HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-18, Page 6THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1937 ber graded in 1935, (2,888,814). In 1936, the number of hogs graded by carcass was 422,774,as against 111,- 785 during the corresponding 51 weeks of 1935. BOOK ON HOCKEY A Great Book “How to Be­ come a Hockey Star** by T. P. “Tommy” Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal “Maroons’*, profusely illus­ trated and containing many valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing) Group Montreal “Maroons'* Group “Lea Canadiena” or individual Baldy Northcott Da vo Trottier Rusa Hlinco Earl Robinson Bob Gracie Gus Marker Howie Morenz Johnny Gagnon Wilf. Oude George Mantha • Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of “CROWN BRAND” or “LILY WHITE” Corn Syrup.—Write on the back your name and address — plainly — and the words “Hockey Book” or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail the label to the address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAKES CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD A product of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO T5 Annual Conventions THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE pictures of: Paul Haynes Harty Barry Pete Kelly Dave Kerr Roy Wortera •*Aco*’ Bailey Art Lesieur Frank Boucher Marty Burke Alex Levinsky t Farm News Unfinished Hogs 'All unfinished hogs offered at stockyards and packing plants such as do not conform to the require­ ments of the grading regulations, are graded as feeders, and it is in t'he interests of the producers to make every effort to hold back hogs of select bacon, and bacon weights, until they are properly finished. Un­ derfinished pigs make poor cuts and roasts. soft bacon and Dairy CowgBeauty Parlors for An important step production is to clip the udders, hips and fanks of the cows, thus making the daily 'brushing much easier and more effective. Clipping of the tail, head, neck and shoulders adds to the appearance of the cows and aids in getting rid of lice, which multi­ ply quickly at this time if not pro­ perly eradicated. A igood wet or pow­ der shampoo repeated in ten time will do the trick. in -clean milk Ontario Plowmen’s Assn. (Annual Meeting, Tuesday, February 9 th; 9.30 a.un., King Edward Hotel, Tor­ onto. Ontario Field Crop and Seed Growers’ Assn., (Annual Meeting) Wednesday, February 10th; 9.30 a.m., King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Ontario Association of Agricul­ tural Societies, (Annual Convention) Friday, Feb. 12t'h; 9.30 a.m., King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Seed display, February 9th to 12th 9.3 0 a.m., King Edward Hotel, Tor­ onto. Ontario Horticultural Assn., (Con­ vention) Thursday and Friday, Feb. 18th and 19th, 9.30 a.m., King Ed­ ward Hotel, Toronto. The Fawn. Flock is generally recognized through- the poultry industry that one of most rapid and effective means It out the of improving farm poultry flocks is through the application- of t'he Do­ minion Hatchery Regulations. These regulations, with the co-operation of the provinces, are accomplishing good results. To lay the .founda­ tion of a profitable farm flock, it is necessary to start with good healthy I stock. To enable the farmer to ob­ tain this kind of stock, regulations , for tihe control of hatcheries were drawn up, with the co-operation of i several of the .provinces and at their request. Briefly, these hatchery regulation provide for the following: (1) All commercial hatcheries of over 1,000 egg capacity to obtain their hatch­ ing eggs from approved focks and to operate under Dominion supervision as regards hatchery conduct, opera­ tion, and advertising; and (2) ap­ proval of flocks as sources of hatch­ ery eggs to -be under provincial sup­ ervision-. The farm fl'oc'ki may be started by (1) the purchase of hatching eggs; (2) of day-old chicks; (3) of pul­ lets ready to lay; and (4) of adult breeding stock. Whatever method is adopted, one thing is 'certain-—a great deal of annoyance and may be obviated by purchasing fri R.O.P. (Record of Performance) approved flocks. Ice Storage Methods ■days both farming the au- a sane ■raising the Reducing' Mortality Mortality among -chickens, old and young, is tihe bane of the poultry industry. This is particular­ ly notiicealble in commercial flocks d-ue probably to a large extent to the unnatural conditions under which the birds are housed and fed during a large part of the year and the unsanitary surroundings in which many flock are maintained. The rem­ edy, of course, lies in requiring more scientific knowledge in the icare of chickens and the application of this knowledge over a greater area. The first step advised by thiorities is the adoption of sanitary program for annual cro|p of pullets, so that they will be as free as possible of para­ sitic infestation and infection di­ seases when they are housed. .Sec­ ondly, by vaccinating when neces­ sary at t'he proper time for tihe con­ trol o’f such diseases as fowl pox and laryngotracheitis; later, if possible, to eradicate these diseases. Thirdly, dispose of all old birds previous to housing new crtop of pul- ets on the farm annually where any disease has been epidemic. Regard- Iss of how valuable an old hen may be as a breeder, she stands indicted as a source of most of the disease troubles that are carried over generation to generation. frottn Stock Exports The approximate number of cattle and calves exported from Canada to the United States during 1936, up to December 17, was 217,226, as com­ pared with 123,683 in the corres­ ponding period of 1935. The grand total of hogs graded in Canada dur­ in 51 weeks of 1936 was 3,572,496, an increase of 638,682 on the num- 1 1 loss om or of soil underneath is if will he al-1 the a few inches of sawdust. In put- the Where ice is readily available, the storage of a few blocks of it is a very simple matter. Any unoiccup- •pied corner of a shed will serve the purpose. A rough board enclosure, ten- feet square and eight feel high, will hold enough ice to provide 5 0 pounds per day for 130 days, after allowing for a reasonable amount of wastage. The smaller the quantity stored, the' larger is the proportion of waste. The bottom of the enclosure should be covered with about one foot sawdust. If the impervious clay, better if there is gravel under the ting the ice im the enclosure, boards can be taken away from one side and replaced after tihe ice is in position. The space of one foot, to be filled with sawdust, should be left between- the ice and the boards, and the ice should be covered with about t’he same thickness of sawdust. It is the sawdust that ‘k®e|pis the ice from melting. The drier the sawdust, the better the ice will keep, and it is a good plan to throw out the driest iof the sawdust from time to time as the ice is being removed during the summer. Under cover this sawdust will continue to dry out and thus be in a better condition to be again in the following year. BUILDING INSPECTOR DIES used John ‘Johnson, 82-year-oId build­ ing inspector for the town of 'St. Marys, died at his home on Wednes­ day of last week. The well-known and highly respected gentleman was confined to his bed for the past month, with an attack -of pneumonia which resulted in his death. Mr. Johnson had been a resident of St. Marys all his life. He ihad carried on a carpenter business having been employed with the Wright Mill and also with other concerns in the con­ tracting business. He is survived by his wife and a nephew, Harold Ho-rner, who made his home with Mr. Johnson. A Face Covered With Pimples Causes Much Embarrassment RURDOCK LOO Bitters , There is little doubt but that impure and impoverished blood is the soil on which thoso ted, white, pus filled pimples de­ velop and thrive, and that nothing short of a vigorous, persistent blood purifying treatment will eradicate them from the system. Burdock Blood Bitters banishes bad blood and with the bad blood banished the skin becomes free from pimples. Try it few bottles and ba convinced* WQOPHAM (Crowded out last week) Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brock, of Zion, spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Sherwood Brock. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland and Malcolm, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Free­ man Horne. We are sorry to hear that Mr. W. J. Veal was rushed to Victoria Hos­ pital, Loudon, on- Friday evening and underwent a critical operation. At time of writing reports are fav­ orable. We hope for a speedy- recov­ ery. Mr. and Mrs, R. E, Pooley and family and Miss Ella Francis visit­ ed on Sunday with friends at Mun­ roe. The -creamery were fortunate in securing their supply of ice last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Faster and Beverley, of Whalen, spent Monday with Mr. and Mis. Herman Foster. The ice storm the fore part of th© week made the roads in a dangerous condition for motor traffic.o Annual Meeting Th© Woodham United -church held its annual congregational meeting on Friday evening last, in the basement, c.f the church. An excellent supper was served by the ladies of the con­ gregation. The tables presented a pleasing appearance and were load­ ed with good things. After supper a splendid program was put on with the business part of the meeting be­ tween the numbers, Rev. Mr. Love­ grove, pastor of the church acted as chairman and gave a short address. The program consisted of vocal so­ los, readings, piano duets, etc. Good reports were given by all the differ­ ent organizations of the church. The Sunday School report showed a splendid balance on hand and the church treasurer, Mr. J. Camm's statement showed' a good financial standing with a balance on hand of $70.00. The W.M.iS. held its own, Mission Circle more than last year, and the Mission Band received a hearty clap with an increase over last year of $17.00. One of the teachers of the phileathea class in the Sunday School, reported ten showers during the year 'from this class and still there were 17 mem­ bers left and there had been up­ wards of $60 raised above their reg­ ular givings for gifts. This brought a hearty, clap. Mr. Whitfield Switzer the retiring elder, refused to be elected any more, and thought it should be passed around. Mr. Fred Doupe was elected in his plaice. For the Board of Stewards, four were retiring and were elected. All stood with bowed heads for a short time in honor of Mr. Samuel Mills, who had but a short time ago passed to the Great Beyond. A hearty- vote of thanks was given the choir leader and organist and all went home feel­ ing the evening was well spent, W. M. S. The W- M. S. held its February meeting last Thursday afternoon at the Woodham parsonage with 22 members present. 'The president took the chair and opened, the meet­ ing by siAging hymn 191 and pray­ er. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Arthur Rundle and Rev. M. W. Lovegrove took the chapter­ in the new Study Book “Beside beds of pain” and made it plain what our missionaries were doing. The min­ utes of the last meeting were read and the roll called. During business it was decided to hold the World’s Day of Prayer in the basement of the church on Friday February 12, inviting Kir'kiton United and also the Anglicans from Kirkton. Two verses of another hymn were sung and Mrs W. Switzer gave a splendid report from the Perth executive. Miss Ethel Wilson favored with a piano solo; Mrs. G. Wheeler gave a ■prayer; Mrs. W. Switzer a temper­ ance reading and the meeting was. brought to a close by a hymn and the benediction ponounced by Mrs. J, Squire. After this the W. A. held a short business meeting with Mrs. Cecil Camm presiding. A ten cent lunch was served at the close. THE MEATS WE EAT The Canadian people are not eat­ ing so much meat as they used to. The per capita consumption of Ibeef and veal, pork and mutton and lamb in 1935 was 134 pounds. This was six pounds less than in 193 4 and fif­ teen pounds less than in 1932. Two- or three years ago the Cana­ dian people were eating very much more pork than beef, but that char­ acteristic of the dinner table 'has disappeared and we are now con­ suming more beef than pork, over 66 pounds of beef last year per cap­ ita and less than 62 pounds of pork. We use compartively little mutton, -only about six pounds per capita. It is in the consumption of poul­ try that we have -been making dis­ tinct advances. Four years ago the per capita consumption was about twelve pounds. This has risen grad­ ually to eighteen pounds last year. The amount of turkey was over one and a half pounds, or a total of eighteen and one half million pounds so that mo-st 'Canadians seems to have done very well in that respect last 'Christmas. Our consumption of cheese is growing 'but slowly, the per capita being about three and a half pounds. As a people we eat less cheese than most other* countries, less even than the countries from which most of us have sprung. The average Canadian consumes twenty-two- dozen eggs In a year, These figures come from the Ag­ ricultural Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Department of Trade and Commerce, Morning Moods hy BARBARA B. BROOKS When February mornings are cold and dai-k and gray we roll out of bed reluctantly, feeling that it is still going-to-bed time and not getting-up time at all. We find our­ selves cross and -grouchy and very weary of “it all.” We may even go through the morning in a frame of mind not conducive to efficient work or cheerful personality. We don’t know what is the matter, and blame it on the weather or on peo­ ple—on anything, in fact, jbut the right thing. Midwinter activities are heavy. By February we have stored -up quite a fatigue reserve from our befbre-iChHstmas and iafter-iChrist- mas hurrying. We grow careless about our bedtime hour, and each night miss out a little on- our quota of sleep. We skip breakfast on mornings when w© are behind schedule with our dressing. We drink coffee late at night and then toss fc-r an hour or two, losing precious moments of rest. In gen­ eral, we slip away from our stand­ ard of healthful living, and soon a little cold-germ comes crawling in the window or -under the door and we are down. “What can I do about all this,” you probably ask, a little disbeliev- ingly. You feel that much of this activity and much of the tired feel­ ing is unavoidable. Perhaps the ac­ tivity is, but something can be done to- lesson the tired feeling if the increased activities of widwinter are allowed for and an adjustment in the daily schedule is more. Then, too, an adjustment in our food habits should ibe made, so1 that the body can do more to combat fa­ tigue and disease. We suggest, as a starter, that the day begun with a very substantial breakfast. Even if you are pressed for time, try to plan your getting up so that you will have more than- the traditional minute to snatch a cup of coffee. ,Sit down, draw a few deep breaths, and then, in a calm, unhurried frame of mind, have yotir fruit or fruit juice, your crisp ready-to-eat cereal, your golden brown toast, egg and fragrant cof­ fee. After a week of this leisurely breakfasting you will begin to look forward to morning and will find it a great deal easier to get out’of bed, knowing that a good breakfast a- waits you. ■One prominent business house had a campaign for -better break­ fasts among its employees. IA rule was made that no one should come to work without first having break­ fasted, for this particular employer felt that a .higher degree of effi­ ciency during working hours was reached by those who were well fed. That is the opinion shared by busi­ ness engineers, teachers and. nutri­ tionists. Luncheon, though leisurely, should not be heavy. This is a good meal for getting in your quota of -protective foods—.fresh fruits and vegetables, milk and whole grain cereals. These contain the vitamin and mineral ne­ cessities which helj) up to ward off infection and keep our system reg­ ulated. If our body machine is functioning regularly it is hard for perms to take a -permanent lodging. The evening meal can include the protein and carbohydrate -require­ ments, as well as an additional green vegetable or an extra fruit. Bran muffins, served serveral times in the week and alternated with bran served in some other form, will help to supply “bulk” to the diet and en­ sure regularity. The eating befoer bed halbit ought to be curtailed a little during the winter time. A light meal is not harmful, since it is conducive to restful sleep, but too much food or too may stimulants cause tossing and dreamful sleep-. If you are be­ ing entertained and your hostess serves you cofee, accept it with a smile and drink some like a martyr . . . courtesy demands this . . . but the thoughtful hostess gives her’ guests the choice of coffee and de- vaffeinated coffee, or serves the lat­ ter as a matter -of course. Then she knows that those of her guests who are susceptible to coffee stimulation will not regret having been her guests. These may seem like small things to do in your winter health program, but they will show up in very blacik ink on the credit side of your health ledger. They will make you a nicer person to have around the house and a nicer boss Or secre­ tary at the office, Try it and see. It is used in making soft drinks, im­ porting the sparkle and the bubble to the refreshing beverages. If al­ lowed to expand it absorbs heat fiom the atmosphere, producing in­ tense cold and thus is much in de­ mand for refrigerating purposes, Undar further pressue the liquid is solidified to “Dry Ice” which has the apeparance of ordinary ice but is many times colder. When it melts it turns back to the dry invisible gas, leaving no noticeable trace- or mark. It is convenient for use in refrigerating cars, in preserving foods in transit or in packages and is becoming increasingly popular for these and a variety of ether uses. •Canada produced nearly five mil­ lion pounds of liquid carbon dioxide in cylinders in 1935. About -one- half of this was used in making car­ bonated beverages. The solid carbon dioxide or “Dry Ice” is also- made in several Canadian plants. This information comes from the Chemical Branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Department of Trade -and Commerce. Fast Worker A firm -of shipowners wired -one ■of their captains; “Move heaven and earth; get here Friday.” Just as they were becoming very anxious, they got the reply: “Raised hell and arriving Thursday." are the best Counter • Check Books made in Canada. They cost no more than ordinary books and always give satisfaction. We are agents and will be pleased to quote you on any style or quantity required. See Your Home Printer First Not Musically Inclined “I don’t think the man upstairs likes for Jimmie to play his drum.” “Why?” “Well this afternoon he gave Johnnie a knife and asked him if he knew what was inside the drum.” THE HERALD SAYS Think what this won­ derful offer will mean in enjoyment through­ out the whole year for yourself and your f am- ily,. Magazines of your own choice and this newspaper, packed with stories, time- ly articles, helpful departments and color­ ful illustrations. How is your chance. GROUP I SELECT ONE MAGAZINE GROUPX SELECT ONE MAGAZINE □ Maclean’s (24lssues) 1 yr. □ National Home Monthly 1 yr. □ Canadian Magazine - 1 yr. □ Chatelaine...........1 yr. □ Pictorial Review - - - 1 yr. □ Silver Screen • • • - 1 yr. □ American Boy - - - 1 yr. □ Parents’, Magazine» -6 mo. □ Can. Horticulture and Home Magazine - - - 1 yr. □ Liberty Mag.(52lssues)1 yr. □ Judge...................1 yr. □ Parents’ Magazine- - 1 yr. □ True Story - - - - lyr. □ Screenland...........1 yr □ House & Garden - ■ 6mo. This Of er Fully Guar­ anteed—All Renewals Will Be Extended* TAKE YOUR CHOICE! OFFER HO. 1 One magazine tram group 1 AND One magazine from group 2 and this newspaper OFFER NO. 2 Three magazines from group land this newspaper DRY ICE If you ask to have your ice cream packed for your week-end picnic, you will probably find upon un-wrap­ ping it some little cubes that look like snow but which gradually dis­ appear, leaving no trace. This is “Dry Ice”, or solid carbon dioxide, which is now much in use as a re­ frigerant and preservative. Carbon dioxide is an odourless, gas. It is the product of human (re­ spiration and is always present in the atmosphere. It will not sup­ port human life but is essential to vegetable life. Under pressure it can be reduced to a liquid and as such is distributed in iron cylinders for use in industry. »■ *t encl°se "par’s - ......................... .... iiaM® ......... .............. .. . .................. gjSEST °® .................... ..........t The Exeter Times-Advocate $ ALL please