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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-15, Page 8
OTWJ1SB.W. APBIL JStli, 103T THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE For 1937 Tried, proved and acclaimed by thousands, the Bonat method, of Per manent Waving is setting the pace in =18 at* With Bonat it is consistent results that count. Wisely avoid the high cost of ex perimenting with the doubtful and unproved get a Bonat permanent Wave and be sure of perfect results. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w r Exeter Markets Wheat $1,40 Oats 60c. Manitoba's Rest §4.35 Welcome Flour $3,80 Shorts $1.95 Bran $1.90 Low Grade Flour $2.50 Creamery Butter 32c. Dairy Butter 23-2 6c. Eggs, A large 17c. A A B C R a Writ* 'will b© paid by ncWarll the mfgs. of LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN •SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. H, M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE BRIGG’S ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL Specially Priced 25c. — only — BROWNING’S DRUG STORE W Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Hogs medium. 14c. pullets 12 c. 12c. 12c. $8.5(1 LOCALS ! II -*'O ■Hl Dumart’s FOUND—On Main street, a ladies’ wrist watch. Apply at Ttmes-Advo- cate. FOR SALE- 2 and 3 year old, all steers. McGuire, Bayfield, R.R. 2, Clinton 600r3. <20 head grass cattle W. A, ©hope Itp, Cream wash Apply at Times-Advocate, Itp, A good No, 6 Ankor Holth Separator for sale; also a v. ringer. FOR SALE—<Frame building, size 18 x 27 ft. with 12 ft. posts, in good cGndition, suitable for small drive shed, pig pen or large hen house. Apply to T. Creery, R. R. 1, Wood ham. 4-8-2tp ...Smoked Meats First prize for flavor at the Dairy Show, London, England FOR SALE—A storey and a half brick residence. All modem conven iences. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4-8-2tp IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. B GRASS FARM FOR RENT— 50 acres, running water. T, Laing, Hen sail. 4-8-2tc. FOR SALE — Improved Banner Seed Oats, Apply to Frank Down, phone 177 r 2, Exeter. TO MEN WHO WANT READY CASH EVERY DAY! 600 dealers earn their living sell ing Familex Products throughout Dominion. YOU CAN DO AS WELL. No experience needed. $25.00 buys first assortment. INTERESTING & QUICK RETURNS. Assistance given. FREE CATALOGUE & DETAILS. Apply G. George, 570 St. Montreal. Tor- and Sea- Clement, WANTED1 — for of 800 families, should start earning Rawleigh Reliable $25.10© MEN Routes hustler weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh’s, Dept. No. 202-S-D., Montreal, Canada. ML- FOR SALE;—iFrame cottage, five rooms, hydro; garage, good lot, well located. A good home for little ■money.—G. V. PICKARD, phone 165 Exeter. WANTED—<A middle-aged or quiet, sensible girl for a with a lady, by April 29th. phone iSO or Box 80. woman home Apply Walter Joih-ns, of ■on the former’s Mirs. Chas. Johns ■FOR SALE—Frame house, six rooms, brick foundation, one lot, good well, Terms to suit purchas- ei. Apply on the premises to Mrs.' H. Taylor, Richmond St. S„ Honsali or next door East. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE — In one of Canada’s strongest -coxnpanies at no increase in rates. Inquire..— C. V. PICKARD, Phone 165. FOR SALE—A few well grown young trees, Scotch pine, red pine, white cedars, white spruce and elms. To clear nut at 25c each. Apply to E. C. Appleton. ltc WANTED*—Married couple, man to work on farm and woman to look after house, not moire than one child wag-es to box JG, preferred. Will pay good right couple. Apply to Times-Advocate. andFOR SALE—.Bowser pump 500 gal. tank, sell cheap for quick sale; 1| h.p. Acme engine. Apply to Carl Walker, Cromarty. Itp FOR SALE—Child’s leather go- cart, high chair, swing and gate. Apply at Times-Advocate. Thames Road Farmers Club are holding their meeting Monday, April 19th. Anyone that can put in their coal by the first week in May should attend meeting or inquire about prices. All orders for fertilizer and grass seed should be in by Monday night, P. Passmore, Sec’y. The Exeter Ladies7 Bowling Club will hold their annual meeting in the Town Hall Monday, April 19th at 8 p.m. All ladies .who are inter ested in bowling are invited to be present. FOR SALE—USED CARS 1935 Ford Coach Deluxe 193 4 Chevrolet Standard Coach 1936 Chevrolet Standard Coach with trunk Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Chevrolet Heavy duty Maple Deluxe Sedan ■Coach Coach Sedan Leaf 1931 1931 1930 193101 1934 truck. 19 33 Chevrolet 1£ ton Truck SNELL BROS & CO. •Cockerels caponized. Terms reas onable. Foster Pepper, Parkhill R. 8 4-5-2tp. BARGAINS IN DAY OLD CHICKS AND STARTED PULLETS FOB IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. WHILE THEY LAST DAY OfLDS—Leghorns $6.95; New Hampshire Reds $7.95; Barred Rocks $9.50'. 3 WEEK OLD PULLETS — New Hampshire Reds $22.95; Barred Rocks $23.95; Whit© Leghorns $24.95. ALL CHICKS FROM GOVERNMENT APPROVjED BLOODTESTED BREEDERS Order at once. They won’t |last long at these prices. BADEN ELECTRIC CHICK HATCHERY, BADEN, ONT. Phone 52 Mrs. Geo. Earl is confined to her home through illness. Miss Olive Prior is visiting with her uncle, Mr. John Johns. Miss M. Salter spent the week-end in Galt with her cousin Miss Mona Gould. Phon© us a list of your visitors. You can pay them no nicer compli ment, Dr. J. G. and Mrs. Wilson, of onto, spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs, C. J. Stewart. Miss Velma Ruth Quail, of forth, is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook. Mr. Russell Snell had an automo bile tire stolen from his car while parked in his yard Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Southiciott spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. Southcott is remaining on a visit. .Marion Webber, daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber, underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils on Monday. Mrs. S. Kyle, who has been ill at her home, has been removed to Dr. Fletcher’s Hospital for care and treatment. ■ Dr. and Mrs. Waterloo, called parents, Mr. and on Friday last. Mrs. J. S. Harvey has returned to her home after spending the winter with her daughter, Mr<s. Stacey, of Willow Grove and with her son Rev. L. G. Harvey, of Granton. Mrs. J. H. Jones, who was in Vic toria Hospital, London, for several days, the result of a compound fracture of the right arm, returned • to her home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tayl-or, -of Sher brooke, Que., visited with the form er’s brother, Mr. :S. B. and Mrs. Tay lor, for -several days while on their wedding trip. They arrived by auto on Thursday last and they left lor their home 'Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allison will move to Exeter from the Thames Rond in th© ’ near future, having rented the residence of the late Mrs. Amy, James street. Mr. Allis- i on commenced his new duties with Mir. H. T. Rowe on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Acheson, of Owen Sound, visited with Mrs W, T. Acheson on Sunday. Mr. Aches on recently -resigned his position with the Bank of Montreal at Owen Sound and is this week taking over the Bossenberry Hotel at Forest, Friends and relatives from Clin ton, Holmsville, Grand Bend and Thamesford attended the funeral of the late John Cornish Which was held from his late residence, Andrew St. Wednesday afternoon of last week with interment in the Exeter cemetery, “I am a woman of few words,” announced the haughty mistress to th© newi maid. “If I beckon with my .finger, that means come," “Suits me, mum,” replied the girl, “I’m a woman of few words my self. If I shake my head, that means I ain’t cornin’.” Ethel presid- a ©art Among Caven Y. P. G. An inspiring Fellowship Hour was held by the members of the Caven Presbyterian Young People’s Guild following the evening service on Sunday. Young and -old joined to gether- in the singing of many of the beautiful -old hymns. Miss Kydd, president of the Guild ed. Miss Alma 'Brown read of a chapter -of 1st St. John, the musical numbers given were so los by Miss Kathleen Strang and Mr. B. Cousins. Mrs. Willard favor ed with a delightful piano solo. Rev. Mr. Hill continued in his series of addresses -on “How w© got the Eng lish Bible.” He related in an in teresting manner all the difficulties encountered in publishing and hav ing the Bible adopted by the church authorities in England. 'These meet ings are to be held on the second Sunday of each month. Exeter People’s Cash Shoe Store Wm. H. Partlo, prop. Phone 131w “Shoes to fit the Family”Ontario FARMERS ATTENTION! It’s time to change from Heavy Rubbers to Work Shoes Our Assortment is Complete Now. Special Announcement! OPENING . An office for the care and treatment of all abnormal foot roubles. Arch Supports made to your individual Impression. Wm. H« partlo, Foot Specialist Graduate of Stephenson Dab. flystem of Orthopedy Boston, Mass, Phone for Appointment FOR MEN Special Value Black Printed Split pane© Sole Outside Counter Pocket $1.98 others at $2.49, $2.75, $2.98 & $3.75 FOR WOMEN Straps and Oxfords $1.19 to $1.98 High Shoes $2,59 BOYS* work shoes $1.98 W $2.35 Sizes 1 to 5£ James St. W. M. S. Th© W. M. S. met in the .Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Pag© opened th© meeting in the absence of the president. Hymn 191 was sung after which prayer9 was taken by Mrs. Page, After- the busi ness was conducted Mrs. Thompson took charge of the meeting with Mrs. Carey taking the devotional part of the service -reading Matt. 1st chapter verses 16 to- 20. Hymn 347 was sung after which Mrs. Sharpe led in prayer. Miss Monteith read the devotional leaflet “Jesus and the Joy of Service.” Hymn 156 was sung after which Miss Christie sang a solo that was much enjoyed. Twenty-six answered the roll call. Th© last chapter of the Study Book was given in dialogue form and was mad© very interesting showing Oh© disadvan tages and trials of the missionaries with Mrs. Moise, Mrs. Carey, Mrs* BusWell, Mrs. Southcott, Mrs, Ker- nick, Mrs, Shappe, Mrs, M, -Snell, ■Mrs. -Hanson taking part, The meet ing closed with hymn 362 and pray er by Mrs, Thompson. Mrs. Alleyway (having words with the lady next door): “No, no! We don’t live on corned beef and cat’s meat, I’d ’have you know the butcher calls at our 7ouse six© times a wook.” “Yes,” snapped Mrs. Sttdoper, “one© with the s’erag end of mut ton and five times for ’is money.” CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C, Hill, B.A., B.D Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.-—Sunday School 11 a.m,—The New German paganism Text; II peter 1:16— “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables,” 7 p.m,—Ange© Third in series on the seven deadly sins. Text; Matt. V;22—Whosoever is angry with his brother without cau'S6 shall be in danger c-f the judgment. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rey. Arthur Page, Minister W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—The Minister11 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Th© Minister Wednesday 8 p.m.—-Prayer Service. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. 'Speaker—-Miss Florence Down MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—“Stand Upon Thy Feet” Sunday School •“A Song in a Prison” n 3 p.m.- 7 p.m,- Tuesday'—Y. P. U. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M>. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. MiddleuUss a.m,—Morning Prayers & Matins11 3 p.m.—Sunday School The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Service, Friday, 8 p.m. Services for Sunday, April 18th! Bible Class2.30 p.m.—School & 3.30 p.m.—Devotion 8 p.m.—'Evangelistic Text: Behold, how pleasant it is foi’ brethren in unity together. Pastor, J. T. Service, good and how to dwell Edgar WINDY SPRING WEATHER i Can empty the coal bin very quickly. To be safe against late cold snaps order an extra ton of D. & H. Cone Cleaned Anthra cite. Any left over will be use ful next year. Phone 33 for a Trial Ton JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j NEW SPRING COIFFURES The bright spring days will seem brighter, smart cost umes smarter, if you know your coiffure is correct and in tune with spring. Naturelie Permanent Wave Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON beauty shoppe EXETER Caven W.M.S. Easter Thank Offering Mrs. A. G. Calder, of London, was the guest speaker at the Easter Thank Offerng meetng of, the W.M. S. of Caven Presbyatrian church, held Tuesday afternoon of this Week in the basement of the church. Her topic was “Christian Stewardship” which she dealt with in a very able and interesting way and later led in a Round Table Conference on the subject, Mrs, Robt. Durst, of Lon don, contributed two delightful solos accompanied on the piano by Mrs. W A, Sheppard also of London, meeting was in charge of Mrs, iSilleTy, president. Mrs. D. C, conducted the worship period. The W. Hill A number of Hotmail ladles Were pres ent and at the close of the meeting refreshments were served and all enjoyed an hour of fellowship to gether. NEW DRESSES FOR SPRING % It makes no difference whether you want an inexpensive or a real good dress, you will find on our racks a good assort- ment from which to choose. Dresses range from $2.49 to $14.95 PURE SILK CHIFFON HOSE The?e hose are pur regular $1.00 line- We have a fine range of splendid shades. You will like the appearance of this stocking. Wp make a special of it this week at PER PAIR 79c. COTTON HOUSE DRESSES 79c. and $1.00 We are showing an excellent range of styles and patterns at the above prices. It doesn’t pay for you to make them when you can buy such good styles and material at these prices. aprons aprons These aprons are made of good quality Prints and come in some very good styles They are made by the blind in the Canadian National Institute and are outstanding values at 29c. 35c, 39c. and 45c. Men’s Clothing and Spring Coats If it is a new Spring Coat or an up to date snappy suit we can supply your needs, at very reasonable prices. Clothes bought at present prices are a real investment. New Biltmore Hats for Men Let us show you our New Felt Hats that we are showing for men for Spring. They include the newest shapes and shades. PRICED AT $1.95 AND $2.95 WALLPAPERS WALLPAPERS We have been advised that Wall Papers will be advanced 10 per cent, on April 15th. We have a big supply of the newest patterns all bought at old price; also good room lots at less than half price. 99c. $1.19 $1.29 $1.49 $1.99 GROCERY SPECIALS PRUNES very choice 2 lbs. large size ... 25c. 2 lbs. med. size ... 19c AYLMER PUMPKIN choice quality 2 large cans ....... 19c. BAKING POWDER Forest City Quart sealers ..... 29c. SUPER SUDS concentrated 1 lar. pkg. & trial pkg 19c. Order NOW... the supply is limited VANILLA large 8 oz. bottle 14c. SOAP FLAKES Princess 2 large pkgs, and one trial pkg ............... 29c JELLY POWDERS McLaren’s any flavor 6 pkgs, for ......... 25c. CHIPSO Large pkg............. 19c. A GIVEN FREE WITH EVERY 1 POUND PACKAGE OF UPTON’S TEA! LIPTONS V" . TEA THE LARGEST SELLING TEA IN THE WORLD ■ Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Mrs. Allie McFalls returned to her home in Biddulph on Friday last from St. Joseph’s Hospital, where she recently underwent an operation. She is improving nicely. Trivitt Memorial W. A. The Trivitt Memorial W. A. held a business and devotional meeting ' cn Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall. The meeting ^opened with bymn 291 followed by th© Litany ’and Prayers by Mrs. Oran Luella Stanlake gave the reading, ed by a Bible verse “Faith.” After the business was over Mrs Middleton gave a paper on ’‘Faith.” Mrs. Bierling read a story about our Pledge Fund. Hymn 310 was sung. Mirs. Luxton gave a read ing “Because “The Keeper Stewardship” Tanton, The Winer. Bible The roll call was answer containing of Love.” A reading of God’s Mysteries of was given by Mrs. meeting closed with hymn 410 followed by the benedic tion. Main St, Mission Circle The regular monthly meeting of -the Main street Mission Cir-cle was held at the home of Mrs. A. E. El liott on Wednesday, April 7th. The meeting was,in charge of Marion Powell, it ’ .................... hymn 104 Saviour” prayer by Dorothy Jennings. The Scripture was read 'by Margaret Fitzgerald after Which we Sang hymn 202 “Sweet Hour of Prayer.” lleen Andrew gave a delightful piano solo. The minutes were read and approved. Th© roll call was given by th© secretary, The treasurer gave a report. The topic was ably given by Marion Powell. We sang hymn 216 “Nearer $ty God to Thee.” after which we repeated the Mizipah benediction followed by a social ihour. Lttnch was Served by the hostess. ■was opened by singing JMc Not O CJfeiiti© followed by individual Marilyn Campbell and *1 Correct Styles for Men Are Featured in Our Store HATS AND CAPS All sizes and colors at Exceptional Values SHIRTS, TIES AND HOSE In an attractive range of Colors and Styles at Moderate Prices Everything for the well dressed is carried in stock at prices that will please you. W. W. T A M AN PHONE 81 / EXETER, ONT. F Shoe and Leather Repairing —w-— In additidrt to repairs of all kinds we will handle Men’s and Boys’ Shoes, Rubber Boots, Polishes, Etc. Shoes Dyed. Having had a number of years experience all work is Guaranteed — GIVE US A TRIAL — Prices Reasonable A. E. Wuerth All First Class Equipment