HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-29, Page 3I I 1 fl THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Buckingham Palace King 'George and Queen Elizabeth who will be crowned May 12, have already taken up residence in Buck­ ingham Palace, amid surroundings vastly different from their compara­ tively modest home, 145 Piccadilly, Buckingham Palace, the chief {London residence of the sovereign for exactly 100 years, is much older than that. It was July 3, 1837, less than a month after she had been 'Proclaimed Queen, that Victoria drove there in state from Kensing­ ton tp take up residence. More than a century earlier the then Prince of Wales, latex’ George II, opened negotations for lease .or purchase of Duchess of able widow and who. is to bargain * a Jacobite, and th© astuteness of estate agent,” 85th Birthday Daniel 'Smith quietly celebrated his 85th birthday anniversary at the home of his son and. daughter-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Smith* of Zurich, Mr. Smith, who is on© of the oldest residents of Zurich, was born in Rainham Township, Haldi- mand County, on April 21 being a son of the Schmidt, who migrated from Ger­ many, and his wife, Catherine Offer­ man, of Alsace, France, In 1874 the family moved to Wilmot Township Does ADVERTISING PAY? from the a formid- high state been able of an the building Buckingham, who lived in said to have ‘with the haughtiness Cost $140,000 In 1702 The building was sold in 1762 £28,000' ($140,000) to George as a dower house for the Queen the King eventually decided to large it and make it into a ' palace, The great architect of that period, Nash, who had designed the famous Regent Street quadrant which these of the older generation will remem­ ber, was entrusted with the work. But there were so many complica­ tions in connection with the project that nearly £750,00'01 were expended before ever a member of the royal family came to live there. When Queen Victoria took up residence many additions were made. One improvement was the provision of a private chapel, which was built ion the site of a conserva­ tory. The Marble Arch, which us­ ed to stand in front of the palace as a memorial to Trafalgar Waterloo, was removed to ent site on the northern Hyde iPark. Little of the interior of ace is ever seen by the people at large. (For the great garden parties the company passes merely through the lower apartments, which, tho’ spacious, are not 'Otherwise impressive. for III but en- royal and its pres- side of the pal- very courts apart- them courts Rooms of Splendor Those bidden to evening naturally traverse the state ments. Most sumptuous of all is the ballroom, where the and state banquets are held. For an evening court the King and Queen, members .of the royal family, their guests and the principal officers of the household pass into the ball­ room by way of the blue drawing room, the state dining room and the music room. Six vast chandeliers illumine the scene as their Majesties fake their places on thrones on a dais at the west end of the ballroom. Above the thrones is a gorgeous canopy of •crimson velvet embroidered with gold, made from the hangings of th© Imperial Shamiana, beneath which the sovereign and consort sat at the Dunbar in 1911. The Imper- gilded, sur-and feet long 60 high. The 123 feet for state investi- ial crown, carved mounts it. The ballroom is feet wide and 45 throne room used tures and the reception of official deputations, is almost as impressive in size and stately appurtenances. The green drawing room is used as a supper room' for evening icourts. Table 70 Feet Long *The most celebrated of private royal banquets is the King’s annual dinner to the Jockey Club, when the King takes his place in the centre of the dining table, which is 70 feet long and the Qeen sits opposite. King Queen and all the guests use chairs of the regency period. During the last 2 6 years the 'rooms of Buckingham Palace frequently been enriched by the in­ timate knowledge which Queen Mary possesses of the treasurers within this great building. There are mag­ nificent paintings of royal person­ ages ranging from works by Gains­ borough to the fine full-length por­ traits of King George and Queen Mary' by Richard Jack, English and foreign furniture of the rarest type is arranged in well- nigh inexhaustable variety. Hun­ dreds of clocks and barometers comprise a collection founded George III. gilt state have' Nights Were Torture With Lumbago Only those who have suffered from lumbago know bow exceedingly painful it can be. And when they discover a remedy for this complaint they are anxious to pass oxi the good news to other sufferers, Let this man x , _ , , , xtell you how Kruschen brought him Waterloo’ County, where paniel lat- relief; “I had a bad attack of lumbago. When I got into bed I had to stay in T ann . .that position—I could not move tor, ” "'“s “n‘ted ln “amaBe pain, I didn't know what to take 'Catherine Bock, of New Dundee, or what to do. I was advised to' try Kruschen Salts and I am very grate­ ful I did so. After taking a few doses I felt relief, and after taking one large bottle, I am glad to say that my lumbago had entirely gone, i and I have not had the slightest trace of it coining back,”—G. A. V. Kruschen is a combination of nu­ merous mineral salts which assist in stimulating your liver and kid­ neys to healthy, regular activity. They ensure internal cleanliness, and so help to keep the bloodstream pure. late 1852, Peter er took lover the 123-acre farm two and a half miles south-west of New When I got into' bed I bad to stay in Hamburg,_ on old Huron road- COMMUNICATION A CORONATION year STUNT FOR ARBOR DAY Mr. Editor,— One of th© yzays in which many of the urban centres of Ontario are celebrating the Coronation this year is in .planting mor© trees? There are many emptjr spaces where a tree might be grown and there are many large trees that are rough and .unsightly in appearance that should be replaced by younger trees that look so much better. The old trees would provide fuel. This is a work that the Horti­ cultural Society and Parks’ Com­ mission could look after to the ad­ vantage of the town. Again has our School Board ap­ plied for two of the acorns tfrom Windsor Forest which King George VI sent to Toronto for the schools of the province? Should they riot do so? Would this year not be a good one for the farmers in the townships to take a half day off to plant trees for'the future? Such an-act would add to the beauty of their farms and to their intrinsic value almost from the first year ifor besides growing into value they would stop drying winds that are gradually carrying off the moisture stored in the top 42 feet of our land. Uunless some­ thing like this is done it is feared that some day we shall ihave dust storms similiar to those found in various states of the Union as well as in our own western provinces. who died in 1895. I Surviving were four sons, which the eldest, Edgar, died 11903. In the spring of 1&02, Smith sold his farm in Wilmot during that summer purchased fine 210-acre farm on the Water Highway, Hay Township, now owned by his son, Clayton, moving I there in (September of that year. Af­ ter successfully farming for some years, and also was known far and wide as a fruit grower having a peach orchard of about 2,000 trees he sold the farm to his elder bro­ ther, Chester L., publisher of The Zurich 'Herald, and Irvin D., of Hamilton, automobile supply travel­ ing salesman. Mr. Smith has one sister, Mrs. Jacob Thiel, of Kitchen­ er, also six grandchildren. ,He is ac­ tive and bright for his age, enjoys life to its fullness does considerable reading each day, mostly in the Scriptures, possesses a wonderful memory of dates of past events in recipient from wish life. Wheatstone invested the tele­ graph before Morse. Alcock and Brown fJew* the Atlantic before Lindbergh. And there are 26 mountains in Colorado higher than Pike's peak, Yet for every person who heard of Wheat- stone, Brown and Mt, Evans there are hundreds who know of Sam Morse, Pikes Peak and the “Flying Colonel.” Pikes Peak ■gets the tourists because it’s al­ ways gotten the publicity, And the other mountains? Well, they just sit back and sulk and grouch about business being rot­ ten, A CITIZEN ELIMV1LLE W. M. S. The April W. M. S. meeting was held on Wednesday April 21 at Mrs. Nelson iCoultiS’. Ten members were present. The president Mrs. (Rev.) Penrose opened the meeting with Introductory reading and verses of scripture then the hymn “Jesus (Call Us O’er ' tihe Tumult” was sung. Mrs. Wes Horne read the Devotional Leaflet “In the footsteps of Jesus”. This was followed with prayer by Mrs. Penrose and all re­ peated the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The iScripture readings were given by Mrs, Ed, Johns who read part io«f Mark 10 'Chapter and Mrs. P, Murcli who read from John 15 cihapter. “O Master let me walk with Thee” was sung and roll called. Subject for the roll call was “Purity.” The minutes were read and adopted after which business was discussed. 'Mrs. Pen­ rose read from the third chapter of th© study book “Men and Women of far Horizons” the subject of the chapter was “New Life in Rural Communities'* which was very in­ teresting. (The closing hymri “Crea­ tions Lord w© give The© thanks” was sung and the leader closed with prayer and benediction. WHERE APPLES ARRIVE THE YEAR ROUND Apples pour into the British Mar­ ket every month of the year, From Canada they arrive from September to April; from France, September January; December March November vein ber; comber; •( Hungary, August to1 October; Italy July to October; Netherlands, Aug­ ust to February; Norway, August to February, and Spain, July to Janu­ ary. The export season from the United States is from July to May, on sale from July to March. Apples from Australia arrive on the British market from March to August; from New Zealand, March to July; From South Africa, March to May; from Argentina, March to April; from Chile, April to July and from Portugal, July to August. to to to to Lithuania, Russia, Switzerland, r; Belgium, Denmark, ■Germany, July to March , September September September August to iNo- August to De- his ilfe. He is the hearty congratulations numerous friends who many years of enjoyable a DATE JOHN AVE IDO of in Mr. and I the Blue Advertise in The Times-Advocate W. C, T. U. The April meeting .of the W. C T- IL was held at the home of Mrs W. G. Walker. The devotional period ; was in charge of Mrs, W, F. Abbott. Mrs. C. Johns recited the 1st Psalm and Mrs. Abbott spoke briefly of its message to* tho present day. Prayers were offered by several members. The business was then and for ject the money are ©pent in fighting temper­ ance legislation, Funds are even sent from European wine-growing countries for this purpose. Brewers and distillers exert political influ­ ence by paying for support of legis­ lation favoring their trade, through donations to campaign funds and to the party treasury. The traffic has gained parties, planned the use men and are trying drinking with all kinds of festivities. The temperance are encouraged by the recent voting. During municipalities voted on this ques- THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1087 Pekoe Blend * dealt with were made The sub­ Methods of * final arrangements the medal contest, for study was “The Liquor Traffic.” Large sums of control of both political The liquor people have a campaign to popularize of intoxicants among wo- to associate social forces results of 1937 two CROMARTY The lantern views and lecture of Scotland put on, on Friday evening in th© church by Mr. Reidie was very much enjoyed. The pictures were very choice showing a number of the principal cities in Scotland also a tion Parkhiil and Campbellford and great many places c'f historical note J in both cases the drys won; also, In and beauty. (Mrs. McDonald, of Brussells visit­ ed with her son a couple of days last week. Th© windstorm on Thursday last did considerable damage, tearing out a great many shingles and other minor pranks. Mr. and Mrs, McDonald visited at them home in* Brussels on Sunday last. •Miss Dorothy Quance, of London, visited at her home in the village on the ten places which voted in 1936 there was only one wet victory. We must continue our campaign of ed­ ucation of youth and public opinion. The day will come when, once again, the evil consequences of the use of liquor will .outlaw the traffic, The May meeting will he held in James St. Church. ’ Of his himj Sunday last. Mrs. Reidie attended the Presby- terial held in London on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday o.f week. NEW DIVISION COURT COUERK MRS. GEORGE SMITH A CORONATION RACKET Following a brief illness Mrs. G. | Smith .passed away at hex' home in McGillivray in hex* 42nd year. L _ ceased was born on the 7th con. of that have been more widely lxerald- McGillivray moving to Parkhill at I ed than the coming coronation ot the age of 14 years. In 1927 she ’ Ring Georg© and Queen Elizabeth, ' organized the L. .0. B. A. of Green-1 We heax' it morning, noon axxd night «,o,, „ i.— and no jg a Hxn© for rejoic­ ing throughout the Empire. How­ ever anything can be overdone and it seems the commercial people are doing just that in regard to the oor- ornation. Everything has the picture of the royal family upon it. We eat coronations cakes, sip coronation soup from a coronation plate, wear, coronation ties and brush dux’ teeth ’ v ith coronation wrapped tooth -paste while flocks of salesmen descend on the unwary housewife oi’ man with all kinds and coronation rubbish. It is Canadians are unpatriotic sort of thing rankles on the nerves, on the contrary the most of us feel that the coronation is a dignified matter and something that should not be bantered about like popcorn at a country fair.—St. Marys Jour­ nal Argus. There are few things that have De- ^tien schsduled in the last decade way. iShe leaves to mourn her loss her husband, two sons, Charles and Hugh, of Parkhill and two daughters Audrey and Ruby at home; also her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Nickles, of London, four brothers and sisters. two TO SURVEY PUBLICATIONS Lome Eedy, publishex’ of the St. Marys Journal-Argus, has been ’ap­ pointed by the moderator .of the United Church to b© a member of a commission to explore the whole matter of United Cliurh publica­ tions with the .object of increasing their effectiveness, and to submit plans for the production of a single “national” publication which will adequately cover all phases of our Church life.”—St. Mary Journal-Ar­ gus, business­ types iOt not that that this last There passed away at his home in Zurich, John Weido, a widely known and highly esteemed citizen at the ripe old age of 82 years, 3 months, and 7 days. The deceased who has been a life-long resident of the com­ munity, has been ailing practically all winter, during which time he ispent mostly in bed. During his life­ time Mr. Weido was a prosperous farmer and a hard working man. T’or many years he farmed just north of Zurich, then he moved to the corner of the Parr Line, and from there he retired to Zurich 12 years agp. In 1927 his wife Frena <Stelck predeceased, and is also pre­ deceased by a daughter, Mrs. George Hess. .Surviving are two sons, Wil­ fred Weido of th© Parr Line, Hay; Elmer, of 'Crediton; two daughters Mrs. George Smith, of London and Miss 'Laura at home. Two brothers also survive, Jacob Weido of Zurich and William, of Detroit. Th© funeral was iheld from the family residence to the Lutheran church for service and Luthern cemetery for inter­ ment, with Rev. E. Turkheim offic­ iating. INFANTS’ DEATHS Out of every thousand children born in Canada, thirty five die be­ fore they are one month old, and as many mor© die before they reach the age of one year. This is the record at the present time. A few years ago it was much ’worse, and it is grad­ ually improving, but it is still mot a record of which we can be entirely proud in comparison with other countries. There are countries where th© re­ cord is much worse, even two or three as bad, but there ar© many where it is much better. It is better in the British Isles, in he other British Dominions, in the Scandina- avian countries, in Holland and Switzerland. While we lose seventy babies out of every thousand, New Zealand loses only thirty and Aus­ tralia forty. British Columbia's re­ cord is the best "of any Canadian Province, being almost as good as Australia’s. IThe New Zealand re­ cord is one at which all provinces are doubtlessly aiming through spread of scientific knowledge mothers and others responsible’ the babies welfare. Years ago the baby death rate ed to be particularly high in large cities where danger of cantagion and infection were greatest. This is no longer the case. In Montreal and Toronto, the rates are about the same as for the * provides in which th&y are Situated, while in Winnipeg and Vahcouer rates are substantially lower than the provincial. The foregoing, information is tak­ en from reports published by the Vi­ tal Statistics Branch of the Domin­ ion Bureau Of Satisfies, Department of Trade and Commerce. More Howlers GRAND BEND Miss Reta Pfaff, of London, visit­ ed over the week-end with her par­ ents. Mr. Bruce Bossenberry has mov­ ed back to th© Imperial Hotel and is ready for th© summer business. Mr.. Mansell Mason was in London for a few days last week painting for Mr. Ed. Strathmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mallard and Miss Mary Yeo were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Schelling in Sar­ nia. Dr. and Mrs. Moore, of Toronto, and who spent most 'of the winter in tihe South are visiting with their son, Rev. J. B. Moore on their way home. Mr. Nelson Statton is moving to Exeter this week. Miss Marjorie Jennison returned home after a visit with .friends in Clinton. Miss Kelso, of London, is visiting her sister Mrs. Ezra Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Gill were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mary A. Gill. Miss Gladys Addison, of Clinton, is visiting nison this A. F. Somersall, bailiff, has receiv­ ed notice of his appointment as clerk of the first division court, Co. of Huron, replacing Chas. Sheppard, resigned. Mr. 'Somersall will fill both positions until further notice. Mrs. iSheppard as appointed by the Hepburn Government soon after it came into office. “Said a cheerful old bear at the zoo T never have time to feel blue, If it bores me, you know, ITo walk to and fro, reverse it and walk fro and to’ ”I 4 with Miss Marjorie Jen- week. Never Lonely “Have you ever speculated on why you are so popular in your neighborhood?” “No, except that I told my neigh­ bors that I always played the saxo­ phone when I got lonely.” DESIGNED EDWARD STAMPS WHEN AT THE AGE OF 17 the to for US- »Chaos is a name for the world as a whole. Hosiery is what carries tho water to put out fires. Allegation is the name for alliga­ tors as a whole. An autograph is the plan of a motorcai’. Pigmies is tho name for those farms that reax’ pigs. A handicap is one that is easy on tho head. How You May Get Rid of Those Painful Boils RuRpock LOO Bitters When boils start to break out it to aa evidence the blood is clogged up with im­ purities and requires to be thoroughly purified by a good blood medicine. We believe there is no better blood cleansing medicine than Buidock * Blood Bitters. It helps to remove the foul matter from the blood, and once the blood to purified the boils disappear and your misery at an end. Try it! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER The designer of the British King Edward VIII postage stamps, which are now in great demand, was only 1? years of age when he submitted his design. He is Hubert John Brown, son of A. E. Brown, retired bank manager, and was born at Purley, Eng. As a humble member of the Tor­ quay and Exeter Philatelic 'Society he submitted his sketch last year in competition with those of well- known artists. The boy is now em­ ployed by an insurance company. l©< Sales Books are the best Counter Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and wilt be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required* See Your Home Printer First Sherwin -Wil l iams 10 DAYS ONLY tarings Certificate Good for 10 Days Only - April IS to May 3 inclusive. wbln ” “» " d“"r ............. .........................'(NAM£> ”' to the undemoted cash savings on tfiCal. Quart Regular Price - - - $2.85 $1.j0 Introductory Offer 2.25 1—0 CASH SAVING - - 60c 30c Cluck Quantity Purchased □ of.‘(ADDRESS) the purchase of Semi-Lustre Satin-Enamel, The Sherwin-Williams Co. tl l»W lift l»22 **“e0 WA5HABLB BATIN EN4MEI 4 Attractive new rooms can be created over­ night with Semi-Lustre, the amazing new washable satin-enamel. Semi-Lustre gives you the soft, light-reflecting, non-giare surface so much in vogue, and makes redecorating as fascinating as choosing a costume. The 13 lovely pastel shades give you unlimited scope for individual color schemes. Think of the immense practical advantage of a washable finish! Unsightly finger marks and stains can be removed instantly with soap and water—without injury to the deli­ cate satin finish. Semi-Lustte is easily applied, dries quickly, and is DEODORIZED. Try this amazing new finish—the 10-day introductory offer enables you to do so at a great saving in cash! EXETER MiHO So that you may try out Semi-Lustre— in your kitchen .. * your bathroom .. * on furniture dr Woodwork—We ate mak­ ing this Sensational introductory offer. Pill in your name and address on the above Cash Savings Certificate. Tear it out and take it to your paint store. It entitles you to any quantity of Semi­ Lustre you want at the above Special prices. But only during the 10-day period from April 28 to May 8 inclusive. After May 8 the regular prices on Semi­ Lustre will prevail. We suggest, there­ fore, that you use your Cash Savings Certificate at once. ON SALE AT a PHONE 86