HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-18, Page 2THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l«th> 1037 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE “D1712171 PDIDI7” jlvJLJj.jlLL.4 EJlviLzXL BY VERA BROWN “Pest!” said Hilda, dramatically pointing down t’he river. And Linda knew she meant that on to the east the Danube wound its way t0‘ Buda­ pest. Linda was to thrilled to do anything but hang out of those windows. “I feel like a real Pi'incess!" “You will be one, in truth, ma­ dam, soon, will you not?” Odette was smiling as she unpacked Linda’s lug­ gage. Then Miklos sent a message up to Odette. After much difficulty Odette informed Linda there Would be guests for dinner, and t'hat it would be quite formal. “Get out my gold frock. I’ve never worn it since I’ve known Miklos.” She did so want to. impress these friends of Miklos. She wanted them to know that an American girl could fit in any place in this world. And never had Linda looked more beautiful. With the gold gorwn she wore the topaz jewelry she so loved.^ And when sfhe was ready, and the dinner gong had sounded, Linda blew a little kiss to Odette. “Wish me luck!” she told the ittle French girl. “Of course, Madam, and you are beautiful tonight!” Linda Meets Guests Linda went down the huge dark staircase slowly. She wanted to sa­ vor to the utmost the delicious feel­ ing o.f treading these old steps for the first time. Miklos, waiting be­ low, looked up and saw her. The admiration in his face repaid Linda for all the effort and thought she had put into her toilet for the ev­ ening. Miklos led Linda into the -draw­ ing room. There were maybe ten persons assembled. Men with mon- icles, lots of pointed beards, tiny moustaches. The women were in even more elaborate dress than Linda, although their frocks were pretty bad, according to Linda’s standards. , When the varty moved into the dining room, that scene was all Linda coud have wished. On the sideboard were great silver services, so old they had lost their luster, They were museum pieces, Linda could see. Wheel of Cliance At last dinner come to an end, Hilda stood up and they all repair­ ed to the drawing room. But the men did not pause there long. “We like to gamble, this crowd, so- I’ve fixed us up a room down­ stairs in the old servant’s quarters. They are very nice. Won’t you come down and watch?” So they all went on for the gam­ bling. There were two roulette wheels and tables for ether Contin­ ental games Linda 'had seen played at Nice. There were attendants about bringing drinks. The whole thing was quite complete. It must have cost a lot of money, was Lin­ da’s first thought as she looked about the beautiful gambling rooms. But how like Miklos! He would insist on providing amuse­ ment for his guests, even if the tpar- lor .furniture was worn shabby. Linda sensed almost unconscious­ ly the professional air of the crou­ pier at the table at which she was playing a bit. -Settling herself next to the Count, she began. Linda en­ joyed gambling casually, and to­ night, in this crowd, it was all friendly and social. Not like those gambling tables at Nice. As the evening wore .on, 'Linda realized more guests had come. Often Mik­ los interrupted her play to bring new arrivals over to be presented. There was a predominance of men, but that was true of most of Miklos parties, Linda had learned. -She wandered over to where Mik­ los and stood near him. Suddenly he won, on .13. “Stay here by me, Lin­ da. You’re lucky for me!” He push­ ed her onto a stool at his elbow. '“Stay right ihere, darling. Just for a little.” Linda waited, watching,the play, She was surprised at the high stakes Hardly a friendly game this! But that was the way with those Eur­ opeans. When they gambled, they were worse than her friends back home! “Only we have more to lose!” she reflected. •For an hour Miklos kept her there at his side—-until he began to lose again. Then finally with a | shrug, he turned away. “You’re tired, darling, I know. Let me take you to Odette,” Linda said her good nights. Go­ ing back up the long stair case, Miklos stopped Linda at the landing took her in his arms. “There hasn’t been a moment when I could tell you what your coming means to me!” he told her seriously. “You’re the only woman in all my life I ever wanted to marry.” He held Linda close. Then he kissed her good-night at her sitting­ room door. “Tomorrow you and I will go for a long horseback ride, up into the hills—” and he bent and kissed her fingers. Odette was curled up asleep on the divan by the window when Lin­ da came into her room, starry-eyed. “I’m so 'happy, Odette.” “That is well, madam!” Odette wanted to tell madam that for sup­ per she had only bread, wine and cheese. 'She had asked permission to sleep in a dressing room off Lin­ da’s sitting room but Odette found I herself assigned to a cubby hole -of I a room in what she called the cel­ lar. “I wish you’d sleep in here, Odette!” Linda said as the maid helped her off 'With her frock. “But, madam, they said I must remain below; that, there are girls assigned to their floor and one of them sleeps in there.” “Nonsense! You stay there to­ night. I’ll fix things up in the morning.” “Yes, madam! But there is some­ thing else I want to speak to you about. They want me to help them below stairs and let the girls assign- up here take care oif you,”. Just then there was a knock at the door. Odette opened it. The ! little German girl with the blonde ■braids bad brought a bouquet for | madam. In it was a good-night note ( from Miklos. i The roses, all dewy from the night air, Linda held close in her arms. Then bent her blonde head over the note and she leaned to read it in the dim candle-light. “Sweet dreams, my darling! MIKLOS.” ILinda, the roses still in her arms, walked to- the window and looked out into the night. For the first time in many weeks she was ecstat­ ically happy. She hardly heard Odette when she said she was tak­ ing madam jewels to Prince Miklos so he could lock them in the safe down in the game room. CHAPTER XXIV “NO' mail today, Odette?” Linda asked one morning as Odette ■brought her her breakfast. ILinda had been at Edelweiss for three weeks. ‘No. madam, only some letters from Paris.” Linda took them. One was ifrom Mimi, forwarded to Vienna. She had had no word from her mother, al­ though she had cabled when she left Paris. Assuming that her mother was too angry with, her to reply, Linda shrugged her shoulders. There was a letter from Bertagnon, saying he would be ready ifor her to come East, about the first of Oc­ tober. Odette put a pillow behind Linda, set the tray on her lap and smooth­ ed up the bed covering. Linda shut her eyes. Her head ached. “What time is it, Odette?” “Noon, madam.” Linda had promised to ride with Miklos at noon but she was too tir­ ed. She had thought there would be rest here in the country. But al­ ways there were people for dinner and more guests, and the eternal gambling, sometimes until dawn. That she had lost a great deal of money, she knew. But she did not matter. She had lost weight and felt dragged out all the time. And Miklos was furious with her if she left the gambling rooms before two o’clock. Last night there had been a nasty scene with Miklos. Linda sighed. That is why her head ached so. She ' had cried so bitterly when she got to her room and Odette was not there. The little German girl had been waiting up for Linda and she had had to present a placid counten­ ance until she finally left her alone. In Trouble Again Linda was glad to see Odette. It ’t To Become Constipated Constipation is one of the greatest ills of one’s life, and one of the most neglected. It is caused by the neglect of not paying proper atten- • tion to ’’Nature’s Call”. You may keep your bowels regular by using Milburn’s Laxa-Liver Pills, as they help to regulate the flow of bile to act properly on the livor, and thus prevent and remove con* jrtlpation and its allied ailments. Keep a vial in your medicine chest, -was so seldom the girl was in her loom alone now. And now Maria had come to tidy up the room, just as (Linda began talking to Odette, Linda started chatting about the letter which had just come from Mimi. There had been same news about Keith. “He’s working hard at his law. He had his first case in court, and everybody says 'he is extremely clever. He’s still being seen with that blonde woman.” Mimi had promised to: come uip to Paris for the wedding. Linda was glad of that. There was the usual chatter about the people they knew. “I’m not going to try to do any shopping until I go into- Paris next month,” Linda told Odette, as the girl checked over Linda’s wardrobe. It was not until Maria disappear­ ed into the dressing room that Odette spoke in a low tone to Linda. “I’m a little worried, Madame. They are trying to keep me away from you.” “Nonsense!” Because she was her­ self worried, Linda’s voice was un­ necessarily sharp. Maria came back into the room and Linda could now •understand enough German to know that Maria was saying that Miklos was waiting for her with the horses. Linda made a hurried toilet. Twen­ ty minutes later she joined Miklos for a ride. They started off up the mountain path, as usual. Miklos taking the lead. Miklos utterly ig­ nored their argument of the night before. He was in the best of spir­ its. Linda finally called to 'him when they reached a plateau, asked him to come back beside her. “I want to talk to you, Miklos!” “Yes, ILinda.” The girl thought he rather hesitated as he pulled up beside her horse. Linda slipped to the ground. “Aren’t we going on?” “I want to talk first, Miklos. I had a letter from Bertagnon this morning. The divorce will come up in Cctolber.” “That is good.” “Yes, Miklos. But there is some­ thing else—” Linda hunted for the right words. “This life, Miklos. I cannot stand it. It bores me!” Miklos smiled a little. “I know, This crowd here, I suppose, is rather dull. I should take you about more. But they look to me for amusement, Linda, and they’re so pathetic, I can’t disappoint them.” Linda did not answer for a mo­ ment. There were a lot of questions she wanted to ask, but she some­ how knew it would be useless. May­ be Miklos .realized he could no longer give Linda the lie. Maybe he was going too far. That Odette girl, probably. He had tried to get her shipped back to Paris, but Linda had checkmated that. “It will ibe wonderful when we can come backi here and repair the ■old house,” They were looking down on Edelweiss now. “I’ll tell you what, I must, take you into Vien­ na one of these nights. I’ll take the whole crowd. You must hear the new Tziganes, they’ve just come from Pest. I know their leader. He’s marvelous. Linda a. prisoner Something in the cold light in Miklos’ eyes told Linda to go slow­ ly. Not that she was afraid. This was 1935! And she was an Amer­ ican girl. That she was held a vir­ tual prisoner in the place, so far as outside contacts were concerned, Linda now realized. She was not afraid, but she was miserably un­ happy. “ILinda, dear, please be patient vith me,” the Prince said, quickly reading something of .her feelings in her face. ‘I’ve neglected you! I know it must be dull here for you now. Later it will all ibe different. I promise!” And Miklos meant that. Miklos devoted himself to Linda completely for the rest of the day. They rode on and Miklos produced some sandwiches from his pocket and a 'bottle of wine. He could be a charming companion and he set about being just that! Linda’s fears vanished, and she felt a little aipus- ed at herself' for being so suspicious. When they turned their horses homeward the sun was setting. As they rode up toward the castle, Mik­ los told Linda that tonight’s ‘guests would ibe by far the most important who had come to the castle. Odette Disappears Odette was nowhere in sight when Linda came into her sitting room. Maria was waiting to .help her. She managed to convey to’ Linda that Odette was ill. “Where is she?” Maria shook her head, shrugged her shoulders. “Sick!” she managed in her halting English. Linda turned abruptly; “I’ll go to her!” “Nein, nein, Frauline!” But Linda whs out in the corrid­ or. She hurried out through the banquet hall, into the kitchens, to which she was a stranger, blunder­ ing into rooms where startled ser­ vants halted their conversation, camo to attention suddenly and then went scurrying. “Odette! Odette!” (She demanded the girl of each of them. They shrug­ ged their shoulders. In the kitchen the croupier and his assistants wore eating ah early dinner at a long table. Linda came to the him eagerly. “I must see my PREMIUM JUST for 1937 Exeter Horticultural Society MEMBERS ARE ENTITLED TO TWO CHOICES Choice 1—-New Korean Hybrid Chrysanthemum Plant Apollo (salmon) or Ceres (yellow) or Mercury (salmon-red) or Diana (pink) or Mars (deep-red) or Daphne (lilac-rose,) Choice 2'—Hybrid Rose—Charles P. Kilharn (red) or Radiance (nose-pink) or Rev. Page Roberts (bronze) or Margaret MicGredy (carmine) E.wirr QJjmefi-Abtmratr Established 1873 gnd 1887 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday morninl (SUBSCRIPTION—$2.OiO per year in advance RATES—Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c. each insertion for first four insertions. 25c. each subse­ quent Insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ticles. To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c. per line of six words. Reading notices 10c. per line. Card of Thanks 50c, Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line. In Memoriam, with one verse 50e. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards MEMBERS Choice 3— 1 Climbing Rose—Amercian Beauty (rose-pink) or Breeze Hill (flesh, tinted apricot) Choice 4'—'Year’s Subscription to Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine. Choice 5—12 Gladiolus Bulbs—IHalley (salmon-pink) A. W. Hunt (flame orange-red) Prince of Orange (orange) Bengal T'iger (red, striped) Chioice 6—2 Delphinium Roots Kelway (light blue) Choice 7—2 Dahlias (decorative) Jane Cowl (old gold) Jersey Beauty (deep pink') His Majesty (bright scarlet) Mrs. I. de Ver Werner (orchid-lavender) May order Nursery Stock through the Society at Wholesale Prices. MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 mark two choices. SIGN HERE ..................................................................................................... ADDRESS ........................................................................................ ' HAND IN OR MAIL BY MARCH 1st GEORGE S. HOWARD, ERNEST C. HARVEY President Secretary-Treasurer maid. Maria tells me she is ill.” The man stood up. “I do ' not know!” .He spoke in Hungarian to one of the serving iboys. Listening intently, (Linda could not hear a syllable she had ever heard before in her life. What a language! She waited impatiently. Shortly Miklos came, wearing lounging pyjamas. “Linda, dear, what is wrong? Why didn’t you call me?” “It’s Odette. Maria says she’s ill!” “Maria’s English alarmed you unnecessarily. Some of the servants were going into Vienna tonight and I b ok the liberty of allowing Odette to go along with them. The girl has seen nothing of the city. I thought it would be a nice exper­ ience for her.” Somewhat ’ taken aback, Linda smiled as she saw the eyes of the servants on her as they clustered in the kitchen door. “I’m sorry I caus­ ed so much trouble!” she said quiet­ ly. “I was worried about the girl,” she added. “Come, dear. Nothing like that at all. I’m sorry Maria does not speak better English.” He led .her up through the dark hallways, into the main hall. “You shouldn’t run into, the kitchens in that fashion, Linda. It is not wise. The servants don’t expect it. They think you are spying on them. If you want anything again, and Odette is not there, just send for me. You know European servants are queer. They want you to stand on great, ceremony with them.” Linda’s face flushed. “Please don’t misunderstand me. I was just so alarmed about Odette. I feel re­ sponsible for her.” “We’ll forget about it. Only don’t do it again or you’ll have the whole house disorganized.” He ibent and kissed Linda’s hand. “Ask Maria to get my emeralds. I’ll wear them tonight,” Linda said as Miklos walked with iher to, her sit­ ting room. (To be Continued) DEATHS DUE TO SUFFOCATION Victor fiandow, 14, and Stanley Richardson, 22, met death iby suffo­ cation a coroner’s jury decided at the inquest. Both youths were killed on February 4th when a sawdust pile at which they were working caved in. No 'blame was attached to any person by the jury. In hig evidence, Alfred Keeso, the first man at the scene of the accident testified he saw Richardson’s team walking away alone which prompted ihim to investigate. Pie attempted to remove the sawdust but could not ■penetrate into its frozen surface. Helip was summoned and the huge piece of frozen sawdust taken away. After digging a few minutes Sand- ow’s body was found. This was a gruesome surprise as Sandow, al­ though an occasional worker at the mill, was not known to be in the vi­ cinity of the pile. William Richardson testified he found his son’s body later, digging about three feet away from the place where sandow was found, Hensall Library J he Following New Books Have Been Added to the Hensall Public Library Double Cross Ranch The Trail of Yesterday Spies and Intrigues ■Secret Service The Barrier Fair Warning The Wind Blows West No Herb This Sand Castle White Oalki Havest White Banners Great Aunt Lavina Which We Did Irvin Cobb At His Best Chip of the Flying C Secret Marriage Gillian Murnoe Adventures of Elizabeth The Trail of the Axe Meg Hamilton Magic of Lo.ve The Frontiersman Roaring River To the Last Man Fair as the Morn Seltzer Seltzer Oppenheim Oppenheim ' Beach Eberhart Cariventer Deeping Brith i La Roche Douglas Lincoln 'Clarke C o'bib Bower Norris Cameron Grey [Cameron Culleum Swan Swan Binloss McLeod Raine Grey Bailey De Non Fiction It Happened in Palestine [Weatherhead Grayson McClung Sinclair Morton Johnston Thomas Lewis Armstrong Morrison Bailey The Country Man’s Year Leaves From Lantern Lane Hy.ber Caravan In the Steps of St. Paul Down English Lanes With Lawrence in Arabia Sagettarim Rising Cottage into House Feeds and Feeding Manual of Gardening' A, B, C, & X, Y, Z of Bee Culture [Root Poultry Production [Lippercott Card Judging Farm Animals " Bluinb Juvenile Faction More About Peggy The Half Back A D'og Named Chips My Friend the Dog Book of Escapes and neys Prester John Rilla of Ingleside The The Vhizez Banbour Terhune Terhune Hurried Jour- Buchan Buchan Montgomery Little Swiss Wood Carver [Roy Little Mexican Donkey [Roy Norwegian Twins Mexicans Twins Brandies Brandies Perkins Perkins Reard Gordon People of Gordon The The . ____ Twilight Tales Scarlet poppy Story Book Lorraine and the Little Summer Raggedy Ann’s Alphabet Book [Gunelle Raggedy Animals • ' Ripley Sand Mari’s Three Minute Stories ‘ [•Walker The Little Pink pig Van Dresser Non Juvenile Fiction Treasury of Modern tearvels [Crosslands True Galllchan Busy Little Honey Bee Nature Story Book GLADMAN & STANBURY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ao (’Toney to Loan, Investments Made Insurance Safe-deposit Vaults for use of our Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL g‘‘-V... . ...................-......................---------- CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &o> LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Minin Stree’, EXETER. ONT. Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoon* Dr. H. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.DS. DENTAL SURGEON Successor to the late Dr. Atkinoun Office opposite the Post Office, Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36j Closed Wednesday Afternoons JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTIC, OSTEOPATHY, ELECTRO-THERAPY & ULTRA­ VIOLET TREATMENTS PHONE 70 MAIN ST. EXETEB ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Farquhar, Ontario President, ......... ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell, R.R. 1 Vice-President .... JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................... Exeter JOHN McGRATH .........,....... Dublin WM. HAMILTON .... Cromarty R. 1 T. BALLANiTYNE .. Woodham R. 1 AGENTS JiOIHiN EiSiSElRY ............... Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS .... Mitchell R. 1 TH OS. SCOTT ................. Cromarty , SECRETARY-TRE ASURER B. W. F. BEAVERS ............ Exeter GiLADMAN & STANBURY . Solicitors, Eketer Cedar Chests AND NEW FURNITURE Also furniture remodelled’ to order. We bake orders for all kinds of ca­ binet work for kitchens, etc at the DASHWOOD PLANING MILL B. C. Shingles The Best Quality of XXXXX Edge Grain Shingles to be sold at the lowest prices as we need money. Take a tip and Buy Now. A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANTON PHONE 12 That M. P. who said that if he had bis way he would aiboiishk in­ come tax reminds us .of tho ma.^r who very generously wanted to give up the go tit.