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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-08, Page 8
THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1037 THE EXETERTIMES-ADVOCATE For 1937 Tried, proved and acclaimed by thousands, the Bonat method of Pert manent Waving is setting the puce in 1937. With *Bonat it is consistent results that count. Wisely avoid the high cost of ex perimenting with the doubtful and unproved, get a Bonat Permanent Wave and foe sure of perfect results. Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH beauty shoppe Exeter Markets Wheat $1*47 Oats 60e. Manitoba’s Best §4.35 Welcome Flour §3.80 Shorts §1.95 Bran §1.90 Low Grade Flour §2.50 Creamery Butter 31-32c Dairy Butter g 2-2 5c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs Eggs Eggs Hogs A large 14c. A medium 13c, A pullets 12c. B 12c. c lie. §8.65 PIANO-TUN*- ING and re pairing, S. BOARDM A N formerly 11 years with the Heintzman & <Co., will be in Exeter & dis trict within a few days. So kindly phone Martin’s Exe ter No. 3 and your order will be taken care of, De-mothing given free with tuning. fft aS top NEW DRESSES FOR SPRING FOR SALE—Two year old O. A. G. No. 2(1 seed barley; also Banner oats. Arthur Rundle, phone, Exet er 177 r 32. ltc BRIGG’S ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL Specially Priced 25<;. — only — BROWNING’S DRUG STORE Dumart ...Smoked Meats $25 Reward S1 S LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. First prize for flavor at the Dairy Show, London, England FOR SALE—Banner oats suitable for seed at 60c per bushel. John M. Bell, R. R. 1, Hensail ltc COME TO CLINTON Come to Clinton on Coronation Day, May 12th. Dance and Card Party in the evening. Henderson's orchestra from Stratford. Auspices of the Clinton Hospital Aid. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RCV* Douglas C. Hill, B.A., B.D* Minister Mrs. J, G. Cochrane, Organist ) a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—"The Ultimate Text: Psalm XIV 1- hath said in his -heart ’There is no, God.’ ” p.m.—"Envy” 2nd in series on the Seven Deadly Sins. Text: Matt. XXVII 18—"For envy they had Friday, at 8 or of Mr. (formerly Sunday, 8:15 p.m. Fellowship Hour under auspices ■of Y. P. G. Another good program has been arranged. Everybody welcome. 10 11 7 Folly” •.‘’The fool delivered Him.” p.m.—Reception in hon- and Mrs. T. McPortand, Miss Jean Stanbury) -—• 2nd monthly IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. ■FOR SALE—-Frame building, size 18 x 27 ft. with 12 ft. posts, in good condition, suitable for small drive shed, pig pen or large hen house. Apply to T, Creery, R. R. 1, Wood ham. 4-8-2tp H B PIANO-— Mason & Risch; ' first §50.00 takes it; also Moffat four- burner electric stove $40.00.—Wm. C. Stone, Box 75, Hensall. FO:R SALE — Good serviceable heavy wagon; also a number' of feeders for baby chicks with feed ing capacity of 200 to- 300. Abbott. W. F. ltp a hallFOR SALE—A storey and brick residence. All modern conven iences. Apply at Times-Advocate. 4-8-2tp APARTMENT TO RENT — On Main Street. Modern conveniences. Also a store in central location. Ap ply at Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Timothy Seed 5c. a lb. Apply to Harold Kellerman, Dashwood. W ANSTED.—Married couple to live in the home on farm, woman to take full charge of the home. Not more than one child preferred.-Apply box 280 K, Exeter. WANTED—A girl for general housework, in reply please state age experience and wages expected. Ap ply Box 2SOW, Exeter. GRASS FARM FOR RENT— 50 acres, running water. T. Laing, Hen sall. 4-8-2tc. FOR SALE—-Cow due April 8th. Apply to Times-Advocate ltp. WANTED—A bicycle, cheap. Har old .Hern, Granton, R. R. 1, phone 14 on 4, Kirkton. FOR SALE — Improved Banner Seed Oats. Apply to Frank Down, phone 277 r‘2, Exeter. 'FOR 'SALE1—'Banner iSeed Oats, 85c. a bus.—Geo. Ingram, R. 3, Ex eter, phone 12on89, Hensall. NOTICE—'Having procured dump truck we are now in a position to deliver gravel to anyone wanting same, either for roads, lanes, cement work, etc. Phone 171r3, Exeter, H. T. -Cudmore, R. R. 1, Hensall. NOTICE The Exeter United Farmers’ Club have secured their Fertilizer mater ials for the Spring season. Mixing operations will be carried on in Mr. R. G. Seldon’s grain elevator. We are booking orders for cedar posts, fencing and other spring re quirements. C. W. Chistie, Sec'y.-Treas., phone 26, Exeter, Coronation Day, May 12th has been proclaimed a public holiday. Miss Reta Rowe is visiting her aunt Mrs. Holloway in Peterboro. Mr. A. W. Johnston, of Toronto, visited with his parents over the week-end. Miss Agnes Prebble, of Ilderton, spent Easter holdays with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sillery. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ryckman, of Flint, Mich,, spent the week-end with the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Case. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell and family, of New York, spent Easter witih the former’s father Mr. A. Campbell and sister Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hedden, Mr. and Mrs. John Hedden and daughter Verna, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rydall and son Jack', of Shallow Lake, visited Thursday and Friday of last week with relatives and friends of Thames Road. Mr. M. F. Gladman, of London, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman for a few days. Mr. Gladman is recuperating from an attack of pneumonia. Mr. Milton Luther, -of Usborne, recently underwent an operation for appedicitis in Victoria Hospital, Lon don. He is improving nicely and is expected home this week. Mr. Manford Belling, of Detroit, visited here during the week-end. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Belling and son Donald, who spent Easter week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis. Mr. Wm. 'Gardiner, -of Meaford, motored here for the week-end and Mrs. Gardiner and daughter Shirley, •who- have been visiting with lher mother, Mrs. -Sam. Parsons, returned borne with him. Leonard Gossman, eleven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gossman, of the Lake Road, had .his right arm brokefi. at the wrist on Friday last. Leonard was cranking a Ford car for another man when it backfired, breaking his arm. Miss Ruth pearce, who. visiting with her sister, Redmond, of Detroit, for has been Mrs. W. a month,< returned home last week, Mr. and Mrs. Redmond and Billy motored over with her and visited for a day -- Pearce. -has spent Mrs. N. APARTMENT TO RENT — On Main Street, Exetei5*. Apply to Times- Advocate. FOR SALE—Cockerels canonized Terms reasonable.— Foster Pepper, Parkhill, Ont. R.R. 8, 4-8-2tp FOR SLAE—'Used Fordson trac tor parts, radiator, gears, governor, pulley and other parts. J. AV. Watson Mooresville, Kirkton 52r2. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Preacher for the day at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. A. J- Smale, B.A. Choruses by the School Sunday School withdrawn Wednesday 8 P-m.—'Prayer Service. ltc you canIf You Are Ambitious make good money with a Rawleigh Route. We teach you to ed. ed. Steady work for right man. White Rawleigh’s Box No. ML-202- SA-D, Montreal, Canada. get start- No capital or experience need- Steady work for right Become your own boss. QUICK SALES—'BIG PROFITS — REPEAT ORDERS on line of 200 Guaranteed Necessities. Profitable offer. Month ly BARGAIN SALES. No risk. No experience needed. Exclusive terri tory. Men with auto preferred to travel steadily over country. Write immediately: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Clement. Montreal. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader a.m.—'The Minister ■-Sunday School -The Ministei’ 11 3 ip.m.- 7 p.m.- Tuesday—Y. P. U. Wednesday, April 7th—Men’s Union Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Service Wed,, April 14—'Evening Auxiliary TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH BIRTHS ROUTLY—At Dr. Fletcher’s Hospit al, on Saturday, April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Routly, a daugh ter, Rector, Rev. M- A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MaeFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middlemisfr (Anna Rubina) DEATHS LITTLE—In Exeter North, on Tues day, April 6th, 1937, Luella Eliza beth Dean, beloved wife of the late John Little, in her 65tih year. CORNISH—In Exeter, on Sunday, April 4th, John Cornish in his 90 th year. DIETRICH—In Stephen ion Thurs day, April 1st, Noah Dietrich, ag ed 51 years and '5 days. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Frederick CornishMr. wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Florence Marie to Gordon (Eber Lamport son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport, of Credi- ton, the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of April. card of thanks a.m.—Morning Prayers & Matins 3 p.m.—Sunday School 11 The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Praise and Prayer Service, Friday 8 Sei-vices for Sunday, April 11 2.30 p.m.—School & Bible Class i 3.30 p.m.—Devotion I 8 p.m.—-Great Evangelistic service (evening message) | Out of our five chunjch-congrega-! tlon in Exeter, how many people will assemble in the bride of Christ? Remember the Lord Himself said, ‘‘Watcih” Matt. 26-41. Pastor, J. T. Edgar PASTURE FARM FOR SALE— 50 acres on Lake Road, never fail ing water supply. Can be bought for cash at sacrifice.—C. V. Pickard, Phone 165. Cen- good well- C. V. PICKARD, Ex- FARM FOR SALE—-Near tralia, 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, never failing well, fenced, bush.-—C eter, phone 165. with Mr. and Mrs. W- C. Mrs. D. Rowcliffe, the winter with Mr. Graham, of Windsor, last week. Mr. and Jack and Ronald motored over with her on Wednesday. Ronald is re maining and will attend school here. The Exeter Boy Scouts reorganiz ed Friday evening of last week, Three new patrols were formed with Grant Taylor,. Ralph Delbridge and Warren Sanders being, appointed patrol leaders and Orville 'Snell, Murray Moore and Robert Southcott as seconds. Who and returned home Mrs. Graham, Miss Lyla Haist wishes to thank the many friends who so- kindly re membered her in any way while a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don and also at home. RAW, DAMP WINDS AND Disagreeable weather are likely to be present until well into; April. Now is no time to stint on your fuel. Try a ton of Al- iberta Coal. Just the fuel this time of year. for People’s Cash Shoe Store WM. H. PARTLO, Proprietor Phone 131wEXETER ONTARIO BRING THIS COUPON! IT IS WORTH MONEY — GOOD ONLY — THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY April 8, 9,10 With every purchase of Women Shoes at $1.98 or over made in this store! an these dates we will give a pair of our Regular 69c* Full-Fashioned Chiffon or Semi-Service 1st Quality Hose for the small price of 50c a pair. ‘I t f I I t i I 1 I I I J I I I I I I f I a CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern wish to thank all those who responded so (piromptly to the call when their home was burning and especially for the careful way in which the con tents were removed. CARD OF THANKS •The Pastor and Managers of Thames Road United Churclh wish to express their thanks to all those who helped (Saturday night to save the Manse from burning." IN MKMORIAM HAIST—In loving memory of Fred erick Haist, who died one year ago^ April 7, 1936. It’s not the tears at the time that are shed That tell of the hearts that are torn; But the passionate tears in after years, And -remembrance silently bornd. Sadly missed by his loving 'Sons and Daughters, Wife, in the John- The following were visitors (home of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. ston recently: Miss M. McGregor, of Hensall; Miss E'< Jarfrott, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blake and two daughters Grace add Olive, of Asih- field, The former is teaching in Arkona and was home for the vaca tion, JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j Head Into Spring WITH A NATURELLE PERMANENT WAVE It will give you that care free, soft, Spring-like look that is most becoming* Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON beauty shoppe EXETER * James Street W. A. The W. A. of James Street church held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday last With the president in. tihe chair, Mrs, McFalls took charge off the devotional exercises, Ila and Iva Willis gave a instru mental duet; also Ola Reid and Laurene Beavers a duet. Mrs. Har vey peritins gave a reading, Luiioli was served at the close of the meet- j Ing. ] It makes no difference whether you want an inexpensive or a real good dress, you will find on our racks a good assort ment from which to choose. Dresses range from $2.49 to $14.95 PURE SILK CHIFFON HOSE Theses hose are our regular $1.00 line. We haves a fine range of splendid shades. You will like the appearance of this stocking. We make a special of it this week at PER PAIR 79c. COTTON HOUSE DRESSES 79c. and $1.00 We ar© showing an excellent range of styles and patterns at the above prices. It doesn’t pay for you to make them when you can buy such good styles and material at these prices. APRONS APRONS These aprons are made of good quality Prints and come in some very good styles They are made by the blind in the Canadian National Institute and are outstanding values at 29c. 35c, 39c. and 45c. Men’s Clothing and Spring Coats If it is a new Spring Coat or an up to date snappy suit we can supply your needs, at very reasonable prices. Clothes bought at present prices are a real investment. New Biltmore Hats for Men Let us show you our New Felt Hats that we are showing for men for Spring. They include the newest shapes and shades. PRICED AT $1.95 AND $2.95 WALLPAPERS WALLPAPERS We have been advised that Wall Papers will be advanced 10 per cent, on April 15th. We have a big supply of the newest patterns all bought at old price; also good room lots at less than half price. 99c. $1.19 $1.29 $1.49 $1.99 GROCERY SPECIALS z PINEAPPLE Crushed 2 cans for . .. 25c CHERRIES for Pies 2 cans ••••* 25c PINEAPPLE Sliced 2 tins................1 9c TOMATO JUICE Aylmer 3 large tins . . 25c COFFEE Gold Medal or Maxwell House lb. tin...............38c TOMATO CATSUP Heinz Large bottle .. 19c PASTRY FLOUR Good Quality 24 lb. bag . . . 79c ORANGE MARMALADE St. Williams Large jar ... 25c CORN Standard Quality 3 cans for . .. 25c FRESH VEGETABLES—Leaf Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Carrots, Cabbage, Oranges, Bananas and Grapefruit at lowest prices. Southcott Bros Hensall, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Miss Shirley^ Clark, of London, visited with Miss Marion Powell for a few days and took MaTion back with her for the Easter holidays. James Street Mission Band The Easter Thanfcoffering meeting of the James Street Mission Band was held in the church on Tuesday afternoon. With the president, Shirley Moise presiding, Mrs. Page led in the opening -prayer. Mildred Hannigan acted as secretary in the absence of Edith Hunter. A -chor-us fry the younger members of the Band was heartily sung. During the worship period Jack O’Brien read the Scripture lesson and May Snell, Gwenneth Jones and Mildred Han nigan gave short prayers. A .reading by Shirley Appleton, instrumental solos by Shirley Moise and Marion Cowen and a solo by Dawson Gould ing accompanied by his mother Mrs. W R. Goulding were muesli enjoyed. The guest speaker Mrs. Chas, Johns gave a splendid talk on "God’s care of the Birds.” This talk will be long remembered by those present. Willing Worken's’ Evening Auxiliary Donations for layettes to be sent to Kincaid, Sask., were brought to the meeting of the James St. Willing Workers’ Evening Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. F. Sharpe Mon day night. The treasurer reported a total of $253 raised this year which included §100 bequest from Mrs. E. A. Amy Estate and $53.00 proceeds from the dinner catered to the Boys’ and Girls’ Conference. Miss Florence Down took charge of the program as follows: Scripture reading, Miss Mary McKaig; prayer by Miss Down; solo by Mrs. Elliot and a reading by Miss Ella Link. Mrs. Page in a very interesting and capable manner took the chapter of the study book. Meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Miss Down’s group. Correct Styles for Men Are Featured in Our Store HATS AND CAPS All sizes and colors at Exceptional Values SHIRTS, TIES AND HOSE In an attractive range of Colors and Styles at Moderate Prices Everything for the well dressed is carried in stock at prices that will please you. PHONE 81 W. W. T A M A N EXETER, ONT. r Shoe and Leather Repairing In addition to repairs of -all kinds we will handle Men’s atid Boys’ Shoes, Rubber Boots, Polishes, Etc. Shoes Dyed. Having had a number of years experience all work is Guaranteed - GIVE US A TRIAL — A. E. Wuerth Prices Reasonable AH First Class Equipment