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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1937-02-11, Page 5
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1987 HENSALL Conmien.cem.ent (The Hensail Public and Continu ation Schools are holding a Com mencement in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, February 12th, commencing at 8 o’clock. ofi glasses, either for sewing or Her many friends wish more happy birthdays. Y» P. S. P. S. met on Monday ev- reading, her many weeikt-end at his date of the Hen- F'riday afternoon, been con- past week He has been in very for some time, Passmore who is attend- in Toronto spent the M. Drys lhas been on Brock Mr. Milton Qrtwein, .of London, visited over .Sunday with his par ents. Mr. Alex Sparks is confined to his home suffering from a severe cold. Mr. Robt, Drysdale, of London, visited over the week-end at his home here. Mr. John, Drummond, of Listowel, visited over the home here. / Remember the sail Seed Show, February 26th. Mr. Thos. Dickson, has fined to his home for the through illness. Dr. Schooley, of Detroit, was recent week-end visitor with rela tives and friends. Miss Jean Bonthron was a week end visitor here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Bonthron. Miss Marion .Sinclair, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par ents, Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair. Mr. Andrew Gillmore, of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting with Messrs. John and Wm. anu Miss Hannah Craig. The Hensall Citizens’ Band is putting on a concert in the town hall on Friday evening, February 26th. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. E, Hemphill have returned from a very pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Toronto. Men’s Sunday will be observed in the United church on Sunday, Feb ruary 14th. A men’s choir will supply the music. Mr. Chris. Campbell was taken to the Seaforth Hospital last week for treatment, poor health Mr. Robt, ing college week-end at the home of !his par ents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Kathryne Drysdale, of Alma College, St. Thomas, visited over the week-end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. G. dale. Mr. David McNaughton seriously ill at her home street. Her daughter Miss Mae Mlc- Naughton, of Toronto, is visiting With her. Mr. Harold Bonthron who is at tending Pickering College at New market, visited over the week-end With his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mr. Geo. Foliick was in London one day last week visiting his daughter Miss Mildred Foliick:, who is a nurse-in-training at Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hess and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess attended the funeral of their relative the late Mrs. Fred Hess at Zurich on Friday of last week. Mr. Wm. Dougall quietly cele brated his 80th birthday at his home last week. In spite of his age he is quite active. His many friends wish him many more birth days. Mrs. Robt. Paterson who has been confined to her room through illness for the past two weeks is improving nicely. Her many friends hope to soon see her in her usual health. Miss Irene Hoskins who has been in poor health for some time was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon don, last week, and operated on for appendicitis. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. The many friends of Miss Nora Petty will 'be pleased to hear that she has been able to return home from the Clinton Hospital where she was seriously ill. She is now im proving nicely. Mr. Geo. Ferguson, of the 2nd concession of Usborne has purchased the Stewart property corner of Al bert and (South Richmond streets from the Robfo Stewart Estate and is making preparations to move into the village. The Hensall. Citizens’ Band gave a sacred concert in the Town Hall on Sunday afternoon and. were greeted by a large and appreciative audience and to lovers of band music it was a treat. Rev. W. A. Young acted as chairman and gave a short address. Besides the splen did selections given by the band there was community singing led by the band and two well rendered cornet solos by the hand leader. Fractured Ankle While returning home church on Sunday evening while nearly opposite her own Mrs. M. Seeds fell on the sidewalk and suffered a badly fractured ankle. :She was taken to, the Clin ton Hospital to have the bones set. Mrs. Seeds came here from the West some time ago and has been Visit ing her mother, Mrs. Richard Welsh. 815th Birthday Mrs. Henry Lipphardt, of Zurich and who spends the winter months in Hensall with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fee, celebrated her 85th birthday on Monday off this week at the home of hei’ daughter, Mrs. Fee. .She en tertained a number of her friends to afternoon: tea and had quite a number ,0£ friends call during the afternoon and evening to wish her many happy returns of the day, Mrs. Lipphardt is enjoying her us ual good health and even ih her ad vanced age enjoys doing all kinds of fine needle work without the aid from and home The Y. T ~ ' ” ' „ ening in the basement of the Unit ed church with a fair attendance, Miss G. Lammie, presiding Scripture lesson was read hettie Love, devotional by Verda Elva The i was hour sing- Meet The The by Miss Miss M. i Watson; McQueen first five taken up in charge answered . of two Ellis; reading, Miss piano duett, Misses and Goldie Cross, chapters of Genesis and questions pertaining of Rev. Mr, Sinclair and by members comprised ■ groups. Successful Concert The concert given in the United church on Friday evening under the auspices of the United church Sun day School was well attended and a very enjoyable evening was spent by those who were fortunate enough to attend. Rev. Arthur Sinclair acted as chairman and the program was given by the following; Miss Pearl Wood, Exeter, soprano; Miss Eva Stackhouse, Brucefield, reader; Mr. Harry Hoffman, Dashwood, baritone; Miss Greta Lammie, A.T. C.M., violinist; Miss Eleanor Fisher organist; a male quartette, Rev. W. A. Yioung, W. O. Goodwin, W.' A. McLaren and Dr. I. S. Smillie. The quartette was directed by Mr. Good win, Chamber of Commerce Euchre The Hensall Chamber of Com merce held a very successful Euchre and Dance in the town hall on Wed nesday evening last. The large hall was crowded with merry makers and a very enjoyable evening was spent. There were 48 tables for euchre playing. The following won the prizes: ladies’ first, Mrs. Shelby, of Kippen; 2nd, Miss M.argaret Dick, Hensall; men’s first, Thos. Kyle, of Hensall; 2nd, Rich. Taylor, Hensall; ladies’ consolation, Miss Beryl Pfaff Hiensaill; gen^s consolation, Lloyd McDonald. After th© euchre play ing was over supper was served and the balance of the evening was spent in damcing, the music being furnish ed by Norris and Collins orchestra. Mr. Harry Horton was floor manag er. Buchanan. At the close of the busi ness session a lunch was served by the Y. P. S. and a social half spent. The meeting closed by ing “God Be With You Till we Again” and the benediction. Oliiselhurst congregation faces the year 1937 with renewed enthusiasm all reports showing marked improv- ment over other years. Public Library Board January 29th, 1937 The first meeting of the Public Library Board held this evening at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the following members being pres ent. Reeve 'Shaddick, Mrs. Hilliard Miss Ellis, Rev. Young, Geo. Fol lick, F, G. Bionthron and R. Moore, Reeve R. E. Shaddick was appoint- es chairman for the year 1937: The minutes of the previous meet ing were read and adopted. The book purchasing committee for 1937 are Mrs. Hilliard, Rev. Young, F. G. Bonthnon along with Mrs. Cameron. The Librarian Mrs. Cameron and Secretary-Treasurer, J. A. Paterson were reappointed for 1937 at the same salaries. •The Librarian's report was read and a very hearty vote of thanks was tendered to her for her effic ient services. A committee was ap pointed'to interview the Council: G. Foliick and R. Moore. The Secretary read the financial report same found satisfactory and the meeting was adjourned. J. A. Paterson, Sec’y-Treas. CREDITON centraeia Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Skelton, of Clinton, ■were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks. Mr. jim Cook, of Guelph, spent the week-end at his home here, Mr. and Mrs, Truman Mills, of Komoka, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills. Harold Penwarden had the mis fortune to teai* the ligaments of his leg while skating on Wednesday evening of last week. Miss Evelyn Clarke spent the week-end at her home in Goderich. Group No. 2 of the W. A. held a successful crokinole party in the basement of the church on Thurs day evening of last week. Miss Mary O’Brien, of London, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson and Jean, of .Seforingville, were Sun day visitors with Mrs. Willis. On Thursday evening of this week the Young People’s Union will put on a concert in the basement of the church. They will present their dra ma “The Prodigal Returns.” Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brokenshire and daughter, of Detroit, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Knight and with Mrs. Brokenshire. Mr. K. Hodgins spent the week end at his home at Greenway. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bowden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor in Usborne. The regular meeting of the Wo men’s Missionary Society will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Friday afternoon of this Week at 2 p.m. At 3 p.m. the World’s Day of Prayer service will be held; all ladies are invited to at tend this service. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, John McFalls in her sad bereavement. CENT A MILE Round Trip Bargain FARES Minimum Fares. Adults 75c Child 4Op from EXETER and all adjacent C. N, R. Stations Frirl Fall Fn Whitby Jet., Oshawa, Bowimanville,* ill**, r“D» lO port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Junction, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brookville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket, AUandale, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, CALLAN DER (Home of World-Famed Dionne Quintuplets), North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury. AU towns in New Ontario on line of Tem- iskaming & Northern Ontario Rly.; Nipissing Central Rly.; Kapus- kasing, Longlac, Geraldton, Jellicoe, Beardmore.leasing, Fri FpF tn TnrnnFn 'A-lso t0 Brantford, Chatham,in., l eu. LU tu 1 UlUUlU Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Nia gara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. Fri., Feb. 26 Locally between Important Stations at which Excursion Tickets are sold—Ask Ticket Agent For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See handbills. T.142B CANADIAN NATIONAL •--------------—------------- --------------—---- ------------------------------• Granton, is in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. James Earl and family attended a shower given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Thames Road, on Mon day night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Stone (nee Violet Squire). The Mission Circle meeting will be held at the home of Laurene Hern on Saturday afternoon. iMrs. Albert Gunning, of Exeter, has been spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. Jas. Earl. United Church W. M. S. The W.M.S. of the United church held their monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon with the presi dent Mrs. 'Cross presiding. Follow ing the devotional part of the meet ing Mrs.- Cross gave a pleasing read ing, solo, Mrs. Maude Hedden, ac companist, 'Mrs. M. !G. Drysdalfe; reading “The Golden Age,” Mrs. R. J. Paterson, The visiting commit tee, Mrs. Carlisle and Mrs. Merner, reported having made 35 calls last month and found 5 confined to bed. The committee appointed for this month was Mrs. E. McQueen and Mrs. G. Follick. It was decided to hold the quilting bee the latter part of this month. Mrs. Drysdale in the interests of the W. Ai. spoke on behalf of the association as regard ing the purchase of a new carpet for the choir loft. It was moved by Mrs. Merner and seconded by Mrs. Cross that $40 be donated to wards it. The yearly day of pray er will be observed in the Anglican church on Friday, ’ February 12th and will be a joint meeting of all three local churches. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer. The Late Mrs. Robt. M. Bell The funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. M. Bell, who passed away on Friday last, took place fro,m her late resi dence in Usborne Twp., on Monday afternoon, interment taking place in McTaggart’s cemetery. Rev Mr. Sinclair, pastor of the Hensall and Chiselhurst United churches had charge of the funeral service. The pall bearers were Joseph Ferguson, Harold Cudmore, Ed. McDougall, Edgar Cudmore, Thos Bell and Geo. Bell. Mrs. Bell before her marri age was Agnes Clark, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark, and was .‘born in Tuckersmith Twp. 76 years ago and where she spent her early life. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bell went to live in Usborne Twp. and where for 40 years they were highly re spected residents. Mr. Bell passed away a couple of years ago. Mrs. Bell was an esteemed member of the Chiselhurst United church, a good neighbor and friend and Will be missed in the community where she lived so long. She is survived by 'two sons, Earl and John at home two daughters Mrs. Thos Drover and Mrs. William Bl’intnell, of Hib bert Twp; one sister, Mrs. Peter Moir, of Exeter and two brothers Matthew and Louis, of Tuckersmith there are -alsn several grandchild ren. Congregational Meeting The congregation of the Chisel hurst United church held their an nual meeting on Tuesday evening of last week and in spite of the bad roads there was a splendid atten dance. The first feature of the ev ening was a short program arranged by the Young People’s Society. The opening hymn “Upward Ever Up ward” was followed by prayer led by the pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair. A piano solo by Benson Stoneman, mouth organn selection by Gordon Hodgert accompanied by Bercy Wright on the guitar, a violin solo by Mrs. Carl Stoneman accompanied on the pfano by Benson IStoneman, followed by the hymn “Blest be the Tie That Binds” Rev Mr. Sinclair toOlc charge of the business part Of the meeting and very interesting and encouraging reports were given by the church treasurer and from the W- M." So Young Peoples Society Sunday School and the Women’s As sociation, The stewards of the past year were re-elected and the ushers appointed were. Gerald Glenn, HJll McLean, Harry Jacobi and Wilfred Group No. 1 of the United Church W. A. are holding an Oyster Supper on Wednesday, February 17. Admis sion 25 and 15c. The E. L. ical Church play Deacon Hall, Friday Admission 25 All members of the Choral Society are urged to attend the rehearsal on Thursday evening at 8.30. On Monday this district had an odd variety of weather. There was sleet, rain, fog, thunder and lightn ing. The Aux Saufole river rose a foot or twp and the country side roads were very heavy. Miss Norma Finkbeiner, ham, spent the week-end home here. Mr. and Mrs. O. Brown nice, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kuntz and daughter, of Dashwood, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ~ whinney on Sunday. Miss Reta Lawson, of spent Sunday at the home and Mrs. J. Woodall. Mr. Richard Hill who has been at Victoria Hospital, London:, has returned home. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. 'a In the report of the social even ing of the W. I. last week we omit ted by mistake the name of Mrs. M. W. Telfer as winning the prize in the contests. We are glad to report that Mrs. Leah Hoffman is somewhat improv ed after her recent illness. The W. M. ;S. of Evangelical Church held their Day of Prayer on Sunday with a prayer service in the afternoon which was well attended. At the evening.service the president Mrs. Dan. Finkbeiner presided. Special music by the choir and an octette. Rev. A. E. Pletch gave a Missionary message. A poem entitled “Did You” by Mrs. C. Haist. A splendid offering was received. Miss Gladys Ratz, who has been at Kitchener returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Kuhn were iting at Baden on Sunday with and Mrs. Stuart Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz daughter Mary Lou, of Zurich, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eiliber Creditonj Choral Society For the last few weeks 'the mem bers of the Cred’iton Choral Society have been enjoying the benefit of Mr. W. R. Gouilding’s guidance in voice culture. This practical, assist ance is being greatly appreciated by all taking part. The chief attention cf the practices at present is being devoted to the very interesting mu sic intended for a program to be giv en the middle of March. All inter ested in spending an enjoyable ev ening with valuable benefits to the development of their own vocal abil ities are invited to be present at 8.30 o’clock Thursday evenings. For their practices the Choral 'Society is greatly indebted'to. the blindness of the Township Council for the use of the Town Hall. C, E. of the Evangel- are presenting their Dub'bs” at the Town evening, February 19. and 10c. of Wood- at her and Ber- T. Ma- London, of Mr, vis- Mr. and KHIVA Inspector Beacom, of Goderich, visited the school here on Monday. Messrs. Gerald and Dennis O’Rourke entertained a number of their friends to a dance on Mon day evening. All report a good time. Miss Evelyn McCann, of Chatham spent the week-end with her par ents Mr.' and Mrs. B. McCann. Messrs. Gerald Mason and Lloyd Eagleson visited relatives in Lon don a few days last week, Mr, Noah Dietrich is confined to his bed With a sore knee. His many friends hope for a speedy re covery. Miss Gladys Ratz who lias spent the past few months in Kitchener has returned home. Messrs. Martin and Jerome O' Rourke made a business trip to Sarnia last Thursday. Mrs. P. Schade, of the Blue Water Highway visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ratz last week. Messrs, Charles Dietrich and Herb Hartman were in Hamilton on bust* ness Monday, KIRKTON Mrs. Jas. Bannerman, of St.,Marys spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Switzer. Mr. Jas. Johnston, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. M. Hammond. Miss Velma Parish, of Avonbank, visited this past week with her sister Mrs. Clarence Switzer. Mr. Gordon Sinclair, of Woodham has completed the job of wiring the Aberdeen Hall for hydro. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Paul, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with friends in the village. W. A. Kirktoil United Church Entertained the Congregation The W. A. entertained a goodly number of the congregation Thurs day evening. Mr. Clarence Switzer acted as chairman. The program consisted of a-reading by Marion Kemp piano solo by Barbara Kirkby duet by Marion Tufts and Elaine Robinson, violin selection by G. Kerslake accompanied by Ellen Ha zelwood; a playette by Roxie Doupe, Doreen Copeland and Howard Hodge A debate resolved that the Pioneer Women makes a greater contribu tion to our country than .the Modern: Women has. The affirmative was taken by Rev.-Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Ross Marshall and Mrs. Alvin Crago and Mrs. S. Shier. This debate was well taken by all after which the ladies served a very dainty lunch. GRAND BEND Miss Rugie Desjardine and Miss Reta Caffe, of London, visited their parents over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holt visited in Forest on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Statton. ■Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elsie attended Mrs. Harrison’s funeral in Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophy, of Greenway, visited Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mollard on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown, of Geenway, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor man ‘Turnbull on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Love and son Junior, of Thedford, visited Mr. Love’s parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mathers, of London, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie. Mr. Robert Hays, who for the past 16 years has been a resident of Grand Bend, died' at the age of 72 years, following a lingering illness. He is survived by his bereaved wi dow, one son John and one daugh ter, Miss Janette, at home. The fun eral service was held from the home to the Grand Bend United Church with Rev. J. B. Moore officiating. Interment was in the Grand Bend cemetery. ZION The W. M. S. held their Febru ary meeting at the home of Mrs. Wellington Bruck on Thursday Feb. 4th. Eleven members answered the roll call. The president had charge of the business. Mrs. Melville Hern and Mrs. Pooley to put missionary quilts together. We sang hymn 384 and the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Warren—Brock then took charge of the meeting. The Scripture Lesson was read by Mrs. Ward Hern. Devotional Leaflet “The Footsteps of Jesus” was read by Mrs. Melville Hern. Hymn “The Great Physician Now is Near” was sung. Mrs. Penrose then led in prayer. The first chapter of the new Study Book Medical Missionary by Many Doctors was taken by Mrs. Warren Brock, Mrs. Angus Earl and Miss Mary Earl which was very in teresting. A duet by Mrs. Batten and Mrs. Geo. Earl was much en joyed. A poem “It isn’t the Church It’s You” was given by Mrs. Warren Brock. Reading by Mrs. Penrose “Flashes from the Living Messages” poem “Dream Not to Much Today” by Mrs. Ward Hern, hymn 81 was sung, Rev. Mr. Penrose then closed the meeting. The Zion community meeting was held on Friday night last in Zion school. There was a poor attend ance owing to much illness. The committee in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Earl, Mr. and Mrs. C. Towle, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rodd, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock. A mixed program was given consisting of guitar solos, songs, readings. Lloyd Hern gave an interesting talk on his trip to the West. Mr. Wheel er, Wdodham, gave a very interest ing recitations. A debate was well given the affirmative being taken by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley and the negative by Mr. Wellington Brock and Mrs. Melville Hern on the subject: “Resolved that a good natured slovenly women makes a better wife than a tidy crank.” The negative side won. A business meeting was held. The next meet ing will be held in three weeks time with the following committee in charge: R. E. Pooley, Edgar Gor- vett, Angus Earl and Ray Johns. Bingo was played and lunch served. The meeting closed by singing “God Save the King.” Mr. W. J. Brock, who suffered a stroke two weeks ago is not show ing signs of improvement. Mrs. W. Bowden, of Centralia, is in attend ance, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Horne, of Toronto, visited with the former’s sister Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brock oh Sunday. Sorry to hear Mrs. John Hern Sr. Is ill with pneumonia. Dr, Kipp, of Tlie Times-Advocate draw for prizes will be held Saturday evening at 8.30. Do n'Oit miss your chance of being one of the winners. Bring or mail your subscription. ELIMV1LLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott, of Thedford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen. On Monday they with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bell and Mrs. Chas. Stephen attend ed the funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. Bell, of Hurondale. The twelve young people who tried examinations at the Teachers’ Training School at Crediton were all successful and at the service last Sunday morning which was specially arranged the young people were presented with their certifi cates by the S. S. superintendent Mr. Wes. Johns. A large number gathered at the church last Friday afternoon to pay their last respect to the late Silas Johns, whose funeral service was held in the church here, inter ment was made in the family plot in this cemetery. Mrs. P. Murch was in London for a couple days with her brother, Mr. Wm. Veal, who underwent a ser ious operation in a London Hospital Saturday morning. Bad colds and flu are quite pre valent here. The Y. P. Union met on Sunday night at the phurch. Squire Herd man opened the meeting with a hymn and the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. (Gladys Johns took charge of the worship, period which was opened with a short service. Marion Miners read “What Big Ben Says.” The Scripture lesson was read by Elgin Skinner. Margaret Johns led in prayer, Lloyd Bell read a .poem “Man and Machine.” The topic ^Success in Life” was given 'by Lome Elford. After discussing the topic the meeting was closed with a hymn and the Mizpah benediction. DASHWOOD Dr. W. D. Bryce, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON At office in Hartleib Block, Dash wood, first three days of week and at office over the Post Office, in Zu rich, last three days of week. DR. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. Veterinary Surgeon Phone 96 Zurich, Ont. .Mr. and Mrs. Felix who spent the past few months in Chicago and Texas have returned home. Rev. and Mrs. Luft visited rela tives in Kitchener last week. A number of relatives attended the funeral of the .late Mrs. Harris (nee Minnie Rinker) in Sarnia on Sunday afternoon. Miss Zeta Nadiger who recently graduated from Victoria Hospital London, has been successful in ob taining ber registration examination which entitles her to her R. N. At present she is engaged on a case at Winchelsea. We extend congratula tions. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kellerman and Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman. Mr. Herman Tyler was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London last week where he is in a serious con- dution suffering from pleuro-pneu- monia. IMr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger. The choir of Zion Lutheran church held their annual meeting and the officers for the year were elected. Mr. Clayton Pfile was again elected choir leader, Mrs. M. Klumpp, asst, leader; Mr. R. Miller, president; Miss Helen Nadiger, sec.- treas; social committee, Martha'. Rader, Reta Fassold, Mrs. E. Nadi ger, C. Martene, Mrs. R. Miller £ press reporter, Helen Luft. |A social evening was held by the' members of Zion Lutheran church choir last Friday in the hall above Pfile’s store. 'The evening was spent in playing “Court Wist” which was greatly enjoyed by all present, prizes were won by Milton Walpef; and Mrs. Messner. A dainty lunch was then served ;by the committee in charge. The regular meeting of the Wal ther League of the Lutheran church was held Tuesday evening, Febru ary 2nd with a good attendance. Rev. Mr. Luft took charge of t'he meeting at which newspaper clip pings were discussed and the re mainder of the evening was spent in Bible study. Miss Esther Mar tene gave a reading which was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rinker, Mrs. Wm, Musser and Mr. H. Elsie and daugh ter Thelma attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Harry Harris at Sar nia on Sunday. 'Mrs. Thos Klumpp and son How ard made a business trip to Lon don on Saturday. Mr. Lloyd Eagleson and Mr. Ger ald Mason spent several days with friends in London last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake and son Bruce, of Grand Bend; Mr. S. Willert, Amelia and Mervyn attend ed a chicken supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason on Monday, February 1st, in honor of their son Gerald’s 22nd birthday, also Amelia’s 22nd birthday. About fifty friends arrived at 8:30 and the evening was spent in progressive euchre, Charles Dietrich receiving first prize for the best count. Earl Stebbins won the consolation prize. A dainty lunch was then served, everyone wishing Gerald and Am elia many happy returns of the day. The remainder of the evening was spent in games and music. After midnight birthday greetings were extended to Mrs. Fred stanlake and Mrs, Wm. Stade. Creamery Butter Winchelsea Star Brand Butter is sold in the best stores of the big Cities of Ontario. Winchelsea Star Brand is also sold by nearly all the grocers in Exeter, Ask for it when you need butter. Winchelsea Star Brand Butter is made by the Exeter Creamery Co., Limited CREAMERIES AT EXETER AND WINCHELSEA