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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-04-01, Page 8
THURSDAY, APRU* jLst, 1937 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE For 1937 Tried, proved and acclaimed by thousands, the Bonat method of Per manent Waving is setting the pace in 1937,. With Bonat it is consistant results that count. Wisely avoid the high cost of ex perimenting with the doubtful and unproved, get a Bonat permanent Wave and be sure of perfect results, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231W Exeter Markets Wheat $1.27 Oats 55c Manitoba’s Best $3.90 Welcome Flour $3.40 Shorts $1.85 Brah $1.80 Low Grade Flour $2.30 Creamery Butter* 31c» Dairy Butter* 22-25c. Eggs, Eggs, Eggs Eggs Eggs •Hogs Bargains! H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Mr. John Kuntz, of Windsor, spent Easter with his parents, Mr, anq Mrs. Wm. Kuntz. Mrs. Kuntz and Miss Dorothy -i eturned with him to visit tor two weeks. FOR SALE — Improved Banner Seed Oats. Apply to Frank Down, phone 277 a* 2, Exeter. WANTED—Girl for upstair work. Apply at Central Hotel. ®OR GALE'—Banner ’.Seed Oats, 85c. a bus.—Geo. Ingram, R. 3, Ex eter, phone 12on89, Hensall. FOR SALE—Brooder Stove, chick feeders and fountains, brooder stove pipes, colony house 10 by 12; colony house 12 by 14; SO yards heavy 5- foot poultry fence; range shelters. Russell E. Balkwill H' GANDER FOR SALE or will buy goose. Apply Times-Advocate. FOR SALE—Cupboards, bureau, new Good Cheer coal and wood range; 3-bu\*ner coal oil stove and other household furniture, the pro perty of the late Rd. Terry. Will he at the property the remainder of the week, berry bott, Also a quantity of straw plants in season.—W. F. Ab- itp. NOTICE—’Having procured dump truck we are now in a position to deliver gravel to anyone wanting I same, either for roads, lanes, cement work, etc. Phone 171r3, Exeter, H. T. Cudmore, R. R. 1, Hensall. AMBITIOUS AND HARDY WORKERS ONLY Start a business of your own sell ing 200 daily necessities direct to consumers. Everyone a prospect. NO RISKS. Profitable proposition. Methods make SUCCESS EASY. Good districts open. FREE catalo gue and details: BOX 424 STATION M., MONTREAL (F) FOB SALE SECOND-HAND IMPLEMENTS 1 13-run Massey-Harris drill, in first class condition; 1 Massey-Har ris tractor plow; 1 Maple Leaf gang plow; 1 Massey-Harris mower; 1 riding -plow; 1 fertilizer drill. See our new No. 11 Oil Bath Fer tilizer Drill and No. 4 Manure Spreaded; also Lister Cream Separ ator, the lowest price separator on the market. JOHN CAMPBELL, Agent FOR SALE—20 acre poultry and fruit farm, Exeter North on Lake Road, 1% storey brick house, every convenience. Barn' 22 by 60 ft, re modelled double-deck henhouse 18 by 26 ft. Hydro throughout. Terms arranged. M. Cudmore, phone 13r2, Exeter. FARM t ply A- J. FOR SALE—50 acres. Ap- Todd, R.R. 1, Exeter. 3-25-3tp. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE— 50 acres on Lake Road, never fail ing water supply. Can be bought for cash at sacrifice.—C. V. Pickard, Phone 165. Cen- .good well- FARM FOR SALE—Near tralia, 100 acres, brick house, bank barn, never failing well, fenced, bush.—C. V. PICKARD, Ex eter, .phone 165. Mrs. Anna MacDonald. .Spencer Corsetiere. Corsets individually de signed. Style or surgical. 137, Hensall, Phone 3-ll-4tc. HATCHING EGGS FOR From pure bred White (Pennsylvanian strain) at 5c. dozen over market price. Apply to Jos. Ferguson, Lot 33; Concession 4, Usborne, phone 80r2, Hensall. SALE— Leghorns per 3 A large 15c. A medium. 13c. A pullets 12c. B 12c. C 12c. 58.75 Dumart’s ...Smoked Meats First prize for flavor at the Dairy Show, London, England IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. ’■ a AU Fools’ Day. Mr. Ross Swartz spent the week end at his home at Princeton. Miss Irene Mooney spent Easter with her aunt and uncle in C Linton. Mr. and Mrs. Len Peters spent Good Friday and Easter in London. Miss Barbara Dinney spent Eas ter with Miss Ada Gaiser at Shipka. Dr. Wm. Lawson, of Listowel, spent Easter under the parental roof. Messrs. Ulric Snell and E. R. Hop per made a business trip to Toronto Monday. Miss Emily Frayne, of fitaffa, spent the week-end visiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davis and two children, of St. Marys, spent Easter with relatives. Miss Celesta Wickwire, of Leam ington, is visiting with her brother Mr. F. J. and Mrs. Wickwire. Mr. and Mrs. M. Walker and little son spent the week-end with rela tives at Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Creech, of Rochester, N.Y., visited over Easter with relatives here. Mrs. Powles, of St. Thomas, was a week-end visitor in the home of Mr. and .Mrs, J. W. Powell. ' Rev. R. E. and Mrs. Southcott and two' children visited with the formers mother on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bradt and fam ily, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. John Northcutt were Easter visitors with their daugher Mrs. Win. Marshall in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs.’W. R. Goulding and Dawson visited with Rev. J. H. and Mrs. ’Stainton at St. Thomas Good Friday. Miss M. White has been confined to >her home for a couple of weeks through i'dness but we are pleased to report that she is improving. Mr. Richard Johnston, of Ashfield and Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Moffat, Keith and baby, of Union, visited Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Johnston Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Davis and two children, of Ft. Erie, spent sev eral days visiting with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Davis. Miss Muriel Hogarth, of Windsor, Is spending, the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ho garth. Miss Janie Hogarth was home from London for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carey visited with Mr. and Mrs, Joe 'Grant in Lon don Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Car ey and Donald and Mac Grant spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Grant at Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Goulding and Dawson motored to Toronto Monday where Mr. Goulding will attend the annual convention of the O.E.A. par ticularly with the section which per tains to, music in the public schools. People’s Cash Shoe Store WM. H. PARTLO, Proprietor “Shoes to Fit the Family0EXETER ONTARIO ARE YOU READY FOR EASTER See the newest in Footwear for Spring displayed in dur Windows FOR HER Shoes New High Cut Ties, Sandal Straps, Walking Oxfords, Corrective Shoes priced Reasonably From $1.98 to $4.98 FOR KIDDIES Red School House Shoes 8% to 12 $1.98 12^ to 3 $2.25 others 49c. to $L98 Sizes Sizes at New Spring shades in Hosiery at 69c, & .$L FOR HIM Shoes Oxfords in Suede Calf in black or brown From $1.98 to $4.98 See our display of the Fatuous Heel Huggers for men and women; also the famous Health Spot Shoes 250 Prs. Men’s Work Boots $1.75 up 100 prs. Boys' Shoes $1.25 up Seme broken lines of shoes CHEAP. Men’s and Boys’ Heavy Rubbers at a Big Reduction Men’s Overalls & Pants $1.25 up Men’s Work Shirts 75c» up Men’s & Boys’ Leather Caps 75c. up Men's Cloth Caps .... <50c. Boys’ Cloth Caps ..................... 40c. 4-String Brooms 25c. 3 Cans Peas ............. .......... 27c. Crispey Flake Shortening 2 for 25c. Canned Pumpkin ..................... 10c, Sliced Bineapple .............. a far 19c. Pork and Beans ........... 2 for 19c. Tip Top Jams Red Rose Coffee Tea Cup Tea *1’ H. Bierling NOTICE You are cordially invited to an open meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute in the Town Hall, Tuesday, April 6th at 8.15. A debate "Re solved that in the event of an Eur opean War that the voter should first approve of Canada’s participa tion.” Affirmative Charles Pearce, Edwin Buswell; negative, Joseph Creech, Grant Taylor. Also music and readings. Silver collection. The members are asked to meet at 7.30 prompt for a business meeting, BRIGG’S ORIGINAL ELECTRIC OIL Specially Priced 25c. — only — BROWNING’S DRUG STORE $25 Reward S" IS4 S LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES, It desen sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. the Mr. Silas Reed, who for several months has been a patient at the Queen Alexandra Sanitarium, Byron, is making splendid progress and was able to be out Saturday for the first time since going there. He spent several hours in the city. Mrs. Norman Dore designed gym suts for the girls of FormI and Form II of the Exeter High School. On Thursday afternoon she supervis ed the cutting of the patterns at tjie school. The uniforms are made of red and white checked gingham and will have E. H. 'S. crest embroidered on them. . Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Neale, of Elora, called on friends in Exeter Wednes day afternoon of last week on their way home from Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Neale enjoyed a six-weeks' va cation and motored to Miami where they visited Mr. Neale’s sister, Mrs. Martin. They enjoyed the summer weather together with the swim ming and fishing and they brought home with them a fine sun-tan. PRESENTATIONS The friends and neighbors of Gor don Penhale and Elmer Reeder and their families gathered at the home of Herman Powe to bid farewell to, them on their removal from Fair field, the former to Elimville and the latter to Exeter. The evening was spent in games followed by a short program of speeches by Lloyd Hodgson, Geo. Hepburn and Murry Elliott and a reading by Mrs. Hep burn. ■Mr. and Mrs, Penhale were pre sented with a bridge lamp by Mel ville King and the following address read by Mrs. Will Baker: Mr. and Mrs. Penhale and Family: Dear Friends, We, your friends and neighbors have gathered here tonight to ex press t-o a small extent our regret at your departure from our midst. We shall feel your loss as you have filled a place no others can fill, but we wish you every success and hap- niness in your new home and hope you will not forget your old Fair- field neighbors in the pleasant re lationships with the new. Please accept this token of our regard for you. As it brightens your home may it bring bright and pleas ant remembrances to- you. Signed on behalf of the neighbors Herman Powe Nelson Baker Mr. and Mrs. Reeder were pre sented with a table lamp and toast er by Ms. W. Baker and the follow ing, -address read by Miss V. Wat kins:Mr. and Mrs. Reeder and Family: Dear Friends: We have met tonight to assure you of -our true regard for you, as friends and neighbors and to wish you every success and happiness in your new home. We are glad that you will not be so far away that old ties need be entirely severed. Out relationships with you -‘have ever been pleasant and neighborly and we shall miss you.Please accept this token of bur regard for you. Wo hope you will find them useful and as yon use them, that they will bring your old friends'and neighbors to mind. Signed on behalf* of neighbors: Herman Powe Nelson Baker Mr. Penhale and Mr. Reeder made suitable brief replies after which the friends assured them in that old sorig that they were "All jolly Good Fellows.” Lunch was then served and enjoyed by all. 0 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH School CAVJEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas C. Hill, B.A., R.p. Minister Mps. J. G. Cochrane, Organist a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—A Gentleman in Prison Psalm CXVI 1’5: Precious in 10 11 the sigMof ~the~Lord is the death of His saints. p.m.—The gin of Pride First in a series of sermons "The Seven Deadly Sins” Text: Micah V,I 8: What doth Lord require of thee, but to justly, to love mercy and. to walk humbly with thy God? 7 JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader Lord’s11‘a.m.—Sacrament of the Supper 3 p.m,—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Thursday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Sunday, April 11th—Sunday Anniversary, Speaker at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Rev. A. J. Smale, B.A, Strathroy. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—Communion 3 (p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—The Minister Tuesday—Y. P. U. Wednesday, April 7th-—Men’s Union Thursday, 7.3 0 p.m.—Prayer Service Rector, Rev. M<. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. Middiemlso a.m.—Morning Prayers & Matins11 3 p.m.—(Sunday School The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Main Street Praise and Prayer Service, Friday Evening Services for Sunday, April 4th 3.30 p.m.- 2.30 p.m.- 8 -Devotion -School & Bible Class p.m.—Great Evangelistic Meeting and the Old Qld Story told again by -new life. A~warm welcome awa'its you. Gomel Pastor, J. T. Edgar RAW, DAMP WINDS AND DISAGREEABLE WEATHER are likely to persist until well in to April. Now is no time to stint on your fuel. Spring colds often hang on for weeks. An extra ton of D. & H. Cone- Cleaned Anthracite means heal thful dryness and warmth in your home until Spring arrives. Better order a ton today! JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j Head Into Spring WITH A NATURELLE PERMANENT WAVE It will give you that care free, soft, Spring-like look that is most becoming. Phone 245 for Appointment G. M. SIMPSON BEAUTY SHOPPE . EXETER i—! ---------... ............. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Butler, of Londoh, called on friends on Satur day. They attended the funeral of Mr. Butler’s’uncle, the late John Buttler, of Cromarty. Mrs. Kyle, who has been confined to her bed for several weeks suffer ing from the effects of the flu, is slowly improving. She is being cared for by Mrs. G. Hunter, The Exeter Racing Club are pleased with the prospects of a suc cessful race meet.in Exeter in June of this year, having received an en try for the 3-year-old class from Toronto. Particulars of this race meet will appear in a future issue of i this paper. NEW DRESSES FOR SPRING It makes no difference whether you want an inexpensive or a real good dress, you will find on our racks a good assort ment from which to choose. Dresses range from .to $14.95 PURE SILK CHIFFON HOSE These hose are our regular $1,00 line. We have a fine range of splendid shade?. Yoy will like the appearance of this stocking. We make a special of it this week at PER PAIR 79c. COTTON HOUSE DRESSES 79c. and $1.00 We are showing an excellent range of styles and patterns at the above price?. It doesn't pay for you to make them when you can buy such good style? and material at these prices. APRONS APRONS These aprons are made of good quality Prints and come in some very good styles They are made by the blind in the Canadian National Institute and are outstanding values at 29c. 35c, 39c. and 45c. Men’s Clothing and Spring Coats If it is a new Spring Coat or an up to date snappy suit we can supply your needs, at very reasonable prices. Clothes bought at present prices are a real investment. New Biltmore Hats for Men Let us show you our New Felt Hats that we are showing for men for Spring. They include the newest shapes and shades. PRICED AT $1.95 AND $2.95 WALLPAPERS We have been advised that Wall Papers will be advanced 10 per cent, on April 15th. We have a big supply of the newest patterns all bought at old price; also good room lots at less than half price. 99c. $1.19 $1.29 $1.49 $1.99 WALLPAPERS GROCERY SPECIALS FRESH VEGETABLES—Leaf Lettuce, Head Lettuce, Carrots, Cabbage, Oranges, Bananas and Grapefruit at lowest prices. PINEAPPLE Crushed 2 cans for . .. 25c CHERRIES for Pies 2 cans...............25c PINEAPPLE Sliced 2 tins................1 9c TOMATO JUICE Aylmer 3 large tins . . 25c COFFEE Gold Medal or Maxwell House lb. tin 38c TOMATO CATSUP Heinz Large bottle .. 19c PASTRY FLOUR Good Quality 24 lb. bag ... 79c ORANGE MARMALADE St. Williams Large jar . . . 25c CORN Standard Quality 3 cans for . . . 25c Southcott Bros. Hensail, Phone 16 Exeter, Phone 16 Ikssi LOCAL NEWS Mrs. B. M. Francis, who has been ill, is improving. Miss Helen Salter has returned home from London. Miss Vera Rowe has been on the sick list but is improving. ■Mr. Sim Pollen, of Flint, Mich., spent the week-end with relatives. Miss Patsy Russell is visiting friends in Toronto for the holidays. Miss Berniece Delbridge, of Lon- ,don, spent Easter with her parents. Easter Monday was observed as a holiday by the banks and the post office. Mr. Smith, of Dunville, is a guest o.f Mr. Carscadden of the Bray Hat chery. Mr. and Mrs. Head, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Hatter. Miss Margaret Penhale, of Bel mont, is visiting at her home for the Easter vacation. Miss Lucy Horwood, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mirs, H. Pollen. Miss Gladys Kestle, teacher at Copper Cliff is spending the vaca tion at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, James Norton spent Easter in Toronto-, Mrs. Norton re maining fol* a few days. 'Miss Gwendolyn Horne, of Usborne, is spending the Easter vacation with her aunt, Mrs. O. S, Winer. Mr. Ivan Sharp and Violet and Mrs. John Keys, of Shipka, Visited with Mrs. F. Sharp on Sunday. Mr. Reg. Beavers and Miss, B. Dowie of Sarnia, spent the holiday WitH Mt. and Mrs. B. W« F. Beavers. Mrs. otto Walker and little dau ghter have returned to their home at Staffa from Ur. Fletcher’s hospit al. Mrs. Wm. Gai’diner and daughter Shirley, of Meaford, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. S. Par sons, • Mrs. M. Cudmore visited in Loii- don last wOAk and assisted at the trousseau tea of her friend Miss Ha zel Leslie Reg. N» Mrs. E. Lindeh- field and Miss Lulu attended the tea Wednesday evening. Here’s News for Men.. Who wants to be well-dressed at a fair price MR. M. R. PARK The Special Representative of “Clothes of Quality’” will be at our store on Monday, April 5th, 1937 He will have with him a beautiful assortment of the latest pat terns and1 weaves in hard-wearing! British woollens which embody th© colors that will be popular tliis season. The range coinprises a selection of dioice serges, ’saxonys, worsteds, homespuns, tweeds, etc Not only do "CLOTHES OF QUALITY” guarantee you the ut most value for your dollar, but you are sure to be at the height of fashion. Only hand-cut and individually tailored garments can give the maxinnun in long wear and smart appearance. Suits $22.50 up Suit and Extra Pant $27.50 up W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. Messrs. Warren May and Gordon Brooks are Visiting with the latter’s brother in Detroit for the week. Mr visited in St. Mr. Beaver’s by. Mr. A. E.Mr. and Mrs. H visited with 'Mrs. Kathleen Kuke oh Sunday. Mr. Stewart Fuke return ed to OShaWa with Mr. and Mrs. Fuke and is spending the week there Mrs. peter Frhyne was in London Saturday visiting with her daugh ter, Mrs. Lily Smith. Mi's. Smith is in St, Joseph’s Hospital having, un dergone a serious operation. She is getting along ah well as can be expected. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Marys oil Sunday with sister Mrs. J, A. Kirk- r Fuke, Harry of London, and Fuke, of Oshawh Week-end visitor with Mrs. Mc- Taggart was Mrs. Jessie Case, Toronto. Dr. and -Mrs. O. G. Treumner and Virginnia Anne, of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Chambers, of London visited Good Friday with their par ent’s Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Winer. Mrs. Winer returned to London and vis ited over Callers Mrs, w. Dr. Wm. C. E, During the Easter holidays they were visited by Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Moffat, of Napanoe and son Jim, of Otterville; Mr. and Mrs. I1. J. Mof- and son Thos., j.r., of London Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd and David, of Napanee. the week-end. at the homo of Mr. and G. Medd on Easter were Lawson, of Listowel; Mrs. Acheson, of Owen Sound. tat and soil