties under the pretence of the public advantage.” This quotation is worth thinking about. ******** STILL TIME Funny, but the return of good times has- done very little for the farmer or the merchant who is hard up. Both find themselves out of goods and cash and credit beyond the vanishing 'point. The man with some money and -keen business sense, bought when toe prices were-low and has been selling- since the prices have been higher. ,'The man without money or credit reserve has been hard hit both going and coming. It is still true, “to him that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance, and from him that hath not shall be taken even that which he seemeth to ihave.” ******** HE’S TAKING A HOLIDAY The other day the head of a firm was approached by a commit tee stating that such and such a set of terms must be granted. (The firm replied: ’“We kept your pay-envelopes active during six long, difficult years without making a copper for ourselves. We’re trying to catch up a little now and to get a reserve flor the next depression. However, we have enough for a long holiday. At the end of this week we shut down. You fellows suit yourselves. We’re off for the Coronation.”- Not a wheel is turning in that big shop'. Do you wonder? ******** A FABLE It came to, pass that Tommy Junior and Tabby Junior set up housekeeping. Many were the rejoicings -and illustrious the mid night concerts that made the occasion memorable. Great the swag ger of Tommy in his new toggery and sweet the countenance of Tabby through her pink-beribboned loveliness. There came a day, alas, when bills must be paid. Cream was wanted to sustain (Tabby in (her delicate condition, but only boot jacks came her way. omniy solicited at kitchen doors only to be smitten greviously by kitchen brooms or to' be scalded greviously by boiling water. Black despair settled upon the Grimalkin household Just as eight of Tommy’s lives Ihad gone he said to Tabby, “Why sit I here? .'Behold I have an idea and a tongue! I’ll harrange me and organize every feline not only in my kingdom but upon the face of the earth. Go to-, go to! Why sit we here any longer?” “Why live we on fislh tails and broken bits of bread?” Tommy cried to the great clan of Grimalkin, ‘‘Why suffer we to have our tails bit by canine pets in madam's household? Why drink we dabs of milk and rinds of pork and slink in hiding from the slings and arrows of outrageous urchins? Feed ye me and I’ll fight you your battles on every Ihousetop. Fill ye me my saucer and I’ll howl till ye win ye your liberty! And loud was the cry of the felines, “Great is Tommy of the ■Grimalkins!,” Tommy is now fat, distinguished, honored, obeyed, for of every mouse captured by the Grimalkins he gets the first and choicest bite and of the first milk Ibis subjects secures he gets the cream. P IS.—This was a Yankee Tommy that went his way in the U.S. and who came to' Ontario, but who left with a knot in his tail. Building New Charge Working voluntarily, ipen of (Zion United Chuifch congregation, .near Mitchell have razed the historic old church preparatory to a start on the ■construction of a new, modern church building, on which they will also give their services voluntary, Zion Church is situated on highway No. 8 about three and three-quarters miles west of Mitchell. Work of wrecking the old biulding lasted a week. The new church was made pos sible through Miss Charlotte Athens now of Detroit, a Logan Township native and daughter of toe late Mr. and Mrs. John Atkens. Miss Aikens who worshipped there as a child has had plans completed under which she donated a generous sum of money to finance the church build ing with a stipulation the Zion con gregation will raise a share to meet expenses and the men will give their services in conjunction with James Kane, who was given the contract for the carpentery work. years bps beep writing for various magazines and religious publicp- tiops and has also been doing lecture work, iShe has been president of the Lake Orion iChristiap Ubion for a number of years and lends her support not only to the Detroit Wea ls.) an Methodist Church of which she is a member but to the Lake Or ion religious resort at Bellevue is land, Lake Orion, Mich. Other mem bers ,of th© -family are a sister, Mrs, John Rogers, who resides near Zion and Isaac Aikens, who was inspector of Ontario asylums for some years and now resides .on a fruit farm at Grimsby. In Memory of Father The building committee consists of James Malcolm, Ezra Annis and ■George Pepper, while F. A. Camp bell, a friend of the Aikens family has been instrumental in arranging all matters for Miss Aikens who has assumed the greater monetary bur den in connection with the under taking. It will be in memory of her father, the late John Aiken J.P., an ardent church worker, who in the pioneer days lent his services in erecting, the old church along with other members of the congregation, who prided themselves on the results of their labor. The structure will be of red brick and will consist of a main auditorium with choir loft and full sized basement. It will be wir ed for electric service. Work will commence immediately and it is expected that the building will be ready for occupancy during July. GOAT CAUSES DAMAGE Whetoei* or not Robert Spotton, monument dealer, can collect 'Collis ion insurance on his shiny new auto mobile, for damages inflicted by the horns of a billy goat, is as yet an unanswered question. When Mr. Spotton called in his ©ar on a farm er near Goderich, the car sihning like the proverbial shining heel, the billy goat, seeing his reflection, launched an attack op the door, and had in flicted several dinges and not a few scratches before being driven off. It is hoped tnat thcr, Dr. John Aiken, a United Church, minister, of Metropolitan Churchi, and now, Winnipeg, will officiate at the rededication services. Miss Aik- Miss Aikens’ bro- foremost formerly Toronto, ens was a registered nurse but has given up that work and for some Dashwood Hydro Reserve Dashwood’s total of hydro reserves and surplus is now $15,451 itemized in provincial hydro records as fol lows; Reserve for equity in provin cial hydro system $•6,3 64; reserve for depreciation on local plant, $2,- 580; debentures paid $1,641 and oj> erating surplus, $4,865. IThe average horsepower used in last year was 72.9 as against 46.5 in 191'S1, the first year of hydro service. Total revenues were last year $4,081 as against $4,052 in 1918; lighting revenues totaled $2,- 336 against $743 in 1918; kilowatt hours sold for lighting were 51,0(16 as against 6,522 and plant capital is now valued at $7,221 as compar ed with $3,911 in 1918. Last year the average cost for domestic and commercial lighting was 4.58c per kilowatt hour, while in 1918 the av erage was 11.39c. per kilowatt hr. Do You Know Him? .He thought, he planned—and he 'W-orkad. • He never believed that anything was too unimportant not to do right and well. He was always looking ahead, He was willing to go. through poverty and hardship. He didn't mind the lack of applause. He un derstood the meaning of obscurity. He had figured out, ip terms of his own ideals the cost of winning. And he was. willing to go without the friendship of those who saw not his worth. He did not mind unjust criticism. He always came up smiling. He never crossed a bridge until he got to it—and then if the bridge had been washed away—-he swam across’ He was tolerant. He could see the other people’s viewpoint. He respect ed old age. He was kind to the poor, and to little children, There was something about him that never repelled, but that drew even the dumb animals to him. He was broad-minded. He could see both sides. He had no time for other .people’s business, but he al ways had time for other people’s- needs. You see, he had a love ranch of thousands and thousands of acres in his heart, and he was will ing that anybody should camp there. ■He was religious, He often prayed because he believed in. prayer. He lived in a world of feeling. There fore he was very sensitive, and felt, as the most sensitized instrument, every touch of 'hurt or of kindness. He was clean in mind. And he had his own ideas about being a “good fellow”, Those who knew him, al ways liked him. He made mistakes, for he was im mensely human. But he didn’t brood. He raised smiles on his love •ranch—in his heart. Now, who was this “He?” Well, I will tell who he was. He was a— MAN!—(George Matthew Adams. Two dear old ladies, evidently strange to traffic regulations, were obeying toe instruction: “Cross on the white lines.” “They might have made these lines a little wider, mightn't they, dear?” One remarked to toe other as they tried painstakingly to keep their feet on toe white. ............................ ............. Science selects and preserves even the familiar telephone pole. ***** *** AS TO UNIONS We believe in unions. That is, we believe in the right sort of unions. We believe in unions that exist for the good of the body of men for whose welfare they profess to exist. The foot that ; wears th© shoe knows where toe shoe pinches. No one knows the ’ difficulties and grievences of working men in any industry as . well as the men themselves. These men do welt to organize that their common necessities may be made known. Twelve men speak- ' ing at'one time and saying the same thing in behalf of a common ’ object are likely to be more effective than 12 men speaking separ- i«. ately on different occasions. Further, by far the great majority of companies desire to have their help contented, on the principle 1 that a tethered sheep rarely grows fat and that a whipped hen • never lays. < But that is not the main use of Unionism. The union’s main ’ function is to promote the efficiency of its members. That Is, the union has a large place to fill in having each one of its m©m- ’ . bers serve according to his fitness. By Observing this law, a law ’ that goes as deep as human life, it opens the door to human Weal. i* The square peg in a round hole is a poor affair. The sow’s ear that tries to be a silk purse is a real troublemaker. The frag that tries to swell htniself into the .proportions of a bull simply bursts himself. Unionism at its best recognizes these facts of human ex- istance and benefits itself accordingly. Unfortunately, .and always disastrously, some unions have gone on the principle that all human units are of the same economic value and should be paid on this false basis. Of course the strong should help the weak but not in the way of saying that the weak ; man can carry as heavy a load as the strong man. and that he should receive the strong man’s reward. When unionism takes th© form of insisting upon service as well as upon the full dinner pan and the bulging pay-envelope, it will have ■com© into a great deal of its own. Unionism cannot draw "down” pay tout has not first been put “up” by some toiler. , ’ In three widely separated, climatically different parts of the continent, laboratory tests are made by planting various types of telephone poles—exposing them to the weather for long periods and observing the effect. Thus chemists and engineers have devised means of using less costly pine, treated with creosote, instead of cedar, chestnut and Douglas fir. The saving is substantial—one of the many savings that Science makes possible and which keep the cost of telephone service within the reach of the humblest user. Recent rate reductions saving telephone users $600,000. yearly mean tvider use and greater value to each subscriber* Geo. W. Lawson, Manager;