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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-03-11, Page 8
THURSDAY, M4RCM It, 1037 Whether your Easter Ensemble requires a coiffure of smart sophis tication or charming simplicity, choose a Bonat Permanent Wave and the result will delight you. Make your appointment now and avoid the Easter rush, Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone 231w H. M. SMITH BEAUTY SHOPPE Exeter Markets Wheat $1.25 Oats 55c Manitoba’s Best $3.90 Welcome Flour $3.40 Shorts $1.»5 Bran $1.80 Low Grade Flour $2.30 Creamery butter 30c Dairy Butter 22-25'C. Eggs, A, large 16c. Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Hogs A. medium 14c. A pullets 12c. B 12c. C 12c. $7,815 LOCALS (arriving home late) guess where I’ve been Huslband Can’t you ; dear?” Wife—|‘‘I your story.” can, but go on with WANTED — Maid, general. Immediately. Apply Dr. Misen- er, Crediton. --------- ------- OYSTERS Mrs. Anna MacDonald, iSpencer Corsetiere. Corsets individually de signed. Style or surgical. Phone 137, Hensail. 3-ll-4tc. Large 50c. a pint Small 45c. a pint — at the — FOUND'—(Two car keys on a small ring Wednesday of last week. Also a single Yale key. Owner may have same by proving property and pay ing for advertisment. WjANTED!—Colony house 10 x 12. Apply at Times-Advocate. Itp. WjAiNTED 'TO RENT—A couple of heated rooms, unfurnished. Apply to Eox 256, Hay P.O. 3-11-2tc. WEANED PIGS FOR SAfLE—Also a 21 inch, horse collar. Apply at the Times-Advocate. LOST—In Exeter North near the corner, on or about the 2nd of Mar. a valuable open-face gold watch. This watch is highly prized. Finder please leave at the Times-(Advocate and receive reward. WANTED'—'House to. rent, at Times-Advocate. Apply FOR iSALE!—Nordheimeir Player Piano. Player part can be removed if desired. Apply at Times-Advo- cate. FOR SALE—8x10 ft. colony house and 500 Clhick Brooder stove at Lot 14, Con. 3, Stephen, C. W. Christie, Exeter.Itp. your Dry You can Now is the time to get Cleaning done for Easter, get better service by having it done as early as possible befpre the biig rush. Prices are right: Ladies' dresses 60, Men's suits 60e felt hats 50c, 'Overcoats, spring 80c, heavy $1.00. HARNESS BARBER SHOP Ontario Dry Cleaners and Dyers NOTICE—We have purchased a new circular saw and iate your patronage. Phone Crediton 47r5 would apprec- Leon Dearing 3-4-2tp FARMS FOR SALE 200 acres in Blanshard Twp., good, buildings and land; also bush well situated. IDEAL MEAT MARKET Phone 38 Main St. Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Geddes. Miss Stella Southcott and Mrs. F. M. Boyle have been visiting for sev eral days in Toronto. Messrs. Orval Fiayne and Ray mond Sercomb, of Forest, visited in and around Exeter recently. Miss Helen Beattie, of Wingham, has opened up a Beauty Shoppe in Mr. E. 'O. Harness’ Barber Shop. Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Kauf man and Mrs. B_eavers spent Friday last visiting with Mrs. Mary Gould, of Hay. Mr. John Dignan returned home last week after spending the winter with his daughter Mrs. Brown, of Kingsville. Mr. and Mrs, Toronto, visited mother, Mrs. J. week-end. Truck drivers the overloading of trucks during the months of March and April. Half loads .are now in effect. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowcliffe have returned home after visiting for tiwo weeks with their daughter, Mrs. and Wm. Edmunds, of Flint, Mich. The Exeter badminton players will play a return visit to Seaforth this (Wednesday) evening. About twenty players are motoring over. Mrs. W. C. Dayman (nee Verda Sims) who has been ill in Victoria Hospital, returned to the home of her parents where she is recuperat ing. • i Mrs. Kaufman, who has been vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers has returned her daughter, Mrs. Glencoe. Mr, Geo. Dunn lost horse on Saturday. It on the 2nd concession W. A. Patrick, of with Mrs. Patrick’s C. Snell, over the are warned .against to visit with Singleton at a valuable dropped dead o£ Hay while’ v**. wa uwv • UH Lll’t? 2LL1 UUUvCwmIU JI 1)1 -O-txy 1111*2 109 acres 2£ miles from St. Marys Mr. Dunn was returning home from ’' ’ ' Dashwood. • Mrs. George Willert and son Al bert, of Petrolia., and 'Mrs. Al. Bow man, of Detroit, visited over J’“ week-end at the home of Mr. Mrs. Evelyn Broderick. Miss 'Olive Coxworth,' Reg.N., ited with Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Weekes Friday and Saturday while enroute from Montreal to her home in Van couver. Mrs. W. T. Acheson, returned on Saurday, after spending a week with her son Charles B., in. Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson motored down with her and also visited in Forest. Miss Lenore Haberer, of Zurich, was a successful candidate for Grade X piano in the recent Toronto Con servatory examinations. Miss Haber er is a pupil of Mr W. R. Goulding, A.T.CjM. Mr. R. L. Beavers, of the Cana dian Bank of Commerce, Sarnia, re ceived word last week that he had been, succssful in passing the Fellows Course in Banking, through Queens University, Kingston. Messrs. Alvin Moir, Ross Ok© and Arthur Mitchell took in the excur sion to Toronto Saturday and at tended the hockey game between the Montreal Canadians and the Maple Leafs. Mr. Mitchell remained over to spend the week with his sis ter. on highway; convenient to school; fair buildings. For prices and terms write or see D. I. Whaley, St. Marys R. R. 3. 3-4-2tp. WANTED—AMBITIOUS HUSTLER. Sell Rawleigh Products. Needed every home. Easily sold. Pleasant work. Should start earning $25.0 0 weekly and increase rapidly. We teach you how. Rawleiglr’s, Dept. No. ML-202-50, Montreal, Canada. FOR SALE—100-acre farm con venient to Exeter. Good house and barn, in good state of cultivation very reasonably priced.—C. V. Pick ard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE—'Frame house and about one acre of land in Exeter. Here is a chance for someone to se cure a home at a price less $1,000.—C. V. Pickard, phone Exeter. than 1-6'5, vis THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE • •9 IN LADIES SPRING COATS AT $2,49 AND $3.93; $3.50; $3,95; $5.95 TO $10.95 H a.m.- PER YARD 50c. GROCERY SPECIALS AMBER HONEY 45c ■ Southcott Bros Exeter, Phone 16Hensail, Phone 16 THERE WILL BE its 3 7 Services .. 35c. $1.50 Services Hall. Rector, Rev. Mt. A. Hunt. Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir-Leader, Mr. MiddlemisH p.m.- p.m.- TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH The Pentecostal MIZPAH MISSION Located in Leavitt’s Hall, Slain Street ENGLISH SHIRTS AND SHIRTINGS Made from an exceptional good wear ing cloth in splendid patterns The goods by the yard is Shirts made up, each ..... 11 3 p.m.- 7 p.m.—.The Minister Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Y. P. U. Thursday 7.30 p.m.—Prayer Meeting PURE LINEN ROLLER TOWELLING Made in England. A good wearing quality and a good dryer SPECIAL AT PER YARD 22c. 10 lb. pails . . 75c CONDENSED MILK Eagle Brand. Orange Marmalade Large Jar 25c ENGLISH PYJAMA & FLANNELETTES The best qualities and value we have offered for years. You will like the new Patterns. WHITE AND COLORED per yd. 25c. BALLOON CLOTH FOR SHEETING AND PILLOW COTTON A wonderful wearing fine weave cotton woven in England. 42 in. pillow cotton per yard 35c.; 72 inch sheeting per yard 65c. Per tin............19c LARD Choice Home rendered Per lb.................15c CORN Standard Quality 3 cans for . . . 25c Golden Bantam CORN 2 cans ..... 19c CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Douglas Q. Hill, B.A., B.D. Minister Mrs. J. G. Coclwane, Organist 10 a.m,—-Sunday School 11 a.m.—3rd sermon in the series "‘Christ’s Teaching concerning the Cross.”Text: St. Matt. XXVI 12—"She did it for my burial.” 7 p.m.—"The Eighth Commandment in Modern Life” Text: shalt 8.15 dei’ the musical lowship. Exodus XX 15— "Thou not steal.” p.m.—Fellowship houir un- auspices of the Y.P.G.'A. fi111® program and Christian Fel- Everyjbody welcome. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R, Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir-Leader 11 a.m.—'‘The man who made good' 3 p.m.—(Sunday School 7 p.m.—'‘New men for a new age” Wednesday 8 p.m.—Prayer _ Service Thursday 8 p.m.—<Y. P. Union Easter Sunday 7 p.m, — The choir will render the "Crucifixion.” MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. E. Elliott, Minister Miss Evelyn Huston Organist and Choir-Leader —The Minister Bunday School Fifth Sunday in Lent -Sunday School -A Lenten Message. every Wednesday night at 8 o’clock will be held in the Parish Special Notice for Thursday, 8 pan. The pastor of the Pentecostal church in Goderich will be our guest speaker for the evening. Rev. H. J. Underhill will no doubt extend a warm welcome to all. Services for Sunday, March 14th 2:30 p.m.—School and Bible Class.' 3:30 p.m.—'Devotional. Pastor, J. T. Edgar few ashes when your fuel is D. & H. Cone-Cleaned Anthracite. D. & H. gives ample heat for the most extreme cold and yet is capable of being controlled so that it will burn very, very slow ly in mild weather, saving fuel. Try a ton JAS. P. BOWEY Sun Life Representative Phones: Office 33; Res. 157j New Styles in Cloths We are showing a splendid new range of New Coats for Spring in Misses and Ladies. You will like the new Styles and Cloths. They are very reasonably priced. Beautiful Smart New Dresses For Spring In printed and plain materials. They come with short or long sleeves. Exception al values. New Merchandise Direct Fron England We are placing in stock today a large shipment of new merchandise from England. It comprises Silk Dress Goods, Rayons, Linen Table Cloths and Napkins, all Linen To welling, Pyjama Cloths, Flannelettes, Shad-ow Cloths, Shirtings, Rugs, etc, There are some wonderful values in this shipment. We invite you to call and inspect these. ENGLISH TURKISH TOWELLING Buying these direct we are able to get better qualities at much less money SEE OUR VALUES AT 15c, 20c, and 25c. Wallpapers Wallpapers We want you to see our fine new range of New Wallpapers. Brighten up the in terior of your home this spring. The cost is not great. ROOM LOTS AT $1.19; $1.29; $1.49; $1.79 AND $1.99 DOWN PROOF SATEEN In a very good pattern and color com bination. An English cloth that will stand the wear SALT Clean 50 lb. bags. HEINZ STRAINED FOOD FOR BABIES CORN SYRUP 5 lb. pails . 10 lb. pails . Bee Hive . . 37c . . . 69c FOR SALE PEA ENSILAGE ♦ $1.50 per ton Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays 8 a.m. to 12 CANADIAN CANNERS noon Main Street Men’s Union The Men’s Union of Main Street United church met Wednesday; ev ening of last week with the newly elected president, Mr. Charles Johns in the chair. The Scripture lesson was read Iby Charles Pearce and Mr. Pearce was appointed secretary tak ing the place of Mr. Koch, who re signed. Mr. C. W. Godbolt sang a couple of solos. A talk on Journal ism was given by J. M. iSoutlicott. A vote .of thanks was tendered those taking pant. People’s Cash Shoe Store WM. H. PARTLO, Proprietor Shoes to Fit the Family” ILLUSTRATED LECTURE $25 Reward S* S LLOYD’S THYMOLARED CORN ■SALVE, .for any corn or callous THEy cannot remove, with this won derful new scientific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sen- sitises, and relieves pain with first application. For sale at WALKER’S DRUG STORE, EXETER. - Youn<J Men • •. Want Style k. EXETER ONTARIO on an lecture "Homes From was given by Rev. Spring Shoes Are Arriving Daily Styles that are in the Spot light for Spring Blacks, Browns, Bitlies and Grey in the new High Front Ties, Straps & Sandals also Walking Oxfords, Corrective Tiefs priced reasonably at $1.98, $2.49, $2.98, $3.45 $3.98 $4.98 j See the Spring RED SCHOOL HOUSE SHOES fdr Children Il and Misses Sizes 8 1.-2 to 12 $1.98; Sizes 12 1-2 to 3 $2.25 Flower lovers enjoyed a treat Friday evening Of last week when illustrated Coast to' 'Coast’ J. J. Brown, of Lucan, in the Main St. United Church under the aus pices of the Exeter Horticultural Society. The pictures showed many beauty spots throughout the Domin ion and particularly on the prairies where trees, shrubs and flowers had transformed the appearance of many a home. Mr. J. F. L. Simmons, or the department of Lands and Forests Toronto, also gave a short instruc tive address on reforestation, illus trated ibyi pictures. Reforestation nt the present time is receiving consid erable attention and millions of trees from various nurseries are now available for transplanting. A Violin selection was played by Miss Marion Powell and a duet was sung by Miss M. Follick and Mrs. N. Hockey, Miss Merna Sims being the accompanist in both cases. Rev. Mr. Elliott also sang a solo, 't’he president, Mr. G. S. Howard, occupied the chair, vote of thanks was tendered speakers and entertainers. HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Saturday, being the birthday of one of our remarkable old ladies, 'Mrs. Janet Hamilton, formerly a resident of Exeter, a party was held in honour of her 82nd birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Sillery on Friday evening. Many rel atives were present numbering about forty in all. An enjoyable evening was spent in music and games. Mrs. Hamilton received many gifts, cards and flowers on this memorable oc casion from the numerous friends and relatives. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and the even ing closed in everyone extending their best wishes for Mrs. Hamilton’s health for many years to come. As the clock struck twelve the follow ing address was read to Mrs. Ham ilton by her brother, Mr. John T. ’Allison, who presented a sweater to her: Dear Janet, Mrs. Hamilton: Yours years now number eighty-two; The clans best wishes we bring to you; May you remain as knld and true As during the years that youj’ve lived through. We hope this sweater will keep you warm, So chilly blasts will ne’er you harm, And may it |be to you a charm, So you’ll ne’er feel pain in head nr arm. May you over bright and happy The most contented woman on or sea; From sorrow and pain may you be free; we meet again when you’ire eighty-three, Our Spring Clothes will meet the approval of the well dressed man. Style is the key-note of every suit we turn out. Prices from $20 up W. W. T A M A N PHONE 81 EXETER, ONT. ■feet, be, land Till M.J. A K. A the *l*he London Free Press Exeter Titncs-Advocato are and now the $7, Main Street W. A. Entertains James Street James Street Women’s Associa tion 'Were guests of .the Main Street Women’s Association, on Thursday afternoon of last week. Short bus iness meetings were held previous to the two societies uniting for the progfam and social time together. A very entertaining program was put on by the James Street ladies as follow,s: solo, 1 heading, Iby Mrs, strumental duet, and and Mrs. solo Was ___ . . ... _ . a quartette by Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Lindenfield and Mrs. Goulding. The hostesses then serv ed a very dainty lunch. The room Was nicely decorated. Margaret Strang Auxiliary The Margaret Strang Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs, Atkinson on Tuesday at 4.15. Under the dir- ertion of Miss Jeckell and Mr. Hill, the members tried a written test on Genesis. This is first of- a series of studios will cOvoi* ’tlifi whole Bible. The person, obtaining the highest mark is to receive a Scoffield Bilblo. by Miss Ella Link; Eari Shapton; in- by Mrs,. V. Kestle ; a very instructive talk was given by A. 0. Elliot sang a ■Mrs. Batson interesting, page; Mrs. __ . "The 01d Rugged Cross” which pantomined by, Miss Rota Rowe; I crokinole party The Y. P. U. of the James ited church held a successful ole party Thursday evening week. • play. _ ____ „.o„ Miss Freda LOvie and ''Mrs. J. M. Southcott wore tie and in the play off the latter won. The gents* prize »was won by Mr, deci! Rowe; Re freshments were served rounding out a very pleasant evening, ,St. Un- crokin- „ o,f last There were twelve tables in For the ladibs’ high prize