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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-18, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Silas Johns Dies Another cf the old residents of Usborne 'Township, in the person of (Silas Johns, passed away on Wednes day, February 3rd, 1937 at the ripe •old age of 85 years and eight months after an illness lasting eight months. He was <one of the first born chil dren on the 6th and 7th concession. He spent his whole lite in the with one exception ne- church anniversary for He resided in five years, seldom out years, period >o-f ■lie joined township and ver missed a some eighty Exeter for a apart from that, he was of Usborne township. In his early manhood the .church and took an active inter est in its organizations and especial ly in the Sunday iScihool where he was a teacher for many years. His personality will long be remembered by- those who came under his influ ence. He was one of the eldest anem- bers of the Trustee Board of the Church which was opened in 1875. He joined the choir in 1882, 54 years ago last November. He was a successful farmer, a loyal citizen and a brother beloved and always active in any improvement in the community. He leaves to mourn his loss, one daughter, W's. W. Pybus, Chisel- ihurst; three sons, William and Ed ward on the home farms and Al don, of Saskatoon and ten grandchildren. One sister Mrs. I-I. Cudmore, of Saskatchewan and three brothers, John of Exeter; Henry -and Joshua ■of Usborne. The pallbearers were: three grandsons and three nephews. A brief service was -held at Mr. Py bus’ conducted by Rev. Sinclair, of Hensail and then another well at tended service at the Churcli at El- imville where he worked and wor shipped through 80 long years, con ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Pen rose, assisted by Rev. J. R. Peters a former pastor and Rev. Mr, Sin clair. Interment in Elimville ceme tery. 50 YEARS AGO February 17, 1937 Mas. Thos. Trivitt has a pair Java Sparrows which hatched « a brood of chicks last week, is the first brood known to been hatched in 'Ontario. The Lunsford bridge which spans the river, at the second concession of Hay, was carried away by the flood on- Tuesday, It was replaced at once. A Young Men’s Liberal-Conserva tive Club which has so long been talked of, was formed on Tuesday evening as per announcement. Mr, James Swinerton was elected to the chair. appointed following Piesident, President, President, President, Wm. Verity; Hon. Pres., Dr. Rollins 200 members were enrolled. Mr. Richard Rowcliffe, of tralia, when ascending that lead to the door of barn, slipped, falling on fracturing several ribs, James Trow and F. Fred iShai’b are contesting in the coming elec tion in this electoral division called ■South Perth. In North Middlesex, Timothy Coughlin and Lionel Ship-ley are the candidates. Mr. 'Gregory E. Tom secretary pro tem. officers were iL. ,H. Dickson; Samuel Sweet; James Bissett; W. J. Carling; Main Street W. M. S The meeting of the Main (Street W. M. .S. was held on Thursday af ternoon last, at the home of Mrs. W. G-. Medd, with twenty members present. Mrs. Elliott took charge of the devotional exercises, in the absence of Mrs. Wickwire. After the singing of hymn No. 81, Mrs. G-. Mawson read the scripture lesson. We then sang hymn No. 95 after which Mrs. W. C. Pearce led in pray- theer. IThe questionaire from study book was conducted by Mrs. Abbott and -Mrs. Pearce. The busi ness was taken by Mrs. Medd, presi dent. Mrs. Jaques, convenor of the groups, reported quilts are being made, and money raised. Mrs. A. Ryckman invited the March meeting to her home. It was decided to in vite the Thames Road Young People to put on their play entitled “The Country Doctor” early in March. Please watch for the date. Mrs. J. Sims led in -prayer for a special mis sionary. SUDDEN DEATH tragic suddenness death a well-known citizen of in the person of (Thomas Pascoe ion Thursday. The man had been down town With claimed Mitchell William departed all afternoon and when on ihis way home about five o’clock he took a iheart attack in front of Con. Schel- lenberger’s residence and passed away shortly after. Boirn in 'London, England, the de parted would have celebrated his 79th birthday Feb. 21. He came to Canada with this parents as a boy of twelve, locating on a farm on tihe 3rd concession -of Logan, now occu pied |by Lloyd Rogers. On March '27, 18'89, he married Fanny Elson and together took up farming on the Elson homestead which adjoined the Pascoe home stead. They resided there until about 18 years ago when their ihonie was burned and they moved to Mit chell. Besides his widow he leaves to monm their loss four children and six grandchildren. NOW Keep Minard’s handy in the house. You never know when you’ll need It I NEW METAL CAP hermetically seals in strength of liniment. Prevents spilling. Easily re- moved for use. Rub in Minard’s freely for any mu«- cular pains or stiffness, sore feet, rheumatic aches, etc. Sole* Affentn Harold F. Ritchie St of out This have IN BED FOR WEEKS WITH BACKACHE Qiiick Relief with Kruschen for the are sur- was The elected: 1st Vice- 2nd Vice- 3rd Vice Treasurer the the his Cen- steps bank side, E. AGO 1912 occupied the on has will left ;Sat- prioir to1 25 YEARS February 15, Mr. iT. I-I. Phillips pulpit in James Street Church Sunday last in a very creditable manner. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Hobbs still continues quite ill. A rink of curlers of Hensall was down on Tuesday and played a game with the Exeter curlers meeting defeat 12-3. The visitors were F. Bush, A. Taylor, >F. Smallacombe, J. Stacy, skip and the home rink H. Huston, C. Snell, Jas. Taylor,. G. Anderson, skip. ■One characteristic of the present month. is that there is five publica tion days for our weekly papers who issue on Thursday. This happened since 1872 and happen a-gain until 1940. Miss Velma Easterbrook urday to visit in Hamilton leaving for Toronto to attend the millinery openings. Miss Ethel Harvey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey, left on Monday for Harwell, Man., to visit her sister Mrs. -E. Buswell. Mr. Arthur Halls, of Ruth, Man., who -with his wife is visiting the latter’s father Mr. John Lawson, ■Stephen visited in town on Friday. (Mr. Warren Ross has returned to Minnesota, after 'being here 'for some weeks owing to the illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westaway and children, of Chentu, West China, ar rived in London on furlough Tuesday morning. Mr. Nelson Prior, of Portage La Prairie, Man., is here owing to the illness of his father. Workmen are engaged renovating W. W. Taman’s tailor shop, which is owned by S. Fitton. Besides other improvements a plate glass will (be put in. 15 YEARS AGO February 18, 1922 front Exe-After being employed at the ter post office for nearly twenty five years, Mr. E. J. Christie on Tuesday resigned his position. His place is being- taken by Miss Alice Pfaff. Dn Friday evening Mr. Ronald Wittwer had the misfortune to cut an artery of the arm. He and Chas. McKenzie were scuffling in the store at the North End. Ronald put his hand out to catch the door jam and his hand went through a pane of glass. He received a nasty' cut and severed the main artery. Miss Gertrude Winer left Monday for Kitchener to take a position as milliner. Mr. Luther Braund, of Brantford, was called toi town Wednesday ow ing to- the illness of his mother Mrs. D. Braund. Mrs. W. J. Parsons, of Vancouver •who has been visiting her brother- in-ilaw Mr. Samuel Parsons left this week for her home. Miss Lila C. Taylor, daughter of Mr. Robt. Taylor, of Zion, held an exhibition of her paintings in Sen ior’s Hall on Friday. ' Mr. Jas. Jeckell has sold his farm on the London Road north to Mr. Wm. Sillery. Centralia Co-operative have paying $1.25 per bushel for mer-cial wheat the past Week. been co ro MASSE—DEWEY theRev. L. Marchand performed ceremony at the R. C. Church, Drys- daye, on Monday, February Sth, which 'united in marriage Miss Le ona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Dewey, of Grand Bend, and Richard son iof Mr. and Mrs. James Masse, ■of the Blue water Highway, of St. Joseph. Magistrate—The policeman that yon and your -wife had words.” Accused—I had some , sir, south says some but I didn’t get a chance to use them.” awake to meet these writes that they need car to take Christian Mr. Jesus to give talks tea-shops, lies most- The W. M< S. of James St. church met in the Sunday School room on Thursday last with Mrs. Kyle in the chair for the .opening exercises. Ab interesting letter was tread in part, from Mrs. Homer Brown, of Chengtu ■China, who is our missionary special prayer. ;She writes of wonderful improvements that being made in Chengtu and rounding country, we think of all the civil warfare constantly going on and it would seem that modern im provements could not Ibe made, but all over wide roads fit for motoring are being made, pressure is being put on every one to learn to read, to wake up and become up-to-date. One can easily see that the church must be wide conditions, Mrs. Brown very much, a workers to towns and villages. Brown and his helpers now have to walk cr travel 'by rickshaw. They dis tribute tracts, talk about any who will listen and cn street corners and in Mrs. Brown’s own work ly with the women, she tries to start classes for all our Christian women, to teach them a Christian must live out the. Christ life in her home, non Christian women are invited to these classes hoping to influence and win them. The visiting committee reported 12 calls made on the sick, the stran gers secretary, Mrs. Horney made 3 calls in the interests -of that depart ment. Mrs. Chas. Godbolt was elected as Conresponding-fSecretary, to replace Miss Hartnoil who asked to be re lieved of this office. Mrs. Horney convened the devo tional program; Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Skinneir and Mrs. Ogden reading and explaining the different Scripture Lessons. * The devotional leaflet was splendidly read by Mrs. Deilbiridge and Was based on Acts 8, 2'6-31 and entitled “Jesus the Pioneer of Life, the Leader in Adventure. ”He throws out a challenge to ,al,l When He stood in the market place and said: “I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” Will he grow weary and impatient as he continues on in the face of op position, “He came unto His own. and His own received Him not.” But he has some friends whot understand and our religion .has lost much of the element of daring. ] take things as they are than raise our voices against the wrongs and vice aii’O'und us. The chapter from our Study Book was dramatized in a splendid “way. Mrs. C. W. 'Christie in costume, in a improvised African hut, cribed an African woman’s day, ginning before sunrise ' with pounding of corn for the morning meal of mush, before walking miles with papoose on her back to work in the fields all day, the homeward journey must be made, carrying on her head a large basketful of sticks for fuel, corn and other eatalbles, supper is pireipared after water is carried from a distance, the men and boys are fed in a rest hut apart from the omen and small children. The African .husbands life is much easier than that of his wife’s and she has told of the longing and hun gering for something, they knew not what, to satisfy their hearts. The second scene gave us some understanding of the change that takes place in the African home, when Jesus Christ comes' into their lives, of the freedom, joy, hope and the opportunity for service this race of people enjoy in the Christian life. Mrs. 'Stone acting the charact er of Esther, a converted African girl whose husband Alfonse Chit- combe, taken by Mrs. 'Harvey Per kins, who is a school teacher and Christian leader, as they planned theiir evangelistic work among their own needy people and the eagerness of their little girl Celeste, taken by Lois Clark, to give this message of the love of Jesus to other children who love Him. Our trouble is that knew Him not. It was advice from her mother that led this woman to take Krus- ehen (Salts for her backache, and be- foie she had .finished the first bottle she was feeling better. This is the letter she writes: “About this time last year I had severe pains in my back and was prostrate for three weeks. I could not even rise in bed. I tried several well-known remedies, but to no avail. Then I wrote to my mother telling her of my trouble. She wrote to me by return of post urging me to try Kruschen Salts. I immediately bought a bottle and I can truthfully say before I had taken the fifth dose I could sit up. I kept on taking them and in less than two weeks I was about again, I am never without Kiuschen now.”—’(Mrs.) A. G. Unless the kidneys function pro perly certain acid wastes, instead of being expelled, are allowed to pol lute the blood stream and produce troublesome symptoms: backache, rheumatism and excessive fatigue. Kruschen Salts is an execellent diu retic or kidney aperient, valuable in assisting the kidneys to excrete acid impurities. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY XStJi, 1937 u.ie.. • CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS • SPEED, DEPENDABILITY, SAFETY Indulge in your favorite Summer sport —all Winter—in the balmy, invigorat ing climate of Canada’s Evergreen Play ground. Golf? hiking, riding motoring; yachting, tennis . . . enjoy majestic mountain scenery—see snow-clad Canadian Rockies en route. Special Winter rates athotels. Still lower rail fares now in effect and until May 14. Return limit 6 months. Stop-overs al lowed at intermediate points. Reduced sleeping-car (ares Low meal rates on trains WINTER GOLF TOURNAMENT Victoria March 1-6,1937 Full information from any ticket agent CANADIAN NATIONAL Opening of Huron Road Marked by Cairn By “Mac” in London Free Press motorist proceeding on the road from Clinton to Seaforth stone pebble cairn at a bend, little off the main line of . The Huron sees a and a traffic. The inscription reads: “This cairn erected in 192 8 commemorates the opening of the Huron road, by the Canada Company in 1828. Near this spot Colonel Anthony Van Egmond who had the contract to build this road erected his residence and grew the first wheat in the Huron Tract.” On a dim and dusty old manu script there comes to light the his tory of the first toads of the County of Huron. Description, have been written about the Huron road. Ac cording to my information, the Hur- It is easier to on roa^ was the first highway to ibe ! constructed, or rather chopped, thro’ the old Huron district. It was sur veyed from 'Stratford in 18128 by the Canada Company’s engineers under the direction of Dr. Dunlop, who was at that time acting under a roving commission from the land company. The first point of contact of this road with the present County ioif Huron was at the southeast comer of (McKillop township, where the village of Carronbinonk was later situated. It then took its course along the southern boundaries of McKillop and H-ullett, and through the southern part of (Goderich town ship in an almost direct line of Go derich harbour; consequently its original location in the vicinity of the town was further south than at the present. It was over this road that most of the settlers came in. WINCHELSEA and dis- be- the ofMr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle the Base Line spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher. •Mr. Well. Francis, of Crosswell, Mich., Mrs. John, Fletcher, of Exe ter, visited relatives of this commun ity a few days last week. Misses Marion and Ethel POoley spent the week-end with their cousin Miss Grace Hocking, of Munroe. Misses Herman Foster* and Roy Brock were in Toronto on Monday. Mr. Archie Hocking, Gordon and Miss Grace Hocking, of Munroe and Miss Jean Hocking, of Kirkton, vis ited on .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Pooley. We are pleased to report that Mr, W. J. Veal, is improving slowly after his critical operation in Victoria Hospital. Miss Grace (Collins, of Kirkton spent .Saturday with her grandpar ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey. •Mrs. Herman Foster and Verna spent one day last week with Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Hern at Woodham. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. John Hern Si’., is improving after her recent illness. Godeidch-London The next important highway con structed was the 'Goderich and the (London road, running from the for mer place, through Clinton, Bruce- field and Exeter, London. This road was cut through by the Government but its construction was only im perfectly accomplished until it was assumed some years later by the county, who graveled it in what they termed was second-class style; and from Brucefield they constructed two branches, the one to Bayfield on the shore of Lake Huron, and the other through Seaforth and the present Village of Brussels to Wro- xeter, both of these branches being constructed in first-class style and toll-gates placed thereon. The only private corporation who ever controlled Huron County roads was the “Northern Gravel Road Company,” the only road owned by them being the Goderich and Luck now Highway, which was 22 miles in length. The county however, bought out the interest of this com pany, and abolished scourges known as toll-gates which had been located •on the line, there still being 80 miles of first-class county roads on which toll was collected. A by-law was passed by the County Council in 1873 abolishing all tolls through out the county. In addition to the first-class roads, the county owned 100 miles of ‘second-class” roads which had been graveled, but not in strict conformity with the status providing for the imposition of tolls. ■ Among the secondary roads to be mentioned is that iof the Goderich and Kincardine road, which was (opened by the 'Government at what was to the writer of 1880 a com paratively recent date, but after wards assumed by the county, and the Goderich and London road which along with the -other county roads were subsequently transferred to tile respective townships through and between which they ran. The control of all bridges on what had formerly been county roads, toge ther .of course with the responsiibil- ities which were attached to the ownership. The value of the bridges which are or rather -were owned by the county in 1880, was $110,000. It was believed at that time that from 15 to 20 per cent of the value of the bridges was annually expended in keeping them in .repair. The cairn has a historical signifi cance. The superintendent of the Canada Company’s affairs in- Can ada at the time was John Galt, the originator of the company and the father of -Hon. John Galt, Justice Galt and Alex T. Galt. Galt was subject to all kinds of hardships in the manner of being spied upon by over-zealous people who made haste to report all his movements to the Canada Company -officials in Eng land. His steps were watched and expenditures was criticized by an exacting court. He was subjected to a sort of back-stairs interest; the accountant of the .company was sent •out to watch him and report all his actions to the officials. As a result of this the building of the Huron road was seriously hampered. John MacDonald and party of 10 or 12 men did the surveying, and there were two pack horses and “pack” Indians who brought up the rear with a supply of provisions and other necessities. Col. Anthony Van Egmond stormy of the district was the contractor for the building of the road. The .colon el was an agriculturist, at least back of his mind was a plan that was to make the new country, one of till ed soil. Part of his wishes were gratified. He was the first to grow wheat in the entire district. Strick land recalls how on making a visit to see the colonel, they had to tramp for almost half a day looking at the possessions in the way of ag ricultural enterprise which belonged to him. To his memory as a road-builder stands a cairn in Harbour Park in Goderich which commemorates the end of the famous Huron road. To the memory -of where the gangs building the road met, and the spot where Col. Van Egmond grew his first wheat there stands the -cairn ICE MEMORIAL Dedicated to the memory of the late Will Rogers, a gigantic bust of solid ice was unveiled at the Hib bing, Minn., annual winter carnival. Twenty-two feet high and sculptured out -of 100 tons of ivory ice, the sta tue at night, under the floodlights, appears as if made of marble. Built to scale with an ordinary ice pick, trowel and hatchet for tools, the statue was completed in two weeks. YOUNG LAD DIES Mr. and Mrs. Theophile Bedard, of the 14th -concession, Hay, mourn the death of their 11-year-old son, Raymond, who died at Toronto on Saturday. The little lad had been ill for a long time and although ev erything possible was done for him, his life could not be saved. He was buried at the R. C. cemetery, Drys dale. Renew Now! Tested Recipes Moulded Cream Desserts In making moulded cream des serts, gelatine is a neccesary ingre dient, used in the form of granulat ed gelatine, jelly powders, or marsh mallows. To ensure successful re sults the following rules should be carefully observed; measure all in gredients accurately; if granulated gelatine is called for in the irecipe, soak the gelatine in cold milki or •water, using at least twice as much liquid as gelatine; add soaked gela tine to hot milk or other liquid and stir until gelatine is thoroughly dis- soved: if jelly powders or marsh mallows are to be used, dissolve the powder or marshmallows in the hot milk or other liquid without previous soaking; allow gelatine mixture to partially set before folding into whipped cream, beaten egg whites, fruit, and su'ch like; rinse mould with cold water .before pouring in the dessert and loosen with a knife around the edges when ready to un mould. Grape Supreme 2 tablespoons granulated gelatine % cup cold water 1% cups grape juice y 4 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice •’ ■ 1 cup whipping cream Soa'kl gelatine in cold water. Heat grape juice and add sugar and gela tine. Stir .until dissolved. Add le mon juice, and when .mixture is par- tially set, fold in whipped cream. peach Delight 1 package lemon or orange jell^ powder 1 cup boiling water 1 cup peach juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 Gup diced peaches £ cup blanched almonds 1-2 cup whipping cream Dissolve jelly powder in boiling water. Add peach and lemon juice. Chill. When slightly thickened, beat until frothy. Fold in peaches, almonds, and whipped cream. Mould and chill. Marshmallow Delight 1 lb. marshmallows 1 cup diced pineapple & cup blanched almonds 1 cup whipping cream % cup maraschino- cherries Cut marsmallows into small pieces Add diced pineapple, chopped cher ries and shredded almonds. Allow to stand for several hours. Whip cream and fold into fruit mixture. Turn into mould and chill until firm. Th© above recipes are taken from “Cream Desserts’’ by Laura C. Pepper, a copy of which may be obtained on request from the Publicity and Ex tension Branch, Dominion Depart ment 'Olf Agriculture, Ottawa. Well, Rather “Wilbert is so conceited.” “Yes, on his ihst birthday he sent: a telegram of congratulations to big mother!” Dr. Wood's NORWAY t PINE SYRUP Shivers and Sneezes Then the Cold Yon feel chilly; sneeze a few times; nose starts to run; then conies the cold which, if not attended to immediately, shortly works down into the bronchial tubes, and the cough starts. On the first sign, of a cold get a bottle of Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup. You will fmd it to bo a prompt, pleasant, reliable and effectual remedy for your trouble. It has boon, on the market for the past 44 years. Don’t experiment with a substitute and be disap* pointed. Get <fDr, Wood’s.”