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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-03-25, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, MARCH 1937 Of the of London, home of Toronto, with his was- con- few days little Mrs. been past little son., last week Mrs. C. iS. hold Communion Service on Friday morning at 11 o’clock in the church. The pastor, Rev. W. A. Young will have charge. On Sunday special Easter services and special music by the choir at both morning and ev ening services. Sunday, March 28th at the morn ing service in the United .Church, communion service will be held in the evening, special Easter service, The„choir are preparing special mus ic. The pastor, Rev. A. Sinclair will be in charge of the services on Fri day evening, March 26th. Prepatory service will be held in the United Church with Rev. W. A. Young as the speaker. St. The iSt. Dance held Wednesday auspices of Commerce was a splendid success, the hall being well filled. There were 4'2 euchre tables playing until 12 o’clock when lunch was served after which dancing was enjoyed. Splendid prizes were given for euchre First prize was won by Mrs. C. Sim mons, of Exeter; 2nd prize by Mrs. Fred Rathwell, of Varna; gent’s 1st Clayton McNichol; 2nd Earl Dick, The music was furnished Iby the Collins Orchestra for the dancing. Mr. H. Horton acted as flooi’ man ager in his 'usual capable manner. Duing the evening prizes were won, consisting of groceries, chickens and hains/also a ’goodly ’number "of streamers, balloons and hats were distributed among the dancers. Patrick’s Dance Patrick’s Euchre in the Town Hall evening last undei- the Hensail Chamber of CROMARTY and on the St. on the on the last CREDITON [ Baiting gale I The Women’s Association of the • Evangelical -Church are holding a ■ baking sale in F. W. MorJock’s store on Saturday, March 27. Or- , ders are being received by Mrs. Pletcli and Mrs. H, M. Faist. Come and get your week-end supply. ■ Miss Pearl Gaiser returned to ■ Toledo on Sunday after attending l the funeral of her brother, the late ■ Earl Gaiser, of Dashwood. Miss Lyla Haist was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, last week and on Monday underwent a major operation. She is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Harold Fahner who under went an operation at St. Joseph’s Hospital last week returned to his home on Sunday. Mr. Herbert K. Eilbei’ was in To ronto last week attending the Insur ance Underwriters ’ Convention held in the Carls Rite Hotel of that city. Our dear friend and neighbor Mrs. Mary Haist Celebrated lher 78th birthday, March 12. Here is hop ing she is spared to have many more with us. ^A few friends met at her home and spent a very pleasant even ing and a very sumptuous was served. The Evangelical Sunday orchestra met • at the home and Mrs. Emery Fahner on Monday evening for their annual meeting. Following are the officers for the ensuing year; Leader, Emery Fahn er; assistant, Addie Gaiser; presi dent, Everett Fahner; sec’y-treas., F. W. Morlofik. A half hour of prac tice followed. The enthusiasm did not wane when the hostess Mrs. Emery Fahner served an excellent lunch at midnight. ’ Sunday, March 21st, being last day of the special services connection with Decision Day in United Church.Sunday School, J. Woodhall gave a very fitting dress and'Mr. and Mrs. Woodall sang “Calvary.” On (March 26th, Good Friday evening at 8 p.m. thei;e will be a special Dedication service in the Sunday school.. Rev. Mr. Johnson will be the speaker. On Easter Sun day there will be an Easter program in the Sunday school. Ministerial- Fellowship, Stratford District ;was held at Crediton Evan gelical church on Tuesday, March 16th. Rev. A. E. Clemmens pre sided. Rev. A. E. Pletch, pastor of the local church opened with devo tional exercises after which F. B. Meyer, >of Sebringville gave a very helpful and -instructive paper on “The Responsibilty of the Minister.” A helpful discussion followed. Dur ing the luncheon hour Rev. E. Burn ■of Zurich gave a fellowship talk on “The Privileges of a Minister.” Rev. E. >R. Kauth, of Shakespeare open ed with a scriptural meditation. The following presented short addresses, on “The Problems of Laity” by Rev. Wm. Edighoffer, Zurich; “The Mid week Service” by Rev. E. E. Pletch, of Stratford and “Teaching a Church to Tithe” by Rev. J. W. Sie bert. An Evangelistic -Service was con ducted by Rev. H. E. Roppel, Dash wood. Rev. A. E. Clemmens preached a very forceful sermon on the theme, “What then shall I do with Jesus.” The pastor closed with an appropriate appeal. Members yof the Ladies’ Aid provided lunch for the ministers present. The meetings proved to be a very helpful means of spiritual fellowship to ministers and people. lunch School of Mt. CENTRALIA Mrs. George Thompson, of Se- bringville, visited with Mrs. Thos. Willis on Tuesday of last week-, Mr. John Essery was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mr, and Mrs. George Baynham Jr. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills in Komoka. Mrs. C, J, O’Brien was in Lucan the first part of the week owing to the illness of her sister Mrs. Me- Ilhargey. •Mr. Norman Mitchell is confined to his .home owing to illness. Miss Ada Mitchell R, N., <of London, was home this week. Mr. and Mrs. F, McCann, of Strat ford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Bowden. Mr. Harold Mitchell, or lmerton, has returned .home to assist his father, Mr. Norman Mitchell, who has -been ill in bed for the past few days. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy iSimpson on Friday it being the birthday of Mr. Simpson. Rela tives wore present from Clandeboye, Ailsa Craig and McGillivray. The evening was spent in musie and games. A successful evening’s entertain ment was the supper and play in the schoolroom of the church on Thurs day evening of last week under the auspices of Group 2 of the W. A. The play “Red Acre Farm” was well put on by a carefully chosen cast of characters from James St., Exeter. The introduction to the play was read by Mrs. C. Walker and the many hearty laughs heard throughout the evening showed how much it was enjoyed. There will be service in the church here on Friday evening of this week Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and Beth, of Usborne, were visitors with Mr. and Mm. F. B'owden on Satur day evening. Miss Ada Mitchell, R. N., of Queen Alexandra Sanitorium, Lon don, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell, Monday. DASHWOOD Dr, W. D. Bryce, LJXS., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week, DR. W. B. COXQN, B.V, Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. Mr. Henr Hopf, of Clifford; Mr. and Mrs. John Runge, of Clifford and Mr. Harry Hopf, of Alsfelflt were Sunday visitors with Mr, and T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Silas jAdams, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Kraft. Mrs. George Koch is on the sick list, We hope for a speedy recov ery. Misses Erma Wein and Freda Ra der, of London, spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Hamacher’ and Mt. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong spent the week-end with Mrs. Hamacher. Mr. Wm. Musser, of Detroit, spent last week with his family here. Mrs. Wiggins, who has been vis iting her sisteri Mrs. Fassold return ed to her home in Ingersoll Tuesday , Miss Reta Hayter, of London, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robei't Hayter. Mr. Leonard Bender has disposed of his bakery business to Mr. E. Koehler, of Kitchener. Mr. Leonard Schroeder, sor, spent the week-end mother Mrs. J. Schroeder. Mr. Edgar Restemeyer, Clements, spent a few days with m'other Mrs. T. Restemeyer, Mr, Milford Koch, of Detroit, vis ited his parents over the week-e*nd. Mr. Fred Hopcroft left Monday for Grand Bend where he will spend the summer, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. attended the funeral of Mrs. Colin Campbell at last Friday. A number attended the John Decker Special Lenten services are being held in the Evangelical church this week. Mrs. S. Gottschalk is confined to her home through illness. Mrs. Stadelbauer and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mt. and Mrs. P. Kraft. of Wind- with his ■of St. his USED CAR BARGAINS? . . . . WE’LL SAY WE HAVE THEM and they carry a 2 day money back guarantee ! Come in and see the • • “ o Just a few are listed here. There are more in stock . , . many with R & G label . . which says 100 per cent Satisfaction or 100 1936 FORD Deluxe Coach, with trunk, radio, hot water heater and many extras cost over $1,000 one year ago. Our price now only $725 1936 FORD Deluxe Coach with trunk, heater and froster. We sold this car new last Steptember $945.00, you can buy it day for only per cent Refund—plus 50- 50 30-day Warranty against repairs! High value—Top condition—Bottom prices! Trucks 1936 FORD . Truck, short wheel base, only gone 12 thousand miles C*77E For only ...................«p I /«) de car for $750 1935 FORD 2-ton Truck, short wheel base, body 7x10 and high racks For only .................. «p / Uv 193S FORD Deluxe Coach with trunk, heater and de froster only been driven 12,000 miles. CEQA Our price today .....yDi/v 1934 FORD 2-lton Truck long wheel base, dual wheels and long body - $650 The pancake social held in church on Wednesday evening was not so well attended although a very enjoyable time .was spent. Quite a number attended the Irish lecture given in Staffa on the same evening to a full house. Miss Olive .Speare returned home after spending the winter in To ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Prospect Hill visited at Mrs. Robinson’s on Sunday last. Mrs. .Scott and Mrs. Miller attend ed the sectional meeting at Strat ford on Thursday last. George Coleman has left for the West, where he intends to farming. Carter Kerslake, son of Mrs. Walton Kerslake has Stratford where he has secured a position with the C.N.R. I-Ie will also join the baseball club of that city. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the pancake supiper held in the basement of the .Presbyterian Church on fit. Patrick’s night. A meeting of the congregation dealing with matters of interest from the Presbytery was successfully carried on immediately after the supper. The rest of the evening was spent in games. Jack Norris has moved from Er-ucefield to the Stewart farm re cently occupied by ’Frank TJaylor who has moved to the farm of John. Cairn's. 5 his ill- to HENSALL Mr. Harolcl Higgins spent a few days at the Beech-C-Pines, Mr. Casey Hudson attended the Ford School, in London last week, Miss Irene Hoggarth -has returned home after spending a few day in Toronto. Mr. R-obt. Drysdale, spent the week-end at his parents. Mr. Harry Wilson, visited over the weekrend friends in town, Miss Margaret Johnston fined to her home for a . owing to illness. Quite a number from Hensail at tended the hockey game in Stratford on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Brock, of Ex- ete,r, were recent visitors with iMr. and Mrs. Scott Welsh. IMrs. Robt. Jarrott, of London, is visiting her sister Mrs. Geo, Hudson and lOther relatives in town. Mrs. Kenneth Hicks and daughter are visiting with Hick’s mother at Parkhill. Miss Emma Johnston has confined to her home for the week suffering from a severe cold. Mr. John Drummond, of Listowei spent the week-end at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Drum?- mond. * Mr. and Mrs. James McLaren and little daughter, of Clinton, visited on Bunday with Mr..and McLaren. Mrs. Harry Abray and of London, visited a day with hei* parents Mr. and Hudson. Mr. Harold Hemphill, of Toronto, visited over the week-end with his parents Mr.- , and Mrs. W. E- Hemphill. Miss Evelyn Hunkiri, of Thames Road visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and IMr. Wm.- L. McLaren. |A number of the Masonic Lodge of this district visited with the John’s Irish Lodge in London Tuesday evening. The auction sale of chatties of late Christopher’. Campbell held Friday last was quite successful, good prices being realized. Mrs. O. McKenzie and children, of Kincardine have returned home af ter visiting with Mrs. McKentzie's parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Drujnmond. Mrs. Wm. Otterbein who has been in a hospital in London for several weeks and underwent an operation has returned home much improved in health. Quite a number of the farmers in this district are busily engaged with the taping of the maple trees and' expect syrup making- will be the or der of the day. The many friends of Mr. Laird Mickle are pleased to see him out again after 'being confined to home for the past week through ness. Mrs. Jas. Hoggarth returned her home on Monday from Toronto where she was- called owing to the serious illnes of a little grandson, who has had pneumonia but is im proving again. The I.O.O.F. of Brucefield at tended the meeting of the Hensail I.O.O.F. on Tuesday evening putting on a degree. A splendid attendance of members was present and a very pleasant evening was .spent. The Keno and Dance to bei held in the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, March 31st, under the aus pices of the Canadian Legion, will be the last of the season. 20 priz es will be given including fowl, hams and groceries. Mr. Alfred Hunkin, of the Thames Road has purchased the barn on Mr. George Ferguson’s property and is ■this week taking it down and mov ing it to his farm. Mr. Ferguson has made several improvements to his property since he purchased it. Mr. Lloyd Cook, manager of the Rock Bottom Cash .Store, is having the interior of his store freshly dec orated in white which adds greatly to the appearance of the store. The work is being done by Edward Little and Dave Kyle. Carmel Presbyterian church will take up Mr. and ©one to XIRKTON Crago had the misfor- caught in a pulley while .on his his arm but Mr. Lester Allen of Thames Road, spent the week-end with .his aunt Mrs. At Goulding. Miss Ella Routly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Sikinnei’,, of London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Crago. (Mr. Roy Francis is able to be out having had the “flu” the past two weeks. Mr. Alex tune to get operating some machinery farm, severely hurting fortunately no bones were broken. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roger, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephens were in Lon don Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Collier and dau ghter Grace spent Sunday in Win- chelsea. Some of the farmers have com menced making syrup. Mr. Ernie Doupe, of London, spent the week-end with his brother Mr. Wilford Doupe. Lakeview Chicks for Better Times Ahead Barred Rocks and New* Hampshire Red Cockerels for sale from a day old to. 5 weeks of age. These MUiST be sold at once to make room for pullets. These are splendid cockerels from foundation stock. Come in and get your requirements at our low prices. Prices are bound to be good next Fall. BARRED ROCK CHICKS We have a limited number of Barred Rock chicks each week. ’ Prices same as for our Leghorns. These are from foundation Stock from 200 choice Breeders on our own PLANT mated to very choice Second Generation R. O. P. Record of Performance Individ ually Pedigreed Cockerels' with records of ,200-300 large eggs- We are very “optimistic” about the Poultry Business for next Fall and Winter and we have good reason to believe that there will be more profit art “Eggs” in 1937-38 than there has been for several years since 1929. Come in and talk it Over and let us teR you why we think so. DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED. Place yohr orders for chicks, sex pullets or four and six weeks old pullets at ONCE for April, May and June delivery. We are booked up tight for February and March hatched pullets and to April 12 and have turned down many early orders so don’t delay in placing your order* for April, May or June delivery now. High Quality Feeds for sale at reasonable prices. Chick Starter, Grow Masli, Laying Mash, Concentrate, etc. Lakeview Poultry Farm WEIN BROS. EXE1M, ONTARIO the in the Mr. ad- MT. CARMEL and Mrs. J. Dalton spent in Goderich. Joseph McKeever returned Oestricher the late Dorchester from hereof relatives funeral of the late Mr. in Zurich on Monday. FORD Deluxe Fordoor Se dan. Like new in every way Only ...... ..................$525 Several good mod. A coup es and Coaches as well as several cars of other makes. Only 1930 CHEVROLET Truck, wheel, base dual $350 long wheels, high rack Only ..................... Several Cheaper Trucks $25 Reward S" ” LLOYD’S THYhlOLATED CORN SALVE, for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It desen sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. A. O, ELLIOT PHONE 64 EXETER x SHIPKA Y. P. S. The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. met in the -church on Friday even ing last. The president John Lam port in charge. Meeting opened by singing hymn 288 and prayer by Rev. J. Johnson. Lillian Love took charge of the meeting. Readings were given by Nola Sweitzer and Lillian Lovie. An address was given by Rev. Mr. Johnson. The remainder of the evening was spent in contests Meeting was closed by tbe Mizpah benediction. Mr. Earl Haist, of 'Crediton, has engaged to work with Mr. • Jacob Ratz for the summer months. Miss Shirley Ulens, of London, visited over the .week-end at home of Miss Lillian Lovie. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and lly spent Saturday in London. Rev. Fl’. Fogarty made the an nouncements on Sunday of the mar riages of Pius Dietrich, son of Mr. Chris. Dietrich and the late Mrs. Dietrich' to. Alexinea Ayotte, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ayotte, of Drys dale; also of Louis Gyoom, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Groom, of Lon don, to Kathleen Morrissey, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Morris sey. The weddings to take place the first part of April. Mr. Wilfred Duchaftoe, of Chath am, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Sunday Mrs. home on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ash, of Detroit, after spending two weeks with friends there. Mr. Frank C'oughlin spent the week-end at Windsor. Mr. Richard Bedard and Hubert Desjardine spent Sunday with the former’s parents in Zurich. Mr. Joseph Regan of Stratford- ville is spending his holidays at his hom’e here. Mr. and Mrs. T. Denomme and family, of Detroit spent the week end with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. The people -of this community were shocked to hear of the sudden death of Wilbert Thompson, who was instantly killed in a gravel pit on his father’s farm. Much pathy is extended to Mr. and Ernest Mrs. fortune day. Mrs. Michael Ryan gave a miscel laneous shower in honor of Miss Helen Glavin, a March bride-elect at her home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich and Ann spent .Sunday with the latter’s parents Mr. and Mrs. gan, of Lucan. A number from the funeral of the Thompson on Friday. IMrs. Harrigan, of Jackson, Mich., is visiting her mother Mrs. Rich. O’Rourke. Mrs. David Gerommette is spend ing a few days with her mother Mrs. Ducharme, of Drysdale. Mr. Gordon O’Rourke is sporting a ’29 De Soto. Roadster. BABY CHICKS A-l Babyi Chicks, Barred Brown Leghorns, Anconas, axu., White Leghorns, 10c.; White Rocks, Jersey Black Giants, New J shire Reds 12c.; Heavy (Surplus 10c; Light Surplus 9 c. For May lc. less. White Indian Runner Ducklings 15c. Write for catalogue giving particu lars. All orders before March, 27 with 25 per cent, gets discount of 5 Rocks, 11c.; Hamp- per cent. A. H. SWITZER Granton, Ontario the fam- THAMES ROAD The March meeting of the W. met at Mrs. Orville Cann’s home, Mrs. Squire, president in charge. After the devotional exercises the secretary, Mrs. C. Aillison gave the roll call, “Helpful Hints for House Cleaning,” The treasurer Mrs. W®. Stone gave her report. It was de cided to hold no meeting for the month of May, Mrs. J. Selves spon sored a good program in which Mrs. Leslie Thomson gave a reading “Courtship of Larry O’Dee.” Cann gave a musical number; Aimer Stewart gave a reading Woman Trustee;” Mrs. Len Harris sang a solo .with guitar accompani ment by Hackney Interest”; from the Ing closed with singing a hymn and repeating the Lord’s prayer in uni son, Tea was served by the com mittee, A. Mrs. Mrs. ‘The Mrs. Squire; Miss Alice gave a reading “Human Mrs. selves recited “Peggy Emerald Isle.” The meet- sym- Mrs. Thompson and family. Michael Ryan had the to. fracture her wrist on Fri- With Spring and Summer coming, farmers will have larger supplies of cream. They will also find a good market for their cream with Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA [B ’OUJtdz- e> is CONGRATULATING Cornelius Re- MR. C. TANTON OF Ideal Meat Market here attended late Wilbert Mrs. Alex. Bailie and were in London Satur- was followed Mission Circle Refreshments close of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin mis- three WHALEN . Miss Marjorie Parkinson is spend ing a few days with Mr, and Mrs. J. Swallow at Woodham. ’ Mr. Grafton Squire spent the week in Toronto with relatives. Mr. D. A. Johnson is visiting in Exeter with Johnson. Mr. and Miss Adrian day. W. M. S. The W. M. S. held their Easter meeting at the church on Friday evening. It was an open meeting. Mrs. Wm. Morley was in the chair. The Easter program hnd soveral of the girls gave readings, were served at the meeting, Bookkeeping taught words-—Boat lead them. Mr. Tanton’s newly-installed Kelvinator-equipped walk-in refrigerator marks him as a progressive merchandiser • . . . his business one which gives the public full protection, finest quality and honest value. It will pay you to patronize deal ers with modern refrigeration This Kelvinator Equipment on this installation was sold and installed by F. G. Wright & Company, Exeter.