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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-22, Page 4
THURSDAY, APlUb 22nfl, 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-APVOCATE 0 Cook’s Rock Bottom C SPECIAL! 5-String BROOMS Each . . 23c S. O. S. . . 14c Bonami, , 14c Silvo .... 14c FLOOR WAX 1 lb. tin 15c 1 DANCE AT LUCAN A dance sponsored by the offi cers of the Holy Name Society, of St. Patrick’s church, drew a capacity crowd to Stanley opera house, Lu can. The Shamrock orchestra sup plied music. A door prize was won by Miss Payton, of St. Marys, The toll 'wing centres were represented at the affair, Stratford, St, Marys, Dublin, St. Columban, Parkhill, C’andeboye and London, Hawe’s 99 Lemon Oil Z<<jC Zebra -3 7 Stove polish 1 I C Borax .................. 0C Big 5 Cleaner n 2 tins for .......DU Clothes Pins | n S dozen for IvC Gem Lye per tin ....... Sani-Flush pei* tin ....... Laundry Starch per pound ... Old Dutch Two tins 19c SOAP CHIPS per lb<. 8c10c 23c Sc Large size Chipso igc Shoe Polish | A 2 in 1 or Nugget 1 vC Ideal Silver 9 O Cream Polish ZuejC Javel Water n per bottle .......OC Gillett’s Lye -s 1per tin ........ 1JLC Washing Soda ..... 8c Wonderful Soap *| A 6 bars for .. 1«/C Castile Soap r* 2 cakes for ....DC Richard’s Carbolic A Soap 2 for ..... ’JAMES C. BROWN s Janies C. Brown, ex-M.L.A., ‘prom inent lamier of Middlesex County died at his home in West Williams, on April 17th, in his sixty-ninth year. He was the son of William and Margaret Brown, pioneers of West Williams. Mr. Brown took an active part in municipal, educa tional and political affairs. He was the Progressive member for North Middlesex in the Provincial Legisla tive Assembly for a number of years. He was an elder in Lamon Presbyterian church, now United. The funeral, which was largely at tended, was held from .his late home c-n Monday, with interment in the Arkona cemetery. He is survived I by his wife, Christina McKellar and three brothers, Rev. Robert Brown, (Detroit; Mr. Albert Brown, former bank manager, of Michigan; Mr. H. W. Brown, Parkhill, C.._ . 1 SCHNEIDER’S Small Link SAUSAGE 1 lb.... 20c London Special SOAP 2 bars * lie SCHXBIDER’S Side Bacon SLICED per lb. . 25C ............ “S' LOOK! 1 Package of Handy Ammonia............ 6 Bars Pearl Soap all for ................ .....1C 2~7C New Green ICEBERG GOLDEN CRISPY Firm Head RIPE LEAF Cabbage Lettuce Bananas Lettuce 2 ib.... 9c Head. . 9C 31b.. 21c Bunch . 00 COOK’S The Stores That Give You Value TELEPHONES— EXETER 58, HENSALL 46 BIRTHS CARD OF THANKS BELL—In Hensall, on .Saturday, April 17 th, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell, a son. , Mrs. Herman Kyle wishes to ex press her thanks to all those who so kindly remembered her during her recent illness. DEATHS NDJL—In Centralia, on Friday, Ap ril 16th, Thomas W. Neil, in his 71st year. CAMM—In Usborne Township on Thursday, April 15th, Richard Camm, father of Mrs. Ella Doupe and Cecil Camm, in -his 81st year. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs., Norman Mitchell and family wish to 'kindly thank all those who remembered Mr. Mitchell during his recent illness at home and in Victoria Hospital. ENGAGEMENT Tlhe engagement is announced of Miss Ellen W. Love, 31 Inwood Place, Buffalo, N.Y., to> the Rev. Owen Evans Rutledge, of Fredonia, N.Y. The wedding will take place in the fall. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Michael Finkbeiner wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the many acts of kindness extended to them in their recent bereavement; also for. the floral tributes and loan of cars and especially to Rev. Mr. Pleteh and the Shipka United church Ladies’ Aid for their floral donation. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Elford wish to ex- Jress their thanks to the choir of antes St. United church for the flowers and cards and also to the W. A. and all others who expressed their kindness and thoughtfulness during Mr. Elford’s illness. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Th os. W. Neil wish to thank all those who in any way showed kindness to their father during his illness. Also for tihe loan of cars and the beautiful floral tokens. Shop at Lindefield’s and Save $$ Shaving Brushes, Reg. $1.25, Special offer, 1 brush with tube of shaving cream for only...............................98c Clothes racks, neat, compact, folds into small space... $1.00 Clothes Hampers, neat and strongly made of best Material ..................... $4.50 Spring Clothes Pins .............................................. 5c. per dozen Clothes Pins, Common, 3 dozen for....................................... 10c Clothes Baskets from 25c to...*:......................... $2.25 Luxor Varnish, Specially reduced to clear % Pints 49c, Pints 89c.; Quarts $1.49 Roofing extra value $1.60 to $2.35 for $1.03 sq|. ft. nails and cement WHEN REDECORATING INSIST ON JAP-A-LAC Remember if it goes on with a brush use JAP-A-LAC time tested Paints and Enamels Lindenfield’s Hardware PHONE 181w EXETER REES—REID A quiet wedding was solemnized in the United church parsonage, Lucan, when Mary A. Reid, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Reid, of Centralia was. united in marriage to Clarence Bruce Rees, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rees, of Ailsa Craig. The bride was charming' in a pink crepe dress and carried a bouquet of nos es,. Her bridemaid was her sister, Miss Elsie Reid, who wore a wine crepe dress with matching accessor ies. Mr. John E. Rees was his brother’s best man. The ceremony was performed by Rev. >S, R. John ston, of Lucan, immediately fol lowing the ceremony the bridal party motored to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Reid where luncheon was serv ed. Following' the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Rees left on a wedding trip to Brussels, the bride travelling in a fawn colored coat, hat and accessor ies to match, - , -- AU1 « XX. ’ “.7. L___, One brother, Eey Rev, Frederick Brown, of Lansing, sistant, Mrs. M, predeceased him and Mrs. Wm. McDonald, Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs. Geo. Javney, Arkona; Mrs. W. R. Cation, Strathroy and Mrs. Ches ter Orr, Arkona, sisters. Miss Alma Brown, of the Exeter High School, a niece and Mr. Harold Orr, B.A., sixth year medical student at West ern University, Mr. Gordon Brown, B.A., of the St. Thomas Collegiate staff and Mr. Wendell Brown, B.A., Detroit, lawyer and former attorney for State of Michigan are nephews. ZURICH W. I. The Zurich branch of the Women’s Institute with an enrolment of forty- one members and an average atten dance of 32 held their annual meet ing recently. The election pf officers resulted as follows: Hon. President Mrs. H. G. Hess; President, Mrs. T. Meyers; 1st Vice-President, Mrs. H. Neeb; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. W. ; Secretary, Miss B. Manson; As- Oesch; Treasurer, Mrs. H. G. Hess; pianist, Mrs. Bryce Assistant Mrs. O’Dwyer; Press Cor., Mrs. McKinnon; District Director, Mrs. M. Brown. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. E. Stelck, Mrs. O’Dwyer, Mrs. H. Hess, Mrs. Meyers; Miss Beatrice Manson. SEASONABLE HINTS T. I CENTRALIA Mrs, S. Rrokenshire visited for « few days last week with her son Mr and Mrs. A. Rrokenshire Mr. and Mrs. George of Sebringville and Mr. Wm. day thur Mr. ed with the latter’s brother Rev. and Mrs. Smale in Strathroy on Sunday. Mrs. Hodgson’s mother, Mrs. 'Smale is ill there, Her friends here wish her a speedy recovery, Miss Gwen Hicks, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Rev. Mrs, R. N* Stewart and raine visited with the former’s ther Mrs. .Stewart in Chatham Monday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Q. Pollock, of ley, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hicks. Miss Jean Thompson, of Sebring ville and Bernice Brown were the •guests on Sunday with Marie -Flet cher. Miss Elsie McKay, spent .Sunday with Mr. Mitchell. Miss Mary O’Brien, spent t'he week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Robb, Bluevale, attended the funeral the late Mr. Thomas Neil, Monday, of this week. Rev. Robb assisted Rev, .Stewart with the fun eral service. Miss Ada Mitchell, Reg. N., of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell. Mrs. Ewart Powe, of London, and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton, spent a few days last week with their par ents Mr. and Mrs. Master Douglas the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. G. F. Penwar den and Mrs. Wm. Essery in their bereavement. 1 in London. Thompson, and Mrs, were Sun-Skelton, of Clinton, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Brooks. and Mrs. Lloyrf Hodgson visit- Lor- mo- ■on Rip- of and London, Mrs. N. of at her London, home ot of •on' Arthur Brooks. Fletcher spent his grandparents Moodie. CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES Minimum Fares. Adults 75c Child 40c April 30th - May 1st from EXETER and Adjacent C. N. R. Stations, to TORONTO ■ Al:o to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener,' London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wfogham, "Woodstock. To, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trentogi Jet,, Belle ville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morris burg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Aur ora, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsvilla, Callander North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Temiskaming & Northern Rly., Nipissing Central Rly,, Kapuskas- ing, Longlac, Nakina, Tashota, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton Jellicoe Beardmore, Port Arthur. T224A For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult Nearest Agent See handbills for complete list of destinations CANADIAN NATIONAL •-------------------- - ------------------— .....................—-e Baby Chicks Leghorns 8c, Rocks and Hamp- shires 10c. Started Chicks—If you want started chicks call and see these. The prices are right. AUCTION SALE — of --- FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned Auctioneer has re ceived instructions from G. J. Scott, to sell by public auction at Lot 9, Con. 17, Stephen Township, DEITRICH—AYOTTE .St. Peter’s R. C. Church, Drysdale was the scene of a very interesting ceremony when Miss Alexine, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Ayotte of the 14th concession was made the happy bride of Mr. Pius Deitrich, son cf Mr. Christ and the late Mrs. Deit rich of Mount Carmel. The bride giv en away by her father, marched to the altar to the strains of the bridal chorus played by tire organist, was charming in her costume of white satin and lace bridal veil, shoes to n:\atch and her flowers were roses. After the marriage High Mass was sung by the Mr. Wilfred Corriveau at the tcry sang Ava Marie, at the reunion M. Gelinas and Harvey sang Ve.su Jesu and during the signing of the register Mr. Corriveau sang Holy Mother we Bend to Thee. Miss Doris, sister of the bride, in her pretty suit of brown, was a lovely bridesmaid, while Mr. Alex, frother of the groom supported the groom. After the wed ding ceremony the wedding party as sembled at the bride’s home where a large number of friends had gath ered and a well prepared dinner awaited every pne. The young couple ■will make their home on the groom’s farm at Mt. Carmel. Best wishes from the community follow them. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28thR. E. POOLEY Winchelsea Phone 14 r 7, Kirkton Make Use of the Old Equipment Until the expected increase in the farmer’s income has became a real ity much old machinery will have to be used. It will be well to remem ber that in order to take advantage of any possible improvement that may come in farm business the best possible use should be made of the equipment we have. Steps taken at once to see that machines are 'all set and ready to go’ will likely be more profitable than has been the .case of late years. 1 Field breakdowns and delays while ! waiting foj- replacements parts will bridal! even niore expensive than usual Y0WS j as they may subject increasingly val- ehoir. i uable crops to weather hazards. Also, offer- J more direct savings from early over hauls are probable as there are not the extra charges for telegrams and express for early repair orders that may be required with rush shipments Where overhauling by hired mech anics is needed, more time and at tention may be expected now than later or when emergency calls for sevice are frequent. GODERICH MOTION ASKS AUCTION SALE CLOSING OF BEER PARLORS — of com- DOMINION PREPARES NEW SERIES OF COINS TO MARK THE CORONATION Canadian coins year, with the g into circula- A new series of will be minted this likelihood of gettini tion, .Finance Minister Dunning an nounced (recently. The denomina tions will range from one cent to one dollar. Master dies and punches of the obverse bearing the effigy of King George VI, which was modelled by T. H. Paget a£ the Royal Mint, London, are expected here shortly. The new coins will represent the collaboration ’of Canadian, British and French minis. Due to pressure •of work on the Royal Mint in Lon don, it was found necessary for the Canadian authorities to enlist the co-operation of the Paris mint in the preparation of some of the dies. The reverse of all the coins will bear King (George’s effigy, but the reverse will vary. A list of the re verse ^designs follows: ■One dollar—A. canoe manned by an Indian and a voyageur, an islet in the background, above the word “Canada” with the Northern lights, below the word “dollar” and the date of the year, with upon the edge. Fifty cents—‘Between the ensign’s armorial of a shield surmounted by Crown, “50 cents” above the “Can ada” below, with the date of the year and a graining uj)On the edge. Twenty-five cents — A caribou head, “25 cents” between the ant- lears, and surrounded by the word “Canada” and the date of the year, with a graining upon the edge. 'Ten cents—A fishing schooner Under sail, “Canada” above hnd “10 cents below, with the date of the year and a graining ul>bn. tilie edge. Five cents—A beaver, above “,5 cents” between two maple leaves, and below “Canada” and 'the date of th© year with a plain edge* One cent—A two-leaved twig of maple, “1 cent” above, and “Can ada” below, with the date of the year and a plain edge. a graining supporters Canada in the Royal Selecting New Farm Machinery A new machine should be pur chased only after due consideration •of its usefulness to the purchaser. A little thinking before buying will save tjnie, worry and expense later. The size and capacity of new ma chines should be considered in the light of future as -well as present needs, since the machine will ilkely be used for many years. Price is im portant too, and it is well to view it from the standpoint of extra val ue, reputation of the manufacturers availability of repair service, and suitability to one’s particular needs. Since modern methods require speed and durability, a comparison of to day’s models with earlier ♦ models should show many improvements. This is particularly true with respect and design for strength and mobility to bearings, lubrications methods", and design for strength and mobility The greatly increased capacity of most modern, farm machines has made it wise to consider their co operative use by several farmers. So far the most satisfactory method of doing this has been through hir ing or custom work. Unfortunately in many cases operators have failed to put custom work on a businesslike basis. There is still great room for the development of more efficient and more satisfactory methods of co-operations as between neighbor ing farmers, in the use 'of farm equipment. Does ADVERTISING PAY? Wheatstone invested the tele graph before Morse. Alcock and Brown flew the Atlantic before Lindbergh. And there are 26 mountains in Colorado higher than Pike’s Peak. Yet for every person who heard "of Wheat stone, Brown and Mt. Evans there are hundreds who knotwi of Sam Morse, Pikes Peak and the “Flying Colonel.” Pikes Peak -gets the tourists 'because it’s al ways gotten' the publicity. And the other mountains? Well, they just sit back and sulk and grouch about business being rot ten. Advertise in The Times-Advocate Sai- that that GiOD’ER IC'Hi—R es 0 Iutions asking for the closing of beverage-rooms in this town, presented to Town Council at its semi-monthly meeting, vere referred to committee of the whole after four of the nine mem bers had expressed themselves as favorable to asking the Liquor Con trol Board to cancel all licenses. •Onje (resolution 'came {from the Baptist church and the other was sponsored by Deputy Reeve J. E. Huckins and Councillor H. L. keld. The resolutions pointed out the Privy 'Council had ruled the sale of alcoholic beverages in Huron County was illegal; also that it was at the request of the 193 4 Town Council that licenses were first granted. “And whereas it -is now the opin ion of a majority of the citizens that beverage-rooms are a detri ment physically, morally and finan cially. “Resolved • that council petition the Liquor Control Board to cancel all licenses in Goderich.” Besides the sponsors, Deputy- Reeve Huckins and Councillor Sal keld, Couincillors Humber and Brown openly expressed themselves in favour of the resolution. “I voted for the beer parlor in 19 3 4, but I am now made a mistake that it been better to have a and .beer warehouse,” cilor Humber. Councilor Brown favor of the Liquor ministration before beer parlors. “The are just the old again and they curse,” he said.' “What I ‘would referendum,” said The committee will report at the next meeting to be held on May 7. convinced I would have •liquor store said Conn- said he was in •Control Act ad- the advent of beverage-rooms barrooms back are certainly .like to see is Re&ve Turner. a a Check Yoiu* Fertilizer Needs 1937 fields were manured winter? Did they for last get a What fall and heavy or light covering? If yields were light last year, and if the plan is to sow oats, barley, mixed gain or corn where the man ure was applied, it will pay boi add 200 to 250 acre of 0, 12, 6‘ or 0, 12, Superphosphate. More bushels of better have resulted where the was well balanced. Rate tests several farms gave an average crease in yield of^ats at 23.5 bush els per acre where 2-12-6 was sown at 250 pounds per acre. For -oats, barley and mixed grain on soils ,0f low fertility where cer eals follow crops which have not been fertilized, apply 250 pounds per acre of 2, 12, 6 or 2, 12, 10 the latter on lighter soils. Where spying, grains follow hoed crops which were manured or fer tilized heavily, apply 0-12-6, 0-12-10 at 2i50 pounds per acre. For barley grown for malting ply 250 pounds per acre of 2-12 most likely pounds per 10 or 20% filled plant grain food on fo or ap- ■10. "Man, ye dinna ken what torture is?’ “Well, what is it?” “I suffered it yesterday -when the barber had my mouth ftt’ 0’ lather and I sat watching the soap boy gi’e a customer my umbrella.” CHATTELS Pursuant to instructions from the Public Trustee, of Ontario there will be offered for sale by public auc tion without reserve at The Old Commercial Hotel, on THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1937 at 2 ’clock p.ni. All the Household Goods, Furniture and Chattels of Miss Ida Cottel Wagon, Deering 10 ft.; M. H. fanning mill, plow, buggy, cart, set dia- TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer DASHWOOD Dr.W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. z DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Rev. H. E. Roppel and about 25 members of the Evangelical church attended a meeting of the -Brother hood in Stratford last Tuesday ev ening. Mrs. T. Hopcroft visited friends in Toronto and Woodbridge for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. Eisenbach, of Grand Bend, were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender, of Toronto, spent the week-end 'here and at Blyth. Mrs. Finkbeiner and Catherine are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Humble in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist have rented Mr. P. Mclsaac’s house and ae busy moving this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce and Miss Grace Hayter, of Windsor, spent the week-end with their parents Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Hayter. Miss Beta Hayter, of London, visited with her parents on Saturday evening. Miss Helen Luft left recently for London where she has secured em ployment. Mr. Robt. Hopcroft has secured a job in Toronto where he has been visiting. Albert Goetz returned home on Sunda^ friends at 1.30 p.m. sharp HORSES—Aged work srnare; one general purpose horse, 9 years old. CATT'LE—3 fresh Durham cows, 9 years; Durham cow, due in July, young; 2 dry cows in good condition; 5 Stocker steers, averaging about 1,000 pounds; 3 heifers, 2 years; 6 heifers, 1 year; 2 steers, 1 year; 1 calf, 8 months; 3 spring calves; Jer sey heifer calf, 3 months eligible for registration. 1 IMPLEMENTS .mower, Deering rake, cultivator, democrat, sleighs, Perrin riding Fleury walking plow, mond harrows, wooden land roller, 2 sets team harness, pea harvester, London fence weaver, grindstone, 1 16 ft. hay rack, gravel box, hay fork rape, sling ropes, hay fork, pair horse blankets, Daisy churn, wagon jack, bag truck, 2 steel logging chains, 16 ft and 21 ft.; scales with stock rack; No. 12 Delaval separator, good shape; cow hay knife, forks, and other too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer V. R. .SHARPE, Clerk G. J. SCOTT, Proprietor. cream chains, articles MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in a. certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on, SATURDAY, the 1st Day of MAY, 1937 at the .hour of three o’clock in the afternoon at the after spending a week with in .Sarnia. Office of J. W. Morley, Barrister, at the Town of Exeter, by Frank Taylor, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: The (South half of Lot Number 8, in the 6th Corfcession of the Town ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, on which there is said to be erected a dwelling house and barn. TERMS—<10% of the purchase monejr to be paid down at the time of the sale, and the balance to be paid on the date of completion and transfer of the property. The property will be sold subject to a reseve bid. For further particulars and con ditions of sale apply to: FRANK TAYjLOR ESQ., Auctioneer Exeter, Ontario or to HAYS & MEIR, Seaforth and Hen sall, Solicitors for -Mortgagee. WHALEN and Mrs. Caleb Millson and Mrs. J. Millson, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Millson, of Stratford, were recent visitors of Mr. and MrS. Geo. Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morley, of Stratford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley. Mr. Gordon Morley is remaining for a time. Friends of Mr. Geo. Squire will be pleased to learn that his condi tion is favorable following a very serious operation on Thursday last. Mr* and Mrs. Geo. Millson and Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire spent Mon day evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. Millson, of Lucan, the occasion be ing their twentieth wedding anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. S. Webb, of Green way, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson spent Thursday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morley and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques were in Exeter On Tuesday evening attend ing a birthday party in honor of Mrs, Alice Guifofog:' TENDERS WANTED ■ Mr. County of Huron Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for the installation of water system” will be received until Thursday April 29, 1937, at l'Oi a.m. for the installa tion and supplying necessary equip ment of a pressure water system and a water softener at the Huron Coun ty Home, Clinton, Ontario. Plans and specifications can be seen upon application to J. M. Gov- enlock, Inspector Huron County Home, Box 184, Seaforth, Ont. Lowest or any tender not necessar ily accepted* Tenders will be opened at Huron County Home, Clinton, on the above mentioned date* J. M. GOVENLOCK, Inspector, Huron County Home DATED at'.Seaforth, Ont., April 5, 1997. Fifty icoupohs Will be awarded to all new Subscribers to the Times-Adto- cate in Exeter’s Coronation Contest.