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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-25, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY ZG, 1037 HENSALL Mr. Harold Bonthron, of New Market, was home for the week end. iMjss Clara Volland who has been seriously ill for some time is now improving, . Misses Annie and Martha Car lisle, of Lonclon, spent the week end at their home. Mrs, Alf. Taylor who has been in very pooi’ health for some time is now improving, Mrs. Otto Stephen spent a few days last week visiting with Hills- green relatives., Miss Mae McNauigliton, of Toron to, spent the week-end with her father and .brother. Mrs, Dr, Cawthrope and son Joe, of Tavistock, were -recent visitors in town with relatives. Mr. Robt. Drysdale, who is at tending business college at London, spent the week-end with bis par ents. Mrs. Fred Corbett, of Hay, is spending a few days in town visit ing with her daughter iMrs, Roy Mc Laren, iFirstbrook, Monteith & Co., char tered accountants, of Stratford were here last week auditing the muni cipal books. • Mr. Walter -Spencer left recently for the Southern States, where he will spend a month in the interest of his health. While in Exeter on Friday even ing last Mr. Gordon Parker had his car badly smashed while parked on Main Street. The many friends -of -Mr. Rojbt. Parsons will be sorry to healr that he has been very poorly at his home here for several weeks. The Hen-sail Citizens Band seren aded Mr. and. Mrs. Scott Welsh at their home on Thursday evening and presented them with a beauti ful hydro lamp. Mr. Welsh is a member of the band. Dlr, and Mrs. J. ,.S. Tapp left this week for Ottawa where Dr. Tapp has accepted a position with the National Research Council. Dr. and Mrs. Tapp have been spending the past few months since their return from England with the (former’s parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tapp, of Hensall. The Y. P. L. of the United church met on Monday with a splendid at tendance with Ian Filshie presiding. The pleasin-g feature of the evening was the delightful address on ‘First Aid’ given by Dr. Donald Steer, 'which everyone present enjoyed and (found interesting and instructive. A piano solo by Miss Greta Lammie a solo by Mrs. Maud Hedden with Miss Eleanor Fisher as accomp’an- ist weire mu-ch enjoyed. Bible Society • The annual meeting of the Hen sall branch of the British and Foreign Bible iSociety was held in the town hall on Wednesday even ing last. The president, Mr. J. W. Ortwein, presided. The Dominion. Secretary, Rev. \Denn|y B)righ/t, ;of London, was present and delivered an address. A splendid quartette was rendered by Dr. -Smillie, Rev. Mr. You-ng, W. O. Goodwin and Mr. W. A. McLaren. Ladies’ Aid |The February meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Presbyterian church was held in the school room of the church on Thursday after noon at 4 o’clock with Miss Hannah Mjurray- presiding. The -meeting opened ’by singing Psalm 109 and all repeating the. Lord’s prayer. It was decided to hold ,t-he ’ire&u(lar monthly meeting the third Tuesday . of each month. Quite a number of important business matters were taken up and discussed. The meet ing closed tion. with the Mizpah benedic- Welsh-Clark wedding was solemnized0 A quiet at the United Chulr-ch, Stratford, on Saturday afternoon, February 13th, at three’ o’clock, when Hazel Feme, third daughter of Mr. and Mirs, H. C. Clarke, of Exeter, became * the bride ef Thomas 'Scott Welsh, only son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas ■'Welsh, of Hensail. Rev. J. F. Reycraft, formerly of Ridgetown, officated. The bride was pretty in .an appli- q-ued dress of Coronation blue with accessories to- match, were unattended. Mr. Welsh will reside in Hensail have now got nicely settled in Joynt Apalr-tments. > Keno and Dance The Keno- and dance held in Town. Hall -on Friday evening under the auspices of the Canadian Legion was a splendid success. The hall was filled. During the early part of the evening Keno wag play ed and great interest taken in the games. Splendid prizes werefe -giv en consisting of chicken, picnic hams and baskets of groceries. After lunch dancing was indulged in till the early morning hours, music ibeing supplied -by Wm. Hyde, Edward Little, Fred Beer with Miss Audrey Cochrane as accompanist -on the piano. The net proceeds go charity and the Legion intend put on another Keno and dance Honsall in about two weeks. Hensail Junior Institute The Hensall Junior Institute held their monthly meeting on Wednes day evening at the horns of Miss Beryl Pfaff with Miss Maude Mc Lean presiding. Following the (op ening exercises, the motto ‘Purpose’ is what gives life its meaning was given by Miss Hannah Murray; a piano solo by Miss Gladys Luker;- demonstration in knitting by Miss Louise Drummond; methods of us ing cotton apd woolens by Mrs. A. Filshie; judging by MISS Clark, of articles made from one yard of fac tory cotton, (resulted in the follow ing prize winners; 1st, Miss Verda Watson; 2nd Miss Maude McLean; 3rd Mrs. M. G. Drysdale, Lunch was Served. Welfare of Youth Club The "Welfare of Youth, Club of The couple and Mrs. and the the last to to in , Carmel Presbyterian church held their regular weekly meeting on Monday evening in the school room of the chur-ch. There was a splen did attendance. Miss Beryl Pfaff presided. The meeting took the form of Authors’ Night, Mr.’ Robt. Moore gave an intelresting address on “What to Read and Ho-w to Read It.” Mr. E. K, Hutton spoke on Charles Dickens and Miss Jean Mc Queen and Mrs. Robt. Cameron spoke on Canadian authors. Rev,| Mr. Young then- took as his subject, I “The Life of Henry Drummond.’’ Mirs. - Life Rev, Mrs. oral with CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. Bert Amy Leslie and their daughter Mrs. Roy (Gordon and two all of Brantford, visited on Sunday with the former’s brother Mr, and Mrs. William Mawhinney near Orediton. A fair crowd enjoyed the bounti ful oyster supper put on by Group one of the W. A. of the United Church, proceeds were encouraging. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth and sons Reginold and Reynold, of Hen sall, visited in the village on Sun day. Quite a number of this commun ity are confined to their homes with the flu. Mr, Henry Eilber is not enjoying good health at present. . His many fiernds wish him a speedy and com plete recovery. I Mr. and Mrs. rich, spent the and Mrs. H. K. Betty Lou Swartz, daughter of __ and Mrs. Lome Swartz, had the mis fortune to break her arm Monday. She was playin-g in the barn o-f a neighbor with some other -children when the accident happened. Each. .Sunday during the Lenten- season the United Church Sunday School are procuring special speak ers and special music in addition- to the regular service. In accordance with this plan last Sunday Messrs. E. King, T. Yearley, E. Chambers and H. Mitchell ably assisted in song. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mclsaac and WOODHAM THAMES ROAD and son Mr. and children, R. Y, McLaren spoke on the of Joseph C-pnrad; a quartette and Mrs. Y-oung and Mr. arid W. A. McLaren, rendered sev- selections. The meeting closed a hymn and the benediction. ° Celebrates Her 81st Birthday Mrs. Leah Kipfer, of Zurich, cele brated her 81st birthday on Febru ary 18th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kipfer, A number of I her irelatives and friends spent the | day and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer and family, Mr. " ” “ Mrs. Byron Kyle, -of Hensall; and Mrs. |Leesome Desjardine -<and family, of Grand Bend; Mr. and Mirs. Jake Gingerich and family,, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Merner and Miss Ida Ki-pfer, of Zurich. The j home was nicely, decorated fo-r the occasion. iShe had a beautiful birth day cake decorated in pink and white with green -candles. There were present 2 sons,, 4 daughters, 14 .grandchildren and 4 great -grandchildren. Mrs. Kipfer is hale and I hearty, enjoying life and her many daughter, of.DetToiT,"s*peMthe’w^ek- friends wish her many more happy end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaac. birthdays. Y. P. A. Valentine Meeting *The Young People’s meeting took tire form of a Valentine meeting with a splendid crowd and a good -program. The meeting opened with I thr’death o?her“ grandmother/ “ a hymn, and prayer by Rev. Mr. Q T ~ ° „ .... x. The E. L. C. of the EvangelicalSinclair. General business meeting. churc]1 holding an “Old Timers Meet- Selections were given by the Hyde in,g» ,on Friday evening. Letters of or-chestira; Miss Florence Weigh, a greetings from former ministers will ■piano instrumental; Joyce Broder- be read. Members o-f the congrega- ick, solo-, accompanied on the piano tion are cordially invited to be pres- by Miss Welsh; reading by Miss ent and participate in this unique Verda Watson; instrumental by Au- meet'n'g- drey Cochrane; reading on ISt. Vai- Dr. Morrison and Clarence Eilber entine by Pearl Harpole; solo, Bella | spent a few days with Smale; reading; ib-y Miss Ellis. The meeting closed by singing a hymn and all repeating the Lord’s prayer. A social ho-wr was spent in games and contests. -Miss Verda Watson, Ian Filshie and JAlex Filshie were in charge of the evening. -Candy served. W. M. S. Meeting The February meeting- of Women’s Missionary Society Carmel Presbyterian church held on Thursday afternoon in basement of the church. Mrs. Y. McLaren presided. The meeting opened 'by singing a hymn and pray er led by Mrs. Harry Arnold. r~' With her. She entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kyle, Mr. and Mr. Mr. Ward Fritz, of week-end with Eilber. Zu- Mr. Mr, “Miss 'Edna Beaver, of London, who has ibeen home with an attack of the flu has improved. Mrs. Lawrence Wein* is teaching for a .few days relieving Miss Hod gins, who was called home owing to Mr. -Chas. Eilber. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle, Exeter Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clank- and son Glen, of Detroit, spent the week-end with M.r. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. Musical Program The Crediton Choral Society are presenting a musical program in the Town Hall the middle o-f March. t-hel'®110111 present satisfactory state 1 „ of progress the public is promised ° an opportunity to enjoy an excel- lent entertainment.trie R-1 Lecture and Lanteni Slides ____ . - . - - On Monday evening, March 1st ater led by Mrs. Harry Arnold. * The [ 8 o’-clock in , the Town Hall, the Scripture lesson was taken by Miss Women’s Institute are having Miss I. Dougall. The minutes of the pire- Marion Turville, of the War Me-m- vious meeting, was read -by the sec- orial Hospital, London, -give a lec- retary and ado-pted. (The roll call ture and lantern slides on the work was called with “Courage” "as the I there. Everyone is cordially invit- text word. The president, Mrs. C. ed to attend. A silver collection Hudson, took chairge of the busi- will be taken, ness period. After singing a hymn , the offering was taken. Mrs. W. A. womens Young favored with a beautiful and February appropriate solo. Mrs. R. Y. Me- A. ,Qif the United Laren gave an excellent paper on | the Church, was Association meeting of the W. ■Church was -held in La-ren gave an excellent paper on | Church, Februairy 11th. The mission work in Manchuria, where president in the ehair. The meeting the late Rev. Dr. Johnathan Goforth opened by singing hymn 223 follow- labored faithfully for many years. e(j -^y ,prayer £y the president and The meeting -closed by singing, a Lord’s prayer in unison. Sixteen hymn and all repeating the Lord's members and three visitors answer prayer. e(j roji cau from March with Death of Mrs. David Shen-yi some Easter quotations. Readings Ti . .... x x were given by Mrs. Kerr and Mrs.It is with deep regret that we giwi'cker also- harmonica duet -by have to write of the death of Mrs. h^rs Keirr and Mrs. Lovie. Meeting David Sherry, which occurired at her cj,oseQ with hymn and prayer. Host- late -h-ome, Hay Township -on Sun-1 eSges were Mrs. F. Kerr, Mrs. ,da.y morning. Mrs. Sherry had not zwicfc0r served a dainty lunch, (been in good health for some time and a couple of weeks a-go she suf- To Organize Mission Circle fered a severe stroke from whichshe failed to -rally. Mrs. Sherry was The members of the . True Blue formerly Miss Mary'J. Urquhart and class of the Evangelical -Sunday was boirn in Toronto 63 years ago. School met at the home of their She was the last member of her fam-1 teacher, Miss A. Gaiser for the par ity. For a number of years she was pose of organizing a Young people’s th© milliner at the J. A. Stewart’s Mission Circle. The meeting opened store and was velr.y popular with the with p-rayer and the singing of the public. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sherry were creed, “I would be true” followed married 3(6' years ago- and went to by Scripture and topic dealing with live on the Sherry homestead farm, the “Macedonian Call to the Apostle Lot 115, Con. 2, Hay Township and Paul,” The pastor Rev. A. E. Pletcii having resided there being highly re- who had charge of the proceedings spected -residents. Besides her bus- explained the constitution. Officers band she is survived by one son Al- the ensuing year were as -follows: bert, at home. The funeral took President, Addileen Gaiser, Vice place from her late home on Tues- President, Mrs Lawrence Wein; Re day afternoon with interment talc- cording Secretary, Ru-by Finkbeiner; ing -place in the Hensail Union ceme- Corresponding Secretary, Clara GaiS- tery. The funeiral services (Were I e*v; Treasurer, Irene Fa'hner; pianist conducted by'Rev. M. A. Hunt, rec- Leia Mollard; Assistant, Gladys Ratz tor of St. Paul’s Anglican c-hurch T>inVand Rev. W. A. Young, of Carmel Successful Play Presbyerian Church. A very successful event whs the play “Deacon Dubhs” sponsored by the Young People’s Society of the Evangelical church recently in the Town Hall. The three-act comedy drama presented by a well chosen | cast under the direction Of Alvin jiFinkbeiner and Alma Shaith show ed splendid talent and careful in struction and the attention of the audience who gained much merri ment throughout the entire evening was unequalled. The cast of char acters were: (Deacon Duibjbs) Law rence Wein, (Miss philippina Popp- lover) Ruby Finkbeiner, —■ • ■ Coleman) Mrs. Lawrence (Rose Raleigh) Clara (.Emily Dale) Nola Faist, (Yennie Yensen) Marguerite Gettinger; (Ro den Crawley) Eldon Smith; (Amos Coleman) Gordon Ratz; Moses McNaught) Harry (Deiitero'nOmy Jolies) Ray Attractive stage settings added feature of the play. CREDITON EAST Mrs. Wilson Anderson and ' Mrs. Chris. Ran spent a few * days in Exeter last week owing to the ill ness of their brother Mr. Wm, Mit chell. Mr. Frbd Waghorri, who has been receiving tireatmentUn Victoria Hos pital, London, for Some time re turned home last week. Mr. T, H. Yule, Mr. and Mrs. F. Scheidirig, Mrs. Wm. Heatherley and Mrs. M. Newman, all of London, vis ited Saturday 5Vith Mr. arid Mrs. H. Motz. , ML Mark Mitchell, of Exeter is visiting his sister Mrs. Wilson An derson. M'L and Mrs. Eldon Merner arid ehiidi’en, of ML Carmel, spent Mon day yrtth Mr. arid Mrs. David Baird, Mr. and Mrs. John Sims and two sons and Mr, Fverett Sims Spent Suhday near Pl Stanley. Mrs. Joseph Bullock returned home Monday after a few days spent With her patents Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Gower near Centralia. Mrs. Gower is confined to her bed through, ill ness. c. (Trixie Weiin; Gaiser; (Major Htrtzel; Morlook. 'were an ___________ ... ....... The pto- doeds amounted to $53.00 which will be devoted to the financial require ments of the congregation. Much of the success of the evening was due to- the untiring efforts of the Presi dent, Alvin. Finkboine-r and Miss Al ma Smith. The former presided at the meeting. 'The last community meeting was held in- the basement of the -church on Monday evening of last week with an attendance of 140. The president occupied the chair. The minutes of the last meeting was read and adopted and Rev.. W, M. Love grove led in prayer. Community singing was enjoyed for a while. An interesting address was- given by the pastor; Mrs. V. Chatlen gave a reading, the Misses Verna Scott and Audrey gave guitar and mouth organ selections, John Tomlinson read a poem, Mrs. Alex Berryhill favored with a solo, Mr. G. Wheeler gave several readings, Mrs. (Rev.) Lovegrove gave a splendid reading. Contests were indulged in and much enjoyed. A dainty lunch was serv ed by a committee in charge. It was decided to hold the next meet ing on- Friday evening, February 2(6. Mr, and Mrs, H. Anderson, Wash ington, were -recent visitors at the latter's home here. Mrs, Harold Thompson, -who has been ill with the flu we are pleased to say is able to be out again. Mrs. Sidney Mills who- has been quite ill we are glad to know that she- is somewhat improved. M-rs. Jas. Squire who has been laid up with an attack of blood poisoning is recovering nicely. Miss Reah Mills, nurse, who has been attending -returned home. Mr. and Mrs. ■Kirkton, visited ter’s home here. Miss Elizabeth Lovegrove, nurse, is at the time of writing Mrs. Theron Creery, who Mrs. H. Tufts 'lias Laverne Stone, of recently at the lat- attending is ill. SPBCI[AIL Beautiful, , 66-piece dinner set, regular $20.00 for $14.95 at S. “ ‘ ‘ "B. Taylor’s Jewellery Store. KIRKTON G. Jose, Mr, A. Bickell, Dr.Dr. Campbell, Mr. R. -Humphreys, Mr. G. H. Burger and Mr. Jas. Robinson went to Toronto Wednesday, Feb ruary 24th a's delegates to wait >on the Hepburn Government in connec tion with paving No. 23 highway. IMrs. Jas. McCullough, of Clande- boye, spent the past week with her father Mr. M. Gregory, who is quite ill at the time of writing. iMrs. Truman- Tufts and baby re turned to her home after spending the past two weeks with, her sister Mrs. Roy Kirk, of Woodham. Mr. Gordon Rathburn, of Granton, who got hurt by falling from a tree which he was pruning is convales cing with his sister Mrs. A. Irvine. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paynter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Am-os Do-upe. Misses Marium Tufts and Jean Hocking were guests with Mr. and Mrs. D. Goulding on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hotson spent Sunday at Avonlbank with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hotson. Miss Cora Ker slake, of Wayiburn, -Sask., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake. The Young People of Kirkton United -church are presenting • their play “Home Acres” on March Sth. Mr. and M-rs. Blatchford and fam ily,. of Detroit, spent the past with Mir. and Mrs. P. Doibbs. GRAND BEND week Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender -return ed Saturday from California where they spent the forepart of the win ter and report a very poor winter in the- south. Rev. J. B. Moore left Sunday ev- . ening after church service for Tor onto where he expects to hear the Rev. Dr. (Stanley Jones, of India, speaik Monday and Tuesday. The sympathy of the community is extended to the Hodgins’ family in the loss of their mother M.rs. Hodgins, who was one of the early settlers of the community, she being ninety-one years of age. She was al ways known as Mrs. (Jimmie B.) Hod-gins and was very .highly thought of in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Mason- and family weire Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Mason. Mrs. Lizzie England returned home from St. Joseph’s Hospital, on -Saturday but not as much improved as was hoped for. Mrs. Fred Kadding, of th© Blue Water Highway, north, visited Mrs. Hettie Baker on Sunday. M-r. Mervin Desjardine, of Lon don, visited at his home on Sunday. Mr. Joe Desjardine has improved the interior of his store with a coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. John Love spent -Sun day with their son- William on the farm. Mrs. Morris Tiederman, who has been in Detroit returned home Sat urday. W. M, S, The W. M. S. held their meeting at the home of Mrs. N. Passmore on Friday. The Day of Prayer being observed with a good attendance. The president opened with hymn 139 and the Lord’s prayer in unison. The Scrip ture lesson was read by Mrs. John Selves. The secretary then read a letter of thanks received from par ties in -Saskatchewan who received the bales sent them. World’s Day of prayer program was then follow ed with Mrs. Wiseman giving the prayer for the United church; a prayer for our missionaries by Mrs. A. Gardiner; a prayer for the com munity on temperance by Mrs. Mair a prayer for the youth of our country by Mrs. P. Stone; a prayer for His Majesty the new King and his family by Mrs. , A. Stewart. Hymn 148 was then sung, followed by a leaflet on “Jesus the Friend of Women and Children” read by Mrs. W. Ferguson. An address was then given by Mrs. Mair on “The purpose of World Day of Prayer.” A read ing was then given by Mrs. Wise man. Hymn 388 was then sung. A leaflet on “In the Footsteps of the Master” was given by Mrs. W. Allison. Hymn 56-8 and the meet ing was closed with prayer. annual World’s CENTRALIA and Mrs. Wm. Skelton,ofMr. Clinton, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Miss Iva Brokenshire, of Windsor, spent the week-end with Mrs. Bro kenshire and Mrs. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard spent Monday evening of this week Mr, and Mrs. L. Rowcliffe of borne. Mr. Gordon- McDonald spent week-end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock visit ed during the past week with rela tives in Toronto and fit. Catharines, Miss Mary O’/Birien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Huxtable and Marie, of Exeter, were Sunday visit ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins spent the week-end with friends at Zurich. Mr. Samuel Essery celebrated his 93rd birthday* last week. •Miss church day. Mrs. the week-end with her daughter Miss Evelyn Clarke at the home of Mirs. Fletcher. Don’t forget the Oyster Supper in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday evening of this week fol lowed by a play to be presented by members of the Thames Road Church. Mirs. Fred Pen-warden assisted with the pro-gram in Eden School on Friday with Us- the Greta Pollard sang at the service at Whalen on Sun- Clanke, of Goderich, spent last. Centralia W M. S. February meeting was held .basement of the church on The in the Friday, the 12th. Mrs. N. Mitchell presided over the devotional part of the program and was assisted by Mrs. Sholdice and Mrs. G. McFalls. Mrs. A. MciFalls took the chair for the business. .Final arrangements were made for our oyster supper to be held on the 25th with the play from Thames Road. At three o’clock the World Day of Prayer service was held with Mrs. McFalls as leader, the printed pro grams were used. Several members led in prayer and Mrs. Peniwairden sang a solo. Miss Flossie Davey told why this special service was held. There was a good attendance and all that it •while. those present must have felt had all been well worth L $25.00 Mattress for $22.00 Mattress for $18.00 Mattress for .... $15.50 $14.00 Mattress for ..... $12.50 $12.00 Mattress for....... $11.50 $10.00 Mattress for.......$ 8.50 $ 8.00 Mattress for ..... $ 6.50 $ 7.00 Mattress for .... $ 5.50 $22.50 $18.50 at Rowe’s Store KHIVA Mr. Earl Stebbins met with a very painful accident on Monday while sawing wood with the circular saw at Mr. Joseph Regier’s of Mount Carmel, His hand came in contact with the saw cutting a nasty gash which required 21 stitches to close. Mir. (Stebbins is suffering consider able pain. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hoffman, of Zu rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann. Messrs. Wm. Ratz and J. Barry have purchased a new McCormick- Deering tractor from V. L. Becker, of Dashwood. Messrs. Robert Eagleson and Ar thur Hutchinson and Miss Nola Hutchinson of Parkhill and Miss Evelyn Clanke, of Shipka visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ma son. Kenneth, infant son of Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Lip-pert who- has been quite ill and under the doctor’s care is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, of London spent Sunday (with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Mrs. Hy. Eagleson entertained a number of her friends to bee last Wednesday. Mr. Noah Dietrich is home from St. Joseph’s a quilting expected Hospital, London, where he -had his leg -put in a cast. Mr. Dietrich fell two weeks ago- fracturing it. He will be con fined to his home for some time. Mrs. Lloyd Lippert and ited in Melbourne a few week. . Messrs. Wm. Dietrich Spencer, of iHehsall, left for Excelsior whelre they are taking for a couple of months, them the best of luck. Springs, GREENWAY babe days vis- last, W-and last week: Missouri, treatments; We wish- —<4lL» 4 1. ''' 'J vr---’ Word was .received here on Sun day Of the death of Rev. R. ,L. Wil son at his home in Toronto,-Further particulars next week. Miss Dorothy Belling is able to- be up after her .recent illness. ■ Mrs. J. B. Hodgins is ill with, pneumonia. We wish for her a very speedy recovery. Mrs. H. Mollard visited her sister. Mrs. J. Horner last week. -Several from here assisted with the ice harvest for the Creamery. Elmer -Shepherd was in on business last week. Mrs. John Rock and her son are gaining strength nicely in a London Hospital. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B’ru'ce Steeper who last week. M-rs. Wellwood Brampton visited Pollock on iSUnday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens, Shir ley and Rayburn, visited M-r. and. Mrs. W. T. Ulens last week. Allan Steeper had the misfortune to have liis leg 'broken in three places last week but we hope to- see him around again soon. Bo|b Brunswick left fo.r Toronto -on Friday where he has secured a position. When W. J. Brown was trimming some trees his axe slipped and made a bad gash on the index finger Joint severing four cords. It is healing as well as can be expected. The Oyster Supper at the United Church on Thursday evening was a splendid success. The supper and program by local talent was thor oughly enjoyed. Music and readings were of a high order. Proceeds were over $60/00, •- ELIMVILLE Johns is able to be around again after being in 'bed for two weeks the result of a fall. Mrs. Henry Johns is gradually improving after a bad attack some weeks ago. 'The Y. P. Union and Women’s As sociation are busy practicing plays to be presented in the course of a few weeks. ■Mir. Anson Smale, of Farquhar, renewed acquaintances here- last week. Mrs. Rich. Johns visited a couple days last week with Mr. and Mirs. Will Pybus near Chiselhurst. Y. P. IL The Y. P. Union met on Sunday evening. The president opened with hymn 334 and some business was conducted. Delmar -Skinner took charge. The theme was the Book of Life. After quiet music Lorne El- foird read the Scripture Lesson, Ps. 19, Micah 6:6-8, Tim. 4:14-17. Ron ald Eiford read a poem “The Anvil, the Word of -God.” Eva Penrose gave a talk on the charm of the English Bible; Helen Murch and Kenneth Johns sang a pleasing duet “Won derful Word of Life.”; ~ Penlrose then spoke on ______ Material in the Bible.” Mrs. John Bro-ck then led in prayer. After stag ing hymn 325 the meeting closed with the Mizpah. Mr. E. Corbett Dondon infant were married Thompson, of Mrs. Lawrence MT. CARMEL Martin O'Rourke purchased McCormick tractor. Mr. new __ Mr. and Mirs. Rowland, of Detroit visited iwitih the latter’s father over the week-end. Mr. Dave Geromette ing friends in Detroit. Mr. Austin Boland, was homo on Sunday. Bingo Friday night. Mrs. Mary O’Connell, Matt. Doyle and Miss Walsh called on Miss Ann Reardon and -other friends here last week. Mr, Joseph Regan, of Stafford- villb, was home for the week-end. Mr. Josep-h Glavin Jr., spent Sun day -with Ml*. Leo Flannigan of Cehttalia. a Rev. Mr. “Reference Jr.ig visit- o-f Loridon, her brother Wrong Reflection Mrs. Jbhnson (learning “I-fenry that little mirror isn’t set right.” Hulbby: “Isn’t It?” Mrs. J but the car behind.” to drive) up there 'Nd, I can’t see anything CHEESE STILTONS—-10 to 12 pounds BABY CHEDDARS—3-4 and 1 pound Colored and White, Old and New “ BUTTER Exeter Brand and Windhelsea Star Brand Wholesale and Retail Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA