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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-29, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, APRIL 2t>th, 1937 HENSALL Miss Mary Little', of London, spent th© week-end visiting at her home here. • iMr. Peter .Manson, has leased his farm on the Goshen Line to Mr. J. Mantey for one year. Miss Myra Hudson, of London, spent tihe week-end with her parents Mr, and -Mrs. Colin Hudson. Mrs. Peter Fisher is visiting for a few days with her daughter Mrs. W. Moffatt, of Stanley Township. Rev. W. A. Young attended the Synod of the Hamilton and London branches held in Sarnia this week. Mr, Harold Sherritt, of Toronto, spent a few days here last week with his .parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, Sherritt. The Coronation Tea held in St. Paul’? Anglican Church School room on Friday last under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild was very success ful. Mrs. James Jarrott, of Hill'sgreen, spent last week here with her mother the late Mrs. Jos. Hudson Sr., who passed away at her home early Sat urday morning. Mrs. Wesley Colesman and daugh ter Sadie were visiting last week . witihi Mr, and Mrs. Milt Stewart, of Seaforth. The morning train from the south will arrive in Hensall at 10.45 in stead of 10.55 which will be ten minutes earlier. There .has been no change in the afternoon train, Mr. Casey Hudson, of Brussels, visited over the week-end with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Hudson and also attended the funeral of his grandmother the late Mrs. Ann Hudson. The Wohelo Class of the United Church are planning for a Corona tion Tea to be held in the school room of the church on Friday even ing May '7 th. There will be also a one-act play and a musical comedy. Miss Joyce Broderick, little dau ghter .of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brod erick was successful in capturing the first prize in the juvenile class of the amateui* contest held in Seaforth last week, sponsored by the Athletic Association. The King’s Own Mission, of the United Church held an election of ■officers for 1937 at their meeting last week. The following were elected: President, Mabel Fairbairn; Vice-President, Ross Kennedy; Sec retary, June Saundercoick; Roll Call, Ruth Hess; Treasurer, Patsy Donell; pianist, Robert .Hess. Mc- Staffa Presents Play The play “Khan’s Talisman” which was .put on in the shoolroom of the United Church on Friday evening last by the Y. P. S. of Staffa United Church -under the auspices of the Y. P. S. oif Hehsall was well attend ed. All members of the caste taking their parts splendidly. Rev. Arthur Sinclair acted as chairman. The Hyde orchestra furnished several selections between acts. Joyce Brod erick sang a solo “I’m Head Over Heels in Love” accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Russell Broderick, on the piano. After the play lunch was served to those taking part in the program. T he Late Miss Harvey The funeral of the late Elizabeth Harvey, formerly of Hensall, took place on Saturday afternoon from the residence of her brother-in-law, Robert J. Beattie, Egmondville. Rev. A. W. Shepherd, pastor of the Eg mondville United Church, conducted the' funeral services. Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery. She passed away on Thursday in the Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, after a 'short illness. Miss Harvey was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harvey, of Hensall and was a native of Stanley Township1. Shortly after the death of her par ents she went to reside with her sis ter Mrs. Beattie. She was a member of the Egmondville United Church and highly respected by all who knew her. She is survived by one sister Mrs. Robt. J. Beattie, of Eg mondville and a number of nephews and nieces.. General Motors Picture Show A large crowd turned out on Monday evening to see and hear the talking pictures sponsored by Gen eral Motors of Canada, Snell Bros, of Exeter and John Passmore & Son of Hensail. The pictures showed the thte and ly. Sacred Rand Concert , The isacred band concert given ip the town hall on Sunday evening by the Hensall Citizens Band under the direction of the new leader, Mr, G* M, Grant, of Exeter, was listened to by a large ahd appreciative audience Rev. Arthur Sinclair acted as chair man. The opening number, “O, ’ Canada” was played by th© bund fol- ' 1 losved by prayer by Rev Mr, Sinclair, I Following is the program given in terspersed with local numbers: ’] March, Across the Atlantic; Over- Jture, The Champion; March Rooster; * Violin Solos, Miss Greta Lanimie, ac companist Miss Eleanor Fisher; Beautiful Isle of Somewhere, by the hand with solo part taken by Sam Rannie; March, Salutation; Solo, Ross Kennedy, with Miss G. I.ukei* as accompanist; Serenade, : Twilight Echoes; March, Our Direct or; God Save the King. Storm Damage (The high winds and rains last week have caused a lot mage in Hensall and district, buildings have been nearly stripped oif shingles and at our focal lumber yard shingles have been in great de mand. The heavy rains of Sunday and Monday caused a lot of damage The storm sewers could not carry off the water fast enough. Richmond Street south was badly flooded and some children coming from school had great difficulty getting into their homes. Cellars and wells were flooded. In the business section on the south side of King street all the cellars were badly flooded and a lot of damage done. Several of the Hen sall road men were at Centralia* all day on Monday directing traffic around by Centralia as No. 4 High way through the low lands east of Centralia was badly flooded and in poor condition. Tuesday morning the water was nearly all gone in Hensall Death of Mi’s. Jos. Hudson iMrs. Ann Hudson, relict -of the late Joseph Hudson and Hensall's oldest citizen, died at her home here Sat urday morning in hbr 97th year. For one of her age she lias enjoyed com paratively good health, till a couple of weeks ago when she was stricken with an attack of -pleurisy and fail ing to rally she passed away on Sat urday. She was possibly the oldest person in the Hensall district and: highly respected by all who knew her. Mrs. Hudson was born Mountain, Province of Quebec, daughter of the late Mr. and Thomas Walker. The family moved to Stanley Township settled near Varna., After her riage to Mr. Hudson they settled on the Parr Line, Stanley, and farmed there till they retired to Hensall about 34 years ago. Since the death of Mr. Hudson 25 years ago her daughter, Mrs. James Logan, has lived with her and later another daughter, Mrs. Al. Harvey and from them the aged mother has received the most tender care. Mrs. Hudson enjoyed life, always happy to have friends call on her and to entertain members of -her numerous family. She took a keen interest in passing events and when able was always out to vote at elections. (She was a consistent member of the Presby terian church. Her family of four sons and seven daughters are all liv ing and attended the funeral, also of the 112 descendants of Mrs. Hudson over lOiQ were present at the fun eral. Mrs. Hudson is survived by four sons and seven daughters Thos. Hudson, of Pontiac, John iof Mar lette, Mich.; George, of Hensall and Isaac, of Seaforth; Mrs. James Troy er, of Toronto; Mrs. John Consitt, of Seaforth; Mrs. James Jarrott, of Hillsgreen; Mrs. William Douglas, of Brucefield; Mrs. James Logan, Mrs. Al. Harvey and' Mrs. Wilson Carlisle, of Hensall, there are also 35 grandchildren, 50 great grand children and 16 great great grand children. The funeral took place from her late home on Monday af ternoon. A short service was held at tihe home and a public service was held at Carmel Presbyterian church conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, assisted by Rev. Arthui* Sinclair, pastor of the Unit ed 'church. In his address Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith, of Toron to; Mr. Thos. Hudson, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hudson, Mr- and Mrs. Virgil Hudson, Pontiac, Mich.; Mr. Melvin Hudson, Mr. Robe. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. LopiPick, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mrs, Ed. McAsh, Mrs. Annie McDon ald, Martha and Annie Carlisle, of London; Mrs. Jas, Wright and Miss Margaret Wright, of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright, Mr, Ross Wright, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers, Mitchell, The floral tri butes were very beautiful showing the high esteem in which the deceas ed was held. These included a wreath from the family, also the grandchildren, beautiful sprays from Mrs, Lloyd Hudson. Mrs. Nel son Blatchford, the Ladies Orange Grieve, Mrs, Russell Crozier, of this of da- Some near a Mrs. later and mar- 11 interior of the plant at Oshawa construction’ of the automobile the different stages of assemb- They gave a reel on the safety driving of automobiles which Is so necessary in this age of speed. There were also comic pictures which were greatly enjoyed by young and old. The pictures were educative, instruc tive and some very amusing. BABY CHICKS Baby Chicks, White Leg- .8c.; Brown Leghorns, Barred 9c.; White Rocks, Jersey Giants, New Hampshire Reds, Heavy iSurplus 8c.; .Light .Silt- A-l horns Rocks Black ioc.; : pluS> 7c. After June 1, 10. less, Four weeks old pullets 30<c.; five weeks 3 Be. Write for prices on Baby and started Cockei’els. White Indian Runner Ducklings, May 136. Guar anteed 100 per cent, safe arrival to yotir station. A. H. SWiTZF/B, Granton, Ontario Young paid a fitting tribute to life of Mrs. Hudson, her splen- infldence with her family and in community where she spent her Favorite hymns of Mrs. Hud son were sung. A male quartette composed of Rev. Mr. Young, W. A. MadLaren, James Ben^ough and R. Y. McLaren sang •‘‘Nearer My God to Thee*’ and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron sang “No Night There.’* Interment took place in the Bayfield cemetery. The funeral was largely attended^ the two middle rows of seats in the church were filled with relatives and friends of the deceased. The pall bearei’S were six grandchildren W. Carlisle, Casey Hudson, Eldon Jar- rott, John Jarrott, Roy Consftt and Eldmier Tryer. The flower bearers were six great grahdehildren, Lind- Say Eyres, Wilfred Coleman, Harry Norris, Max Hudson, Hugh Love and Sid Gemmell. Those attending the funeral from a distance were; Mr. John Hudson, Marlette, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Applegate, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hudson, Mar lette, Mich.; Mr. Wilfred ’tfroyer, Mrs. Henderson Tfoyer, of Magne- tewan; Mr. and Mrs. Eldmeir Troy er, Mrs. Harry Atchison, Miss Edna Atchison, Mrs. John Smith, Wilfred and ijarl Smith, Miss Bdna Smith, Mr. the did the life. 11.111 T 4th PRIZE (Mansfield Pattern) 20 OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES on display at Snell Bros. & Co. and Sandy Elliot’s 10 PRIZES AT LEAVITT’S THEATRE “STYLE SHOW” MONDAY, MAY 17th TUESDAY, MAY 18th TUESDAY, MAY 25thTUESDAY, MAY 11th BUY FROM THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS AND RECEIVE COUPONS Barber) Store $79. IN CASH 26-piece Set of SILVERWARE 16 PRIZES ON EACH OF THE FOLLOWING DATES TUESDAY, MAY 4th CREDITON Miss Edna Beaver, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed* Beaver. Mr, a few lage. Mr. Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Young, of London, yisited over the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac. Mrs. Mclsaac spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Young. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Young, of Lon don, are leaving next week for their new home in Montreal, Mr. Richard Wagner, of London, spent the week-end with friends in the community. Mrs. Cihas. Zwicker is confined to We wish Roy Wolfe, of Detroit, visited days with friends in the vil- and Mrs, (Lester Mclsaac, of Lodge, Seaforth, the U.F.W.C. Club her bed through illness. Brucefield and a beautiful basket her a .J We Clark ness. Mr. moved Street. , lage. The men’s Institute will be held Monday evening May 3 in the Institute Hall. All reports will be given. A good at tendance is requested. Mr. Chas. Eilber manifested much acitivty over the week-end when a number .of paid him a Mr. Jack ill Monday wish him a Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bertrand, Mrs. Ed. Bertrand daughters Mrs, Gra ham Sommerville, of Detroit, visited friends in the village on Friday. The town trustees have proclaim ed May 6th as Arbor Day for the town. Mr, Aaron Wein will call at every blouse and all material must either be in bags or boxes so that there will be no delay. Dumping space .has been rented by the town on Mr. Hy. Kuhn’s farm. The trus tees are asking for the co-operation of every citizen in .cleaning up and beautifying the town. Flood News Crediton experienced its worst flood in history on Monday when two days of heavy rainfall brought the Aux Sable river far above its storm level. The water had risen over the roads in several places. Many washouts has been reported. A number of cellars and the base ment- of the United flooded with water, were forced to leave their homes. It was reported that some farmers in the low lying area had to move their cattle from the stable onto the barn floors. Hundreds of aq$e# of this area are under water and much damage will be done to the crops. Choir Meeting The annual business meeting of the Evangelical choir took, place Friday evening, Miss Irene Fahrner acting secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and reported $58 in the treasury. The pastor, Rev. A, E. Pletch, took the chair and con ducted the election of officers: Hon, Pres., Rev Mr. Pletch; President, Gordon Ratz; Leader, Lawrence Wein; Asst. Leader, F. W. Mor lock; Secretary-Treasurer, Earl" Haist; Librarians, Irene Fahrner, Meleeta Wein; Social Committee, Leila Mol- lard, Eldon -Smith, Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. M. Faist, Meleeta Wein and Al vin Finkbeiner. The chairman .pressed hearty appreciation .for the faithful service rendered by ■choir. Some discussion took- place as to the choir gowns. It was decid ed to> purchase seven new gowns. Annual Meeting Tihe annual meeting of the Cred iton Evangelical Church was held on Monday evening last with a splen did attendance. A, short devotional service was conducted by the pastor Rev. Mr. Pletch, after which the business of the meeting was con ducted. H. K. Eilber was appointed secretary. Reports were given Dy the Financial Steward, F. W. Morlock; C. G. -Morlock, Treasurer of Mis sions and Benevolences and G. E. Faist, Treasurer of the Cemetery Board. The church Treasure!* show ed a balance of $359.18 ion hand and no outstanding accounts. $496.- 62 was raised for Missions and Ben evolences. In the General Fund of the Cemetery Board there was a bal ance of $411.53 and in the Perpet ual Fund $351.00 and $1700 invest ed in Government Bonds. George Finkbeiner was re-elected Church Trustee for three years and William Schwartz, Trustee of the Cemetery* Board to succeed Fred Gaiser whose term of office had expired and who expressed a desire to' retire after sev eral years of faithful service. A mo tion was passed thanking the dif ferent committees and organiza tions of the church for their Services to the church during the year, It was alsb announced that at a meet ing of the last Quarterly Bohrd, an invitation had beep extended to the Pastor to remain With his congrega tion for another year. .Several need- er repairs to the parsonage wdre dis cussed and it was also decided to erect a bulletin, board on the church lawn. The Hvangolical church has had a splendid year and the mem bers are to be congratulated, ----~—— Brucefield and a beautiful basket from the neighbors on the street• where the late Mrs. Hudson lived. SHIPKA The- regular meeting of tihe Ladies’ Aid will be held on Wednesday ev ening May 5 th at the home of Ed. Lamport. Mr, John Ratz Sr., who has seriously ill is improved. Mr. Lorne Dietrich and bride returned home after spending week on their honeymoon. Mr. .Joseph Houlahan returned home on Friday month’s treatment springs. We congratulate George Bullock on. young daughter on the 18th; also Mr. and Mrs. Verne Sharp© on the arrival of a little daughter on the 21st of April. Mr. Arthur Hutchinson has been engaged to work with Mr. Ivan •Sharpe ion the farm for the summer months. Mr. Ernest Keyes, Mr. Mat. Sweit zer attended the Presbytery meet ing in Goderich on Tuesday. Mrs, Martha Hewlett, of Exeter, is nursing Mrs. Verne Sharpe and li-tlte daughter for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNair and children from Ilderton visited Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lamport. Mrs, been have a after taking a at the mineral Mr, and Mrs. the arrival of a ZION spent the week- Mrs. T. Dickin- say that Master iServices in Zion Church next Sunday will be .under the auspices icif tihe W. M. S. The service will be at 2 p.m. Guest speaker will be Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose. Mrs. E. Hern spent Thursday with Mr. Henry Hern of town. We are pleased to state that Mr.. William Brock is slowly improving. Miss Jean Brock end with her aunt son. We are sorry to Carl Jaques is confined to his bed through illness. The masons have put in the con crete for the basement of Mr. Har old Hern’s new house. We are pleased to state that Mr. Lloyd Hern who is ill at his grand mother’s in Exeter is slowly improv ing. Mr. Arthur Baker, of Blanshard, has purchased the farm of Mr. Wil liam Brock, Lot E, Concession 9, Usborne. Next Sunday being Missionary Sunday in the Sunday School special instructions will be given. WHY PAY MORE ! When you purchase Baden Govern ment Approved Chicks from Blood- tested breeders at these prices: DAY OLDiS—.Leghorns $6.95 New Hampshires Reds $7.95; Barred Rocks $9.50. DAY OLD PULLETS—New Hamp shire Reds $13.95; White Leghorns $14.95; Barred Rocks $16,915. DAY OLD COCKERELS — White Leghorns $1.25; New Hampshires Reds $4.75; Barred Rocks $4.95. Superior Quality — 2c, per chick more. STARTED 10 DAYS ODD—Ac. per chick more. STARTED, 2 WEEKS ODD—6c. per chick more. Prices quoted above for immediate Delivery BADEN ELECTiRlC OHICK HATCHERY, BADEN, ONTARIO Phone 52 I !w Sunday and y Holidays ■ at 0:15 p.m. T only I SouthboiMld, A.M. 11:25 ARROWBUSl •Timetable I (Condensed) R Effective AMAY 2 I Standard Time I Quoted R .............................I I i I Northbound P.M. T;l5 For Bus Information CENTRAL HOTEL Phone 140 Central Ontario Trailways speedy recovery. are glad to see Mrs. Elizabeth out again after her recent ill- and Mrs. Godfrey Wein have into their new home on Main We welcome them to. the vil- annual meeting of the Wo- his sons and daughters few days visit. Klumpp took seriously with heart- trouble. We speedy recovery. Church were .Several people ex- the I Huy your Coronation Souvenirs of China, Spoons, Pins and Medals ; early at S. B< Taylor’s. Exeter Coronation 3-piece upholstered Tapestry LIVING ROOM SUITE General Electric ALL WAVE RADIO Graham Arthur (Red Indian Service) Browning’s Drug Store W. J. Beer—Electrical Supplies B. W. F. Beavers—-Hardware Southcott Bros. E. Lindenfield—Hardware & Wm. Hatter—Dairy Swift Canadian Company Frank Coates—Grocer Flynn’s Barber Shop H. Bierling Grieve’s Lunch Shoppe Len O’Brien—Eggs and Poultry Exeter Ladies’ Wear Sandy Elliot—-Ford Garage G M. Simpson, Beauty Shoppe E. R. Hopper—Furniture , j Norman Hockey, Barber Martin’s Music Store j !> Canada Packers Limited James P. Bowey Walker’s Drug Store W. W. Tainan People's Cash Shoe Store John Hockey (South End Snell Bros. & Company Rivers* Quality Meats J. A. Traquair’s Hardware The Times-Advocatc Cole’s Drug Store Ideal Meat Market Leavitt’s Theatre Chain way Stores Ltd. The Red & White Grocery Jones & May R. G- Seldon S. B. Taylor, Jeweler F. G. Wright & Co. Cook’s Rock Bottom Cash Middleton’s Bakery Harness Barber Shop Helen’s Beauty Shoppe G. A. Hawkins’ Hardware Wliite’s Bakery ELIMVILLE Live Oak Mission Circle met home of Mary Johns on Sat- afternoon last. Bernice had charge of the meeting was opened with the 'hymn Calls Us O’er the Tumult.” The at the urday Murch which “Jesus The Scripture lesson was read by Gladys Skinner and Audrey Prance, Mary Johns read the Devotional Leaflet “Jesus in the Joy of Ser vice.” Eva Penrose led in prayer. A reading “A .Strange Honeymoon and After” .was given by Gladys Johns, Dorothy Johns also gave a reading, followed by an article on “Temper ance” by Eva Penrose. The meet ing closed with the hymn “O Master Let Me Walk with Thee” and bene diction, Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Bell and child, of Detroit, were visitors in the village on Sunday. The heavy rains of Sunday and Monday were responsible for a regular flooding of the corner here. Several cellars in the village were filled to a considerable depth and water was running over the rtoad causing a bad washout making tra vel dangerous. Surrounding fields were covered as well. This was the worst flooding the village has had. Many bad washouts are reported elsewhere through the Township and the rain coming after the windstorm of last Wednesday nad blown off so many shingles from barns and bouses will have caused consider able damage. The Mission Band met at the home of Doreen Coultis last Satur day afternoon. With Spring and Summer coming, farmers will have larger supplies of cream. They will also find a good market for their cream with - Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA WOODHAM On Tuesday evening of -last Iveek Mr. Pew, of .Stratford, gave lantern slides of Vimy Ridge in France where so many of oui* Canadian soldiers paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War. This historical and interesting lecture was given in the interests of the Mission Band. Messrs. Brown and Parks, masons, of Mitchell, have completed their pant in the repairs of church. The Sunday School busy practicing the sung on their anniversary, Sunday, May 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Adamson, Mrs. Wilbur Wynn and Mrs. James ■Squire attended the Horticultural meeting at Dr. Campbell’s at Kirk ton on Tuesday afternoon of last week. the Woodham adherents are hymns to be Mr. and Mrs. Louth and little son of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dykeman and little son Peter, of Galt, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone visit ed .Sunday last at the latter’s home here. Miss Dorothy Camm, of Grand Bend home. spent the week-end at WINCHELSEA and Mrs. R. W. Batten her Mr. family are moving into- their home in the village this week. Mrs. Herman Foster and Verna spent a few days the past week with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Parkinson at Rus- seldale. and new CORONATION SPECIALS-COLE’S DRUG STORE FRIDAY & SATURDAYTwo Days Only- 75c VALUE Face Powder, White Orchid Jasmine Perfume Bakelite Case Rouge 60c VALUE Jasmine Cream (all purpose) Jasmine Perfume limn i .................................................................. —»*||l 95c VALUE Shaving Cream, 5 Blue Steel Razor Blades (double edge) 5-inch Pocket Comb, Styptic Pencil 29c $2.00 Value Fountain Pens ^ve Years. 59c