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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-22, Page 8
% THURSDAY, APRIL 22n<l, 1937 / Wave of D ^finite Superiority Bonat Equipment, products and supplies are the final word in qual ity. Bonat makes possible perfect ly uniform spacing and winding. Bonat solutions contain vitamin F the new discovery which revitalizes hair and scalp, eliminates guess work, Individual styles to complement the current fashions. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w Exeter Markets Wheat $1.40 Oats 60e. Manitoba's Best $4.20 Welcome Flour $3.80 .Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Eggs, Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Hogs Butter 23-26c. A .large 18 c. A A B C $8.65 medium 15e pullets 13 c. 13c. 13c. beauty shoppe Pickerel Fillets- 25c. a pound Boneless, Scaled, Ready to Eat They are Delicious BRIGG’S ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL Specially Priced 25c. — only — BROWNING’S DRUG STORE Fresh. Caught ...................... ................. 1 ! i LOCALS 1 I i a-------------—------------- THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE $25 Reward S1 b^!d S LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER, A Coronation Tea under the aus pices of the U-Go-I-Go Class cf the Trivitt Memorial Church will be held at the .home of Mrs. Hyndman on Friday, April 30th from 3 to 6 P.m. Silver collection. The Boys Scouts of Exeter will gather old papers and magazines on the East side of Main street on .Sat urday next. Please have the papers ready when they call. They expect to gather the papers on the West side the following Saturday. local dairyman, up with the other mer- sponsoring the Exeter Contest. His advt. does Mr. Wm. Hatter, has linked chants in Coronation not appear along with the others on another page. FARMS FOR SALE OR LEASE Several farms for Sale or Lease, nicely located, good buildings very reasonable prices and WM. J. SMITH Exeter, Ont. Phone 231j P.O. at terms. H IDEAL MEAT MARKET FOR SALE—Weaned pigs. Apply to Lloyd Hodgson, Centralia. ■CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE-Whole- sale or retail. Apply to Ed. Lippert R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 31rl5. 4-22-2tp. Phone 38 Main St 'ia FOR SALE—No-Barb Barley, out- yields any known variety. Pleasant to handle, ripens with late oats.— R. D. Hunter, Exeter R.R. 3. BUILDER’S ATTENTION — Use Cudmore’s cement gravel fcr all ce ment work. Approved by engineers All grades of road gravel. Phone 171r3, Exeter. — H. T. CUDMORE, R. R. 1, Hensail. We deliver. 4-2 2-2 tf The local Badminton Club are plan ning to hold a Euchre Party at the a>’ena on Thursday, April 2 9. Admis sion 25 c. Home-Made Baking Sale is being .held at Beaver’s Hardware Store by the Main Street Evening Auxiliary on Saturday afternoon April 24th. We can help you make more money. 200 Guaranteed Products. Lowest! prices. Best Proposition. Every home a prospect. Perman ent and Profitable work. NOTHING TO LOSE. LOTS TO 'GAIN. $25 buy first assortment. Reserved ter ritory. WRITE TODAY: Box 424 (F) STATION M., Montreal. WANTED—'Man to . take over profitable Rawleigh Route. Estab lished customers. Must be satis fied with earnings of $ 3.0, a week to start. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. No. ML.—202—101—-D, Montreal, Can ada. The annual meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. R. on Tuesday, April 27th at Goulding 8 p.m. Wm. Lawson, of the week-end at his Listowel, home haltFOR SALE—A storey and a brick residence. All modern conven iences. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4-22-2tp BEATTIE ELECTRIC WASHER— New guarantee. Balance of payments. Apply to G. A. Hawkins Hardware. NOTICE — For sale at Maple Grove, Grand Bend, a house 3'0i ft. .by 40 ft., lower storey of cement block, lath and plaster; upper storey frame V match siding, large (Sleeping porch, glassed and screen ed. This cottage is furnished and could be bought as is. Apply to Renny Ravelle, caretaker, first house sout»h of entrance to grove. FOR SALE — Several rebuilt and enclosed coal oil stoves, 2, 3, and 4-burner. — Apply to W. J. Melville, Exeter. Sr., was taken on Monday for ■has moved into FOR SALE—Dahlias,’ tubers or plants, semi-cactus, decorative and informal decorative. Reasonably priced. Apply Mrs. Harry R. R. 1, Granton. Phone 17 Kirkton. Rodd. r 13, cheapFOIR (SALE—-Lots foi- sale on Nelson iStreet, adjoining the old evaporator property. No reasonable offer refused. Cedar posts for sale at 2'5c.—• S. M. SANDERS. 4-ll-2tp FOR SALE'—'Frame cottage, five rooms, hydro, garage, good let, well located. A good home for little ■money.—C. V. PICKARD, phone 165. Exeter. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE — In one of Canada’s strongest companies at no increase in rates. Inquire.— C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. six lot, Terms to suit purchas- Apply on the premises to Mrs. H. Taylor, Richmond St. S., Hensail or next do,or East. ■FOR (SALE—'Frame house, rooms, brick foundation, one good well. er. government approved CHICK BARGAINS Bargains in Day Old and Started Chicks for immediate delivery. While they last. All chicks from Government Approved bloodtested breeders and hatched from eggs eraging 25 ounces and over dozen. DAY OLDIS—White Leghorns at $6.9 5; New Hampshire Reds $7.95; Barred Rocks $9.50. 2 WEEK OLD Hampshire Red White Leghorns Rocks $22.95. BADEN ELECTRIC CHICK HATCHERY, BADEN, ONTARIO Phone 52 av- per PULLETS— New pullets $19.95; $20.95; Barred Dr. spent here. Miss Olive Wood R.N., .of Toron to, spent the week-end at her home kere. Mr. Wellington Blatchford, of London, called on friends in town on Monday. Mr. Jack Cutting, to Seaforth Hospital an operation. M?. Wm. J. Smith the residence he recently purchased from Mr. J. G. Stanbury. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Baeker, of Ft. Francis, visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Moffat. Miss Celia P. Christie spent the week-end visiting with her brother .Mr J. A. and Mrs. Christie, Toron to. Mrs. Bert Welsh and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Wm. Blatchford, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Down. Mr. Fred Ford, of Toronto'; Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Hoag and Frederick, of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ford, of Usborne, over the week-end. Word .has been received in Exeter of the death of Mr. John Sanders, of Vanouver, a former resident of this community. A further account will appear next week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and daughter Florence, of Oshawa. visited the forepart of the week with Mrs. S. Parsons at the home of her son Roy. Mr, and Mrs. A. family have moved Hensall and have residence Hodgert. midst. Mr. M. from St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where he recently underwent an op eration. ZZL ------ . pleased to know that he on nicely. Mrs. William Kuntz Dorothy returned home after visiting in Windsor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kuntz and in Detroit at the home >of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McDonald. Miss L. M. jeckell is the repre sentative from Caven W. M. S. to the Provincial convention which is meeting in London this week. A number of the ladies from Caven church are attending the sessions. E. Wuerth and to Exeter from taken up their in the home of Mr. Wm. We welcome them to our Elford returned Monday His ""many friends will be is getting and Miss Saturday 5 Exeter People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partlo, Prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Family”Ontario FARMERS ATTENTION! It’s time to change from Heavy Rubbers to Work Shoes Our Assortment is Complete Now. Special Announcement! opening An office for the care and treatment of all abnormal foot roubles, Arcih Supports made to> your individual impression. Win. Iff. Partlo, Foot Specialist Graduate of Stephenson Lab. System of Orthopedy Boston, Mass. Rhbtie for Appointment FOR MEN Special Value Black printed Split panco Sole Outside Counter Pocket $1,98 others at $2.49, $2.75, $2.98 & $3.75 FOR WOMEN Straps and Oxfords $1.19 to $1.98 High Shwes $2.59 BOYS’ WORK SHOES $1.98 to $2.35 Sizes 1 to 5J Mrs. George Earl, who has been ill, is improving. Mrs. George Anderson is able to be cut again after her long illness. Miss E. J. Hogarth visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mit chell in London. Mr. Luther Kestle, of visited - - - Wood, and other relatives on .Sun day. Miss nurse-in-training at Victoria pital will be in the 1937 graduating class. Mrs. Fred Mitchell and daughter Marion, of London, are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogarth. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. rented the residence Tuckey, Carling St. i move in next week. Mrs. Dettmer and Kitchener, were the and Mrs. Lome Oke at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. John Oke over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martin and Mrs. H. B. Hutchins, of Toron to, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Norton, Mrs. Mar tin and Mrs. Hutchins remaining. On Tuesday evening Miss Flor ence Cornish, bride-to-be, displayed her trousseau to her many friends. She was assisted by Mrs. Earl sell, Mrs. Clarence .Simmons Miss lien© Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Penihale, onto and their son Eldon and John and Dorothy, of Kitchener vis ited on Sunday George Walker Sanders. Messrs. Jack and Clarence Lee and Miss Mamie Lee, of Thorndale, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Eafsterbrook. Miss Velma Riuth Quail, of Seaforth, who has been visiting here returned to- Thorndale with them. An old time community dance sponsored by a number of the zens of town was held in the eter Arena Thursday evening of week. Alien’s splendid present, ening at The report of the Penny for January and February that the percentage of pupils mak ing deposits during these months in the Exeter public school was 48. The amount on deposit at the end of February was $672.19 compared with $728.51 last year. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at St. Petersburg, Florida, 3010 8th St. N. on Tuesday, April 27th. Mr. Eac rett is an Exeter Old Boy, brother of Mrs. B. W. F. Beaves while Mrs. Eacrett was formerly Miss Melinda M'Urdock, of Lucan. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Margaret Kuhn, of Crediton. Hos- with have. Norton of Mr. C. E. and expect to daughter, of guests of Mr. Bus an d Tor- wife, with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Hannah Hill, Stanley Hall citi- Ex- last by a Music was provided Orchestra. There was turn-out, about 200 being A number enjoyed cards. the ev- Banks shows ■ Junior Girls Defeat Senior Girls A closely matched basketball game between the 'girls of the Lower School .of the Exetei’ High School and the girls of Middle and Upper School resulted in the Juniors win ning by one point last Friday after noon, The Junior girls looked very smart in their new uniforms. Alma game. ____ __ girls will bo played off this week in the gymnasium. Miss Brown B.A., refereed the Another game betwen the CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B,A,, B.D. Minister ftlrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School-. 11 a.m.—'The Bush That Burned Text: Exodus III 2—“The bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.” f 7 p.m.—'Covetousness Continuing our studies in the seven ■deadly sins. Text: Exodus XX 17—“Thou Shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—-The Minister11 3 p.m.—(Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday 8 p.m.'—-Prayer Service, Thursday, 8 p.m.—Y, P. U. Speaker—Mr. E. Buswell. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 3 1 7 . a.m.—The Minister p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—The members of the Exe ter lodge I.O.O.F. will attend the service in a body. Tuesday—<Y. p. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Uhoir-Leader, Mr. MiddJecniisfi a.m.—Morning Prayers & Matins 3 p.m.—(Sunday School 11 The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Praise, Prayer and Testimony Ser- * vice, Friday 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, April 25th 8 p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting We are having Brother George Balch, one of the workers from the London Assembly, with us for the evening service. And you are wel come to attend these services. Pastor, J. T. Edgar WINDY SPRING WEATHER Can empty the coal bin very1 quickly. To be safe against late cold snaps order an extra ton of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthra cite. Any left over will be use ful next year. Phone 33 for a Trial Ton I i 1 JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j NEW SPRING COIFFURES The bright spring days will seem brighter, smart cost umes smarter, if you know your coiffure is correct and in tune with spring. Naturelie Permanent Wave Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON BEAUTY SHOPPE EXETER NEXT “You know when I was timbering in the northwest it snowed so hard that we had to be let down with ropes to reach the tops of the trees. And the fog was so thick that the fish lost themselves in the wood, and we had to sleep with mosquito netting over us to keep the polly- wogs out of our eyes. We soon rem edied that by digging ditches in it and draining it back to the river.” “Well you know, when I was down digging the Panama Canal, it was so went in swimming and dived off a 20-foot rock into the stream he for got to take into account the evapora tion, and when he was half way down all the water was gone. “Was he killed?’’ “No; It happened that one of our sudden heavy rains came up and he landed In eight feet Of water.” If you are interested in buying a new coat don't fail to see what we have to offer. We are showing some of the newest cloths in very popular styles. Also some real bargains in large sizes. a s Printed Crepe Dresses at $2.95 to $3.95 These are very smart styles and outstanding values at these two prices One won ders how you can get so much style and value at such a low price. New Designs and Colorings in Wallpapers All Wall Paper factories advanced their prices this month 10 per cent. We are able to save you this advance as we still have a big selection for you to choose from at old prices also x Room Lots at $1.19, $1.29, $1.49, $1.79 Curtains and Curtain Nets You will find such a big variety of the newest weaves on display here. Prices start at 15c. a yard. Excellent values at 40c., 50c. and 60c. per yard; also a fine assortment of made-up curtains at $1.00 TO $2.50 PER PAIR Inlaid and Printed Linoleums If you are considering buying a new Linoleum this Spring it will pay you to see our big range of 1937 patterns and get our prices. New Shirts for Men Made by Forsythe Forsythe Shirts are hard to beat. We are showing a fine range of new Forfused Collared Shirts in the newest patterns for this season. Priced at $1.55 to $1.9-5 GROCERY SPECIALS 1 pkg. HANDY AMMONIA with six bars PEARL SOAP All for............25c BAKING POWDER Forest City Quart sealers . 29c VANILLA 8 oz. bottle .14c MOTHERS GET THIS! ! ! Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck Cereal Bowl for your Child FREE with 1 pkg. Post Bran Flakes 1 pkg. Grape Nut Flakes For....................25c CORN FLAKES Sugar Crisp 3 pkgs, for . . 21c LAKESHIRE CHEESE Full Cream 2 lb. boxes . . 53c CHIPSO 19c It Southcott Bros. Hensall,. Phone 16 Z-J Exeter, Phone 16 Caven Young People’s Guild The regular meeting >o«f Caven Young People’s Guild was held on Monday evening with the vice-presi dent, Miss Patricia Russell, presid ing. Following the opening exer cises and the singing <oif the hymn “Come Let us Sing of a Wonderful Love” Mr. Alex Strang read the Scripture lesson. Rev. Mr. Hill led I in prayer. The minutes of the pre- | vious meeting were read and adopt- i ed and the items of business discus sed. Rev. Mr. Hill continued his 'interesting series on “How we got our English Bible.” Miss'Kathleen Strang (gave a delightful talk on the poet Bliss Carman and read several of his poems The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the repeating in unison of the Mizpa'h 'benediction. Main. Street Evening Auxiliary! T*he April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. R. Hopper on Wed nesday evening of last week with a large attendance. Mrs. R. Balkwill was in charge. The meeting opened by singing hymn number 195, Miss I. Kirk read the devotional .leaflet and Miss Ernalie Hogarth offered prayer, after which Miss Marguerite Hogarth sang “A Lullaby to- a Doll.” The president, Mrs. E. Russell then took charge of the business meeting. It was decided to hold a home-made baking sale on Saturday afternoon April 24th. The speaker for the evening, was Mrs. W. D. (Sanders, .her topic being “The Unveiling of bhe Vimy Memorial,” which was enjoyed by alt. The meeting was closed by Mrs. A. E. Elliott leading in prayer, Lunch was then served by the group in charge, His Contribution Prospective father-in-law: “If I give my daughter a large dowry, what have you to offer in exchange? Prospective son-in-law: “I cun give you a receipt.” A Correct Styles for Men Are Featured in Our Store HATS AND CAPS All sizes and colors at Exceptional Values SHIRTS, TIES AND HOSE In an. attractive range of Colors and Styles at Moderate Prices x Everything for the well dressed is carried in stock at prices that will please you. w. w PHONE 81 James Street Y. P. U. AMAN EXETER, ONT. Spring is at Hand—Are You Ready? The regular meeting-of James St. Y. P. U. was held Thursday evening. Following the opening exercises Ardys McFalls took the chair, Mary Van Camp led in Sweet read the Scripture Wesson; Ola Reid and Are field implements ready? Is good seed all ready? Are. fertilizers all ready? prayer; Irene Laurene Beavers played a pibha duet. Miss Florence Down gave an address on the topic “Why, Wihen ana Where” dealing with tile early missionaries and their duties in Canada. Reading by Helen Flnkbeltter. The meeting closed with a hymn and t»he mizpah benediction. Every farmer in Ontario should be able bo answer “Yes” to these three questions by the end of March. An old adage says that “A job well be gun is half done.” Nowhere is this more vitally true than in the grow ing of crops on the farm, and any Ontario farmer who can answer “Yes” to the above questions on April 1st has his season’s job well begun, «